SPA Employee Grievance Policy - Nc State University

PROPOSED REVISION TO: REG 05.00.03: Employees Subject to the State Personnel ActRationale: The State of North Carolina General Assembly enacted legislation updating matters related to SPA employee grievances and requiring a uniform grievance process for all SPA employees. In the past, each state agency and campus established its own grievance process. The UNC system established a single grievance process for all its constituent institutions, which was approved by the State Human Resources Commission. This regulation is being updated to reflect the UNC System’s uniform SPA grievance policy and additional modernization to the Office of State Human Resources (OSHR).Consultation Process: _4.23.14__AVC for Human Resources authorizes transmittal of PRR for review _4.25.14_General Counsel preliminary review_5/1/14___ VC for Finance & Business review _2.5.14_ Staff Senate review, if applicable_4.28.14_____General Counsel final review, if changes have been made__n/a___EOM, or official with delegated authority to review PRR __n/a__University Council (recommendation/notification), if applicable__n/a__Board of Trustees (approval/notification), if applicablePolicies, Regulations and RulesAuthorityAssociate Vice Chancellor for Human ResourcesTitleEmployees Subject to the State Personnel Human Resources Act (SPA)ClassificationREG 05.00.03PRR SubjectEmploymentContact InfoDirector, Employment Services (919-515-4277)History: First Issued: May 3, 2011. Revised: October 2, 2012.Revised: May 1, 2014.Related Policies:UNC Policy Manual 300.5.1 - Political Activities of Employees HYPERLINK "" UNC GA SPA Employee Grievance PolicyNCSU POL04.20.06 - Interpersonal Relationships among Faculty, Staff and StudentsNCSU POL05.35.01 - Mediation Policy?and ProcedureNCSU POL08.00.01 - Computer Use PolicyNCSU REG01.25.15 - Compensatory Time for FLSA Exempt EmployeesNCSU REG05.00.01 - New Employee OrientationNCSU REG05.00.02 - Reasonable Accommodations in EmploymentHYPERLINK ""NCSU REG05.25.01 - SPA Employee Performance Pay Dispute ResolutionHYPERLINK ""NCSU REG05.25.02 - SPA Grievance and AppealNCSU REG05.45.01 - Direct Deposit of PayNCSU REG05.50.04 - SPA Employee Performance Appraisal ProgramNCSU REG05.55.01 - Affirmative Action Policy StatementNCSU REG05.65.01 - Reduction in Force (SPA)NCSU REG05.70.01 - SPA Successive DisciplineAdditional References: HYPERLINK "" State Human Resources Act (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 126-1 et seq.) HYPERLINK "" Office of State Human Resources – Human Resources Policy Manual HYPERLINK "" NC State Human Resources Website HYPERLINK "" NC State Human Resources A-Z index1. Unless otherwise exempted from coverage under the State Personnel Human Resources Act, staff positions at the University are governed by personnelhuman resources policies issued through the Office of State Personnel Human Resources (OSHRP) and the University of North Carolina General Administration (UNC-GA)..2. North Carolina State University (NC State) may also issue, and has issued, additional institutional personnel human resources policies, regulations, and rules that apply to employees who are covered by the State Personnel Human Resources Act (SPHRA). Such campus policies, regulations, and rules, which may be adopted and amended by the University from time to time , may be in response to or in addition to legislative actions, OSHR, or UNC-GAState Personnel requirements and are intended to comply with changes to state and federal law or as may be required by UNC-GA.supplement but not conflict with applicable governing bodies.state SPA policies.3. HYPERLINK ""OSHRP’s PersonnelHuman Resources Manual contains the policies , regulations, and procedures that apply to positions covered the State Human ResourcesPersonnel Act. Policies and regulations approved by the State Personnel Human Resources Commission, pursuant to the State’s Administrative Code, OSHR’s policies are presented in fourteen major sections, with a table of contents and searchable index as follows:Sec 1:Equal OpportunitySec 2:Workforce Planning, Recruitment and SelectionSec 3:Employment and RecordsSec 4:Salary AdministrationSec 5:LeaveSec 6:Employee Benefits and AwardsSec 7:Discipline (see UNC-GA for Grievance Policy)/ Appeals / GrievancesSec 8:Workplace Environment and HealthSec 9:TrainingSec 10:Performance ManagementSec 11:SeparationSec 12:ClassificationSec 13:State Personnel Human Resources SystemSec 14:Statutory Provisions INDEXManual Index 4. The grievance policy for NC State employees who are subject to the SHRA is the HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" UNC-GA SPA Employee Grievance Policy. It is the policy of The University of North Carolina that the SPA grievance processThis policy exists to allow for prompt, fair and orderly resolution of disputes arising out of employment. The University of North Carolina has therefore adopted this Grievance Policy to further these goals as approved by the State Human Resources Commission.5. NC State University’s Human Resources (HR) website, including its A-Z index, provides information on many topics covered by the OSHRP policy manual and is a good starting point for employees with questions. The HR website makes every effort to accurately reflect current state personnel human resources policies, although information may be presented in summary or interpretive form. To the extent that there may be any conflict between information on HR’s website and thean actual policy or regulation, the actual policy or regulation shall governs. ................

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