2008 Erik Axel Karlfeldt Memorial Open

2009 Ferdinand Tönnies Memorial Trash Open

“Gemeinschaft und Abfall”

Round 11

1. Members of this team's summer league squad include Nik Caner-Medley, Dionte Christmas, and Kyle McAlarney. In 2005, this team selected Yaroslav Korolev over Danny Granger in the draft. Derek Smith led this team in scoring in 1985, their first year in their current city, and their longest-tenured head coach is their current head coach, even though he has only a .394 winning percentage. Larry Brown led this team to a first round playoff loss against Utah in 1992, and this team's most recent playoff appearance saw them lose in seven games to the Phoenix Suns in 2006, although that was the first season in 31 years they had won a playoff series. FTP, name this basketball team, owned by Donald Sterling, which recently selected Blake Griffin in the NBA draft.

ANSWER: Los Angeles Clippers (accept either)

2. This person’s recording career at Imperial Records led to a period of collaboration with Dave Bartholomew, who achieved most of his success working with this man. One song by Bartholomew and this artist has the singer addressing a women who “used to be [his] honey / ‘Til [she] spent all his money,” which necessitates a journey on which he will “need two pair of shoes.” A second song originally recorded by this artist notes that the addressee “broke [the singer’s] heart when [she] said [they]’ll part” causing “[his] tears [to fall] like rain, though the addressee is “the one to blame”; that song provided Pat Boone’s first number one hit. A song best known in a cover by this artist notes that “The wind in the willow played / Love’s sweet melody” and is addressed to a woman who was the singer’s thrill on the titular geographic feature. FTP, name this pianist who created such songs as “Walkin’ to New Orleans” and “Ain’t That a Shame” but is perhaps best known for his 1956 cover of “Blueberry Hill.”

ANSWER: Antoine Dominique “Fats” Domino

3. One figure on this show euphemistically describes parties without drinking as "parties less involved in the 'having fun' department," while Cory gives that character the advice "keep your pants zipped up 'till you have to piss." That character is accused of cheating with Kegan while dating Kristin, leading to awkwardness after a Homecoming game against Minor. One man on this show has left his job after allegations of grade manipulation and extramarital affairs, while another is chewed out for flirting with the cheerleaders for Jones High; those are coach Rush Probst and defensive end Re-Pete. This show's pilot features a team led by Tim Tebow, Nease High, while the rivals of the central school in this program include Tuscaloosa County and Birmingham's Vestavia Hills. FTP, identify this MTV show about the Hoover High School football team, a program named after a practice regimen.

ANSWER: Two-A-Days

4. It is the subject of the recent book The Indifferent Stars Above, which centers on the experiences of newlywed Sarah Graves, while a book about it published last year by Ethan Rarick centers on Margret and James Reed. Rarick’s book describes an experiment conducted at the University of Minnesota on mood alteration, and is indebted to the landmark book about this, which was published by George R. Stewart. A 2008 film based on this starred Angel’s Christian Kane as Charles Stanton, while William Foster was played by Crispin Glover; that film was called The Forlorn. A state park named for it includes the Pioneer Monument and a historical landmark at Alder Creek, and is located near Truckee, California. FTP, name this group whose adventures were described in such books as Ordeal by Hunger, who were trapped in the Sierra Nevada in the 1840s and naturally resorted to eating one another.

ANSWER: the Donner Party

5. Daryl Hall sang the national anthem at game three of this World Series, and the winning team in this world series had a starter's ERA of 5.77, which was nearly two runs better than the loser's 7.57.   Pat Hentgen got his only World Series win in this Series, and one of the most important decisions made in this Series saw one manager opt to bench batting average champion John Olerud in favor of Paul Molitor for game three. This Series saw the highest scoring game in Series history, a 15-14 win for the eventual Series winner in game four, while the losing pitcher in both that game and the deciding game was Mitch "Wild Thing" Williams. FTP, identify this World Series in which the Toronto Blue Jays won the deciding game six against the Phillies on a walkoff home run by Joe Carter.

ANSWER: 1993 World Series

6. Toward the end of its first season, its protagonist was visited by his father Bernie, who was portrayed by William Devane. At the end of the series, the protagonist of this show passed on a certain knife to a girl named Lindsey, having himself received the knife from Lucius Snow after Snow saved his life. The actress who would later play Jack Bauer’s wife, Leslie Hope, appeared as Meredith in some episodes, while the first two seasons included the protagonist’s close friend Chuck Fishman, who was portrayed by Fisher Stevens. The protagonist quit his job as a stockbroker and began working with Detective Ezequiel Crumb after a mysterious cat started bringing him the title object. FTP, name this ‘90s series in which Gary Hobson, played by future Friday Night Lights star Kyle Chandler, received a premature copy of the Chicago Sun-Times every day.

ANSWER: Early Edition

7. One side of this album opens with a cover of a song that borrows lyrics from the song that became Canned Heat’s “Goin’ Up the Country.” That cover of Blind Willie McTell’s “Statesboro Blues” starts this album’s disc of covers that ends with a medley of “Joy to the World.” “Hot ‘Lanta” and “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed” are two of the original songs from this double album, the final song from which has the singer not “know[ing] why [he] lets that mean old woman make [him] a fool” and sometimes “feel[ing] that [he’s] been tied to” the title object. The work of Jai Johanny Johanson and Butch Trucks as dueling drummers is especially evident on the aforementioned side-length track that closes this album, “Whipping Post.” FTP, name this live album by The Allman Brothers Band which is named for the New York City venue at which it was recorded.

ANSWER: At Filmore East or At the Filmore East (writer’s note: I can’t find any other album sides that open with covers of “Statesboro Blues” but it’s possible others exist, so look out for protests predicated on that)

8. A British comic of this name centered on a boy named Fireball, who was the nephew of a man named Warlord. One figure of this name committed a murder and framed the environmental organization Save the Planet for it, but was exposed by Daredevil. This noun appears in the title of another comic book series which features the Trust, a group of 13 European families whose interests are protected by the Minutemen. That series, created by Brian Azzarello, was published by Vertigo between 1999 and 2009 and featured the cryptic Agent Graves, who would offer people who had been wronged the title objects so that they could get revenge. That series notably involved “one hundred” of these objects, while this word once named a basketball team whose great players included Gus Johnson, Rex Chapman, and Wes Unseld. FTP, give this word which identifies metal projectiles fired from guns.

ANSWER: Bullet or Bullets (accept 100 Bullets)

9. One character introduced in the middle of this series’ run had five middle names, one for each member of the band that performed at his baptism. The full version of this series’ opening song mentions drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass in a scene that makes clear that a ride in a certain cab did not comprise the entirety of a certain journey. In addition to the aforementioned Nicky, members of this series’ central family include one who learned to drive at age twelve, one who lost the namesake talk show she landed after dropping out of UCLA before her boyfriend died in a bungee jumping accident, and one who transfers from the University of Los Angeles to his long-desired Princeton; those are Ashley, Hilary, and Carleton Banks. FTP, name this show in which a West Philadelphia resident named Will Smith moves “to sit on [his] throne” in the titular affluent California town.

ANSWER: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

10. An Irish band of this name produced such classics as “Night of the Warm Witch,” which led off their second album, 34 Hours. That group was led by Brush Shiels, though it was Gary Moore who would later sell the rights to their name for $35,000 to another group. The later group of this name sang such soulful ballads as “Another Dick in the System,” which appeared on their most recent album, 2006’s Revolutions Per Minute. In one song, that group’s singer lamented “we spend our lives on trial / We walk an endless mile” and celebrated “Youth Gone Wild”; that song appeared with “18 and Life” on their eponymous 1989 debut album. FTP, name this group responsible for Slave to the Grind, a heavy metal group led by Sebastian Bach.

ANSWER: Skid Row

11. At the opening of a novel by this man, Sade is seen singing at a Martha's Vineyard party attended by Ron Costello. That novel's main character uses the alias "Peter Grant" and kills Martin Moore by burying all but his head in sand in front of the rising tide, though the murderer is eventually killed when his car is melted by jet exhaust. In this author's only novel, Global News Network executives are being killed by spurned Falklands War reporter Shannon Michaels. Besides Those Who Trespass, this author's kids-themed non-fiction includes the possibly uncontroversial Kids Are Americans Too and a "Survival Guide for American Families" named for his most familiar venture. This author of the memoir A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity also wrote a book attacking "secular-progressives," Culture Warrior, and another where he ushers the reader into The No-Spin Zone. FTP, identify this writer and Fox News television show host of a namesake Factor.

ANSWER: Bill O'Reilly

12. The coach of this group created an unconventional strategy for it, which hinged on the ambiguous role of Bob Matheson; that scheme was named for Matheson’s number 53 by that coach, Bill Arnsparger. The only Hall of Famer in this group claimed that he was like Butkus in that anyone he hit would fall, though in his case they would fall the way they liked; that middle linebacker dedicated his Hall of Fame statue to this group, including such teammates as Vern Den Herder, Bob Heinz, Jake Scott, Dick Anderson, and Manny Fernandez, though the name on the statue reads Nick Buoniconti. Gaining their name from an off-hand remark by Tom Landry before a game at Tulane Stadium in which they allowed 24 points, this squad had its best season the following year, in which it blanked the Patriots in a 52-point victory and twice shut out the Colts before its team scraped past the Steelers and Redskins to win Super Bowl VII. FTP, give the phrase which identifies this defense of the early-‘70’s Miami Dolphins, especially the undefeated ’72 team.

ANSWER: the No-Name Defense (accept 1970’s Miami Dolphins defense or close equivalents before the end; prompt on Miami Dolphins defense; prompt on either 1970’s Miami Dolphins or 1970’s Miami Dolphins before “only Hall of Famer” but do not accept or prompt on either after that)

13. He appeared as Moe Adams in a film about aluminum siding salesmen in Baltimore, Barry Levinson’s Tin Men. Like Subash Maddipoti, he attended Quincy University, but unlike Subash, he won a Tony Award for his work in John Guare’s The House of Blue Leaves. More recently, he has provided the voice of Preston B. Whitmore, who was a friend of Milo’s grandfather, for the animated film Atlantis: The Lost Empire. He appeared as a talk show host in Reality Bites, and played a man who was married to Dianne Wiest and who was the father of Dane Cook and Steve Carell in the 2007 comedy Dan in Real Life. He is best known for a long-running role as an ex-policeman who has a pet dog named Eddie and two prissy sons. FTP, name this actor who appeared as Martin Crane on Frasier.

ANSWER: John Mahoney

14. The first time the narrator of this work gets drunk, he engages in a discussion of the suicide of Hermann Goering. One character in this work is Brendan "Question" Quigley, while this work’s narrator works at jobs such as message boy for the post office and writing angry letters to people who owe money to an old woman. The narrator's mother undertakes a sexual relationship with Laman, while the narrator has an affair with the consumptive Therese Carmody. One of the most important events in this book is the death of twins Oliver and Eugene, the younger siblings of the author of this book; that author’s father, Malachy, was a notorious alcoholic. This Pulitzer Prize-winning book was made into a 1999 film starring Emily Watson. FTP, name this memoir written by the recently deceased Irish author Frank McCourt.

ANSWER: Angela's Ashes

15. The climax of this work sees its pair of anti-heroes meeting at a bar called O’Malley’s, having found concordant disdain for such items as poets, red tape, health food, and yoga. This work appears in a bar called Mazetti’s when a patron selects G8 rather than G7, leading to its accompanying a bar fight in Dirty Work. An HD radio displays this song’s subtitle as it plays in a car stuck in traffic in a recent Taco Bell commercial. This song centers on the reading and writing of missals that lead a man and woman back to one another by asking for a partner who enjoys such things as “making love at midnight / In the dunes of the cape,” “getting caught in the rain,” and the tastes of both champagne and another drink. FTP, name this sole hit for Rupert Holmes in which a woman’s personal ad begins “If you like piña coladas…”

ANSWER: “Escape (The Piña Colada Song)” (accept The Piña Colada Song before the drink is mentioned in the last words)

16. At the end of one match, this person retorts “Yes, you did” after defeating an opponent who constantly opines “I didn’t deserve that.” One important person in this character’s life is recruited from a job at a Child World store; another commits suicide in a Louisville hotel room shortly after this character wins against a cork-tipped-cigarette-smoking man in the latter’s basement, in spite of an unexpected change to carambole. This character is initially backed by Bert Gordon, who gloms onto him after he falls prey to a bottle of White Horse whiskey and leaves his partner, Charlie Burns; he then works alone until meeting Vincent Lauria. He has his thumbs broken for showing off in Arthur’s, where he winds up after losing at the Ames to his Jackie Gleason-played nemesis, Minnesota Fats. FTP, name this main protagonist of The Hustler and The Color of Money, movies in which he hustles pool.

ANSWER: Fast Eddie Felson (accept either underlined part)

17. This player spent the NHL's lockout season playing for the Slovakian team HC Dukla Trencin, and he had a career high in goals in the 2002-2003 season, one of seven he played with the Senators. The Thrashers once traded him for a group of players that included Colby Armstrong; Atlanta had acquired this player by trading Dany Heatley. This player didn't score any goals in a recent seven-game finals series against the Pittsburgh Penguins; he reached that final after having signed a one-year contract in 2008 with the Detroit Red Wings. FTP, name this NHL right wing who recently signed a 12-year contract with the Chicago Blackhawks and who played on the losing team in both of the past two Stanley Cup Finals. 

ANSWER: Marian Hossa

18. One of these items is exposed in celebration of Samhein by Dr. Weird after Steve gives two weeks notice on Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Ray Tango mistakes his sister’s repair of part of one of these items belonging to Gabriel Cash for her screwing Cash in Tango and Cash. Sensations will be given to you here by AC/DC, at least according to “Hell’s Bells.” On Lost, Matthew Fox’s character, Jack, is a surgeon who specializes in surgeries on this body part. This body part is ripped out of kombatants along with their heads in Sub Zero’s original fatality. FTP, name this body part, one injury to which delighted Philly fans when it ended the career of Michael Irvin and another injury to which nearly killed Kevin Everett.

ANSWER: the spine [accept spinal chord or notochord; accept vertebrae or discs until “AC/DC”]

19. This band's website features a drawing of a crippled hot dog holding a sack with a dollar sign on it. The first tour this band went on was a 2005 tour with Of Montreal, and their first EP, released in 2004, included songs such as "Just Becuz'" and "We Care." They followed that with their first full-length album, 2005's Climbing to New Lows. This band sued the party of Nicolas Sarkozy earlier this year for unlicensed use of one of their songs, while another song released by this band in 2008 was the nearly 14-minute-long "Metanoia." Their most recent album was Oracular Spectacular, which contained the song "Time to Pretend." FTP, name this duo consisting of Andrew VanWyngarden and Ben Goldwasser who have released the songs "Kids" and "Electric Feel,” a group whose name may be an abbreviation of the word “management” or may just be really, really stupid.

ANSWER: MGMT (accept “Management” before it is mentioned)

20. A special 13th episode of this show sees Zone realize that Iris isn’t who she claims to be when Zone sees Iris’s father’s birthmark. One character on this show kills Joe Hearn after hearing the phrase “There are three flowers in a vase, the third flower is green.” Another character on this show uses the alias Miss Lonelyhearts for repeated engagements with a man she calls Roger; she later sends Chief Security Officer Laurence Dominic to the Attic. One antagonist on this show can cut every major blood vessel in a person’s body in eight seconds, a skill he gained after experiencing a composite event. That antagonist, Alpha, is portrayed by Alan Tudyk, who appeared on a previous series by this show’s creator as Wash, the pilot of the Serenity. FTP name this series featuring Eliza Dushku as Echo, an Active who receives imprints of new identities as part of her work in the title establishment, a Joss Whedon creation.

ANSWER: Dollhouse


1. The last non-instrumental song from this album was released as the first side of the Garage Days Revisited EP. FTPE:

[10] Name this album, its band’s third full LP, that includes the aforementioned “Creeping Death” after “Trapped Under Ice” and “Escape.”

ANSWER: Ride the Lightning

[10] Ride the Lightning is an album by this San Francisco-based metal band, whose members include Lars Ulrich.

ANSWER: Metallica

[10] This Lovecraft-inspired instrumental closes Ride the Lightning and is one of two songs on the album partly credited to Dave Mustaine.

ANSWER: “The Call of Ktulu”

2. In defiance of Mike Bentley, answer the following about a TV show which could never possibly interest current undergraduates, FTPE:

[10] This show aired on NBC until 1992, when it jumped to ABC for another few seasons. Its title character loved hot dogs and was assisted by investigator Tyler Hudson.

ANSWER: Matlock

[10] Tyler Hudson was replaced by Conrad McMasters, but that character was written off when Clarence Gilyard took a job as Jimmy Trivette, the best friend of this CBS show’s title character.

ANSWER: Walker, Texas Ranger

[10] Cliff Lewis, Matlock’s last investigator, was played by this actor who appeared the title character’s father in Agent Cody Banks.

ANSWER: Daniel Roebuck

3. Answer the following about the murder of Biggie Smalls, FTPE.

[10] This co-founder of Death Row Records and fucking psycho is suspected of ordering Biggie’s shooting to avenge the death of Tupac Shakur, with whom he was riding when Tupac was murdered in Las Vegas.

ANSWER: Marion “Suge” Knight

[10] Along with University of Oregon track teammate Amir Mohammed, this former LAPD officer, currently in prison for bank robbery, is the most likely suspect in Biggie’s murder. His Chevy Impala SS was seen leaving the scene of the drive-by.

ANSWER: David Mack

[10] Biggie was in Los Angeles that fateful night in part to record the video for this single. In it, he boasts that he’s “been smooth since days of underoos” and remarks that “your daughter’s tied up in a Brooklyn basement.”

ANSWER: “Hypnotize”

4. Answer the following about the most recent US Open, FTPE:

[10] The winner of the tournament was this bland Clemson graduate. It's only his second win, the first being the 2005 FUNAI CLassic at the Walt Disney World Resort.

ANSWER: Lucas Glover

[10] This Canadian led the tournament after the first round, shooting a six under 64, although he ended up at plus two for the tournament.

ANSWER: Mike Weir

[10] One thing the announcers are always sure to point out is the top amateur in the tournament. This year it was this member of the Washington Huskies golf team, who finished the tournament at eight over.

ANSWER: Nick Taylor

5. The film in which this character appears ends with Harold Carnes insisting that he had dinner with this character in London ten days earlier, to the perplexity of the title character. FTPE:

[10] Name this character who has a tastefully thick, off-white business card, but who doesn’t particularly like Huey Lewis and the News.

ANSWER: Paul Allen (accept either underlined part)

[10] Paul Allen is seemingly murdered and left to decompose in a bathtub in Hell’s Kitchen by Patrick Bateman in this film.

ANSWER: American Psycho

[10] According to Patrick Bateman’s recollection, Paul Allen was killed in this fashion. In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov kills Lisaveta Ivonovna in this way.

ANSWER: hit in the head with an axe (prompt on answers containing axe or hit in the head)

6. Their most recent full-length album, Mountain Battles, came out in 2008, while they self-released the EP Fate to Fatal this year. FTPE:

[10] Name this band, whose first album was 1990’s Pod.

ANSWER: The Breeders

[10] The Breeders may be best remembered for this hit song from the album Last Splash; in it, the singer promises to be “your whatever you want” and the “bong in this reggae song.”

ANSWER: “Cannonball”

[10] Prior to joining The Breeders, Tanya Donelly was in this ‘80s group whose other singer was Kristin Hersh and whose albums include House Tornado.

ANSWER: Throwing Muses

7. In honor of quizbowl’s recent unfortunate infatuation with linguistics, answer the following about William Labov, FTPE:

[10] Labov discovered a “Northern Cities” chain shift which ended in this city in New York state; a trip to the Dunder Mifflin branch here managed by Karen figured in the “Branch Wars” episode of The Office.


[10] Labov conducted a study of dialect change on this island, which may be home to the oldest operating carousel in North America and is definitely the site of John Belushi’s grave.

ANSWER: Martha’s Vineyard

[10] Labov’s students include this Stanford sociolinguist, who wrote Dimensions of a Creole Continuum and won an American Book Award for his book on “Black English,” Spoken Soul.

ANSWER: John Rickford

8. Answer the following about cartoon characters that share some very descriptive names, FTPE:

[10] This “Funky Town”-loving “worst character ever” from South Park has important advice for when you want to go to the lake or play sports. If he were here, he’d be asking you whether you want to get high.

ANSWER: Towelie

[10] This other probable lover of “Funky Town” briefly owned a pet named Squirrely but, like everything he goes near, it died or got hurt.

ANSWER: Meatwad

[10] The Futurama episode “Where No Fan Has Gone Before” sees this sentient energy cloud from Omega 3 electrocute Welshy until his corpse explodes. His pink-and-purple mother later functions as a deus ex machina by calling him to dinner.

ANSWER: Mellvar

9. One of the earliest bands this man was a part of was The Rainbows, who released the song "Wyatt Earp.” FTPE:

[10] Name this Motown singer of such songs as "Let's Get It On."

ANSWER: Marvin Gaye

[10] One of Gaye's most famous songs was "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." It was one of many songs that he collaborated on with this woman, who died in 1970 of a brain tumor.

ANSWER: Tammi Terrell

[10] Gaye released this 1978 album after he divorced his wife, Anna Gordy. It has three different versions of the song "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You."

ANSWER: Here, My Dear

10. An upcoming video game that will include this man will have features such as "Dreamscapes.” FTPE:

[10] Name this man, who along with Ringo Starr appeared at Microsoft's E3 presentation to display the new Rock Band game based on their band's music.

ANSWER: Paul McCartney

[10] McCartney was the main character in this 1984 game for the Commodore 64. This game was based on a movie in which Paul McCartney played himself looking for some of his tapes.

ANSWER: Give My Regards to Broad Street

[10] Paul McCartney's ex, Heather Mills, was supposedly offered a role in this 2009 video game flop about a soldier with a grappling hook arm. It's a remake of a 1987 game in which the main character fights a group known as the Badds.

ANSWER: Bionic Commando

11. The number three is retired in this profession in honor of Al Barlick, one of its nine practitioners in the Hall of Fame. FTPE:

[10] Name this profession practiced by such Hall-of-Fame Bills as Bill Klem, Bill McGowan, and Billy Evans.

ANSWER: (Major League Baseball) umpire

[10] Current umpire Brian is a representative of this only three-generation umpiring family; his father Paul and grandfather Edward previously worked games.

ANSWER: the Runges

[10] This spitballer for the White Sox and holder of the all-time lowest career ERA served as an umpire after his career ended; he is one of only five former managers to umpire in the modern era.

ANSWER: Edward Augustine “Big Ed” Walsh

12. By the end of the film, Courtney Thorne-Smith’s character Natalie has assumed the title position. FTPE:

[10] Name this 1998 movie, in which the scheming Bradford was played by Larry Miller.

ANSWER: Chairman of the Board

[10] Chairman of the Board starred this delightful comedian as Edison; you might have also enjoyed him in his role as 1-800-CALL-ATT shill.

ANSWER: Carrot Top (accept Scott Thompson)

[10] This actor played Armand McMillan, who mysteriously puts Carrot Top in control of his company, in the film. He was nominated for Oscars for his work in Shampoo and Heaven Can Wait, and played John Ritter’s father in Problem Child.

ANSWER: Jack Warden

13. A Stefan Gates article for The Times describes his experiences with this food, while Kevin Pang and Bill Plaschke ate some before the Olympics. FTPE:

[10] Name this body part which is often consumed by journalists visiting China searching for cheap attention and lame double entendres, a delicacy usually served from donkeys, sheep, or yaks.

ANSWER: penis (accept equivalents)

[10] Nearly every story involving Chinese penis consumption involves this Beijing restaurant, which exclusively serves penis dishes. It’s found near the Dengshengmen Bridge in the Houhai neighborhood.

ANSWER: Guo-li-zhuang

[10] One penis-eater is this man, who has been seen on a program featuring him in China. This British comedian appeared with Ian Hislop as a team-captain on Have I Got News for You and hosted Room 101 and Thank God You’re Here.

ANSWER: Paul Merton

14. This group formed as Ronnie Hawkins’ backing band, leading to their original name, The Hawks. FTPE:

[10] Name this group probably best known for backing Bob Dylan in 1965 and on subsequent tours.

ANSWER: The Band

[10] This Nazareth, Pennsylvania-set song by The Band contains such characters as Crazy Chester, who is trying to pawn off a dog, and the devil, who is walking with a woman named Carmen. It notably appears in Easy Rider.

ANSWER: “The Weight”

[10] Robbie Robertson has asserted that “The Weight” was based on the work of this director, especially his Viridiana and Nazarín.

ANSWER: Luis Buñuel Portolés

15. Answer the following about a form of film justice FTPE.

[10] A steamroller accident precipitates the discovery that this Christopher Lloyd-played movie character is the bank robber who killed Eddie Valiant’s brother.

ANSWER: Judge Doom

[10] Judge Doom is the answer to the titular question of this live action/cartoon film centering on a plot to build a freeway, in which Doom and Valiant appear.

ANSWER: Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

[10] Judge Doom’s legal cred in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? is predicated on his having discovered this ‘toon-killing concoction with nonsensical chemical formula “turpentine acetone benzene.”

ANSWER: the Dip

16. Syracuse sure loves turding on everyone’s NCAA bracket. FTPE:

[10] One reason for Syracuse’s inability to avoid upsets is its use of the 2-3 variety of this type of defense, which basically concedes easy-as-shit college threes.

ANSWER: zone defense

[10] Easy-as-shit college threes fell in droves against the 2-3 zone when this team, led by T.J. Sorrentine and Germain Mopa-Njila, upset the fourth-seeded ‘cuse in the 2005 Tournament.

ANSWER: the University of Vermont Catamounts (accept either underlined part)

[10] The Richmond Spiders, led by this long-time coach, would take the Orangemen out of the 1991 tournament in the first fifteen-over-two upset. This dude also coached the Spiders over Indiana and Georgia Tech in 1988.

ANSWER: Dick Tarrant

17. Answer the following about bands signed to Warp Records, FTPE.

[10] This group, which includes Gez Varley and Mark Bell, take their three-letter name from a synthesizer function. They shouldn’t be confused with a better known band with the same name responsible for “Summer Girls.”

ANSWER: LFO (accept Low Frequency Oscillation but not “Lyte Funky Ones”)

[10] This band has produced the albums Louden Up Now and Myth Takes but are more famous for their unusual name, derived from the captions to The Gods Must Be Crazy.

ANSWER: !!! (pronounced “chk-chk-chk,” but accept “three exclamation points” or equivalents)

[10] This band combined two EPs on EP C / B EP but are better known for the song “Atlas” from their album Mirrored, named by Pitchfork the #2 song of 2007.

ANSWER: Battles

18. His recent works include the play Terre Haute, in which an aging writer named James visits a death row inmate named Harrison. FTPE:

[10] Name this American author, whose other works include an authoritative biography of Jean Genet and The Joy of Gay Sex.

ANSWER: Edmund White

[10] The character of James in Terre Haute is based on this writer, who had a correspondence with Timothy McVeigh; this man’s political works include Dreaming War.

ANSWER: Gore Vidal

[10] Vidal appeared as Director Josef in this 1997 film, whose title was apparently derived from the initial letters of the four nitrogenous bases of DNA.

ANSWER: Gattaca

19. Identify the following agents best known for working with NFL players, FTPE.

[10] This man saved a drowning 4-year-old and gave him CPR, but is better known for barking “next question” while giving a press conference with his client Terrell Owens.

ANSWER: Drew Rosenhaus

[10] This man orchestrated Jay Cutler’s contentious exit from Denver, and prolonged a long national nightmare by representing Brett Favre.

ANSWER: Bus Cook

[10] This man negotiated enormous signing bonuses for Deion Sanders and Larry Fitzgerald. He bears no relation to the discoverer of solar wind, however.

ANSWER: Eugene F. Parker

20. Its main characters included Charles Tucker, who disturbingly became the first human male to get pregnant. FTPE:

[10] Name this TV series, whose other characters included the gifted “Japanese” linguist Hoshi Sato, who was actually played by Korean actress Linda Park.

ANSWER: Star Trek: Enterprise

[10] Jonathan Archer, the captain of the title ship on Star Trek: Enterprise, was played by this actor who is better known for starring in Quantum Leap.

ANSWER: Scott Bakula

[10] A number of Enterprise episodes were directed by this actor from a more popular Star Trek franchise, who also played Martin Luther King in the film Ali.

ANSWER: LeVar Burton


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