DRAFT - Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference



September 10, 2012, 9:00AM

Nyack College


CACC Staff: Commissioner, Dan Mara; Associate Commissioner, Ellen O’Brien; Assistant Commissioner, Randy Press

Bloomfield: Not in attendance

Caldwell: Mark Corino and Linda Cimino

Chestnut Hill: Denise and Jessie

Concordia: Ivan Marquez and Kathy Laoutaris

Dominican: Joe Clinton

Felician: Ben DiNallo

Georgian Court: Laura Liesman

Goldey-Beacom: Chuck Hammond

Holy Family: Sandy Michael

Nyack: Keith Davie and Mandy Aikens

Philadelphia: Tom Shirley

Post: Anthony Fallacaro

Sciences: Gayle Garrison

Wilmington: Linda Andrzjewski

Meeting commenced: 9:10AM

Dan Mara shared with the group that Sheila Wooten from Bloomfield was ill and could not attend. It was too short notice to get another representative from their school, so only 13 member institutions were represented.

Les Lombardi – Presents on behalf of Anaconda Sports

1 The CACC signed a ball agreement with Anaconda 3 years ag. Anaconda has been taken over by Lids Team Sports, an International Company. Lids is a merger of 3 sporting goods companies: Impact Sports, Brand Athletic, and Anaconda Sports. They are strategic partners with Nike and have become the largest Nike dealer in the country and possibly have the largest Nike inventory in the world.

2 Nike has a new 5 year deal with a rebate program for schools – Called the Nike Attack Program. This will be offered in the Spring with a termination date in July. By going through Lids Team Sports, you also have additional product opportunities. Lids specializes in internet stores, which would be offered to all coaches, including web product design, logos, etc. Even players can go on and order specified gear, giving them the institution discount, unless as a program you decide to do a rebate. Lids also offers logo design assistance. As part of the rebate program, you get Nike dollars that can be used towards future purchases.

3 Please contact Les with any questions at Les@

I. Review of minutes from May 21-23, 2012 DC Meeting (Attachment # 1)

a. Sandy Michael motioned to approve the minutes from May 21-23 in Atlantic City; Joe Clinton seconded; Approved 13-0

II. Review of Presidents Council Planning Meeting June 18, 2012 (Attachment #2A-D)

a. CACC President Chair Sister Rosemary of Georgian Court attended the NCAA Presidents meeting and heard about potential changes to academic requirements, which led to discussion of changing the CACC requirements. A committee was created to explore the idea of modifying the academic requirements—NCAA legislation is still in the formative stages

i. Potential changes:

1. Changing two year transfer requirements (not much data on this at D2 – trying to use D1 data). Even if you have Associates degree then you may need to have a 2.3 GPA along with English, Math, and Natural Science credits; May limit P.E. transferable credits unless you are a P.E. major.

2. 3 Models (Initial Eligibility Requirements):

a. Require 2.2 GPA and 820 SAT

b. GPA requirement of 2.2

c. “Stair step” model (sliding scale with minimum levels)

3. Progress Towards Degree – looking at changing GPA requirements

4. A proposal from April suggested the 2.2 GPA over the 2.0 based on the scatter plot data – 2.5 was the indicator of success, which made Presidents question why we would use the 2.2. The reason behind the 2.2 is it would have the least impact on minority students – It would offer the best hopes of retention and success and would have the least negative impact on the other student-athletes.

5. Regarding 2-year college students: We should not overlook the fact that today many student-athletes attend 2-year college first because of finances, not because they aren’t academically prepared. Articulation agreement – essentially telling these student-athletes that they aren’t good enough.

b. The Presidents submitted names to Dan for a peer review team; This year’s visit will be to Concordia – There would only be two people from the membership attending, along with Dan Mara and Ellen O’Brien. The date selected, 10/22 will not work because of other meetings scheduled. We have information from GLVC regarding their process for the peer review. School submits the ISSG and they come in for a half day to review compliance process, meet with registrar, financial aid and submit a report. This is simply another step of the assessment and will serve as an educational experience for host and for peer review members. This is not a threat and not punitive, it simply provides a snapshot for evaluation. It will occur in the second semester.

c. Sister Mary Eileen and Dr. Blattner are going through the Constitution... They are not changing operating codes, they are cleaning it up and plan on having a lawyer review it for legality purposes.

d. Laura Liesman suggested to the Presidents that we have AD’s represented on the various committees that are being formed, and the Presidents agreed:

i. Communication Committee: We have Associate Director, Chris McKibben

ii. Academic Task Force: Linda Andrzjewski

iii. Constitution Committee: Keith Davie

iv. Peer Review: Paul Klimitas

v. Finance Committee: Tom Shirley

e. Presidents were concerned over game environment and poor language/behavior displayed on the playing field/court. This is the responsibility of coaches to create a clean culture.

f. Presidents inquired about satisfaction surveys.

i. 6 out of 13 schools give satisfaction surveys after each season

g. Presidents approved the goals and strategic plan

i. There has been a key added to the plan that defines initials/abbreviations

III. CACC Proposed Legislation for NCAA Convention.

a. Student-athletes who are no longer involved with the Conference still serving as our SAAC representatives

i. Will be addressed informally

b. Exempting conference challenge as countable basketball contests- One conference agreed to co-sponsor it, but did not submit the form by July 15th (is not in current IPOPL) - Will be put off until January 2014 as long as we still want to continue on with it.

IV. Management Council/ DII Membership Committee Update – Sandy Michael

a. Select Management Council members will be finishing their terms. New members will be selected via conference call on October 5th.

b. Membership Committee: Site reviews for new member schools who want to come in. When applications are submitted, a vendor will go out and evaluate the culture of the Institution. The Membership Committee needs to be conscious of growth and need to make sure we are not growing at a faster rate than our financial plan allows for.

c. We are over 300 now; took 8 in this year; and took in 10 a year ago; if we continue at this rate we will be at 400 by 2024.

d. There has been a lot of movement in the Conferences: New member from Canada and a recent push for two schools from Mexico to join Division II.

V. DII ADA Report – Mark Corino

a. ADA academic achievement awards were announced this summer. We had 158 from the CACC, but we only had six institutions submit names. We should have full participation in order to properly recognize our student-athletes.

b. Mentorship program: A program supported by the NCAA grant money and will continue this year – Beneficial for mentees and mentors.

c. Budget projections up until 2023-2024 – NCAA D2 budget needs to coincide with growth numbers. The biggest issue is the reliance on the basketball contract for funding – 97% of revenue is brought in by that contract—Need to expand revenue base.

d. Membership renewals: Everyone should have received an email regarding membership renewal. Last year, we had 13 out of 14 schools. $195 for both NACDA and D2 ADA membership.

VI. SAAC Report – Ellen O’Brien (Attachment #3) Distributed at the meeting.

a. Review of Stacy Kelly’s 2011-12 SAAC recap: ECC held a leadership workshop last year which 4 CACC student-athletes and 2 administrators attended. There have been discussions about putting on our own CACC programming and possibly teaming up with the ECC in joint programming. Two student athletes from Wilmington are interested in hosting a similar type of workshop.

b. Review of Amy Berry’s (CACC DII National SAAC Rep) experience at the Summit in July. Make-A-Wish continues to be very successful: The CACC brought in over $12,500 this past year with 100% participation: Holy Family brought in the most with $2000, followed by Sciences and Wilmington who each brought in over $1,300. Division II as a whole raised over $419,000 in 11-12, bringing the 9-year total to $214 million and allowing for 220,000 wishes to be granted.

i. Sandy Michael attributed their success to identifying a Make-A-Wish recipient in the neighborhood and bringing them on campus to generate excitement.

c. At-large vacancy on DII National SAAC: Submissions due October 5th, 2012.

VII. CACC SID Meeting/Communications Plan – Randy Press- (Attachment #4A-B)

a. Review of style guide and conference communications plan, which was finalized in early August.

i. Randy Press would like to do a blog on CACC website with one athlete from each sport – Day in the life of a CACC student-athlete.

ii. SID’s will be presented with the plan on Thursday

iii. The SID checklist outlines when things are due; There will be one for the winter and the spring. The style guide is helpful in creating a more unified look when it comes to roster formatting, etc.

iv. Restaino Cup: Randy contacted other D2 conferences to see what formulas they use for their awards.

1. The Cup still will be split between men and women

2. Code of Conduct: SIDs feel that only some schools are following protocol: Student-athletes are supposed to read the Code of Conduct before the sporting event begins (not the announcer). This needs to be corrected and schools need to be held accountable – We need to be consistent across the board.

a. Should be read twice for double-header events. If coaches are giving the SIDs difficulty, then it should be reported back to the respective AD.

b. Randy will email SIDs and specify that student-athletes need to be the ones reading the Code of Conduct prior to the game and ADs should reinforce the policy (when facilities/equipment allow for it)

VIII. CACC Compliance Meeting- Ellen O’Brien- (Attachment #5)

a. October Compliance Workshop (ECC, NE-10, and CACC) agenda and reservation instructions have been emailed to everyone. We have heard confirmation from 8 schools - Deadline for hotel reservations is Friday, 9/14.

b. Laura Liesman has coaches who are completely new to Division II who may benefit from attending, but, other than that, the workshop is really geared towards Compliance Officers.

IX. Championships Committee Report – Joe Clinton

a. Review of Fall Championships programs that were compiled by Randy Press

i. Volleyball will be hosted by Georgian Court University: 1:30pm banquet on Friday, 11/9; Semifinals at 5:30pm and 7:30m on Friday; Championship on Saturday at 1pm; Hotel is Ramada Inn

ii. Soccer will be hosted by Post University: Wednesday night (10/31) banquet at Crown Plaza ($79/night); Semifinals on Thursday, 11/1 at Municipal Stadium: Women at 11am and 1:30pm; Men at 4pm and 6:30pm; Championships will be on Thursday at LaMoy Field: Women at 12pm and men at 2:30pm

1. If there is a tie at the end of the tournament matches, we go to penalty kicks

2. There are practice times available from 1pm-5pm on 10/31

iii. Women’s Tennis will be hosted by Chestnut Hill: Practice times available from 1pm-5pm on 10/19; Banquet is at 7pm at Sugarloaf on 10/19; Semifinals are 10/20 (1 v 4 @ 10am; 2 v 3 @ 1pm); Championships on 10/21 at 1pm); Hotel is Hilton Garden –Ft. Washington ($109.00 room rates)

iv. Cross country will be hosted by Philadelphia University: 10/21 race times are 10am and 10:45am; There is a meeting at 6pm at Raven Hill Dining Hall on 10/20; Boxed lunches will be available for student-athletes; Voting will take place online this year; Long sleeve shirts and shoe bags have been ordered for student-athletes since they do not get a banquet;

1. Suggested that we pay expenses for the Anne Jackson’s parents again this year - The conference will pick-up the cost.

2. The DJ will be returning this year

v. Regarding basketball – Paul has done a lot of ground work and we are set for lodging and banquet at the Crown Plaza West

vi. Discussion regarding moving spring baseball and softball banquets to Wednesday night before the Championship. For baseball, Thursday games could go too late, so Wednesday banquet may make more sense.

1. Joe Clinton motioned to move both the baseball and softball banquets to the night before the Championship at 6:30pm; Linda Andrzjewski seconded: Passed 9-1-1(Chuck Hammond left the room)

vii. Discussion regarding inclement weather at the Tennis championships:

1. Indoor tennis courts will be available at Chestnut Hill or other indoor facility.

2. Agreement that matches will be played on the outside courts unless there is inclement weather: If matches need to be played inside, then they will be played inside until the outdoor courts are acceptable to play on (Randy will add the indoor court policy to the tennis championships program)

X. Women’s Basketball Supervisor of Officials

a. Dr. Edward Meier is our new assignor for women’s basketball. He is the current assignor for the Ivy League and the NEC. The payment settled upon (after much discussion with the committee and with Dr. Meier) is $7000 for the year (one year deal). We are budgeted for $5500 so are over by $1500, but feel it is a small price to pay. Meier wants one year deals because it motivates him to do his best.

i. Meier told Dan that he would not ask for a huge raise; We have created an opportunity for him to bring in young officials and use the CACC as a feeder system. He works in the same footprint that we work in. The officials he gets recognize that if they do a good job, they can move up to the Ivy League or NEC. Meier will have to utilize some of our existing officials but will choose the best and will bring in new officials, too.

b. Dan suggests that we increase our men’s basketball assignor, Tim McAleer by $1500 to bring him up to Dr. Meier’s rate (this would cost each of our 14 schools at $200 additional dollars).

i. Discussion of pros and cons of paying the two equally.

ii. Tom Shirley motioned that we do not increase Tim McAleer’s rate, but let him finish out this year’s contract and we approve Ed Meier’s $7000 rate at the cost of $100 per institution; Sandy Michael seconded; Approved 13-0.

iii. Tom Shirley motioned that when we negotiate new contracts, both Meier and McAleer will be paid the same rate and then be modified on an individual basis from that point on; Laura Liesman seconded; Approved 11-2

1. We will have more discussions about contract renewals at the end of the season

2. Dan will compile information on what other conferences pay their assignors

XI. CACC Educational Symposium Ideas

a. Last year we held a Title IX symposium at Georgian Court and brought in Janet Judge. Individuals from positions outside of athletics attended.

i. Ideas for another symposium:

1. EADA report (DeJulio could present)

a. There is concern that the CACC Annual financial report is due before the NCAA EADA report (seems backwards). The problem with pushing the due date of the annual report back is the Presidents want the information for their November meeting.

b. When will the EADA report be made available online?

2. Transparency on campus (spurred from Sandusky situation)

3. Hazing

4. Cleary Act

ii. January or February is probably the best time to plan this type of programming. Try to bring in people from other parts of campus as was done last year.

XII. Squad List Information – Ellen O’Brien

a. Equivalency calculations: When calculating the full grant in aid amounts, always insert $400 dollars in denominator and adjust the numerator accordingly. If a student-athlete is receiving a half book grant, then put $200 into the numerator, etc. Calculating full grant in aid is different from calculating cost of attendance.

b. Squad lists are living documents which can be updated over the course of the year. A violation of equivalency maximums does not officially occur until all aid has been distributed for the academic year.

i. The CACC policy is that a completed squad list must be submitted to the conference office before the first date of competition.

c. Financial Aid: If a student-athlete comes in with an exempted academic award, it is exempted for all 4 years. To go along with that, increases in that award or additional awards (not related to athletics) will also be exempted because the student-athlete met the criteria coming out of high school.

XIII. Conference Grant Request 2012-13 – Mara – (Attachment #6)

a. We continue to get a level I (A) rating for the submitted conference grant reports, meaning they are pleased with how we are spending the grant money. We have done a good job with the needy student, summer and degree completion grants. Most of the money goes directly back to the schools.

i. We can move things from SPO to SPO; it must be done by April.

ii. SPO3 software cost refers to Arbiter

iii. Sandy Michael had 2 minority interns and used SPO5 funds to pay them each $500 dollars for the semester.

iv. Every year, 4 conferences will be audited in person by the NCAA because they are tightening up the process. They are going to examine the conference grant, which may be interesting since we don’t ask for receipts when it comes to grant money. We are waiting on feedback and will see what will happen with the first round of audits (we are not being audited this year). We may need to ask for more detailed information regarding the expenditures in the future.

v. The only area we sometimes have trouble spending money on is diversity

vi. Regarding item 4D – CACC video: CACC will produce a video that will be available on the website and be sent to institutions for their websites.

XIV. Membership Committee – Tom Shirley – (Attachment #7)

a. Received a letter from Sister Rosemary from Georgian Court University requesting a waiver for 2013-14, as they will not offer a CACC male sport championship in the spring, therefore they will not be compliant with the Conference regulations. Membership committee approved of the waiver. Sandy Michael motioned for approval; Mark Corino seconded; Approved 12-0-1. (Georgian Court abstaining)

XV. Basketball Schedule Plan – Tom Shirley –

a. Discussion regarding a model where 1 or 2 or 4 dates would be blocked out to schedule CACC North basketball teams against CACC South teams for non-conference games – (Based on the standings from the previous year)

i. Could keep the wins in the conference and help strength of schedule and power ranking. May help get more CACC teams in the NCAA regional

ii. There are challenges in picking up non-conference games to begin with – This would not only help CACC get games, but would keep the wins in conference.

iii. May not help because CACC is considered a weaker conference to begin with

1. Which would have a greater impact? Racking up wins within the CACC against CACC teams, or taking the chance of losing against ECC or NE-10 teams in the hopes that we get wins against them? Do we have enough good teams in CACC to really help our rankings?

2. Topics to discuss: Number of games; number of years; dates of games; how to determine who plays who (1 v 1; 1 v 2; based on previous year’s results); location - opposite of where you played for conference game; Georgian Court would be 7th in the South for men because they would not have played any games yet.

iv. Tom Shirley motioned that we table the discussion until the October meeting; Joe Clinton seconded; Approved 12-1

1. Chuck Hammond will send out information to AD’s to pass on to basketball coaches.

XVI. 2013 NCAA Convention Attendance

a. Is it worth attending the convention considering there are only two pieces of membership driven legislation?

i. Some will attend for the networking opportunity

XVII. 2013-2014 CACC Schedules- Women’s Lacrosse - (Attachment #8)

a. Review of the schedule: There are games scheduled the Thursday before semifinals.

i. The games on April 24th will be moved to April 14th. If individual schools want to play on the Saturday of Easter, then they may do so. Tom brought up the issue of having a game Thursday before semis.

ii. All schedules for 2013-14 are finalized and approved.

XVIII. Commissioners Cup Presentations

a. Commissioner Dan Mara presents the 2011-12 Restaino Cups to Wilmington University (men’s winner) and to Dominican College (women’s winner).

XIX. NCAA RACs for 2012-2013– Final (Attachment #9)

a. Mark Corino nominates Megan Hrbek Bratkovich (Caldwell) to replace Brad Koch as a Volleyball RAC representative.

XX. CACC Sport Supervisors/Sport Chairs/ Championship Sites (Attachment #10 )

a. Megan Bratkovich was the Coach’s Chair for Volleyball – We need a new one.

i. Mike Brienza (Post) was selected for the position.

XXI. CACC Committee Assignments (Attachment #11)

a. Do we want to establish specific terms for these committees so we have more participation?

b. Infractions Committee, SAAC rep, Paul Ruggio (Wilmington) has graduated. The new SAAC Chair will replace Paul (this will be determined at SAAC meeting on 9/21); Ellen O’Brien is new SAAC Chair.

c. These committees are in place in case an issue arises

XXII. Old/New Business

a. There is confusion regarding the volleyball rule for the libero uniform.

i. Dan Mara will get a ruling from Bruce Hanelt.

b. Caldwell is hosting a reception on their campus for student-athletes to attend to celebrate Title IX. The reception is open to all and is from 6pm-8pm on October 3rd.

i. More information on the event will be provided at the 9/21 SWA meeting.

XXIII. Next Meeting – October 22, 2012, 9:00AM – Site?

a. Sciences requested to host the next Director’s Council meeting on 10/22.

b. Holy Family will host the following meeting on January 7th.


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