DRAFT - Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference

Action Items

DC Meeting – 1.16.15 – National Harbor, MD

[Items highlighted in green require action before the March or June DC meeting. Items highlighted in blue shall be included on the agenda at a future DC meeting. Items highlighted in yellow are those which were voted on during the meeting].

I. Sandy Michael made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 27th, 2015 Directors Council meeting. Ben DiNallo seconded. Passed: 14-0.

II. Sandy Michael would like the CACC to look into creating a revised financial aid proposal for consideration at the 2016 Convention.

III. Tom Shirley made a motion to remove “co” from regular season co-championship plaques, beginning Fall 2015. Laura Liesman seconded. Passed: 14-0.

IV. Laura Liesman made the motion to change the CACC rule to allow 20 opportunities in a 45 day period. Ivan Marquez seconded. Failed: 5-7-1.

V. Sandy Michael would like to develop a proposal regarding the NLI early signing period.

**The Directors Council voting outcomes are included on pages 3-6.



January 16, 2014 – 1:00PM-4:00PM

National Harbor, MD


Bloomfield: Sheila Wooten

Caldwell: Mark Corino

Chestnut Hill: Lynn Tubman

Concordia: Ivan Marquez

Dominican: Joe Clinton

Felician: Ben DiNallo

Georgian Court: Laura Liesman

Goldey-Beacom: Chuck Hammond

Holy Family: Sandy Michael

Nyack: Mandy Aikens

Philadelphia: Tom Shirley

Post: Karin Mann and AJ McNamara

Sciences: Marc Caserio

Wilmington: Linda Andrzjewski

CACC Staff: Commissioner, Dan Mara; Assistant Commissioner, Doug DeBiase; and Associate Commissioner, Ellen O’Brien

Meeting commenced at 12:59PM.

VI. Directors Council Meeting – October 27, 2014 (Supplement # 1)

a. Sandy Michael made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 27th, 2015 Directors Council meeting. Ben DiNallo seconded. Passed: 14-0.

VII. President’s Council Meeting – November 3, 2014 (Supplement #2)

a. The CACC annual financial report has been reduced to only include salary and scholarship equivalency information. The program data will no longer be required. The Presidents discussed the possible movement of Division I schools to Division II. The NCAA Division II Membership committee will be taking action on a motion regarding the membership process for DI schools seeking acceptance to Division II. Currently, DI schools can move down divisions in one year. If the motion regarding this process passes, it will be effective for the class entering in July 2015. The conference office has compiled a list of Division I schools that fit CACC membership criteria.

Duke Little delivered a Team IMPACT update to the group from 1:23PM to 1:33PM.

VIII. SWA Meeting – November 17, 2014 (Supplement #3)

a. The standalone SWA meeting was held at Georgian Court on November 17th. The group was provided an update on the CACC Hall of Fame and strategic plan. The group also discussed Diversity and Inclusion best practices and campus initiatives. The SWAs were informed that all CACC committees will include at least one SWA and were directed to inform their AD if they have interest in certain committee(s).

IX. CACC Directors Council Officers Calls (Supplement #4A-B)

a. On the November 2015 Officers call, Doug proposed an academic all-conference by sport team initiative. Greg Pellegrino (HFU), Derek Crudele (GBC), and Matt McLagan (CU) have formed a subcommittee to further develop this proposal.

X. NCAA/D2 Updates

a. The NCAA is conducting a financial aid review by analyzing institutions’ compliance assistant data. Institutions have the choice to opt out of the review, but must email complianceassistant@ before February 2nd, 2015.

b. The financial aid proposal from the 2014 convention was pulled from the docket and given to Management Council for further review. The proposal is still being analyzed and will continue to be discussed by the appropriate constituents. A revised version of the proposal may be on the slate for the 2017 NCAA convention. Sandy Michael would like the CACC to look into creating a revised financial aid proposal for consideration at the 2016 Convention.

c. The D2 graduation and ASR information was released this week. The CACC ranks fourth in Division II in both federal graduation rate and academic success rate.

XI. Division II Legislative Proposals- (Supplement # 5A-B) – Amanda Conklin (NCAA)

2015-1 (Consent Package): Allows a PSA to participate in institutional fundraisers or promotional activities prior to initial collegiate enrollment, provided they have graduated from high school and signed an NLI or written offer of admission/financial aid. (Immediate)

Rationale: PSAs who have signed are permitted to work on campus and use facilities on campus for voluntary activities in the summer prior to enrollment. This proposal would align with that current legislation. VOTE: Passed: 12-2

2015-2 (Consent Package): Specifies that violations of the recruiting contact and evaluation legislation shall be considered de minimis, institutional violations and will not impact PSA eligibility. (August 1, 2015)

Rational: PSA often lacks involvement and culpability in these cases. These cases bog down reinstatement staff each year when PSA’s role is limited. VOTE: Passed: 14-0

2015-3 (Consent Package): If an institution denies a student-athlete’s request for permission to contact or the one-time transfer exception, the institution shall allow the SA to actively participate in a hearing. Furthermore, if the institution does not respond to the written request or does not conduct a hearing in the time period, the permission to contact and transfer release will be granted by default. The institution has 14 days to respond to the request and 30 days to conduct a hearing. (August 1, 2015)

Rationale: Maintains the best interest of the student-athlete and shows understanding of the time constraints in the admissions process. VOTE: Passed: 14-0

2015-4 (Consent Package): Specifies that the one tryout limitation applies separately to the time when a PSA is in high school and to the period beginning September 1 after high school graduation. (Immediate)

Rationale: Is consistent with the limitations regarding official visits in regards to the different time period. VOTE: Passed: 14-0

2015-5 (Consent Package): Modifies the foreign tour legislation in four ways. Limits student-athletes to participate in only one foreign tour per sport at their institution; specifies eligibility requirements for SAs to participate in between terms and for those who have exhausted eligibility; and allows incoming SAs to participate the summer preceding enrollment if they have signed with the institution and have final academic and amateur certifications. (Immediate)

Rationale: Specifies additional eligibility requirements and gives more opportunity despite the once-in-four years limitation. Tom Shirley made a motion to pull this proposal from the Consent Package. Sheila Wooten seconded. VOTE to pull from Consent Package: Passed: 13-0-1. VOTE on proposal 2015-5: Failed: 1-13

2015-6 (Consent Package): Establishes a national collegiate championship in sand volleyball, along with a six person committee. (Effective date for the championship items is August 1, 2015 and immediate for the committee formation). VOTE: Abstain: 0-0-14

2015-7: Requires a full-time AD with no coaching responsibilities be certified annually. Includes grandfather clause for those currently in the dual roles and allows them to continue in those positions at that institution. (August 1, 2015)

Rationale: Incoming Division II members are held to this standard and it can be seen as a conflict of interest to have an AD who is also a head coach. VOTE: Failed: 1-13

2015-8: Requires a full-time Compliance administrator with no coaching responsibilities to be certified annually. (August 1, 2018)

Rationale: Incoming Division II members are held to this standard and it can be seen as a conflict of interest to have a compliance coordinator who is also a head coach. VOTE: Passed: 11-3

2015-9: To include two National SAAC representatives on Management Council and provide them a combined vote on the council. (Immediate)

Rationale: Inclusion of the student-athlete voice and enhances relationship between the student-athletes and administrators. VOTE: Passed: 13-0-1

2015-10: Providing SAAC with a vote during the NCAA business session. (August 1, 2015)

Rationale: Promotes inclusion of the student-athlete voice. VOTE: Passed: 13-0-1

2015-11: Eliminates the limitations on publicity relating to PSAs after he or she has signed with an institution. (Immediate)

Rationale: Provides more opportunities for institutions to promote their athletic programs and student-athletes. VOTE: Passed: 13-0

2015-12: Allows a coach to receive expenses from their institution to recruit while serving in his or her capacity as a local sports club coach, and vice versa. They can also recruit for the institution while receiving expenses from the local sports club. (Immediate)

Rationale: Allows coaching staff members to fulfill necessary obligations of both employment arrangements and reduces burden on institutions to monitor the activity. VOTE: Failed: 3-11

2015-13: Allows institutions to provide meals and snacks incidental to participation in intercollegiate athletics. (August 1, 2015)

Rationale: Ensures that the nutritional needs of all student-athletes are adequately met. Also reduces administrative burdens related to accounting for these types of benefits. VOTE: Passed: 14-0

2015-14: May provide reasonable entertainment to student-athletes in conjunction with practice or competition. (August 1, 2015)

Rationale: Expands opportunities for entertainment (currently, only permissible during vacation periods or in conjunction with away contests). VOTE: Failed: 5-9

2015-15: Permits institutions to provide expenses to a student-athlete to represent the institution in practice and competition and for an SA to represent the institution in noncompetitive events (goodwill tours, media appearances, SAAC meetings, etc.). (August 1, 2015)

Rationale: Deregulates current legislation and allows institutions to use their own discretion. VOTE: Passed: 13-1

2015-16: Permits strength and conditioning personnel to design and conduct workout programs for Fall championship student-athletes, from June 1 to the end of summer vacation. (June 1, 2015)

Rationale: Aligns with the football legislation passed at least year’s convention and provides opportunity for Fall SAs to properly prepare for the physical demands of their season. VOTE: Passed: 10-4

2015-17: In sports other than football, to permit an SA to participate in two hours of team activities per week as part of the permissible 8 hours of countable activities that may occur outside of the playing season during the academic year. (August 1, 2015)

Rationale: To apply the legislation consistently to all sports. Reduces burden on coaches to conduct multiple individual workouts. VOTE: Failed: 3-11

2015-18: In baseball, golf, lacrosse, rowing, sand volleyball, softball and tennis, to specify that in years when February 1 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday, member institutions cannot engage in outside competition in the championship segment until the Friday preceding February 1. (Immediate)

Rationale: Current rule does not allow competition before February 1 regardless of what day February 1st is. VOTE: Passed: 12-1

2015-19: Allow an annual conference challenge event in baseball, soccer, softball, and women’s volleyball, where two contests may be exempt from the maximum contest limitations. (August 1, 2015).

Rationale: Increase regional competition and mirror the basketball conference challenge event legislation. VOTE: Passed: 8-6

XII. DII ADA Report – Mark Corino

a. 12 institutions in the CACC are current members of the DII ADA, however, it would be ideal to have 100% membership in the conference. There are NACWAA grants available through the ADA as well as grants for new ADs. A D2 compliance certification program is currently being developed.

i. 13 out of 14 ADs would likely be in favor of making the compliance certification program a conference requirement.

XIII. CACC Ties for Regular Championship – Tom Shirley

a. Currently, regular season champions are determined by regular season records and there is not a head-to-head tie breaker. Tom Shirley made a motion to remove “co” from regular season co-championship plaques, beginning Fall 2015. Laura Liesman seconded. Passed: 14-0.

XIV. Fall Coach Calls/XC Meeting (Supplement #6A-D)

a. Dave Thomas at Philadelphia University has volunteered to host the cross country regional, but would not be willing to also host the CACC championship in the same year. Marc Caserio volunteered USciences to host the CACC cross country championship in Philadelphia.

b. The men’s soccer coaches made a motion to make the CACC nontraditional legislation mirror the NCAA’s legislation. Laura Liesman made the motion to change the CACC rule to allow 20 opportunities in a 45 day period. Ivan Marquez seconded. Failed: 5-7-1.

c. The volleyball coaches requested there be certified line judges used for all regular season matches. Sheila Wooten voiced her concern regarding the effectiveness of those line judges that are hired. Currently, eight CACC institutions pay line judges for their home volleyball matches. The group agreed it was best not to make line judges a conference requirement (0-11-3).

XV. NLI Revision Proposal – (Supplement #7) - Sandy Michael

a. Sandy Michael would like to develop a proposal regarding the NLI early signing period. Specifically, she would like the early signing period to be extended to seven business days as compared to the current seven calendar days. A proposal would need to be outlined in a letter to Susan Peal and the NLI Advisory Team. If the team is in support of the concept, it would go to the NLI Policy and Review Committee. The proposal will have a better chance of being moved forward if it comes from a conference and or coaches association. All 14 ADs are in support of this proposal.

XVI. CACC Banquets – Attire

a. The Directors Council agreed that the CACC Championship manuals should be updated to include a business-casual attire requirement for banquets.

XVII. CACC Strategic Plan Update (Distributed at meeting.)

a. The 2015-18 strategic plan will be distributed to the Directors Council for input and suggestions.


a. Jermaine Rolle (HFU) and Jennifer Virgil (BC) were nominated to attend the MOAA Convention.

XIX. CACC SID and Athletics Trainers Meetings 1/6/15- (Supplement #8A-B)

XX. CACC Committee Update (Supplement #9)

XXI. Spring Meetings – Renault Winery

a. The SWAs and Championships Committees will have their own meetings on the evening of Sunday, May 31.  Tentative times are 4PM for SWAs and 7PM for the Championships Committee.  The DC meetings will begin at 10:00AM on Monday (6/1) and will likely be done by Tuesday evening (6/2). Golfing is available for anyone interested on Sunday afternoon, as well as a winery tour and dinner on Monday evening.

XXII. FARA Fellows Institute Nomination(s) – October 2-4, 2015

a. GCU and PhilaU, and HFU are interested in sending their FARs to the FARA Fellows Institute. Selection for attendance is based on tenure.

XXIII. CACC Financial Report (Supplement #10)

XXIV. Peer Review Schedule (Supplement #11)

a. Mark Corino (CU) and Bernadette Wimberly (GBC) are members of the Georgian Court peer review team for the February 5th visit. Lynn Tubman (CHC) and Dr. Deron Grabel (Post) are members of the Felician peer review team for the February 12th visit. Keith Davie (NC) and Dr. Tim Briles (GCU) are members of the Post peer review team for the February 19th visit.

XXV. Old/New Business

XXVI. Next Meeting – 9:00 AM, March 23, 2015 – Holy Family University

Meeting adjourned at 4:07PM


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