National Collegiate Athletic Association

NCAA Division I Academic Performance Program

Supplement Support Fund

2008-09 Web-Based Instruction Manual

Getting Started.

1. To access the NCAA Division I Academic Performance Program Supplemental Support Fund (SSF) Web-based system sign-in screen, first log on to:

2. The following page will appear:


3. The user must enter a valid “UserID” and “Password” before entering the Web-based system. The UserID and Password for the SSF Web-based system is the same UserID and Password used in the NCAA Division I Academic Progress Rate (APR) Improvement Plan Web-based system.

4. After entering the appropriate UserID and Password, the following screen will appear:


Institutional SSF Page.

• The user must choose one of three areas from the SSF main menu:

a. Professional Development Request.

o Submit New Professional Development Request.

o Professional Development Follow-up.

b. Initiative Request.

o New Initiative Request Application.

o 2007-08 Initiative Reporting Follow-up.

o 2008-09 Initiative Reporting Follow-up.

c. APR Improvement Plan Package.

Professional Development Request.

1. To begin submission, the user clicks “Professional Development Request” from the SSF main menu page:

2. The user then will click “Submit New Professional Development Request,” and the following screen will appear:


3. The user should then fill out the all of the following elements under “General Information”:

a. Institution;

b. Contact Person;

c. Title;

d. Street Address;

e. City;

f. State;

g. Zip;

h. E-mail;

i. Phone;

j. Faculty athletics representative or other senior academic official designated by the chancellor/president:

o E-mail and

o Phone;

k. Has this professional development request been discussed with your institution’s faculty athletics representative? (Yes or No boxes);

l. Which of the SSF funding priorities is this professional development activity expected to enhance? (Select all that apply): Eligibility, Retention, Graduation, Unknown (check boxes);

m. Athletics department professional development budget; and

n. Student-athlete academic support professional development budget (including athletics and nonathletics sources of funding).

4. Next, the user should move down to the following portion of the submission screen:


5. The user may choose the number of participants to involve in the Professional Development Request submission. If the user chooses multiple participants then all additional requests will appear for each participant on this submission screen.

6. The user should then fill out the all of the following elements:

a. Participant Name;

b. Title;

c. E-mail;

d. Phone;

e. Educational background/experience of participant (max 3000 characters);

f. Please explain the role this participant has in the academic success of student-athletes (max 3000 characters);

g. Please list any training/professional development activities participant has attended during the last two years (max 3000 characters); and

h. Please provide a brief description of the activity to be funded.

o Activity Name;

o Date From;

o Date To;

o Location;

o Registration Deadline;

o Summary/Description of Activity (max 3000 characters); and

o How will attending this activity benefit the student-athletes at your institution?

7. Next, the user should move down to the following “Budget Request” portion of the submission screen:


8. The user then fills out all of the following elements under “Budget Request” (Note: these elements are totals for all participants):

o Registration fee;

o Meals – # of days @$75 (covers meals/incidentals/parking/etc.);

o Lodging – # of days @ $150/day maximum;

o Airfare; and

o Mileage – # of miles @ .43/mile (mileage will only be given to one attendee).

9. The user then can click on “Save” to save the request.

10. The user then can click on “Submit” to submit the request.

11. The user then can click on “Signature Page” for a link to the page that must be signed and uploaded into the SSF system or submitted to the NCAA national office via facsimile.

Professional Development Follow-up.

On this page the institution will have to submit a follow-up form after they have attended the professional development activity and before they receive the $75 per diem.

1. To begin the follow-up submission process, the user should click “Professional Development Request” from the SSF main menu page.

2. Then click the “+” symbol to the left of the current year of your request, e.g., “2009.”

3. Then click the “+” symbol to the left of “Approved.”

4. Then click the “+” symbol to the left of the request case number you were provided, e.g., “Request #105.”

5. Then click “Professional Development Follow-up.”

6. The following screen should appear:[pic]

7. Please answer the following:

a. How did this opportunity help address the graduation/retention/eligibility issues of your student-athletes?

b. What specific solutions were obtained to address the graduation/retention/ eligibility issues of your student-athletes?

c. How did this opportunity enhance your APR Improvement Plan?

d. Click “Save” or “Submit.”

Note: Per Diem

Once the follow-up to professional development request has been received by staff, the user will be contacted and e-mailed an NCAA Statement of Expense form to submit to receive the NCAA per diem.

Initiative Request.

1. To begin the initiative submission process, the user should click “Initiative Request” from the SSF main menu page.

2. Then click “New Initiative Request Application.”

3. The following screen should appear:


4. The user should then fill out all of the following elements under “General Information”:

a. Institution;

b. Contact Person;

c. Title;

d. Street Address;

e. City;

f. State;

g. Zip;

h. E-mail;

i. Phone;

j. Athletics department annual operating budget;

k. Student-athlete academic support budget (including athletics and nonathletics sources of funding);

l. Number of staff providing academic support to student-athletes; and

m. Describe the academic support services provided to student-athletes on your campus.

Special Initiative Information.

• The user should then fill out all of the following elements under “Specific Initiative Information“:

a. Detailed summary of the proposed initiative. Attach additional documentation as necessary (job description required if request is for academic-support personnel).

b. Describe how the proposed initiative will be implemented on your campus. (Please include a timeline for implementation, staffing requirements and issues and possible barriers to successful implementation).

c. Explain how the proposed initiative will impact the academic performance, retention, and/or graduation success rates of your student-athletes.

d. Describe how the proposed initiative will demonstrate effective collaboration with nonathletics campus units.

e. Assess the capacity for long-term sustainability of the proposed initiative, including an indication of the potential for the institution to assume full financial responsibility for the initiative after the use of SSF funds may be available.

f. What resources will the institution contribute during implementation?

g. Please indicate how the proposed initiative will be evaluated to determine effectiveness.

h. Has your institution submitted an NCAA Division I Academic Progress Rate Improvement Plan? (Yes or No)

Amount Requested.

1. The user should then fill out all of the following elements under “Amount Requested”:

a. What is the projected total cost of the initiative?

b. Please provide a breakdown of the total cost.

c. What is the projected total contribution from your institution? (Please specify actual, resource or in-kind matches.)

d. What is the total amount of money your institution is requesting?

e. Will the institution provide additional support for this initiative? (Yes or No)

2. The user then can click “Save” to save the request.

3. The user then can click “Submit” to submit the request.

4. The user then can click “Signature Page” for a link to the page that must be signed and uploaded into the SSF system or submitted to the NCAA national office via facsimile.


This page is the follow-up the institution is required to submit after they have received their initiative award.

1. To begin the follow-up submission process, the user should click “Initiative Request” from the SSF main menu page.

2. Click the “+” symbol to the left of the current year of your request, e.g., “2009.”

3. Click the “+” symbol to the left of “Approved.”

4. Click the “+” symbol to the left of the request case number you were provided, e.g., “Request #5.”

5. Click “Initiative Follow-up.”

6. The following screen should appear:


7. Please select which type of initiative award you were awarded from the drop down box.

a. Staffing;

b. Equipment; or

c. Construction/Remodeling.

8. If the user selects staffing, please answer the following:

a. Date of Hire;

b. Salary;

c. Job Responsibilities (max 3000 characters);

d. Please provide a summary of the impact this position has on the academic success of the student-athletes (max 3000 characters); and

e. Please describe the amount of any institutional dollars used in addition to the SSF awarded dollars (max 3000 characters).

9. If the user selects Equipment, please answer the following:

a. Type of equipment purchased (please be specific);

b. Date(s) of purchase;

c. Cost of purchase;

d. Please provide a summary of the impact this equipment had on the academic success of the student-athletes; and

e. Please describe the amount of any institutional dollars used in addition to the SSF awarded dollars (max 3000 characters).

10. If the user selects Construction, please answer the following:

a. Please explain what the funds have been used for;

b. When were the funds used;

c. When was the work completed or will be completed;

d. Please provide a summary of the impact this construction had on the academic success of the student-athletes; and

e. Please describe the amount of any institutional dollars used in addition to the SSF awarded dollars.

11. The user then can click “Save” to save the request.

12. The user then can click “Submit” to submit the request.

13. The user then can click “Signature Page” for a link to the page that must be signed and uploaded into the SSF system or submitted to the NCAA national office via facsimile.

APR Improvement Plan Package.

1. To access the APR Improvement Plan submission portal, the user should click “APR Improvement Plan Package” from the SSF main menu page.

2. The following screen should appear:


3. Then refer to the APR Improvement Plan Web-based manual with any questions.

4. If you have additional SSF questions, please contact Linda Henderson at lhenderson@ or your assigned SSF contact.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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