MGD School,Jaipur

MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL, JAIPURHome Study English Assignment for Class 6General InstructionsDear StudentsWelcome to session 2020-21!As you are aware that we are sailing through troubled waters at the moment and the entire world is facing a severe crisis which no doubt will end soon with our patience, positivity and perseverance.Following is the first round of English assignments which needs to be submitted/completed by 10th of April 2020. The tasks to be done in notebook can be done in any old notebook or your English notebook or a bunch of pages stapled together and will be submitted and marked as English activity or portfolio work when the school reopens. Tasks to be submitted online can be sent by 10th April to the email id of your subject teacher as under-english6amgd@- for students in 6th A- Subject teacher: Dr Anju Vermaenglish6bmgd@- for students in 6th B- Subject teacher: Mrs Rashmi Bhatiaenglish6cmgd@- for students in 6th C- Subject teacher: Mrs Sunita Rathoreenglish6dmgd@- for students in 6th D- Subject teacher:Mrs Sunita Rathoreenglish6emgd@- for students in 6th E- Subject teacher: Mrs Vijaya Bhatenglish6fmgd@- for students in 6th F- Subject teacher: Mrs Rashmi BhatiaRound 1Write down ten animal idioms with their meanings and use them in sentences of your own in your notebook.Imagine “You have become a social media star by helping stray animals”. Describe the feeling in the form of a Diary Entry in 100 words in your notebook. You can draw or paste pictures of animals and make your work interesting.Collect all news/memes/cartoons related to animal welfare from newspaper and TV of the past 10 days. Make a collage of the same in your notebook.Watch any one movie “Zootopia” or “Finding Nemo” and write the theme of the movie in 80 words. Email the same to your subject teacher.Other TasksDownload Extramarks app and do grammar exercises based on Tenses- Present and Past there and email them to your subject teacher.Write a page in Cursive writing everyday in your notebook to improve your handwriting.Make a list of as many idioms and phrases as you can related to above themes/topics in your notebook.Mgd Girls' School , JaipurHome Study Hindi Assignment Class 6??????? ??????? i. ???????? ????? ???? ?? ??? 2 ?????? ??????? ??? ii. ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ? iii. ??? ???(?????? ???? ??/?????? ????) ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? iv. ????? ????? ???? ?? ???? :? 10/04/2020 v. Important Link vi. Download NCERT/CBSE Book: class vi hindi ????? ??????????? - ????-1(NCERT) , ??? ?????? , ???????__________________________________________________________________________1.????????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ? ????? ???? ??? ????? ? 2.?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ????????? ?? ???? ????-???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????3. ???????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ?????i.???? ?? ???? ????ii. ????-????? ?? ????iii. ???? ??? ???? ????iv. ???? ????? ????4.????? ???? ?????:-????,???, ???,????, ?????,5.?????????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ??????????-????? -????? -????? -??? -??????? –6.??????????? ???? ?? ???? ????? '?? ?????? ??' ???? '?????? ?? ????? ????? ??? 6-8 ?????? ?? ????? ?????? M. G. D. GIRLS’ SCHOOLHome Study Mathematics Assignment for Class 6Subject – Mathematics ( Worksheet -1 ) Class - Name –Date Of Submission : On or before 10/04/2020Assignments to be submitted online on these respective email id’s Section Wise. The solution of worksheet can be typed or handwritten please send a scan or a photo of the assignment. You can also mail your doubts to the same corresponding email id’s.6A- math6amgd@ (Mrs. Ekta Bhatia)6B- math6bmgd@ (Mrs. Megha Taneja)6C- math6cmgd@ (Mrs. Megha Taneja)6D- math6dmgd@ (Mrs. Srishti Chaudhary)6E- math6emgd@ (Mrs. Gayatri Mishra)6F- math6fmgd@ (Mrs. Sarika Joshi)This week let’s revise the previous concept which we have already studied.Q1. Find the product:156 x 61 =235 x 52 =987 x 45 =703 x78 =Q2. Find the sum:778473 + 294718 + 313004 =832094 + 425536 + 881320 =725395 + 776700 + 450789 =925811 + 671488 + 794864 =Q3. Find the difference:9746 – 8294 =9691 – 5780 =5020 – 4721 =3498 – 3004 =Q4. Write the prime numbers between 20 to 40.Q5. Write the composite numbers between 1 to 20.Q6. Learn tables till 15.Q7. Write the number on INDIAN PLACE VALUE CHART and INTERNATIONAL PLACE VALUE CHART.a. 356245 b. 147286MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY SCIENCE ASSIGNMENT-1CLASS-VIDear Students,As you are aware due to the pandemic alert of Covid - 19, the schools has been temporarily closed down keeping in mind the safety of students.As Benjamin Franklin had once said “Tell me & I forget, Teach me & I may remember, Involve me and I learn.”Science is a subject of observation, activity, tabulation and inference. You learn science from your experience.At this time of crisis we have come upon a new tool of digital learning, let us both experience and reach a learning outcome.In guidance, leading you into a new world.Lead the ChangeGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS :1.Read the Following Chapters: Chapter 1- Food: Where Does It Come From?Chapter 2- Components of Food.Chapter 3- Fibre to Fabric.Chapter 4- Sorting Materials into Groups.2.Students can also refer to the following:NCERT book of class VI.Any science reference book which you can easily get.c)-Content from digital apps like Diksha, Cordova Learning, You Tube etc(link for the same is given below) 3.The submission dates have been given on the worksheet, the students have to adhere strictly to the dates given for submission.4. Students have to send the completed work on the e mail id mentioned in the worksheet first students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids according to their class and sectionFor example students of class 6A will send their completed worksheet of science to science6amgd@ whereas students of class 6B will send their completed worksheet to science6bmgd@ Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sectionEMAIL IDS AS PER CLASS & SECIONS FOR SCIENCEscience6amgd@science6bmgd@science6cmgd@science6dmgd@science6emgd@science6fmgd@science6gmgd@5. Students can submit assignment in a separate note copy/register .Students have to send the completed work on the e mail id mentioned in the worksheet6.Any queries can also be addressed to the mail ids mentioned . Don’t forget to mention your full name, class, section. The same file will be evaluated along with the notebook of class, during TERM- INote: Work to be sent specifically section wise, on the date and time mentioned on the worksheetWorksheet 1Subject: - Science Class -VIDate of Submission-10/04/2020Note: Read chapter 1-4 before attempting the worksheet.Take a printout of the worksheet and solve it using a blue pen.Q1) Complete the following sentence with appropriate answers:-We need i_________________ to prepare a food item.The part of plant that we can eat is called e________________.Animals that eat flesh are called c_________________.Bees collect n________________ from flower.We get sugar from s______________________.Components of food are also called n__________________.To test for presence of starch in a food we add a chemical called i________________.When we crush groundnut in between folds of paper it leaves an oily patch. This shows that groundnuts contain f___________________.For the growth and repair of body we need p_________________.Lack of vitamin D causes r___________________.Beri beri is caused due to lack of v_____________________.Gland in the neck appears swollen when we suffer from g________________.Nylon is an example of s__________________________.Example of a natural plant fibre is j_________________.Fruits of cotton are called c_______________________.Substance which mixes in water is called s_______________.Substances which can be compressed or scratched easily are called s_____________________.Materials through which we cannot see at all are called o____________________.HOME STUDY Social Science (Geography)2020-21CLASS- 6BOOK- The Earth:Our HabitatLesson -1 THE EARTH IN THE SOLAR SYSTEMBottom of FormCelestial Bodies:The sun, the moon plus all those objects shining in the night sky are called celestial bodies.Stars: They have their own heat. They radiate a large amount of light ex. the Sun.Constellations: Basically, these are patterns formed imaginary outlines by the group of stars ex. Ursa Major, Saptarshi.Pole Star: There is one star which always remains in the same position in the sky. Our ancestors used this star to navigate the route. They knew that this star indicates north direction. Hence it is called North Star or Pole Star.Planets: Planets are celestial bodies. They do not have their own heat or light. They are lit by the star ex. the earth.Rings: Belt of small debris. You can see them with the help of a powerful telescope.The Solar System?= The Sun (head of the family) + Eight Planets + Satellites + Other Celestial Bodies in the vicinity.The Sun: Ultimate source of energy for our family i.e. the solar system. It is made up of gases and these gases are hot. The sun is the centre of the solar system.Planets of the Solar System: Eight of them.Geoid: Earth-like shape (flattened at poles and bulged at the equator)Moon: The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth. The moon moves around the earth in about 27 daysAsteroids:Small rocky bodies?orbiting the sun. Large numbers of these, ranging enormously in size, are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.Meteoroids: A small body moving in the solar system that would become a meteor if it entered the earth’s atmosphere.Meteorite: Large piece of rock or metal from space that has landed on Earth.Galaxy: A galaxy is a huge system of billions of stars, and clouds of dust and gases. There are millions of such galaxies that make the Universe.Full Moon: Poornima.New Moon: AmavasyaSome Fun Facts That You Should KnowWord PLANET comes from the word?Plantetai?which means the wanderer.Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have rings around them.Pluto is a dwarf planet, though, till August 2006, Pluto was considered a planetOnly earth supports life because it has water and air, the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold and optimum to sustain life.Only one side of the moon is visible to us on the earth.Neil Armstrong was the ?rst man to step on the surface of the moon on 21 July 1969. WORKSHEET-2020-2021SUBJECT: Social ScienceCLASS-6BOOK: The Earth :Our HabitatLesson:1 The Earth in the Solar SystemRead the following instructions and complete the worksheet.Refer to this link for reading material- to youtube channel for further information- You need to send this worksheet according to your sections on the given email VI A sst6amgd@ VI B sst6bmgd@, VI C sst6cmgd@, VI D sst6dmgd@,VI E sst6emgd@,VI F sst6fmgd@, VI G sst6gmgd@. You can also do this worksheet in an old notebook and attach the papers in the new notebook later.The worksheet needs to be completed by 10 April 2020.Q1 How far is the sun from the earth?Q2.The small pieces of rocks which move around the sun are called_______.Q3What is a galaxy made up of?Q4 The moon gets its light from the earth.(True/False)Q5________is the third nearest planet to the sun.Q6.What are constellations? Name any one constellation.Q7.Write three differences between natural and a human-made satellite?Q8.Give reason: a. Life does not exist on the moon. b. We see only one side of the moon. c. The planet Venus is known as Earth’s twin.Q9.What cast shadow on the moon?Q10.What is a satellite? Name any two Indian Satellites in space?Q11.Why is Earth called a unique planet?Q12.Prepare a chart of Solar system.Q13.Write 5 features of The moon.Q14.What is the Universe? Write features.Q15.Define the following: a. Asteroids b. Meteoroids c. Galaxy d. New Moon e. Pole Star______________________________________________________________________________M.G.D. GIRLS’ SCHOOLHome StudyAssignment 1CLASS –VI SUBJECT- PHYSICAL EDUCATION and ARTMake project on one game and sports-Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Taekwondo and Swimming1. Show your creativity in project presentation.2. Project to be done neatly in a scrap book to be assessed and evaluated.3. Write about the history of the games and sports.4. Mention all rules and regulations of the game and sports5. Write any five names of national and international players along with their photographs.6. Play (Indoor games like Carom, Chess, Gutte , Snakes and ladders , Ludo )one hour every day for your mental and physical fitness.7 .Do 15-20 minutes stretching exercises/skipping.M.G.D. GIRLS’ SCHOOLHome StudyAssignment 1CLASS –VINeedle work assignmentClass 6 (envelope from old card or waste craft papers)Notes? Use scissors carefully.? You can use coloured paper also if you don’t have old cards.1. Material requires: old wedding cards,studs/stones,glue, scissors, doublesided tape.2. Video link: ................

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