
Revised 08/2014


Any additional revisions or additions to the Nursing Student Handbook will be given to nursing students when available.


The philosophy of nursing emanates from the Vision Statement, the Mission Statement, and the Purposes of Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell (ENMU-Roswell) and from the ENMU-Roswell nursing faculty's interpretation of the nurse's role in meeting the health needs of society.

The central themes/concepts of the Philosophy of Nursing for the ENMU-Roswell Associate of Science in Nursing Program focus on the whole person, the family and community, and the utilization of the nursing process in the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health. The faculty believes that nursing is a process of assisting the individual, family, and/or community to promote, maintain, and/or restore health. Through this process of assessment, development of nursing diagnoses and client outcomes, implementation, and evaluation of client outcomes, the uniqueness of each individual as a whole person is recognized.

Listed below are the basic themes/concepts of this philosophy:

Whole Person/

Individual: An individual is a whole person, an incorporation of body, mind, and spirit, who functions in an integrated bio-psycho-social manner within a family and/or community.

Family: The family group is the basic unit of society composed of individuals interacting and mutually valued.

Community: A community is an identifiable group of persons who share a common culture, interactive pattern, and/or geographical location.

Each of the above three beliefs is interrelated. Assistance focusing on one does not exclude consideration of the others.

Nursing Process: This process involves assessment of the whole person, development of individualized nursing diagnoses and client outcomes, implementation, and evaluation of client outcomes. The associate degree graduate uses these sequential steps in caring for whole persons within the context of family and community to promote, maintain, and restore health. Inclusive in this process is the ability to utilize critical thinking skills and communicate appropriately in relation to culturally and economically diverse populations across the life span.

Health: Health is a state of physical, mental, and spiritual wholeness. A person's interactive patterns with one's internal and external environment determine one's health status. Illness potential exists in those who are healthy; health potential exists in those who are ill. Wholeness provides the context for the strength to live in times of health, in times of illness or crisis, and in times of facing death.


of Health: Application of the nursing process contributes to a greater degree of wholeness for the individual, family, and/or community.


of Health: Application of the nursing process facilitates the continuation or the preservation of the health status of individuals, families, and/or communities.


of Health: Application of the nursing process facilitates the return to previously experienced levels of health status of individuals, families, and/or communities.

The faculty believes nursing has established ethical patterns of interaction with its internal and external environment which determine its potential to assist individuals, families, and/or communities. It is recognized that, internally, there are different responsibilities for the various members of the nursing team and that educational preparation determines the level at which each member should function. In interaction with its external environment, nursing plays an active, vital, collaborative role on the multidisciplinary health team. Nursing provides opportunities for personal development, satisfaction, and reward for the practitioner. Nursing is dynamic and requires that the nurse assume responsibility for continuing education.


The faculty believes education is a learning process that results in behavioral change. When a person learns, a change occurs that results in altered behavior. It is more than the acquisition of knowledge; it is a growth process.

Learning in a formal setting is most effective when the student and the instructor share responsibility. Instructors are facilitators of learning. Instructors assess the abilities, needs, and goals of each student and plan for appropriate levels of learning experiences. Instructors provide a climate which is conducive to learning. Through personal example, they provide a role model for students. Each learner, a whole person, responds intellectually, physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and culturally. The student's role is to participate responsibly and actively in the learning process.

Learning is meaningful when students perceive the course content as having relevance for living in today's world. Because students must have an opportunity to practice the behavior to be learned, learning is facilitated through different approaches or settings. These learning activities provide for cognitive, psychomotor, and affective outcomes.

Learning is a goal-directed process. Students must have motivation and be actively involved in learning. Meaningful learning can only proceed by means of each learner's own purpose, aptitudes, abilities, and expression of feelings.

Education provides opportunities for self-evaluation by students, as well as evaluation of student performance by instructors. Opportunity is provided for students to evaluate instruction. Learning is a continuous process. Students are given opportunities to develop the interest and skills necessary to expand the growth process required for competent nursing practice. Central to the learning process is the ability to think critically. Critical thinking in the discipline of nursing is defined as a purposeful mental activity in which the nursing process is used to assess health, develop a plan of care, and evaluate outcomes. Critical thinking integrates the use of intellectual, interpersonal, and technical skills to succeed in nursing.


The faculty believes that in nursing, there is differentiation among levels of nursing education. Education of nurses occurs on several levels in order to prepare practitioners with varying degrees of responsibility. The progression of an individual from one educational level to another is encouraged. The faculty believes in this concept, fostering the development of individuals from a nursing assistant to a licensed practical nurse to a registered nurse with an associate, baccalaureate, masters, or doctorate degree in nursing. The faculty encourages students to progress until they have reached their highest potential, emphasizing the pursuit of higher degrees in nursing.

The faculty believes the purpose of the nursing program at ENMU-Roswell is to prepare graduates to receive the associate of science degree in nursing. Throughout the program the nursing process is used as the critical thinking model. The associate degree program is based on a foundation of communication, social science, and life sciences in addition to nursing knowledge and competencies. Communication is the process by which patterns of interaction are established. Based on this foundation, the scope of practice involves but is not limited to the roles of (1) provider of care, (2) manager of care, and (3) member within the discipline of nursing in acute care settings, long-term care settings, and community based settings where policies and procedures are specified and guidance is available.

The faculty believes that all levels of nursing education share certain characteristics, rights and duties. Within the diversity of educational institutions, all must: 1) combine didactic teaching/learning in a college setting with opportunities for supervised clinical experience and practice, 2) meet the needs of adults as learners, and 3) concern themselves with protecting the rights of both students and clients with whom students work. Nursing education is most effective when classroom and clinical learning are coordinated as closely as possible.

The faculty believes it has the responsibility to design and conduct the educational program which prepares new practitioners to care for ethnically, socially, and spiritually diverse clientele. We, as nurse educators, will collaborate with other health professionals and consumers for meeting society's health needs.

Liberal education enriches the person and enhances the individual's ability to contribute to nursing and to society. Therefore, the curriculum includes an appropriate number of courses in general education and in nursing.


The curriculum plan is based on a philosophy and conceptual framework which are consistent with the Vision Statement, the Mission Statement and the Purposes of Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell (ENMU-Roswell) and the nursing faculty's interpretation of the nurse's role in meeting the health needs of society.


Nursing is a process of assisting the whole person/individual, family, and/or community to promote, maintain, and/or restore health. Through the nursing process of whole person assessment, identifying problem areas and formulating problem statements that direct nursing care, teaching, intervention, and evaluation of client outcomes, the uniqueness of each individual as a whole person is recognized. The associate degree graduate uses the nursing process in caring for individuals within the context of family and community in the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health. Inclusive in this process is the ability to utilize clinical reasoning skills, critical thinking skills, and communicate appropriately in relation to culturally and economically diverse populations across the life span. The scope of associate degree nursing practice centers on client care involving roles of provider, manager, and member within the discipline of nursing.

An individual is a whole person, an incorporation of body, mind and spirit, who functions in an integrated bio-psycho-social manner within a family and/or community. Health is a state of physical, mental, and spiritual wholeness. Illness potential exists in those who are healthy; health potential exists in those who are ill. Wholeness provides the context for the strength to live in times of health, in times of illness or crisis, and in times of facing death.



The curriculum outcomes for the associate degree in nursing program at Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell are derived from and reflect the philosophy and conceptual framework. Central to the achievement of these outcomes is the ability to think critically and to communicate effectively. After completion of this program, the associate degree graduate will be able to:

1. Integrate the concept of the whole person into nursing care incorporating body, mind, and spirit in the context of family and community.

2. Use the nursing process in providing assistance to individuals within acute care, long term care, and community based settings in order to promote, maintain, and/or restore health.

a. Assess individuals physically, mentally, culturally, and spiritually within the context of family and community with consideration of environmental and socioeconomic factors.

b. Develop problem statements and outcomes for clients and family


c. Implement nursing interventions based on established nursing protocols and evidence

based practice.

d. Evaluate outcomes, continuously revising the plan of care.

3. Serve as an accountable member of the nursing and the multidisciplinary health teams at the appropriate level determined by one's educational preparation.

4. Manage effectively the care of individuals within acute, long term, and community settings in collaboration with other multidisciplinary health team members.


*(P#) - refers to the Program Outcomes to which each of the Level One Outcomes relate.

After completion of the first and second semesters, the student will use critical thinking and effective communication skills to:

1. Discuss criteria involved in physical, mental, and spiritual nursing care of individuals within the context of family and community. (P#1)

2. Use the nursing process in providing assistance to adults to promote, maintain, and/or restore health. (P#2)

a. Assess individuals physically, mentally, culturally, and spiritually with consideration of environmental and socioeconomic factors.

b. Use the NANDA list of nursing diagnoses in developing individualized nursing problem statements.

c. Use the NOC system to develop measurable client outcomes.

d. Implement nursing interventions using the NIC system and evidence based practice within the role of the student nurse.

e. Evaluate client outcomes, identifying any need for revision of the plan of care.

3. Practice within the ethical and legal framework of the student nurse role in the context of the nursing and multidisciplinary health teams. (P#3)

4. Provide nursing care for adults in acute care, long term care, and community based settings. (P#4)


*(L1#) - refers to the Level One Outcomes each of the Level II Outcomes builds upon.

*(P#) - refers to the Program Outcomes to which each of the Level II Outcomes relates.

After completion of the third and fourth semesters, the student will use critical thinking and effective communication skills to:

1. Apply the concept of the whole person to nursing care of individuals within the context of family and community. (L1#1) (P#1)

2. Use the nursing process in providing assistance to individuals through the life cycle to promote, maintain, and/or restore health. (L1#2) (P#2)

a. Assess individuals physically, mentally, culturally, and spiritually, within the context of family and community with consideration of environmental and socioeconomic factors.

b. Derive prioritized problem statements and measurable outcomes for clients and family members.

c. Implement prioritized nursing interventions using the NIC system and evidenced based practice within the role of the associate degree graduate.

d. Evaluate outcomes using this as the basis for revision of the plan of care.

3. Practice as an accountable member of the nursing and multidisciplinary health teams, identifying the role of the associate degree nurse within the totality of nursing practice. (L1#3) (P#3)

4. Manage safely and effectively the care of individuals and/or groups of clients in acute care, long term care, and community based settings, including the appropriate delegation of care within the health team members’ scope of practice. (L1#4) (P#4)


It is expected that each student will become familiar with and adhere to the Standards of Behavior as defined in the Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell Student Handbook. This handbook is available to students free of charge and can be obtained from Student Services or accessed through the ENMU-Roswell Home Page. Violation of any standard will not be tolerated and may result in a wide range of disciplinary actions. Plagiarism, cheating, and/or any form of dishonesty are considered unacceptable behaviors. Please review the section in the Student Handbook addressing academic integrity and forms of plagiarism. Other unacceptable behaviors are also described in the Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Student Handbook in the Standards of Behavior section. The ENMU-Roswell campus provides an environment conducive to learning. Students must feel safe in their academic pursuits. In any academic setting, students should be able to engage in a free exchange of ideas. Any disruptive behavior offends the academic community and is unacceptable. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate dress, offensive or intimidating statements or actions, physical abuse, or intoxication. The instructor is the sole judge of what is appropriate in his/her class and may remove an individual who is negatively affecting the learning process. If the infraction is severe, the administration may remove the individual from the institution. Each student is expected to be familiar with and adhere to clinical site policies and individual nursing course policies. Course and clinical policies as written in each syllabus will be discussed during orientation time for each nursing course. (Reference: ENMU-Roswell Student Handbook-Standards of Behavior and Academic Integrity sections).

Plagiarism Policy

According to the ENMU-Roswell Catalog (Academic Integrity Section) and the ENMU-Roswell Student Handbook (Standards of Behavior Section) “Plagiarism includes but is not limited to offering the work of another as one’s own; offering the work of another without proper acknowledgment; and/or failing to give credit for quotations or essentially identical expressions of material taken from {any source including but not limited to: the Internet,} books, encyclopedias, magazines, reference works, term papers, reports, or writings of another individual.” Students must refer to individual nursing course syllabi for information regarding the consequences for plagiarism.

Cheating Behavior

Cheating behavior includes but is not limited to: (a) dishonesty of any kind on examinations, quizzes, written assignments, and projects; (b) unauthorized possession of examinations, quizzes, or instructor records; (c) use of unauthorized notes or information during an examination, quiz, or exercise; (d) obtaining information during an examination or assignment from another individual and/or assisting others in cheating, this applies to sending or receiving information via technology; (e) alteration of grades or any information on an examination, an assignment, or records of the instructor or college; (f) illegal entry or unauthorized presence in an office of the college or residence of an instructor, or unauthorized access to grade records or examination and assignment requirements; and (g) any act of fraud or misrepresentation.

Consequences for plagiarism or cheating

Consequences range from a failing grade, zero credit for the assignment, failing grade in the course, to dismissal from the university.


The appeal procedures are listed in the Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Student Handbook. The following is an outline representation of this section of the Student Handbook as it applies to students enrolled in the Nursing Program:

Disciplinary Appeal

A. Student requests conference with involved nursing instructor(s) and assigned nursing faculty advisor.

B. If issue not resolved, student requests conference with Nursing Program Director.

C. If issue is still not resolved, student requests conference with Division of Health Dean.

D. If issue remains unresolved, student requests hearing with the Student Disciplinary Committee and submits a written appeal describing the reasons for the appeal.

E. If the issue is not resolved, the student may request a conference with the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Academic Appeal

A. Student requests conference with involved nursing instructor(s) and assigned nursing faculty advisor.

B. If issue not resolved, student requests conference with Nursing Program Director.

C. If issue is still not resolved, student requests conference with Division of Health Dean.

D. If issue remains unresolved, student requests hearing with the Academic Standards Committee and submits a written appeal describing the reasons for the appeal.

E. If the issue is not resolved, the student may request a conference with the Provost for Academic and Student Affairs.

(Reference: ENMU-Roswell Student Handbook-Appeal Procedures)


1. A grade of C or better is required in each nursing course. The grading scale is described in each nursing course syllabus and is listed in this handbook under the Course Requirements, Grading, and Attendance section.

1. Students must enroll in and successfully complete a major course with a clinical component each semester in order to be assured of a space in a major course with a clinical component in the following semester. The major courses with a clinical component are NURS 110/NURS 110L, NURS 112/NURS 112L, NURS 201/NURS 201L, NURS 216/NURS 216L, NURS 217/NURS 217L, and NURS 220/NURS 220L. Students who do not enroll in, or fail, or withdraw from a major course with a clinical component, must reapply for consideration of re-entry into these nursing core courses.

2. All level I nursing core courses, PSY 101, COMM 101, and PSY 200 must be completed in order to progress to the level II nursing core courses.

3. Students initially enrolled in the lecture or practicum section of the courses listed below must also be concurrently enrolled for credit in the corresponding practicum or lecture section of the course:

NURS 110 and NURS 110L

NURS 112 and NURS 112L

NURS 201 and NURS 201L

NURS 216 and NURS 216L

NURS 217 and NURS 217L

NURS 220 and NURS 220L

4. Current adult, child, and infant CPR and AED certification from the American Heart Association.

5. Current required laboratory tests (titers) and required immunizations.

6. Proof of health insurance.

7. Nursing student has withdrawn or failed one nursing course:

Students who have withdrawn from or failed one nursing course must indicate in writing by the end of the currently enrolled semester their intention to continue in the Nursing Program. There will be no GPA calculation required for the first nursing course withdrawal or failure but this course withdrawal or failure will count in the total number of nursing course withdrawals and/or failures allowed.

9. Nursing student has failed a theory nursing course but passed the co-requisite practicum course:

If a nursing student fails the theory portion of a nursing course but passes the co-requisite practicum nursing course, the nursing student shall enter into a contractual agreement to complete a limited clinical experience during the time the nursing student is repeating the previously failed nursing theory course. Completion of this limited clinical experience will not affect the previously earned grade in the practicum nursing course; however, failure to satisfactorily complete this limited clinical experience by the end of the semester will result in a failing grade for the theory course the student is repeating. In this way, a nursing student shall not have to repeat a successfully completed requirement, but shall continue to demonstrate clinical competence and understanding of the concepts being taught in the nursing theory course.

10. Nursing student has two nursing course failures or withdrawals:

If, during the course of the degree plan, a nursing student has either two failures and/or withdrawals of the same nursing course or two failures and/or withdrawals from different nursing courses, the nursing student will be terminated from the nursing program. A prior failure/withdrawal from a nursing course at another program will be counted in determining termination from the ENMU-Roswell program. If the nursing student is terminated from the nursing program, that individual may petition to the Nursing Review Committee for consideration of re-entry into the nursing core courses. Students applying for re-entry must provide information regarding academic standing at the time of the withdrawal and/or circumstances surrounding the failure to the Nursing Review Committee. The petition letter should also address what actions the student is taking to improve his/her academic success should he/she be approved for entry/re-entry into the nursing core courses.

The Nursing Review Committee will consider a student’s academic standing in nursing courses at the time of the withdrawals and circumstances surrounding withdrawal or failure in determining eligibility for entry/re-entry. There will be a 0.25 GPA deduction due to previous enrollment in this level of the nursing program. GPA is calculated on the required degree plan courses (not including developmental courses, BIOL 152/152L, and nursing assisting courses) successfully completed to date. Failing grades in nursing courses to be repeated are not computed in the GPA. A minimum GPA of 2.75 (after 0.25 deduction for previous enrollment) is required. Refer to the Special Requirements for Re-entry into the Nursing Core Courses section in the Catalog for further description of the requirements for re-entry into the nursing Academic Standards Committee.

(Reference ENMU-Roswell 2014-2015 Catalog)

11. Licensure testing requirements

Students must have completed each required nursing course with a grade of “C” or better, must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0, and must have filed for graduation by the semester deadline date and before the expected completion date. In addition, a comprehensive NCLEX predictor assessment test is part of program completion. A passing score as determined by ENMU-Roswell Nursing Department is required in order to release the student’s Certification of Eligibility for Graduation form to the New Mexico Board of Nursing or similar form required by other state boards of nursing. This assessment test is administered toward the end of the student’s final semester of enrollment in the nursing core courses. If the student does not attain a passing score on the assessment test, the student must complete an approved NCLEX review and re-test at the student’s expense on the comprehensive NCLEX predictor assessment test.

12. Clinical contract for students in their final semester before graduation who are not enrolled in a major direct patient/client care clinical course:

Students who are enrolled in their final semester of the nursing core courses but who are not enrolled in a clinical/practicum course with direct patient/client care responsibilities will be required to complete a limited clinical contract. The purpose of this limited clinical contract is to assist nursing students in maintaining their nursing clinical reasoning skills and technical skills during a semester in which they are not in the direct patient care area on a regular basis. Completion of this limited clinical contract will not affect the previously earned grades in practicum nursing courses already completed. This clinical contract will include the students demonstrating required nursing skills and successfully completing a 2-day supervised experience in a direct patient care medical-surgical area. If the student is unable to satisfactorily complete the 2-day clinical rotation one extension of 2-days will be granted. If the student is unable to complete the clinical rotation during the extension the student will be required to complete the clinical rotation the following semester.

13. A dosage calculation/medication administration competency exam and various nursing technical skill competencies are evaluated each semester in NURS 110L, 112L, 201L, 216L, 217L, and 220L. The student must successfully complete this competency exam and appropriately demonstrate the required nursing technical skills before the end of the clinical course orientation period. Criteria for successful completion of this competency exam and criteria for appropriate demonstration of the required nursing technical skills are defined in each clinical practicum course syllabus. Students who do not meet these requirements by the end of the clinical orientation period must withdraw from the clinical practicum course. The student may apply for re-entry into the clinical course for the next semester that the course is offered and space is available.

14. Nursing students with four or more nursing course failures or who have a total of 8

or more nursing course withdrawals will not be considered for re-entry

into the Nursing program.


Cell phones and pagers are to be turned off during class and clinical time and/or exam times. Use of any electronic devices in class or clinical must be approved by the instructor. Students are not to receive personal calls or overhead pages while in the clinical area unless it is an emergency. Appropriate use of technology and electronic devices in the clinical area is discussed in each clinical course syllabus.


Students are not allowed to record any nursing course without referral from Special Services.

Students who receive permission from Special Services to record lectures will not be allowed

to share recorded lecture content with other students. Students are to return all recorded

lecture materials at the conclusion of each semester. The student’s written request to

record lectures and the signed recording policy form will be placed in the student’s

confidential file.


In accordance with the Americans with Disability Act, ENMU-R offers a range of student

services. It is the responsibility of students to discuss disabilities and special learning

environment needs with their instructors as early as possible. Students with special needs are

to schedule an appointment with the Director of Special Services so that their individual

needs can be appropriately assessed.

(Reference: ENMU-Roswell 2014-2015 Catalog).


All students are assigned a nursing faculty advisor. It is the student’s responsibility to

contact one’s assigned faculty advisor at least two times per semester. Nursing student

advisement will be scheduled at least one time per semester usually at the beginning of each



Individual office hours for each faculty member are posted on the faculty

member's office door.


Mandatory drug screening is required prior to entering a clinical area; typically during the first two weeks of the program and will be scheduled by the Division of Health faculty. The fee for this drug screening will be added to the student’s ENMU-Roswell account. Students must pass the mandatory drug screening to remain in the program. Some clinical facilities Policy and Procedure’s state a student who does not pass the drug screen will not be allowed in the facility as a health student for 12-months. Appeals can be made according to the process outlined in the ENMU-Roswell Student Handbook. (Reference: ENMU-Roswell 2014-2015 Catalog- Standards of Behavior, Disciplinary Appeal, and Drug Free Campus Policy and Information).


The background investigation will include a review of the United States Department of Motor Vehicles driver’s license status and history of citations, the United States Department of Public Safety criminal history, the United States Judiciary Data Base, and any additional data base as indicated as required by a clinical facility. The background investigation will be conducted prior to the student beginning a nursing clinical rotation. The background check will be repeated if the student has been away from the nursing clinical rotations for 90 days or more. This is a requirement of several of the agencies/facilities used for clinical experiences. If the student does not pass the background investigation, the student will not be allowed to continue in the nursing core courses. Students who have a felony conviction within the past 7-years and/or a misdemeanor conviction within the past 3-years may not be allowed in clinical facilities; thus preventing the students continuance in the nursing program. Appeals can be made according to the process outlined in the ENMU-Roswell Student Handbook. The fee for this background check will be added to the student’s ENMU-Roswell account. (Reference: ENMU-Roswell 2014-2015 Catalog- Disciplinary Appeal).


Increased exposure to a variety of illnesses is part of working as a health care provider and students will receive instruction in the theory and practice of infection control precautions and barrier techniques. These precautions and techniques are to be followed in all areas of the program. Students will be provided a list of the required immunizations and titers prior to enrollment in nursing clinical courses.

Students are expected to inform their instructors of any physical and/or mental health condition or change in health condition that may jeopardize the health of one's self or others in academic and/or clinical settings. Students will not place themselves or others at unusual risk of injury or disease.

Students are responsible for their own health insurance. Unless there are special circumstances, only emergency medical care at the students' expense will be provided for incidents in the clinical area. Proof of medical insurance is required by some of the agencies/facilities used for clinical experiences.


Freshman (Level I) Semesters - Must be purchased before attending clinical experiences.

1. stethoscope

2. teal colored scrubs

3. solid black or white closed toe shoes (athletic or clogs-no high heels)

4. bandage scissors and hemostat

5. pen light

6. watch with a second hand

7. name pin (first name only)

8. black ink pen and pencil

9. blood pressure cuff

10. bag with clinical supplies (spring semester)

11. calculator

12. clinical supplies as indicated and available through the bookstore

Some of this equipment may be purchased at the Bookstore.

Sophomore (Level II) Semesters

1. All of the equipment required during the freshman (Level I) semesters and bag with clinical supplies (purchased at ENMU-Roswell Bookstore). Forest or hunter green scrubs.

2. Additional supplies as indicated and available through the bookstore.

3. Application for graduation and graduation fee-submit to Admissions and

4. Records. Refer to the Catalog for graduation application deadline dates. (Reference: ENMU-Roswell 2014-2015 Catalog).

5. NCLEX Examination Registration Application packet and registration fee

(required)-available on-line. Registration site will be provided prior to graduation.

6. New Mexico State Board of Nursing Examination Application forms and

fingerprinting cards, licensure fee and national background check fee (required). Students planning on applying for licensure in another state are responsible for contacting that state’s Board of Nursing to obtain application forms. Application forms are available on- line at the New Mexico Board of Nursing web page at bon.state.nm.us.

7. Graduation cap and gown if participating in graduation ceremony-

purchased at the Bookstore.

8. Graduation announcements-purchased at the Bookstore (optional).

9. Nursing pin-purchased at the Bookstore for spring pinning ceremony.

December, May, and August graduates participate in the pinning ceremony during the year of their graduation with an associate of science in nursing degree.


An orientation may be provided to students progressing into the first semester of nursing core courses. This orientation is usually scheduled within two weeks of the start of the fall semester. During this orientation period, students will discuss and practice basic physical assessment skills, review anatomy and physiology as related to physical assessment findings, review basic math skills used in dosage calculation, and demonstrate skill competency in vital signs assessment, hand washing technique, and safe patient/client transfer techniques. Orientation to the nursing core courses is scheduled during the first two to three weeks of each semester.

Transfer students and licensed practical nurses wishing to complete an associate degree in nursing must attend orientation classes that are scheduled prior to the beginning of the first semester in the nursing program. These classes address using APA format for writing assignments, dosage calculations, and study skills. Please contact the Nursing Program Director for the dates of this orientation.


Academic Enhancement is highly recommended for all students enrolled in nursing courses. Each nursing theory course may have a related academic enhancement course which meets one to two times a week. This course follows the same topic schedule as the corresponding lecture course. Some nursing courses use academic skills lab for administration of quizzes and exams. Other nursing courses use academic enhancement time for lecture make-up if scheduled lecture time is used for quizzes and exams. Any student who is having difficulty in a course must attend the associated academic enhancement course. Academic enhancement is primarily used for case studies and review of content/concepts addressed in lecture. The immediate review of exams may be scheduled either during class following the exam or during academic enhancement. Academic enhancement structure is determined by each assigned faculty member.


Microsoft Word is the only accepted word processing format for written assignments. The student will need email and internet access. All of the nursing theory courses have Blackboard supplements. All enrolled students are provided with an ENMU email account. All email correspondence between students and faculty will be through the student’s and faculty member’s campus email address. Personal email will not be used for correspondence. High speed (not dial up) internet connection facilitates access to and use of internet based courses and course web supplements. High speed internet access is available on campus. A nursing computer lab is available in HSC 167. The lab is open every Tuesday and Wednesday from 8-8. The lab is available other times as indicated.

Students are required to maintain on file both with administration and the nursing program director, a current telephone number where they may be reached in an emergency or for questions throughout the nursing program.


These policies are explained in each individual nursing theory and clinical course syllabus. A grade of “C” or higher (77.0 or higher) is required in all nursing courses. Grades will be calculated to the first position to the right of the decimal and will not be rounded up or down.

Nursing Program Grading Scale

Grades for nursing courses are based on the following letter and percentage scale:





F……….69.9% and below


Students are expected to provide professional care to ALL individuals in accordance with the following:

"The student provides services with respect for human dignity and the uniqueness of the clients unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems."


All students are required to sign a statement regarding the policy on confidentiality. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in dismissal from the program and/or failure in a nursing course. Students will be asked to read and sign the following statement:

“Confidentiality is essential in providing patient care. Legal regulations ensure patients/clients the right to have all information remain confidential. Therefore, nursing students must be aware and maintain this confidentiality. In addition to this form I may be required to sign other confidentiality statements at clinical sites.

I am fully aware clients/patients, families, and health team members have the right to privacy and confidentiality of all information, either of medical or personal nature. I will not purposely divulge this information either verbally, in writing, or electronically to unauthorized persons.

I will not access patient/client information unless there is a clinical need to know as deemed necessary by the clinical instructor.”

A copy of the signed confidentiality form will be kept in the nursing student’s file. Students are expected to abide by this confidentiality policy while enrolled in the nursing program. Any violation of the confidentiality policy may result in the student being dismissed from the course, the nursing program, and/or the university.


Students are to bring 2 pencils, a basic calculator (not a cell phone), and student ID to class on exam days. Books and personal items are to be left at the back of the classroom or in the student’s car unless otherwise directed by the instructor. Refer to each individual course syllabus for other instructions. Students testing in testing services are to arrive on time with only the materials required for testing and to remain quiet in hallways in areas where other students may be testing.

DRESS CODE POLICY - applies to all clinical settings whether on or off campus. The dress code policies of the clinical facilities supersede the following ENMU-Roswell dress code policies

1. UNIFORM - Purchased by students.

Full uniform - freshly laundered, wrinkle-free ENMU-R student scrubs (teal color for Level I students, hunter green color for Level 2 students), hose/socks, closed-toe shoes, wrist watch with sweep second hand, bandage scissors, and name pin. Appropriate foundation garments or undergarments must be worn under the student’s scrubs.

NAME PIN: White with black lettering.

Example: First Name

ENMU-Roswell Nursing Student

(The name pin may be purchased at the ENMU-Roswell Bookstore)

2. SHOES – clean, closed-toe solid black or white, offer good support, and are low healed with rubber soles. Shoe laces must be washed and clean. Shoes should not have flashing lights or roller blades/wheels.

3. HAIR - Will be worn OFF the uniform collar and will be neatly arranged when on duty. This applies to men as well as women. No adornments should be worn in the hair. Excessive or unconventional hair style may be prohibited in some clinical facilities. Side burns, beards, and mustaches must be trimmed and neatly maintained.

4. NAILS - Will be clean, short with nail tips less than 1/4 inch in length, and cuticle well groomed. No nail polish may be worn. Artificial nails may not be worn during any clinical rotations.

5. JEWELRY/TATTOOS - No jewelry, EXCEPT wedding band and wrist watch will be worn by student nurses in the clinical area. This includes visible body piercing jewelry. All hand (wedding band) and arm jewelry (watch) may have to be removed before attending clinical in certain patient care areas.

Posts must be worn in pierced ears (1 post per ear). No loop or dangling earrings, facial jewelry, necklaces, or lanyards of any kind will be worn because of safety. All tattoos MUST be covered.

6. PERFUMES - No perfumes, scented lotions, or shaving lotions may be worn. Avoid use of detergents or fabric softeners with strong scents.

7. COSMETICS - Slightly and tastefully applied, this can enhance one’s appearance. Heavy make-up is not to be worn.

8. HYGIENE - The acceptable rules of personal hygiene are to be observed by all nursing students (daily bath, use of deodorant, clean fresh clothing, and clean hair). Oral hygiene is to be observed. Extra hygiene measures need to be taken by persons who smoke. Fabric freshener may be needed if student’s clothes/scrubs are exposed to cigarette smoke.

9. EQUIPMENT - B/P cuff, stethoscope, bandage scissors, hemostat, pen light, wrist watch with sweep second hand, black ink pen, permanent marker, pencil, basic calculator, and clinical skills bag with clinical supplies. Other items may be designated by the course instructor.

10. CLASSROOM DRESS CODE -Students are expected to dress appropriately when in class. Please wear appropriate foundation garments and under garments. Low cut tops of any kind, mid-drift tops, halter tops, strapless tops, short shorts, and low cut pants may be offensive to others. Please avoid clothes with slogans or slang that may be offensive. Violations of dress code during class time may lead to all students being required to wear scrubs to all nursing classes.

Nursing students and instructors will abide by the individual clinical facility dress code policies. The instructor will ask the student to cover/change/remove the offending form of dress, hair, makeup, piercing, body modification, tattoo, body marks, etc. The only form of visible piercing jewelry allowed will be one small stud earring to each ear. No tongue studs or other forms of visible piercings are allowed in the clinical setting.


1. TEAS Testing

Prior to students being accepted into the nursing program the student is required to take the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills). This testing will be completed prior to May 1, 2015. The fee for this test must be paid or added to the student financial plan prior to taking the TEAS exam. Admission into the fall 2015 class, a student is required to have a composite score at the 40th percentile or higher nationally in Reading. Progression into the nursing core courses requires a 40th percentile Nationally in Reading, applicants who have taken the TEAS fail to meet the minimum 40th percentile will be permitted to re-test one time. Only 2 attempts will be permitted before the May 1, 2015 deadline.

2. C.A.A.P. Testing

The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the National League of Nursing, the Commission on Higher Education and the State Department of Vocational-Technical and Adult Education require student outcome measurements. Therefore, as a requirement for graduation from ENMU-Roswell, each student must take the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (C.A.A.P.) tests prior to graduation. (Reference: ENMU-Roswell 2014-2015 Catalog).

3. Nursing Exit Exam

A comprehensive nursing exam evaluating students’ mastery of nursing content will be administered toward the end of the students’ final semester in the nursing program. Results will provide information regarding students’ readiness to take the NCLEX-RN licensure exam. Students who score below the 75th percentile on this exam will be required to complete an approved remediation program to assist them in reviewing nursing content and concepts. The required score on this exam is subject to change based on faculty review and interpretation of standardized exam results. Re-testing following completion of the remediation program is required. This comprehensive exam takes approximately 3 hours and 15 minutes to complete. The cost of this exam including one re-test is included in the Nursing Testing Readiness Fee paid by all nursing students during each semester of enrollment in the nursing program. Students must score at the 75th percentile or higher on this exam before the Nursing Program Director or Registrar will sign and send the Certification of Eligibility for Graduation form or official student transcript to the New Mexico State Board of Nursing or appropriate form to other state boards of nursing. The Certification of Eligibility for Graduation form or official student transcript must be received by the Board of Nursing before the graduate can register to take the NCLEX exam.


Students must successfully complete all courses listed on the degree plan in the ENMU-Roswell student catalog. A CUMULATIVECOLLEGE GRADE POINT AVERAGE OF 2.0 IS REQUIRED. A grade of C (77%) or higher is required for all nursing courses. An application for graduation must be filed with the Admissions and Records Office by the deadline date listed in the Catalog. All students must apply for graduation whether or not they plan to participate in Commencement. Students participating in Commencement may purchase gowns, caps, and announcements at the college bookstore. (Reference: ENMU-Roswell 2014-2015 Catalog).


It is the responsibility of all students to:

1. Apply for graduation by the deadline date - Admissions and Records Office.

2. Submit the NCLEX Examination Registration form and fee (will be discussed during the student's last semester).

3. Submit the New Mexico State Board of Nursing Examination Application form, fingerprinting cards and forms, licensure fee and national background check fee- (will be discussed during the student’s last semester).

4. The Nursing Program Director & Director of Admissions will send a Certification of Eligibility for Graduation Certificate or official student transcript to the New Mexico Board of Nursing after final grades are entered, a degree audit is completed and the graduate has obtained a score at the 75th percentile or higher on the Nursing Exit Exam. If taking licensure exam in a state other than New Mexico, graduates will contact and comply with that state's requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to contact that state’s board of nursing to obtain required application form.


ENMU-Roswell values student alumni and employer feedback and uses such feedback for program improvement. Students will be asked to complete a program evaluation during their last semester before graduation. Alumni will be contacted approximately 12 months after graduation to complete a self-evaluation. Employers are also contacted approximately 12 months after each nursing class graduates. All responses are confidential.


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