February 2, 2015

6:00 P.M.

Mayor Douglas Meier called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance on Monday February 2, 2015 at 6:00 P.M.

Council members attending were: Bernie Johnson, David Vold, Kim Ostlie, Mark Duncan and Scott Phipps. Curtis Huus was absent. Special guests were: Jackie Bye from the Hatton Park District, Lance Dahl and Lowell Nelson from Overmoe & Nelson LTD. Jackie Buchwitz and Dana Boe from the Hatton Free Press were also in attendance.

Dave Vold started the meeting by presenting a thank you card from Curly McLain Family expressing their thanks for the friendship and respect that the City of Hatton has shown for Curly throughout the years and how much pride Curly had for the City of Hatton.

Jackie Bye from the Hatton Park District attended the meeting at the City Councils request in order to re-evaluate and possibly make changes to the yearly contract between the City of Hatton and the Hatton Park District. Jackie Bye reported that the Park District has decided to install numbers and padlocks onto the water access spigots at the park and provide a phone number for potential campers to call for reservations. Once the reservations have been set up and the campers arrive, someone from the Park District will unlock the water supply for the duration of their stay. The Park District will again be contacted when the campers are checking out of the Campground, in order to take payment, turn off the water and lock up the water supply. Item # 4 of the contract between the City of Hatton and the Hatton Park District was revised to read as follows: “The Hatton Park District will pay the City of Hatton $2.00 per day, per camper, for water for those campers who park on a daily, weekly or monthly basis at the camping site located at the North end of the trailer court. The Park Clerk will record and submit the check to the City Auditor at the end of November every Calendar year.”

Lance Dahl met with the City Council to update them on his property cleanup. He stated that he has removed and cleaned up most of the items with the exception of a few items frozen to the ground. He will be removing these items when the ground thaws. The City council expressed their appreciation for his cleanup endeavors and will take no further action at this time.

Lowell Nelson, from Overmoe & Nelson LTD, presented the completed 2014 Audit to the City Council. Upon review of the audit, the financial statement findings and the activities in each major fund, Lowell reported that the 2014 Audit was a “clean” audit, had no material misstatements and was in compliance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Lowell recommended that the City of Hatton adopt the GASB 68 rule regarding listing the retirement contributions as a liability to the City on their future financial statements. This item will be added to the March 2nd agenda and meeting. Dave Vold made the motion to accept the 2014 audit findings as presented by Lowell Nelson. Kim Olstle seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Bernie Johnson made a motion to accept the Minutes of the January 5, 2015 Council Meeting. David Vold seconded. Motion carried.

The January financial reports were reviewed and discussed. Scott Phipps made a motion to accept the January 2015 financial reports. Kim Ostlie seconded. Motion carried.

Bernie Johnson made the motion to accept the submitted December 2014 Municipal Court Report. Scott Phipps seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Mark Duncan made the motion to approve the payments of the following bills: Aflac; $324.46, BC/BS; $905.40, Braun Electric; $6,937.72, Card Member Services; $39.57, Century Link; $137.26, Gaffaney’s; $501.66, Grand Forks Traill Water Dist.; $7,319.60, Grand Forks Traill Water Dist. $3,025.35, Hatton Co-op Oil; $202.49, Hatton Economic Development; $2,333.51, Hatton Free Press; $232.93, Hatton Park District; $2,693.13, John Deere Financial; $432.26, Marco Inc.; $312.50, Midcontinent Communications; $171.44, Millers Fresh Foods;$ 22.76, Municipal Government Academy; $30.00, ND Dept. of Health; $16.00, ND State Tax Commissioner; $204.87, NDPERS; $952.31, Team Lab (Laker Chemical); $58.50, Timeless Memories; $80.25, Traill County Treasurer; (Drain Specials)$11.92, Traill County Treasurer; (Police Salary) $4,034.24, US Treasury; $1,907.02, USPS; $112.54, Verizon Wireless; $70.88, Waste Management of ND; $9,218.83, Xcel Energy(Street Lighting); $1,508.62, and Xcel Energy(City Utilities); $889.92. Scott Phipps seconded the Motion. Motion carried.

Kim Ostlie made the motion to reimburse $46.00 to Jackie Buchwitz for mileage for the delivery of the 2014 financials to Overmoe & Nelson LTD in Grand Forks on January 12, 2015. Mark Duncan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The annual “Mayor for a Day Contest” was discussed. Because the statewide 3rd Grade contest deadline is so early this year, Scott Phipps made the motion that David Vold will collaborate with some of the teachers at Hatton Public School and select a student for the “Mayor for A Day.” and the City will honor the selected student during the March 2nd Council meeting. Mark Duncan seconded the motion. Motion carried

The Hatton City Council reviewed the Employee Salary schedule and elected to publish this schedule as mandated by the NDCC. Scott Phipps made the motion to publish an annual, rather than a monthly, Employee Salary Report. Mark Duncan seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. This report will be reviewed at each February meeting for the previous year. The 2014 report is as follows:


Employee Salary Report

For Payrolls from 1/1/14 to 12/31/14

BRAATEN, LINDSEY; $1,781.00, BUCHWITZ, JACKIE; $38,461.27, DUNCAN, MARK; $600.00, ELLIS, CODY; $1,266.30, ELLIS, XAVIER T.; $2,678.10, ELLIS, PAT; $5,423.05, ENGLER, CHELSIE; $677.58, ENGLER, CONNOR; $297.20, GLENNON, ANNETTE $300.00; GRINDELAND, EDSON $471.60; HURST, BETTY $2,658.55; HUUS, CURTIS $300.00; JOHNSON, ARDEN $6,715.21; JOHNSON, BERNARD $600.00; MARTINEZ, ALMA $218.30; MEIER, DOUGLAS $1,200.00; MOE, THOMAS $600.00; OSTLIE, KIM $600.00; PEDERSON, JACE $1,815.00; PHIPPS, SCOTT $600.00; SOLHEIM, ARIK; $56,025.07; TRAILL COUNTY DEPUTY, $21,999.96; VETTLESON, LOGAN $2,782.78; VOLD, J. DAVID $600.00; WORKIN, LANDON $2,134.00

TOTAL: $150,802.97.

Having no other business, Mark Duncan made the motion to adjourn; seconded by Scott Phipps. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10P.M.

The next City Council meeting will be held on Monday March 2, 2015 at 6:00 PM.

Hatton Mayor: _______________________________ Auditor: ___________________________________

Douglas Meier Jackie Buchwitz

Subject to approval


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