Mapleton, North Dakota

Mapleton City Council MinutesOfficialTuesday Oct 13, 2020 6:00 pmPledgeCall to order 6:00Present: Draeger, Thornton, Radcliffe & AstrupAbsent: HillmanMotion Thornton approve agenda, Astrup 2nd RCV/MCMotion Astrup, approve consent agenda: Meeting Minutes 9/8, bills paid August bills to be paid September: Ameripride 336.11; BCBS 3050.10; CC Gov 94.35 & 1871.59; CC Reporter 220.88; CRW 15,354.89; Chem Lab 551.58; Dietz 27.71; Electric Pump 530.50; Farnams 310.55; First Intl Ins 21.00; Fleetpride 19.96; Gordy’s 141.72; Hillman 138.53; Kuhne 27.71; Loffler 141.49; M Hinschberger 28.48; Midco 236.76; Moore Eng 22,719.15;ND Dept of Health 251.58; NDLC 175; Nelson Intl. 307; Netcenter Tech 1161.25; Ohnstad 2296.44; One Call 40.80; Ottertail 3448.63 & 32.78; Pederson 32.32; Ryan, J 27.71; RVS Softw 370.05; Superior Elect 49,804; Sweeney 2122.93; Verizon 112.03; WM 9405.61: Transfers & Financials prior to accountant review, Thornton 2nd. RCV/MCSchool – Jay D & Josh R - free lunches will continue through 2021 school year. The daycare will be discontinued at the end of this year. WM- Paul K. – renewal 3% increase, term 5 years. Motion Radcliffe 2nd Thornton RCV/MCVolunteer Fire Dept – Kayla Cross – fire chief approval, motion Astrup, 2nd ThorntonPark Board- Donna – Halloween – looking into trunk & treat with school, lions, fire & city Oct 31 in the afternoon.MIS- Mike – Existing home moved into MG 2nd - additions will have major changes to its appearance, the owner will be installing new siding, roofing, windows, and doors. Sidewalk and approach inspections have had issues when tying into existing on new construction – it has been challenging for the contractors to schedule line and grade surveys. Current system is not working well. Recommend having Moore Engineering handle the process so it is a one stop shop reducing confusion for everyone involved. Duane & Tom have assisted on several properties to give suggestions and advise corrections for non-typical installs due to previous work not being installed properly.Motion approving changes ordinance10-0114-4 (other ages allowed, restaurant & no separate room required)- Astrup 2nd, Thornton. 1st Reading Ordinance change 249-20, motion Thornton, 2nd Astrup.Crushed Concrete – for east side of shop – Key Contracting $4.00 per sq ft (2100 sf) $8400. (bldg. fund) Motion Radcliffe, 2nd Thornton. RCV/MCCovid-19 – will address at next personnel meeting.Engineer: BrandonGround Water Storage – Bypass piping is complete. Will make pipe connections from new to existing tanks the week of Oct 26th. Disinfection & filling next step after that. Substantial completion Oct 15, 2020 however an extension will be requested due to bypass piping delay. Final Completion expected June 15, 2021. Superior Change order #3 ($2057.94) motion Radcliffe 2nd Thornton, & Superior Pay App #4 ($49,804.) motion Astrup, 2nd Radcliffe RCV/MCWater Distribution System Loss – Brandon - 10% considered good, 15% reasonable. Auditor provided spreadsheet listing water pumped & sold by gallons & costs. Duane – numbers that are pumped, stored & sold will never be the same. He has contacted ND Rural Water for assistance. Wastewater treatment expansion – will schedule closing date to cut checks after J Meyer’s easement is received. Diversion Authority MOU will be split into 2 phases, first for the preliminary engineering for cost estimates, then for full project cost for crossing diversion channels. Diversion authority paying for all costs related to the “betterment” of crossing the diversion channel, including all non-construction related fees (engineering, legal, et.). 6th Ave SW –Forde’s are attempting to purchase the Hagemeister property, which would resolve acquiring the right-of-way for the east-west road. If these negotiations fail, the city does have a motion to proceed with eminent domain to acquire the right-of-way. Motion Thornton for Moore to complete topographic survey to get the project going, 2nd Astrup. Motion Astrup to complete application to BND Funding for 2% interest funding, 2nd Thornton. RCV/MC Benefits of BND 1) simple, 2) drawing funds as you need them. Cty 11 Shared Use Path – Carl Olsen Street to Sunset Dr –Will be scheduling meeting with PW Committee later this month.City wide street improvements - inspections complete to be sent and reviewed. Will be scheduling meeting with PW Committee later this month.Original Townsite Sewer, Water & Street Imp. – on hold – waiting for funding options Levee Recertification– is being reviewed by FEMA – will be recognized in new flood plan maps when complete.PW - Duane – state approved burn permit for burn pile. Lagoon results back & good. Wrapping up equipment prep for winter. Speed bumps to be removed this week.Current storage rental for city equipment, will be sold, motion Thornton approving up to $700.00 including (utilities) for shop space, 2nd Radcliffe (Astrup recused) RCV/MC.Key will train Moore & PW employees for proper dressing and inspecting of new vault (no cost).Mayor Draeger – city will not create A/R situations for mowing (Westway). Personnel meeting – Nov 3 @ 6:00 pm. Reviews to be done prior.Motion Astrup to adjourn 2nd Radcliffe.___________________________________________________________________Mayor, Andrew DraegerAttest: Mary Hinschberger ................

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