American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Ohio

American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Ohio

Report to: Report for the House of Delegates

Report of: American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science – Ohio (ASCLS-Ohio)

Submitted for: Annual Board Meeting

Prepared by: Stacy Baker, President

Date: June 2012

[pic]Summary of Activities:

The major goals and priorities established for the society this year included finalizing the strategic plan, holding a successful educational conference, engaging membership in all aspects of the society and holding an inaugural charity event during the educational conference. Other goals for the past year included remembering the importance of nominations and finding the appropriate candidates in advance for these positions, updating the website frequently, and producing a relevant and timely newsletter for membership.

The Board of Directors met in September 2011, via phone conference in February 2012, met in April 2012 and plans to meet via phone conference in July of this year for a strategic planning meeting with both the outgoing and incoming Board of Directors.


A goal of ASCLS-Ohio this past year was to engage membership through multiple communication channels. I made it a personal goal of my Presidency to update the website frequently regarding state, regional and national issues. I also produced three newsletters that were emailed to members this past year. The Membership Committee updated the Facebook site frequently to engage members as well. I utilized the national website to direct members to the ASCLS-Ohio website regarding updates I had posted. Emails were sent to members when necessary to update them regarding important events that occurred throughout the year.

Continuing Education

The Annual Collaborative Laboratory Conference and Meeting was a great celebration with all the attendees. ASCLS-Ohio collaborated with other laboratory professional organizations throughout the state to have “An Exploration of Medical Laboratory Science”. The conference was co-sponsored by AACC-NE Ohio Section, ASCLS-Ohio and CLMA-First Ohio, Western Lake Erie, and Six Rivers Chapters. We had informative sessions with engaging speakers on over 45 topics and PACE credit was provided. The vendors’ support and contributions helped us provide affordable continuing education. The social dinner and a bowling outing during the evenings created great friendships and networking opportunities. At the ASCLS-Ohio Member Business Meeting, nominees were elected for the positions of Treasurer, Junior Director, and two Senior Directors.

Another goal of my Presidency was to start a volunteer drive for ASCLS-Ohio. This year, the CLC held the first ever food drive for the MidOhio Foodbank. Over five large boxes of food were collected and more than $200.00 in donations was raised.

Long Range / Strategic Planning

The goal of my remaining year of Presidency focused on developing a different approach to strategic planning that would engage both new and seasoned members of ASCLS-Ohio. It should also provide clear deadlines, end of the year review and future direction for the organization.

At the first Board of Directors Meeting in the Fall, a SWOT analysis was conducted and this laid the framework for what was primarily important in our organization. I then reviewed countless templates proposed through businesses in reference to written strategic plans and came up with a template accepted by our own Board of Directors that will be used for the first time this coming year 2012-2013. This strategic planning sheet will set goals and deadlines for both individual board members and committees tasked by the President and myself. As the Past-President, I will take responsibility on following up on the deadlines and implementing the strategic plan for this coming year, under close discussion with our incoming President, Annie Shifley.

Membership Development

Membership was a main focus of ASCLS-Ohio over the past year and was the core of the strategic plan. The strategic plan for ASCLS-Ohio now provides a three year plan to increase membership.

Key accomplishments for this year were:

• All members of ASCLS were invited to go to a bowling night at the state conference.

• The Facebook student page was also updated regularly; inviting members to the state meeting, inviting members to bowling, and inviting questions about the organization.

• The website was updated regularly to inform members about important items on the state, region and national levels.

• Newsletters were consistent, as were e-mail communications to increase membership engagement in the organization.

Leadership Development

ASCLS-Ohio worked very hard this year on nominations. There was more than one person running for some positions, which is remarkable and a testament to a good recruitment effort this year on many people’s behalf. We have several new members volunteering for committees and two new board members joining us for the 2012-2013 Board of Directors.

On another note, the Region IV Leadership Conference was held on October 15, 2011. Beth Flynn, from The Ohio State University, led the group to another successful event in leadership development.

Student Scholarships

The ASCLS-Ohio/Stella Griffin Memorial Scholarship, in the amount of $1000.00, was awarded to Jacob Diaz, a senior in the MLS Program at the Ohio State University.

Government Affairs

ASCLS-Ohio was represented this year at the Legislative Symposium in March by Past- President Cathy Shaffner and Gideon Labiner. Meetings with Ohio Senators and Congressional representatives were conducted with members of organization representatives, Paul Labbe of CLMA and John Sherer of AMT. Altogether our members met with the eight offices. From congress our group from Ohio met with Congressmen Austria, Chabot, Latta, Schmidt, Tiberi, and Turner. They also met with both the offices of Senators Portman and Brown.     


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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