Amazon Web Services

MSALT 2000



May, 2004


1. Use blue pencil for all coding work.

2. Write all numbers on the non-stapled edge of the page.

3. Put all codes next to the corresponding question on the page.

4. Code Yes/No answers as: 1 = Yes, 2 = No.

5. Code “0”, “00”, or “000” if a respondent appropriately skips a question. For example, if

a respondent answers “no” and then subsequently skips a question which is contingent on

a “yes” response.

6. Code “9”, “99”, or “999” if a respondent does not answer a question s/he should have


7. Round ½ and .5 to the nearest even number (e.g., respondent wrote 6.5, code 6).

8. Look for unusual or random patterns that might indicate lack of attention.

9. For questions about age or number of years, average and then round to the nearest even

number if two numbers are written.

10. If a respondent circles more than one number on a scale: a). if the two numbers are in

sequence, circle in blue the number closer to the middle of the scale and cross out the

other answer; b). if the two numbers are at opposite ends of the scale then code “9” and

cross out both responses made by the respondent.

11. If a respondent half circles a number or writes in a number and it is hard to read, make

sure to reinforce the response by writing over it in blue pencil or writing it over in the

margin after crossing it out. If a number is illegible, cross it out and code “9” for missing


12. If the respondent circles a number on an example scale found at the top of a series of

scale questions, cross it out.

13. If the respondent checked off responses instead of writing numbers on the lines of a

series of scale questions, code “9” for missing data.

14. If a respondent answers “4 to 6 months,” or another response that includes a length of time instead of a specific response, then take an average and code the average (for example, for 4-6 months, code 5 months).

v32000 = participant ID (5 spaces)

v32040 = month received (01 - 12)

v32041 = date received (01-31)

v32042 = year received (00 - 01)

v32043 = are you a

1 = female

2 = male

9 = missing data



*** PAGE 2 ***

A. Time use Think about the kinds of things you usually do each week. We would like to know how much time you spend on these activities in a typical week. (CHECK ONE LINE FOR EACH QUESTION):

About how many hours do you usually spend each week ...

1 = none

2 = 1 hour or less

3 = 2-3 hours

4 = 4-6 hours

5 = 7-10 hours

6 = 11-15 hours

7 = 16-20 hours

8 = 21 or more hours

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32044 = doing work/job-related activities at home?

v32045 = spending focused time with your spouse/ romantic partner/dates?

v32046 = spending focused time with your children? _____ (check here if you have no children)

v32047 = hanging out with close friends other than your spouse/romantic partner?

v32048 = doing indoor housework/chores at home?

v32049 = doing yard work and other outdoor chores at home?

v32050 = watching TV?

v32051 = doing things with your parent(s)?

v32052 = doing organized and/or competitive athletic or sports activities?

v32053 = exercising or doing other fitness activities?

*** PAGE 3 ***

v32054 = using a computer at home (for example: internet, AOL)?

v32055 = reading?

v32056 = doing other intellectual activities?

v32057 = type of other intellectual activities #1

v32058= type of other intellectual activities #2

01 = reading for pleasure (reading, literature, newspapers, scientific magazines)

02 = writing

03 = journals, journal clubs

04 = poetry

05 = writing letters

06 = book clubs

07 = going to the library

08 = helping children with schoolwork

10 = school related (reading for school, school projects, studying, group study)

11 = advanced school related (working on thesis, review for medical school boards, grad school work, CPA review course, writing journal articles)

12 = work related (reading for work, doing production sheets at work, grading papers, planning lessons, EMS planning, after work sessions; sales, union rep, assist husband with work, training materials)

13 = future work/occupation-related (building a business, working on resume, job searching, planning a second business)

14 = planning future

15 = volunteer work

20 = home related (running home, planning meals, designing house projects)

21 = home improvement (remodeling/building projects)

22 = taking care of plants/animals

23 = drawing plans for furniture

30 = math-related/computer (learning software, study programming, computer)

31 = math-related/accounting (working on finances, paying bills, mathematics, bookkeeping)

32 = mechanical/engineering (electronics, work on car, motorcycle clubs, building a race car)

33 = physics, studying physics/metaphysics, science groups

40 = self improvement (concentration exercises, learning, lessons, learning about something,

educational videos, using the dictionary)

41 = workshops, attending lectures, organizational meetings/conferences, seminars

42 = creative thoughts, thinking about inventions, creative activities

43 = competitive intellectual (debates, debate theory)

44 = conversation (intellectual talks, discussing ideas, roundtables, mediation)

45 = teaching (tutoring, editing college papers)

46 = religion-related (religious meeting, Bible study, reading the Bible)

47 = political/social groups, politics

48 = philosophy

49 = psychology

50 = games (crossword puzzles, puzzles, adult games, skill games, strategy games, adventure

card games, chess, mind games, word search, jeopardy; cards, role-playing games)

51 = sports, general (sports stats)

52 = collections (coins, stamps, saltwater fish tank)

60 = cultural (attending concerts, plays, art shows, museums, good movies, theater, foreign


61 = creative/art-related (painting, drawing, artwork, conceptual artwork, photography)

62 = creative/music-related (music, playing music, writing music, composing, studying musical scores, symphony, opera)

63 = crafts/design (misc.)

64 = languages (studying foreign languages, e.g., Japanese)

65 = travel

70 = research, general (researching artists)

71 = research on family history

72 = investment research, stock market

73 = paying the bills

80 = CNN, PBS, etc.

81 = listening to the radio (i.e., NPR)

98 = misc./other (CARD);

Helping friends out # 11145

Training materials # 13504

Daily activities

Partylite consultant

Community activities

Collaborating to design lessons

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (respondent checked “none”)

v32059 = playing a musical instrument?

v32060 = working on other creative activities or hobbies?

1 = none

2 = 1 hour or less

3 = 2-3 hours

4 = 4-6 hours

5 = 7-10 hours

6 = 11-15 hours

7 = 16-20 hours

8 = 21 or more hours

9 = missing data

v32061 = type of other creative activities or hobbies #1

v32062 = type of other creative activities or hobbies #2

01 = visual arts (artwork, designing signs, sketching, drawing, drafting, painting, calligraphy, designing, airbrushing, stained glass)

02 = photography

03 = ceramics; pottery

04 = artwork w/children, activities with children

05 = culinary arts (cooking, decorate cakes)

06 = bartending, mixing drinks

07 = planning parties, entertainment management, organizing high school reunion

10 = theater arts (acting, role playing games, stage management)

11 = amateur radio

12 = set building, lighting, production

13 = directing

14 = writing screen plays

15 = comedy (stand-up routines)

16 = modeling

20 = musical arts/active (forming a band, guitar, drums) CARD FOR INSTRUMENTS

21 = reading music, singing, choir

22 = musical arts/passive (listening to music)

23 = collecting (collect coins, stamps, gems, cards, comics, greeting cards, dolls, music singles—CD, tape or vinyl)

24 = writing music

25 = scrapbooking

30 = writing

31 = keeping a journal

32 = writing poetry

33 = letter writing

34 = magazines, books

35 = publishing (desk-top publishing)


*40 = active neutral (horseback riding, bowling, swimming, martial arts, golf, walking, tennis, volleyball, biking)

*41 = active female-type (dancing, yoga, ballet, aerobics, ice skating)

*42 = active male-typed (fishing, 4-wheeling, flying, hockey, motorcycling, target shooting, racing, hunting, boating)

*43 = outdoor activities (sailing, skiing, beach related, snowmobiles, scuba diving, jet skiing, hiking, camping)

50 = sewing (quilting, knitting, cross stitch, needlework, needlepoint, crochet, embroidery, latch hook rugs)

51 = crafts & hobbies, female-typed (crafts, floral design, beading, bridal design, jewelry making, dollhouse, photo album, home decorating, painting ceramic houses, rubber stamping, plastic canvas, interior design, candle making)

52 = crafts & hobbies, male-typed (home beer brewing, building models, wood projects, model aircrafts building, building things, playing pool, aviation, chess, fraternity, radio controlled cars, trains, metal work, construction, fantasy football)

53 = crafts & hobbies, neutral (refinishing furniture, antiques, coins)

54 = mechanical (automobiles, tinkering, car restoration, work on motorcycle, work on bicycle, electronics, work on boats, work on mountain bike)

55 = puzzles, games, crosswords, chess, cards

60 = home-related (home remodeling, home renovations, decorating apartment)

61 = taking care of plants, horticulture, gardening, landscaping

62 = taking care of pets (fish care maintenance, playing with dog, salt water aquarium, collect fish, training my dogs)

63 = bird watching

64 = shopping

65 = cooking

70 = computer (computer programming, website updating)

71 = internet-related (homepage design, fantasy football)

80 = travel

81 = learning foreign language

82 = going to movies

90 = studying religion

91 = geneology research (family history)

92 = finances, bill paying

93 = thinking; my own ideas; researching; inventing

98 = misc.; other (CARD) making things, stringing tennis racquets

body piercing

99 = missing

00 = valid skip (respondent checked "none")

v32063 = providing volunteer or community service?

1 = none

2 = 1 hour or less

3 = 2-3 hours

4 = 4-6 hours

5 = 7-10 hours

6 = 11-15 hours

7 = 16-20 hours

8 = 21 or more hours

9 = missing data

v32064 = type of volunteer or community service

01 = children, general, unspecified (work with kids, youth group, speaking with kids, babysitting)

02 = children, school-related (children's school, school, Head Start)

03 = children, sports (basketball for kids, coaching, MHSAA official)

04 = children, special needs (handicapped kids)

05 = children, mentor programs (mentor, Big Brother/Big Sister, boy/girl scouts)

06 = 4-H

07 = Toys for Tots

08 = Adopt-A-Family

09 = children, other, CARD (help kids stay off drugs)

10 = environment/community-related, general (work with the city, Sparks-Flint Convention and Visitors Bureau,)

11 = gas & nuclear organization

12 = police, watch-tower society

13 = firefighters

14 = rescue mission

15 = Greenpeace

16 = seasonal (Christmas parade, Salvation Army)

17 = business-related (work for a local business, venture club)

18 = tax assistance

19 = leadership/service to a professional group

20 = health related, general

21 = hospital, hospital volunteer

22 = American Red Cross

23 = hospice, AIDS

24 = speech and language placement

25 = work with handicapped, physical therapy

26 = American diabetes

27 = developmentally disabled

28 = American Cancer Society

29 = mental health

30 = women, general

31 = women's shelter, domestic violence, safe house

32 = rape crisis

33 = gay/lesbian organizations

40 = homeless/elderly, general (shop for elderly person)

41 = meals on wheels, food distribution

42 = home-related (Habitat for Humanity, rebuilding homes, Pro Bono construction)

43 = soup kitchen/shelter

50 = Humane Society; work with pets

51 = animals in park

60 = religious, general

61 = Sunday school

62 = Church committee

63 = bible ministry, bible education, missionary work

70 = sports-related, general, non-children

71 = figure skating club/ice snow director

72 = athletic training

80 = military, general

81 = US Army

82 = Navy

85 = campaign (campaign volunteer for 67th district)

90 = school-related, general (educational committee)

91 = Panhellenic (fraternity, sorority)

92 = teaching, unspecified (tutoring, volunteer reading tutor)

93 = parent-teacher organizations

94 = fraternity/sorority alumni associations

95 = auctions/telethons (unspecified)

96 = gave money to charity (e.g., the United Way)

98 = other, various charities (CARD)

Chicago Cares (foodbank, work with children, restoring parks)

CFF committee member

good fellow (RV organization)

Volunteer Impact

donate food, ms walks, lighthouse walks

Independent Order of Foresters

Handbell Choir Director (ID#11768)

various activities (#11387)

amateur radio (#10612)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (respondent checked "none")

v32065 = participating in clubs or organizations?

1 = none

2 = 1 hour or less

3 = 2-3 hours

4 = 4-6 hours

5 = 7-10 hours

6 = 11-15 hours

7 = 16-20 hours

8 = 21 or more hours

9 = missing data

v32066 = type of clubs or organizations #1

v32067 = type of clubs or organizations #2

01 = social clubs (work social club, social fraternity, cards, trivial pursuit at bookstore)

02 = community clubs (Knights of Columbus, sisters of Ohio, VFW, civic clubs, rotary club, Moose club, fire department, American legion, Kiwanas)

03 = sports clubs (bowling, t-ball, basketball, hockey coach, yacht club, coach summer softball,

Detroit social club -sports, volunteer coach, figure skating club, soccer, archery, rowing, running)

04 = religious clubs (church)

05 = hunting & fishing (gun clubs, shooting, American fisheries society, bow and arrow)

06 = outdoor clubs (Sierra club)

07 = astronomy club

08 = motorcycle club

10 = theater clubs, cinewomen club, movie club

11 = dance clubs, dance lessons

12 = music, singing, non-religious (community chorale)

13 = art clubs (painting, painting classes)

14 = language clubs (German, Gaelic society)

15 = amateur radio clubs

16 = medieval clubs

17 = ethnic clubs (Italian-American club)

18 = book club

19 = philosophical clubs (Rosicrucian Order [AMORC])

20 = school clubs, non-academic (student association, clubs on campus, owen graduate association (dormitory association), residence life)

21 = school clubs, academic, non-honors (or unspecified)

22 = school clubs, academic, honorary (Sigma Tau Delta (English fraternity))

23 = Panhellenic clubs (fraternity, sorority, sorority alumni group)

30 = health-related (student nurse association, sports medicine club, Juvenile diabetes, Crohn’s & Colitus Foundation, public health student & alumni association)

31 = AA

32 = food-related (cooking club)

35 = culinary clubs (cooking club)

40 = children (4-H, tutoring, work with handicapped kids, boy scouts, brownies)

41 = women (anti-rape network, women's shelter, women's group, domestic abuse)

42 = gay and lesbian activities

43 = parenting club (PTO—Parent/Teacher Organization)

44 = animal (dog training, pet related, Newfoundland k-9 club, pet shows)

50 = work-related (union meetings, venture club)

51 = engineering (Society for Women Engineers; American society of certified engineering)

52 = business/marketing (Adcraft club (advertising), American Marketing Association; National Agriculture-Marketing Association, stock club)

53 = legal (women’s law laws; Environmental law clubs, legal fraternity)

54 = science clubs (society for American archeology; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Institute of aeronautics & astronautics)

55 = medical occupation-related (Michigan society of radiologic technologists; medical/dental societies; Michigan Speech & Hearing Association; Michigan Nurses’ Association)

56 = police/fire occupations (International association of arson investigation)

57 = education-related (student council advisor, Michigan Education Association)

59 = political party affiliated (Young Democrats/Young Republicans)

60 = political/environmental, general

61 = Peta/Amnesty International

62 = military (ROTC)

63 = enlisted wives club (military spouses)

70 = amateur media club

98 = misc., other (CARD) HOSA, motorcycle club, seminars, BNI; SDA;




Fraternal Order of the Eagles (F.O.E.)


in N.Y.

Southgate Parks & Rec.

Shelters #11211

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (respondent checked "none")

v32068 = doing other leisure activities?

1 = none

2 = 1 hour or less

3 = 2-3 hours

4 = 4-6 hours

5= 7-10 hours

6 = 11-15 hours

7 = 16-20 hours

8 = 21 or more hours

9 = missing data

v32069 = type of other leisure activities #1

v32070 = type of other leisure activities #2

sports - active

01 = horseback riding

02 = roller skating; ice skating; rollerblading

03 = fishing

04 = biking; mountain biking

05 = weight lifting; working out; gym

06 = aerobics; exercise

07 = running

08 = skiing

09 = water-skiing; jet-skiing; kayaking

10 = martial arts; judo

11 = boating, sailing; crew

12 = walking; walks

13 = skate boarding; snowshoeing

14 = snowmobiling

15 = snowboarding

16 = catch (balls; frisbee); hackeysack

17 = nature walks, hiking, camping,

18 = rock climbing; repelling

19 = hunting; shooting; target shooting; bow hunting; archery

competitive sports

20 = organized team sports; sport clubs

21 = softball; baseball

22 = T-ball

23 = soccer

24 = football

25 = basketball

26 = volleyball; wally ball

27 = hockey; floor hockey; roller hockey

28 = indoor sports

individual competitive sports

30 = tennis

31 = swimming, diving

32 = golf

33 = bowling

34 = racquetball; paddleball

35 = gymnastics; tumbling; trampoline

36 = competitive running; track and field

37 = wrestling

38 = dancing, yoga; line dancing; clogging

39 = frisbee golf (FOLF)

games/sports other

40 = pitching horseshoes

41 = ping pong

42 = pool/billiards; darts

43 = miniature golf; Bocci; lawn darts; badminton; croquet

44 = cards

45 = board games

46 = computer; video games, playing Sega, Nintendo, play station

47 = “games,” unspecified

48 = other games (gambling, bingo, pinball)

49 = trivia games

50 = sports passive (sporting events, watching sports)

51 = outdoor activities (going to park, sight-seeing, zoos, the beach, sunset, laying in the sun/ picnics)

52 = motorcycle riding, motor cross

53 = lawn work, gardening

54 = home-related (fixing the house)

55 = culinary related (cooking; baking)

56 = party-planning (wedding coordinator)

60 = hanging out with or helping friends (having fun; talking; driving with friends, visiting friends; talking on the phone, socializing, helping friends out)

61 = going out to clubs, going out to eat, going out, clubs; bars

62 = TV

63 = movies

64 = walking in mall, shopping, running errands

65 = interacting with opposite sex

66 = drinking (social drinking)

68 = coffee houses, bookstores

69 = parties

70 = playing with children, playing with nieces/nephews, visiting relatives; spend time

with family

71 = playing with dogs, walking dogs, training dogs

72 = cat-related (walking cat)

73 = other pet-related (my animals, pets, horses, fish, aquarium)

80 = relaxation (resting/relaxing, reflection, hot tub, sauna, hanging out; the beach; meditation, “me-time”, lounging, tanning, laying in sun, bubble bath)

81 = listening to radio, listening to music; music; sing in the car

82 = playing in a band; playing an instrument, choir

82 = letter writing; writing

83 = racing (off road racing, Endro racing)

84 = cultural (concerts, theater, plays, museums)

85 = travel

86 = sleeping, napping

87 = driving

88 = reading (books; newspapers; going to the library)

89 = puzzles; crosswords

90 = crafts (e.g., sewing; quilting, cross-stitch)

91 = acting (role-playing games)

92 = sex

93 = flying

94 = church

98 = misc., other (CARD);

Doing my nails

Euchere tournament



various (ID# 10413)

community activities (#11257)

sports (#10270)

99 = missing

00 = Valid skip (respondent checked "none")

v32071 = In the last year, how many times did you and your spouse/partner/dates do enjoyable activities together? (CHECK ONE)

1 = never

2 = once or twice

3 = 3 or 4 times last year

4 = monthly (about 12 times last year)

5 = weekly

6 = more than once a week

7 = daily

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (respondent wrote in "no partner;" "don't date," etc.)

*** PAGE 4 ***


v32072 = How would you describe your political beliefs? (CHECK ONE)

1 = Very conservative

2 = Conservative

3 = Moderate

4 = Liberal

5 = Very liberal

6 = Radical

7 = None of the above (CARD); common-sense approach; neutral

8 = Don't know

9 = Missing data

v32073 = Do you identify with a specific political party?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32074 = If yes, please indicate the party with which you identify most strongly (choose


1 = Democrat

2 = Republican

3 = Reform

4 = Libertarian

5 = Green (Ralph Nader)

6 = Socialist

7 = Independent

8 = other (“middle of the road”, checked two parties, “not sure,” “feminist,” “no”)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32075 = How strongly do you identify with the party you just chose?

Not very Somewhat Very

strongly identified strongly

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

v32076 = Are you registered to vote?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32077 = Did you vote during the past election?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

If no, not voting is fairly common, and people have many different reasons for not voting.

v32078 = First of the most important reason(s) for not voting in past elections?

v32079 = Second of most important reason(s) for not voting in past elections?


01 = didn’t have interest / didn’t care/ just didn’t go

02 = didn’t want to take the time


03 = forgot

04 = laziness

05 = didn’t “get around to it”


06 = didn’t want to vote

Knowledge/Informed Voter

08 = could not vote intelligently

09 = only vote in the presidential election

10 = too confusing

11 = didn’t know when / where to vote

Scheduling Issues

12 = had to work

13 = had family to take care of

14 = wasn’t home

Time Issues

15 = no time

16 = didn’t get absentee ballot

17 = no transportation (no car)

Not Eligible to Participate

19 = not registered

20 = wasn’t registered in time

21 = past trouble with law, can’t vote

22 = moved

23 = young

24 = Not a U.S. Citizen

Cynical about Politics

25 = no respect for candidates / hate politics

26 = has faith in God, not human leadership

Problem with Politics/Government

28 = didn’t like choices of candidates

Cynical about My Ability to Affect Political Process

29 = my vote doesn’t count, it doesn’t matter what I think

30 = don’t understand importance

31 = in labor/ pregnant

32 = lacks of confidence in any party

33 = try to be neutral for religion in politics

34 = not involved

40 = to avoid jury duty


96 = no reason

97 = don’t know/remember why

98 = can’t remember to vote

00 = valid skip

99 = missing data

v32080 = In the last year have you been involved in a political cause or group (worked for a

candidate, petition drive, boycott)?

1 – yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32081 = If yes (involved in political cause or group), please specify what you have done:

01 = worked or volunteered for Democratic candidate or campaign (work for Democratic caucus)

02 = worked or volunteered for Republican candidate or campaign (Volunteer for 43rd Ward Republican)

03 = worked or volunteered for Green/Left candidate or campaign

04 = worked or volunteered for Independent candidate or campaign

05 = personal connections (helped friend who ran for council)

06 = work-related political activities (teamster union)

07 = boycotted a product/company (boycotted Detroit News/USA Today, banned products with Native American logos without Native American permission)

08 = sent letters to congressional representative

10 = participated in Left/Liberal civil rights activities (gay rights activities)

11 = participated in Right/Conservative civil rights activities (National Rifle Association – 2nd amendment rights, Deputy Sheriff’s Association of Michigan – police officer rights)

12 = participated in international human rights activities (Human Rights Campaign)

13 = involved in faith-based group

14 = involved in community/non-government organization (Planned Parenthood)

15 = helped a politician, no party specified (pasted door-to-door literature)

16 = ran for office (ran for school board)

17 = helped pass a law (e.g. city human rights ordinance)

18 = participated in right to life group

19 = Napster

00 = valid skip

98 = other

99 = missing data

*** PAGE 5 ***


v32082 = In the last year, have you participated in, or helped out, a charitable organization

(gave your time or money)?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32083 = If yes, (helped charitable organization) type of donation/donated what #1

1 = donated money

2 = donated time

3 = donated things (clothes, small items, food, blood)

4 = donated blood

5 = assumed a leadership role (served on a board)

6 = helped an association through work or a job

7 = fundraising (walk-a-thon, dance-a-thon, read-a-thon, phone-a-thon)

8 = miscellaneous (complete a problem CARD)

ID# 10331 (newsletter for college sorority and created a book for former classmates for 10 year reunion)

0 = valid skip

9 = missing data

v32084 = If yes, (helped charitable organization) target of donation #1

1 = health related (American Cancer Society, local wheelchair team sport, MADD)

2 = animal/nature related (Humane Society, local nature centers, Humane Society, WWF, Humbug Marsh in Michigan)

3 = low income related (Homeless shelter, veterans, needy, United Way, Habitat for Humanity, Angel Trees, Salvation Army, Paint the Town)

4 = children related (Prevent Child Abuse, school programs, Toys for Tots, ASACP, Eagle Scout Project)

5 = Religious organization ($ to church)

6 = sexual orientation related (gay and lesbian groups)

7 = public sector related (National Public Radio, Public Library)

8 = miscellaneous (make a problem card)

Newsletter for college sorority and created a book for former classmates for 10 year reunion (# 10331)

Goodfellas (#13494)

Olympics (#13742)

0 = valid skip

9 = missing data


v32085 = If yes, (helped charitable organization) type of donation/donated what #2

1 = donated money

2 = donated time

3 = donated things (clothes, small items)

4 = donated blood

5 = assumed a leadership role (served on a board)

6 = helped an association through work or a job

7 = fundraising (walk-a-thon, dance-a-thon, read-a-thon)

8 = miscellaneous (complete a problem CARD)

0 = valid skip

9 = missing data

v32086 = If yes, (helped charitable organization) target of donation #2

1 = health related (American Cancer Society, local wheelchair team sport, MADD)

2 = animal/nature related (Humane Society, local nature centers, Humane Society, WWF)

3 = low income related (Homeless shelter, veterans, needy, United Way, Habitat for Humanity, Angel Trees, Salvation Army)

4 = children related (Prevent Child Abuse, school programs, Toys for Tots, ASACP, Eagle Scout Project, March of Dimes)

5 = Religious organization ($ to church)

6 = sexual orientation related (gay and lesbian groups)

7 = public sector related (National Public Radio, Public Library)

8 = miscellaneous (make a problem card)

0 = valid skip

9 = missing data


v32087 = In the last year, have you participated in or helped an environmental cause or

group (gave your time or money)?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32088 = If yes (help environmental cause or group), please specify what you have done:

1 = donated money

2 = donated time

3 = donated things

4 = Recycle

5 = assumed a leadership role

6 = helped an association through work or a job

7 = fundraising (walk a thon, dance a thon, read a thon)

8 = miscellaneous (create a problem card)

Saving Red Woods (#13504)

0 = valid skip

9 = missing data

v32089 = If yes (help environmental cause or group), target/who received the benefits:

1 = a national organization (Green Peace, World Wildlife Fund, National Parks)

2 = a state organization (Colorado River Benefit)

3 = city or town organization

4 = laws/policies

0 = valid skip

9 = missing data

v32090 = Would you consider yourself to be politically active and/or active in your community?

1 = yes

2= no

9 = missing data

v32091 = If yes, please tell us why you are active in your community or with politics.

Personal Reasons

01 = my opinion is important

02 = personal satisfaction/making a difference (maintaining a wonderful living environment, working with kids and teaching them)

03 = gets friends/romantic partners (husband, networking, getting to know people, interacting with people with similar interests)

Societal Reasons

04 = to help people in need (fire department)

05 = social justice

06 = important to know what is going on

07 = connectedness to the community (Sense of ownership for the community)

00 = valid skip

98 = other (CARD);

voting, petition view of your candidates (#13079, 12114, 11176)

“I call my representatives and senators” (#10239)

Board of Directors- Condo Assn. (#10572)

“We are working against vouchers (MEA)” (#12085)

Neighborhood Clean-up duty (#12139)

Mentor Children (#10761)

Parades, color guard participant representing the U.S. Navy (#12545)

Pain and suffering (#13300)

Unions—NEA/DVEA; school representative (#13467)

I am active with kids (#11714)

99 = missing data


Please use the scale below to indicate the extent to which you agree with each statement:

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

v32092 = They say that getting an education helps you get a good job, but it hasn’t worked

that way for people in my family.

v32093 = No matter how well educated you are, it’s hard for people like us to get a good


v32094 = America is basically a fair society where everyone has an equal chance to get


v32095 = We would be better off if the national government stayed out of our lives.

v32096 = We have the ability to change the government if we don’t like what it is doing.

v32097 = The government will do whatever it wants to, no matter what people like us feel.

v32098 = The government doesn’t care about us ordinary people.

v32099 = It makes me angry when I think about the conditions some people have to live in.

v32100 = I get mad when I hear about people being treated unfairly.

v32101 = The government doesn’t really care what people like me and my family think.

v32102 = It is the responsibility of the community to take care of people who can’t take

care of themselves.

v32103 = Most people can be trusted.

v32104 = People mostly look out for themselves.

v32105 = Most people would take advantage of you if they got a chance.

*** PAGE 6 ***

v32106 = How often did you attend religious services in the past year?

1 = Never

2 = 1-3 times

3 = 4-8 times

4 = About once a month

5 = Once a week

6 = More than once a week

9 = missing data


v32107 = type of religion

01 = Baptist

02 = Catholic; Roman Catholic; RC

03 = Christian, unspecified

04 = Church of Christ

05 = Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints

06 = Episcopalian

07 = Greek Orthodox

08 = Jehova's Witness

09 = Jewish

10 = Lutheran

11 = Methodist

12 = Mormon

13 = Nazarene

14 = New Age

15 = Orthodox Judaism

16 = Pentecostal

17 = Presbyterian

18 = Protestant

19 = Congregationalist

20 = WICCA (witchcraft)

21 = Reorganized

22 = Eastern Orthodox

23 = Assembly of God

24 = Hindu

25 = Druid

26 = Salvation Army

27 = Church of G-d

28 = Apostolic

29 = Born again Christian

30 = Protestant/Catholic

31 = Lutheran/Methodist

32 = Lutheran/Jewish

33 = Lutheran/Non-denominational

34 = Evangelical Christian

35 = Seventh-Day Adventist

36 = Unitarian

37 = Lutheran/Catholic

38 = Catholic/Baptist

93 = agnostic

94 = atheist

95 = “none”

96 = non-denominational

97 = Don't know; not sure

98 = other (CARD); no preference


have own beliefs



99 = missing data

00 = Valid skip (respondent checked "never")

v32108 = How important is religion in your life?

v32109 = How important is spirituality in your life?

1 = not important

2 = a little important

3 = pretty important

4 = very important

9 = missing data


Below, you will find a list of values. Please take a minute to read through the entire list. Once you have looked over the entire list, choose ONE value that you would consider to be MOST important to you and give it a 7. NEXT, choose ONE value that you are most OPPOSED to or that you would consider to be LEAST important to you, and give it a 1. Once you have rated the MOST and LEAST important values, continue using the following scale to rate the importance of the remaining values as GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN YOUR LIFE.

Most Opposed Not Somewhat Of Most

To My values Important Important Importance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

v32110 = adherence to Values section directions

0 = section completed correctly

1 = rank ordered top seven values, left the remainder blank

2 = partial completion of section, did not rank values properly

9 = missing data

v32111 = EQUALITY (equal opportunity for all)

v32112 = SOCIAL POWER (control over others, dominance)

v32113 = FREEDOM (freedom of action)

v32114 = AN EXCITING LIFE (stimulating experiences)

v32115 = WEALTH (material possessions, money)

v32116 = RESPECT FOR TRADITION (preservation of time-honored customs)

v32117 = SELF-DISCIPLINE (self-restraint, resistance to temptation)

v32118 = A VARIED LIFE (filled with challenge, novelty, and change)

v32119 = AUTHORITY (the right to lead or command)

v32120 = TRUE FRIENDSHIP (close, supportive friends)

v32121 = SOCIAL JUSTICE (correcting injustice, caring for the weak)

v32122 = INDEPENDENCE (self-reliance, self-sufficiency)

v32123 = LOYALTY (faithfulness to friends, one’s group)

v32124 = AMBITION (hard work, aspirations)

v32125 = BROADMINDEDNESS (tolerance of different ideas and beliefs)

v32126 = DARING (sense of adventure, risk-taking)

v32127 = HONORING PARENTS AND ELDERS (showing respect)

v32128 = OBEDIENCE (meeting obligations, duties)

v32129 = ENJOYING LIFE (enjoying, food, sex, leisure, etc.)

v32130 = DEVOUT (holding to religious faith and beliefs)

v32131 = SUCCESSFUL (achieving goals

*** PAGE 7 ***

Think about the last 6 months. About how often in those 6 months did you ...

1 = never

2 = once

3 = 2-3 times

4 = 4-6 times

5 = 7-10 times

6 = 11-20 times

7 = 21 or more times

9 = missing data

v32132 = something you knew was dangerous just for the thrill of it?

v32133 = ...damage public or private property?

v32134 = ...get into a physical fight?

v32135 = ...engage in unprotected sex?


v32136 = when you were drunk or high on drugs?

v32137 = ...ride with a driver who had too much to drink?

v32138 = ...use marijuana?

v32139 = ...use non-prescribed stimulants (i.e. cocaine, crack, crystal meth, speed, uppers,


v32140 = ...use non-prescribed psychotropic substances (i.e. LSD, PCP, ecstasy, special K,


v32141 = ...use non-prescribed opiates (Heroin, Morphine, Codeine, Vicadin)?

v32142 = ...use non-prescribed barbiturates (Valium, downers etc.)?

v32143 = something else illegal you could have been arrested for?

*** PAGE 8 ***

v32144 = ...use prescribed anti-depressants (Prozac, Zoloft etc.)?

v32145 = ...use prescribed stimulants (Ritalin, Aderol etc.)?

v32146 = ...use prescribed tranquilizers (Valium, barbiturates, etc.)?

01 = never

02 = once

03 = 2-3 times

04 = 4-6 times

05 = 7-10 times

06 = 11-20 times

07 = once a week

08 = 2-6 times a week

09 = daily

99 = missing

v32147 = ...drink alcohol?

v32148 = ...drink five or more drinks (5 glasses of beer/wine or 5 or more ounces of alcohol) at one


v32149 = get drunk?

1 = never

2 = once

3 = 2-3 times

4 = 4-6 times

5 = 7-10 times

6 = 11-20 times

7 = 21 or more times

9 = missing data

Never Always

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (If they indicated that they never drank alcohol)

v32150 = When you drank alcohol, how often were you at a party, bar, or nightclub with friends?

v32151 = When you drank alcohol, how often were you with a date or partner?

v32152 = When you drank alcohol, how often were you alone?

*** PAGE 9 ***

For the next two questions, one drink of alcohol is equal to one beer, one glass of wine, a mixed drink, or a shot of liquor.

v32153 = When you drink, how many drinks do you usually have?

1= One drink

2= Two drinks

3 = 3 or 4 drinks

4 = 5 or more drinks

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (check here if you never drink)

Some people drink more on some days of the week than on other days of the week.

Thinking of the last week, how many drinks of alcohol did you have on. . .

v32154 = how many drinks of alcohol did you have on Monday

00 = no drinks

01 – 89 = number of drinks

90 = wrote a check mark

91 = 5 or more

99 = missing data

If participant wrote “#+” (e.g., 5+), complete a problem card & label it as the number

If the line is left blank, assume no drinks were consumed on this day

v32155 = how many drinks of alcohol did you have on Tuesday

00 = no drinks

01 – 89 = number of drinks

90 = wrote a check mark

91 = 5 or more

99 = missing data

If participant wrote “#+” (e.g., 5+), complete a problem card & label it as the number

If the line is left blank, assume no drinks were consumed on this day

v32156 = how many drinks of alcohol did you have on Wednesday

00 = no drinks

01 – 89 = number of drinks

90 = wrote a check mark

91 = 5 or more

99 = missing data

If participant wrote “#+” (e.g., 5+), complete a problem card & label it as the number

If the line is left blank, assume no drinks were consumed on this day

v32157 = how many drinks of alcohol did you have on Thursday

00 = no drinks

01 – 89 = number of drinks

90 = wrote a check mark

91 = 5 or more

99 = missing data

If participant wrote “#+” (e.g., 5+), complete a problem card & label it as the number

If the line is left blank, assume no drinks were consumed on this day

v32158 = how many drinks of alcohol did you have on Friday

00 = no drinks

01 – 89 = number of drinks

90 = wrote a check mark

91 = 5 or more

99 = missing data

If participant wrote “#+” (e.g., 5+), complete a problem card & label it as the number

If the line is left blank, assume no drinks were consumed on this day

v32159 = how many drinks of alcohol did you have on Saturday

00 = no drinks

01 – 89 = number of drinks

90 = wrote a check mark

91 = 5 or more

99 = missing data

If participant wrote “#+” (e.g., 5+), complete a problem card & label it as the number

If the line is left blank, assume no drinks were consumed on this day

v32160 = how many drinks of alcohol did you have on Sunday

00 = no drinks

01 – 89 = number of drinks

90 = wrote a check mark

91 = 5 or more

99 = missing data

If participant wrote “#+” (e.g., 5+), complete a problem card

If the line is left blank, assume no drinks were consumed on this day

v32161 = Have you ever been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol?

1 = never

2 = once

3 = twice

4 = 3 times

5 = 4 times

6 = more than 4 times

9 = missing data

v32162 = age at first (driving under the influence) offense

01-29 = years

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (respondent checked "never")




e.g, #10932 three times 18, 20, 23

#11782 two times 24, 27

#10432 two times 16, 18

#11777 three times 24, 24, 26

#11896 three 24, 26, 29

#12083 three 23, 25, 27

#10108 two 25, 26

#11509 four 17, 20, 21, 25

v32163 = Have you ever been arrested for something other than driving under the influence?

1 = never

2 = once

3 = twice

4 = 3 times

5 = 4 times

6 = more than 4 times

9 = missing data

v32164 = age at first arrest

01-29 = years

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (respondent checked "never")




#10981 3 times 16, 20, 25

#10980 3 21, 22, 23

#10049 2 19, 20

#10254 2 17, 20

#10432 2 16, 18

#11777 2 19, 28

#13018 3 18, 27, 29

#12489 2 23, 27

#12083 2 18, 21

v32165 = Have you ever been on probation for an offense?

1 = never

2 = once

3 = twice

4 = 3 times

5 = 4 times

6 = more than 4 times

9 = missing data

v32166 = age at first probation

01-29 = years

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (respondent checked "never")




PROBATION MORE THAN ONCE (ID#, # of times, ages)

#11139 3 times 20, 20, 26

#10981 3 times 16, 20, 25

#10432 2 times 16, 18

#10370 3 times 20, 22, 23

#10387 3 times 16, 17, 18

#11777 3 times 19, 24, 26

#13018 3 times 18, 27, 29

v32167 = Have you ever served time in jail for an offense?

1 = never

2 = once

3 = twice

4 = 3 times

5 = 4 times

6 = more than 4 times

9 = missing data

v32168 = age at first jail term

01-29 = years

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (respondent checked "never")




#10980 3 times 21, 22, 23

#10370 3 times 20, 22, 23

v32169 = How often do you wear a seat belt?

v32170 = How often do you drive within the speed limit?

1 = never

2 = once in a while

3 = about half the time

4 = about 3/4 of the time

5 = almost always

6 = always

9 = missing data

*** PAGE 10 ***

How often do you...

Never Daily

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

v32171 = lose your appetite or eat a lot when you get upset

v32172 = feel sure of who you are (what kind of person you are)

v32173 = feel you are good at learning from your mistakes

v32174 = feel very anxious about what others think about you

v32175 = worry that you will not get a good job in the future

v32176 = feel like beating or injuring someone

v32177 = feel nervous when meeting new people

v32178 = feel unhappy, sad, or depressed

v32179 = feel satisfied with yourself the way you are

v32180 = feel shy

v32181 = feel lonely

v32182 = feel good about yourself

v32183 = feel you are part of a group of friends

v32184 = enjoy being with other people

v32185 = feel that difficulties are piling up so high you can't overcome them

v32186 = feel capable of coping with most of your problems

v32187 = have a hot temper

v32188 = feel you have a lot in common with the people around you

v32189 = feel self-conscious when you're around people


*** PAGE 11 ***

How often do you...

Never Daily

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

v32190 = avoid getting involved with others

v32191 = feel you are very good at bouncing back quickly from bad experiences

v32192 = feel tired out all of the time

v32193 = worry that you may not have enough money to pay for things

v32194 = feel very satisfied with your life the way it is

v32195 = feel discouraged about the future

v32196 = keep a cool head in emergencies

v32197 = act without stopping to think

v32198 = give in to your impulses

v32199 = see the humor in life even when things are not going well

v32200 = worry you might make a serious mistake

v32201 = have temper outbursts you can't control

v32202 = feel like breaking or smashing things

v32203 = have trouble fitting in with others

v32204 = feel nervous about performing in front of others or making a presentation

v32205 = think about death—either your own, someone else's, or death in general

v32206 = feel like you want to die

v32207 = think about committing suicide



v32208 = Have you ever tried to commit suicide?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

*** PAGE 12 ***

v32209 = While interviewing for a job, speaking up in a meeting, or making a presentation, does your heart beat faster?

not at all a lot

faster faster

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

v32210 = Does the hand you write with shake when you are taking a test?

not at all a lot

faster faster

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

v32211 = When you are talking to your boss about your performance or having an employee evaluation, how nervous do you get?

not at all a lot

faster faster

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not work outside)

You have just answered questions about your more recent feelings. Now we would like

you to think about the last five years. At any time during these five years…

v32212 = Have you had two weeks or more during which you felt sad, blue, or depressed, or lost pleasure in things that you usually cared about or enjoyed?

1 = yes

2 = no

3 = says no but still fills it out

9 = missing data

If so (felt sad, blue, depressed), at what age(s)?

v32213 = If included the age 23 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32214 = If included the age 24 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32215 = If included the age 25 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32216 = If included the age 26 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32217 = If included the age 27 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32218 = If included the age 28 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32219 = If included the age 29 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32220 = Sum the total number of ages provided (eg 10-28 would be coded as 18; 10, 12,14 would be coded as 03)

99 = invalid skip TWO DIGIT

v32221 = Idiosyncratic responses

01 = entire life

02 = childhood (general)

03 = early childhood

04 = mid childhood

05 = late childhood

06 = teens (general)

07 = early teens

08 = mid teens

09 = late teens

10 = twenties (general)

11 = early twenties

12 = mid twenties

13 = late twenties

40 = teens – early 20’s

41 = since 7th grade

42 = 15-18

50 = 18,21

51= 17,21

52 = 22

53 = 30

60 = many times

61 = presently

62 = occasionally, last 5 years

63 = twin brother getting married

64 = on and off

65 = once a year

66 = all ages


71 = birth

72 = miscarriage

73 = parents’ death

90 = had the blues

91 = my job/laid off

99 = missing

00 = valid skip

Note: if people put approximately or add an ish to the end of the age (e.g. 24ish) code it for the age given

--code ½ ages as the age given 24 ½ code as 24

if people provide ages that fall into the 23-29 age range then those ages are coded in the above section and the leftover parts are coded in the idiosyncratic responses

--code 18,21,23,26 as yes for 23, yes for 26 and add the idiosyncratic code of 18, 21

v32222 = During that time did the sadness and/or loss of interest usually last:

1= all day long

2 = most of the day

3 = about half the day

4 = less than half of the day

9 = missing data

v32223 = During those two weeks, did you feel this way…

1 = every day

2 = almost every day

3 = less often

9 = missing data

v32224 = Thinking about those same two weeks, did you feel more tired out or low on energy than is usual for you?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32225 = During those two weeks, did you gain or lose weight without trying, or did you stay the same?

1 = gained

2 = lost

3 = stayed the same

4 = I was intentionally gaining or losing weight

9 = missing data

v32226 = About how much did you gain or lose? _____ pounds

01 - 98 = pounds gained or lost

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (respondent checked “stayed the same”)

v32227 = Did you have more trouble falling asleep than you usually do during those two weeks?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32228 = How often did that happen?

1 = every night

2 = nearly every night

3 = less often

9 = missing data

v32229 = During those two weeks, did you have a lot more trouble concentrating than usual?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32230 = During that two-week period, did you feel down on yourself, no good, or


1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

*** PAGE 13 ***

v32231 = Have you had a period of a month or more in the last five years when most of the time you felt worried, tense, or anxious about everyday problems such as family, school, or work?

1 = yes

2 = no

3 = says no but still fills out

9 = missing data

If so (felt worried, tense, or anxious), at what age(s)?

v32232 = If included the age 23 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32233 = If included the age 23 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32234 = If included the age 23 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32235 = If included the age 23 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32236 = If included the age 23 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32237 = If included the age 23 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32238 = If included the age 23 mark 1 for yes, 2 for no, 9 for invalid skip, 0 for valid skip

v32239 = Sum the total number of ages provided (eg 10-28 would be coded as 18; 10, 12,14 would be coded as 03)

99 = invalid skip TWO DIGIT

v32240 = Idiosyncratic responses

01 = entire life

02 = childhood (general)

03 = early childhood

04 = mid childhood

05 = late childhood

06 = teens (general)

07 = early teens

08 = mid teens

09 = late teens

10 = twenties (general)

11 = early twenties

12 = mid twenties

13 = late twenties

14 = late teens and early twenties

40 = teens – early 20’s

50 = 18,21

51= 17,21

52 = 22

60 = many times

61 = presently

62 = occasionally

66 = all ages


71 = birth

72 = miscarriage

73 = awaiting acceptance into law school

74 = military service (ie: Navy, going out to sea;)

75 = work

90 = had the blues

99 = missing

00 = valid skip

Note: if people put approximately or add an ish to the end of the age (e.g. 24ish) code it for the age given

--code ½ ages as the age given 24 ½ code as 24

if people provide ages that fall into the 23-29 age range then those ages are coded in the above section and the leftover parts are coded in the idiosyncratic responses

--code 18,21,23,26 as yes for 23, yes for 26 and add the idiosyncratic code of 18, 21

v32241 = Has that period ended or is it still going on?

1 = has ended

2 = still going on

9 = missing data

How long is/was the longest period in the last five years you have had of feeling worried, tense, or anxious?

v32242 = How long is/was the period #1 (length of time)—THREE DIGIT

***Code the response in number of weeks (for example: if they say “two weeks,” you would code a “002”)—THREE DIGIT code. Below is a table for how many weeks per month, so you will be able to convert months to the number of weeks. If the respondent listed a period of time, but also listed an idiosyncratic response, code for both responses (such as, “for 6 weeks, during a semester in college,” you would code 006, then 22).

001 = one week

004 = four weeks (also one month)

009 = 9 weeks (or two months)

013 = 13 weeks (or three months)

017 = 17 weeks (or four months)

022 = 22 weeks (or five months)

026 = 26 weeks (or six months)

030 = 30 weeks (or seven months)

035 = 35 weeks (or eight months)

039 = 39 weeks (or nine months)

043 = 43 weeks (or ten months)

048 = 48 weeks (or eleven months)

052 = 52 weeks (or one year)

078 = 78 weeks (or 1 ½ years)

104 = 104 weeks (or 2 years)

130 = 130 weeks (or 2 ½ years)

156 = 156 weeks (or 3 years)

182 = 182 weeks (or 3 ½ years)

208 = 208 weeks (or 4 years)

234 = 234 weeks (or 4 ½ years)

260 = 260 weeks (or 5 years)

998 = other (make a CARD)

999 = Invalid skip/missing

000 = valid skip

v32242A = How long is/was the period #2 (idiosyncratic responses)—TWO DIGIT

Time Periods:

01 = one day

02 = daily through work week

03 = weeks

04 = months

05 = years

06 = couple of days/few days/2 days

07 = 10 days

12 = daily business

13 = just on and off

14 = on and off daily through the work week

15 = on and off 6 months to a year

16 = on and off over two years

17 = PMS time (less than half a day every couple of months)

18 = on and off for one year

19 = on and off for 18 months

20= constant


21 = bill time

22 = semester of college

23 = ongoing

24 = sporadic

25 = when going to field (ie: Navy officer to sea)

26 = periodically

98 = other (make a CARD)

99 = Invalid skip/missing

00 = valid skip

v32243 = During that period, was (or is) your worry stronger than in other people?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32244 = Did (do) you worry most days?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32245 = Did/Do you usually worry about one particular thing, such as your job security or

the failing health of a loved one, or more than one thing?

1 = one thing

2 = more than one thing

9 = missing data

v32246 = Did (do) you find it hard to stop worrying?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32247 = Did/Do you ever have different worries on your mind at the same time?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32248 = How often was/is your worry so strong that you couldn’t/can’t put it out of your

mind no matter how hard you tried/try?

1 = often

2 = sometimes

3 = rarely

4 = never

9 = missing data

v32249 = How often did/do you find it difficult to control your worry?

1 = often

2 = sometimes

3 = rarely

4 = never

9 = missing data

v32250 = What sort of things did/do you mainly worry about #1?

v32250A = What sort of things did/do you mainly worry about #2?

v32250B = What sort of things did/do you mainly worry about #3?

v32250C = What sort of things did/do you mainly worry about #4?

Money Matters:

01 = money/finances

02 = bills/paying off bills

03 = vehicle (selling car before new one arrives, fixing up car, having a car that doesn’t break down)

04 = insurance

05 = being in debt

06 = financial obligations

07 = money for future

08 = being able to provide for family


10 = work/job

11 = unhappy with job

12 = job prospects (finding a new or better job, future job, having a good job)

13 = job transition (quitting job, changing careers)

14 = job security

15 = work deadlines

16 = boss/superior problems

17 = sacrificing job/career or family

18 = strike at work

19 = co-worker


20 = relationships (unspecified)

21 = non-marital relationships (love life, personal life, finding a soul-mate, partner’s feelings)

22 = marital relationships (my marriage, fiance and his feelings for me, future without husband)

23 = family violence/ spousal abuse

24 = spouse’s mental health

25 = marital difficulties/divorce (husband in love with someone else, husband left for 2 weeks, relationship with deceased child’s father)

26 = custody matter

27 = friends

28 = sexuality (unspecified)

29 = being alone


30 = children/kids

31 = single-parenting and its responsibilities/stresses (being able to support kids by myself)

32 = death of a child (miscarriage)

33 = parenting issues (raising my children right)

34 = children starting school

35 = pregnancy/ having kids (wife’s pregnancy, not having a family yet)

36 = health of kids

37 = children’s future


38 = spouse/husband/wife/romantic partner

39 = family

40 = family relationships (family pressures, family fighting continuously)

41 = parents (mother, father, parents’ divorce)

42 = siblings (brother, sister)

45 = health of loved ones and family (general)

46 = health of parents (mother had cancer, father’s health, mother has MS, father’s suicide)

47 = health of grandparents

48 = health of siblings (well-being of brother)

49 = parents’ financial stability


50 = health/personal health

51 = weight (loss, gain)

52 = dying

53 = addiction to drug or alcohol

Mental Health:

55 = mental illness

56 = depression

57 = mental stability


60 = school

61 = exams/grade

62 = graduate school work (law, medical)

65 = religion/religious issues

66 = education (should have gone to college, more education)

Specific Life Events:

70 = moving (to a new house)

71 = moving to a new state (and building a new life)

72 = housing (a place to stay, finding stable home for daughter and self, buying a new home)

73 = being “outed” at school

74 = wedding/getting married

75 = legal concerns (proceeding in a court case, being sued)

Role Confusion:

80 = Identity (who I was/beliefs)

81 = pessimism about future self (loss of dreams, getting stuck in unhappiness)

82 = uncertain future (how life will turn out)

83 = decision-making (what I think about my decisions)

84 = other expectations and opinions (what people think about my decisions, what others think of me)

85 = security

86 = religion

87 = time allocation/management for many different stuff


90 = quality of life (if I was getting the most out of life, failure)

91 = managing responsibilities (finishing all tasks)

92 = global answer (everything, life)

93 = no reason

94 = looking

95 = chores

96 = past mistakes

97 = I don’t know

98 = other (make a CARD)




taking care of pets



pet’s health

99 = invalid skip/missing

00 = valid skip

When you were (are) worried or anxious,

v32251 = Were you (are you) also restless?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32252 = Were you (are you) keyed up or on edge?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32253 = Were you (are you) easily tired?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32254 = Did you (do you) have difficulty keeping your mind on what you are doing?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32255 = Were you (are you) more irritable than usual?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32256 = Did you (do you) have tense, sore, or aching muscles?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32257 = Did you (do you) have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

*** PAGE 14 ***

B. Health History

v32258 = Do you go for annual checkups at the doctor?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32259 = Do you go for annual checkups at the dentist?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32260 = How would you rate your overall health?

1= poor

2 = fair

3 = good

4 = very good

5 = excellent

9 = missing data

v32261 = Do you have any health conditions or disabilities that limit what you can do?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32262 = IF YES, What are these health conditions or disabilities?

01 = allergies

02 = migraines

03 = asthma; breathing problems; respiratory problems

04 = diabetes; hypoglycemia; blood sugar condition

05 = high/ low blood pressure

06 = arthritis

07 = shoulder/arm/upper body injury (sprain; break; dislocation)

08 = leg/knees/hips/feet/ lower body injury (sprain; break; dislocation)

09 = back/ spine problem (sciatic nerve problem; scoliosis; herniated disc)

10 = ulcer

11 = hernia; enlarged spleen

12 = gastrointestinal tract problem (Chrone's disease; Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

13 = female-related condition (endometriosis; ovarian cysts)

14 = heart disease; mitro valve prolapse

15 = cancer; Hodgkins Lymphoma

16 = lupus

17 = immune system disorder (epstein-barr; chronic fatigue syndrome)


19 = nervous system disorder (Multiple Sclerosis; myasthenia gravis)

20 = bone disease (multiple osteo-chrondromas)

21 = vision problems (glasses)

22 = mental illness (depression)

23 = mental illness (schizophrenia)

24 = learning disability

25 = bladder infection; incistral citisis of the bladder

26 = thyroid (hypothyroid)

27 = anemia

28 = brain problems (brain operation)

29 = vascular problems (Wegner’s granulomatosis - inflammation of blood vessels)

30 = bi-polar disorder (schizo-affective, disorder)

31 = weight problems (obesity)

32 = panic attacks

33 = bladder conditions (incistral cistys of bladder)

34 = alcoholism

35 = epilepsy

36 = carpal tunnel syndrome; nerve damage in arm

37 = dizzy, light-headed

38 = hearing impairment

39 = Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

40 = muscle spasms

41 = stroke

42 = kidney problem

97 = general, unspecified (i.e., “health conditions”; severe problems)

98 = other (CARD)

charot marie tooth disease (nerve in back that makes my toes curl up) mitro valve


99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (has no health conditions/disabilities )

MULTIPLE RESPONSES: Code the most serious/severe condition, then make a CARD listing all conditions

e.g., #10074 asthma(03) and poor knees(08); asthma was coded

v32263 = How much do these health conditions or disabilities keep you from doing the activities most people routinely do?

1 = not at all

2 = a little

3 = some

4 = a lot

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (has no health conditions/ disabilities)

v32264 = Have you had any major illnesses in the last four years that required medical treatment?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32265 = IF YES, What major illnesses?

01 = ear nose and throat conditions (sinus infection, tonsillitis; strep throat; severe laryngitus)

02 = diseases affecting lungs (pneumonia, bronchitis, adult respiratory disease; pleurisy)

03 = other respiratory conditions (asthma)

04 = migraines; severe headaches

05 = arthritis

06 = diabetes; blood conditions

07 = anemia

08 = allergies

09 = thyroid condition

10 = heart problems

11 = nervous system disorders (mysthenia gravis)

12 = immune system disorders (epstein-barr)

13 = Multiple Sclerosis


15 = blood clot

16 = blood pressure

17 = vascular problems (Wegner’s granulomatosis - inflammation of blood vessels)

18 = carpal tunnel syndrome

19 = MULTIPLE serious conditions (heart & lung trouble; mitral valve prolapse & bronchitis & pneumonia

20 = broken bones; sprains cuts (general; unspecified)

21 = upper body (hand/arm/shoulder/collar bone)

22 = lower body (leg/foot/hip)

23 = back problems

24 = knee problems (knee surgery)

29 = other broken bones; sprains; cuts (CARD)

30 = digestive problems (unspecified)

31 = ulcer

32 = hernia; enlarged spleen

33 = diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; Chrone's disease

34 = gall bladder problems

35 = kidney problems

36 = irritable bowel syndrome

37 = appendendicitis, appendectomy

38 = bladder infection; bladder surgery; uti

39 = other digestive problems (CARD); diarrhea

stomach reflux

40 = female problems (general; unspecified)

41 = pregnancy related complications/diseases

42 = ovarian cysts

43 = endometriosis

44 = cryotomy (pre-cancerous cervical condition)

45 = lump in breast; breast tumor

46 = preclampsia

47 = miscarriage

49 = other female-related problems (CARD)

50 = Tumors/Cancer (general; unspecified)

51 = Hodgkin's disease

52 = Lupus

53 = cysts

54 = bone tumor

55 = cervical cancer

56 = brain surgery (benign cyst)

57 = Thyroid cancer

58 = Lymphoma

59 = other (CARD)

60 = Emotional/psychological problems (general; unspecified)

61 = depression; manic depression

62 = schizophrenia

63 = eating disorder (anorexia nervosa; bulimia)

64 = alcohol/drug problems

65 = anxiety disease/panic attacks

66 = suicidal

67 = psychotic

69 = other mental/emotional illness (CARD)

70 = accidents; short-term illnesses (general; unspecified)

71 = poisoning (food poisoning; salmonella; blood poisoning; septic shock; sun


72 = allergic reaction (bee sting; caffeine)

73 = dehydration

74 = short-term illness (chicken pox; scarlet fever; the flu; stomach flu)

75 = infections (internal bacterial infection)

76 = fainting spells; low blood pressure

77 = Lyme’s disease

78 = numbness

79 = other accidents/ short-term illness (CARD)

80 = skin conditions

81 = shingles

82 = hemorrhoids

85 = sexually transmitted diseases, unspecified (STDs)

86 = herpes

87 = low blood sugar

89 = injury caused by car/motorcycle accident (e.g., head injury)

90 = mononucleosis

91 = eye infection/disorder

92 = Epilepsy

93 = tendonitis

94 = meningitis

95 = pinched nerve

96 = stroke

97 = undiagnosed (i.e., “don’t know”)

98 = other major illness (CARD)


abysis(could be abcess?)

ulcerated colitis

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (has had no major illness)

MULTIPLE RESPONSES: Code the most serious/severe illness, then make a CARD listing all illnesses

e.g., #11506 depression (61) and ulcers (31); depression coded

v32266 = Have you had any major accidents in the last four years that required you to go to the hospital emergency room?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32267 = IF YES, What was the major accident?

01 = cuts; lacerations; stitches; open wounds (general; unspecified)

02 = hand; finger

03 = arm; shoulder; collar bone

04 = leg; knee; foot

05 = head; mouth; eye; face; lip

06 = other (CARD)

10 =broken /fractured bones (general; unspecified)

11 = finger; hand; wrist

12 = arm; shoulder; collar bone; clavicle

13 = ankle; foot; toe

14 = leg

15 = nose

16 = pelvis

18 = x-ray; but nothing broken

19 = other (CARD)

20 = dislocated body part; sprain; injury (general unspecified)

21 = finger; hand; wrist

22 = arm/shoulder/ collar bone

23 = ankle; foot; toe

24 = leg

25 = head (concussion)

26 = back

27 = knee problems (knee blowout)

29 = other (CARD)

30 = Chronic condition or illness (general unspecified)

31 = blood sugar problem

32 = allergic reaction; allergic reaction to bee/hornet sting

33 = dehydration

34 = passed out; fainted

35 = heat stroke

36 = appendicitis; stomach problems; kidney stones; food poisoning

37 = recurring nose bleeds

38 = myasthenia gravis

39 = other illness/chronic condition

40 = General description of accident, but not of illness/injury

41 = car accident/hit by car; motorcycle accident

42 = fell down; tripped

43 = beaten up; was in fight

44 = shot; stabbed; someone tried ot kill me

45 = raped

46 = self-inflicted injury reported as accident (stabbed myself; shot self with nail gun; stuck ball point pen through hand; stabbed myself prying frozen hamburger)

47 = bike/mountain bike accident

48 = severe bleeding

49 = other (CARD);

3000 lb. tractor fell on my chest

50 = suicide attempt; unspecified

51 = pill overdose (tried to o.d. on pills)

52 = panic attack

60 = burns

61 = something splashed in eye (liquid chlorine splashed in eyes)

70 = sports-related injuries (soccer accident; hit with golf ball)

71 = skiing injury

72 = pregnancy / birth-related complication (e.g., severe bleeding)

73 = job/work related injury

80 = brain injury

81 = stroke

98 = other accident requiring emergency care (CARD)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (has not gone to emergency room)

MULTIPLE RESPONSES: Code the most serious/severe illness, then make a CARD listing all illnesses

e.g., #10914 cut by glass (01) and sprained ankle (23) cut by glass coded

v32268 = Have you ever had major surgery?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32269 = IF YES (major surgery), For what?

01=Cesarean Section

02=Child Birth/episiotomy

03=Ectopic Pregnancy


05=Cervical Cancer

06=Ovarian Cysts

07 = laparoscopy

08 = tubal legation

09 = breast cancer/lumpectomy

10=Gall Bladder




14 = tonsils/tonsillectomy

15 = adenoids

16 = stomach

17 = oral/maxilofacial

18 = bowel/gastrointestinal

19 = heart





24 = exploratory

25 = foot

26 = hip

27 = hand/wrist

28 = leg

29 = Pelvis

30 = Rhinoplasty/Plastic surgery

31 = breast reduction

32 = liposuction

33 = lasik/eye

40 = tumor, unspecified

41 = thyroid/thyroidectomy

42 = head/brain

43 = ovary removal

44 = brain tumor/cyst

45 = bladder

46 = cyst, unspecified

47 = pancreas

98 = Other (CARD)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

MULTIPLE RESPONSES: Code the most serious/severe condition, then make a CARD listing all conditions

v32270 = Have you ever received treatment from a psychiatrist or psychologist for a psychological problem?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32271 = IF YES (psychiatrist or psychologist), When? (4-digit code for year BEGAN treatment, eg: 1997, 2000, etc.)

*If more than one year listed, code first year and write a CARD*

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip (has never had psychiatric treatment)


e.g., #12150 depression (15) and sexuality (98) depression was coded

v32272 = IF YES (psychiatrist or psychologist), For what?

01 = Depression

02 = Anxiety

03 = Depression and Anxiety

04 = OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

05 = Schizophrenia

06 = Bipolar (aka Manic Depression)

07 = Eating disorder (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia, etc.)

08 = Substance abuse/addiction

09 = ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

10 = General personal (vague or unspecified)

11 = Suicide attempt

12 = sexual assault/Rape

13 = Assault

14 = Stress/Anger management

15 = Grief counseling

16 = Abortion

17 = Victim support counseling

18 = Sexual identity

19 = Sexual, other (questions, issues, etc.)

20 = Relationship

21= Marital

22 = Divorce

23 = Family of origin (family counseling, stepfamily intergration, etc.)

24 = Parental divorce

30 = Head trauma

98 = Other (CARD)

99 = Missing data

00 = Valid skip

MULTIPLE RESPONSES: Code the most serious/severe condition, then make a CARD listing all conditions

v32273 = Have you ever been in drug or alcohol treatment or rehab?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32274 = IF YES (drug or alcohol treatment or rehab), When? (4-digit year, start date)

*If more than one year, code first and write a CARD*

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip (has never had psychiatric treatment)

v32275 = IF YES (drug or alcohol treatment or rehab), For what?

01 = Alcohol

02 = Marijuana

03 = Cocaine

04 = Drugs (unspecified)

05 = Addiction (unspecified)

06 = DUI

07 = Court ordered/probation

08 = Multiple substance

98 = Other (CARD)

99 = Missing data

00 = Valid skip

MULTIPLE RESPONSES: Code the most serious/severe condition, then make a CARD listing all conditions

*** PAGE 15 ***

v32276 = Have you ever smoked cigarettes on a regular basis?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32277 = If yes (ever smoked), how many packs a day at your highest level?

1 = one-quarter of a pack a day

2 = half a pack a day

3 = one pack a day

4 = one and one-half pack a day

5 = two packs a day

6 = three packs a day

7 = more than three packs a day

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32278 = Do you smoke now?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32279 = If yes, how many packs a day (do you smoke now)?

1 = one-quarter a pack

2 = one-half a pack

3 = three-quarters a pack

4 = one pack

5 = more than one pack a day

6 = about a pack a week

7 = about a pack a month

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32280 = Have you ever used chewing tobacco on a regular basis?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32281 = If yes, how many cans (of chewing tobacco) a day at your highest level (ever)?

1 = less than one can

2 = one or more cans

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32282 = Do you use chewing tobacco now?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32283 = If yes (chew now, how many cans (of chewing tobacco) a day?

1 = less than one can

2 = one or more cans

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32284 = Has your mother ever smoked on a regular basis?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32285 = Has your father ever smoked on a regular basis?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

If you ever drink beverages containing alcohol . . .

v32286 = Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32287 = If yes (cut down)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

96 = teens and twenties

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32287A = If yes (cut down)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

Example: If participant responds yes, ages 21-25, you would code: 1 (for yes), 05 (for the duration), and 25 (for the most recent age)

v32288 = Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32289 = If yes (annoyed by criticism)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32289A = If yes (annoyed by criticism)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32290 = Have you ever felt guilty or bad about your drinking?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32291 = If yes (felt guilty)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32291A = If yes (felt guilty)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32292 = Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to “steady your nerves” or

to get rid of a hangover?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32293 = If yes (had a drink first thing)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32293A = If yes (had a drink first thing)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32294 = Have you ever attended a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32295 = If yes (attended AA)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32295A = If yes (attended AA)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32296 = Have you ever lost friends or girlfriends/boyfriends because of your drinking?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32297 = If yes (lost friends, etc.)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32297A = If yes (lost friends, etc.)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32298 = Have you ever gotten into trouble at work because of drinking?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32299 = If yes (gotten into trouble)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32299A = If yes (gotten into trouble)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32300 = Have family members ever expressed concern or anger about your drinking?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32301 = If yes (family expressed concern)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32301A = If yes (family expressed concern)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32302 = Have you ever been unable to remember events that took place after drinking?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32303 = If yes (unable to remember events)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32303A = If yes (unable to remember events)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32304 = Have you ever been hospitalized because of drinking?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32305 = If yes (hospitalized)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32305A = If yes (hospitalized)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32306 = Have you ever engaged in sex after drinking and later regretted it?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (does not drink)

v32307 = If yes (engaged in sex)—DURATION:

01-29 = Number of ages/years listed (e.g., listed age 25, code = 01; listed ages 21-27, code = 07)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32307A = If yes (engaged in sex)—WHAT AGE?

01-29 = most recent age reported (e.g., listed 18-24, code = 24)

90 = many (no age listed)

91 = various (no age listed)

92 = all (no age listed)

93 = college (no age listed)

94 = adolescence (no age listed)

95 = early 20’s (no age listed)

99 = missing data (no age listed)

00 = valid skip (checked “no”)

v32308 = Has your mother ever gotten into trouble at work because of drinking?



0=valid skip (does not drink)

9 = missing data

v32309 = Has your mother ever had difficulties in family relationships because of drinking?



0=valid skip (does not drink)

9 = missing data

v32310 = Has your father ever gotten into trouble at work because of drinking?



0=valid skip (does not drink)

9 = missing data

v32311 = Has your father ever had difficulties in family relationships because of drinking?



0=valid skip (does not drink)

9 = missing data

*** PAGE 16 ***


Place a check next to any of the following things that has happened to you in the past



v32312 = Have you changed jobs for a better one?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32313 = Promoted or had significant success at work?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32314 = Conditions at work improved, not including promotion or other personal


0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32315 = Took on a greatly increased workload?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32316 = Has your spouse been laid off?

laid off:

0 = skip (eg: if they check it and write promoted, it’s 0 for laid off and 1 for promoted)

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32317 = Has your spouse been promoted?


0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

Love and Marriage

v32318 = Started a love affair

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32319 = Engagement was broken

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32320 = Ended a relationship

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32321 = Left by partner

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32322 = Discovered partner’s sexual infidelity

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data


v32323 = Close relative died?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32324 = Who (close relative who died)?






6=Parent-in-law (CARD)

7 = other in-law

8=Other (CARD)

MULTIPLE RESPONSES: Code the one who appears to be a closer relative, then make a CARD

v32325 = Distant relative died?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32326 = Who (distant relative who died)?



3=Great Grandparent

4=Great Aunt/Uncle


6 = ANY in-law

8=Other (CARD)

MULTIPLE RESPONSES: Code the one who appears to be a closer relative, then make a CARD

v32327 = Family member seriously ill?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32328 = Who (family member seriously ill)?






6 = sibling

7 = any in-law

8=Other (CARD)

MULTIPLE RESPONSES: Code the one who appears to be a closer relative, then make a CARD

v32329 = Friend died?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32330 = Serious family argument, other than with spouse

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data


v32331 = Have you moved?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32332 = If so, is the quality of your new neighborhood compared to your last one

1 = better

2 = same

3 = worse

9 = missing data

Crime and Legal Matters

v32333 = Have you been threatened with a knife or gun?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32334 = Was anything of value taken?

0 = skip

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32335 = Have you been robbed/burgled?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32336 = Been involved in a lawsuit?

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

Social Activities

v32337 = Have you experienced a recent event involving a pet

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32338 = What happened (event involving pet)?

1 = New pet

2 = Pet died

3 = Pet ill

4 = Pet died, and got new pet

5 = lost or gave away pet

6 = lost pet to ex-spouse/partner (in divorce, etc.)

7 = took care of someone else’s pet

8=other (CARD)

v32339 = Have you won any community awards (PTA, community service)

0 = skip

1 = yes

9 = missing data

v32340 = If so, what kind of community awards?

0 = skip (hasn’t received any awards)

9 = missing data

BLANK if have received awards, input as TEXT

*** PAGE 17 ***


v32341 = What is the last year of school you have completed? (CHECK ONE)

01 = 9th grade

02 = 10th

03 = 11th

04 = 12th grade, no high school diploma

05 = GED, no high school diploma

06 = 12th grade graduate with Diploma

07 = 1 year of post-high school Vocational training

08 = 2 years of post-high school Vocational training

09 = 2 years of post-high school Vocational training with Certificate

10 = 1 year of College

11 = 2 years of College

12 = 2 year college graduate (Associates Degree)

13 = 3 years of College

14 = 4 years of College

15 = 4 year college graduate (Bachelor’s degree)

16 = 1 year of Graduate school

17 = 2 years of Graduate school

18 = 2 year Graduate school, degree completed (Master’s degree)

19 = 3 years of Graduate school

20 = more than four years of College

21 = more than one Bachelor’s degree

22 = extended Vocational training

23 = some College, unspecified

24 = < 2 years Vocational training with Certificate

25 = more than 3 years of Graduate school (pursuing PhD, in medical school)

26 = obtained a law degree

27 = obtained a doctorate/PhD degree

28 = obtained a medical/dental/veterinary degree

98 = Other (CARD)

99 = missing data

Beginning with 1996, please list ALL of the post-high school training programs, schools, colleges, or universities you have attended or are currently attending.

v32342 = Number of schools attended (1 digit)

1-6 = actual number of schools listed

7 = more than 6 schools listed

8 = other (CARD); school is listed, but participant has not started yet

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (have not attended any college)

School # 1 (most recent school)

v32343 = Type of most recent school

1 = four year college

2 = two-year college

3 = Vocational school

4 = School abroad

5 = Beauty school

6 = Military School

7 = Indeterminable (none of the above)

8 = other (CARD)

American Graduate School of Int’l Mgmt

CISR Seminars

Detroit College of Law

GMI Engineering and Mgmt

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Thomas Cooley Law School

Grand Rapids Education Center

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (have not attended any college)

v32344 = School control for most recent school

1 = Independent

2 = Independent-Religious

3 = Proprietary

4 = State (includes federal, state, commonwealth, territory, county, district, city, state,

state-related, and local

7 = Indeterminable (none of the above)

8 = other (CARD)

American Grad. School of Int’l Mgmt

Detroit College of Law

GMI Engineering and Mgmt

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not a four- or a two-year college; have not attended any college)

v32345 = Gender composition of most recent school

1 = Predominately female (67% or more female)

2 = About equally male and female (34%-67% both male and female)

3 = Predominately male (67% or more male)

7 = Indeterminable

8 = other (CARD)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (have not attended any college)

v32346 = Ranking for most recent school

1 = Most diffuicult

2 = Very difficult

3 = Moderately difficult

4 = Minimally difficult

5 = Noncompetitive

7 = indeterminable

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (have not attended any college)



v32347 = month started attending most recent school

01-12 = month started

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (have not attended any college)

***If participant lists “Fall” or “Spring” code as Sept or Jan, respectively.

v32348 = year started attending most recent school

1980-2000 = year started

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip (have not attended any college)

v32349 = month stopped attending most recent school

01-12 = month stopped

98 = still in school

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (have not attended any college)

v32350 = year stopped attending most recent school

1980-2000 = year stopped

9998 = still in school

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip (have not attended any college)

v32351 = duration attended most recent school (2 digit, in months)

01-84 = actual duration, in months

96 = still attending

97 = more than 8 years

98 = duration unclear (CARD)

various times, summers

didn’t list end month

didn’t list start month

listed only years 1997-1997; 1997-1998; 1998-1998; 1999-1999

listed only ’96 on and off

didn’t list start year

didn’t list any dates

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip



v32352 = status at most recent school

1 = part-time

2 = full time

3 = full time, then part time

4 = part time and full time (unspecified order)

5 = part time, then full time

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (have not attended any college)

v32353 = certificate or degree earned from most recent school (2 digit)

10 = License, unspecified

11 = License, beauty

12 = License, real estate

18 = License, other (CARD)

insurance agent


A & P

19 = Certificate, travel agent

20 = Certificate, unspecified

21 = Certificate, legal secretary, banking

22 = Certificate, computer accounting; medical billing; Microsoft word;

number skills

23 = Certificate, firefighting; police academy, EMT

24 = Certificate, hazardous materials

25 = Certificate, dental assistant; eye assistant

26 = Certificate, nurse's assistant (NA); medical assistant; counseling

27 = Certificate; technical (engine overhaul; field welder; freight technician)

28 = Certificate, other (CARD)

dog training

music, theater, dance

military training

A & P

technical pragmatics

computer aided drafting CAD

course completion at German institution



29 = Teaching certificate

30 = Associates degree, unspecified; general studies; AS

31 = AA (Associates of Art)

32 = ADN, LPN (nursing)

33 = Associates of law enforcement; corrections

34 = ASA

35 = AAS

36 = ALA (legal assistant)

38 = Associates, other (CARD)

AAT (major=auto electronics)


40 = Bachelors; BS/BA

41 = BBA (business and finance)

42 = BM (music)

43 = BFA (fine arts)

44 = BAA

45 = BFID (fashion and interior design)

46 = BED (education)

47 = BSN, RN (nursing)

48 = Bachelors, other (CARD)

BSE (engineering)

50 = Masters degree; MS/MA

51 = MBA

52 = MFA

53 = MPH (public health)

54 = MSW (social work)

55 = MSEd (teaching certificate)

56 = MPA (public administration)

57 = Masters in Law

58 = Masters, other (CARD)

MPT (physical therapy)

60 = Advanced Degree, unspecified

61 = PhD

62 = MD

63 = JD/Law Degree

64 = DDS (dental)

65 = DVM (veterinary)

66 = D.C. (chiropractic)

67 = D.O. (osteopathy)

68 = Advanced degree, other (CARD)

70 = Post- Baccalaureate degree

legal assistant/business administration

95 = non-degree

96 = dropped out before degree

97 = other (CARD)

98 = still attending

99 = Missing

00 = valid skip (have not attended any college)

v32354 = first major at most recent school ( 2 digit)

v32355 = second major at most recent school ( 2 digit)

SEE APPENDIX A for major codes

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (have not attended college)

v32356 = grade point average at most recent school (3 digit)


400 = A 367 = A- 333 = B+

300 = B 267 = B- 233 = C+

200 = C 167 = C- 133 = D+

100 = D 067 = D-

001 = F

888 = other (CARD); school doesn’t give grades

was placed on probation, nearly failed out

GPA not applicable

beauty school - GPA not applicable

firefighter training - GPA not applicable

military training - GPA not applicable

medical school - GPA not applicable-pass


Residential builders licensing course

CPA course

999 = missing data

000 = valid skip (have not attended any college)


School # 2

v32357 = Type of second school

v32358 = School control for second school

v32359 = Gender compostition for second school

v32360 = Ranking for second school

v32361 = month started attending second school

v32362 = year started attending second school

v32363 = month stopped attending second school

v32364 = year stopped attending second school

v32365 = duration attended second school (2 digit, in months)

v32366 = status at second school

v32367 = certificate or degree earned from second school (2 digit)

v32368 = first major at second school (2 digit)

v32369 = second major at second school (2 digit)

v32370 = grade point average at second school (3 digit)

School # 3

v32371 = Type of third school

v32372 = School control for third school

v32373 = Gender composition for third school

v32374 = Ranking for third school

v32375 = month started attending third school

v32376 = year started attending third school

v32377 = month stopped attending third school

v32378 = year stopped attending third school

v32379 = duration attended third school (2 digit, in months)

v32380 = status at third school

v32381 = certificate or degree earned from third school (2 digit)

v32382 = major at third school ( 2 digit)

v32383 = second major at third school ( 2 digit)

v32384 = grade point average at third school (3 digit)

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your

vocational training experiences or Associate’s Degree? (Please use the following scale

for the next set of questions. WRITE A NUMBER ON THE LINE FOR EACH ITEM)

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never in vo-tech training)

v32385 = The training has provided me with the basic job-finding skills I need.

v32386 = The training has helped me get the job I wanted.

v32387 = The training has helped me succeed in my job.



*** PAGE 18 ***

If you’ve received a Bachelor’s degree since 1996, or have attended college since 1996 but are not currently enrolled as an undergraduate student, go to question 4. (If you are currently enrolled in graduate training, go to question 4). (If you are currently enrolled in college, GO TO QUESTION 9 below). (If you have not attended college, GO TO QUESTION 23, PAGE 20).

Please list ALL majors you considered while you were in college.

v32388 = first major considered

v32389 = second major considered

v32390 = third major considered

v32391 = fourth major considered

v32392 = fifth major considered

SEE APPENDIX A for major codes

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (did not go to college; are currently enrolled as undergrad;

didn’t consider other majors)

v32393 = Did your future job plans affect the kinds of courses you took in college?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (have not attended college before)

v32394 = If yes (job plans affected courses you took), in what ways?

1 = job guided interests (helped me narrow down, be more specific, helped me to work

toward a goal)

2 = changed course selection, general (took courses to get into graduate school, major

requirements, electives, degree requirements)

3 = to prepare for job (took courses to help prepare for job, developed specific skills

needed for my job, did an internship, job acquisition)

4 = advance and do better in job (to help advance in job, to help me in my job)

5 = matched courses to the specific job desired (CARD)

6 = general skills, interests, not necessarily job-related (took courses to improve abilities,

learn more, courses to benefit me, courses interested me, helped me to find interests)

8 = other (CARD)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never went to college, job plans did not influence courses)

v32395 = Did you participate in a job internship as a way of getting college credit?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (did not attend college/are currently attending college)

v32396 = type of job internship

10 = education related (general)

11 = elementary classroom intern

12 = pre-student teaching

13 = student teaching

14 = assistant to Athletic Director in a high school

20 = media related (general)

21 = television

22 = newspaper (at USA Network; work for local newspaper)

23 = advertising

24 = radio internship

25 = public relations

30 = health-related (general) field placement for gerontology major;

31 = health administration

32 = veterinary assistant

33 = medical assistant

34 = pharmacy technician

40 = general community related

41 = child-care related advanced camp

42 = volunteer related, volunteer at home for teenage girls

50 = business related; Ford Motor credit city Cleveland

51 = marketing

52 = Walt Disney College

53 = music and art

54 = aeronatics

55 = engineering

56 = accounting

57 = science

58 = architecture

60 = law related; legal assistant intern

61 = police and sherriff department; correctional facility

62 = Political (Embassy/election)

70 = government or unspecified internship

71 = co-op

72 = externship

73 = summer internship

80 = research fellowship

98 = other (CARD)

computer lab

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (did not have job internship/did not attend college/are currently attending


v32397 = If you participated in a job internship during college, how useful do you think this

internship has been?

Not at all Very

useful useful

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data;

0 = valid skip (never participated in job internship/did not attend college/are currently attending college)


How much do you agree or disagree with the following questions about your college education. (Please use the following scale for the next set of questions. WRITE A NUMBER ON THE LINE FOR EACH ITEM)

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data;

0 = valid skip (did not attend college/are currently attending college)


v32398 = My college education provided me with the basic job-finding skills I need.

v32399 = My college education helped me get the job I wanted.

v32400 = My college education helped me succeed in my job.



v32401 = Are you currently taking any undergraduate or graduate college courses?

1 = yes, undergraduate courses

2 = no; not currently taking any courses

3 = yes; graduate courses

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip ( never attended college)

v32402 = Have you decided on a college major?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not currently taking any undergraduate courses)

What is your college major? _____________ (if double major, please list both)

v32403 = college major #1

v32404 = college major #2

SEE APPENDIX A for major codes

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (not currently taking any undergraduate courses/have not decided on a major)

Please list ALL majors you have considered.

v32405 = college major #1 considered

v32406 = college major # 2 considered

v32407 = college major # 3 considered

SEE APPENDIX A for major codes

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (not currently taking any undergraduate courses;

didn’t consider other majors)

*** PAGE 19 ***

v32408 = What is your current college GPA?


400 = A 367 = A- 333 = B+

300 = B 267 = B- 233 = C+

200 = C 167 = C- 133 = D+

100 = D 067 = D-

001 = F

888 = other (CARD); school doesn’t give grades

999 = missing data

000 = valid skip (not currently taking any undergraduate courses)

How are you funding your college education? (Check all that apply)

v32409 = Scholarships/fellowships/grants

1 = yes, checked

2 = no, not checked

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not currently taking any courses)

v32410 = Money from spouse/partner

v32411 = Money from parents/other relatives

v32412 = Loans

v32413 = Employment related to your degree program

v32414 = Employment not related to your degree

v32415 = Savings

v32416 = Other funding for college education (Please specify):

1 = yes, checked but unspecified

2 = no, not checked

3 = yes, trust funds

4 = self

5 = military assistance

8 = yes, other (CARD)

job pays 80% of tuition

working my way through

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not taking any courses)

v32417 = Have your future job plans affected the kinds of courses you are taking in college?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (have not attended college before)

v32418 = If yes, (job plans affected the kinds of courses you are taking in college), in what ways?

01 = selecting a major/minor/choosing a school with a certain major

02 = courses required for major/graduation/pre-requisites

03 = course selection/types of courses

04 = taking all or many courses in one field/more focused

05 = limit in electives/less variety/narrowed opportunities/no unnecessary courses

06 = little opportunity to double major

07 = taking classes I wouldn’t normally take

08 = taking summer courses/more or harder classes/more work/more studying

09 = taking double major

11 = taking courses required for job

12 = taking courses to prepare for job/help in job/specific skills to develop

13 = taking courses to help get a job

14 = taking courses to help after graduation (did not specify how)

16 = to get into graduate school/medical school

17 = courses for tests

18 = courses for certification

19 = taking courses that will transfer

21 = to make connections

22 = to get experience

23 = to improve abilities/learn more/benefit me/interest me

24 = to get general knowledge

25 = well rounded/variety/options open

96 = uncodeable – answer does not relate to question (CARD)

97 = other

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

How much do you agree or disagree with the following questions about your educational

experiences. (Please use the following scale for the next set of questions). WRITE A


Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data;

0 = valid skip (not taking any undergraduate courses)

v32419 = My education is providing me with the basic job-finding skills I need.

v32420 = My education will help me get the job I want.

v32421 = My education will help me succeed in my job.


v32422 = Have you participated in a job internship as a way of getting college credit?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not taking any classes)

v32423 = Type of job internship

10 = education related (general)

11 = elementary classroom intern

12 = pre-student teaching

13 = student teaching

14 = assistant to Athletic Director in a high school

20 = media related (general)

21 = television

22 = newspaper (at USA Network; work for local newspaper)

23 = advertising

24 = radio internship

25 = public relations

30 = health-related (general) field placement for gerontology major;

31 = health administration

32 = veterinary assistant

33 = medical assistant

34 = pharmacy technician

40 = general community related

41 = child-care related advanced camp

42 = volunteer related, volunteer at home for teenage girls

50 = business related; Ford Motor credit city Cleveland

51 = marketing

52 = Walt Disney College

53 = music and art

54 = aeronatics

55 = engineering

56 = accounting

57 = science

58 = architecture

60 = law related; legal assistant intern

61 = police and sherriff department; correctional facility

62 = Political (Embassy/election)

70 = government or unspecified internship

71 = co-op

72 = externship

73 = summer internship

80 = research fellowship

98 = other (CARD)

computer lab

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (did not have job internship/did not attend college/are currently attending


v32424 = If you participated in a job internship, how useful do you think this internship

will be for the kind of job you want after you finish college?

Not at all Very

useful useful

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data;

0 = valid skip (never participated in job internship/ are not currently attending college)


v32425 = What type of graduate program are you enrolled in?

SEE APPENDIX A for major codes

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (not in grad program)

When did you start this program?

v32426 = month started graduate program

01-12 = actual month

97 = don’t know; unsure

98 = other (CARD)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (not in grad program)

v32427 = year started graduate program

1990-1999 = actual year

9998 = uncodeable; other (CARD)

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip (not in grad program)

When do you expect to finish this program?

v32428 = month expected to finish graduate program

01-12 = actual month

97 = don’t know; unsure

98 = other (CARD)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (not in grad program)

v32429 = year expected to finish graduate program

1996-1999 = actual year (1996-1999)

2000-2010 = actual year (2000-2010)

9997 = don’t know

9998 = other (CARD)

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip (not in grad program)

How are you funding your graduate training? (Check all that apply)

v32430 = Scholarships/fellowships/grants

1 = yes, checked

2 = no, not checked

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not in grad program)

v32431 = Money from spouse/partner

v32432 = Money from parents/other relatives

v32433 = Loans

v32434 = Employment related to your degree

v32435 = Employment not related to your degree

v32436 = Savings

v32437 = Other (Please specify):

1 = yes, checked but unspecified

2 = no, not checked

3 = yes, trust funds

4 = yes, my employer pays

5 = military assistance

8 = yes, other (CARD)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not in grad program)

*** PAGE 20 ***

B. JoB training activities

v32438 = Are you involved in any vocational/technical training now?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (for those in grad school)

v32439 = If yes, type of vocational/technical training now

01 = vocational; technical; industrial (general)

02 = electronics

03 = mechanical; auto body; bus maintenance; aircraft maintenance; transportation-related

04 = computer

05 = construction

06 = drafting; engineering; architecture

07 = business; management

08 = accounting; actuary; tax preparation

09 = secretarial; typing; data entry; word processing; paralegal; clerk

10 = marketing; sales

11 = broadcasting; media; advertising; journalism

12 = film production; video; photography

13 = graphic arts

14 = fashion; art design; interior decorating

15 = dance; modeling

16 = cosmetology; beauty school

17 = health related (general)

18 = nursing; lab technician; medical technician

19 = dental/medical assistant

20 = military

21 = police academy

22 = child care; adult foster care; counseling; teaching (??!!)

23 = travel agent

24 = food; cooking; bartending

25 = animal related

26 = training for the job; on the job (general)

27 = training for job (specific)

28 = seminars

29 = college co-op

30 = real estate

31 = locksmith

32 = fire academy

33 = aeronautics

34 = quality assurance

35 = operator certificate

36 = physical therapy

37 = electrician

97 = other (CARD) “osha-hazous”

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (not in vo-tech training/in graduate school)



v32440 = Has this vocational/technical training been:

1 = on the job training

2 = training outside of work, not paid for by employer

3 = training outide of work, paid for by employer

4 = both one and three

5 = both one and two

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not currently in vo-tech training)

v32441 = How many hours per week do you spend in vocational/technical training per week?

01-80 = actual number of hours

88 = none

97 = depends

98 = other (CARD)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (not in vo-tech training)

How much do you agree or disagree with the following questions about your vocational training experiences. (Please use the following scale for the next set of questions. WRITE A NUMBER ON THE LINE FOR EACH ITEM)

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not in any vo-tech training)

v32442 = This vo/tech training is providing me with the basic job-finding skills I need.

v32443 = This vo/tech training will help me get the job I want.

v32444 = This vo/tech training will help me succeed in my job.




v32445 = Have you ever served in any branch of the Armed Services?

1 = yes, I am currently in the Armed Services

2 = no

3 = yes, I was in the Armed Services before, but am not currently

9 = missing

v32446 = branch of the Armed Services

01 = Army

02 = Navy

03 = Marines

04 = Air Force

05 = Coast Guard

07 = National Guardif v32000 = 10119 v32153 = 5.

08 = Reserves (unspecified)

98 = other (CARD)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (never in the military)

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your military


Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not in any vo-tech training)

v32447 = My military experience gave me the basic academic skills I need.

v32448 = My military experience has helped me get the job I wanted.

v32449 = My military experience has helped me succeed in my job.



*** PAGE 21 ***


Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently in terms of your past educational and training experiences?

v32450 = Would have done differently concerning school/job experiences #1

v32451 = Would have done differently concerning school/job experiences #2

01 = would have gone to/finished school; more school

02 = would have completed high school

03 = would have gone to a community college

04 = would have gotten an associates/2 year degree

05 = would have chosen college over military

06 = would have gone to college

07 = would have gotten a college (4 year) degree/stayed in a college

08 = would have gone to medical school; continued education

10 = changed type of education (general; unspecified)

11 = gone to a larger/smaller school

12 = gone to a different school

13 = gone to a better school

14 = stayed at one school/gone to the same school

15 = would have gone part time instead of full time

16 = would have gone full time instead of part time

17 = gone to 4 yr college

18 = not gone to college

20 = changed timing of school (in general)

21 = would not have started until later; when kids were grown; would have taken a year off between high school and college

22 = would have started sooner; would have gone to college right after high school

23 = would have waited to get married/have kids; gone to school before I had kids

24 = would have tried to finish within 4 years; finished sooner; not spent so much time in college

25 = would have taken more than 4 years to complete

26 = taken summer classes

27 = gotten out of high school sooner

28 = would not have taken time off

29 = would have taken time off/done slower

30 = change in attitude toward school (general)

31 = studies harder; taken school more seriously; paid more attention; applied myself more; focused more on school; put forth greater effort

32 = studied harder in high school; gotten better grades in high school

33 = studied harder so I could go to a better college; gone to college

34 = studied harder in college

35 = studied harder so that I could have gotten a fellowship/scholarship; kept the

fellowship/ shcolarship

36 = gotten better grades; been a better student; learned how to study earlier; learned the basic fundamentals; learned how to retain information

37 = prepared better for college

38 = relaxed more about school

39 = not had job; not worked outside of school so much

40 = college related (i.e., coursework, majors); general; unspecified

41 = would have only taken courses need for degree/education; taken more classes related to my job

42 = matched my courses from 4 year college to curriculum from 2 year college

43 = would have taken computer courses; courses in public speaking; math

44 = would have taken different courses; more courses; more advanced courses; more varied courses; taken summer courses; doubled majored

45 = chosen curriculum better so as to finish faster

46 = thought about what I wanted to do to obtain goals; been more sure of what I wanted before I started college

47 = taken a different major; chosen a different major; chosen a more narrowed down major; chosen a major and stuck with it; not gone to dental school; gone to any other school

48 = chosen my major earlier

49 = had various experiences within in job field

50 = advisors (general)

51 = met with academic advisors more often

52 = gotten career counseling

53 = not let my advisor control me

54 = spoken up about problems with professors

59 = out of debt (earlier)

60 = money related (general)

61 = applied for scholarships; grants; fellowships; financial aid

62 = used more self-control in spending habits so I didn’t have to have a job while I was in school

63 = saved money

64 = cut back loans/ without loans

65 = volunteering/ working in interested fields

66 = certifications

68 = would have studied a trade in school

69 = vocational training (general)

70 = occupational/job related (general)

71 = would have joined the military

72 = tried to get a internship; gotten internship earlier

73 = started job training right after high school

74 = looked around for a better job

75 = made more business contacts; networked more

76 = had a job while I was in school

77 = taken time off between school and work

78 = more career oriented summer jobs

79 = chosen different careers

80 = miscellaneous answer (general)

81 = had a co-op while going for bachelors

82 = lived on campus

83 = gone to school further from home

84 = not been engaged

85 = known what I know now

86 = not done drugs

87 = extracurricular activities

88 = taken advantage of more opportunities

89 = improved social skills/ opposite sex

90 = focusing more

91 = not joined military

92 = studied less

93 = lived at home

94 = studied abroad

95 = so many/much/lots of things/everything

96 = enjoyed life/relaxed more

97 = nothing

98 = other (CARD)

would not have worked in family business

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip for response #2, if only one response was given


v32452 = Do you want to get any more education in the future?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32453 = Ideally, how much education would you like to get in the future?

1 = General Education Development (GED)

2 = High School Diploma

3 = Vocational Training or Training Certificate

4 = An associate arts degree from a community college

5 = A bachelor's degree

6 = A master's degree

7 = An advanced degree ______________

8 = Other (CARD) nothing; already has it

9 = missing data




v32454 = level of advanced education in the future

1 = RN

2 = PhD

3 = MD

4 = JD

5 = DDS

6 = chiropactor

7 = DVM

8 = other (CARD)

Certified financial planner


Specialists/ fellowship/ Th.D/ post master’s

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (did not check advanced degree)

v32455 = field of education in the future

SEE APPENDIX A for major/field codes

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (checked high school or GED)

v32456 = How likely do you think it is that you will get to earn the highest degree or certificate you would like to get?

Not at all Very

likely likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

8 = “already have it”

9 = missing data


v32457 = How much education do you expect you will actually get?

1 = General Education Development (GED)

2 = High School Diploma

3 = Vocational Training or Training Certificate

4 = An associate arts degree from a community college

5 = A bachelor's degree

6 = A master's degree

7 = An advanced degree _______________

8 = Other(CARD)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if answered “not at all likely” in #31)




v32458 = level of advanced education expect to actually get

1 = RN

2 = PhD

3 = MD

4 = JD

5 = DDS

6 = chiropactor

7 = DVM

8 = other (CARD)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (did not check advanced degree)

v32459 = field of education expect to actually get

SEE APPENDIX A for major/field codes

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (checked high school or GED)

v32460 = what do you need in order to get the full amount of education you would like #1

v32461 = what do you need in order to get the full amount of education you would like #2

01 = personal characteristics(general)

02 = motivation-related







to work hard




03 = ability/skill

good GMAT/MCAT/GRE/scores

great GPA; good grades

better study skills

a brain

04 = attitude



right frame of mind

empty ambition and the ability to overlook the meaninglessness of field

conviction that degree will apply to job

05 = stress-related

less stress

fewer distractions

less frustration

06 = self-esteem/faith

07 = energy

08 = physical/health-related

a stabilized illness

physical stability

09 = stubborness

10 = social support/family related (non-financial; general)

11 = support from family

support from family/friends/employers

12 = better relationships with others

13 = children grown; children in daycare; babysitter; children in school; to not have kids; delay having kids

14 = someone to take care of my parents

15 = get spouse through school first

16 = rest/take time-off

20 = job-related (general)

21 = need to quit job

22 = need to cut back hours; work part time; less work

23 = need good, stable job; working beforehand; good job now/ well-paying job

24 = flexible working schedule

25 = more experience; work first-then begin doctoral; experience in field; apprenticeship

26 = made contacts

30 = time-related (general)

31 = time for school

32 = time for family

40 = money related (general)

41 = financial stability

42 = be able to afford to work part time

43 = scholarship; fellowship; grants/ funds/ financial aid

44 = loans

45 = benefits from job

46 = too many bills/money to pay bills

47 = tuition reimbursement

50 = instrumental/practical (general)

51 = to stay in one place long enough

52 = better location; relocate; live closer to school; school closer to job; moved out of


53 = transportation-related (car)

60 = school-related (general)

61 = to be accepted at school

62 = more school; graduate school; more classes; night classes; more education

63 = good teachers

64 = specifics

to be certified

two more tests


65 = study

66 = prep classes

67 = grades

68 = degree

69 = early credit hours

70 = decision-related

71 = specific goals about what I want to do/job of interest; area of interest; concrete goals

72 = direction

80 = luck and other stuff

81 = a miracle

82 = the luck of God

83 = a chance

84 = “just me”

85 = myself

88 = already have it

95 = everything/ a lot/ many things

96 = don't know ***NOTE: change all 96’s to 99***

97 = “nothing”

98 = other (CARD)

a teaching position

need to get out of debt

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (if respondent only gives one reason)

v32462 = what might keep you from getting the full amount of education #1

v32463 = what might keep you from getting the full amount of education #2

01 = money (general)

02 = debts; general expenses; tuition/ bills

03 = not enough pay/money

04 = economy/finances

05 = needed money for a specific purchase

06 = unable to get loans

07 = buying a home

08 = spouse unemployed

10 = relationships with others (general)

11 = having a family/children

12 = taking care of children; no day care

13 = taking care of parents

14 = lack of support from other people

15 = marriage

16 = family committments

20 = school and education (general)

21 = not getting accepted to school; other more qualified applicants/no interviews

22 = not passing the entrance exam; poor test scores; not passing existing classes to


23 = not getting a degree; finishing school

24 = discouraged by the amount of time it takes to get degree

25 = poor teacher/administrators

26 = gender discrimination

27 = grades

28 = politics; bureaucracy; not being a minority

29 = poor study habits

30 = time (general)

31 = not enough time to devote to school

32 = not enough time because of school

33 = not enough time because of work

34 = not enough time because of additional responsibilities

40 = experience/job (general)

41 = demands of current job/jobs/military

42 = finding a good job/promotion

43 = change in employment; side tracked into new career

44 = change of position within employment; raise in current job so can’t keep going in


45 = lack of references

46 = being laid off

47 = knowing the right people

50 = location (general)

51 = afraid to relocate

52 = constant transfers

53 = getting a ride

54 = moving

55 = transportation

60 = physical/mental health (general)

61 = lack of motivation/direction/desire/ burnout; procrastination; frustration

62 = boredom; patience

63 = physical or mental disability

64 = issues of self-esteem

65 = death; major catastrophe

66 = I decide not to

67 = life changes

68 = age (too old, too young)

69 = myself

88 = already have it

96 = don’t know ***NOTE: change all 96’s to 99***

97 = nothing

98 = other (CARD)


paying for a house and taking care of mother

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (if respondent only gave one reason)

v32464 = How likely do you think it is that you will get a bachelor’s degree from a four-year college or university?

Not at all Very

likely likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

8 = already have it (checked)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip


*** PAGE 22 ***



Beginning with January 1, 1996, please list all of the jobs you’ve had in the past four

years. If you have not worked since January 1996, check here _____ and GO TO


v32464A = have not worked since January 1996

1= checkmark

2 = blank


1. Use the most specific code you can find. Avoid using the n.e.c. codes

or the added codes unless you cannot find an alternative.

2. If more than one occupation is mentioned, code the one that is the most non-traditional.

If all occupations listed have the same traditionality, code the one that is the most specific.

If all occupations listed have the same specificity, code the one that is lowest numerically (higher status).

If all occupations listed have the same status, code the first occupation


AND Make a problem card listing all jobs in response and their OCSM codes for entry into the Codebook.


Make every effort to assign an OCSM code. If impossible, using standard codes or one of the following, make problem cards for discussion and possible code assignment.

Sex Type Code Description of Code

3 900 Military personnel

1 990 Housewife / househusband

9 994 Consultant (if no clues for domain of consultancy)

9 995 Retired

9 997 “I don’t know” / “?” (Specificity=9)

9 998 Uncodeable (Specificity=9)

write ID and response in codebook

*** NOTE: For each job listed, the following variables should

be coded (job one is MOST RECENT; job 5 is LEAST RECENT; Do NOT

code current job -- -See # 66, pg. 22 of survey to verify current job. If more than 5 jobs are listed, CARD. - If less than 5 jobs are listed (but at least one has been listed) be sure to code zero's for all other jobs.

JOB #1:

v32001 = type of work (3 digits)

v32002 = sex typing (1 digit)

v32465 = hours per week worked

01-97=number of hours

98=98 or more hours

168 per week


99=missing data

00=no job listed

v32466 = year began working


9999=missing data

0000=do not have job

v32467 = length of employment in months

(coder must calculate this by looking at month/year began working and month/year ended


01-97 = number of months

98 = 98 or more months

99= missing data

00 = valid skip

v32468= $ earned per week when left job

4 digit code, rounded to the nearest dollar

(i.e.$825.00 = 0825)

0001-9997 = earnings per week

9998 = unspecified amount (e.g., tips, room & board, commission)

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip

v32469 = Why did you leave this job

01= started school/went back to school/to prepare for college/school ended

02= temporary job/seasonal position

03= hours/too many/too few /time conflict with other activities

04= management/boss

05= pay

06= individual relocated

07= got a better position/new job/transferred

08= did not want career/to find a job in field of interest/job was boring/didn't like


09= maternity leave/got pregnant

10= got married/partner did not want me to work

11= no child care

12= no benefits/loss of benefits

13= got fired/laid off

14= location/transportation difficulties

15= no room for advancement/learned as much as possible

16= medical reasons/illness/stress-related reasons

17= job relocated

18= employer went out of business

19= on strike

20= enlisted in military

21= money not necessary/partner got a raise

22= travel

23= bad work environment

24= graduated

25= military discharge/honorable discharge

26= chose to stay home and raise kids

27= personal or family related

28= lack of motivation &/or responsibility

29= imprisonment

30 = started own business/be self-employed

31 = reevaluating my career choice

40 = conflict with employer/boss/coworkers

41 = gave a birth and stayed home

42 = moved

50 = contract ends

90 = just quit

97= don't know

98= other (card)

wasn’t needed anymore

could not cash checks

employee dispute

needed job with insurance

not practical for summer job

follow friend’s work place

99= missing data

00= presently working at job (valid skip)


JOB #2:

v32003 = type of work (3 digits)

v32004= sex typing (1 digit)

v32470 = hours per week worked (2 digits)

v32471 = year began working (4 digits)

v32472 = length of employment in months (2 digits)

v32473 = $ earned per week when left job (4 digits)

v32474 = why did you leave this job (2 digits)

JOB #3:

v32005 = type of work (3 digits)

v32006 = sex typing (1 digit)

v32475 = hours per week worked (2 digits)

v32476 = year began working (4 digits)

v32477 = length of employment in months (2 digits)

v32478 = $ earned per week when left job (4 digits)

v32479 = why did you leave this job (2 digits)

JOB #4:

v32007 = type of work (3 digits)

v32008 = sex typing (1 digit)

v32480 = hours per week worked (2 digits)

v32481 = year began working (4 digits)

v32482 = length of employment in months (2 digits)

v32483 = $ earned per week when left job (4 digits)

v32484 = why did you leave this job (2 digits)

JOB #5:

v32009 = type of work (3 digits)

v32010 = sex typing (1digit)

v32485 = hours per week worked (2 digits)

v32486= year began working (4 digits)

v32487 = length of employment in months (2 digits)

v32488 = $ earned per week when left job (4 digits)

v32489 = why did you leave this job (2 digit)

JOB #6:

v32011 = type of work (3 digits)

v32012 = sex typing (1digit)

v32490 = hours per week worked (2 digits)

v32491 = year began working (4 digits)

v32492 = length of employment in months (2 digits)

v32493 = $ earned per week when left job (4 digits)

v32494 = why did you leave this job (2 digit)

JOB #7:

v32013 = type of work (3 digits)

v32014 = sex typing (1digit)

v32490A = hours per week worked (2 digits)

v32491A = year began working (4 digits)

v32492A = length of employment in months (2 digits)

v32493A = $ earned per week when left job (4 digits)

v32494A = why did you leave this job (2 digit)

v32495= How many jobs have you had since 1996?

00-95 = number of jobs

99 = missing data (all skips to this question are coded 99)

v32496 = Since 1996, how many times have you been unemployed (and not a full-time

student) for a month or more?

0-7 = number of times unemployed

8 = 8 or more times unemployed (CARD)

9 = missing data

For each time you were unemployed, please indicate the date you stopped and why you stopped.

TIME 1 stopped working

v32497 = month stopped working

01-12 = month

99 = missing

00 = never unemployed

v32498 = year stopped working

1996-2001 = year

9999 = missing

0000 = never unemployed

v32499 = first reason stopped working

v32500 = second reason stopped working

01 = started school/went back to school/to prepare for college

02 = temporary job/seasonal position

03 = hours/too many/too few /time conflict with other activities

04 = management/boss

05 = pay

06 = individual relocated

07 = got a better position/new job

08 = didn’t want career/find a job in field of interest/job was boring/didn't like job

09 = maternity leave/got pregnant

10 = got married/partner did not want me to work

11 = no child care

12 = no benefits/loss of benefits

13 = got fired/laid off

14 = location/transportation difficulties

15 = no room for advancement/learned as much as possible

16 = medical reasons/illness/stress-related reasons

17 = job relocated

18 = employer went out of business

19 = on strike

20 = enlisted in military

21 = money not necessary/partner got a raise

22 = travel

23 = bad work environment

24 = graduated

25 = military discharge/honorable discharge

26 = chose to stay home and raise kids

27 = personal or family related

28 = lack of motivation &/or responsibility

29 = imprisonment

31 = reevaluating my career choice

32 = had achieved the goal from that career/ done with that job

33 = need rest

41 = give a birth and stay at home

42 = moved

50 = wanted to be another state

60 = soft/down/bad economy

70 = injured at work

80 = lack of work

90 = wanted to stay home

97 = don't know

98 = other (CARD)

lack of parts

unemployment paid more than I could earn in Michigan with degree

99 = missing data

00 = presently working at job (valid skip)


TIME 2 stopped working

v32501 = month stopped working (2 digits)

v32502 = year stopped working (4 digits)

v32503 = first reason stopped working (2 digits)

v32504 = second reason stopped working (2 digits)

TIME 3 stopped working

v32505 = month stopped working (2 digits)

v32506 = year stopped working (4 digits)

v32507 = first reason stopped working (2 digits)

v32508 = second reason stopped working (2 digits)

v32509 = Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done

differently in terms of your past work experience?


01 = gone to college

02 = stayed in college/finished college/get my degree sooner

03 = put more emphasis on college than work/got job that allowed time for school

04 = worked less or not at all while in school

05 = stayed in high school / graduated high school

06 = gone to college earlier/right after high school


10 = more experience

11 = worked in field of interest/study

12 = done co-op/internship/volunteered in field of interest

13 =got entry level job in field earlier / went through temp. services earlier

14 = got real or better job sooner

15 = got summer job during school/got better paying summer job

16 = had more part-time jobs

Job Situation

20 = not stayed at job didn't like/left job sooner/quit

21 = not taken particular job/would not have worked at fast food, retail, restaurant

22 = stayed with only one job/not taken so many jobs

23 = not have left job / not have left job so soon

24 = started own business

25 = waited for better job

26 = taken different job / not passed-up job opportunity

27 = been prepared to find another job (due to lay-offs)

28 = do my job and not help others that don’t appreciate it

29 = cut back on work hours (not worked so many hours, to spend more time with family, etc.)

Career Choice

30 = chose different career/field/changed careers sooner

31 = been more career mined/planned a career/researched job in advance

32 = looked for larger company/farm

33 = would have chosen better position/department/location (in same job field)


40 = saved money

42 = looked for better paying job

43 = demanded higher wages

Personal Characteristics

50 = been more responsible / stood up for myself

51 = worked more/worked harder

52 = self-restraint (limited number of responsibilities taken on at once)

96 = no, would not have done anything differently

97 = don't know

98 = other (card)

would accept verbal contracts

would have told bosses where to get off before they told me where to get off

filed a law suit against harassing employer

would have gotten a full-time job at a better place of work

would have taken more time for myself

taken it less seriously

should have left Michigan and gone down south to seek employment

would not have worked at the weekend that I got hurt #10685

not let my work control my life

99 = missing data

*** PAGE 23 ***


What is your present work situation? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

1 = checked

2 = not checked

v32510 = Employed by others; part-time

v32511 = Employed by others; full-time

v32512= Self-employed owner of own business, service, or professional practice

v32513 = Not employed, because in school full-time

v32514 = Temporarily laid off

v32515 = Unemployed but looking for work

v32516 = Unemployed but NOT looking for work

v32517 = On long-term sick leave

v32518 = On maternity leave

v32519 = On parental leave

v32520 = Permanently disabled

v32521= Full-time homemaker

v32522 = In the military; part-time (e.g., Reserves)

v32523 = In the military; full-time

v32524 = Working, not for money (volunteer)


v32525 = Specify (present work situation): ______________

1 = student teaching/volunteer teacher

2 = internship/researching

3 = volunteer firefighter

4 = resident advisor

5 = boy scouts / girl scouts

6 = family leave / responsibility & caretaking for adult parents/relative

7 = have job lined up

8 = other (CARD)

volunteer making books


training for Olympics

ID # 10248 law clerk at public defenders office

ID # 11319 off for bar exam then will work for self

ID # 11355 student

ID # 11471 employed contingently-work when I need to

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32526 = Other

v32526A = If other, please explain: ________ (present work situation)

(From Wave 7 codebook)

1 = workmen's compensation

2 = in-between jobs because of relocation/moving

3 = supplemental security income (disabled)

4 = welfare

5 = work/barter for tuition/services

6 = found job/not started yet

7 = author

8 = other (CARD)

finishing last 3 wks of full-time job to be home w/ baby

substitute teaching

teach trombone lessons

professional bicycle racer

help sister with children

ID # 10743 – working temporarily while looking for a job

9 = missing data

0 = did not check 'other' for work situation


Currently, what is your MAIN occupation or job? (Please be specific, for example, if you are a secretary, also indicate the type of business; if you are in retail, indicate what you sell; if you work in child care, indicate the age group of the children you are responsible for, etc.)

v32015 = Current main occupation or job (coded on occupation sheet)

v32016 = Sex type, first job (coded on occupation sheet)

v32527 = How many hours per week do you work at this job (present work)?

01-95 = number of hours per week

97 = various

98 = over 95 hours

99 = missing data

00 = do not have a job

v32528 = Do you think of this job as . . . (present work)

1 = a long-term job

2 = as a step in your career

3 = a short-term job

4 = a long-term job and step in your career

5 = a step in your career and a short-term job

6 = a long term job/a short term job

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

Approximately how much do you earn in this job? (Fill in ONE amount only) $________per hour $________per week $__________per month $__________per year

*** NOTE: in codes; do not write decimals, code all amounts that are filled in!

v32529 = amount per hour (present work)

(four digit code, two decimal places; i.e.: 1200 = $12.00)

0001-9997 = earnings per hour

9998 = unspecified amount (e.g., tips, room & board, commission)

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip

v32530 = amount per week (present work)

(four digit code, rounded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 0325 = $325.00)

0001-9997 = earnings per week

9998 = unspecified amount (e.g., tips, room & board, commission)

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip

v32531 = amount per month (present work)

(four digit code, rounded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 0825 = $825.00)

0001-9997 = earnings per month

9998 = unspecified amount (e.g., tips, room & board, commission)

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip

v32532 = amount per year (present work)

(six digit code, founded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 051000 = $51,000)

000001-999997 = earnings per year

999998 = unspecified amount (e.g., tips, room & board, commission)

999999 = missing data

000000 = valid skip


*** PAGE 24 ***

Please use the following scale for the next set of questions about your current job. (WRITE A NUMBER ON THE LINE FOR EACH ITEM)

v32533 = My job allows me to use my skills and abilities.

v32534 = My job matches what I like to do.

v32535 = I am overqualified for the work that I do in this job.

v32536 = A person with my experience or training should be in a better job.

v32537 = I wonder whether my education and experience could be put to better use in

another job.

v32538 = I have a flexible work schedule in this job.

v32539 = In this work, I am my own boss.

v32540 = There is a lot of stress and tension in this job.

v32541 = This job gives me opportunities for advancement.

v32542 = This job gives me the amount of independence I like.

v32543 = I really enjoy the people I work with in this job.

v32544 = I am expected to do things that are not formally a part of my job (like running

errands for another worker).

v32545 = I have to work too many hours on this job.

v32546 = My work is pretty repetitious.

v32547 = My boss is a fair and honest person.

v32548 = My boss actively supports me in my home and family roles.

v32549 = My job gives me a chance to learn a lot of new things.

v32550 = Most of my interests are centered around my job.

v32551 = I have too much work to do everything well.

v32552 = I am unclear about what I have to do on my job.

v32553 = I feel drained of my energy when I get off work.

v32554 = I have a lot of freedom to make important decisions about what I do at work and how I do it.

v32555 = I feel free to disagree with my supervisor.

v32556 = I feel that my work is meaningful and important.

v32557 = I learn things that will be useful to me later in my life.

v32558 = My job has influenced my career choice.

v32559 = I admire my supervisor.

v32560 = This job provides good job security.

v32561 = I am concerned that I might lose this job.

v32562 = My boss helps me develop in my career.

v32563 = My boss is creative and flexible in helping me balance my work and family


v32564 = People treat me disrespectfully at work.

*** PAGE 25 ***


v32565 = At your current place of work, have you ever had a situation when your job

benefits depended on submitting to unwelcome sexual advances or have you ever

been penalized for refusing to participate in unwelcome sexual conduct?

1= yes

2 = no

3 = not sure

9 = missing data

v32566 = Who did this to you? (current place of work)

1 = Direct supervisor

2 = Co-worker

3 = client/customer/patient

4 = owner

5 = student

6 = manager (district)

7 = checked both direct supervisor and co-worker

8 = other (CARD)

ID # 10667 sub-contractor

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32567 = Was the person a male or female? (current place of work)

1 = male

2 = female

3 = checked both male and female

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32568 = In any other previous job or school setting, have you ever had a situation when

your benefits/grades depended on submitting to unwelcome sexual advances or

have you ever been penalized for refusing to participate in unwelcome sexual


1 = yes

2 = no

3 = not sure

9 = missing data

v32569 = Who did this to you? (previous job or school)

1 = Direct supervisor

2 = Co-worker

3 = client/customer/patient

4 = owner

5 = student

6 = manager (district)

7 = checked both direct supervisor and co-worker

8 = other (CARD)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32570 = Was the person a male or female? (previous job or school)

1 = male

2 = female

3 = checked both male and female

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32571 = In your current place of work, have you experienced unwelcome sexual

advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual

nature that created an intimidating or hostile work environment or interfered with

your ability to do your work?

1 = yes

2 = no

3 = not sure

9 = missing data

v32572 = Who did this to you? (current job, hostile environment)

1 = Direct supervisor

2 = Co-worker

3 = client/customer/patient

4 = owner

5 = student

6 = manager (district)

7 = checked both direct supervisor and co-worker

8 = other (CARD)

ID # 11133 Peer in different company

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32573 = Was the person a male or female? (current job, hostile environment)

1 = male

2 = female

3 = checked both male and female

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32574 = In any other previous job or school setting, have you experienced unwelcome

sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a

sexual nature that created an intimidating or hostile work environment or

interfered with your ability to do your work?

1 = yes

2 = no

3 = not sure

9 = missing data

v32575= Who did this to you? (previous job, hostile environment)

1 = Direct supervisor

2 = Co-worker

3 = client/customer/patient

4 = owner

5 = student

6 = manager (district)

7 = checked both direct supervisor and co-worker

8 = other (CARD)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32576 = Was the person a male or female? (previous job, hostile environment)

1 = male

2 = female

3 = checked both male and female

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32577 = Have you ever experienced any kind of behavior at school or work that you

would consider sexual harassment but doesn’t fit any of the situations given above?

1 = yes

2 = no

3 = not sure

9 = missing data

v32578 = Have you ever experienced any kind of unwanted sexual overtures, requests for

sexual favors or other sexual conduct that was annoying or offensive to you at

school or work that you would not label sexual harassment?

1 = yes

2 = no

3 = not sure

9 = missing data

v32579 = Have you ever reported or filed a formal complaint for sexual harassment?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32580 = Have you ever quit a job or changed jobs because you were sexually harassed?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

*** PAGE 26 ***

Please use the following scale for the next set of statements (WRITE A NUMBER ON THE LINE FOR EACH ITEM)

v32581 = My job has helped me to get more education/training.

v32582 = My job has gotten in the way of getting the education/training I would like to get.

v32583 = I plan to return to school full-time because I do not like what I am doing at my

job (if not currently enrolled full-time).

v32584 = I do not plan to return to school full-time because I like what I do at my job (if

not currently enrolled full-time).

v32585 = How satisfied are you with your current employment?

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if not currently working)

v32586 = How effective do you think you are in your job?

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if not currently working)

v32587 = Are you currently looking for a different job?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = does not have a job

v32588 = If yes (looking for a different job), why?

Financial Reasons/Status

01 = want higher salary/opportunity for economic growth/more money

02 = pay does not match experience

03 = want promotion

04 = lack of career advancement opportunities

05 = need more hours/better hours

06 = good compensation


10 = want job security

11 = would have to relocate

12 = want steady hours

13 = need full-time job

14 = might be laid off/company might go under

15 = contract expiring


20 = hate job

21 = need change/new career

22 = lack of challenge/interest

23 = bored/job too repetitious

24 = want to work for company with good reputation

25 = always looking (general)

26 = burned out/exhausted

27 = unsatisfied


30 = overqualified

31 = not utilizing skills

32 = want a job more related to education

33 = want to use my degree (e.g. teach)

34 = to gain new skills


40 = graduating

41 = want to get an education

42 = want to further career

Danger of Job/Atmosphere

49 = hate working with group

50 = poor working environment/unsafe

51 = difficult place to work

52 = co-worker is a problem

53 = bureaucracy/policy

54 = not given freedom/too rigid

55 = disagree with manager's values

56 = stressful situation/too demanding

57 = location of workplace

58 = want to work closer to home

59 = don’t like boss

Specific to Job

60 = Teach other age groups

61 = want to get into another platoon

62 = more responsibilities

63 = was wrongfully terminated

64 = don’t feel appreciated

65 = job is temporary

66 = getting out of military

67 = start own business

68 = office is closing

Family Issues

70 = Be near family/near partner

71 = need more time with my son/daughter

72 = moving

80 = why not/always looking

81 = want better job

82 = it’s time

90 = less travel

97 = don't know

98 = other (CARD)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip; does not have a job or answered no.

v32589 = Do you have a second job?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = does not have a first job

v32017 = Type of work, second job (coded on occupation sheet)

v32018 = Sex type, second job (coded on occupation sheet)

v32590 = How many hours per week do you work at your second job?

01-96 = number of hours

97 = over 96 hours

98 = it depends/various

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (does not have a second job)

v32591 = Do you think of this (second) job as . . .

1 = a long-term job

2 = as a step in your career

3 = a short-term job

4 = a long-term job and step in your career

5 = a step in your career and a short-term job

6 = hobby

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

Approximately how much do you earn in your second job? (Fill in ONE amount only) IN CODES: CODE ALL AMOUNTS FILLED IN!

$________per hour $________per week $__________per month $__________per year

v32592 = amount per hour (second job)

(four digit code, two decimal places; i.e.: 1200 = $12.00)

0001-9998 = earnings per hour

0000 = valid skip

9999 = missing data

v32593 = amount per week (second job)

(four digit code, rounded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 0325 = $325.00)

0001-9998 = earnings per week

0000 = valid skip

9999 = missing data

v32594 = amount per month (second job)

(four digit code, rounded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 0825 = $825.00)

0001-9998 = earnings per month

0000 = valid skip

9999 = missing data

v32595 = amount per year (second job)

(six digit code, founded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 051000 = $51,000)

000001-999997 = earnings per year

999998 or more = earnings per year

000000 = valid skip

999999 = missing data

*** PAGE 27 ***

What kind of job would you like to have right now? (Please be specific, for example, if you would like to be a secretary, also indicate the type of business you'd like to work in; if you would like to work in retail, indicate what you would like to sell; if you'd like to work with children, indicate the age group of the children you want to be responsible for, etc.)

v32019 = Type of job desired if unemployed (coded on occupation sheet)

v32020 = Specificity of job desired if unemployed (coded on occupation sheet)

v32021 = Sex type of job desired if unemployed (coded on occupation sheet)

How much do you think you could make at this job ? (Fill in ONE amount


$________per hour $________per week $__________per month

$__________per year

v32596 = amount per hour (job you would like to have right now)

(four digit code, two decimal places; i.e.: 1200 = $12.00)

0001-9998 = earnings per hour

0000 = valid skip

9999 = missing data

v32597 = amount per week (job you would like to have right now)

(four digit code, rounded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 0325 = $325.00)

0001-9998 = earnings per week

0000 = valid skip

9999 = missing data

v32598 = amount per month (job you would like to have right now)

(four digit code, rounded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 0825 = $825.00)

0001-9998 = earnings per month

0000 = valid skip

9999 = missing data

v32599 = amount per year (job you would like to have right now)

(six digit code, founded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 051000 = $51,000)

000001-999997 = earnings per year

999998 or more = earnings per year

000000 = valid skip

999999 = missing data

v32600 = What do you need in order to get the job you would like to have?


01 = education

02 = advanced degree (JD, MBA, Ph.D., MA)

03 = finish school/do well in school

04 = get certification (teaching, license)

05 = get GED

06 = get bachelor's degree/degree

07 = get accepted into school

Personal Characteristics

10 = motivation/determination/ambition/goals/drive/perseverance

11 = ability/creativity/talent/brains

12 = good work ethic/hard work

13 = confidence

14 = discipline/focus/will power

15 = patience

16 = knowledge/pass employer's test

17 = positive attitude

18 = health

19 = good looks, personality


20 = Experience/Qualifications

21 = training/student teaching/practice

22 = internship

23 = entry level job in the field

24 = better skills/writing skills

25 = do well in current job

26 = job search behavior (send resume, good interview, search, make phone calls)

Support From Various Resources (excluding financial support)

30 = support from family/husband

31 = support from significant other

32 = support from friends

33 = connections/networking

34 = support from work/promotion/move up in rank

35 = publisher/agent

36 = dependable day care

Financial Resources

40 = money/capital/sell business

41 = family financial support

42 = win lottery


50 = time to raise children

51 = time management

52 = availability

Chance and Opportunity

60 = luck/chance

61 = job opening/available job/open position/opportunity

62 = good job market/change in job market

63 = office closing

64 = getting offer from where I want to work

80 = location related

96 = nothing

97 = don't know why

98 = other (CARD)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

v32601 = What might keep you from getting job you would like to have


01 = taking care of children/no baby-sitter/child care

02 = taking care of parents

03 = starting a family

04 = divorce


10 = procrastination/lack of motivation/laziness/ambition

11 = disability/health reasons/stress

12 = lack of confidence/insecurities/fear of failure

13 = myself/problems with self/getting into trouble/hard to get along with

14 = not understanding how to get hired/brown-nosing/not knowing the right people

15 = change of mind/interests

16 = moving

19 = weight


20 = not enough school

21 = not finishing school/not getting degree/no certificate

22 = not getting accepted

23 = no money for school

24 = poor GPA

25 = hate school/takes too long


30 = not enough time

31 = conflict with other activities/school


40 = no money

41 = capital/financial needs

42 = cost of living/slow economy

43 = financial responsibilities change

44 = not being able to get a loan

Current Job Related

50 = don't want to give up current job/promotion at current job

51 = cutbacks/department restructuring

52 = conflict with management or company

53 = person in desired position

54 = business fails

55 = making mistakes/wrong career jump

56 = changed fields

Future Job Related

60 = availability of jobs/job market/lack of opportunities

61 = problems with job itself/strict requirements

62 = discrimination

63 = low demand for workers in the field/job might not exist

64 = job references/no connections

65 = change of heart

66 = job is obscure

67 = job is competitive


70 = skills/poor performance/not qualified

71 = not enough experience

72 = not creative enough/ not talented enough

80 = transportation

96 = nothing

97 = don't know why

98 = other

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

What kind of work do you feel most qualified to do?

v32022 = Type of job qualified if unemployed (coded on occupation sheet)

v32023 = Specificity of job qualified if unemployed (coded on occupation sheet)

v32024 = Sex type of job qualified if unemployed (coded on occupation sheet)

What have you been doing in the last four weeks to find a job? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)


1 = yes, checked

2 = no, not checked

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (section appropriately skipped)

v32602 =____ Nothing

v32603 = Contacted state employment agency(s)

v32604 = Contacted private employment agency(s)

v32605 = Contacted military recruiter

v32606 = Contacted employer(s)directly

v32607 = Contacted friends or relatives

v32608 = Placed or answered ads

v32609 = Looked in the newspaper

v32610 = Used a school employment service

v32611 = Other

v32612 = Specify (other):______________________________________________

1 = send/work on resumes

2 = check with union

3 = check with school districts

4 = applied to program/going back to school

5 = attend auditions

6 = contact previous employer

7 = volunteering

8 = other (CARD) network , thumb area consortium

ID # 11392 #10685 Internet – 10 times

ID # 11393 Talked to neighbors – 2 times

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (did not do anything else to find a job, or category doesn't apply)


*** NOTE: For the following items, code only the number of times for each item, not whether item has been checked: (If "nothing" was checked above, each of the following items should be coded zero). (Codes from Wave 7 codebook)

1 = once

2 = twice

3 = three to five times

4 = six to ten times

5 = more than ten times,

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32603A = times? (Contacted state employment agency(s))

v32604A = times? (Contacted private employment agency(s) )

v32605A = times? ( Contacted military recruiter)

v32606A = times? (Contacted employer(s)directly)

v32607A = times? (Contacted friends or relatives)

v32608A = times? (Placed or answered ads)

v32609A = times? (Looked in the newspapers)

v32610A = times? (Used a school employment service )

*** PAGE 28 ***


Tell us the reasons you are not looking for work right now. (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)


1 = yes, checked

2 = no, not checked

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32613 = Taking care of my children

v32614 = Pregnancy

v32615 = Own health problems, disability

v32616 = In school

v32617 = Can’t find a job

v32618 = Lost hope of finding a job

v32619 = Can’t make enough money, wouldn’t pay to work

v32620 = Don’t want or need to work

v32621 = Spouse or partner doesn’t want me to work

v32622 = Lack the necessary schooling, training, skills

v32623 = Can’t find child care

v32624 = Can’t afford to pay for child care

v32625 = other

v32626 = Specify (other):___________________________________

1 = moving soon

2 = no transportation

3 = studying for exam (bar)

4 = special needs child/problem with child

5 = don’t like/want to use child care service

6 = traveling vacation / take time off

7 = maternity leave

8 = other (CARD)

work for parents

care for sick parent

spend time with children until they go to school

starting school

training full-time for the Olympics

9 = missing data (checked other, but did not specify)

0 = valid skip (did not check 'other' reason)

(Codes from Wave 7 codebook)

v32627 = Do you plan to return to work in the future?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32628 = If yes (plan to return to work), when? ______________________

01-70 = number of months

87 = after moving

88 = in months

89 = over 10 years

94 = after overcoming illness/after being getting better

95 = when I am ready

90 = soon/ASAP

91 = after children go to school/when I feel the children are old enough

92 = after graduation

93 = after surgery

97 = don’t know when/ not sure / maybe

98 = other

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

What kind of job would you like to have when you return to work?

v32024 = type of job when return if not looking (coded on occupation sheet)

v32025 = specificity when return if not looking (coded on occupation sheet)

v32026 = sex type when return if not looking (coded on occupation sheet)

What kind of work do you feel most qualified to do?

v32027 = type of job qualified to do if not looking (coded on occupation sheet)

v32028 = sex type of qualified to do if not looking (coded on occupation sheet)

v32029 = specificity of qualified to do if not looking (coded on occupation sheet)

*** NOTE: If number of years/months or any time period is the response, look up when we received the survey and calculate accordingly).

*** PAGE 29 ***

D. Job and financial questions

Do you have any of the following? (PLEASE CHECK EACH ITEM BELOW). For each of the following, if at least one is checked and the rest is left blank, assume rest of responses are "no"):

1 = checked yes

2 = checked no

9 = missing data

v32629 = A savings account or savings bonds

v32630 = A bank credit card like a VISA or Mastercard in your name

v32631 = A department store charge card (e.g. Sears/Penneys) or other charge card in

your name

v32632 = Your own car, van, or truck

v32633 = Health benefits or medical insurance

v32634 = House

v32635 = bought house what year?

__ __ __ __ (FOUR DIGIT CODE)

9999 = missing data

0000 = valid skip

v32636 = Have you ever borrowed money from a bank?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32637 = Do you have a mortgage?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32638 = Do you have credit card debt?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32639 = Do you have any student loans?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

From which of these sources have you received income over the last 12 months? (PLEASE CHECK EACH ITEM BELOW). For each of the following, if at least one is checked and the rest is left blank, assume rest of responses are "no"):

1 = checked yes

2 = checked no

9 = missing data

v32640 = Income from a full or part-time job

v32641 = Income from a partner or spouse

v32642 = Any public assistance, such as AFDC

v32643 = Social Security or Supplemental Security Income

v32644 = Unemployment compensation or Workmen's Compensation

v32645 = Child Support

v32646 = Money from parent

v32647 = Money from relative other than your parent

v32648 = A large loan from a friend

v32649 = Money from another source

v32650 = Specify, money from another source

1 = loan from a school

2 = free money from school (scholarships, financial aid)

3 = Loan from bank (include credit cards, refinance house)

4 = law suit/car accident / court case

5 = gifts (wedding, graduation, family)

6 = stocks/interest/investments/mutual funds/savings /bank accounts/ property

7= G.I. Bill

8 = Other (CARD) )previous responses include: gambling, political, selling a car,

marines, monetary award from work, yard sales, government agency, pawn

shops, bowling, inheritance, life insurance from deceased parent, gambling

ID # 10605 = long term disability for pregnancy

ID # 11186 & ID #11459 - second job

ID # 11020 – mother in law

ID # 10772 – second/third job

ID # 10316 – odd jobs

ID # 10370 – craft business

ID # 10125 – breeding/selling puppies

ID # 11392 – boyfriend’s mother

ID # 12973 – Inheritance from Grandma

9 = missing data (said yes, but did not specify)

0 = valid skip (does not get money from another source)

(Codes from Wave 7 codebook)

From all the sources of income you have, please indicate your total household income by checking one box below: (YOU CAN INCLUDE MONEY YOU RECEIVE FROM YOUR PARENTS BUT DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR PARENTS' INCOME)

v32651 = Total household income

01 = less than $5,000

02 = between $5,000-9.999

03 = between $10,000-19,999

04 = between $20,000-29,999

05 = between $30,000-39,999

06 = between $40,000-49,999

07 = between $50,000-59,000

08 = between $60,000-69,000

09 = between $70,000-$79,999

10 = between $80,000-$89,999

11 = between $90,000-$99,999

12 = between $100,000-$109,999

13 = between $110,000-$119,999

14 = between $120,000-$129,999

15 = between $130,000-$139,999

16 = between $140,000-$149,999

17 = More than $150,000

99 = missing data

*** PAGE 30 ***

v32652 = Over the past 12 months, how much difficulty have you had paying your bills?

No difficulty A great deal

at all of difficulty

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

v32653 = Compared to one year ago, would you say your standard of living today is

Much lower About Much higher

than 1 year the same than 1 year

ago ago

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

v32654 = How upset or worried are you because you do not have enough money to pay for things?

Not at all Very

upset upset

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

In the last 12 months, have you made any of the following adjustments because of financial need? (PLEASE CHECK EITHER YES OR NO FOR EACH ITEM BELOW)

1 = checked yes

2 = checked no

9 = missing data

v32655 = Borrowed or used credit more than you used to

v32656 = Changed food shopping or eating habits to save money

v32657 = Reduced household utility use

v32658 = Cut back on social activities and entertainment expenses

v32659 = Postponed medical or dental care

v32660 = Fallen behind in paying bills

v32661 = Not registered for classes

v32662 = Anything else

v32663 = Specify (anything else)

1 = haven't bought personal things (clothes, etc.)/delayed car maintenance

2 = moved back with parents

3= got second job/worked overtime/got better job/sold something

4 = used less credit/saved money/ reduced debts/refinanced home

5 = joined military

6 = delayed having kids

7 = declared bankruptcy

8 = other (CARD); (previous response includes mental adjustments)

spent more than could afford

schooling for children

9 = missing data (checked anything else and did not specify)

0 = valid skip(did not check “anything else”)

(Codes from Wave 7 codebook)

v32664 = Are there people you could turn to for financial help if you needed to?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

IF YES, who? (check all that apply)

1 = yes, checked

2 = no, not checked

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (answered no, cannot turn to anyone for question #100.)

v32665 = mother

v32666 = sibling

v32667 = friend

v32668 = father

v32669 = grandparent

v32670 = spouse/romantic partner

v32671 = other

v32672 = Who? (other)

01 = stepmother

02 = stepfather

03 = other relative (aunts, uncles, etc.)

04 = godparents

05 = partner's relatives/in-laws

06 = military

07 = boss/coworkers/partners employer

08 = bank

09 = church

10 = government/welfare

11 = high school teacher

12 = work

13 = uncle/cousin

14 = roommate

15 = ex-romantic partner

98 = other (CARD)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (did not check 'other')


As people get older they begin to take more responsibility for themselves. Using the following scale, write a number on the line next to each item.

How much responsibility do you currently take for each of the following:

Somebody else Somebody else I do this I do this I am completely

does this for me does this most half of the most of the responsible for

all of the time of the time time time this all of the time

1 2 3 4 5

1-5 scale

9 = missing data

v32673 = earning your own living

v32674 = paying rent

v32675 = paying your other bills

v32676 = making sure your household runs smoothly

*** PAGE 31 ***

How well do you think you can handle each of the following:

Not at all Extremely

well well

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

v32677 = organizing your time/schedule

v32678 = earning your own living

#11536 #12364 coded 0 since they are housewives

#13724 coded 0 since she has SSD

v32679 = using your credit cards

#10059 #13287 #12795 #12920 #13209 #13703 #13712 coded 0 since they don’t have credit cards

v32680 = managing money

v32681 = making sure your household runs smoothly

v32682 = How often do you think of yourself as an adult?

rarely all of the time

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

v32683 = When do you feel most like an adult? #1

v32684 = When do you feel most like an adult? #2

Work Related

01 = at work

02 = going to work everyday/waking up every day to go to work

03 = pressures of job (when someone’s life is in your hands (OBGYN)

04 = when coworkers defer to me

05 = getting paid

Parenting Related

06 = taking care of my child

07 = disciplining my child/ step-child/boy friend’s kids

08 = setting an example for my child/role model

09 = doing things that my parents do

10 = being with children

11 = when my kids are watching me/ when kids call me dad or mom

12 = parenting child/mothering

Family Related

13 = taking care of my family

14 = providing for my family / supporting

15 = planning future of family

Spousal Related/Partner Related

18= spending time with my spouse / fiance

19 = dating

20 = I’m married / engaged

21 = preparing marriage / wedding

Household Related

24 = buying house / looking at property that I bought / house buliding

25 = taking care of the household/running a household/doing things around the house

26 = providing for a household

27 = doing household chores/cleaning the household/ grocery shopping

28 = at home

29 = when going house after work

Financial Related

30 = earning money

31 = paying the bills

32 = long term financial planning/investing

33 = financial freedom/financial independence

34 = looking for a house, shopping

35 = financial things (mortgage, debt, loan…)

Decision Making Related

36 = making important decisions

37 = sticking up for myself in situations

38 = making future plans

39 = I am in control/ running own my life


40 = Freedom/Independence (general)

41 = responsibility

42 = constraints of adult life

43 = obligation

44 = taking care of myself


45 = Feeling alone/feeling like there is no one to turn to

46 = sticking up for myself in situations

47 = “it’s a feeling”/feeling like an adult

48 = feeling unhappy/depressed

49 = stressed

50 = maturity

Age Related

51 = when I see/interact/am with people younger than me

52 = teaching younger people something/coaching

53 = doing something that only adults can do (buy beer, vote)

54 = when I meet an old friend/ hanging out with friends

55 = looking old/ being with old people

Priority Related

56 = have a change in priorities

57 = have many priorities

General life experiences

60 = solution problem

61 = dealing with crisis

62 = during interactions with people

63 = many changes

64 = when do things I don’t want to, but fell I should

65 – I am an adult

66 = when (taking) caring others

67 = accountability for actions


70 = social events

71 = counseling people

72 = getting respect from others

73 = when getting goals

74 = managing time and money

75 = conducting a professional

80 = by myself

82 = never

89 = when life is going well/smooth in general

90 = All the time/daily

91 = don’t know

92 = buying beer

93 = taking care of pets

94 = dealing with salesman

95 = when someone’s life is in my hands

96 = day-to-day life

98 = others (CARD)

99 = missing

00 = valid skip

v32685 = Why do you feel like an adult in those situations? #1

v32686 = Why do you feel like an adult in those situations? #2

Responsibility (includes word responsibility)

01 = Responsibility (general)

02 = Responsible for another life/child

03 = Financial Responsibility

04 = Adult Responsibility/Children don’t have these responsibilities

05 = Responsible/Accountable for actions

06 = Responsible for multiple roles

07 = Responsible for an animal

08 = Other people (besides own children) depend on me

09 = obligation


12 = Independence (general)

13 = Self-sufficiency (general) / competent

14 = Do not need to get permission/I’m in control

15 = Do things on own/Do things the way I want /Manage my own life

16 = Supporting myself/earning own income

17 = running own life

18 = take care of self-emotionally

19 = taking care of myself

Decision Making

20 = making decisions on my own

21 = accepting consequences for certain decisions

22 = making appropriate decisions

23 = making really important decisions

Age and Maturity

25 = age related—feeling older /can’t get carded anymore/I’m older

26 = acting mature / younger people are immature

27 = wiser/more knowledgeable / cleverer

28 = experience

29 = youngest at work/co-workers older than me

Parenting Related

30 = In charge of children/ having to take care of children/ parenting (comforting my children like no one else) / I am parent

31 = when my child asks me questions/When my child needs my support/encourgement

32 = setting limits for my children/ discipline

33 = reminding my mom/parents

Family Related

34 = pregnant

35 = Raising a family / taking care of family

36 = family organization (planning, starting a family)

37 = spouse/intimacy with romantic partner

38 = doing household chores/grocery shopping

39 = taking care of household/ maintaining household

Work Related

40 = Have to work

41 = Demanding work/No more children’s work

42 = Working/Coaching/Teaching with children

43 = having to hold a stead job

44 = professionalism, being productive, professional environment

45 = being judged on merit

46 = working with adults

47 = interacting with other adults

48 = in authority/ others need me

49 = accomplishing tasks successfully

Financial Related

50 = Investment related

51 = have to pay the bills

52 = home owner

53 = running the house

54 = managing money/living within means

Adult Role Related

55 = in adult role/in adult situation/behaving like one / they are adult responsibilities

56 = own adult material possessions (home)

57 = I’m treated like an adult/respected/ adults listen to me/respect from peers /

58 = married/spouse

59 = I am doing adults tasks that my parents used to do

60 = have adult personality characteristic other than knowledge and wisdom (ie. Cleverness, honesty, considerate, kind)

61 = my life is adult / I am an adults

62 = I’ve never done these before/ what I was taught as a child

63 = different priority/ value

64 = that’s my job/ I have to/ I feel like I did my job


65 = B/c I feel like one/ a feeling that one has

66 = I have reached that point/I have to be an adult/I have to act like one

67 = You have to be a leader

68 = Need to appear confidant

69 = Changing the future with actions/making a difference/ doing something to change my future

70 = pride in yourself / respect yourself

71 = desire to be better

72 = commitment / lack of freedom

73 = society deems it

74 = when you begin to lose the belief that there are no limits / lose hope

75 = lifestyle/day-to-day actions

76 = impressions last a life time

77 = punctual

78 = want to project a respectable image

79 = supporting/helping others


80 = stress

81 = b/c it sucks/life sucks

82 = what to be young forever


90 = All the time

91 = Don’t know

92 = That is what I am/just do

93 = how to dress

94 = obvious

98 = others (CARD)

99 = missing

00 = valid skip

v32687 = What makes a person an adult? #1

v32688 = What makes a person an adult? #2

Responsibility (includes word responsibility)

01 = Responsibility (general)

02 = Responsible for another life/child

03 = Financial Responsibility

04 = Adult Responsibility/Children don’t have these responsibilities

05 = Responsible/Accountable for actions

06 = Responsible for multiple roles

07 = Responsible for an animal

08 = Other people (besides own children) depend on me

09 = obligation


12 = Independence (general)

13 = Self-sufficiency (general)

14 = Do not need to get permission/I’m in control

15 = Do things on own/Do things the way I want /Manage my own life

16 = Supporting myself/earning own income

17 = running own life

18 = take care of self-emotionally

19 = taking care of myself

Decision Making

20 = making decisions on my own

21 = accepting consequences for certain decisions

22 = making appropriate decisions

23 = making very important decisions

24 = handling problems or situations

Age and Maturity

25 = age related—feeling older /can’t get carded anymore, age (general)

26 = acting mature

27 = wiser/more knowledgeable/ wisdom

28 = experience / coping skills

29 = maturity

Parenting Related

30 = In charge of children/ having to take care of children/ parenting

31 = when my child asks me questions

32 = setting limits for my children/ discipline

Family Related

35 = Raising a family

36 = having/ starting family

37 = taking care of a family

38 = taking care of household

Work Related

40 = Have to work

41 = Demanding work/No more children’s work

42 = Working/Coaching/Teaching with children

43 = having to hold a stead job

44 = professionalism, being productive

45 = work hard

46 = success at work

Financial Related

50 = Investment related

51 = have to pay the bills

52 = living within means

53 = mortgage

54 = paying taxes

Adult Role Related

55 = in adult role/in adult situation/behaving like one

56 = own adult material possessions (home)

57 = I’m treated like an adult/respected/ adults listen to me

58 = married/spouse

59 = I am doing adults tasks that my parents used to do

60 = have adult personality characteristic other than knowledge and wisdom (ie. Cleverness, honesty, considerate, kind)

61 = when you respect others / courtesy in others

62 = behavior/attitude

63 = taking care of others

64 = honest (to yourself and to others)


65 = B/c I feel like one/ a feeling that one has

66 = I have reached that point/I have to be an adult/I have to act like one

67 = You have to be a leader

68 = Need to appear confidant / confidence

69 = Changing the future with actions/making a difference

70 = pride in yourself

71 = desire to be better

72 = commitment

73 = society deems it

74 = when you begin to lose the belief that there are no limits

75 = one’s self-image

76 = trust / patience

77 = value

78 = ambition/trying best

79 = challenge


80 = stress

81 = b/c it sucks/life sucks

82 = grown pains – lessons in life


90 = All the time

91 = Don’t know

92 = having a driver’s license

93 = turn to 18/ being over 18 yrs old

94 = managing time

95 = having common sense

96 = making future plan

97 = how to dress

98 = others (CARD)

#12440 ability to offer emotional support

99 = missing

00 = valid skip



When you think about your future, how likely do you think each of the following will be in the next 10 years:

Very Very

unlikely likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

v32689 = you will be laid off from your job

v32690 = you will have a job that pays well

v32691 = you will get divorced

v32692 = you will have difficulty supporting your family financially

v32693 = life will turn out to be harder for you than it was for your parents

v32694 = life will turn out to be easier for you than it was for your parents

v32695 = you will be satisfied with what you have made of your life

*** PAGE 32 ***

What job would you most like to have when you are 35?

v32031 = type of work desired at 35 (coded on occupation sheet)

v32032 = specificity of work desired at 35 (coded on occupation sheet)

v32033 = sex type of work desired at 35 (coded on occupation sheet)

Describe what you think you would do on this job. (coded in above variables on occupation sheet)

How much would you like to make at this job? (Fill in ONE AMOUNT only)

(Code ALL amounts filled in!)

$________per hour $________per week $_________per month $________per year

v32696 = amount per hour (desired job at 35)

(four digit code, two decimal places; i.e.: 1200 = $12.00)

0001-9998 = earnings per hour

0000 = valid skip

9999 = missing data

v32697 = amount per week (desired job at 35)

(four digit code, rounded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 0325 = $325.00)

0001-9998 = earnings per week

0000 = valid skip

9999 = missing data

v32698 = amount per month (desired job at 35)

(four digit code, rounded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 0825 = $825.00)

0001-9998 = earnings per month

0000 = valid skip

9999 = missing data

v32699 = amount per year (desired job at 35)

(six digit code, founded to nearest dollar; i.e.: 051000 = $51,000)

000001-999997 = earnings per year

999998 or more = earnings per year

000000 = valid skip

999999 = missing data

List three reasons why you want this job (Codes were created from Wave 7 - Book 1)

v32700 = First reason why you want this job at 35

v32701 = Second reason why you want this job at 35

v32702 = Third reason why you want this job at 35

Job Factors

01 = financial ; good money/pays well/get rich/earn a good living/ compensation/ extra money

02 = work schedule: reasonable hours/make own hours/office hours/flexibility/9-5/flexible hours

for family time/work out of home

03 = benefits: maternity leave/health benefits / vacation/ retirement

04 = superficial work atmosphere: dress nice/location

05 = job security: stability/risk free (in economy) / believable

06 = job opportunities are there, job openings available (NOW &/or FUTURE) (CARD)

(Previous responses include: everything will be electronic, technology of today, to keep up

with technology):

07 = chance for advancement, move in right direction / promotion

08 = status, prestige, respect, respectable occupation, recognition / reputation

09 = good work environment-general (conditions, people)/

10 = job is necessary/needed

11 = easy job: little stress/easy/not physically exerting/seems easy

12 = easy job to get: don't need much training, 2-year degree

13 = challenging job: learn from it/challenging/variety/intellectually stimulating (CARD)

(previous responses include: I want the experience for the future, helps when raising


ID # 10761 – ability to develop and train

ID # 10769 – challenging work assignment

ID # 11423 – tests my skills

ID #10538 – Keep up my skills

14 = job is important/job is meaningful, enjoy what job produces/job is rewarding / enough to feel proud

15 = it's a good job/good career/ the best in the field / lots potential

16 = the job is exciting/fascinating/fun/interesting

17 = travel opportunities (experience different cultures)

18 = like to work outdoors, like location, like weather

19 = job factors other (CARD) (previous responses include: working in relations will give the

best and top people for each company to strive).

ID # 11226 I will be delivering babies

ID # 10149 Enjoy the fruits of my hard earned company from which I have built from the ground up

Intrinsic Motivation (Enjoyment)

20 = Enjoy job generally: it's fun/fulfilling/interesting/makes me

happy/exciting/rewarding/spiritually rewarding/self-satisfaction/sense of

accomplishment, it's my love in life; gives chance to explore personal

interests(CARD) (previous responses include different from what I used to hear

about as far as jobs are concerned, do something I believe in).

21 = I like math/computers/numbers/science (NOTE: make a CARD for science-other)

22 = I like medicine/nursing/health related

23 = I like business (previous responses include competition)

24 = I like art/being creative/writing/literature/music / photography/design

25 = I like skilled labor-male type (mechanic/cars/electrician/working with things)

26 = I like skilled labor-female typed (typing/hair dresser/design/modeling

27 = People: I like people/I like working with people/meet people/people like me

28 = Children: I like children/I like working with children, making crafts with kids

29 = I like teaching

30 = have good mgmt / organization skills

31 = I like law and related

32 = I like money related/accounting

33 = I like animals, sealife; like working with animals

34 = I like to entertain/perform

35 = I like working with teenagers

36 = I like working with the disabled

37 = I like field, like working in particular field

38 = I like to work (general)

39 = I like some other specific aspect (does not fit in category above. CARD) (previous

response includes: I like to prove people wrong, like foreign language, I’ve always liked paperwork, like grammer, like to read, like problem solving, like planning trips)

ID # 11325 I enjoy following the stock market

ID # 11334 I like to see results

ID # 11355 Preach G-d’s work

ID # 11355 Administer G-d’s sacraments

ID # 11355 Bring salvation to people

ID # 11180 I like to be politically active

ID # 10756 #11809 I like sports

ID #10971 like problem solving

40 = personal satisfaction other (CARD) (previous responses include chicks, this is the

field everyone should be in; my parents don't want me to; I want out of food service;

sounded good in college catalogue)

ID # 11060 will show that my hard work and perseverance have paid off

ID # 12113: makes me proud of myself

Good at or Experience:

41 = Good at job generally, I have (general) skills/talents for job/good at it

good at/talent for some specific aspect of what skills use on job:

42 = I am good at math/computers/electronics/numbers/science related etc.

43 = I am good at medicine/nursing/health related/counseling

44 = I am good at business/law/working with money / management

45 = I am good at art/being creative/writing/literature

46 = I am good at skilled labor-male type (mechanic/cars/electrician/working with things)

47 = I am good skilled labor-female typed (typing/hair dresser/design/modeling

48 = I am good with people/I work with people well

49 = I am good with children/ I work well with children

50 = I am good at communicating, using interpersonal skills

51 = Experience (general): I have experience/I have been doing it and know it's what I

want/what I have trained for/applies to my degree/I know how to do

52 = Deals with my major/I have been taking classes in "something" since "some

time"/it's what I've studied for / knowledge

53 = It's the only thing I know how to do/the only job I think I can do well

54 = I have personality for it, e. g., I'm a hard worker/I'm dedicated/I have

patience/sympathetic / persisent/ outgoing/ positive

55 = Some experience I had or had happen to me makes me want to/

something about myself makes me want to (e.g., I have a learning disability, I am

partially deaf, I grew up in Germany)

56 = requires analytic skills

60 = Good at or experience other (CARD) (previous responses include I'm not afraid of

people who are different, have seen many facilities around the world)


61 = Success: I could be successful at it, I want to be successful at it


62 = Dream: it has always been my dream/always wanted to do this/goal I'd like to

accomplish / desire

63 = Goal is not out of reach/I can attain it

64 = would like to make money doing something enjoyable

Homemaker (New)/New Family

65 = want spouse to be home with kids/ spouse wants to be home

66 = Child Related - Raise children myself/no baby-sitter or daycare/Family > Job/Make sure children raised right/ Want to/like to take care of children/not have to worry about children while I’m at work

68 = Family Related - Create a good environment in the family/ Want to/like to take care of house/spouse/ want time for these/family is more important than anything/take care of family

69 = Domestic Related: I like to cook/clean

70 = purse many subjects of interest to me/flexibility on subjects


71 = Independent/freedom (CARD) (previous responses include limitations, more independence)

ID # 11386 & ID # 11011 Financial freedom

ID # 10935 Intellectual freedom

ID # 11042 More free time for self & family

ID # 10538 Use brain

72 = Responsibilities/make decisions

73 = Leader/Leadership role

74 = Own boss/own business/private practice/ no boss

75 = Control/Power/Get respect / authority


76 = Tradition in family/want to make it as tradition for family in future

77 = Take over family business

78 = My parents want me to

79 = Make enough money to support my family/afford things I want/pay bills/buy

toys/survive/contribute financially to the family / financially stable to support


80 = time with children and money for house

Altruistic Goals/help others:

81 = I can make a difference/I can better the future (CARD) (previous responses include:

I want to see changes for women athletics, I would be effective at creating change).

ID # 10981 – leave a positive mark on society

ID # 10914 – to provide positively to an organization

82 = Protect citizens: keep people safe/keep away criminals (CARD) (previous responses

include: to reduce the amount of people who do not take probation and parole

seriously; to enforce the law; it deals with law enforcement).

83 = Protect the environment (CARD) (previous responses include: I’m pro Animal


84 = Serve society/community/public (CARD:) (previous responses include: patriotic, 1

can go through life without hurting others)

ID # 10392 - Globally important

ID # 10916 – We must work to improve/support public education

ID # 10916 – Protect teacher’s rights

ID # 10761 – Selfless service to this country

85 = help people/help children/animals (CARD) (previous responses include: help medical field, want to help)

ID # 10782 help others

ID # 12121: help animals out of a bad situation

86 = Teach others/educate/share knowledge (CARD) (previous responses include: to

motivate children musically)

ID # 11523 – Instruct tomorrow’s youth

87 = Role model/set an example (CARD) (previous responses include: think more

women should be in the field)

88 = want to maintain current job /I enjoy my current job/ I have the job I want

89 = want to make advances in research / research opportunity

90 = love to learn/want to learn/learn new things/learn about self and problems / life long-run/ self-advancement

91 = someone influenced me/ I was inspired by someone

92 = Religion related: G-d’s work, bring people to know the Lord b/c that is the only way (ID # 11456), do the Lord’s work (ID #11456), help spiritually find myself (ID # 12121)

93 = give it back to society

94 = unsatisfied/unhappy in current job/tired of working with people/tired of dealing with people/don’t like to work/burned out(card)

95 = nothing else as good

96 = next best thing to being "something else"

97 = I don't know

98 = OTHER (CARD) (previous responses include: my size, my fiancée agrees, life is

too short not to appreciate the family, single parent, take stress off my husband,

being a Christian I feel it is the moral thing to do, God calls me to do so, I long to

be in a marriage based on Jesus Christ's principles, taking courses, medication

they use, maybe meet my future husband, I want to prove to my parents that yes I

can be a veterinarian and have a serious relationship, government job, why not?,

because someday I might need the same)

#10479 there is a need for ambitious professors

#11065 I want the experience of touring

#11941 sense of belonging

#11992 chemistry students pay attention more than the current students

99 = Missing data

00 = valid skip (already answered one reason)

v32703 = How likely is it you will have this job (when you are 35)?

Very Very

unlikely likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

What do you need in order to get the job you would like to have (at 35)?

*** NOTE: If only one response is given, the second job should be coded as a valid skip - 00.

v32704 = First thing you need in order to get the job you would like to have at 35

v32705 = Second thing you need in order to get the job you would like to have at 35


01 = education

02 = advanced degree (MD, JD, MBA, Ph.D., MA)

03 = finish school/do well in school

04 = get certification (teaching, license) (e.g. police academy) / pass exam

05 = get GED

06 = get bachelor's degree/degree

07 = get accepted into school

08 = associates degree

09 = complete current training (e.g., military, finish residency)

Personal Characteristics

10 = motivation/determination/ambition/goals/drive/perseverance/not to be laziness/ dedication

11 = ability/creativity/talent/brains

12 = good work ethic/hard work / maintain obligation

13 = confidence / leadership/ belief in self

14 = discipline/focus/will power

15 = patience

16 = knowledge/pass employer's test / qualification

17 = positive attitude/ Christ-like attitude

18 = health

19 = people skills

Experience/ Skills

20 = experience

21 = training/student teaching/practice / practical education

22 = internship/apprenticeship

23 = entry level job in the field

24 = better skills/writing skills / keep present skill going

25 = do well in current job / keep it

26 = job search behavior (send resume, good interview, search, make phone calls)

27 = keep certificate up to date

28 = publications/write grants

29 = being creative

Support From Various Resources (excluding financial support)

30 = support from family/husband

31 = support from significant other

32 = support from friends

33 = connections/networking/politics

34 = support from work/promotion/move up in rank

35 = publisher/agent

36 = dependable day care

37 = mentor / partner

38 = getting married / remarried/ having husband

39 = children / raising children

Financial Resources

40 = money/capital/sell business/financial stability/security

41 = family financial support

42 = win lottery/jackpot

43 = money for more education

44 = create the organization

45 = property

46 = husband’s working for getting money/ husband’s better job

47 = fellowship

48 = getting out of debt

49 = sponsor


50 = time to raise children

51 = time management

52 = availability

53 = have children

54 = wait a couple of years/ time flow (to raise children)

55 = more time

Chance and Opportunity

60 = luck/chance/prayer/right place at right time

61 = job opening/available job/open position/opportunity/interview

62 = good job market/change in job market

63 = job with growth and advancement

64 = finding job

65 = promotion

66 = compete others

67 = good contacts

68 = market advertise myself

69 = originate business


70 = clothes

71 = transportation

72 = location / area/ move/ relocate

73 = house related (bigger house / more room / finish remodeling house)

74 = family, husband, kids

75 = toys, supplies, material, computer / home office

76 = insurance

77 = a shop and money

78 = get good test/ high scores

79 = good employee (for own business)

80 = quit/need out/sell business/quit current job / leave of absence

81 = decrease in hours

82 = meet the right man

83 = God’s power

84 = determination

85 = kids to be in school/day care

86 = background

87 = age/seniority

88 = already have job want/already working in job want

89 = keep present job/keep up good work

90 = good plan

91 = just do it/ just start action

92 = reputation/ recognition

93 = expansion of my business

96 = nothing

97 = don't know

98 = other (CARD)

ID # 10834 provide quality service and have reliable customers

ID # 11347 more secure employees and a more stable customer base

ID # 11353 growth in my business

ID # 11503 customers who trust in me

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (listed only one response)

v32706 = First thing that might keep you from getting the job you would like to have at 35.

v32707 = Second thing that might keep you from getting the job you would like to have.


01 = taking care of children/no baby-sitter/child care

02 = taking care of parents

03 = having children, family

04 = divorce

05 = husband’s job/family problems/parents

06 = getting married/husband/ wife/ settling down or not doing these things

07 = girlfriend/boyfriend/relationship

08 = not having family/children / not getting married

09 = family responsibility and commitment


10 = procrastination/lack of motivation/laziness / lack of focus/ lack of desire/ apathy/ discipline

11 = disability/health reasons/stress

12 = lack of confidence/insecurities/fear of failure / shy/ doubt/ lack of courage/ avoidance

13 = myself/problems with self/getting into trouble/hard to get along with

14 = not understanding how to get hired/brown-nosing/not knowing the right people

15 = change of mind/interests / obscurity of interests

16 = moving

17 = mental health (e.g., depression)

18 = ambition/taking initiative/commitment/desire

19 = fear of change


20 = not enough school / education

21 = not finishing school/not getting degree/having trouble with a course / not getting certificate

22 = not getting accepted

23 = no money for school

24 = poor GPA

25 = hate school/takes too long

26 = only going to school part-time / going part-time vs. full time to school

27 = not passing some exam (i.e., boards, bar)

28 = no good school in area

29 = too narrow knowledge


30 = not enough time

31 = conflict with other activities/school/too many demands


40 = no money/financial instability

41 = capital/financial needs

42 = cost of living/slow economy/economy/economic troubles in the economy

43 = financial responsibilities change

44 = not being able to get a loan / not being able to get fellowship

45 = job offer for more money

46 = lack of financial discipline

47 = still in debt

Current Job Related

49 = current job (general)

50 = don't want to give up current job/promotion at current job

51 = cutbacks/department restructuring/getting fired / downsizing

52 = conflict with management or company / change in contracts

53 = person in desired position

54 = business fails / company takeover

55 = making mistakes/wrong career jump

56 = changed fields / changing jobs

57 = not given opportunity; not getting any responsibility

58 = stuck in current job / demands

59 = doing poorly in job tasks (e.g., experiments; not teaching well)

Future Job Related

60 = availability of jobs/job market/lack of opportunities/too many applicants

61 = problems with job itself/strict requirements / company changes (structure, policy)

62 = discrimination

63 = low demand for workers in the field/job might not exist

64 = job references/no connections

65 = change of heart

66 = job is obscure

67 = job is competitive/competition

68 = politics

69 = finding better job/ offered better job


70 = skills/poor performance/not qualified

71 = not enough experience/training

72 = not creative enough/ not talented enough / not enough ability

73 = other people are better/others have more experience / others who more qualified

74 = if they don’t like my resume

75 = bad interview

76 = brown-nose people


80=relocation/geographical location related

81-transportation related

82 = not having what is needed, specific to job (e.g., not enough enrollment )

#11853 - not having kids-wants to be a housewife

#10090 not the “right type” for the show

#10966 mother being infertile

#12111: no customers

83 = moving

84 = lack of support

85 = stress

86 = not finding good employee/people (for own business)

87 = no getting sponsor

88 = already have desired position

89 = unexpected life change/ odds

90= luck/bad luck

91 = death

92 = illness / health-related/personal injury

93 = stupidity

94 = life and survival getting in the way of what I need to do

95 = doing a bad job

96 = nothing

97 = don't know why/not sure

98 = other

# 11493 sin

#12108: luck

#10612 current economic conditions

#11409 economy

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (already gave one reason)

If you think you may not get the job you want most, what type of job do you think you will actually have when you are 35?

v32034 = type of work expected at 35 (coded on occupation sheet)

v32035 = specificity of work expected at 35 (coded on occupation sheet)


When you think about your life and your future, how important is it to you to:

Not at all Very

important important

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 –7 scale

9 = missing

v32708 = Promote equality

v32709 = Improve race relations

v32710 = Help to stop prejudice

v32711 = Help people who are poor

v32712 = Help the less fortunate

v32713 = Provide service to your country

v32714 = Help your community (like doing volunteer work, be involved in your children’s


v32715 = Be actively involved in a faith-based community

*** PAGE 33 ***

We would like to know to what extent you feel you have fulfilled your expectations for yourself. Please use this scale:

Greatly exceeded

Not at all expectations

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

How much do you feel you have met your expectations regarding. . .

v32716 = your education?

v32717 = your job?

v32718 = your financial status?

v32719 = your relationship with your romantic partner?

v32720 = yourself as a parent?

v32721 = yourself as a community member?

v32722 = yourself as a citizen?

v32723 = yourself as a spiritual person?


When talking about certain generations, people often refer to them with nicknames that supposedly say something about the kinds of social issues they faced and the kinds of people that generation produced. For example, there are the children of the Great Depression, and the 60’s Generation.

Thinking about your generation as a whole, what kinds of qualities or other descriptions do you think would BEST characterize the people of your generation? (List at least 3)

v32724 = qualities that best characterize your generation #1

v32725 = qualities that best characterize your generation #2

v32726 = qualities that best characterize your generation #3





Thinking about your generation, what would you consider to be some of the most pressing issues facing people of your generation?

v32727 = the most pressing issues facing people of your generation #1

v32728 = the most pressing issues facing people of your generation #2

v32729 = the most pressing issues facing people of your generation #3





What worries you the most about your generation and the future of your generation?

v32730 = What worries you the most about your generation and its future #1

v32731 = What worries you the most about your generation and its future #2

v32732 = What worries you the most about your generation and its future #2





What would you consider to be some of the most positive characteristics of your generation as a whole?

v32733 = the most positive characteristics of your generation as a whole #1

v32734 = the most positive characteristics of your generation as a whole #2

v32735 = the most positive characteristics of your generation as a whole #3





*** PAGE 34 ***


The next set of questions asks about your relationship with your mother and father.

Please check to whom you will be referring for the questions that have to do with relationships with parents. (Check one line for each parent)

v32736 = For “mother”

1 = biological mother

2 = stepmother

3 = adoptive mother

4 = other

5 = no one, mother is deceased

6 = mother is estranged

7 = mother in law

8 = please specify (other) CARD

9 = missing data

v32737 = For “father”

1 = biological father

2 = stepfather

3 = adoptive father

4 = other

5 = no one, father is deceased

6 = father is estranged

7 = father in law

8 = please specify (other) CARD

9 = missing data

v32738 = Did you live with your parents at any time in the past four years?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

v32739 = If yes, how many months did you live with your parents?

__ __ __ months (THREE DIGIT 000-980) CONVERT YEARS TO MONTHS

990 = always

991 = until I got married

992 = currently

999 = missing data

000 = valid skip

v32740 = Where do you live now?

01 = parents’ home or apartment

02 = other relative’s home; with in-laws

03 = your own house

04 = an apartment; flat

05 = college fraternity or sorority

06 = rented room

07 = college dorm/residence hall

08 = rented house

09 = romantic partners home

10 = job related residence (i.e., camp counselor; mission)

11 = military/government housing; barracks; military ship

12 = abroad, with a family in another country

13 = cooperative

14 = with boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance/fiancee (UNSPECIFIED)

15 = boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance/fiancee’s HOUSE

16 = boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance/fiancee’s APARTMENT

17 = townhouse/condominium (UNSPECIFIED)

18 = twinplex/duplex

19 = mobile home/trailer (OWNED)

20 = condo/townhouse (OWNED)

21 = graduate student housing; medical school fraternity

22 = townhouse/condo (RENTED)

23 = mobile/trailer home (UNSPECIFIED)

24 = mobile/trailer home (RENTED)

30 = in a friend’s house

31 = own house, but share with others

32 = parents or relatives home without parents/relatives

33 = parents in law’s house before my house set up

98 = other, CARD


lives w/ parents, but stays w/ boyfriend 90% of time

parents’ home 4 days/wk and romantic partner’s weekends 3 days/wk

parents’ home and boyfriend’s house

watchtower building

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

* codes 10-12 taken from wave 7, book 1, codes 13- taken from wave 8

**** NOTE codes 01-09 are similar to wave 7, but have different numbers assigned

v32741 = How many times have you moved in the last THREE years? times

00 = never; none; not at all

01-90 = number of times

94 = always

95 = travel with job (i.e., job-related moves)

96 = a lot

97 = don’t know

98 = other (CARD)

99 = missing data

v32742 = During the months when you were not living with your parents in the past year,

how often have you been in touch with your parents through phone calls, letters,

email, or visits? If your parents live apart, please answer this question about your mother, and answer the next one about your father. (Check one line)

1 = Not applicable -- I lived with them (her) the whole time

2 = Never

3 = Once or twice

4 = 3 or 4 times last year

5 = Monthly (about 12 times last year)

6 = Weekly

7 = More than once a week

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (eg—mother deceased)

v32743 = If your father lives separately from your mother, how often have you been in

touch with your father in the past year through phone calls, letters, email, or visits?

(Check one line)

1 = Not applicable -- I lived with him the whole time

2 = Never

3 = Once or twice

4 = 3 or 4 times last year

5 = Monthly (about 12 times last year)

6 = Weekly

7 = More than once a week

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (eg—father deceased, OR lives with mom)

*** PAGE 35 ***

During the past month when you and your mother/father have spent time talking or doing things together, how often did your mother/father: (Leave column blank if question does not apply in your situation)

Never Always

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 = 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32744 = MOTHER - Listen carefully to your point of view

v32745 = MOTHER - Let you know s/he really cares about you

v32746 = MOTHER - Shout or yell at you because s/he was mad at you

v32747 = MOTHER - Respect your judgement

v32748 = MOTHER - Ignore you when you tried to talk to him/her

v32749 = MOTHER - Try to make you feel guilty

v32750 = MOTHER - Act loving and affectionate toward you

v32751 = MOTHER - Get into a fight or argument with you

v32752 = MOTHER - Act supportive and understanding toward you

v32753 = MOTHER - Ask you for your opinion about an important matter

v32754 = MOTHER - Do things you asked him/her to do

v32755 = FATHER - Listen carefully to your point of view

v32756 = FATHER - Let you know s/he really cares about you

v32757 = FATHER - Shout or yell at you because s/he was mad at you

v32758 = FATHER - Respect your judgement

v32759 = FATHER - Ignore you when you tried to talk to him/her

v32760 = FATHER - Try to make you feel guilty

v32761 = FATHER - Act loving and affectionate toward you

v32762 = FATHER - Get into a fight or argument with you

v32763 = FATHER - Act supportive and understanding toward you

v32764 = FATHER - Ask you for your opinion about an important matter

v32765 = FATHER - Do things you asked him/her to do

In the past year, how much support did you get from your mother and father in each of these areas?

A little A lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32766 – MOTHER - Makes you feel worthwhile, special, and unique.

v32767 – MOTHER - Assists you with major tasks (like moving) when you really need it.

v32768 – MOTHER - Shares a reliable relationship with you that will last no matter what.

v32769 – MOTHER - Has helped you to become the kind of person you want to be.

v32770 – MOTHER - Provides significant financial assistance in times of need.

v32771 – MOTHER - Provides money for your education or training.

v32772 – MOTHER - Provides room and board while you obtain education or training.

v32773 – MOTHER - Helps you in times of stress with minor chores or work.

v32774 – MOTHER - Makes you feel like you are good at many things.

v32775 – MOTHER - Makes you feel better when you are upset.

v32776 – MOTHER - Makes you feel admired and respected.

v32777 – MOTHER - Makes you feel proud of yourself.

v32778 – MOTHER - Listens to you when you are under stress.

v32779 – MOTHER - Will still be close to you even if you get into quarrels and fights.

v32780 = FATHER - Makes you feel worthwhile, special, and unique.

v32781 = FATHER - Assists you with major tasks (like moving) when you really need it.

v32782 = FATHER - Shares a reliable relationship with you that will last no matter what.

v32783 = FATHER - Has helped you to become the kind of person you want to be.

v32784 = FATHER - Provides significant financial assistance in times of need.

v32785 = FATHER - Provides money for your education or training.

v32786 = FATHER - Provides room and board while you obtain education or training.

v32787 = FATHER - Helps you in times of stress with minor chores or work.

v32788 = FATHER - Makes you feel like you are good at many things.

v32789 = FATHER - Makes you feel better when you are upset.

v32790 = FATHER - Makes you feel admired and respected.

v32791 = FATHER - Makes you feel proud of yourself.

v32792 = FATHER - Listens to you when you are under stress.

v32793 = FATHER - Will still be close to you even if you get into quarrels and fights.

*** PAGE 36 ***


v32794 = If you needed someone to talk to about a personal problem, how

willing would your mother be to talk with you?

Not at all Very

willing willing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32795 = How much does your mother take an interest in your activities?

v32796 = My mother and I talk about my future job plans.

v32797 = My mother and I talk about my future education plans.

v32798 = My mother and I talk about my future family plans.

v32799 = My mother and I talk about my personal problems.

v32800 = My mother and I talk about conflicts that might arise in the future between

family and work responsibilities.

v32801 = How satisfied are you with how supportive your mother is?

Not at all Very

satisfied satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32802 = How much would you say your mother has influenced you?

Not at all A great deal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32803 = Right now, how close do you feel to your mother?

Not at all Very

close close

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32804 = Right now, how much do you admire your mother?

Not at all A great deal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32805 = How much do you want to be like the kind of person your mother is when you are her


Not at all A great deal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

*** PAGE 37 ***


v32806 = If you needed someone to talk to about a personal problem,

how willing would your father be to talk with you?

Not at all Very

willing willing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 = 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32807 = How much does your father take an interest in your activities?

Not at all A great deal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 = 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32808 = My father and I talk about my future job plans.

Never A lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 = 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32809 = My father and I talk about my future education plans.

v32810 = My father and I talk about my future family plans.

v32811 = My father and I talk about my personal problems.

v32812 = My father and I talk about conflicts that might arise in the

future between family and work responsibilities.

v32813 = How satisfied are you with how supportive your father is?

Not at all Very

satisfied satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 = 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32814 = How much would you say your father has influenced you?

Not at all A great deal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 = 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32815 = Right now, how close do you feel to your father?

Not at all Very

close close

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 = 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32816 = Right now, how much do you admire your father?

Not at all A great deal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 = 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32817 = How much do you want to be like the kind of person your father is when you are his age?

*** PAGE 38 ***

Family environment


v32818 = Our family enjoys doing things together.

never a lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32819 = Family members are supportive of each other during difficult times.

never a lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32820 = Members of my family are very close and get along very well.

strongly strongly

disagree agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32821 = How satisfied are you with the emotional support you get from your sibling(s)?

not at all very

satisfied satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (no sibling)

Now, we would like to know how you think your parents feel about how you have done in each of these areas. Please use this scale to answer the questions below for each of your parents.

Note: Please use “N/A” if a category does not apply to you. For example, if you are not a parent, please use “N/A” for the last item.

How well do they think you have done in:

Not at all Very

well well

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32822 = MOTHER - your education?

v32823 = MOTHER - your job?

v32824 = MOTHER - your financial status?

v32825 = MOTHER - your relationship with your mother?

v32826 = MOTHER - your relationship with your father?

v32827 = MOTHER - your relationship with your romantic partner?

v32828 = MOTHER - how responsible you are?

v32829 = MOTHER - the kind of person you have become?

v32830 = MOTHER - the progress you have made toward figuring out what you want to

do as an adult?

v32831 = MOTHER - being a parent?

v32832 = FATHER - your education?

v32833 = FATHER - your job?

v32834 = FATHER - your financial status?

v32835 = FATHER - your relationship with your mother?

v32836 = FATHER - your relationship with your father?

v32837 = FATHER - your relationship with your romantic partner?

v32838 = FATHER - how responsible you are?

v32839 = FATHER - the kind of person you have become?

v32840 = FATHER - the progress you have made toward figuring out what you want to do

as an adult?

v32841 = FATHER - being a parent?

*** PAGE 39 ***


The next set of questions asks about your relationship with the friend you are most likely to turn to for emotional support. Please select your closest friend who is not your romantic partner (we ask about your romantic partner later).

v32842 = If you do not have a close friend like that, check here _____ and skip to page 41.

1 = checked

2 = not checked

v32843 = Is your closest friend a

1 = woman

2 = man

3 = animal

4 = both of male and female

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32844 = How long have you known this person?

01-35 (years)

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

During the past month when you and your closest friend have spent time talking or doing

things together, how often did your closest friend…

Never Always

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32845 = Listen carefully to your point of view

v32846 = Let you know s/he really cares about you

v32847 = Shout or yell at you because s/he was mad at you

v32848 = Ignore you when you tried to talk to him/her

v32849 = Try to make you feel guilty

v32850 = Act loving and affectionate toward you

v32851 = Get into a fight or argument with you

v32852 = Act supportive and understanding toward you

v32853 = Ask you for your opinion about an important matter

v32854 = Do things you asked him/her to do

In the past year, how much support did you get from your closest friend in each of these


A little A lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32855 = Makes you feel worthwhile, special, and unique.

v32856 = Assists you with major tasks (like moving) when you really need it.

v32857 = Shares a reliable relationship with you that will last no matter what.

v32858 = Has helped you to become the kind of person you want to be.

v32859 = Provides significant financial assistance in times of need.

v32860 = Provides money for your education or training.

v32861 = Provides room and board while you obtain education or training.

v32862 = Helps you in times of stress with minor chores or work.

v32863 = Makes you feel like you are good at many things.

v32864 = Makes you feel better when you are upset.

v32865 = Makes you feel admired and respected.

v32866 = Makes you feel proud of yourself.

v32867 = Listens to you when you are under stress.

v32868 = Will still be close to you even if you get into quarrels and fights.

*** PAGE 40 ***


v32869 = If you needed someone to talk to about a personal problem, how

willing would your closest friend be to talk with you?

Not at all Very

willing willing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32870 = My closest friend and I talk about my future job plans.

Never A lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32871 = My closest friend and I talk about my future education plans.

v32872 = My closest friend and I talk about my future family plans.

v32873 = My closest friend and I talk about my personal problems.

v32874 = My closest friend and I talk about conflicts that might arise in the future between family

and work responsibilities.

v32875 = How satisfied are you with how supportive your closest friend is?

Not at all Very

satisfied satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32876 = How much would you say your closest friend has influenced you?

Not at all A great deal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32877 = Right now, how close do you feel to your closest friend?

Not at all Very

close close

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

*** PAGE 41 ***



v32878 = How old were you the first time you had sex?

01-97 years

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (never had sex)

v32879 = When you have sex, are your partners... (CHECK ONE)

1 = all males

2 = mostly males

3 = males and females

4 = mostly females

5 = all females

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never had sex)

v32880 = In the last four weeks, how often did you have sex? (CHECK ONE)

1 = every day

2 = almost every day

3 = once or twice a week

4 = once or twice in the past four weeks

5 = not at all

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never had sex)

In the last four weeks, what kind of birth control/safe sex method did you use (if any)?

v32881= None (1=yes, checked; 2=not checked)

v32882 = Pill (1=yes, checked; 2=not checked)

v32883 = Condom or rubber (1=yes, checked; 2=not checked)

v32884 = Withdrawal, pulling out (1=yes, checked;=not checked)

v32885 = Foam, jelly or cream only (1=yes, checked;2=not checked)

v32886 = Rhythm or safe period by calendar (1=yes, checked; 2=not checked)

v32887 = Depro Provera, Norplant (1=yes, checked; 2=not checked)

v32888 = Diaphragm with jelly or cream (1=yes, checked; 2=not checked)

v32889 = IUD, coil, loop (1=yes, checked; 2=not checked)

v32890 = Operation--female sterilization (1=yes, checked; 2=not checked)

v32891 = Operation--male sterilization (1=yes, checked; 2=not checked)

v32892 = Other?

2= not checked

3 = sterile for medical reasons, but not by choice (leupron)

4 = patch

5 = currently pregnant, recently had a baby

9 = checked yes for “Other,” but did not specify

0 = did not check “Other”

Note: If the respondent indicates that they have had sex before and left the rest of p. 41 blank, 9's are coded for all the birth control methods and for “Other.”

If the respondent checks that they have never had sex, 0's are coded for birth control methods and for “Other.”

v32893 = In the past four weeks, how many sexual partners have you had?

1 = None

2 = One person

3 = Mainly one person but others as well

4 = A number of persons

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never had sex)

v32894 = How satisfied are you with your sex life?

Not at all Very

Satisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never had sex)

How often do you have sex for the following reasons?: (Check ONE for each item)

v32895 = How often does it happen because you are forced into it?

1 = never

2 = once in a while

3 = about half the time

4 = about 3/4 of the time

5 = almost always

6 = always

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never had sex)

v32896 = How often does it happen because you are pressured into it?

1 = never

2 = once in a while

3 = about half the time

4 = about 3/4 of the time

5 = almost always

6 = always

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never had sex)

*** PAGE 42 ***


The next questions ask about your relationship with your romantic partner(s). If you are married, living with someone, or in a committed relationship, please answer these questions about that person. If you are not in a committed relationship, please answer the questions about the person or people you are dating, or have dated in the past year.

v32897 = Check here if you have not dated in the past year, and skip to page 45.

1 = checked

2 = not checked

During the past month how often did your partner (or dates)...

Never Always

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if NOT dating)

v32898 = Listen carefully to your point of view

v32899 = Let you know s/he really cares about you

v32900 = Shout or yell at you because s/he was mad at you

v32901 = Ignore you when you tried to talk to him/her

v32902 = Try to make you feel guilty

v32903 = Act loving and affectionate toward you

v32904 = Get into a fight or argument with you

v32905 = Act supportive and understanding toward you

v32906 = Ask you for your opinion about an important matter

v32907 = Do things you asked him/her to do

v32908 = Tell you he/she loves you

In the past year, how much support did you get from your spouse/partner(s)/date(s) in each of these areas?

A little A lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if NOT dating)

v32909 = Makes you feel worthwhile, special, and unique.

v32910 = Assists you with major tasks (like moving) when you really need it.

v32911 = Shares a reliable relationship with you that will last no matter what.

v32912 = Has helped you to become the kind of person you want to be.

v32913 = Provides significant financial assistance in times of need.

v32914 = Provides money for your education or training.

v32915 = Provides room and board while you obtain education or training.

v32916 = Helps you in times of stress with minor chores or work.

v32917 = Makes you feel like you are good at many things.

v32918 = Makes you feel better when you are upset.

v32919 = Makes you feel admired and respected.

v32920 = Makes you feel proud of yourself.

v32921 = Listens to you when you are under stress.

v32922 = Will still be close to you even if you get into quarrels and fights.

*** PAGE 43 ***


v32923 = If you needed someone to talk to about a personal problem, how

willing would your spouse/partner/dates be to talk with you?

Not at all Very

willing willing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (no partner)

v32924 = My spouse/partner/dates and I talk about my future job plans.

Never A lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (no partner)

v32925 = My spouse/partner/dates and I talk about my future education plans.

v32926 = My spouse/partner/dates and I talk about my future family plans.

v32927 = My spouse/partner/dates and I talk about my personal problems.

v32928 = My spouse/partner/dates and I talk about conflicts that might

arise in the future between family and work responsibilities.

v32929 = How satisfied are you with how supportive your spouse/partner/dates is/are?

Not at all Very

satisfied satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (no partner)

v32930 = How much would you say your spouse/partner/dates has/have influenced you?

Not at all A great deal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (no partner)

v32931 = Right now, how close do you feel to your spouse/partner/dates?

Not at all Very

close close

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (no partner)

*** PAGE 44 ***

How many times in the past 12 months did your partner(s) or date(s)...

1= never

2 = once

3 = twice

4 = 3-5 times

5 = 6-10 times

6 = 11-20 times

7 = more than 20 times

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if NOT dating)

v32932 = throw something at you?

v32933 = push, grab, hit, kick, or shove you or hit you with something?

v32934 = threaten you with a knife or gun?

How many times in the past 12 months did you do the following to your spouse, partner, or date(s)…

1= never

2 = once

3 = twice

4 = 3-5 times

5 = 6-10 times

6 = 11-20 times

7 = more than 20 times

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if NOT dating)

v32935 = throw something at them?

v32936 = push, grab, hit, kick, or shove them or hit them with something?

v32937 = threaten them with a knife or gun?

*** PAGE 45 ***

The following questions ask about whether you have been a victim of violence. If you are uncomfortable providing any of this information, please feel free to skip to the next page.

v32938 = Have you ever gotten beaten up or physically abused/attacked?

1 = Yes

2 = No

9 = missing data

v32939= IF YES: How many times has this happened to you?

1 = once

2 = 2-3 times

3 = 4 or more times

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never been beaten up)

Can you tell us about the most recent time you were beaten up

v32940 = How old were you the most recent time you were beaten up?

01-97 = years old

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (never been beaten up, or only once)

v32941= Who did this the most recent time you were beaten up?

1 = stranger

2 = acquaintance

3 = date/partner (ex spouse: 10571, 10785, 13065, 13703, 15852)

4 = relative

5 = "other 1 = "schoolmate/classmate"

6 = "other 2 = "boss/work"

7 = "other (make a card)”

I was a bouncer at a bar (11083)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never been beaten up, or only once)

v32942 = Was the person a male or female most recent time you were beaten up?

1 = female

2 = male

3 = male and female

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never been beaten up)

v32943 = Have you ever been sexually assaulted?

1 = Yes

2 = No

3 = maybe when drunk

9 = missing data

v32944 = IF YES: How many times has this happened to you?

1 = once

2 = 2-3 times

3 = 4 or more times

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never been sexually assaulted)

Can you tell us about the most recent time you were sexually assaulted

v32945 = How old were you the most recent time you were sexually assaulted?

01-97 = years old

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (never been sexually assaulted)

v32946 = Who did this to you the most recent time you were sexually assaulted?

1 = stranger

2 = acquaintance

3 = date/partner (ex spouse: 10785)

4 = relative

5 = "other 1 = "schoolmate/classmate"

6 = "other 2 = "boss/work"

7 = "other (make a card)"

Physical therapist (13494)

Coach (10328)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never been sexually assaulted)

v32947 = Was the person a male or female the most recent time you were sexually


1 = female

2 = male

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never been sexually assaulted)

v32948 = Have you ever been raped?

1 = Yes

2 = No

3 = maybe when drunk

9 = missing data

v32949 = IF YES: How many times has this happened to you (been raped)?

1 = once

2 = 2-3 times

3 = 4 or more times

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never been raped)

Can you tell us about the most recent time you were raped

v32950 = How old were you the most recent time you were raped?

01-97 = years old

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (never been raped)

v32951 = Who did this to you the most recent time you were raped?

1 = stranger

2 = acquaintance

3 = date/partner

4 = relative

5 = "other 1 = "schoolmate/classmate"

6 = "other 2 = "boss/work"

7 = "other (make a card)"

Guy at a party (11775)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never been raped)

v32952 = Was the person a male or female the most recent time you were raped?

1 = female

2 = male

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (never been raped, or only once)

*** PAGE 46 ***


**There are four coding steps for page 46:

First, determine status of relationship and fill in v00000.

Second, determine how long they have been together (if married v00000, cohabiting v00000, in a relationship v00000 and fill out the length of time in months/ place "000" in others).

Third fill out current marital status variable (ID# and responses will be entered in codebook for ‘other’ responses.*.

Fourth, if respondent is divorced or separated fill out the appropriate 4-digit date variables for v00000 and v00000 (at the bottom of page 46) *


v32953 = Relationship Status (p.46: determine which type of relationship they are in by which section of this page they filled out)

1 = Married

2 = Cohabiting/living together

3 = Steady

4 = Single (none of the above)

9 = missing data


v32954 = How long have you BEEN MARRIED?

__ __ __ months (three digits) CONVERT TO MONTHS

001-997 = months

998 = 997 months+

999 = missing data

000 = valid skip (not married)

v32955 = How long have you lived together?

__ __ __ months (three digits) CONVERT TO MONTHS

001-997 = months

998 = 997 months+

999 = missing data

000 = valid skip (not cohabitating)

v32956 = How long have you been together?

__ __ __ months (three digits) CONVERT TO MONTHS

001-97 = months

998 = 97 months+

999 = missing data

000 = valid skip (not in a steady romanitc relationship)


v32957 = Current marital/partnership status?

1 = single never married

2 = Engaged to be married

3 = Divorced

4 = Separated

5 = Other--Make a Card

10480: just ended relationship

6 = divorced and now engaged

8 = Married

9 = missing data


v32958 = two digit month and four digits for year of divorce (four digits) at bottom of page. If no month specified, first two digits 00.

v32959 = two digit month and four digits for year of separation (four digits) at bottom of page

*** PAGE 47 ***


v32960 = In the past four weeks, how often have you been going out or dating?

1 = every day

2 = almost every day

3 = once or twice a week

4 = once or twice in four weeks

5 = not at all

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if married, cohabitating, or in steady rel.)

v32961 = In the past four weeks, how many different people have you gone out with?

1= None

2 = One person

3 = Mainly one person but others as well

4 = A number of persons

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if married, cohabitating, or in steady rel.)

v32962 = When you go out, are your dates... (CHECK ONE)

1 = all males

2 = mostly males

3 = males and females

4 = mostly females

5 = all females

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if married, cohabitating, or in steady rel.)

v32963 = How satisfied are you with your dating life? (CIRCLE ONE)

Not at all Very

Satisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if married, cohabitating, or in steady rel.)

v32964= Do you want to be in a committed relationship right now?

1 = yes

2 = no

3= unsure, don’t know

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32965 = How important is it to you to be involved in a steady, committed

relationship with one person?

Not at all Very

Important Important

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1-7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if married, cohabitating, or in steady rel.)

NOW SKIP TO PAGE 53, SECTION h (Marriage Plans)

*** PAGE 48 ***

This section is for people who are either married, or living with someone, or currently involved in a steady, romantic relationship with one person. If you are married or have had a commitment ceremony with your partner, answer these questions.

v32966 = In what month and year was you wedding or commitment ceremony?

__ __ /__ __ __ __ (SIX DIGIT CODE) example DEC 1994 = 121994

v32967 = How long did you date your spouse/partner before you were married?


v32968 = Did you live together before you got married?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32969 = If yes, for how long?

__ __ (two digits) CONVERT TO MONTHS

01 - 97 = months

98 = 99+ months

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (not cohabitating)

v32970 = Is this your first marriage?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32971 = How good a spouse/partner do you think you are (how good at having an

excellent marriage)?

not at all extremely

good good

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32972 = How do you feel about being married to your partner?

Very Very

Unhappy Happy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip


v32973 = How long did you date your partner before you began living together?


999 = missing data

000 = valid skip

v32974 = How good a partner do you think you are (how good at having an excellent


not at all extremely

good good

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32975 = How important is it to you to be involved in a steady, committed relationship with one


Not at all Very

Important Important

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32976 = How do you feel about living with your partner?

Very Very

Unhappy Happy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip

*** PAGE 49 ***


v32977 = How good a partner do you think you are (how good at having an excellent


not at all extremely

good good

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v32978 = How important is it to you to be involved in a steady, committed

relationship with one person?

Not at all Very

Important Important

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip

v32979 = How do you feel about being involved in a steady, committed relationship

with your partner?

Very Very

Unhappy Happy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip

v32980 = How old is your partner?

01-97 = years old

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

v32981 = Is your partner a

1 = female

2 = male

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

v32982 = What is the highest grade in school your partner has completed?

06 = 6th grade

07 = 7th grade

08 = 8th grade

09 = 9th grade

10 = 10th grade

11 = 11th grade

12 = 12th grade

13 = 1 year of college

14 = 2 years of college

15 = 3 years of college

16 = four years of college

17 = four year College Graduate ......yes

18 = currently in graduate school, some grad school

19 = graduate school......MASTERS

20 = graduate Bachelors- Non Masters (such as teaching certificate)

21 = graduate school .......(LAW SCHOOL)Juris Doctorate

22 = graduate school ......Ph.D. or doctorate of whatever ...such as E.E.D, PsyD,

23 = two year/associate's degree

24 = vocational school/training (ex. business college grad., mechanic, etc.)

25 = M.D.

97 = other (card)

98 = don't know

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

v32983 = Was your partner employed full time for more than four months at any

time in the last 12 months?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

what kind of job did your partner have in the past 12 months? Please be specific – include job title or duties if possible

v32037 = type of work (3 digits)

v32038 = sex typing (1 digit)

Approximately how much does your partner earn per hour or week?

v32984 = per hour (partner earns) (four digits...example..$12.00 = 1200)

v32985 = per week (partner earns) (four digits ... example $325.00 = 0325)

v32986 = per month (partner earns) (four digits... example $825.00 = 0825)

v32987 = per year (partner earns) (six digits... example $51,000 = 051000)

v32988 = How likely is it that you and your partner will still be together five years

from now?

Very Very

Unlikely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip

v32989 = If you are not yet married, how likely is it you will marry your partner?

Very Very

Unlikely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip

*** PAGE 50 ***

How satisfied are you with these parts of your relationship?

Not at all Extremely

Satisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip

v32990 = How we communicate

v32991 = My partner's attitudes about having children

v32992 = How the house is kept (answer if you are living together)

v32993 = The amount of influence I have over the decisions we make

v32994 = Our social life

v32995 = How we express affection for each other

v32996 = With your relationship in general

v32997 = How would your partner rate his/her satisfaction with your relationship in


v32998 = How much do your parents approve of your partner/spouse?

Not at Very

all much

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

Answer section e. ONLY if you are married or living together, otherwise skip to section f.


v32999 = Who brings in more money to the household—you, or your partner?

1 = My partner brings in all the income

2 = My partner brings in most of the income

3 = We bring in the same amount of income

4 = I bring in most of the income

5 = I bring in all of the income

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not married or living together)

v33000 = In your household, who controls the decisions about how household income

is spent?

1 = You, all of the time

2 = You, most of the time

3 = Both you and your spouse/partner equally

4 = Your spouse/partner most of the time

5 = Your spouse/partner all the time

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not married or living together)

v33001 = Do you and your spouse/partner have a joint checking and/or savings account?

1 = Yes

2 = No

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not married or living together)

v33002 = Do you have an individual checking and/or savings account?

1 = Yes

2 = No

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not married or living together)

v33003 = Does your partner have an individual checking and/or savings account?

1 = Yes

2 = No

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (not married or living together)

*** PAGE 51 ***


v33004 = Do you typically do activities related to...

Things that Things that both of Things that your

you are more you are interested partner is more

interested in in equally interested in

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip

v33005 = On the average, how many evenings a week do both you and your partner

spend together?

0-7 = evenings per week

9 = missing data

v33006 = During a typical week, how many days do you and your partner have

dinner together?

0-7 = days per week

9 = missing data

v33007 = Would you prefer to spend more or less time with your partner?

Much The Much

Less Same More

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

For the following items

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip if don’t have a partner

v33008 = Have you ever thought your relationship might be in trouble?

v33009 = Has the thought of separating crossed your mind?

v33010 = Have you discussed separating from your partner with a with a close


v33011 = Have you or your partner ever seriously suggested the idea of ending your


v33012 = How likely is it you could find another good partner if you and your

partner separated?

Very Very

Unlikely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 –7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

v33013 = Even when there are problems in my relationship, it is better than being


Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

v33014 = How much do you and your partner get out of your relationship?

My partner We get I get

gets much more the same much more

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

v33015 = If your relationship with your partner failed, how easily could you find

someone else you'd like to be with?

Not at all Very

Easily Easily

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

*** PAGE 52 ***

If you are MARRIED, answer these questions, otherwise skip to section g.

For the following items

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip if not married

v33016 = Have you and your partner talked about consulting a counselor or

therapist about a possible divorce or separation?

v33017 = Have you and your partner talked about consulting an attorney about a

possible divorce or separation?

v33018 = How likely is it you will ever get separated/divorced?

Very Very

Unlikely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (if not married)

v33019 = My partner wants us to have children..

1 = never

2 = some day but not very soon

3 = soon

4 = we already have children, but she/he wants more.

5= We already have children, and she/he does not want more

6 = He/she is unsure about whether he/she wants children.

7 = We have not talked about having children/ I don't know.

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if don’t have a partner)

*** PAGE 53 ***


v33020 = Thinking of the future, ..

1 = I would like to marry fairly soon

2 = I would like to marry sometime but not right now

3 = I am unsure about whether I would like to ever marry

4 = I would prefer to never get married

8 = marriage not available (gay/lesbian)

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (if married already, or don’t have a partner)

If you circled 3 or 4, why would you consider not getting married?

v33021 = Reason why you would consider not getting married #1

v33022 = Reason why you would consider not getting married #2

01 = too independent, don't want to lose independence

02 = career or job comes first/can't balance a career and marriage

03 = marriage not important/don't see the point

04 = issue related to past experience breaking -up, either their own or parents

05 = afraid of divorce, don't want to go through divorce fear of breaking up/ issues

dealing with divorce (fear of losing everything)

06 = financial expense

07 = don't want to lose IDENTITY

08 = huge commitment/too big of a commitment

09 = it is scary

10 = don't know if I can find the right person

11 = afraid of abuse

12 = issues of other person not being faithful/or doing something awful

13 = same sex marriage not accepted

14 = don't want children/don't want family

15 = not willing to put others before own goals/values/ etc. (sacrifices)

16 = too much responsibility/a lot of work

17 = issues of control (losing control of life)

18 = get married late in life/ single for a long time/not ready

19 = not sure it is what I want, like life the way it is/don't want to change it

20 = would feel trapped

21 = issues dealing with ethnicity/race

22 = never considered getting married, don't think that it's an option

23 = pessimistic about marriage ("I think happily ever after is a fairy tale.")

24 = other priorities too important to compromise

25 = haven’t found right person (yet)

26 = prohibitions on job

27 = doesn’t believe in monogamy

97 = other (CARD)

religious crap (13579)

stereotypical roles

not staying w/ father of child

I'm not comfortable with marriage

My boyfriend thinks he can do more and

I don’t think it will last much longer

don’t think two people should be together for life

98 = don't know

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (if already married, or don’t have a partner)

v33023 = How likely is it you will ever marry? (CIRCLE ONE)

Very Very

Unlikely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (if already married, or don’t have a partner)

v33024 = If you'd like to get married, at what age would you like to get married?

01-95 = age

96 = now/soon/yesterday

97 = I don't want to

98 = I don't know/ whenever/ anytime

99 = missing

00 = valid skip ( married already , very unlikely ever marry; or don’t have a


v33025 = How likely is it you will not marry but will have a long-term committed relationship or commitment ceremony?

Very Very

Unlikely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (if already married, or not likely: 1, 2, or 3)

v33026 = If you would like to have a long-term committed relationship or

commitment ceremony, when would you like to begin such a relationship?

01-94 = age

95 = I already have one

96 = now/soon/yesterday

97 = I don't want to

98 = I don't know/ whenever/ anytime

99 = missing

00 = valid skip (married already,very unlikely long-term rel., don’t have a


v33027 = How good a spouse/committed partner do you think you would be (how good at having an excellent marriage/partnership)?

not at all extremely

good good

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 – 7 scale

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v33028 = How upset would you be if you never got married?

Not at all Very

Upset Upset

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (if already married, or don’t have a partner)

*** PAGE 54 ***

v33029 = Thinking of the future,

1 = I already have children.

2 = I would like to have children fairly soon.

3 = I would like to have children sometime but not right now.

4 = I am unsure about whether I would like to ever have children.

5 = I would prefer not to have children at all.

6 = Respondent skips this question, but answers section C, for people who would like children.

7 = Respondent skips this question, but skips to section B, for people who are unsure if they want children, or do not want them.

8 = currently pregnant

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

Individuals who did not turn in Parent Surveys after reporting they had children:

Indicated he never sees child/children: #11509

Indicate child is newborn: #12506

Failed to fill out Parent Survey, no particular reason: #10071

If you are unsure about whether or not you would like to have children or would prefer not to have children, why would you consider not having children?

v33030 = First reason you would consider not having children

v33031 = Second reason you would consider not having children

Relationship/Marriage First

01 = satisfied with/enjoy my marriage – my spouse and me

02 = marriage comes first -- children complicate marriages/relationships

03 = enjoy our (my spouse and my) lifestyle

04 = need to get married first

Career Reasons

10 = committed to a career

11 = career comes first/ career choice

12 = need to get career going/established first

13 = job is too stressful

For Kid’s Own Sake

20 = issues of child care – It’s not fair for children to be raised by someone, not parents

21 = today’s society is too violent and dangerous

22 = present social environment – general

23 = children should not go though parental divorce

24 = It would be unfair to a child to bring them into my life

Personal Life First

30 = because of the significant demands and changes it would place on my life

31 = loss of personal freedom

32 = don’t want responsibility/too much responsibility

33 = selfish with my personal time

34 = feeling of being tied down

35 = too selfish to have children – my spouse or/and me

36 = women are too responsible for it

37 = my life is more important

Financial Status

40 = Financial responsibility

41 = financial status – general

42 = not having enough money to provide for them

43 = costs of raising children

Time/Priority Issues

50 = lack of time

51 = issues dealing with time

52 = other priorities too important to compromise

Appearance/Health Issue

60 = worry about my physical appearance – scares me to get fat

61 = don’t want to be too old

64 = for my own health condition

65 = too physically ill to have children

66 = too mentally ill to have children

67 = pregnancy a particular risk due to pre-existing health condition (“pregnancy and childbirth could ignite my lupus”)

68 = pain, don’t like pain, scared too through pregnancy

Parenting Issue

70 = don’t think I would be good at raising children

71 = unsure if I would be a good parent

72 = don’t know if I could dedicate time and attention to children; too much commitment

73 = not ready to have children

74 = I am not a family type of person

75 = no patient

Interest/Desire to have children

80 = having children is something that I have no interest at all

81 = dislike children/never thrilled with children / don’t like a child itself

82 = no desire to have children/never wanted them

83 = don’t feel compelled to do so

84 = I believe I am a whole person w/o children

85 = don’t like a child itself

86 = never thought about it


90 = I am still a child

91 = I/my partner have already a child and don’t want to have more

92 = overpopulation

93 = can’t find right man/no person worth having kids with

94 = gay family makes it difficult

97 = other

98 = don’t know

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip (only one reason mentioned; already have kids; would like to have kids)

v33032 = How likely is it you will ever have children?

Very Very

Unlikely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (already have children)

v33033 = If you would like to have children, what age would you like to have your

first child?

01-95 = age

96 = now/soon/yesterday

97 = I don't want to have children ever ever ever....

98 = I don't know/ whenever/ anytime

99 = missing

00 = valid skip (already have children; very unlikely ever have children)

v33034 = How upset would you be if you did not have children?

Not at all Very

Upset Upset

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (already have children)

8 = don’t know

v33035 = How much would having a child/children affect the amount of time you

work outside the home?

I would work I would work I would work

much less the same amt much more

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (already have children)

v33036 = How would you feel about that change (if any) in your work hours?

Very Very

Negative Positive

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (already have children)

v33037 = How much would having a child affect your career or educational


Slow it down No Speed it

a lot Effect up a lot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (already have children)

v33038 = How would you feel about that effect (if any) on your career or educational


Very Very

Negative Positive

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (already have children)

*** PAGE 55 ***

v33039 = In general, how good of a parent do you think you will be?

Not a very An excellent

good parent parent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 = Missing data

0 = valid skip (already have children)

v33040 = Do you plan to take time off from work or school to raise your children?

1 = yes

2 = no

8 = not sure / Don't know

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (already have children)

v33041 = If yes, how long do you plan to take off?

00 = none at all / valid skip (already have children)

01 = not planning to take time off

02 = 1-2 weeks

03 = 1month

04 = 6 weeks

05 = 2 months

06 = a few months3 months

07 = 4 months

08 = 5 months

09 = 6 months

10 = 7 months

11 = 8 months

12 = 9 months

13 = 10 months

14 = 11 months

15 = 1 year

16 = 18 months

17 = 2 years

18 = 3 years

19 = 4 years

20 = 5 years or until they reach kindergarten

21 = 6 years or until they start to school

22 = 7-9 years

23 = 10-11 years

24 = until they enter Junior High School (12 years old)

25 = until they enter high school/are teenagers

26 = through age 16

27 = until they go to college

40 = not much

41 = for length of maternity/ paternity leave

42 = time given off as vacation (ex. teachers have summer vacations)

50 = when it is needed, "depends", as much as necessary

511 = as long as possible

2529 = until I (or my spouse/partner) feel comfortable

532 = until child is grown

543 = forever

60 = will work at home

616 = may work part- time afterwards

6230 = cut back on work hours (not meaning part-time)

705 = depends on spouse/partner

71 = both need to contribute

8031 = depends on finances

81 = whoever can support the family will keep their job; the other will stay home with the kids

94 = days here and there

95 = several weeks

96 = several years

97 = other (card)

98 = I don't know / not sure/ ?r / undecided

99 = missing data

00 =valid skip

v33042 = Would you expect your partner to take time off from work or school to raise your children?

1 = yes

2 = no

8 = not sure / Don't know

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip (already have children)

v33043 = If yes, how long do you expect your partner to take off?


v33044 = Have you (or your partner) ever been pregnant?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v33045 = What did you do (or do you plan to do)?

1 = kept (keep) the baby

2 = put the baby up for adoption

3 = gave the baby to a relative to raise

4 = abortion

5 = miscarriage

6 = nothing yet

7 = abortion as well as miscarriage

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v33046 = Have you and your partner ever tried to get pregnant?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v33047 = Have you ever had concerns about your fertility or your partner’s fertility?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v33048 = If yes, how long did you try to get pregnant?

01 = just started trying

02 = “a couple of months”

03 = “a few months”

04 – 80 = number of months

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

v33048A = Non time specific responses (and non-method responses moved from methods questions)

01 = I’m not fertile

02 = Partner not fertile (have tried unsuccessfully)

03 = have not tried

03 = have not tried due to partner’s known infertility

04 = have not tried because there are known problems

05 = have not tried but I wonder/worry about my fertility

06 = have not tried, but am worried about partners fertility

10 = infertility runs in the family

11 = history of miscarriages (“currently pregnant hoping to carry to term (history of miscarriage)”)

20 = I’m amazed that I haven’t gotten pregnant already

30 = couples are same sex (gay/lesbian)

90 = As long as it takes

98 = I don’t know

99 = invalid skip

00 = valid skip

v33049 = Did you try any fertility methods (like medical options or alternative medicine)?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v33050 = IF YES, what did you try? First thing attempted

v33050A = Second thing attempted

v33050B = Third thing attempted

01 = Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) type not specified (“See a specialist/doctor”)

02 = IUI (intra uterine insemination) hormones not mentioned

03 = IUI with hormone treatments for ovarian stimulation

04 = FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)

05 = In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

10 = surgery not specified who or what

11 = non specific female surgery

12 = laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis

13 = non specific male surgery

14 = vasectomy reversal

20 = fertility medication not specified

21 = hormones, not specified

22 = Clomid (clomiphene citrate, Serophene)

23 = Progesterone supplements (Provera, Prolution)

24 = HMG (stimulates ovulation or sperm production) e.g. Pergonal Humegon

25 = FSH (Gonal-F, Folliston)

30 = non-specfic ovulation monitoring (informal: e.g. ”rhythm method”)

31 = ovulation monitoring (using ovulation predictor kit)

32 = ovulation monitoring using (Basal Body Temperature)

40 = insulin sensitizing agents (Glucophage, metformin)

41 = Diabetes related medications for self

42 = Diabetes medication for partner

50 = general dietary methods (unspecified)

51 = eliminate caffeine

52 = herbal teas

60 = General Diagnostic Methods

61 = HSG (hysterosalpingogram)

62 = semen analysis

63 = MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

64 = Sonogram (Ultrasound)

70 = surrogate methods (unspecified)

71 = sperm donor

72 = egg donor

73 = adoption

74 = birth/surrogate mother

80 = keep trying/anything

81 = prayer

82 = wait until out of school

83 = find new partner

84 = give up

90 = don’t want to think about it

91 = nothing

98 = I don’t know

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

v33051 = How long did you attempt to have children using this alternative?

01 – 80 = number of months

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

v33052 = If you continued to have problems with fertility, did you try another way to have

children, or pursue other alternatives (like adoption)?

1 = yes

2 = no

9 = missing data

0 = valid skip

v33053 = IF YES, what else did you try? First thing attempted

v33053A = Second thing attempted


v33054 = How long did you try to have children using this alternative?

01 – 80 = number of months

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip

v33055 = What did/will you do next? First thing attempted Given the participants responces the above codes seem to work, but the 90’s were designed to specifically get at this area

v33055A = Second thing attempted



Major/Field Codes

01 = sports; recreation; gym

10 = math (logic; calculus; statistics)

11 = engineering

12 = accounting; actuary

13 = computer science; computer engineering; computer information systems

14 = electronics

15 = mechanical engineering

16 = electrical engineering

17 = civil engineering; industrial engineering; construction; safety engineering;

geological engineering

18 = chemical engineering; biomedical engineering; nuclear engineering

19 = aerospace engineering; aeronautics

20 = science, unspecified

21 = chemistry

22 = pre-med; forensics; pathology; physicians assistant; dentistry; sports medicine;

anatomy; cytotechnology

23 = nursing; medical technician; surgical technician; health care; dental hygiene; paramedic;


24 = physical therapy; respiratory therapy; recreational therapy; chiropractic; massage therapy

25 = geology; environmental geology

26 = health; nutrition; health information; public health; dietetics; kinesiology;

health policy studies

27 = biology; zoology; physiology; microbiology; biostats

28 = physics

29 = astronomy

30 = pharmacy

31 = organic chemistry

32 = biochemistry

33 = forestry; horticulture; agriculture

34 = earth science; oceanography; marine biology

35 = physical science

36 = natural science

37 = material science; material and logistical mgmt

38 = environmental science; fish and wildlife; land use; conservation; ecology

39 = veterinary

40 = humanities

41 = English; literature

42 = journalism; writing

43 = communications; speech

44 = history; art history

45 = languages; linguistics

46 = art; design; fashion; photography; interior design

47 = architecture; urban planning

48 = media; advertising; broadcasting; visual communications

49 = theater; music; film; dance; sound

50 = social sciences; James Madison

51 = economics

52 = sociology

53 = law; political science; government

54 = religion; divinity; dianetics; theology

55 = criminal justice; police; fire science

56 = psychology

57 = anthropology; archeology

58 = women’s studies

59 = philosophy

60 = family studies / human development & family studies (hdfs)

61 = geography

62 = library science

63 = public relations; public administration; conference planning; public speaking;

urban planning

64 = international studies

70 = education; teaching

71 = primary; early childhood; child development

72 = secondary; specific course

73 = college level

74 = physical education

75 = special education

76 = social work

77 = counseling; guidance; child care

78 = speech pathology; communication disorders; audiology; speech science

79 = occupational therapy

80 = vocational therapy; packaging

81 = mechanics; auto body

82 = secretarial; word-processing; clerical; medical billing

83 = cosmetology; beauty

84 = airline; flight attendant

85 = skilled laborer

86 = drafting; CARD

87 = food; cooking

88 = aviation; pilot

89 = military

90 = business; management; hospital management; human resources

91 = retail; hotel management; restaurant management; hospitality services

92 = marketing; fashion merchandising

93 = finance; international finance

94 = travel; tourism

95 = real estate; insurance

96 = liberal arts, general

97 = other (CARD)

technology and policy

operations research


dog training

CISR seminars

athletic training


health administration

technical science

98 = don’t know / undecided

99 = missing data

00 = valid skip; never went to post-secondary school; didn’t consider other majors


Sex Type Code Description of Code

9 001 Professional

3 010 Upper level executives/C.E.O.’s. Use 019 for middle/lower level management (supervisor) as well as restaurant manager. Check specific listings under existing codes “019” and “243” before using this code.

3 011 Business owner

3 038 Business related

3 060 Engineers who primarily manage. If they manage other engineers code them as 060 regardless of any specialty given.

9 082 Health-related, unspecified

1 094 Nurse degree or specialty unspecified

2 109 High school humanities teacher

2 110 High school social science teacher

2 111 High school physical or biological science teacher

2 112 High school math teacher

2 159 Teacher, unspecified as to subject area. Also includes substitute teachers.

9 200 Scientist, general

2 201 Math related, unspecified

9 230 Computer, general

9 286 Sales unspecified / sales worker / retail / department store

9 324 Clerk unspecified / office worker / office job

9 400 “Paraprofessional”

9 412 Criminal justice / protective service, general

9 480 Work with animals

3 502 General precision production craft and repair worker

3 550 General construction trades supervisors

9 700 Foreman, general

9 701 Blue collar worker

9 702 Steel worker, general

9 801 General transportation

3 802 Truck driver (unspecified as to size/kind of truck)

9 815 Unspecified airport / airlines

9 889 Factory worker

3 900 Military personnel

9 960 Low-paying job

9 961 Job I have now

9 962 Part-time / something flexible / to meet my family needs / depends on family

9 970 Child’s choice*

9 971 Well paying*

9 972 Satisfying / Be happy*

9 973 Career with a future*

9 974 Stability*

9 975 Can lead or have control over*

9 976 Help people / Human service / Work with people*

9 977 Work with children*

9 978 Anything

9 980 Auto industry unspecified (“works at Ford”)

9 981 Specified industry, but unspecified occupation (“Frito Lay”)

9 982 “Gov’t” / “federal” / “state” / “city” employee or worker

9 989 Work study n.e.c. / unspecified, co-op

1 990 Housewife / househusband

2 991 Student

1 992 Housewife and student

9 994 Consultant

9 995 Retired / disabled

9 996 My child does not know (Specificity=9)

9 997 “I don’t know” / “?” (Specificity=9)

9 998 Uncodeable (Specificity=9)

student employee in cafeteria

rural health grant

cannot read

professional internship

English professor’s asst

* Note: All added codes with a “*” next to them are given a 1 for specificity.


Participant is in long distance relationship or partner is in the military. Marked evenings spent together and time(s) that they spend dinner together when partner is there. 11456, 12694, 10390, 12164,


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