California State University, Northridge


Department of manufacturing and system engineering

MSE 415 - Fall 2009

Group Assignment # 2:

Vidhi Shah

Bender Albazai

Unmesh Srivastava

Mohammad Abalkhail

Our President Barak Obama is working very hard for us so that we can have better health plan so that the nation is healthier and better efficient than before. We are trying to take some initiative in the same direction which is related to health of the youth of the nation which is almost 1/3 rd of the population of the country. We are launching a product that will be a backpack with a massager and front panel for writing pad and laptop holder. This will make carrying heavy books much comfortable because the back is going to get a constant massage while carrying heavy bags on back. If the youth “Generation Next” of the nation is healthy which will result that they will concentrate more on studies and better education will result in better Nation.

The main problem we are targeting here is the back pain and inconvenience of carrying heavy bags on you back. Our aim behind this product is to make massager backpack that it will massage the back while we are walking or standing with the bags on our back and we have no other option to put it down or drag it or carry it. The massager will gently give a relaxing feeling to your back and will reduce the stiffness or the pain in the lower and the upper back. We have almost 76 million students across the country that carry these bags every day and in long run they will develop sever back problem and spinal cord problem which can affect the nervous system of our body. So the problem of heavy bags and paining backs need to be solved as early as possible. The laptop case or writing pad which is a part of our project will help those who need to work while they are walking or while traveling and they do not have any place to put their laptop on to, not do have a solid surface to write on to. Our product will help them as they can put the bag in front and as it opens up to 90’ it will work as a desk where we can place the laptop or book or anything to work with.






1. Company President: Bander Albazai - Design and Engineering

2. Vice President: Vidhi Shah - Marketing

3. Secretary: Mohd Abalkhail - Manufacturing

4. Treasurer and Time Keeper: Unmesh Srivastava - Business Analysis and Cost Estimation


1. PRESIDENT. Bander Albazai


Will design the product on the basis of:

Stress on the back. Massager temperature control. Front pack stability. Stress Analysis. Will lead the team in product design according to requirements. Create the drawings necessary for prototyping and production. Sets the direction of the design effort and does the most complex parts of design. Leads the project. Designing the overall frameworks.



Deals with product pricing and promotion. Distribution, Service and Retail. Deals with Brand Management. Deals with marketing Strategy. Deals with promotional content that includes: Advertising , Branding, Direct marketing ,Personal Sales, Product placement , Publicity, Sales promotion. Deals with promotional media that includes: Printing, Publication, Broadcasting Out-of-home, Internet marketing.

3. SECRETARY: Mohd Abalkhailm


Deals in complete manufacturing of the Relax Bag. Deals with the Product Engineering of the Bag. Deals with Process Development to manufacture the Relax Bag. Deals with Continuous Process Improvement.

4. TREASURER & TIME KEEPER: Unmesh Srivastava


Prepares proposals for the project. Prepare project schedules adhering to time allotted. Reviews and checks procedures and documentation. Prepares the release package documentation.

Mission statement: A backpack for the “Generation Next”

Survey questions:

1. Age group you belong to:

O 15 – 19 O 20 – 24 O 25 – 29 O 30 or more.

2. hat type of bag they are using :

O Tote O Shoulder O Backpack

3. Why they are using the bag they are currently using.

4 Need any more changes in the current bag:

O Yes O No

If yes then what changes.

5 What is the cost of their bag:

O $15 -$25 O $ 25 – $35 O $35 - $45 O $45 -$55 O more than $55

6 Does carrying heavy bag give a back pain or neck pain?

O Yes O No

7. Will you buy a bag with a massager attached?

O Yes O No

    If No then why not.

8. Have you ever needed to write or use your laptop while you are moving or waiting with no available disk?

O Yes O No

If No then why?

9. Do you think having a bag with features like movable front pack disk will help?

O Yes O No

10 What price they are willing to pay?

11 Any comments OR suggestion?

Result of the survey:

The survey result is of 45 people we surveyed.


Figure 1. The age group of the people surveyed.


Figure 2. Percentage of the people using different

Here 64% people use backpacks, 29 % people uses shoulder bags and 7% uses tote bags.


Figure 3. The price range that they are willing to pay for “Generation Next” backpack.


Figure 4: Figure 5.

Figure 4 and figure 5: These are the total % of people those are really interest in buying the new backpack


Figure 6. Total number of people agreed to buy our product out of 45 people.

Customers statement and customer Needs:

|Customer Statement |Interpreted Need |

| | |

|I sometimes need to write fast while moving. |The backpack is used as a movable disk. |

| | |

| |The backpack with more space and pockets. |

|I hate it when there is no place for my food | |

| |The backpack easy to carry. |

| | |

|I feel backache of overburden load |The backpack as a massager. |

| | |

| |The backpack with affordable price.. |

|My back is always hurting me when I walk long distance with my bag. | |

| |The backpack has knob and wheels. |

|I will not buy it if it is over $ 50 | |

| |The backpack made of durable unscratched material. |

|I need to carry heavy weight and drag it while I am travelling. |Backpack with colorful style. |

| | |

|It is a waste money to buy a new bag every semester | |

| | |

|Want to have more style and colorful | |

Figure 7: Customer Need based on the survey.


Figure 8: Gantt chart depicting the schedule of the project and its development.

First of all, the number of laptop users has been increasing, and it is expected to reach one billion users by 2010, 25% of them regularly use a laptop while traveling or somewhere else outside their home or work. Therefore, there will be a big demand on our product since it features a multiuse movable disk and massager to relieve the back pain. Moreover, it compete with the existing products’ prices. Same is with our backpack massager, bassed on the 45 survey we conduct we have more that 75% people willing to buy the backpack massager so that they would have better back at the end of their academics. Base on the positive survey result we hope that we get a good opening market and product become a success


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