I need a password reset/I lost my password.

Quick-Start Guide: ProjNetSM Frequently Asked Questions

Quick-Start Guide Part I: End-User FAQ's

I need a password reset/I lost my password.

There are two ways to reset a password. If you remember the answer to your secret question, you can use the self-reset option:

1. Point your web browser to the following URL: :

2. From the grey Home/Design/Bid/Build menu across the top of the screen, move the mouse over the "Home" button and then select "Forgot Password" from the dropdown menu:

3. Choose your Agency from the drop-down box and enter your last name, phone number and e-mail address exactly as they were entered at registration. (If the information entered does not match the information listed for you in the database, the password reset will be unsuccessful).

4. Click the


5. You will then see your Secret Question displayed on the screen. Type the answer in the text box exactly as it was typed during registration.

6. Click the

button. Your new password will be displayed on the

screen. Please note that it is case sensitive.


The second way to obtain a new password is to call the ProjNet Call Center at:

(800) 428-4357 or (217) 367-3273

ProjNetsm Quick-Start Guide - Page 8

Quick-Start Guide: ProjNetSM Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose my own password?


Yes, you can choose your own password, as long as it conforms to the accepted ProjNet password standards (2 upper case letters (excluding I and O), 2 lower case letters, 2 numbers (2-9), and 1 symbolic character (- $ * ! + =). Here's how to set your own password:

Log in to the ProjNet system at :

From the ProjNet home page, move the mouse over the "My Account" button in the menu bar across the top of the screen, and then select "Edit My Account":

Click the


Type in a new password that is 8 characters long and contains at least 2 upper case letters (excluding I and O), 2 lower case letters, 2 numbers (2-9), and 1 symbolic character (- $ * ! + =), as in the following example:

Click on the


ProjNetsm Quick-Start Guide - Page 9

Quick-Start Guide: ProjNetSM Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find a project?


When you first log in to the ProjNet system, you will see a list of all projects that have been assigned to you. However, you may have occasion to need to see projects that are not assigned to you yet to be able to request access and/or see project manager contact information. Here's how to search for a project that is not in the "My" projects list:

From the "Select Project" screen that displays immediately upon login, locate the Search box at the top of the screen as follows:

Click the "All" radio button to search all projects. (If you would like to narrow the search further to include only projects that have been assigned to members of your office, click the "My Office" radio button instead).

In the box marked "Name", type one or more keywords that are present in the project title you are looking for. (For example, if you were searching for a project called "First National Convention Center", you could search for "first" or "first national" to find the project):

Click the

button to the right of the "Name" box. All projects matching the

criteria specified will be displayed on your screen. Click on the title of the project to

display the associated reviews.

ProjNetsm Quick-Start Guide - Page 10

Quick-Start Guide: ProjNetSM Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for ProjNetSM ?

1. Point your web browser to the following URL: :

2. In the "Home/Design/Bid/Build" menu across the top of the screen, move the mouse over the "Home" button and then select "Register" from the drop-down menu:

3. Choose the Agency you are working with from the drop-down box:

4. Click the


5. Choose your Site from the drop-down box.

6. Click the


7. Choose your Office name from the drop-down box.

8. Type your Vendor ID exactly as it has been given to you by the Point of Contact (POC) for your organization.

9. Fill in the blanks for your first name, last name, and e-mail address.

10. Enter a secret question. Type in the answer to your secret question in the next blank.

11. Click the

button to receive your new password. Make a note of the

password exactly as it appears on your screen (passwords are case-sensitive).

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Quick-Start Guide: ProjNetSM Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add a comment?


1. Log in to the ProjNet system.

2. You will then be on the "Select Project" screen. Click on the title of the project you want to enter a comment for:

3. The "Select Review" screen displays. Click on the title of the review you would like to enter a comment for:

4. The "Enter Comment" form displays.

5. From the drop-down list in the "Discipline" field, choose the discipline that best fits the individuals who will be addressing the comment.

6. Choose the Document Type (DocType) from the drop-down list in the "b. DocType" field.

7. Optionally, you can choose to enter a Document Reference Number (field c.), the name of a pertinent plan sheet (field d.), Plan Detail (field e.), Spec section (field f.) or an attachment (field g.). Since these optional fields allow further sorting of comments during the response process of comment retrieval it is a good practice to use these fields when entering a comment.

8. Enter your Comment into the "h. Comment" field.

9. If your comment is considered a "Critical Issue", you can optionally choose to select the "Yes" radio button in the "i. Critical issue?" field to flag it as such.

10. If Lessons Learned is enabled for this review phase, you can also choose to create a Lesson Learned from your comment by selecting the "Yes" radio button in field "j. Lessons Learned?" This button should only be used to solve repetitive issues that should be addressed via the vetting in the Design Quality Lesson Learned (DQLL) process.

11. Click the


ProjNetsm Quick-Start Guide - Page 12


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