Customers Need Training Too - ICMI

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ICMI Professional Opinion-Customers Need Training Too!

One of the most effective ways to improve the level of service the customers receive is to eliminate the need for customers to make a call to the call center. Training customers in areas for which they frequently call for support is one of the most useful ways this can be accomplished, and it helps to establish the call center as the "experts" who can provide solutions when problems arise.

The following are recommendations when providing customer training:

|• |Educate the customer consistently. For example, educate customers during a "how-to" session, but do not conduct formal training|

| |sessions over the telephone. |

|• |Place the top ten problems in a FAQ flyer, on the Web site, or in a public directory. This information should be monitored to |

| |determine customer usage. When updated, put a special message on the FAQ Web site to let people know about the newest |

| |information. |

|• |Establish a formal IS & product training program - for internal customers. This can be accomplished via "Lunch and Learn" |

| |sessions in the office, and/or Web-based sessions for all others. |

|• |If the call center professionals do not provide the training directly, position them to provide comments and input to the |

| |training that is provided to the customer. |

|• |Ensure that commercial knowledge bases are provided to both the call center and customers, and that they are trained on how to |

| |use the search features of the knowledge base. |

|• |Develop new solutions based on analysis and put those solutions in the hands of the customers. |


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