Unit 5: Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism ...
Scheme of work
Guided learning hours (GLH): 30
Number of lessons: 30
Duration of lessons: 1 hour
Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on assignments.
|Lesson |Unit content |Activities* |Links to other units |
|1 |Unit introduction |Teacher presentation (approx. 10 minutes): Outline the nature of the learning aims and the | |
| | |number of assignments that learners will be expected to complete. | |
|Learning aim A: Investigate how climate, and worldwide time, can affect the appeal of worldwide destinations |
|1 (cont.) |Topic A.1: Climatic conditions affecting the appeal of travel |Teacher introduction: Discuss the importance of weather and climate for different types of |Unit 4: International travel and |
| |and tourism |holidays. |tourism destinations |
| |Know about climate and seasonality factors that influence travel|Use flash cards to link different types of holidays to destinations in holiday brochures. |(Learning aim B) |
| |and tourism both in Europe and worldwide |Small group activity: Learners identify weather-dependent types of holidays and worldwide | |
| |Climatic conditions |locations in holiday brochures. | |
| | |Teacher-led discussion: Use the link to internet map to discuss the relevance of global | |
| | |aspects, such as the Poles, equator, tropics, etc. | |
|2 |Topic A.1: Climatic conditions affecting the appeal of travel |Teacher presentation. Point out areas affected by tropical storms. Show learners a tropical | |
| |and tourism (cont.) |storm risk areas map.. | |
| |Climatic conditions, e.g. tropical storms |Ask learners ‘What are tropical storms?’ Show example video clip(s) from YouTube. | |
| | |Teacher presentation: Use BBC link showing different types of tropical storm, locations and | |
| | |strengths. | |
|3 |Topic A.1: Climatic conditions affecting the appeal of travel |Paired activity: Learners use world maps and holiday brochures to identify popular | |
| |and tourism (cont.) |destinations in affected areas, and in which seasons they occur. | |
| |Climatic conditions, e.g. tropical storms |Group discussion: How tropical storms can affect the appeal of a destination. | |
|4 |Topic A.1: Climatic conditions affecting the appeal of travel |Small group research: Learners prepare a ‘postcard overview’ of a named, selected tropical | |
| |and tourism (cont.) |storm from the last five years and its impact on a popular tourist destination (or teacher | |
| |Climatic conditions, e.g. tropical storms |allocates tropical storms - vary within group). | |
| | |Learners populate world wall map or interactive map. | |
| | |Whole-class discussion of everyone’s findings. | |
|5 |Topic A.1: Climatic conditions affecting the appeal of travel |Teacher presentation: Explain where and why monsoons occur (mostly Asia) and what happens, | |
| |and tourism (cont.) |i.e. changes in prevailing winds, dry and wet seasons, high humidity. | |
| |Climatic conditions, e.g. monsoons, high humidity, low humidity,|Individual activity: Learners look at the Maldives climate chart and note the seasonal | |
| |extreme heat and cold, wet and dry seasons |variations. | |
| | |Learners use holiday brochures to identify/compare/contrast seasonal variations in price, | |
| | |availability of locations in dry and wet seasons, as well as the best times to travel and | |
| | |when to avoid. | |
|6 |Topic A.1: Climatic conditions affecting the appeal of travel |Teacher presentation: Explain the artwork showing why there are seasonal variations in the | |
| |and tourism (cont.) |northern and southern hemispheres. | |
| |Seasonal variations |Teacher-led discussion: Identify extremes, such as Christmas Day on the beach and southern | |
| |Locations in respect of global aspects, e.g. proximity to |hemisphere ski holidays during our summer. | |
| |equator, northern and southern hemispheres, tropics |Take it further: Learners research different destinations within Australia. They identify, | |
| | |compare and contrast seasonal and climatic variations within key locations there, using | |
| | |climate charts and maps. | |
| | |Class discussion: Learners use the maps and charts when discussing their findings and | |
| | |variations. | |
|7 |Topic A.1: Climatic conditions affecting the appeal of travel |Teacher presentation: Introduce learners to some sunshine extremes (i.e. Antarctica and |Unit 4: International Travel and |
| |and tourism (cont.) |Yuma, Arizona). Show their locations on an atlas and give reasons for these extremes. |Tourism Destinations |
| |Sun |Class discussion: Using a chart of Tenerife temperatures, discuss the question ‘Is Tenerife |(Learning aims A and B) |
| | |an ideal sunshine destination?’ | |
| | |Individual activity: Learners review, discuss and compare the Tenerife charts with Barcelona| |
| | |sunshine charts. They highlight variations and the impact sunshine has on appeal. | |
| | |Homework: Learners find sunshine destinations to meet the needs of different holidaymakers. | |
| | |To be completed in their own time. | |
|8 |Topic A.1: Climatic conditions affecting the appeal of travel |Whole class review: Compare findings on interactive map. | |
| |and tourism (cont.) |Teacher-led discussion: Discuss the negative impacts of too much sun on holiday | |
| |Sun – extreme heat |destinations. Include forest fires, water shortages, drought, health risks, etc. | |
| | |Paired activity: Learners research two examples of holiday destinations where the sun has a | |
| | |negative impact. They share their findings with the class. | |
|9 |Topic A.1: Climatic conditions affecting the appeal of travel |Teacher introduction: Discuss winter sport holidays. Learners share own experiences. |Unit 4: International travel and |
| |and tourism (cont.) |Paired research: Learners research winter/snow destinations in three continents. |tourism destinations |
| |Favourable conditions, e.g. snow for skiing |Teacher-led discussion: Include the impact of too little/too much snow. Tour operator, snow |(Learning aims A and B) |
| | |guarantees and disclaimers. | |
|10 |Topic A.2: The effect of worldwide time |Teacher presentation: Provide a handout of the time zones map for learners to annotate. | |
| |Time/date zones, e.g. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), International |Whole-class activity: Learners make quick, simple, time-zone calculations in different parts| |
| |Date Line |of Europe and share any European travel experiences. | |
| |Lines of longitude | | |
| |Terminology | | |
|11 |Topic A.2: The effect of worldwide time (cont.) |Teacher demonstration: Demonstrate how to calculate time differences between places east and| |
| |Calculating worldwide time |west of GMT. Include countries that have different time zones (USA, Russia). | |
| |Time differences when travelling through eastern and western |Individual activity: Learners work out time differences and check each other’s answers. | |
| |hemispheres | | |
| |Countries having a number of different time zones, e.g. USA, | | |
| |Russia | | |
| |Calculation of worldwide time | | |
|12 |Topic A.2: The effect of worldwide time (cont.) |Review and consolidation of knowledge and terminology, including: | |
| |Daylight Saving Time (DST) |Daylight Savings time (DST) | |
| |Location of the Prime Meridian (International Date Line and |Remind learners to use the 24-hour clock | |
| |Greenwich Meridian) |Remind learners about the location and use of Prime Meridian (International Date Line and | |
| | |Greenwich Meridian). | |
|13 |Topic A.2: The effect of worldwide time (cont.) |Learner research: Learners investigate potential health risks when travelling by air. | |
| |Human health, e.g. jet lag, circulatory problems caused by long |Whole class discussion: How to avoid health problems caused by long haul flights. | |
| |haul flights | | |
|14-15 |Assignment 1 |Assessment: Evidence could be in the form of a multimedia presentation or information | |
| |Tasks for 2A.P1, 2A.P2, 2A.P3, 2A.M1, 2A.M2, 2A.M3, 2A.D1 |booklets. | |
| |Use authorised assignment briefs from Pearson. Alternatively, |Learners to start work on Assignment 1 and complete in their own time as required. | |
| |use adapted or centre-devised assignment briefs. | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|Learning aim B: Understand influential factors on worldwide travel and tourism destinations |
|16 |Topic B.1: How entry/exit requirements affect different |Teacher introduction: Use PS 11 to initiate discussion on the purpose of passports, visas, | |
| |destinations |how to apply for one, costs, etc. | |
| |Reasons for, and importance of, exit/entry requirements: |Paired activity: Using AS 6, learners research visa requirements and costs for one country | |
| |passports |in each continent. | |
| |visas | | |
|17 |Topic B.1: How entry/exit requirements affect different |Teacher introduction: recap lesson 16 | |
| |destinations |Class discussion: Discuss the effect visas have on travel to different destinations. | |
| |Reasons for, and importance of, exit/entry requirements: |Take it further: Introduce learners to the FCO website and ask them to look up the travel | |
| |passports |guidance for three countries of their choice. | |
| |visas | | |
|18 |Topic B.1: How entry/exit requirements affect different |Teacher introduction: Explain the purpose of departure and taxes and APD. Give some examples| |
| |destinations (cont.) |of both. | |
| |Departure taxes applied by international destinations |Individual activity: Learners calculate the amount of APD charged for family of four to | |
| |Airport Passenger Duty (APD) tax applied by the UK government. |selected destinations. | |
| |Effects, e.g. |Class discussion: Discuss how APD can influence travel to different countries. | |
| |inconvenience to travellers | | |
| |additional security for destinations and travellers | | |
| |requirements associated with different destinations | | |
|19 |Topic B.2: How health issues affect travel and tourism |Teacher introduction: Discuss health risks abroad. | |
| |Travel health risks, e.g. |Show learners the link to National Travel Health website. | |
| |malaria |Learner research activity: Learners research different health risks when travelling, their | |
| |HIV |symptoms and risk areas. | |
| |typhoid | | |
| |hepatitis | | |
| |tetanus | | |
| |yellow fever | | |
| |dengue fever | | |
| |Precautions: | | |
| |vaccinations | | |
| |clothing | | |
| |medicines | | |
| |equipment | | |
|20 |Topic B.2: How health issues affect travel and tourism (cont.) |Individual activity: Learners use their research into health risks and produce posters for | |
| |Travel health risks (cont.) |selected risk destinations and the precautions that can be taken. | |
|21 |Topic B.2: How health issues affect travel and tourism (cont.) |Paired research: Learners research a pandemic, such as swine flu or a more recent pandemic. | |
| |Travel health risks (cont.) |Learners state how the destination was affected, the precautions taken and how long the | |
| |pandemics, such as swine flu, bird flu, foot and mouth disease |outbreak lasted. | |
| | |Teacher-led discussion: The class discuss short, medium and long term impacts of pandemics. | |
|22 |Topic B.3: Emergency situations that affect travel and tourism |Group activity: Discuss how tour operators and airlines would respond to a hypothetical | |
| |Emergency situations: |developing extreme tropical storm. | |
| |extreme weather, e.g. hurricanes, monsoon season |Group summary: Potential impact of extreme tropical storms on holidaymakers, airlines, tour | |
| | |operators, resorts. | |
|23 |Topic B.3: Emergency situations that affect travel and tourism |Teacher-directed research activity: Learners identify other extreme weather conditions. | |
| |(cont.) |Learner research short-, medium- and long-term impacts of recent significant storms on named| |
| |Effects of extreme weather conditions |destinations. | |
|24 |Topic B.3: Emergency situations that affect travel and tourism |Teacher introduction: Introduce the role of the FCO and FCO advice. Assess class awareness | |
| |(cont.) |of current/recent wars and riots. | |
| |Terrorist attacks |Directed research: Learners use the FCO website to research advice on selected topical | |
| |Advice and guidance (Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) |regions. They identify current risk areas around the world. | |
| |advice) | | |
| |Wars and riots | | |
|25 |Topic B.3: Emergency situations that affect travel and tourism |Paired research activity: Learners check the current FCO advice on travel to Egypt and | |
| |(cont.) |consider how safe it is to travel there. | |
| |Wars and riots |Class discussion: ‘How would riots/wars affect your holiday decisions? | |
| |Effects, e.g. disruption to travel | | |
|26 |Topic B.3: Emergency situations that affect travel and tourism |Teacher presentation: Introduce earthquakes, volcanoes and discuss the Ring of Fire map. | |
| |(cont.) |Individual activity: Learners research recent natural disasters in that region. | |
| |Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic | | |
| |eruptions | | |
|27 |Topic B.3: Emergency situations that affect travel and tourism |Teacher introduction: Discuss the effects of volcanic eruptions and impacts on travel. | |
| |(cont.) |Volcanoes and their effects – volcanic ash. | |
| |Natural disasters |Paired research activity: Learners research the impact of volcanic activity in Iceland, or a| |
| |Effects of volcanic ash clouds |more recent similar event. | |
|28 |Topic B.3: Emergency situations that affect travel and tourism |Consolidation activities: Present learners with | |
| |(cont.) |newspaper headlines of different types of emergency situations to reinforce learners’ | |
| |Effects of emergency situations, e.g. disruption to travel, |understanding of the short and long-term effects on travel and holidaymakers. | |
| |cancelled holidays, repatriation. restricted seasons, personal | | |
| |safety, effect on visitor numbers, advice and guidance (Foreign | | |
| |and Commonwealth Office – FCO) advice, tour operator guidance, | | |
| |airline advice | | |
|29 - 30 |Assignment 2 |Assessment: evidence could be in the form of a multimedia presentation or information | |
| |Tasks for 2B.P4, 2B.P5, 2B.P6, 2B.M4, 2B.M5, 2B.D2 |booklets. | |
| |Use authorised assignment briefs from Pearson. Alternatively, |Learners to start work on Assignment 2 and complete in their own time as required. | |
| |use adapted or centre-devised assignment briefs. | | |
|TOTAL: 30 hours |
BTEC Level 3 National Children's Play, Learning and Development
Teaching and Assessment Pack
Unit X [TITLE]
BTEC First Travel and Tourism
Unit 5: Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism
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