Variables, RH: & Analyses Peer Review

Psyc350 Project Pre-Proposal: Variables & References:

Self-Descriptive Data Set

|Step #1 – Pick one of the following as your “Core |Step #2 – Find three references: |

|variable” |Each of these should contain the core variable (or a variable that is similar enough to be the basis for RH: |

|Index of Self-Esteem |about your core variable) |

|Positive Affect |References must be peer-reviewed research articles (not books, encyclopedia chapters, book chapters or |

|Negative Affect |literature reviews, or websites) |

|Indecision and Double-Checking |These should be the same references that you use in the Introduction and Discussion of your research report |

|Order and Regularity |Give the proper APA reference below |

|Detail and Perfection |Reference #1 |

|Obsessive-Compulsive Scale | |

|Boredom Proneness | |

|Personal Adjustment and Desire for Change | |

|Negative Self-concepts | |

|Low Self-Esteem | |

|Helplessness | |

|Authority Behavior Inventor |Reference #2 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Replace the XXXs below with your core variable! | |

| | |

| | |


| | |

| | |

|Step #3 – Picking other variables for your project. At least some of these choices should correspond to variables from your three references, so you can use those|

|references to support your research hypotheses (which you will specify during the next stage of the research project). Pick one variable from each column (Do not |

|pick your “core variable!) |

| | | |

|Variable #1 Quantitative |Variable #2 Quantitative |Variable #3 Categorical |

| | | |

|Replace the XXXs below with your 1st quant variable |Replace the XXXs below with your 2nd quant variable |Replace the XXXs below with your 1st qual variable |

| | | |


| | | |

|What is your age? | | |

|What was your families’ income during your senior year|What is your age? |How do you describe yourself? |

|in high school? |What was your families’ income during your senior year|ethnic/racial |

|How many siblings do you have? |in high school? |type of family in which you were raised |

|How many times did you move as a child? |How many siblings do you have? | |

|What was the population of your hometown? |How many times did you move as a child? |Are you a member of a fraternity or sorority |

|How many people do you think of as your close friends?|What was the population of your hometown? |Are you currently in a romantic relationship? |

| |How many people do you think of as your close friends?| |

|How many people do you think would list you as a close| | |

|friend of theirs? |How many people do you think would list you as a close| |

|How long was your current or most recent romantic |friend of theirs? | |

|relationship? |How long was your current or most recent romantic | |

|Please rate the seriousness of your current or most |relationship? | |

|recent romantic relationship. |Please rate the seriousness of your current or most | |

|How many different dating relationships have you been |recent romantic relationship. | |

|in during the last year? |How many different dating relationships have you been | |

|Index of Self-Esteem |in during the last year? | |

|Positive Affect |Index of Self-Esteem | |

|Negative Affect |Positive Affect | |

|Indecision and Double-Checking |Negative Affect | |

|Order and Regularity |Indecision and Double-Checking | |

|Detail and Perfection |Order and Regularity | |

|Obsessive-Compulsive Scale |Detail and Perfection | |

|Boredom Proneness |Obsessive-Compulsive Scale | |

|Personal Adjustment and Desire for Change |Boredom Proneness | |

|Negative Self-concepts |Personal Adjustment and Desire for Change | |

|Low Self-Esteem |Negative Self-concepts | |

|Helplessness |Low Self-Esteem | |

|Authority Behavior Inventor |Helplessness | |

| |Authority Behavior Inventor | |

|Variable #4 Categorical |Bonus Variable #5 Quantitative |Bonus Variable #6 Categorical |

| | | |

|Replace the XXXs below with your 2nd qual variable |Replace the XXXs below with your bonus quant |Replace the XXXs below with your bomnus qual |

| |variable |variable |



| | | |

|How do you describe yourself? | | |

|ethnic/racial |What is your age? |How do you describe yourself? |

|type of family in which you were raised |What was your families’ income during your senior |ethnic/racial |

| |year in high school? |type of family in which you were raised |

|Are you a member of a fraternity or sorority |How many siblings do you have? | |

|Are you currently in a romantic relationship? |How many times did you move as a child? |Are you a member of a fraternity or sorority |

| |What was the population of your hometown? |Are you currently in a romantic relationship? |

| |How many people do you think of as your close | |

| |friends? | |

| |How many people do you think would list you as a | |

| |close friend of theirs? | |

| |How long was your current or most recent romantic | |

| |relationship? | |

| |Please rate the seriousness of your current or most | |

| |recent romantic relationship. | |

| |How many different dating relationships have you | |

| |been in during the last year? | |

| |Index of Self-Esteem | |

| |Positive Affect | |

| |Negative Affect | |

| |Indecision and Double-Checking | |

| |Order and Regularity | |

| |Detail and Perfection | |

| |Obsessive-Compulsive Scale | |

| |Boredom Proneness | |

| |Personal Adjustment and Desire for Change | |

| |Negative Self-concepts | |

| |Low Self-Esteem | |

| |Helplessness | |

| |Authority Behavior Inventor | |

Assignment grade out of 20 points __________


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