F451 Key Passage Analysis one day, after everything had ...

F451Key Passage Analysis

Key passage: "He would be Montag-plus-Faber, fire plus water, and then, one day, after everything had mixed and simmered and worked away in silence, there would be neither fire nor water, but wine" (99).

Devices: symbolism, connotation

Analysis: Montag is the fire, the destructive element, and Faber is the water, the element of renewal. When they mix together they will be powerful and intoxicating, maybe irresistible to the people. The word simmeredconnotes a slow movement towards something big.

Key passage: Montag thought of "the chaff women in his parlor tonight, with the kernels blown out from under them by a neon wind, and his silly damned reading of a book to them. How like trying to put out fires with water pistols, how senseless and insane" (106).

Devices: metaphor (figurative language), imagery, symbolism, diction

Analysis: The corn husk and kernels are metaphors for the women and what society has done to people. It has stripped them of their substance. The word neonreminds us of the distracting nature of Montag's culture.


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