BIO - Partners HealthCare

Partners Center of Expertise in Medical Education Faculty

|Center of Expertise Co-chairs |

|[pic] |Keith Baker, M.D., Ph.D. is Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Anesthesia, |

| |Critical Care and Pain Medical at the Massachusetts General Hospital (DACCPM). He is |

|Keith Baker, MD PhD |Program Director for the Anesthesia Residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital |

|Program Director, Anesthesia, MGH |(MGH). As Education Director he developed the didactic curriculum that continues as |

|khbaker@ |the core didactics for the residency. He also developed a quantitative system for |

| |having residents evaluate faculty member’s clinical teaching. This process led to |

| |enhanced clinical teaching by the faculty. He has developed a system for |

|Trainee opportunities |quantitatively evaluating resident clinical performance which allows focused |

| |intervention aimed at improving performance. As Vice Chair for Education he has |

|Collaboration in building a bibliography |developed an educational pay-for-performance system to enhance resident teaching by |

|on Med Ed topics |faculty members. He has recently begun the process of changing the goal of teaching |

| |and learning from a minimum competency model currently used in graduate medical |

| |education (GME) to one focused on expert performance. To this end he has led the |

| |DACCPM through a paradigm shift in thinking about teaching and learning. He also leads|

| |a seminar series for residents, fellows and faculty on expert performance. |

| |Graham McMahon MD MMSc is an assistant professor of medicine and member of the Academy|

|[pic] |at Harvard Medical School. He is a member of the faculty in the division of |

|Graham McMahon, MD |endocrinology, diabetes and hypertension at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston |

|Associate Professor of Medicine |where he completed his postgraduate training. Dr. McMahon received his medical |

|Editor for Medical Education, NEJM |education at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, a master’s degree in clinical |

|gmcmahon@ |research from Harvard Medical School, and his doctorate in education from the National|

| |University of Ireland. He is the editor for medical education at the New England |

| |Journal of Medicine. He also directs the endocrinology course at Harvard Medical |

|Trainee Opportunities |School. He is a board member of the National Board of Medical Examiners where he |

| |chairs the test committee for the USMLE step 2 clinical skills examination. He has |

|Mentoring |received local and national awards for his teaching and his work in medical education |

|Joint teaching: shared lecture, teaching |and diabetes research. His work has been published in the New England Journal of |

|rounds session, medical student case |Medicine, Diabetes Care, the Archives of Internal Medicine, the Journal of General |

|discussion, etc. |Internal Medicine, and Medical Education. His research interests include systems of |

|Projects in curriculum development or |care for patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease in diabetes, and medical |

|program improvement |education. |

|Collaboration in building a bibliography | |

|on Med Ed topics | |

|Center of Expertise Faculty |

| |Dr. Stanley Ashley is the Vice Chair of Department of Surgery and the Program |

| |Director for the General Surgery Residency at Brigham and Women's Hospital. The |

| |five-year ACGME accredited general surgery residency provides surgical education of |

| |the highest caliber leading to American Board of Surgery Certification in general |

| |surgery within an environment designed to encourage clinical and basic scientific |

| |investigational experience. Dr. Ashley has been program director in general surgery |

| |first at UCLA and since 2000 at BWH. He has participated in a variety of educational |

| |research projects and has been a director of the American Board of Surgery, which |

| |deals with educational issues and requirements, for 7 years. In 2012 he will become |

| |chair of American Board of Surgery. Dr. Ashley is focused on practical aspects of |

|Stan Ashley, MD |measurement of surgical quality and how these can be applied to improve outcomes, |

|Chief Medical Officer, BWH |particularly for the individual surgeon. Closely related to this, he has an interest |

|Frank Sawyer Professor and Vice Chair |in surgical education, both at the graduate and postgraduate (MOC) levels, and its |

|Program Director, General Surgery Residency |integration into a certification/re-certification process that ensures quality of |

|Department of Surgery, BWH |care.   |

|sashley@ | |

| | |

| | |

|Trainee opportunities | |

|Didactic sessions | |

|Mentoring | |

|Joint teaching: shared lecture, teaching | |

|rounds session, medical student case | |

|discussion, etc. | |

|Projects in curriculum development or program| |

|improvement | |

|[pic] |Dr. Bazari has been the Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency for the |

|Hasan Bazari |last 17 years and has been involved nationally with the Association of Program |

|Program Director,Internal Medicine Residency |Directors in Internal Medicine. He has also been part of the ACGME-ABIM Milestones |

|Associate Professor |Writing Group. He has interests in Educational Research as well as clinical teaching.|

|Internal Medicine, MGH | |

|hbazari@ | |

| | |

| | |

|Trainee opportunities | |

|Mentoring | |

|Joint teaching: shared lecture, teaching | |

|rounds session, medical student case | |

|discussion, etc. | |

|Projects in curriculum development or program| |

|improvement | |

| |Gene Beresin, M.A, M.D. is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is |

| |Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Residency Training Program at |

| |Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Hospital. He is Director of the Elizabeth |

| |Thatcher Acampora Endowment, an outreach program to meet the needs of underserved |

| |youth and families in three community settings. Dr. Beresin is Co-Director of the |

| |Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Mental Health and Media. He served |

| |President of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training |

| |and as Editor-in-Chief of the Psychiatry Residents in Training Examination (PRITE). |

|Gene Beresin, MA, MD |He is director of the year-long required third year course, Patient Doctor III, at |

|Professor of Psychiatry, HMS |Harvard Medical School. He is a member the Academy at Harvard Medical School. Dr. |

|Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |Beresin is Associate Editor and Media Editor for Academic Psychiatry. His educational|

|Residency Training, MGH/McLean Hospitals |awards include the Parker J. Palmer “Courage to Teach” Award in 2002, given annually |

|eberesin@ |by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education to 10 Program Directors. |

| |In 2004, he was awarded the American Psychiatric Association and National Institute |

| |of Mental Health Vestermark Award for Outstanding Teaching. Dr. Beresin has consulted|

|Trainee opportunities |to a variety of television shows including ER and Law and Order SVU. He was |

| |Consultant to the Emmy Award winning HBO children’s specials, Goodnight Moon and |

|Didactic sessions |Other Sleepytime Tales (2000), Through a Child’s Eyes: September 11, 2001 (2003) and |

|Mentoring |Classical Baby (2005). He co-produced a Parenting Resource website for . |

|Joint teaching: shared lecture, teaching |Dr. Beresin has published numerous papers and chapters on a variety of topics in |

|rounds session, medical student case |medical education, media, patient-doctor relationships and child and adolescent |

|discussion, etc. |psychiatric treatments. |

|Projects in curriculum development or program| |

|improvement | |

| |Dr. Birnbaum's clinical training is in psychiatry and his Ph.D. training is in |

|[pic] |molecular neurobiology. Since 2004 he has been developing postgraduate education |

|Robert J. Birnbaum, M.D., Ph.D. |activities under the auspices of the MGH Psychiatry and MGH Academy |

|Executive Director of Postgraduate Medical |(multi-disciplinary encompassing a broad range of clinical areas). The academy is |

|Education |committed to improving patient care by providing quality medical education. Our goal |

|Massachusetts General Hospital |is to foster quantitative and qualitative improvements in competence, performance and|

|rjbirnbaum@ |patient outcomes. Learning activities are designed to improve clinical decision |

| |making, enhance treatment strategies, interpret new findings as they apply to patient|

| |care, and analyze health policy. Our educational content is developed to determine |

| |and address identified gaps in knowledge, present emerging new research, and promote |

|Trainee opportunities |state-of-the-art patient care. By providing health care education to patients and |

|Mentoring |their families in addition to health care providers, the academy addresses barriers |

|Projects in curriculum development or program|to care and encourages collaborative health care delivery. Our innovative healthcare |

|improvement |education programs are consistent with adult learning principles and include live |

|‘ |activities, self-directed learning, e-learning and clinical simulation technology. |

| |The academy's programming reaches over 25,000 providers across the United States |

| |(with registrants from over 60 countries around the globe) and thousands of patients |

| |and their families. |

| |Dr Borus is currently the HMS Stanley Cobb Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and |

| |Faculty Dean for Education at BWH, coordinating undergraduate and graduate medical |

| |education efforts at BWH with those at the Medical School. He served from 1976-1990 |

| |as Director of Psychiatric Residency and Fellowship Training at MGH and from |

| |1983-1990 as Chair of the MGH Executive Committee on Teaching and Education. From |

| |1990-2008 he was Chairman and Psychiatrist in Chief of the BWH Department of |

| |Psychiatry, and was instrumental in the development of the Harvard Longwood |

| |Psychiatry Residency Program. From 2008-2010 Dr. Borus was the Director of Medical |

| |Education for BWH, fostering the teaching and careers of medical educators in all |

| |specialties, and from 2006-2010 served as Co-Chair of both the BWH and Partners |

| |Education Committees. Since 2009 he has Co-Chaired the Partners Education Review |

| |Board which oversees all interactions between industry and educational programs |

| |throughout Partners. Dr. Borus has served as the President of the Association for |

|Jonathan F. Borus, MD |Academic Psychiatry (AAP), the national organization of educators in psychiatry, and |

|Stanley Cobb Distinguished Professor of |Editor of the journal Academic Psychiatry. Among his honors are the 1992 AAP |

|Psychiatry and Faculty Dean for Education at |Outstanding Psychiatric Educator Award, the 1997 American Psychiatric Association and|

|Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical|National Institute of Mental Health Vestermark Award for Psychiatric Education, and |

|School |the 1998 HMS Excellence in Mentoring Lifetime Achievement Award. |

|Co-Chair, Partners Education Review Board | |

|Psychiatry and Medical Education, BWH | |

|jborus@ | |

| | |

| | |

|Trainee opportunities | |

|Didactic sessions | |

|Mentoring | |

|Projects in curriculum development or program| |

|improvement | |

|[pic] |Elizabeth Breen has been a colon and rectal surgeon at the Brigham and Women’s |

|Elizabeth (Lisa) Breen |Hospital (BWH) for over 13 years. Her academic efforts are centered around the model |

|Core Surgery Clerkship Director, BWH |of a clinician–educator. As such, she has functioned as the Clerkship Director of the|

|Assistant Professor of Surgery |Core Surgery Clerkship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School |

|ebreen@ |since January 2005. In the role of Clerkship Director she has had opportunity to |

| |reassess the BWH clerkship in light of the changing needs of students and the |

| |environment in which today’s surgeons practice. From this needs assessment she |

|Trainee opportunities |proposed and implemented curriculum changes particularly with respect to methods of |

| |instruction. She increased student exposure to faculty time as well as to outpatient |

|Mentoring |settings. In addition, she worked successfully with faculty to improve teaching |

|Joint teaching: shared lecture, teaching |strategies. In keeping with the recommendations for a surgeon-educator as put forward|

|rounds session, medical student case |by the Association for Surgical Education her educational activities are focused on |

|discussion, etc. |teaching skills, curriculum development and instructional material design, advising |

|Projects in curriculum development or program|activities, trainee assessment, faculty development, and educational scholarship. The|

|improvement |majority of her research projects focus on surgical workforce, faculty development |

| |and trainee assessment. |

|[pic] |Dr. Co is currently the Director of Graduate Medical Education (GME) at Partners |

|John Co, MD |Healthcare. He has a background in health services research and a Masters in Public |

|Director, Partners Graduate Medical Education|Health, with an interest in better integrating quality improvement and measurement |

| |into graduate medical education. He oversees the annual retreats for Interns and |

|Director, MGH Pediatric Outpatient Quality |Clinical Fellows that are organized by the GME office, and leads the monthly Medical |

|and Safety |Education Research Works in Progress at MGH. He formerly was the Associate Director |

|Pediatrics, MGH |of the MGH Pediatric Residency Program, as well as the Chair of the Association of |

|jco@ |Pediatric Program Director's Research Task Force. He continues to teach pediatric |

| |residents critical appraisal of medical literature, as well as about quality |

|Trainee opportunities |improvement. Dr. Co is also an Associate Editor for Academic Pediatrics, helping |

|Projects in curriculum development or program|oversee and review manuscript submissions related to medical education research. |

|improvement | |

|[pic] |After completing surgical residency in New Jersey and trauma/critical care fellowship|

|Marc de Moya |at the University of Miami, Dr. deMoya joined the faculty at the Massachusetts |

|Surgical Clerkship Director |General Hospital in the department of surgery in 2005. He became one of the first |

|Associate Program Director, Surgery, MGH |faculty to develop the Division of Trauma, Emergency Surgery, and Surgical Critical |

|mdemoya@ |Care. In 2007, he became the MGH Surgical Clerkship director and has become more |

| |involved in surgical education for both undergraduate and graduate medical education.|

| |His areas of focus are assessment and evaluation of critical thinking, the use of |

|Trainee opportunities |simulation for surgical education, and development of competency based curricula for |

| |both students and surgical residents. He has received funding from the Academy of |

|Mentoring |Medical Education to develop simulation based programming and has interests in |

|Joint teaching: shared lecture, teaching |educational research. |

|rounds session, medical student case | |

|discussion, etc. | |

|Projects in curriculum development or program| |

|improvement | |

|[pic] |Dr. Annekathryn Goodman was born in Washington, D.C. She grew up in Tokyo and |

|Annekathryn Goodman |Singapore. She attended undergraduate school at The University of Pennsylvania, and |

|Fellowship Director, Gyn Oncology, MGH |went on to receive an Chemistry. She obtained her medical degree from Tufts |

|agoodman@ |University School of Medicine, where she then completed a residency in obstetrics and|

| |gynecology. She completed her fellowship in gynecology oncology in 1990 at the |

| |Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston where she has been on staff since |

|Trainee opportunities |1993. Dr. Goodman was certified in acupuncture in 2002. She has completed four units |

|Mentoring |of clinical pastoral education. She joined the national disaster team, IMSuRT |

|Joint teaching: shared lecture, teaching |(International Medical Surgical Response team), a branch of the US department of |

|rounds session, medical student case |health and human services and has deployed to various international disasters |

|discussion, etc. |including Bam, Iran 2004, Banda Aceh 2005, and Haiti 2010. Dr. Goodman is an |

| |Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology at Harvard |

| |Medical School. She is the Director of the Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program at|

| |Massachusetts General Hospital. She is the past president of The Obstetrical Society |

| |of Boston and of the New England Society of Gynecologic Oncologists. Teaching |

| |experience includes teaching didactically in medical school, informal and didactic |

| |teaching on the gyn oncology service at MGH, development of a curriculum for gyn |

| |oncology fellowship, small group facilitator in Harvard palliative care for educators|

| |course, Primed lectures for primary care providers on topics in gyn oncology, |

| |teaching team members obstetrics in field hospitals during disasters. |

|Joel Katz |Dr. Katz oversees medical education for the department of medicine, including for |

|Program Director |medical students, residents, fellows and practicing physicians. He is happy to advise|

|Vice Chair for Education |and mentor physicians with interests that overlap his own experiences related to |

|Internal Medicine, BWH |medical education, including: |

|jkatz@ |**Curricular innovation |

| |**Global health equity and technology delivery education |

| |**Management skills education |

|Trainee opportunities |**Physical examination education |

| |**Measuring the impact of educational programs through clinically meaningful outcomes|

|Mentoring |measures |

|Joint teaching: shared lecture, teaching |**Electronic educational tools |

|rounds session, medical student case |**Utilizing fine arts and humanities to improve medical education |

|discussion, etc. |**Educational administration and financing |

|Projects in curriculum development or program| |

|improvement | |

| |Theresa C. McLoud, MD, is a pioneer in thoracic radiology and has led the way for |

|[pic] |innovations in improving radiologic education worldwide. A Boston native, Dr. McLoud |

|Theresa McLoud, MD |received her BS degree from Boston College in 1964. After obtaining her MD degree |

|Residency program director, Vice-chair for |from the McGill University Faculty of Medicine in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, she |

|Education, Department of Radiology |completed a thoracic imaging fellowship at the Yale University School of Medicine in |

|Professor of Radiology, Massachusetts General|New Haven, Connecticut, and soon became an assistant professor of diagnostic |

|Hospital |radiology at Yale. In 1976, she returned to Boston and joined Harvard Medical School |

|tmcloud@ |where she has been professor of radiology since 1993. Dr. McLoud is the first woman |

| |in the history at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston to hold the rank of |

|Trainee opportunities |professor at Harvard. Dr. McLoud served as the Division Head of Thoracic radiology |

| |from 1982-2001 and she is currently associate radiologist-in-chief and director of |

|Mentoring |education for the department of Radiology at the MGH. A world-renowned expert in |

|Projects in curriculum development or program|thoracic imaging, Dr. McLoud has conducted more than 150 postgraduate courses and |

|improvement |published more than 200 scientific papers, reviews, and book chapters. Her 1998 text |

| |now in its second edition, Thoracic Radiology: The Requisites (St. Louis, MO: Mosby),|

| |is a popular and comprehensive introductory work. In 2004, she was awarded the Gold |

| |Medal of the American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS), and in 2003 she received the Marie|

| |Curie Award, the highest honor bestowed by the American Association for Women |

| |Radiologists. She is past president of the Fleischner Society, the Society of |

| |Thoracic Radiology, and ARRS. She served as president of RSNA in 2008. She is an |

| |honorary member of the European Society of Radiology, and also the Spanish, |

| |Argentinean, Italian and Mexican societies of radiology. |

|[pic] |Martin A. Samuels, MD, FAAN, MACP, DSc (hon), is Professor of Neurology at Harvard |

|Martin A. Samuels, MD |Medical School and winner of the institution’s first Faculty Prize for Excellence in |

|Professor of Neurology |Teaching. He is the Neurologist-in-Chief at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, and|

|Neurologist-in-Chief |former Director of the Harvard-Longwood Neurology Training Program. Dr. Samuels is an|

|Brigham and Women’s Hospital |internationally renowned teacher-clinician, a premier diagnostician, and a leading |

| |authority on the interface between neurology and general medicine. His major fields |

| |of expertise include neurocardiology, neurohematology, neurogastroenterology, |

| |neurohepatology, neuronephrology, and the neurologic aspects of organ |

| |transplantation. He has edited several seminal neurology textbooks, developed a |

| |definitive instructional video on clinical neurology for practicing physicians, and |

| |authored numerous articles and book chapters. He is the 2006 recipient of the AB |

| |Baker Award for Lifetime Achievement in Neurologic Education. Dr. Samuels was the |

| |Founding Editor of Journal Watch Neurology in 1999 and was Editor-in-Chief from 1999 |

| |to 2010. |

|John H. Stone |Dr Stone has written widely on issues related to clinical rheumatology, including |

|Director, Clinical Rheumatology, |editing a book entitle "A Clinician's Pearls and Myths in Rheumatology". This book |

|Massachusetts General Hospital |was a compilation of clinical wisdom from 125 experts in a variety of different |

|Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard |fields on fifty different topics in the rheumatic diseases. His particular area of |

|Medical School |expertise pertains to the vasculitides and he has lectured widely on topics related |

|jhstone@ |to those conditions. However, since coming to the MGH in 2008 he has broadened by |

| |clinical interests to include all of Rheumatology and much of Internal Medicine, as |

| |well. Dr. Stone attends annually on the Bigelow Service at the MGH and is the |

|Trainee Opportunities |Subspecialty Education Coordinator for Rheumatology. In addition to teaching and |

|Mentoring |clinical work, he has performed a substantial amount of clinical investigation, with |

|Joint teaching: shared lecture, teaching |of focus on clinical trials in vasculitis and the development of novel therapies. |

|rounds session, medical student case | |

|discussion, etc. | |

|[pic] |Dr., Schoen is Professor of Pathology and Health Sciences and Technology, HMS and |

|Frederick J. Schoen Professor of Pathology |Executive Vice-Chair in the Department of Pathology at BWH. He has leadership |

|and Health Sciences and Technology |responsibilities in academic programs in the HMS and BWH Department of Pathology, and|

|Executive Vice Chairman, Department of |in the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST) as co-chair of |

|Pathology, BWH |the HST Graduate (Curriculum) Committee and member, HST MD Curriculum Committee, and |

|fschoen@ |as Chair, BWH Department of Pathology Education Committee. Dr. Schoen is also a |

| |member of several task forces in the recent Medical Education Reform initiative at |

| |HMS and is active as a teacher/director of courses in Pathology, Cardiovascular |

|Trainee Opportunities |Pathology, and Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in HST and HMS. |

|Mentoring |Dr. Schoen is past-chair, BWH Graduate Medical Education Committee and co-chair |

|Projects in curriculum development or program|Partners Graduate Medical Education Committee (2003-06) and a member, BWH Graduate |

|improvement |Medical Education Committee as well as Faculty, Partners GME Center of Expertise in |

| |Medical Education. |

| |Dr. Schoen is a member of the Advisory Board of the BWH Center for Faculty |

| |Development and Diversity, author/editor of several textbooks in Cardiovascular |

| |Pathology and Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine and |

| |Director of the BWH Biomedical Research Institute (BRI) Technology Innovation |

| |Program. He serves as the BWH liaison to (Site Miner for) the Center for Integration |

| |of Medicine and Innovative Technology (CIMIT) (both with educational/career |

| |development activities). |

|[pic] |Dr. Treadway, a general internist, graduated from University of Pennsylvania (BA, MD)|

|Kate Treadway, MD |and trained in medicine at MGH, where she also completed a fellowship in |

|Assistant Professor of Medicine |hypertension/primary care. She has been co-director of Pt/Dr II at MGH since 1992 and|

|ktreadway@ |has integrated a number of innovations into the course, including “selectives” to |

| |enhance areas of students’ uncertainty, case studies to teach assessment and |

| |planning, incorporation of the Heart Sound Simulator, and a model for teaching |

|Trainee Opportunities |students about communicating difficult news to patients in collaboration with the |

|Mentoring |Wellness Community. She has been nominated numerous times for the Faculty Prize for |

| |Excellence in Teaching. |


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