Biology 12 Course Outline

Biology 12

Sackville High School 2014 - 2015

Mrs. Oster



Textbook: Biology 12 Nelson

Course description:

Biology 12 will be an interesting and challenging course that offers you the chance to explore current and relevant themes in the science world. There will be ample opportunity for you to share ideas and concerns about the impact of science and technology on our society. Problem solving, discussion and critical thinking are skills that we want to develop through the semester.

|Units |Topics |Subjects |Value |

|1- Maintaining Dynamic |Systems regulating change in humans and other |Neuron type and function |30% |

|Equilibrium II |organisms: |Structure of the nervous system | |

| |Nervous system and endocrine system. |Homeostasis and the endocrine system | |

| |Organic Chemistry |Sense organs | |

| | |Maintaining homeostasis | |

| | |Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Enzymes | |

|2- Reproduction and |Reproduction and Development |Cell division (mitosis and meiosis) |25% |

|Development | |Humans and other organisms | |

| | |Reproductive systems and control systems | |

| | |Ethical and societal issues about reproductive technology | |

| | |Embryonic development. | |

|3- Genetic Continuity |Chromosomes, genes and DNA. |Molecular level of genetics. |35% |

| | |Inheritance | |

| | |Genetics and Society | |

|4- Evolution, Change and |Evolution |Theory of evolution |10% |

|Diversity | |Speciation | |

General Curriculum Outcomes

Students will develop an understanding of the nature of science and technology, of the relationship between science and technology and of the social and environmental contexts of science and technology.

Students will develop the skills required for scientific and technological enquiry, for solving problems, for communicating ideas and results, for working collaboratively and for making informed decisions.

Students will construct knowledge and understanding of concepts in life science, and apply this understanding to interpret, integrate and extend their knowledge.

Students will be encouraged to develop attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of scientific and technological knowledge to the mutual benefit of self, society and the environment.

These general outcomes are further broken down into specific curriculum outcomes that define the topics that we cover.

A full description of the Biology 12 program can be found at the Department of Education website and can be downloaded as a PDF file. Go to and follow the document depot links.


Teachers will employ a variety of assessment activities to enable students to demonstrate they are achieving the outcomes prescribed by the N.S. Dept. of Education. In many cases an assessment activity will assess several general curriculum outcomes.

Each term students will receive a mark based on the following.

Please note that there will be a mid-semester report card that reflects your progress in Biology 12 up to that point. At that point, since the exam will not have been written the mark recorded will reflect a greater value on assignment and project work.

Course Evaluation:

The final mark is composed of a 80% term mark and 20% examination mark.

The exam will reflect the content of the entire semester.

Important information:

Science courses require commitment and students must take responsibility for achieving the learning outcomes.

• Regular attendance is essential for success. Students who are absent for any reasons are responsible for missed work and should consult with their teacher when they return to school. You may copy the notes from another student.

• Extra help is available at lunch or after school. Please check with your teacher the day before you would like to come.

• Please let your teacher know if you will be missing a test, so that other arrangements can be made for you to write the test. Students missing tests/quizzes without a valid excuse will be given a zero for that test.

• Cell phones are to be turned off and out of sight during class.

Come prepared for class with: textbook, binder, pen, pencil, and paper.

Good luck in the course and remember to seek help early if you encounter difficulties!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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