To Counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ & the Restoration of All Things  


N.B. Each topic is titled with a familiar Bible term. The parenthesis ( ) which follows identifies either the actual or a counterfeit fulfillment of prophecy through the agency of the secret societies. Please see Introduction for protocols of this prophecy study.


A.  Unity of Faith  (United Religions/Interfaith Movement)

B.  Worship the Dragon  (Luciferic Initiation)

C.  Mystery of Iniquity  (Gnosticism/Mysticism)

D.  Glorification of Saints  (Divinization of Man)

E.  Men Turn to Fables  (Mythology)

F.  God All & In All (Union with God/Pantheism)

G.  Expose Things Hidden in Darkness (Phallic Worship)

H.  Bride of Christ (Goddess Worship)

 I.  Baptism of Fire (Planetary Pentecost)


A.  Slain for the Word of God (Bible Revision)

B.  Take Away From/Add to Scripture  (Bible Canon/Ancient Wisdom Texts)

C.  New Revelation  (World Bible)

D.  Understanding Dark Sentences  (Allegorical Interpretation)

E.  Private Interpretation  (Dynamic Equivalence)

F.  The Everlasting Gospel (New Gospel)


A.  Doctrines of Devils  (Heresy/Secret Doctrine)

B.  Falling Away  (Apostasy of the Church)

C.  False Teachers & Prophets  (New Religious Movements)




21-A. UNITY OF FAITH (United Religions / Interfaith Movement)


• Only those who have been united in Jesus Christ will inhabit the New Jerusalem.

• In the Golden Age, all mankind will be united in the religion of Pantheism.

God's Plan | Pre-Flood Era   | Old Testament   |Church Age (Last Days) |Tribulation |Great Tribulation |Millennium |New Heavens & New Earth | |Satan's Counterfeit |Pre-Flood Era |Old Testament |Church Age | Tribulation   |Great Tribulation |Golden Age |New Heavens & New Earth | |PROGRAM OF GOD

Church Age: Jesus prayed for the unity of all true Christians.

Pre-Tribulation: Christians from every nation and culture, but not every religion, will be resurrected and caught up to heaven.

New Heavens/New Earth: Only those who are united in Christ will inhabit the New Jerusalem.


Pre-Flood Era: The god Pan meant "The One."

Old Testament Period: The Tower of Babel was man's first attempt to unite the cultures of the world.

Church Age: The Illuminati plan for a universal religion is being implemented through the ecumenical and interfaith movements.

Tribulation: The universal religion will at first pose as the Church of St. John, or the third phase in the evolution of Christianity.

Great Tribulation: The universal religion will be nonsectarian because its founding principle is pantheism ('one').




• Jesus prayed for the unity of Christians; however, heretics would be among them causing divisions.

They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. - John 17:16-23


For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. - I Cor. 11:19


Till we all come in the unity of the faith... Eph .4:13



• Christians from every nation and culture (but not every religion) will be resurrected and caught up to heaven.

After this I beheld...a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried... Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. - Rev. 7:9-10


• Only the saved will inhabit the New Jerusalem; none shall dwell there who 'defileth or worketh abomination or maketh a lie'.

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.- Rev. 21:13-17


The United Religions Organization, which was created by the Interfaith Movement, will promote Gnostic paganism as a universal religion instead of Biblical Christianity.  The acronym UR was esoterically chosen because the United Religions represents the paganism of Ur of the Chaldees from which Abraham separated in Genesis 11:31. The paganism of Ur and Egypt was a continuation of the pre-flood paganism of Mount Hermon/Paneas.

 ...the great city, which spiritually is called SODOM and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified - Rev.11:8


• Ur means "lord" and "light" which would be a double reference to Lucifer.

"The very name of Ur (the capital of Sumer and the city of Anu) came from the Scythian word ur, meaning Lord." - 722:67

Strong's Concordance #217: 'uwr {ore} from

215; TWOT - 52d; n m AV - fire(s) 5, light 1; 6 1) flame, light of fire

Strong's Concordance #218: 'Uwr {oor} the same as

217; n pr loc AV - Ur 5; 5 Ur = "flame" 1) city in southern Babylonia, city of the Chaldeans, centre of moon worship, home of Abraham's father, Terah, and departure point for the Abraham's migration to Mesopotamia and Canaan

• Pan means "One" or unity.

"...[Francis Bacon stated] that the Church of Christ was once the 'brotherhood of Pan.'" - 335


• The city and tower of Babel were mankind's first attempt to unite the people of the world into a global religion.


  And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

    And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.  Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. - Gen. 11:1-9


"...a secret society known as the Community of Truth Seekers...was a group of powerful occultists who believed that there had been a single world religion in ancient times which had fragmented into a single world religion in ancient times which had fragmented into the various religious beliefs and occult doctrines which exist today. The teachings of this once universal religion now only survive in legends, folklore, music and the secret teachings of esoteric fraternities. It was the task of the Truth Seekers to travel the remoter parts of Europe, the Middle East and Asia contacting the secret societies who still preserved the Ancient Wisdom and re-establish the ancient world religion." - 25:128

• The first religious 'brotherhood' were the followers of Horus, the Egyptian sun-god.

"...The 'Followers of Horus'...may be identified with a single and originally heliopolitan 'brotherhood' of temple-makers whose function was to prepare and initiate the generations of the Horus kings in order to bring about the 'resurrection' of what was remembered as 'the former world of the gods'." - 132:210


"Sun worship played an important part in nearly all the early pagan Mysteries... The Solar Deity was usually personified as a beautiful youth with long golden hair to symbolize the rays of the sun. This golden Sun God was slain by wicked ruffians, who personified the evil principle of the universe." - 105:xxi

        CHURCH AGE

• The word 'church' derives from the Druidic circle or fairy ring.  The 'circle' is very important in the Druid tradition as the center for Sun worship.

"A well-known locational aspect of the fairy culture (particularly among the druidic caste) was the stone circle or Fairy Ring. This was, in practice, how the concept of local churches began as against the more majestic style of city temple. The very word 'church' stems from circe, meaning 'a ring' having the root as circus, circle and circuit." - 722:111

o The Greek word used in the New Testament to identify the Body of Christ is ekklesia—'the called out' or assembly. The Greek word for 'circle' is never used in the New Testament.

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. - Mt 16:18


Strong's #1577: ejkklhsiva: from a compound of (1537) and a derivative of (2564):

1. a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly...

• The circle is a symbol of the Sun god.

"The circle or disk is very frequently an emblem of the sun..." - 48:46

• The apostate "Church" uses the circle motif to symbolize its worship of the Sun.

 "In 1854, an ancient temple was discovered in Egypt with inscriptions that show...above the altar...a large image of the sun... The use of the sun -image above the 'altar' was not limited to Egypt... If one compares the sun image before which the heathen bowed with the monstrance sun image--in which the host is placed as a 'sun' and before which Catholics bow--a striking similarity will immediately be seen... [At the top of] the altar of St. Peter's...the most important altar in Catholicism--are decorative sun images. High on the wall...is a huge and elaborate golden sunburst image which, from the entrance of the church, also appears 'above' the altar...

"Sometimes the circular sun-image is a stained glass window above the altar or, as is very common, above the entrance of churches. Some of these central circular windows are beautifully decorated. Some are surrounded with sun rays." - 494:121-123

• The interfaith/ecumenical movement has been financed by the House of Rothschild.

"J. P. Morgan, the Rothschild's representative in the United States, set up a trust fund to unite various Christian denominations. [Charles Taze] Russell...praises this in his January 1, 1911 [Watch Tower]... 'Mr. Morgan's well-known business capacity, exhibited in connection with financial trusts, encourages many to believe that he will accomplish the desired end in connection with the movement. More and more all denominations are craving a religious trust or federation and are becoming more and more willing to sacrifice doctrines and principles formerly held dear in order to accomplish the federation." - 215:538

• The one world religion is a revival of the Babylonian one world religion.


"...a secret society known as the Community of Truth Seekers...was a group of powerful occultists who believed that there had been a single world religion in ancient times which had fragmented into a single world religion which had fragmented into the various religious beliefs and occult doctrines which exist today. The teachings of this once universal religion now only survive in legends, folklore, music and the secret teachings of esoteric fraternities. It was the task of the Truth Seekers to travel the remoter parts of Europe, the Middle East and Asia contacting the secret societies who still preserved the Ancient Wisdom and re-establish the ancient world religion." - 25:128


• Aryanism was sun-worship and the Holocaust was a sacrifice to the Aryan sun god.

"Guido von List...was a practitioner of the old pagan religion and was dedicated to re-establishing the ancient cult of Aryan Sun worship and reviving the priesthood of Wotan or Odin, the one-eyed shaman god of the runes." - 25:110


"Sun worship played an important part in nearly all the early pagan Mysteries... The Solar Deity was usually personified as a beautiful youth with long golden hair to symbolize the rays of the sun. This golden Sun God was slain by wicked ruffians, who personified the evil principle of the universe." - 105:xxi


"We know that Hitler forced all Jews to wear a yellow six-pointed star as a badge of shame. Yet at the same time it was the insignia of the insignia of the Rothschild family by their choice and also of the Zionists. How conflicting. Here we see some Jews forced to wear it and some Jews choosing to wear it.

"Not all of the concentration camp victims were Jewish people. Many were Christians. Spiritually, a parallel can be seen in the rituals to Ashteroth and Moloch, where the victims were burned as sacrifices to these false gods. Were the victims of the Nazis someone's sacrificial offerings?" - 211:78

• France, the headquarters of the Prieuré de Sion, is a center of Sun worship.

"Many...ancient towns, villages and cities have been built on the principles of the Celtic Cross or the Solar Wheel. With the spread of the Sun religion, temples and palaces conformed to solar principles. Says Michell, 'A palace retains the solar power of the emperor and like all centers of government throughout the world, is approached by long straight avenues which conduct the power throughout the kingdom. Thus Versailles, the seat of the French Sun King, was laid out like a wheel to function as a solar center." - 167:54

• The Illuminati plan for a universal religion is being implemented through the ecumenical and interfaith movements.


o The Ecumenical Movement is under the direction of the Vatican and the Masonic World Evangelical Alliance.

"The devisers of plans of unification [within the Church], such men as Erasmus, Cassander, Bucer, Cranmer, Calvin, a Lasco, Mornay, Pareus...were defeated in their aims of reunion. The disruptive forces were too strong for them." - 84:68

"Calvin...in a memorandum probably in December 1560...described the 'Free and Universal Council' that was needed 'to put an end to the existing divisions in Christianity'.  It must be free with respect to place of meeting, personnel, and procedure, and bound only by Scripture.  Location should be central to the attending nations. This interesting document offers what is virtually an agenda for the Council, listing numerous points in dispute in the realms of doctrine, worship and polity.  Calvin's council was to be a conference on Faith and Order -- with power.  The Pope was not excluded, but he must submit to the council's decisions and swear to abide by them.  Calvin insists that while a national synod may undertake internal reform, only a genuinely universal council can allay the troubles of Christendom." 84:33-4

"Humanism, which since the time of the Reformation had released the greatest energies for ecumenical thought and action, for a time fell in the background; but in the Enlightenment in Germany, with its Christian characteristics, it underwent a revival in...Leibniz." - 84:92

“It was Elias B. Sanford (1843-1932), a New England Congregationalist with a strong admixture of Methodism, who formulated the plans and held the preliminary meetings which resulted in the Federal Council [of Churches]... By November 1905 his ideas had so captured the American Protestant world that he was able to arrange for the great Inter-Church Conference on Federation in Carnegie Hall, New York City.” – 84:256-57

   “In 1843 a meeting in Scotland commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Westminster Assembly issued a plea for closer unity. The same year, Presbyterian William Patton of New York wrote to British Congregationalist John Angell James, recommending an interchurch conference to outline the truths on which churches agreed. A series of discussions and prayer gatherings led to a General Conference held in London August 19 to September 2, 1846. Eight hundred leaders from fifty-two 'bodies of Christians' in eight nations decided to form a confederation under the name 'The Evangelical Alliance.' The delegates agreed upon a doctrinal statement of basic evangelical views. They pointed out that they were not forming 'a new ecclesiastical organization' but expressing the spiritual unity that already existed 'among all who, loving the Lord Jesus Christ, are bound to love one another.' (ff.4. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Conference held at Freemasons' Hall, London, 1846.)

    “The remarkable fact is that the Statement of Faith drafted in 1846 has weathered the theological debates of the intervening decades and continues as the basis for the doctrinal statement of [the World Evangelical Alliance], the global organization that grew out of the EA. For a century, in the absence of any formal international structure, this statement and an annual Week of Prayer were the main visible connection between national committees of the EA. Not surprisingly, Britain's EA was the major player, with its international connections in the Commonwealth." - 535

   “Shortly before his death, Philip Schaff made a now famous address on ‘The Reunion of Christendom’ before the World Parliament of Religions, in...1893. In this address, Schaff urged a ‘federal or confederate union’ resembling the ‘political confederation of Switzerland, the United States, and the modern German Empire. This federation would be a 'voluntary association of different Churches in their official capacity, each retaining its freedom and independence in the management of its internal affairs, but all recognizing one another as sisters with equal rights, and cooperating in general enterprises, such as the spread of the gospel at home and abroad, the defense of the faith against infidelity, the elevation of the poor and neglected classes of society, works of philanthropy and charity, and moral reform'. This farewell address of the aged ecumenical leader was thus prophetic of the Federal Council [of Churches] of the 20th century, and even more of its successor, National Council of Churches.” – 84:256

"...what is required is an alliance between church and occultism: the Charismatic movement is a gesture in that direction, but so much remains to be done." - 10:12

"...The founder of the Teilhard d'Chardin Centre...Dr. Ursula King, has said that, 'We are in need of a global worldwide ecumenism which goes beyond the ecumenism of the Christian churches by being truly universal." - 503:557

o The Interfaith Movement is led by the Parliament of World Religions and the United Religions Organization (URO).

"Like the goddess Isis, who found and restored all of the lost pieces of her husband, Osiris, many are restoring the unity of all life, bringing together the separate parts of humanity -- different races, religions and cultures." - 42:62

"But when the French Grand Orient in 1877 decided to remove all references to God and to the Great Architect from their ceremonies, remove the Bible from their Lodges, and to admit agnostics and atheists, this was too much for the English Grand Lodge. The Grand Orient argued that to admit atheists was the final step in the policy of religious toleration which the Freemasons had always supported; but the English Grand Lodge broke off relations with the Grand Orient, as did the American Freemasons. The Grand Orient declared that by their action 'English Grand Lodge has struck a blow against the cosmopolitan and universal spirit of Freemasonry.'" - 542:220


    "This [October] 1986 gathering [Vatican Interfaith Conference], consisting of leaders of the world's major religions and initiated by the pope himself, would represent a visible transition from traditional 'ecumenism' to the new 'interfaithism'...

    "Barbara Marx Hubbard viewed December 31, 1986, as a 'Planetary Pentecost', where the participants would have the powers of Christ to heal, resurrect the dead, and even transform their physical bodies as Christ transformed his." - 233:208, 115


"...at the Fifth Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Nairobi in 1975...there had not only been a plea for 'a dialogue with people of other faiths, people of other ideologies or of none', but also a call for 'a radical transformation of civilisation'." - 503:546

▪ United Religions Organization

"At the beginning the U.N. was only a hope. Today it is a political reality. Tomorrow it will be the world's religion." - 437:4

  "A 'UN of Religions!'... September/October 1994 issue of The Futurist. In an essay entitled 'Temples of Tomorrow: Toward a United Religions Organization,' Richard Kirby of the World Network of Religious Futurists and the late Earl D.C. Brewer wrote that 'Religions are now headed toward what may eventually form a United Religions Organization (URO), structured in much the same way as the United Nations and sharing the same goals.' Once the URO is created, they predict, it will be given the task of creating a 'New Covenant' for the planet:

    "'The URO...will discern the nature of that covenant, and with it the responsibilities, rather than the rights, of planetary citizenship.' In other words these paid prophets of the new world order would be called upon to keep restive religionists in line...'" - 70:11, quoting William N. Grigg

“According to its literature, the [United Religions Organization] launched its written charter this past June 1997. The institution should be fully in place by June 2000 and globally operational by June, 2005.” - 70


United Religions Initiative

 Phases of Implementation ~ Creating the Worldwide Interfaith Network

 Phase III Completing the Network

  1) June 2005 Full scale program in operation.

  2) June 2005 Facilities completed and open to the world.

  3) June 2005 Ongoing expansion of worldwide interfaith network. 576

"One of the most persistent themes...with Gorbachev -- that the world's religions are inadequate -- and that a new universal religion is needed to take their place... It is highly significant that a proposal for a United Religions headquarters -- to be based at the Presidio...where the Gorbachev Foundation/USA is located -- is being supported by the Gorbachev Foundation." - 592:5 quoting Christopher Storey, "Gorbachev and the Attack on Religion" 

"...the Second United Religions Summit Conference, was held-from June 23-27, 1997 at Stanford University, The Summit created the United Religions institution, the one-world church: Nearly 200 delegates, ...included...Robert Muller, ... Barbara Marx Hubbard...Juliette Hollister." - 172:6


    "26 July, 2002... Twenty-seven people from around the world have been elected in the first democratic global elections of an international interfaith peace organization – United Religions Initiative (URI), an NGO of the United Nations. URI () is based in San Francisco, CA. Its purpose is to build global interfaith cooperation by seeking peace and cooperation among religions toward a more peaceful world. Members from forty-seven countries participated in the election process which spanned a 6 month period.

    "Members of the board – URI’s Global Council – were elected with consideration to diversity, including religious and spiritual tradition. The chosen also represent skills and talents essential to the URI’s global efforts to seek peace among religions. The elected include practitioners of many spiritual traditions including: Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Taoist, and Indigenous traditions, to name a few.

    "Countries represented include: Argentina, Chile, Egypt, Germany, India, Israel, Korea, Malawi, Mexico, Mozambique, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Tajikistan, United Kingdom, United States and Uganda." - 575

▪ Buddhism

“Largest, most successful, and attracting by far the most attention was the World Parliament of Religions, where Shinto priests discoursed to African bishops, Buddhist monks lectured at Cumberland Baptists; Theosophists, Confucians, and Christian Scientists ‘found their hands clasped in one unbroken circle.’ How unbroken this circle was remains to be seen; but the fiction was maintained for the public of 140,000 who attended the Parliament...” – 439:53

"A new world religion will be inaugurated which will be a fusion and synthesis of the approach of the East and...West. The Christ will bring together...Christianity and Buddhism...in a new scientific religion based on the mysteries; on Initiation; on Invocation." - 174:88-9 (175:67)

▪ Judaism


"...World Brotherhood was 'founded in 1950 at a conference at UNESCO House in Paris and evolved from the educational programs of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, which has been serving the cause of brotherhood in the United States and Canada since 1928.'

    "S. Parkes Cadman was president of the FCC from 1924-1928. He was a Mason and a grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York for 28 years... He was instrumental in founding the National Council of Christians and Jews in 1928 along with Charles Evans Hughes, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations." - 215:43,212

▪ Druidism

"Executive Director Charles Gibbs has said that 'indigenous religions' would be included in the URI 'the same way everyone else would be involved. ... I was just in Oxford and ... the indigenous religion there is the Druid faith.' Modern-day Druids participate in the URI; the ancient Druids sacrificed people to the gods.'" - 594

[On July 1, 2000] Senior Church of England clergy are to join Druids and pagans at a controversial conference designed to help 'reconcile' the traditions, much to the alarm of Church leaders. The conference, 'Spirit of the Land 2000', is described as 'a Christian-Druid dialogue and reconciliation meeting for the new Millennium'..." - 271

"...the new Archbishop of Canterbury will be inducted as a druid in a 200-year-old ceremony with pagan roots in Wales next month. As the sun rises over a circle of Pembrokeshire bluestones, the Archbishop of Wales, the Most Rev Dr Rowan Williams, will don a long white cloak while druids chant a prayer to the ancient god and goddess of the land. After a trumpet fanfare and the thrice partial sheathing and unsheathing of a 6ft6in sword, a citation will be read. Dr Williams will close his hands in prayer while the archdruid, wearing a crown and shield over his bardic robes, will enfold them in his own and utter words of welcome. That will be the moment that Dr Williams, who will adopt a new, bardic name, is accepted into the white druidic order, the highest of three orders of the Gorsedd of Bards, the Welsh body of poets, musicians, writers and artists. The Mistress of the Robes, Sian Aman, will then clothe him in a druidic white headdress, and a steward will lead him to join the other assembled druids inside a sacred circle." - 595

▪ New Age

"Constance Cumbey discovered in 1988 the evidence of a secret meeting between some of the most high ranking leaders of the New Age Movement and equally powerful Christian leaders, including those who were from the cult-watching community itself.  This meeting...was called the Gold Lake Conference.  According to Cumbey's July 1988 New Age Monitor, the Gold Lake Conference was held in Boulder, Colorado from October 24-26, 1987. It was called 'Christianity and the New Age'. The retreat was sponsored by Doug Coe's (Chuck Colson's mentor) Fellowship Foundation, Inc., The C. S. Lewis Institute, Spiritual Counterfeits Project and other 'Christian' groups. Those involved in the Christian world included: J. Vernon Grounds of Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (EMNR), Gordon Lewis, Spiritual Counterfeits Project's Art Lindsley and, reportedly, Karen Hoyt [COR/SCP]... Among the New Agers present were David Spangler and Barbara Marx Hubbard, both of whom have written extensively on the demise of Christianity and of the 'peaceful' extermination of Christians who won't go along with the New Age Plan." - 591:5


• The universal religion will at first claim to be the Church of the St. John or the third stage in the evolution of Christianity.

    "...it was only with Schelling that the medieval heresy of the Eternal Evangel reappeared. When in 1831 he began to deliver his famous lecture on The Philosophy of Revelation. In Munich, he felt himself to be invested with a great mission to announce a universal religion to come, the Church of St. John ... It has been said that 'many a listener... had the impression that he was watching the rise of a new stage of consciousness and the birth of a new religion.'... Like others, Schelling saw St. John as the apostle of the future. In concord with Moses, Elijah and John the Baptist, in the Old Dispensation, he placed Peter, Paul, and John in the New, representing the three stages in the Christian Church. Peter was the Apostle of the Father, Paul of the Son, while John was the Apostle of the Spirit who was leading mankind into the full truth of the future. The first stage was that of Catholicism, the second of Protestantism but the third will be the perfect religion of mankind.

    "Schelling had drawn a grand picture of the three eras of Christianity, claiming that the Catholicism of St. Peter was passed, that the Protestantism of St. Paul was the present and that the reign of St. John was still to come...that new religion of St. John which is now about to supersede Christianity altogether." - 256:62, 86-7


• The universal religion will be based on the pre-flood mystery religion and will emphasize various forms of occultism.

o Kabbalism

"...The Talmud...states dogmatically that [Jesus] came from Egypt...[and] that the reason for Jesus' arrest was a charge of sorcery and that he was an initiate of Egyptian magic." - 242:285

"The Rosicrucian manifesto may now take on a somewhat wider meaning.  It calls for a general reformation because other reformations have failed.  The Protestant Reformation is losing strength and is divided.  The Catholic Counter-Reformation has taken a wrong turning.  A new general reformation of the whole wide world is called for, and this third reformation is to find its strength in Evangelical Christianity with its emphasis on brotherly love, in the esoteric Hermetic-Cabalist tradition, and in an accompanying turning towards the works of God in nature in a scientific spirit of exploration, using science or magic, magical science or scientific magic, in the service of man."  46:139

"The influence of Noah upon Masonic doctrine is to be traced to the...system of religion known...as the 'Arkite worship.'" - 112:406

o Hermeticism

"...Giordano Bruno...propagated throughout Europe in the late 16th century an esoteric movement which demanded a general reformation of the world, in the form of a return to 'Egyptian' religion and good magic." - 46:216

"If anyone was Jesus' successor it was the Magdalene...[who] founded her own 'Church' -- not a Christian cult...but based on the Isis/Osiris religion." - 242:353

o Pantheism

   "In 1800 [F. de Hardenberg] Novalis published a pamphlet, Europa or Christianity. This strange young poet, writing under the influence of Boehme and German pietists such as Count Zinzendorf, prophesied the future new church confidently. He begins, however, with an ideal picture of medieval Catholicism. Christian Europe had once been a fraternity of peoples bound together by one faith. Protestantism had destroyed all this. Medieval Catholicism had been a positive, poetic, creative force; Protestantism was negative, critical, destructive--a dead-letter religion. The inevitable fruit was the French Revolution. But the mystical soul of Europe had remained hidden among the Illuminés and dissidents. To this Novalis appeals in his vision of a new evangel, a new Messiah, a new church. For this regeneration of humanity he looks to the hidden workings of hidden associations all over Europe--Freemasons, Pietistics, Illuminists. In particular, possibilities of the suppressed Jesuit order caught his imagination. But, for Novalis, the new church, although founded on Christianity, will move beyond all previous forms, the historic Christ yielding place to the new Messiah of Nature, for--under the influence of the romantic philosophy of nature--Novalis translates sacramental Christianity into pantheism. Into this new church other peoples of the world, for they only await the resurrection of Europe to join and become citizens of the celestial kingdom. All dogmas and forms will be abolished, for the Holy Spirit will guide into all truth... Yet there must be a new bible, perhaps many, for one need not be bound to one gospel for all time. 'Is is not possible to conceive of the composition of several Gospels? Is one absolutely bound to one historical Gospel?... Is not a Gospel of the future possible?' So questioned Novalis, and it was a bible of this new genre that he planned to begin in his romance, Heinrich von Ofterdingen. He intended many volumes for the poet must carry the new religion to men. But his early death brought his vision to an end. Other near contemporaries among German romantics were thinking in the same vein." - 256:54-56

o Mysticism

"A very important aspect of the secret societies has always been the ultimate unification of the world religions...based on the restoration of the pre-Christian Mystery Tradition, which had been persecuted by the early Church, and forced to go underground in medieval Europe, and that all religions had originated in a universal spirituality referred to as the Perennial Philosophy, the Primordial Tradition or the Ancient Wisdom." - 25:170

"...John Dee...and a core group of his friends and associates...met to form an evangelical confederation against the Catholic league... They believed that the solution of a universal religion was to be found in an evangelical Christianity, which involved a gnostic understanding of the gospels, about our direct relationship with God independent of priest intermediaries. Gnosticism refers to an inner experience that only one can know directly, not vicariously through someone else. Not least on their agenda was a vow to defend the use of the sacred cross from the abuse of those using it as a weapon of persecution in the name of God and religion." - 401

 "[Benjamin Creme], after speaking about the coming reformation of the churches and Buddhism, is asked if he believed this reformation 'will affect the various secret organizations, like the Masons, the Rosicrucians, and so on?' He answers, 'Very much so... The coming religion, in fact, this coming age, will be dominated by...Magic or Ritual, or Organization..." - 175:66

• The universal religion will be nonsectarian because its founding principle is Pantheism.

"In Rhode Island, the Church of Pan exists. The members are involved with a nudist campground." - 215:509 (quoting Jack M. Roper, "Pan: Pagan God and Nature Demon")

"A major shift in ecumenical thinking occurred when there was a subtle but far-reaching change in the way the word Ecumenism is defined. In his second BBC Reigh Lecture in 1978, Dr. Edward Norman, Dean of Peterhouse College, Cambridge, rightly noted the fact that 'The word ecumenical itself has changed its meaning, and is now used by the World Council of Churches to mean, not just fellowship within different Christian bodies, but within the entire human race'. In the wake of this shift, what we call Ecumenism has now come to involve the concept spoken of as 'the integrity and unity of all creation'." - 503:546


"He [Robert Muller] claims that Christ would want us to unite all religions: 'Worldwide spiritual ecumenism, expressed in new forms of religious cooperation and institutions would probably be closest to the heart of the resurrection of Christ. He encourages an acceleration of the uniting of all religions saying we must recognize 'the unity of their objectives and the diversity of their cults.'... 'My religion, right or wrong,' and 'my nation, right or wrong', must be abandoned forever in the Planetary Age.'" - 407:34

"The universal world religion will inevitably emerge. Then there will be neither Christian nor heathen, neither Jew nor Gentile, but simply one great body of believers, gathered out of all the current religions." - 176:140

“The very heart and core of the new religion will be the esoteric process of initiation… Gradually, Christianity and Buddhism and other religions will wither away…as the new religion gains its adherents and exponents and is gradually built by humanity.” - 174:88-9

• The universal religion will return the world to worship of the Sun god.

"God's plan is dedicated to the unification of all races, religions and creeds [and] dedicated to the new order of things - a new nation, a new race, a new civilization, and a new religion, a non-sectarian religion that has already been recognized and called the religion of 'The Great Light'." - 142:170

"If we move on to other planets, we may find that planetary religion must give way to solar religion , -- ONE FAITH for the solar system, and this in turn implies the ultimate need for a cosmic religion. We seem to be approaching universal citizenship, which implies the need for a universal religion." - 173:35


I Timothy 6:5

KJV - Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. 

NIV, NASV, RSV, Living Bible, Wycliffe Bible, Vulgate, Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Westcott-Hort New Greek Text and Nestle-Aland UBS - omit "from such withdraw thyself"


Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. - II Cor. 6:14-18

If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. - I Tim. 6:3-5

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. II John 9-11

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Rev. 18:4


21-B. WORSHIP THE DRAGON (Luciferic Initiation)


• True worship of God is through the Holy Spirit and according to the truth of God's Word.

• Throughout the Great Tribulation, Lucifer will secure the worship of all mankind through a process of initiations.

God's Plan | Pre-Flood Era   | Old Testament   |Church Age (Last Days) |Tribulation |Great Tribulation> |Millennium |New Heavens/New Earth | |Satan's Counterfeit |Pre-Flood Era |Old Testament |Church Age | Tribulation   |Great Tribulation | |Millennium> |New Heavens/New Earth | |Satan's Counterfeit |Pre-Flood Era |Old Testament |Church Age | Tribulation   |Great Tribulation | ................

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