University of Manchester

Organ Preservation in Bladder Cancer: An Opportunity For Truly Personalised Treatment

Yee Pei Song1,2, Alan McWilliam1,2, Peter Hoskin1, Ananya Choudhury1,2

1University of Manchester, United Kingdom

2The Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom


Radical treatment of many solid tumours has moved from surgery to multi-modality organ preserving strategies combining systemic and local treatments. From the patient’s perspective, the choice of maintaining quality of life without a negative impact on chances of cure and long-term survival is attractive. In bladder cancer there is evidence for comparable clinical outcomes between radical cystectomy and tri-modality bladder preserving treatment (TMT). Despite this many patients continue to be offered radical surgery as standard of care. Improvements in radiotherapy techniques with adaptive radiotherapy and advances in imaging translate to more accurate treatment delivery and reduction in long-term toxicities. With the advent of biomarkers promising better prediction of response, stratification of patients for different treatments based on the biology of their tumour may soon be a reality. The future of oncological treatment lies in personalised medicine with the combination of technological and biological advances leading to truly bespoke management for patients with muscle invasive urothelial cancer (MIUC).

Key Points

- Tri-modality bladder preservation treatment and radical cystectomy result in comparable treatment outcomes in muscle-invasive urothelial cancer in appropriately selected patients.

- Advancements in adaptive and image guided radiotherapy techniques improve accuracy of treatment delivery.

- Prognostic and predictive markers have the potential to aid treatment decisions.

- A scientific approach to treatment stratification allow true bespoke management plans, empowering patients to make informed decision with potential impact on long term outcome and quality of life.


Urothelial cancer is the most common cancer of the urinary system. One third of patients have muscle-invasive disease at diagnosis, which requires more aggressive treatment than non-muscle-invasive disease. Traditionally, this was in the form of radical cystectomy, with removal of bladder and other pelvic organs, followed by reconstruction of the urinary tract resulting in potential complications and an impact on quality of life. In recent years, curative oncological strategies have moved from extensive surgery to organ preserving treatments in different cancers, ranging from head and neck malignancies to anal cancer. With increasing acceptance that tri-modality bladder preserving treatment (TMT) and radical cystectomy (RC) have comparable long-term outcomes, it is now possible for patients to keep their own bladders. It is important to inform patients in a way that will enable them to choose the optimal treatment strategy most suitable for them. Advances in different aspects of non-surgical oncology will allow for the delivery of personalized management plans. This review examines the development of combined modality treatments, the improvements in radiotherapy techniques, the discovery of imaging and tissue biomarkers and their potential roles in improving patient outcomes in muscle-invasive urothelial cancers (MIUC).

Curative Treatment Options

The two main options available to patients with localised MIUC are radical cystectomy and tri-modality treatment. Radical cystectomy involves general anaesthetic, major abdomino-pelvic surgery and a prolonged recovery period. It is associated with an increasing operative mortality in the elderly and can result in long term changes and consequences, which include the formation of a urostomy or neo-bladder and impact on sexual function, to which patients must adapt. In the long term, 24% of patients with ileal conduits experience issues with stomal problems, and a similar proportion of patients have problems with renal insufficiency, bowel problems and urinary tract infection1. With regards to sexual function, a retrospective survey by the Department of Health (England) showed that at 1-5 years after diagnosis, 88% of patients reported dissatisfaction with their sex life after RC compared to 11% and 17% following chemo-radiotherapy and radiotherapy respectively2.

Tri-modality bladder preserving treatment (TMT) comprise maximum transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) followed by radiotherapy and administration of a radiosensitising agent. Radical radiotherapy to the bladder involves 4-7 weeks of daily treatment, with the potential to cause tiredness, impaired sexual function, and bladder and bowel side effects. Late RTOG grade 3 pelvic toxicities, including urinary and gastrointestinal toxicities, were noted in 7% of patients analysed in a meta-analysis3. Two years following completion of treatment, late RTOG grade 3-4 pelvic toxicities were noted in 4.6% of patients who underwent chemoradiotherapy and 5.2% of those who had radiotherapy only in the BC2001 trial4. There is long-term impact on bladder function, with decreased bladder capacity, and cystectomy for intractable bladder symptoms rather than tumour recurrence is recognised in 3%. An important component of TMT is ongoing cystoscopic surveillance with the possibility of salvage cystectomy if there is recurrent disease. This may be necessary in about 7-15% of patients4–6. There is also a risk of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer recurrence which may require treatment7.

Ideally surgery and TMT would be compared in a prospective randomised trial however attempts to do so have been unsuccessful with poor accrual8. The early closure of this trial has been put down to several factors. These include the complexity of patient referral and management pathways with multiple specialist teams and centres involved, and also the importance of patient preference in a trial that randomises patients to two distinctly different treatment options.

In a meta-analysis, TMT has been shown to have comparable clinical outcomes to RC despite its use in patients who are more frail, with a complete response rate of 78% and a 5 year overall survival of 56%9. In addition, a pooled analysis of 6 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) studies has shown that the 10 year disease-specific survival rate was 65% in patients following bladder preservation treatment5.

A recent cohort study proposed the contrary, that TMT is associated with poorer overall and disease specific survival when compared to RC10. However, patients in the TMT group had a median of 18 fractions of radiotherapy. This suggests that more than half of patients who allegedly underwent TMT did not, in fact, have curative treatment and hence did not undergo TMT. During the time period studied, TMT tended to be recommended for frail patients not fit for surgery. This was also not adequately accounted for in this study.

In the United Kingdom, specific recommendations in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines11, which provide evidence-based guidance for clinical practice, advocate that patents are offered both RC and TMT options for curative treatment of bladder cancer. This set of guidelines specifies the need to discuss the evidence for each treatment option in terms of efficacy, potential toxicities and impact on quality of life.

Surgery remains the more common option recommended to patients in Europe and United States. In a survey of 277 US radiation oncologists, 58% treated only 1-3 patients in a year with TMT, and 74% primarily treated patients who were deemed unfit for surgery12. Similarly, a survey of 32 centres found that in the 13 centres that responded, only 12 out of 100 bladder cancer patients treated with radiotherapy in a one-year period received radiotherapy as a primary curative treatment13.

There are some factors that preclude patients from one or other treatment option. Patients who have serious comorbidities may not be able to tolerate the general anaesthetic and physiological stress associated with major surgery, and some may be unable or unwilling to adapt to the lifestyle changes required after radical cystectomy. Similarly, patients with extensive carcinoma in situ (CIS), poor bladder function or obstruction to their kidneys may not be appropriate candidates for TMT. Moreover, patients who undergo TMT must be prepared for the ongoing cystoscopic surveillance and ongoing risk for a minority that ultimately cystectomy will be required for recurrence or poor residual bladder function.

The primary aim of radical treatment for MIUC is to maximise the chance of cure while maintaining a good quality of life. As discussed previously, both curative treatment options may result in serious side effects and it is important to consider the long-term impact on quality of life (QoL). In a retrospective study of patients treated with either RC or TMT, it was found that patients who received TMT had statistically significantly better general QoL, bowel function, sexual function and less concerns about the negative effect of cancer14.

Neo-Adjuvant Systemic Therapy

Since distant metastases are the most common cause of treatment failure following local therapy15, systemic treatment prior to definitive local treatment plays a role in improving long term outcome for patients. A systematic review in 2005 showed a 5% improvement in 5 year overall survival and 9% improvement in 5 year disease specific survival with the use of platinum-based neo-adjuvant chemotherapy16. The Southwest Oncology Group conducted a randomised control trial comparing the use of three cycles of neo-adjuvant methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin and cisplatin (MVAC) with no neo-adjuvant treatment prior to RC. While not statistically significant, there was a 6% improvement in 5 year overall survival. There was a significant improvement in pathological complete response of 23% 17.

In more recent years, other studies have also shown an improvement in outcome with neo-adjuvant treatment. An International Collaboration of Trialists study randomised 976 patients to receive either neo-adjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin, methotrexate and vinblastine (CMV), or no neo-adjuvant chemotherapy prior definitive treatment with RC, perioperative radiotherapy or radiotherapy alone. This study demonstrated a 6% improvement in 10 year overall survival rate18. These studies were undertaken prior to the adoption of radiosensitising treatment with radiotherapy and the role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in this setting has yet to be adequately tested.

The RTOG 8903 group carried out a phase III clinical trial to evaluate the benefit of neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to chemoradiotherapy and suggested that neoadjuvant chemotherapy did not improve outcomes19. However, the study closed to recruitment early due to high rates of severe neutropenia and sepsis, and only 67% of patients recruited to the experimental arm completed treatment with no or minor protocol deviation. 31.3% of patients who received chemoradiotherapy in BC2001 trial had prior neoadjuvant chemotherapy, but this did not appear to affect their outcome4.The choice of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy regimen has also evolved. The prospective randomised trials above used MVAC or CMV, but over the years, there has been a greater tendency for the use of gemcitabine and cisplatin (GC) due to the more favourable toxicity profile and the similarity in outcome in a study of patients with advanced or metastatic MIUC20. A retrospective study comparing GC and MVAC in the neo-adjuvant setting demonstrated similar pathologic and survival outcomes21. In recent years, dose dense MVAC (ddMVAC) has replaced classic MVAC. A further retrospective study suggests similar outcomes with ddMVAC, classic MVAC and GC22 while another suggests ddMVAC yield better clinical outcomes23. Considering the retrospective nature of these studies and the lack of randomisation, a prospective trial would be helpful in deciding the optimum chemotherapy regimen.

Immunotherapy is an emerging treatment modality in MIUC. In the metastatic setting, the anti-PD1 agent, pembrolizumab was shown to improve median overall survival by 2.9months compared to second line chemotherapy with fewer treatment related toxicities24. There is now increasing interest in the role of immunotherapy in the neo-adjuvant setting25.

There had been various attempts to evaluate the benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy following radical cystectomy. Unfortunately, early trial closure and poor accruals to these studies meant that firm conclusions could not be drawn26–28. A meta-analysis of 6 eligible trials and 491 patients found a 9% improvement in 3 years overall survival, but due to the small numbers, there was insufficient evidence to change practice29. There has since been an updated meta-analysis but this was based on summary statistics of each study as opposed to individual patient information. There was borderline significance for improvement in overall survival, but a large variation in hazard ratio across studies included30. An EORTC study closed after recruitment of 284 of a planned 660 patients, an exploratory analysis demonstrated benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy in node negative patients, but node negative patients only constituted 30% of patients recruited28. Due to the lack of robust evidence in this setting, neoadjuvant chemotherapy should continue to be the preferred option.

Developments in Radiosensitisation

Central to bladder preserving treatment is radical radiotherapy with the addition of radiosensitising agents to improve clinical outcomes. These agents work in a synergistic manner with radiotherapy, increasing cell kill, thereby improving the efficacy of treatment. The different mechanisms of action are illustrated in figure1. (FIG 1)

There had been various phase II studies that studied the use of cisplatin containing regimens as radiosensitisers with good complete response rates and long term disease specific survival (DSS) rates comparable to radical cystectomy5,31–34. Until the early 2000s, the only randomised clinical trial was a Canadian study that used cisplatin as a radiosensitiser35. Although this small study showed an improvement in both local control rates and overall survival it had limited statistical power. Cisplatin causes an increased risk of renal toxicity. Hence, there are also reservations about the use of cisplatin in this patient group who may already have impaired renal function and other comorbidities.

Two large randomised trials from the UK have been published in the last 10 years. These landmark trials compared radiotherapy alone with the addition of radiosensitising agents. BC2001 investigated the addition of 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) and mitomycin C to radiotherapy, demonstrating an improvement in 2 year loco-regional recurrence free survival from 54% to 67% and also in 5 year overall survival rates from 35% to 48% with the addition of concomitant chemotherapy compared to radiotherapy alone4.

As hypoxic cells are more resistant to radiation, BCON took a different approach to radiosensitisation with the use of hypoxia modifying agents instead of traditional chemotherapy agents. This trial showed that the addition of carbogen and nicotinamide to radiotherapy improved 3 year recurrence-free survival from 43% to 54% and overall survival from 46% to 59%6.

Other agents have also been tested as radiosensitisers with radiotherapy for bladder cancer. Gemcitabine has been reported from several groups in this setting. A complete response in 88% of patients at first check cystoscopy with 64% organ preservation rate and 72% overall survival at three years has been reported 36. A meta-analysis of eight published studies which included a total of 190 patients described a 93% complete response rate at check cystoscopy within 12 weeks of completion of treatment and a 5 year overall survival rate of 59%37.

Radiotherapy To The Bladder

Bladder radiotherapy and the challenges

Effective radiotherapy is dependent on delivering a curative dose of radiation to the macroscopic tumour and potential microscopic extent, while minimising dose to normal tissues. A course of radical radiotherapy for MIUC spans 4 to 7 weeks depending on the fractionation protocol used. Patients undergo a CT scan known as the radiotherapy planning (RTP) scan prior to treatment. This allows the clinical target volume (CTV) and organs at risk (OAR) to be identified and the optimum radiotherapy plan to be formulated. There are various radiotherapy protocols in use internationally. The current convention in the UK is for the entire bladder to be treated to the same dose. Hence, the CTV includes the whole bladder and any extra-vesical extension of the tumour. Other treatment protocols may include an interim assessment of treatment response and reduce the initial CTV in patients with good response to that of higher risk areas like the tumour bed5,38. Regardless of radiotherapy plans and protocols used, the urinary bladder does not remain static during the entire course of radiotherapy (interfraction) or during each radiotherapy treatment (intrafraction). As a hollow organ that fills and empties on a regular basis, the shape, size and position of the bladder changes as a result of both internal and external pressures.

In order to overcome this variation and ensure consistent coverage during treatment, a safety margin of 15 to 20mm is added to the CTV, forming the planning target volume (PTV). This means that a potentially large amount of normal tissue is irradiated when the bladder is relatively empty, while some of the CTV could be missed if the bladder is very full.

When treatment starts, daily low dose CT images are taken on the linear accelerator, these are known as cone beam CTs (CBCT). The bony anatomy on RTP and CBCT scans are matched to ensure that the patient is treated in the same position. Various studies have looked at bladder motion during a course of radiotherapy. Apart from a small study of 10 patients, all have concluded that maximum movement is in the anterior and cranial directions (table 1). These studies have provided an important basis for adaptive radiotherapy.

|Study |Purpose/Methods |Findings |

|Nishioka et al |Inter- and intrafraction bladder motion |Anterior and cranial tumour groups showed larger |

|(2017)39 | |interfractional movement than tumours on the |

| |Fiducial markers implanted into tumour beds |opposite side (not statistically significant). |

|n=29 | | |

| |Comparison of caudal vs cranial, anterior vs posterior and |Increase in intrafraction movement over time. |

| |left vs right wall tumours and markers movement between | |

| |fractions and during different time points within a | |

| |fraction. | |

|Dees-Ribbers et al |Inter- and intrafraction bladder motion |No significant difference in bladder wall motion in |

|(2014)40 | |empty and full bladders. |

| |Comparison of the impact of empty and full bladder on | |

|n=40 |bladder wall motion |Maximum movement in anterior and cranial directions |

|Foroudi et al (2012) |Intrafraction bladder motion |Maximum movement in anterior and cranial directions.|

|41 | | |

| |Bladder motion compared on daily pre-treatment and weekly |1.2cm anterior and 1.25cm superior margins required |

|n=50 |post-treatment CBCT |to account for intrafraction motion |

| | | |

| |Empty bladder protocol | |

|McBain et al (2009)42 |Intrafraction bladder motion |Dominant source of motion was due to bladder |

| | |filling. |

|n=15 |Cine-MRI scans on 2 occasions with bladder contoured at 3 | |

| |different time points. |Maximum movement in anterior and cranial directions |

| | | |

| |Empty bladder protocol | |

|Fokdal et al (2003) 43|Interfraction bladder motion |Bladder and rectum volume impact bladder movements |

| | | |

|n=15 |Compared bladder position on CT scans with different rectal |Maximum movement in anterior and cranial directions |

| |and bladder filling, and post-treatment CT scan to RTP scan.| |

| | |2.4cm anterior and 3.5cm cranial margins required to|

| | |ensure coverage compared to standard isotropic |

| | |margin of 2cm. |

|Meijer et al (2003)44 |Interfraction bladder motion |Maximum movement in posterior and cranial |

| | |directions. |

|n=10 |Compared bladder position on weeks 1, 3 and 5 of treatment | |

| | | |

| |Empty bladder protocol | |

Table 1. Summary of studies on bladder motion

Adaptive radiotherapy

Different adaptive strategies have been developed in order to improve target coverage while reducing unnecessary dose to surrounding tissues. The “plan of the day” (POD) strategy involves the formulation of multiple treatment plans with the best plan being selected on the day of treatment based on the CBCT findings. A treatment plan is designed based on the patient’s initial radiotherapy planning scan. This plan is then modified, generating 3 isocentrically grown clinical target volumes – small, medium and large, as shown in figure 2. Prior to each day’s treatment a CBCT scan is undertaken and the most suitable plan that provides the best target coverage while ensuring the least dose to OARs is selected. (FIG 2)

This has been investigated in several studies and has shown promising results for both feasibility and clinical outcomes 45–47. Hafeez et al reported on the findings of treating 55 patients who were not suitable for daily radiotherapy or surgery with weekly hypofractionated treatment using the POD approach45. In this group of less fit patients, 82% of patients completed treatment and local disease control was achieved in 60% of patients, with a 4.3% rate of grade 3 late toxicity at 12 months.

Improved normal tissue sparing with this method has also been demonstrated, with a 30% reduction in planned target volume (PTV) in patients treated with adaptive radiotherapy compared to the non-adaptive approach 46. This demonstrates that adaptive radiotherapy has the potential to reduce radiation dose to uninvolved surrounding tissues.

Another adaptive radiotherapy approach is known as the composite method. In this approach, only one treatment plan is developed from the RTP scan initially. The patient is treated with this plan for the first few fractions of treatment, during which time CBCT images are taken. These CBCTs are then averaged to generate a composite plan, which is used for subsequent fractions of treatment. While this method corrects changes in bladder volume and position during the relatively longer time period between the planning scan and start of treatment, it does not account for the random errors that occur with changes between fractions47 or further changes in the bladder after the composite plan has been designed.

While it is an improvement from using a single plan, current adaptive radiotherapy approaches assume uniform bladder movement and expansion, and do not consider intra-fraction changes. The generation of multiple radiotherapy plans is labour-intensive and the daily choice of plans is dependent on subjective assessment by the treating team. The RAIDER trial48 is a phase II, randomized trial of adaptive radiotherapy in radical treatment of MIUC, investigating both the feasibility and impact of adaptive radiotherapy, and dose-escalated tumour boost. This is an important study as we continue to optimise the delivery of radical radiotherapy in order to improve patient outcomes.

MRI-guided radiotherapy

CBCT has enabled image-guided and adaptive treatment, in turn improving accuracy while a patient is on treatment. However, the image-quality of this form of low dose CT scan remains poor. While it is relatively easy to identify the urinary bladder on CBCTs, it is more difficult to distinguish soft tissue boundaries and accurately define surrounding organs such as gastrointestinal structures and genitalia. In contrast, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans produce superior soft tissue contrast, with consequent advantages in defining the target volume (CTV) and for daily evaluation of the anatomical structures for image guidance to ensure treatment reproducibility. (FIG 4) The next generation of linear accelerators combined with MRI is in clinical use. In addition to more accurate anatomical coverage, the ability to better visualize soft tissues also allows for better identification of tumour bed, and hence the potential for higher-dose boosts to be delivered to this high risk region.

T2-weighted MRI images allow tumour to be distinguished from normal bladder49. This could enable accurate identification and delineation of the tumour bed and high-risk regions for disease recurrence, leading to the potential for dose escalation in this area. With improved imaging on treatment, there would also be an ability to deliver radiotherapy more accurately, allowing for a reduction in expansion margins. The combination of these two advantages of MRI will allow for safe delivery of a high dose of radiation to the tumour bed.

A study of different MRI-guided adaptive radiotherapy techniques with regards to target coverage concluded that online re-optimisation allows normal tissue sparing and should be considered for use in bladder cancer50. However, this is a relatively small study with only 9 patients (8 males and 1 female) and further confirmatory studies are required.

The role of MRI guided radiotherapy has been explored in other urological tumours. In a systematic review, McPartlin et al summarised the potential role of MRI in prostate radiotherapy, especially in terms of the detection of intra-fraction motion51. Within other cancer subsites, MRI guided treatment has also shown optimistic results. Online adaptive MRI guided lung stereotactic radiotherapy (SBRT) has been found to provide better target conformality, thereby reducing dose to normal tissue52 while MRI guided radiotherapy for re-irradiation of the head and neck region allowed the use of smaller CTV to PTV margins and improved accuracy53.

Apart from anatomical information, MRI also allows for functional or biological information to be obtained by imaging perfusion through the use of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and oxygenation through blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) scans. In turn, this has the potential of identifying areas that require higher dose of radiation or patients who would benefit from hypoxia modification.

DWI-MRI provide quantitative information to aid tumour assessment54. DWI examines the diffusion of water molecules (Brownian motion) and reflects the cell density in the region examined. As tumour have a greater cell density, there is greater restriction in diffusion and a lower apparent diffusion co-efficient (ADC). The ADC value may be useful in determining the aggressiveness of tumours, with a lower ADC value found in MIBC and high-grade tumours55. DWI-MRI has also been shown to predict response to chemoradiotherapy with a multivariate analysis identifying ADC value as the only significant and independent predictor of sensitivity to chemoradiotherapy56. However, it is important to consider the limitations of DWI-MRI in bladder cancers as water diffusion is also impeded in non-cancerous tissues such as neurological tissues, lymphatic tissues and areas of fibrosis and can lead to misdiagnosis.

BOLD MRI scans utilises the difference in magnetism of deoxyhaemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin. As deoxyhaemoglobin is paramagnetic and oxyhaemoglobin is diamagnetic, oxygenated blood appears brighter on T2 weighted images. MRI scan sequences can be manipulated to be sensitive to the level of deoxyhaemoglobin. Therefore, by increasing oxygenation through the breathing of carbogen (95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide) during a BOLD MRI scan can help to identify patients who would benefit from hypoxia modification during treatment57.

MRI guided radiotherapy is still in its infancy. Online adaptive radiotherapy requires time and manpower unless the system is designed to generate an adaptive plan with deformable registration by warping the image obtained on treatment to fit the reference radiotherapy planning image, and has the ability to carry out effective and efficient software based quality assurance51. In order to achieve that in bladder radiotherapy, more MRI based studies would need to be carried out to examine bladder movement, and adaptive radiotherapy strategies would need to be studied in a larger and more varied patient population.


In recent years, there have been unprecedented developments in cancer genetics and genomics. Molecular biomarkers have been explored in different cancer subsites including MIUC. Low grade non-invasive and invasive bladder cancers have been found to be a different disease with distinct pathogenetic pathways58,59. Invasive tumours are believed to originate from carcinoma in situ, and associated with deregulation in the p53 and retinoblastoma (Rb) pathways59.

Prognostic biomarkers

Prognostic biomarkers are biological features that provide information about the general outcome of disease, and may help to identify patients who require treatment intensification. They do not predict response to a specific treatment or intervention. While several potential prognostic biomarkers have been studied in urothelial cancer, they are not in routine clinical use as these biomarkers have not been adequately validated and their clinical relevance not yet determined.

p53 is an important gate keeper in the progression of G1 to S phase in the cell cycle, and plays a vital role in keeping cell growth in check, including urothelial cells. The inactivation of TP53 tumour suppressor gene results in an altered p53 phenotype. This was found to be associated with increased risk of disease recurrence and a poorer prognosis60–62.

While individual alterations in p53, p21 and pRb are associated with early recurrence and worse prognosis, and combinations of these alterations further enhance this prediction63. The 5 year recurrence rate and survival rate were 93% and 8% in those with all three alterations compared to 23% and 70% respectively for those with a single alteration.

Genetic expression and profiling has been studied to identify genes that may aid in bladder cancer diagnosis and in predicting recurrence and progression58,64–66. Smith et al developed a 20 gene model that identified patients with high and low risk of lymph node metastases independent of age, gender, pathological stage and lymphovascular space invasion67. As lymph node involvement is an important prognostic factor in bladder cancer recurrence and survival68, with adequate validation of this gene model, the ability to accurately predict lymph node metastases could prove invaluable. This would help to select patients for neo-adjuvant chemotherapy prior to definitive treatment.

There has been increasing interest in the role of the immune system in disease outlook and treatment. Lymphocytic infiltration has been reported to be related to clinical outcome in various cancer sub-sites69. In a cohort of patients undergoing radical chemoradiotherapy to the bladder, pre-treatment lymphopaenia has been shown to be associated with poor outcome. This was validated in a separate cohort of patients undergoing palliative chemotherapy for advanced urothelial cancer70.

A protein molecule that has gained importance over various cancer sub-sites is programmed death-1 (PD-1). It is a protein expressed on T-cells, and when it interacts with its ligands, such as programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1), there is a down-regulation of immune response. PD-L1 expression in bladder cancer has been shown to be associated with the risk of disease progression and decreased survival71–73. The use of anti-PD-L1 agents in the metastatic setting has seen an improvement in survival, especially in patients with high PD-L1 expression24,74.

Tyrosine kinase receptors regulate cell proliferation and differentiation, and plays an active role in cancer development and progression. HER-2 amplification is associated with more aggressive urothelial cancers and worse prognosis, with statistically significant increase in lymphovascular invasion and disease recurrence, and also a decrease in disease specific survival and overall survival 75,76.

Prognostic biomarkers have explored the possibility of identifying patients with poorer prognosis for treatment intensification. However, the prognostic values of biomarkers do not necessarily translate into predictive values and may not be useful in guiding optimal treatment for an individual patient

Predictive biomarkers

Predictive markers are biological features that help to predict response to different interventions. While still in the developmental stage, predictive biomarkers have been identified that may aid patient selection for treatment options in bladder cancer and specifically identifying which patients will do well with radiotherapy and which may be better directed to surgery. This now requires further validation to validate their predictive power and clinical value.

MRE11 is a DNA damage response (DDR) protein that forms part of the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex. The MRN complex plays an important role in detecting double stranded DNA damage and repair77. While it is anticipated that increased MRN complex proteins indicate poor radiosensitivity, different studies have concluded to the contrary. The expression of MRE11 has been shown to predictive disease specific survival following radical radiotherapy in a test and validation cohort with high MRE11 expression associated with improved 3 year disease specific survival in patients following radiotherapy.MRE11 expression is not associated with outcomes with RC78. This has been further validated in a separate patient cohort79. MRE11 may be able to stratify patients into those better treated with either surgery or bladder preserving treatment. Further validation in other cohorts has however been disappointing with problems associated with assay reproducibility and to date there is no routine clinical use of MRE11 for patient selection.

The RTOG has reported that in patients with HER-2 positive MIUC, there is a reduction in response to chemoradiotherapy.80. In a biomarker-selective non-randomised study, patients with HER-2 positive disease were treated with trastuzumab in addition to radiosensitisation. This resulted in similar complete response rates (72% in HER-2 positive group vs 68% in HER-2 negative group) despite expectations that response rates would be lower in HER-2 positive patients81. While this is a small study and the radiosensitising regimen used is non-standard, it suggests the possibility of improving outcomes in this patient group.

In addition to concurrent chemoradiotherapy, another option of radiosensitisation in TMT is hypoxia modification. As a step towards biological stratification in choice of radiosensitisers, work has been done on tumour samples collected in the phase III study, BCON, previously discussed. This has allowed tissue biomarkers to be explored in association with outcomes in the trial and led to the identification of a number of potentially significant predictive biomarkers for hypoxia modification.

Necrosis, CA-IX, hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), and a gene signature have been shown to predict improved outcome when patients are treated with hypoxia modification. Eustace et al examined a variety of histopathological features in 231 patients’ samples from the BCON trial, and found that necrosis and CA-XI predicted benefit from hypoxia modification82. Further analysis of tumour samples with HIF-1α staining showed the use of hypoxia modification in combination with radiotherapy is associated with a significant improvement in local relapse free survival in patients with high HIF-1α expression compared to radiotherapy alone, while there was no improvement with hypoxia modification in patients with low HIF-1α expression83. Similarly, a 24 gene signature that identified hypoxic muscle-invasive tumours and predicted benefit from the addition of hypoxia modification to radiotherapy66 as demonstrated in figure 5. (FIG 4)

With appropriate validation, predictive biomarkers have the ability to aid clinicians and patients in deciding between treatment options and in formulating the appropriate management plans. Different biomarkers in MIUC and their potential for clinical use have been identified. We have discussed a few examples, in particular, predictive biomarkers that have been validated or are derived from data within a randomised controlled trial. These examples predict response with bladder preserving treatments. Biomarkers that predict response to RC will be invaluable, and allow the development of algorithms to aid clinical decision on definitive treatment options. (FIG 5)


With improvement in TURBT techniques, radiotherapy delivery and supportive care, patient outcomes with organ preservation treatments in bladder cancer has improved over the years5,38. As response rates and survival outcomes from both RC and TMT are comparable, patients should be offered both options. Unfortunately, despite the potential impact on quality of life, treatment choice is currently largely dependent on the centre where the patient is treated84 and the clinician’s usual practice. We must look to exploit the ability to stratify patients using predictive biomarkers and improve the accuracy of radiotherapy delivery with new technology. This will hopefully allow informed decisions by clinicians and patients, thereby giving appropriate patients better access to bladder preservation treatments.When counselling patients and discussing potential treatment plans, a scientific approach will allow the clinician to offer patients true bespoke management plans based on robust evidence. Importantly, this then translates to empowering patients to make informed decisions that would have an effect on their long term outcomes and quality of life.


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Figures Legend

FIG 1. Mechanism of action of commonly used radiosensitisers

FIG 2. Adaptive radiotherapy with plan of the day (POD) strategy. Blue – Small plan; Purple – Medium plan; Green – Large plan. (a) Axial (b) Sagittal (c) Coronal

FIG 3. Comparison of CBCT (a) and MRI (b) images of the pelvis

FIG 4. Kaplan–Meier plots for BCON patients receiving (A) RT alone (B) RT plus CON. Patients were stratified into high-hypoxia and low-hypoxia by the 24-gene signature. Patients with persistent muscle-invasive disease or with no cystoscopy after treatment had their time set to zero66.

FIG 5. A putative algorithm: an example to illustrate the potential of personalised treatment with validated biomarkers. It is important to note that this is a highly speculative model, biomarkers listed have not been adequately tested and should not be used in clinical practice until more studies have been carried out.

Figures and Tables


Figure 1 Mechanism of action of commonly used radiosensitising agents


Figure 2 Plan of the day (POD) adaptive radiotherapy plan. Blue – Small plan; Purple – Medium plan; Green – Large plan


Figure 3 Comparison between MRI(a) and CBCT(b)


Figure 4 Kaplan–Meier plots for BCON patients receiving (A) RT alone (B) RT plus CON. Patients were stratified into high-hypoxia and low-hypoxia by the 24-gene signature. Patients with persistent muscle-invasive disease or with no cystoscopy after treatment had their time set to zero. (Source: Yang et al[1])


Figure 5. A putative algorithm: an example to illustrate the potential of personalised treatment with validated biomarkers. It is important to note that this is a highly speculative model, biomarkers listed have not been adequately tested and should not be used in clinical practice until more studies have been carried out.

|Study |Purpose/Methods |Findings |

|Nishioka et al |Inter- and intrafraction bladder motion |Anterior and cranial tumour groups showed larger |

|(2017)[2] | |interfractional movement than tumours on the |

| |Fiducial markers implanted into tumour beds |opposite side (not statistically significant). |

|n=29 | | |

| |Comparison of caudal vs cranial, anterior vs posterior and |Increase in intrafraction movement over time. |

| |left vs right wall tumours and markers movement between | |

| |fractions and during different time points within a | |

| |fraction. | |

|Dees-Ribbers et al |Inter- and intrafraction bladder motion |No significant difference in bladder wall motion in |

|(2014)[3] | |empty and full bladders. |

| |Comparison of the impact of empty and full bladder on | |

|n=40 |bladder wall motion |Maximum movement in anterior and cranial directions |

|Foroudi et al (2012) |Intrafraction bladder motion |Maximum movement in anterior and cranial directions.|

|[4] | | |

| |Bladder motion compared on daily pre-treatment and weekly |1.2cm anterior and 1.25cm superior margins required |

|n=50 |post-treatment CBCT |to account for intrafraction motion |

| | | |

| |Empty bladder protocol | |

|McBain et al (2009)[5]|Intrafraction bladder motion |Dominant source of motion was due to bladder |

| | |filling. |

|n=15 |Cine-MRI scans on 2 occasions with bladder contoured at 3 | |

| |different time points. |Maximum movement in anterior and cranial directions |

| | | |

| |Empty bladder protocol | |

|Fokdal et al (2003) |Interfraction bladder motion |Bladder and rectum volume impact bladder movements |

|[6] | | |

| |Compared bladder position on CT scans with different rectal |Maximum movement in anterior and cranial directions |

|n=15 |and bladder filling, and post-treatment CT scan to RTP scan.| |

| | |2.4cm anterior and 3.5cm cranial margins required to|

| | |ensure coverage compared to standard isotropic |

| | |margin of 2cm. |

|Meijer et al (2003)[7]|Interfraction bladder motion |Maximum movement in posterior and cranial |

| | |directions. |

| |Compared bladder position on weeks 1, 3 and 5 of treatment | |

|n=10 | | |

| |Empty bladder protocol | |

Table 1. Summary of studies on bladder motion


[1] L. Yang et al., “A Gene Signature for Selecting Benefit from Hypoxia Modification of Radiotherapy for High-Risk Bladder Cancer Patients,” Clin. Cancer Res., vol. 23, no. 16, pp. 4761–4768, Aug. 2017.

[2] K. Nishioka et al., “Analysis of inter- and intra fractional partial bladder wall movement using implanted fiducial markers,” Radiat. Oncol., vol. 12, no. 1, p. 44, Dec. 2017.

[3] H. M. Dees-Ribbers, A. Betgen, F. J. Pos, T. Witteveen, P. Remeijer, and M. van Herk, “Inter- and intra-fractional bladder motion during radiotherapy for bladder cancer: A comparison of full and empty bladders,” Radiother. Oncol., vol. 113, no. 2, pp. 254–259, Nov. 2014.

[4] F. Foroudi, D. Pham, M. Bressel, S. Gill, and T. Kron, “Intrafraction Bladder Motion in Radiation Therapy Estimated From Pretreatment and Posttreatment Volumetric Imaging,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol., vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 77–82, May 2013.

[5] C. A. McBain et al., “Assessment of Bladder Motion for Clinical Radiotherapy Practice Using Cine–Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol., vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 664–671, Nov. 2009.

[6] L. Fokdal, H. Honoré, M. Høyer, P. Meldgaard, K. Fode, and H. von der Maase, “Impact of changes in bladder and rectal filling volume on organ motion and dose distribution of the bladder in radiotherapy for urinary bladder cancer,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 436–444, Jun. 2004.

[7] G. J. Meijer, C. Rasch, P. Remeijer, and J. V. Lebesque, “Three-dimensional analysis of delineation errors, setup errors, and organ motion during radiotherapy of bladder cancer,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1277–1287, Apr. 2003.


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