Elizabeth Childs-Johnson 江伊莉, Ph.D. 2011

757-478-9755 (cell) Mailing address:

echildsjohnson@ 530 Mowbray Arch

web site: Elizabeth Childs- Norfolk, VA 23507



Ph.D. 1984, Fall Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

DOCTORIAL DISSERTATION: The Relationship between Symbol and Function in the Ritual Art of Shang China: New Archeological and Bone Inscriptional Evidence, Professor Alexander C. Soper, advisor

M.A. 1974, Spring Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

MASTER'S THESIS: Urartian Architecture and Its Influence Upon Iran in the First Millenium B.C., Professor Donald B. Hansen, advisor

B.A. 1968-1969 (January) Washington Square College, NYU

1966-1968 Pitzer College, Claremont, CA

LANGUAGE STUDY: Five years of Chinese, Columbia Univ. 1971-76; Two years of Chinese, including oracle bone and bronze script, Taiwan National University and Guoyu Ribao,Taiwan, 1978-79. Two years of Japanese, Columbia University, 1980-81. One intensive 3-month study of Chinese, Stanford Center, Taibei, Taiwan, Summer of l991.

RELATED MINOR: Early and Medieval Chinese History, Columbia University, l971-74 and Near Eastern Archeology, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 1974-1984.


Chinese art and archaeology of the Neolithic and Bronze Age, particularly Shang; oracle bone and bronze scripts as indicators of Shang and Zhou ritual; Buddhist arts of Asia; Daoist and Buddhist painting of traditional China; Chinese cultural heritage law and archaeology in modern China; contemporary Chinese art.


2011-12 Guest Co-editor with Lai Yingying, “Art and Politics in Today’s China and Taiwan,” Modern China Studies 当代中国研究 Special Issue

2006-10 Research Associate Professor, Art Department and Institute of Asian Studies, Old Dominion University

2006- Advisory Board, China Studies Center, Old Dominion University

2002- Senior Editor, Chinese Archaeological Digests, Beijing: Institute of

Archaeology, CASS.

2003-5 American Council of Learned Societies, National Program for Advanced

Study and Research in China Fellow, NEH

J. Paul Getty Trust Paired Research Fellow, National Gallery of Art, Center for

Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Washington,D.C.

2002-5 Research Associate, International Liangzhu Culture Studies Center, Yuhangxian, Zhejiang, People’s Republic of China

1997-99 Research Associate, East Asian Studies Program, New York University

1993-99 Editorial Board, Early China, East Asian Institute, UC Berkeley

1991-97 Assistant Professor, Department of Art, Hamilton College

1990-91 Visiting Assistant Professor, Division of the Arts, Fordham University, Lincoln Center, New York

1989-90 John Paul Getty Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Archaeology and Art History, Columbia University

1987-88 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Art History, UC Santa Barbara

1986-87 Committee on Scholarly Communication with the PRC, Postdoctoral Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Dept. of Ancient Chinese History, Beijing

1985-86 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Art History, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA

1976/Fall Adjunct Lecturer, Dept. of Art History, Bard College

1975/Fall Adjunct Lecturer, Dept. of Art History, Brooklyn College

1974/Fall Adjunct Lecturer, H.H. Lehmann College, New York


Arts of Buddhism; Ancient Art and Archaeology of China; Introduction to East Asian Art; Introduction to Chinese Art; Introduction to Japanese Art; Chinese Painting; Seminar in Chinese Painting; Seminar in Chinese Archaeology


2012? Guest Curator, “Jade Age China,” Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology, Beijing University, PRC and US venues

2010 Senior Lecturer, “Classic China & the Yangtze” Tour, Smithsonian Journeys, October 13-26, 2010.

2007-10 Collections Committee (Advisory Board), Hermitage Foundation Museum.

2004 Senior Cultural Property Consultant (China), Cultural Heritage Center, US State

Department, Washington, D.C.

2002 Curator, "Enduring Art of Jade Age China II", Throckmorton Fine Art Ltd.,

New York, March 17- April 27, 2002

2001 Curator, "Enduring Art of Jade Age China I", Throckmorton Fine Art Ltd., New

York, March 2-April 12, 2001

1999 Guest Lecturer, Harvard University Alumni Tour of the Yangtze River, China,

November, 1999

Guest Curator "Lustrous, Enduring and Translucent: Jades from Traditional

China", Weisbrod Chinese Art, N.Y.

1998- Consultant, Ancient Chinese Art and Archaeology

1997 Senior editor, Great Wall Across the Yangtze, Public Broadcasting Station,

October 2000.

1993/6 Consultant, Organizer and Chair, Symposium on "Ten Dynasties of Chinese

Ceramics," Taipei Gallery, New York

1993/Fall Curator, "Tibetan Art from the Newark Museum of Art," Emerson Art Gallery, Hamilton College

1993/Fall Guest Curator, "Mount Fuji as Symbol and Theme in Japanese Woodblock Prints of the Edo Period," Munson, Williams, Proctor Institute of Art, Utica, New York

1992/Fall Curator, "The Calligraphy of Wang Fangyu", Emerson Art Gallery, Hamilton College

1991-96 Art Advisory Committee, Hamilton College

1991/Fall Curator, "Mingqi: Han and Tang Spirit Sculptures", Emerson Art Gallery, Hamilton College

1991/Dec Organizer and Chair, Symposium on "Art and Society of Contemporary China", Emerson Art Gallery, Hamilton College

1991-94 Guest lectures and art demonstrations, Hamilton College, Wang Fang-yu on "His Calligraphy as Art", Prof. Michael Sullivan, Stanford Univ. on "Contemporary Chinese Painting" and Lopsang Aye, Ex-Lama, "Tibet Before and After Chinese Occupation."

1990-97 Consultant, Ancient Chinese Art, Christie's, New York

1988-89 Director and Consultant, China House of Arts, New York

1987-88 Guest Curator, "Ritual and Power: Jades of Ancient China", China Institute in America, New York

1983-86 Consultant,Chinese and Buddhist art, Sotheby Parke-Bernet, NYC

1982/5 Tour guide and translator, China Study Tour, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

1981/2 The Neuberger Museum of Art and Archaeology, Archaeology Tours to China

1979/Fall Director of Lecture Series: Aspects of Chinese Art, China Institute, Art Consultant, Exhibitions: Treasures from the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Chinese Art from the Newark Museum, China Institute in America


2003-4 American Council of Learned Societies, Research Fellow, Nanjing University and International Center for Liangzhu Studies, Hangzhou

2002 J. Paul Getty Trust Paired Fellows for Research in Conservation and the History of Art and Archaeology, National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Washington D.C. with Professor Zhengyao Jin, CASS, Beijing, China

2002- Research Associate, International Center for Liangzhu Studies, Yuhangxian, Zhejiang, PRC

2001/2 Invited participant of collaborative study and travel in Mexico, "Early China and Mesoamerica", sponsored by Thor Heyerdahl Foundation, Catholic Texas University, Dallas Fort Worth.

1999/7 Pacific Cultural Foundation Fellowship for Research Project "The Art & Archaeology of Ba, Shu and Chu in Early China (The Yangtze River Valley: The Southern Cradle of Chinese Civilizatio2)2n)"

1998/11 Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange Travel Grant, "The Third International Conference on the Ancient Cultures of South China and Neighboring Regions: East Asian Jade", Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art, Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 23-28, 1998.

1998 International Rivers Network Research Grant, "Documentation of Three Gorges Archaelogy in Eastern Sichuan and Western Hubei"

1996/4 Hamilton College Faculty Conference Travel Grant, "East Asian Archaeology Network First World Conference" and "AAS 48th Annual Meeting", Honolulu, Hawaii

1996/11 Hamilton College Faculty Conference Travel Grant, "The International Symposium on the Liangzhu Culture", Yuhang, Zhejiang, PRC, 11/1-4, 1996

1995-96 Sponsor and collaborator: "Jade as Art and the Emergence of Chinese Civilization," Chinese Fellowship for Scholarly Development CSCC (ACLS, NAS, SSRC) to Professor Mou Yongkang, Institute of Archaeology, Zhejiang, PRC in collaboration with E. Childs-Johnson and K.C. Chang at US host institutions, Harvard University and Hamilton College.

1994/10 Hamilton College Faculty Conference Travel Grant, "The

International Conference Celebrating the 95th Anniversary of the Discovery of Oracle Bone Inscriptions", Anyang, Henan, October 10-16, 1994.

1993/5 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation invited speaker and grantee, "International Symposium: Chinese Archaeology Enters the 21st Century" Beijing University, PRC

1992/4 CSCPRC (Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China) Conference Travel Grant, "The 60th Anniversary of Excavations at Sanxingdui," Guanghan, Sichuan

1989-90 John Paul Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship, Columbia University, Department of Art History & Archaeology

1988/10 American Council of Learned Societies Travel Grant, (ACLS) "International Conference on the Bronze Cultures of South China," Kunming, Yunnan, PRC

1987-88 CSCPRC Research Grant, Beijing University and travel to jade sites north and south coastal China.

1984/9 ACLS Conference Travel Grant, "International Paleography Symposium," Xian, Shaanxi, PRC

1978-79 John D. Rockefeller III Fund Fellowship, Taiwan, Academia Sinica, Nangang, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship,Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong

1980-83 University Fellowship, New York University

1972-77 Institute of Fine Arts Fellowship; Florence Waterbury Fellowship


“The Big Ding and China Power 四脚鼎中国的权力,”The International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology (ICCHA), Institute of Archaeology, University College London, Peking University and Baoji Municipal People's Government, Shaanxi province, PRC, “Emergence of Bronze Age Societies: A Global Perspective 全球视野下的青铜时代” November 08-12, 2011 .

Tongling Symposium on Bronze Civilization 2010 铜陵青铜时代的讨论会 2010, Tongling, Anhui, China, September 23-25, 2010 (Erligang Bronzes and Shang Hegemony 二里岗商代青铜器与霸权)

The International Conference of Bronze Civilization and Archaeometry

青铜文明与科技考古国际学术会议Tongling, China, 23 -27 September 2008 (The Meaning of the Graph Yi and its Implications for Shang Belief and Art 甲骨文的異字 和商信仰与艺术的启示)

Fourth Worldwide Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (SEAA) 2-5 June 2008, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IACASS), Beijing, China (“Jade Age Jades and Jade Age Material Sources” panel, chair and speaker)

International Conference on Early Civilization in China, November 10-13, 2005, Zhengzhou, China (The Royal Ding Sacrifice and Royal Ding Vessel 鼎祭祀與鼎銅器)

"Royal Tetrapod Ding Vessels and the Royal Ding Sacrifice", Early China Seminar, September 25, 2004, Columbia University

The 4th International Workshop on Jade-Working Cultures 中國玉器文化與玉器﹣第四個國際討論會, May 17-21, 2004, Dalian, Liaoning (Questions Concerning the Jade Age 玉器時代的問題)

International Academic Symposium of Anyang China’s Yin Shang Culture中國安陽殷商文化 國際學術討論會 July 15-18,2004, Anyang, Henan,

China (The Significance of “Yi” in Shang Oracle Bone Script and Shang Bronze Imagery 商時代甲骨文的“異“與彝術品上的“異”)

Academic Symposium on China's Liangzhu Culture中国良渚学树讨论会, November 15-17, 2003, Yuhang, Zhejiang, PRC (The Question of Jade Cultures and the Jade Age 玉器文化与玉器時代再說 )

The Fourth International Conference on Chinese Paleography [ICCP], November 15-17, 2003, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

(Fu Zi: The Shang Woman Warrior 婦子:商時代的女武士).

American Oriental Society 213th Meeting, East Asia VI: Metamorphic Religion in Shang and Chu China ("Religious Metamorphism and Spirit Empowerment: The Meaning of the Graph 'Yi' in Shang Bone Inscriptions and in Shang Art"), April 4-7, 2003, Nashville, TN.

"The Ding Issue; Exorcism and Ancestor Worship", Early China Seminar (Depts. of History and Anthropology), 12/13/02, Harvard University.

"The Ding Ritual Vessel, Sacrifices and More about Shang Religion", Early China Roundtable, 11/19/02, Lehigh University.

Symposium on Sanxingdui Jades and Bronzes三星堆文化的清铜玉器讨论会 " April 4-9, 2002, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, PRC (Sanxingdui and Anyang Relations三星堆跟安陽的關系)

Speaker and organizer, "Enduring Art of Jade Age China Symposium," March 21, 2002, Columbia University.

"Three Star Mounds and China‚s Southern Cradle of Civilization,” Classics Colloquium, November 16, 2001, Bryn Mawr College, PA.

Conference on Chinese Jades Across the Taiwan Straits, Taiwan National University, Taibei, Taiwan, June 20-23, 2001 (Three Major Cultures of the Jade Age 三個重要的玉文化)

Distinguished Research Conference on China’s Ancient Jades and Jade Cultures 对中国古代玉器与玉文化的杰出研究会议, November 1-6, 2000, Beijing University, PRC (Concerning the Jade Age Question 關玉器時代)

"Metamorphosis and Communication with the Gods", New England Conference, Association for Asian Studies, September 30-October1, 2000, Brown University, Providence, RI.

International Conference In Honor of the 70th Year Since Discovery of Sanxingdui and the Birth of Shang Civilization国际会议的70周年荣誉自三星堆的发现与殷商文明的诞生, July 26-28, 2000, Guanghan, Sichuan, PRC (Shang Masks 商假面具)

Recent Excavations and New Interpretations: Revisiting Early Chinese History Symposium, April 1, 2000, China Institute, New York (The Three Gorges Dam and Cultural Losses).

The International Workshop on Cultural Heritage Management and Dams", World Commission on Dams, February 12-17/ 2000, University of Florida (Three Gorges Archaeology and The Fate of China's Southern Heritage: Ba, Shu and Chu)

"The Three Gorges of China: Race Against Time," Archaeological Institute of America, Long Island Society, February 6, 2000

International Conference on Oracle-Bone Inscriptions and Shang Civilization 国际会议甲骨文卜辞与殷商文明, April 1-3, 1999, Dept. of History, Nanjing University. [In absentum]

The Third International Conference on the Ancient Culture of South China 第三次国际会议对南中国古代文化 ", November 23-28, 1998, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (American Collections and Studies of Neolithic and Early Historic Period Chinese Jade)

"Three Gorges Archaeology," Annual Meeting of the Archaeology Institute of America, December 28, 1998; and China Institute, December 14, 1998.

"Spectacular Shang Art: Sanxingdui Bronzes," for the panel "Examining New Studies in Asian Art," and "The 4 Foot Tall Bronze Spirit Tree from a Three Gorges Site in Sichuan Province,” "Art Across Borders," New York Conference on Asian Studies, October 15-17, 1998.

"The Written Word on Ritual Art of Early China," "Rereading Chinese Art History," CAA Annual Meeting Toronto, Canada, February 26-29, 1998.

"The Three Gorges Dam and the Fate of Ba Art and Archaeology", Comparative Archaeology Seminar Inaugural Lecture, John Paul Getty Museum, January 13, 1998

"Three Gorges Archaeology," East Asian Archaeology Seminar, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, December 10, 1997.

"Shang Metamorphic Imagery," East Asian Archaeology Seminar, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, December 11, 1997.

"Survival, Revival, Legitimation, or Innovation", Warring States Project Symposium, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, October 10-12, 1997.

"Three Gorges Archaeology and the Fate of China's South", Symposium on the Three Gorges, The American Forum for Global Education, New York, April 12, 1997; and China Institute, New York, March 27, 1997.

"The Art of Ba and Three Gorges Archaeology," Archaeological Institute of America, Scarsdale, NY, March 6, 1997.

"The Birth of the Chinese Ancestor Cult and Ritual Bronze Imagery," Metropolitan Museum of Art, February 21, 1997.

"Three Gorges Art and Archaeology", "China and the Yangtze River", Harvard and Yale Alumni Associations, Victoria II cruise ship, Chongqing, Sichuan- Wuhan, Hubei, PRC, November 16-30, 1996.

"Jade and Ritual Bronze Imagery," The Oriental Ceramics Society, Hong Kong, November 15, 1996.

The International Symposium on the Liangzhu Culture 良渚文化国际学术研讨会, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. November 1-4, 1996 (Liangzhu Jades and the Jade Age 良渚玉与玉器時代).

"The Jade Age Defined," Stones from Heaven: Ancient Chinese Jade Symposium, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, March 24,1996.

"Jade in Early Chinese Culture," The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies, March 25,1996.

"Jade as Material and Its Cultural Expression," East Asian Archaeology Network First World Conference, Honolulu, April 8-11, 1996.

"The Fate of Ba Art and the Three Gorges," Round Table: The Three Gorges Dam: Local and Global Perspectives, China and Inner Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies, 48th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, April 11-14, 1996.

Invited speaker in conjunction with Professor Mou Yongkang, The Zhejiang Institute of Archaeology, "The Jade Age and the Emergence of Chinese Civilization", presented at the following institutions:

1. Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, December 6, 1995

2. New England East Asian Art History Seminar, Harvard University, December 12, 1995

3. The Council of East Asian Studies, Yale University, February 14, 1996

"The Jade Age: When Jade Art Served as the Primary Symbol of Political and Religious Power", Stones from Heaven: Ancient Chinese Jade Symposium Papers, Los Angeles Museum of Natural History, 1995.

International Conference Celebrating the 95th Anniversary of the Discovery of Oracle Bone Inscriptions 国际会议庆祝甲骨文的发现95周年, Anyang, Henan province, PRC, October 10-16, 1994 (The Gui-Spirit in Oracle Bone Inscriptions and the Mask 甲骨文的“鬼”与假面具)

"Mt. Fuji as Theme and Symbol in Japanese Woodblock Prints," Munson Williams Proctor Institute, Utica, New York, October, 1993.

Chinese Archaeology Enters the 21st Century,中国考古进入21世纪The Beijing University, Department of Archaeology, May 26-30, 1993. (The Demon Who Devours but Cannot Swallow: Metamorphosis in Shang Ritual Bronze Imagery 鬼 为吞食但无法吞咽:商代青铜礼意象变形记).

International Conference on the History and Culture of Ba-Shu 国际会议的历史和巴蜀文化, Guanghan, Sichuan, April 1-6, 1992 (Sanxingdui Bronze Imagery and Its Relationship to Mainstream Shang Traditions 三星堆青铜意象及其与传统主流商).

"Erlitou Period Jades: Royal Xia Insignia," International Conference on the Xia Culture, UCLA, July 7-10, 1990.

"The Significance of the Bird in Ancient Chinese Ritual Art," Traditional China Seminar, Columbia University, December 12, 1989.

International Conference on Ancient Bronze Drums and Bronze Cultures in South China and Southeast Asia 国际会议古代铜鼓及南中国及东南亚地区青铜文化 "Kunming, Yunnan, September 9-12, 1988 (Shamanistic Characteristics of Shang Ritual Art and Some Speculations about Recent Finds from Sanxingdui, Guanghan, Sichuan 萨满祭祀的特点尚艺术与有关从三星堆,广汉,四川最近发现的一些思考)

"The Proto-Spirit Mask of Late Neolithic Jade Art and Its Relationship to Shang Ritual Art Imagery", East Asian Languages Department, Stanford University, June 10, 1988.

"The Spirit Behind Shang Bronze Vessel Imagery," Seminar on Oriental

Culture, University of California, Santa Barbara, July 19, 1988.

"The Spirit Mask in Shang Ritual Art," Shang Religion and Ritual Art panel, Association for Asian Studies Meeting, San Francisco, March 1988; Traditional China Seminar, Columbia University, December 7, 1987.

"Shamanism in Shang Ritual Art," Asian and the American Indian Symposium, The Asia Society, New York, February 6, 1987.

The International Conference on Yin-Shang Culture 国际会议殷商文化 Anyang, Henan, September 9, 1987 (The Ancestor Spirit and Animal Mask in Shang Ritual Art在商代祭祀祖先的艺术精神与兽面纹 [in absentium].

"Buddhism Enters China” lecture series, China Institute, NYC, Fall, l982.

"Shang Bronzes:Form and Function," lecture series, China Institute, NYC, Fall, l984.


Chinese with specialization in oracle bone and bronze scripts

Classical Chinese; written Japanese; written German and French


XianQinshi Yanjiushi 先秦史 研究室 Institute of History, CASS

Association of Asian Studies

College Art Association

Traditional China Seminar, Columbia University

Archaeological Association of America

Society for American Archaeology

East Asian Archaeological Network

Early China Studies Roundtable

Mid-Atlantic Regional Association of Asian Studies

Society for the Study of Early China

Society for the Study of Chinese Religion

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 2010 Elizabeth Childs-Johnson


2012 with John Major, Metamorphism and the Ancestor Cult in Early China, University of Hawaii Press.

2012 The Birth of the Chinese Ancestor Cult: The Shang and Their Ritual Bronzes, Stanford University Press.


2011-12 Co-editor with Lai Ying Ying (ed.), Art and Politics in Today’s China and Taiwan, Modern China Studies, 2011.2 and 2012.1.

2009 with Gu Fang 古方, The Jade Age: Early Chinese Jades in American Museums玉器时代,美国博物馆 臧 中国早期玉器, Beijing: Science Press 科学出版社. [Chinese and English]

2008 The Meaning of the Graph Yi 異 and Its Implications for Shang Belief and Art, East Asia Journal Monograph, ISBN-10 1 872843 63 8, London: Saffron Press.

2002 Enduring Art of Jade Age China Volume II, N.Y.: Throckmorton Fine Art.

2001 Enduring Art of Jade Age China (Ancient Chinese Jades of Neolithic through Han), New York: Throckmorton Fine Art.

1999 Lustrous, Enduring and Translucent: Jades from Traditional China, New York: Weisbrod Chinese Art Ltd., March.

1988 Ritual and Power: Jades of Ancient China, New York: China Institute in America.


2010 “ An Introduction to the Spectacular Jades Discovered in Sichuan Province, China,” in Shang and Western Zhou Jades, New York:

Throckmorton Fine Art, 9-22.

with Gu Fang, “Chinese Jade Types of the Shang and Western Zhou Periods,” in Shang and Western Zhou Jades, New York: ThrockmortonFine Art, 23-43.

2007 "Fu Zi, the Shang Woman Warrior,” in A Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women Vol.I Shang through Sui Periods, ed. by Lily Xiao Hong Lee and A.D. Stefanowska, Armonk, NY and London: M. E. Sharpe, 2007, 19-25.

2004 "The Big Buddha at Single Pebble Village" Yangzi: The Yangtze River and the Three Gorges, ed. by Judy Bonavia and Richard Hayman, Odyssey Pub., Ltd.

2002 “Jade as Confucian Ideal, Immortal Cloak, and Medium for the Metamorphic Fetal Pose,” Enduring Art of Jade Age China Volume II, NY: Throckmorton Fine Art, 2002, 15-24.

2000 "Three Gorges Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management in China", International Workshop on Cultural Heritage Management and Dams, in World Commission on Dams Report, University of Florida, Feb. 14 -17, 2000.

1998 "American Collections and Studies of Neolithic and Early Historic Period Chinese Jades" in Tang Chung, ed., East Asian Jade: Symbol of Excellence, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Center for Chinese Archaeology and Art, 119-124.

"Jade As Material and Epoch", Ch. 1 in China: 5000 Years, Innovation and Transformation in the Arts, New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 55-68.


2009 “An Abbreviated History of Northern Qi Buddhist Art,” Faces of Eternity, New York: Throckmorton Fine Art, 4-20.

2008 “Qijia Jades,” Jades of the Qijia Culture. New York: Throckmorton Fine Art, 3-14.

2006 “The Chinese Jade Disk Named Bi and Prismatic Cylinder Named Cong,” Heaven and Earth, N.Y.:Throckmorton Fine Art, 4-17.

2001 "Neolithic through Warring States Period Jades in the Xuan-Ji Collec-tion", Xuan-Ji exhibition catalog, Sept.15-25, 2001, N.Y.: Waldorf Astoria

1999 "The Fate of Three Gorges Archaeology and Art: The Maitreya Buddha Cave Temple at Single Pebble Town", Asian Art Newspaper, April, 1999, 3.

"The Metamorphic Image: A Predominant Theme in Shang Ritual Art", Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities No.70 (Stockholm), l998, 5-171.

1998 Web page on "Three Gorges Archaeology" at and .

"Metamorphic Imagery in Early Chinese Art", Kaikodo Journal Feb. 1998, 30-51.

1996 "Race Against Time: A Compendium of Endangered Sites", Archaeology, November/ December 1996, 38-43.

"The Three Gorges Dam and the Fate of China's Southern Heritage", Orientations, July/August 1996, 55-61; followed by an abridged version in Dai Qing.ed., "The Fate of China's Southern Heritage" The River Dragon Has Come!, 200-210.

1995 "The Ghost Head Mask and Metamorphic Shang Imagery", Early China 20 (1995), 79-92.

"Symbolic Jades of the Erlitou Period: A Xia Royal Tradition", Archives of Asian Art XLVIII (1995), 64-90.

1991 "论思考与商代三星堆,四川广汉新发现萨满教祭祀的艺术特征的关系(Speculations on the relationship between shamanic characteristics of Shang ritual art with new finds from Sanxingdui, Guanghan, Sichuan)", Nanfang Minzu Kaogu 南方民祖考古, 1989.2, 65-67 (Chengdu: Sichuan University)

"Jades of the Hongshan Culture: The Dragon and Fertility Cult Worship", Arts Asiatiques XLVI (1991), 82-95.

1990 "Professor Alexander C. Soper", Orientations Jan 1990, 26-32.

"The Bird in Shang Ritual Art: Intermediary to the Supernatural", Orientations Nov. 1989, 53-60; translated into Chinese as "Shangdai fenghuang-- goutong shenling de meijie, Sichuan Wenwu [In Chinese].

1989 "Review article of Robert Bagley, Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler Collections", Art Bulletin LXII:1 (1989), 149-156.

1988 "Dragons, Masks, Axes and Blades from Four Newly Documented Jade-Working Cultures of Ancient China", Orientations April 1988, 30-41; reprinted in Chinese Jade: Selected articles from Orientations 1983-1996, Hong Kong: Orientations Magazine Ltd., l997.

1987 "The Jue-Vessel and Its Ritual Use in the Ancestor Cult of Shang China," Artibus Asiae XLVIII:3-4 (1987), 171-196.

1983 "Identification of the Tomb Occupant and Periodization of M5", Excavation of Tomb No.5 at Yinxu, Anyang, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology XV:3, Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1-37.

1974 "Urartian Influence upon Iranian Architecture in the Early First Millennium B.C.", Marsyas XVII, 21-38.


2011-12 “The Big Ding and China Power 四脚大鼎,中国的权力,” Proceedings of the Emergence of Bronze Age Societies: A Global Perspective 全球视野下的青

铜时代. Baoji, Shaanxi province. November

2009 “The Royal Tetrapod Ding and the Royal Ding Sacrifice商王的四角鼎与鼎的祭祀,” Third International Conference on Bronze Civilization and Archaeometry Proceedings, Tongling-Hefei China, 24-26 September 2008.

2003 "Fu Zi: The Shang Woman Warrior 妇子商女战士, The Fourth International Conference on Chinese Paleography [ICCP] Proceedings, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, October 15-17, 2003, 619-651.

2001 "The Jade Age of Early China: Three Significant Jade Working Cultures during the Pivotal Period 4000-2000BCE", in Haixia Liangan Guyu Xuehui Yilunwen Zhuankan (I), Taibei: Taiwan National University, 2001, 187-98.

"The Demon Who Devours But Cannot Swallow: Human to Animal Metamorphosis in Shang Ritual Bronze Imagery," Chinese Archaeology Enters the Twenty-first Century Symposium Papers, Beijing University, Department of Archaeology, 1993, mscrpt 1-20 (Eng. and Chin.)

1998 “American Collections and Studies of Neolithic and Early Historic

Period Chinese Jades.” In Chung Tang, ed., East Asian Jade:

Symbol of Excellence, vol. II, 119-124. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1988 "Spirits and Masks in Shang Ritual Art," paper prepared for the 40th Annual Association of Asian Studies Conference Panel "Religion and Ritual Art in Shang China", 3/16/88, 1-15.


2003 with Jin Zhengyao, "Early Shang Bronze Art and Highly Radiogenic Lead", National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Center 23, Record of Activities and Research Reports, June 2002-May 2003, Washington, D.C., 57-60.

"Valiant Preservation Efforts Cut Losses As Yangtze Waters Rise", News, World Monuments, in Icon (New York) Summer 2003, 10.

1996 "Race Against Time" and "A Compendium of Endangered Sites", Archaeology Nov/Dec 1996, 38-45.

"The International Symposium on Liangzhu Culture," summary of papers presented Nov.1-4, 1996, Yuhang, Zhejiang, PRC, Early China News 9, (1996), 1, 20, 27-8.


2005 中国出土玉器全集 The Complete Set of Unearthed Jades from China, English summaries of 15 volumes, ed. by Gu Fang, Beijing: Science Press

2003 Director of Nanjing Museum, Xu Huping‚s "70th Anniversary of Nanjing Museum, Historic Overview" for display at the October exhibition and opening, 10/03. Preliminary Excavation Report of M2010 in the Guo State Cemetery at Sanmenxia City, Henan Province" and "Gold and Silver Wares of the Song Dynasty unearthed from a Cellar in Pengzhou, Sichuan", Chinese Archaeology vol.3, 2003.

2002 "Study of the Qin Clay Sealings at the Xiangjiaxiang Site in Xian,” (pp.40-45);"The Warring States Burial at Zhenzhichang in Luoyang Municipality", (pp.151-158);"Trial Excavation of the Qin city Site at Baodi", (pp.159-167; "The Stone Chambered Mounds on the West Hill at Mt. Yu in Changshu, Jiangsu", (182-190); "The Ancient Burials at Lijiashan in Jaingchuan, Yunnan", (pp.201-211); "Ancient Tombs at the Piyang-Donggar Site in Zanda County, Tibet", (pp.222-230); "The Paddy Field Remains at Lijiaba Area I in Chongqing",(pp.269-274) in Chinese Archaeology vol. 2, 2002.

"Distinguishing Modern Copies of Ancient Liangzhu Period Jades" by Jiang Song (pp. 25-30); "Prehistoric Jade Working Based on Remains at the Site of Dingshadi", by Lu Jianfang and Hang Tao", (pp.31-42); "Haidai (North Coastal) Longshan Jades of Early China", (pp.43-54), Enduring Art of Jade Age China, New York, 2002,.

2001 "Study of a Hongshan Culture Jade in the Image of an Ancestral Spirit" by Sun Shoudao (pp. 19-30); "Ancient Chinese Jade and the Jade Age", by Wen Guang, (pp.31-34), Enduring Art of Jade Age China, New York, 2001.

1992 Translation from Japanese, "Concerning the Inscription 'May Sons and Grandsons Eternally Use this [Vessel]," by Hayashi Minao,

Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Alexander C. Soper, Artibus Asiae LIII (1992), 1-7.

1983 Translation from Chinese, Excavation of Tomb No.5 at Yinxu, Anyang, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology XV:3, Armonk, New York: 1983, M.E. Sharpe, 1-131.


2009 Reviewed by Andrew Lawler in “Beyond the Yellow River: How China Became China,” Science August 21, 2009, 932, 930-43.

2000 The Great Wall Across the Yangtze, advisor for PBS (Public Broad-casting Station) documentary on Three Gorges art and archaeology

1994 Catalog entries for jade works of art in Christie's Arthur M. Sackler Collection of Chinese Works of Art, December 1994.

1993 "Mount Fuji as Symbol and Theme in Japanese Woodblock Prints of the Edo Period," introductory essay for exhibition of Mt. Fuji prints, Munson, Williams, Proctor Institute, NY, Fall 1993.

Introduction to Ten Dynasties of Chinese Ceramics from the Chang Foundation,Taipei Gallery of the Chinese Information and Culture Center, New York, 1993, 1-11.

1992 Chinese Mingqi: Han and Tang Spirit Sculptures, exhibition brochure, Emerson Gallery, Hamilton College, 11/21/1991- 1/6/1992.


2002 Review of Yang Xiaoneng, Reflection of Early China, Décor, Picto-graphs, and Pictorial Inscriptions, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art with the University of Washington Press, College Art Association Reviews Online Art Bulletin and Art Journal at September 23, 2002,1-3.

2001 Review of Yu Weichao, ed., A Journey into China's Antiquities, Volumes One-Three in China Review International, March 2001, University of Hawaii Press.

Review titled "Lost Opportunities and Questions Not Asked in Ancient Sichuan Treasures from a Lost Civilization", Asian Art Newspaper, September 2001, 11-12.

2000 Review of Yang Xiaoneng, ed., The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology in The Journal of Asian Studies, Spring, 2001.

1994 Review of Sarah Allen, The Shape of the Turtle: Myth, Art, and Cosmos in Early China, in The Journal of Asian Studies 53:1 (Feb., 1994), 156-158.

1992 Review of "Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Excavations at Sanxingdui; International Symposium on Scholarly Discussion of Ba Shu History and Culture," 4/1992, Guanghan, Sichuan, in Early China News Fall, 1992, 4.

1980 Review of Wen Fong, ed., The Great Bronze Age of China, in Oriental Art XXVI:4,(1980-81), 465-469.

Review of Michael Sullivan, Landscape Painting in China: Symbols of Eternity in San Jose Mercury News Feb.3, 1980, 1213.

1979 Review of Shirakawa Shizuka, Jiaguwen zhi shijie in Early China IV (1978-1979), 77-78.


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