NwaRLUG Officer & Planning Committee Guide

5499101968500Officer & Planning Committee GuideContents TOC \o "1-3" Letter from the President PAGEREF _Toc30062708 \h 4Mission Statement PAGEREF _Toc30062709 \h 5Bylaws PAGEREF _Toc30062710 \h 6Article I: Purpose: PAGEREF _Toc30062711 \h 6Article II: Governing Structure: PAGEREF _Toc30062712 \h 6Article III: Minutes, Reports, and Agendas: PAGEREF _Toc30062713 \h 6Article IV: Membership Eligibility: PAGEREF _Toc30062714 \h 6Article V: Compliance with By-Laws and other Guidelines: PAGEREF _Toc30062715 \h 7Article VI: Membership Benefits: PAGEREF _Toc30062716 \h 7Article VII: Membership Fees: PAGEREF _Toc30062717 \h 7Article VIII: Local Chapter Officers: PAGEREF _Toc30062718 \h 7Article IX: Local Chapter Officers' Duties: PAGEREF _Toc30062719 \h 8RLUG Leader will be responsible for the following duties: PAGEREF _Toc30062720 \h 8RLUG Co-Leader will be responsible for the following duties: PAGEREF _Toc30062721 \h 8RLUG Secretary will be responsible for the following duties: PAGEREF _Toc30062722 \h 8Article X: Meetings: PAGEREF _Toc30062723 \h 9Article XI: Meeting Locations: PAGEREF _Toc30062724 \h 9Article XII: Meeting Conduct: PAGEREF _Toc30062725 \h 9Article XIII: Other: PAGEREF _Toc30062726 \h 9Article XIV: Dissolution: PAGEREF _Toc30062727 \h 9Code of Conduct PAGEREF _Toc30062728 \h 10501(c)3 Status PAGEREF _Toc30062729 \h 11Volunteer Descriptions PAGEREF _Toc30062730 \h 12President (Elected) PAGEREF _Toc30062731 \h 13Vice-President (Elected) PAGEREF _Toc30062732 \h 14Secretary (Elected) PAGEREF _Toc30062733 \h 15Treasurer (Elected) PAGEREF _Toc30062734 \h 16Planning Committee Member (Elected) PAGEREF _Toc30062735 \h 17Sub-Group Coordinator (Appointed) PAGEREF _Toc30062736 \h 18Sub-Group Leader (Appointed) PAGEREF _Toc30062737 \h 19AV/Technical Coordinator (Appointed) PAGEREF _Toc30062738 \h 20How to Host a Meeting PAGEREF _Toc30062739 \h 21THINGS TO DO BEFORE THE MEETING PAGEREF _Toc30062740 \h 21THINGS TO DO DURING THE MEETING PAGEREF _Toc30062741 \h 22THINGS TO DO AFTER THE MEETING PAGEREF _Toc30062742 \h 22INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPDATING ROLLING ANNOUNCEMENTS PAGEREF _Toc30062743 \h 23List of Topics PAGEREF _Toc30062744 \h 25List of Speakers PAGEREF _Toc30062745 \h 26Forms PAGEREF _Toc30062746 \h 27Speaker Request Form Letter Sample PAGEREF _Toc30062747 \h 29Annual Banquet PAGEREF _Toc30062748 \h 30Annual Banquet Committees PAGEREF _Toc30062749 \h 31Election and Nominations PAGEREF _Toc30062750 \h 32Officer & PC Contact Information PAGEREF _Toc30062751 \h 33Letter from the PresidentWelcome?2020 nwaRLUG Officer &Planning Committee Members!On behalf of nwaRLUG, I would like to personally welcome you as an Officer or Planning Committee member. ?You have been nominated, vetted and voted into your position to serve this year. ?It is truly an honor and a privilege to be chosen to serve. ?Welcome!With that said, there are also duties and expectations that go along with your newfound position. ?You will be given an Officer & PC Guide at our first Officer & PC Meeting (Officer & PC Meetings are held the 1st Thursday of each month), which will be extremely beneficial in making the very most of your elected position and duties related to it. ?Please be sure to use this new guide in its entirety, and do not hesitate to contact your President or other Officers with any questions you may have. ?We are here to support each other throughout the year and will strive to do so in a professional manner.I have already updated our?OfficersAndPC@?distribution list with each of your email addresses. ?Please be sure to send any and all communication for our group to that distribution email.We also have an email distribution list of?Officers@?which will blast email to each of our Officers dedicated email addresses if you need to use it.Congratulations on your election to the 2020 nwaRLUG Officer & Planning Committee. ?I look forward to working with each of you throughout this coming year. ?Please feel free to contact me at any of the numbers below.--Dan H?479.636.5638 ???W?479.316.2714 ???C?479.366.3266Mission StatementWe are a Charitable Unincorporated Association supporting education, dedicated to shared experiences that benefit the Walmart Supplier Community. As members of the Northwest Arkansas RLUG, it is our goal to define, communicate and share the constantly changing needs of the retail community with our membership, Walmart and Sam's Club. We succeed through sharing.BylawsArticle I: Purpose:The purpose of these by-laws is to establish consistency in conducting and administering Retail Link User Group meetings by local chapters, hereinafter referred to as "RLUG". These by-laws may be revised or amended by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. at any time without notice.Article II: Governing Structure:These by-laws will be directed by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., with input from the Retail Link Steering Committee. All RLUG Leaders and members will abide and support these by-laws.Article III: Minutes, Reports, and Agendas:The minutes and any applicable presentations of all RLUG meetings will be recorded by the Secretary or appropriate officer of each RLUG local chapter and posted to the RLUG web page via the Auto Posting application within 2 weeks following the meeting. RLUG meeting agendas will be posted to the RLUG web page via the Auto Posting application 1 week prior to the next RLUG meeting.Article IV: Membership Eligibility:Membership in any RLUG local chapter is open to any person employed by a vendor currently supplying Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., including SAM'S Clubs that has a current, valid, Retail Link ID. This membership is subject to the compliance of all rules and regulations of the Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Supplier Agreement, Retail Link Legal Agreement, and these by-laws. Reasonable security measures must be taken at meetings to insure that attendees are in fact eligible for attendance. No Wal-Mart confidential information is to be shared to other than authorized individuals. These measures can include checking identification, issuing member badges, etc as well as adhere to VICS Anti-Trust Guidelines.Article V: Compliance with By-Laws and other Guidelines:Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. reserves the right to remove any RLUG Leader or member for noncompliance of these by-laws or for any act deemed unprofessional.Article VI: Membership Benefits:Every RLUG local chapter shall receive the following benefits as part of their RLUG membership:Support from the Wal-Mart RLUG mentor if needed. Additional Retail Link Training offered only to RLUG local chapters Additional communication resources from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. First hand information on Retail Link enhancements and new features Networking with local Retail Link users for personal growthOption to attend RLUG meetings in other cities/countries Article VII: Membership Fees:An RLUG Leader can collect fees to cover expenses incurred for specific RLUG events. These fees will only be applicable to RLUG members participating in the specific RLUG event. When requested, the RLUG Leader will provide receipts for these fees. Expenses can include, but are not limited to:?Meeting room rentals?Training class fees?Guest speaker fees ?Copy expenses for handouts?Refreshments?Meeting supplies?Group transportation for Wal-Mart facility toursArticle VIII: Local Chapter Officers:Each RLUG local chapter will have an RLUG Leader, Co-Leader & Secretary or other appropriate positions. Suggestions Include: voting for these positions, and having the officers not be from the same company. Article IX: Local Chapter Officers' Duties:RLUG Leader will be responsible for the following duties:Coordination of each RLUG meetingDevelopment & coordination of the meeting agendaInvolving all RLUG members in meetings Recruiting new RLUG membersPromoting RLUG local chaptersEnsuring the RLUG by-laws are adhered toEnsuring that the next person to fill the role has all of the tools needed for the role, within reason, and communicate to Wal-Mart who that person is.RLUG Co-Leader will be responsible for the following duties:Assist RLUG Leader in all dutiesAssume leadership role, when RLUG Leader is unavailable or find a replacement if necessaryEnsuring that the next person to fill the role has all of the tools needed for the role, within reason, and communicate to Wal-Mart who that person is.RLUG Secretary will be responsible for the following duties:Take minutes at each RLUG meetingPost minutes to the RLUG web pageDistribute minutes to each RLUG member via email, if neededMaintain attendance recordsMaintain membership information including First Name, Last Name, Company, Telephone number, E-Mail address, Department/Category- main department at Wal-Mart/SAMS, International supplier: yes or no, and RLUG group nameEnsuring that the next person to fill the role has all of the tools needed for the role, within reason, and communicate to Wal-Mart who that person isArticle X: Meetings:Regular RLUG meetings will be held based on a consensus of the local chapter's members. These meetings can be monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. The time allotments for each meeting will also be based on a consensus of the local chapter's members with location and travel time taken into consideration. Article XI: Meeting Locations:RLUG meetings will be held in an environment conducive to conducting business. These locations may include:Private rooms at a local restaurantMeeting room donated by an RLUG member's companyLocal meeting facility rented at a nominal fee. These may include, but are not limited to: local hotels, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.Article XII: Meeting Conduct:Although RLUG meetings are not mandated by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., RLUG members are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner when meeting to discuss business matters pertaining to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Retail Link.Article XIII: Other: These By-laws will be reviewed and modified as necessary with approval by the Retail Link steering committee & Group Leaders.Article XIV: Dissolution:Upon dissolution, any remaining assets will be used for section 501c(3) exempt purpose.**These bylaws pertain to all RLUG chapters. The nwaRLUG group reserves the right to revise and customize these bylaws for our chapter, as needed.Code of ConductAs officers and planning committee leaders, it is critical that we present a professional image to our nwaRLUG member base. Please refrain from excessive cell phone usage or side conversations during planning committee and chapter meetings. Give your undivided attention to guest speakers. Wear and prominently display your nwaRLUG name badge. Adhere to VICS anti-trust guidelines. No “bashing” and no sharing of confidential company information.The 65% attendance requirement was established, in part, so that all officers and PC remain knowledgeable about the group’s activities. In this way, we remain capable of answering questions posed to us by the member base about our goings on. We understand that pressing matters sometimes require us to leave early or show up late. However, in order to be counted as present at a meeting, you must remain at the meeting for at least three-fourths of the total meeting time. 501(c)3 StatusnwaRLUG is considered a charitable unincorporated association.Achieving official 501(c)3 status allows persons, companies or entities making donations (monetary or other) to declare such donations a tax write-off.According to IRS regulations, we established 501(c)3 status with the federal government in September of 2017.Volunteer DescriptionsEach Officer and PC member enjoys the following benefits in exchange for his or her time and volunteer efforts: Complimentary annual membership for his or her entire officeProfessional recognition Complimentary ticket to annual banquetRecognition for employerOpportunity to help others succeedAccess to other experts from whom one can learn and growIn addition to the specific duties outlined for each position, all officers and PC members are expected to: Maintain 65% overall attendance at monthly chapter and planning committee meetingsProminently wear his or her nwaRLUG name badge at all PC, Chapter and SubGroup meetings, as well as during the annual banquet and whenever on business as a representative of nwaRLUGPromote nwaRLUG within his or her own networkCo-host a minimum of one monthly chapter meeting during the yearEnsure the group’s adherence to VICS Antitrust Guidelines during meetingsActively participate in monthly PC meetings, sharing ideas, voting when called upon, etc.Attend bi-annual RLUG leader’s retreat when possibleOn the following pages are “job descriptions” for each of the nwaRLUG officer and planning committee positions – both elected and appointed.President (Elected)It is the responsibility of the president to:Preside over monthly planning committee (PC) meetingsPresent updates at monthly PC meetings with regard to the communication hub (website), new business and any other mattersOversee planning and execution of annual banquet Preside over annual banquetEnforce nwaRLUG rules, bylaws and regulationsCollaborate with Walmart RLUG liaison to ensure buy-in and cooperation Collaborate with RLUG Steering CommitteePresent scholarship money to NWACC for Certified Retail Analyst ProgramMaintain nwaRLUG website and post updatesPost presentations to Retail Link Auto Document Posting RLUG portalBring nwaRLUG laptop to chapter meetings with loaded presentationsThe president must meet the following requirements/prerequisites:Candidate must have held position of officer or PC memberCandidate must be a Walmart supplier with a valid Retail Link IDFollowing is an estimated time commitment for this position:DUTYHOURS/MONTHTOTAL HOURS/YRPreparation for monthly PC meetings112Attendance at & leadership of PC meetings224Bi-Annual RL Leader’s Retreat (1.5 days each)24Preparation for monthly chapter meetings222Attendance at monthly chapter meetings333General presidential duties(i.e. correspondence, planning, etc.)224Set-up for annual banquet3Attendance / leadership of annual banquet4TOTAL TIME COMMITMENT:10 hrs146 hrsVice-President (Elected)It is the responsibility of the vice president to:Act as primary back-up for PresidentPresent updates at monthly PC meetings with regard to future planningCreate and distribute surveys after chapter meetings; condense survey responses and report to officers and PC at monthly PC meetingsEnsure room reservations for PC meetings and chapter meetingsProvide lunches for PC meetings (charges reimbursed by Treasurer)Obtain awards/appreciation gifts for officers, PC and subgroup leaders (presented at annual banquet)Update meeting dates and times on Retail Link Auto Document Posting RLUG portalThe vice president must meet the following requirements/prerequisites:Candidate must have held position of officer or PC memberCandidate must be a Walmart supplier with a valid Retail Link IDFollowing is an estimated time commitment for this position:DUTYHOURS/MONTHTOTAL HOURS/YRPreparation for monthly PC meetings112Attendance at PC meetings224Bi-Annual RL Leader’s Retreat (1.5 days each)24Attendance at monthly chapter meetings333General duties (correspondence, planning, scheduling, posting, etc.)112Survey distribution and preparation111Set-up for annual banquet3Attendance at annual banquet4TOTAL TIME COMMITMENT:8 hrs123 hrsSecretary (Elected)It is the responsibility of the secretary to:Provide updates at each PC meeting in regard to membership and distribution list Maintain the contact list of all officers and PC membersMaintain attendance log for chapter and PC meetingsCreate and distribute monthly planning committee agendas Send monthly chapter meeting agendas to membership baseSend sub-group agendas to membership base (prepared by sub-group leaders)Keep track of paid membership list and email distribution listCollect ballots for annual electionThe secretary must meet the following requirements/prerequisites:Candidate must have held position of officer or PC memberCandidate must be a Walmart supplier with a valid Retail Link IDFollowing is an estimated time commitment for this position:DUTYHOURS/MONTHTOTAL HOURS/YRPreparation for monthly PC meetings112Attendance at PC meetings224Bi-Annual RL Leader’s Retreat (1.5 days each)24Preparation for monthly chapter meetings111Attendance at monthly chapter meetings333General duties(i.e. correspondence, planning, etc.)224Set-up for annual banquet3Attendance at annual banquet4TOTAL TIME COMMITMENT:9 hrs135 hrsTreasurer (Elected)It is the responsibility of the treasurer to:Provide treasurer’s report at each PC meetingObtain Penguin Bills for monthly drawing at chapter meetingsEnsure that monthly drawings are held and winners are given their Penguin BillsMaintain income and expense reportDeposit membership dues into nwaRLUG bank account & manage PayPal accountPresent updates regarding bank balance, expenditures paid and monies received Disburse monies for annual banquet and other approved expendituresThe treasurer must meet the following requirements/prerequisites:Candidate must have held position of officer or PC memberCandidate must be a Walmart supplier with a valid Retail Link IDFollowing is an estimated time commitment for this position:DUTYHOURS/MONTHTOTAL HOURS/YRPreparation for monthly PC meetings.56Attendance at PC meetings212Bi-Annual RL Leader’s Retreat (1.5 days each)24Attendance at monthly chapter meetings333General duties (i.e. correspondence, planning, reporting, etc.)112Set-up for annual banquet3Attendance at annual banquet4TOTAL TIME COMMITMENT:6.5 hrs94 hrsPlanning Committee Member (Elected)It is the responsibility of each planning committee member to Help plan future chapter meetings and associated topics/themesSupport the needs of other Planning Committee membersHelp meeting co-hosts by manning the sign-in table a minimum of once per yearParticipate in banquet planning and execution Planning committee members must the following requirements:Candidate must be a Walmart supplier with a valid Retail Link IDFollowing is an estimated time commitment for this position:DUTYHOURS/MONTHTOTAL HOURS/YRAttendance at Monthly PC Meetings224Bi-Annual RL Leader’s Retreat24Attendance at monthly chapter meetings222General presidential duties(i.e. correspondence, planning, etc.)4Set-up for annual banquet3Attendance at annual banquet4TOTAL TIME COMMITMENT:4 hrs81 hrsSub-Group Coordinator (Appointed)It is the responsibility of the sub-group coordinator to: Maintain calendar of sub-group meetingsReport to PC each month about status and schedule of sub-group meetingsObtain attendance sheets from each sub-group leader after sub-group meetings and maintain those filesThe sub-group coordinator must meet the following requirements:Candidate must be a Walmart supplier with a valid Retail Link IDFollowing is an estimated time commitment for this position:DUTYHOURS/MONTHTOTAL HOURS/YRPreparation for monthly PC meetings.56Attendance at PC meetings224Attendance at monthly chapter meetings333Set-up for annual banquet3Attendance at annual banquet4General duties (correspondence, planning, scheduling, etc.)224TOTAL TIME COMMITMENT:7.5 hrs94 hrsSub-Group Leader (Appointed)It is the responsibility of each sub-group leader to: Plan regularly scheduled monthly or quarterly meetingsSecure presenters for meetingsSecure meeting locationsPrepare agendas for sub-group meetings and forward to nwaRLUG secretary for distribution to member baseIt is expected that each sub-group leader will:Use the nwaRLUG Rolling Announcements and nwaRLUG presentation template files during meetingsProvide attendance figures to Sub-Group CoordinatorSub-Group Leaders must meet the following requirements:Candidate must be a Walmart supplier with a valid Retail Link IDFollowing is an estimated time commitment for this position:DUTYHOURS/QuarterTOTAL HOURS/YRSubgroup Meeting Preparation28Bi-Annual RL Leaders Retreat (1.5 days each)24General duties (correspondence, scheduling, planning, etc)28Attendance at annual banquet4TOTAL TIME COMMITMENT:4 hrs44 hrsAV/Technical Coordinator (Appointed)It is the responsibility of the A/V technical coordinator to: Manage audio-visual needs during annual banquetCoordinate with Officers and PC about audio visual needs for banquetThe AV/technical coordinator must meet the following requirements:Candidate must be a Walmart supplier with a valid Retail Link IDCandidate must have working knowledge with AV equipment, as aligned with the needs of nwaRLUG Following is an estimated time commitment for this position:DUTYHOURS/MONTHTOTAL HOURS/YRAttendance at PC meetings212Attendance at monthly chapter meetings333Set-up for annual banquet3Attendance at and leadership of annual banquet4General duties (planning, scheduling, correspondence, etc.)3TOTAL TIME COMMITMENT:5 hrs55 hrsHow to Host a MeetingThe following list should help you plan for, prepare and host a successful monthly chapter meeting. Remember, you are not alone! Your officers and other planning committee members are there to help.THINGS TO DO BEFORE THE MEETINGSecure speaker(s) for your main topic(s) as soon as possible, being mindful of any Walmart personnel who may have recently presented at subgroup meetings (check Subgroup calendar or visit with Subgroup Coordinator). Consult the Leaders page for quarterly master themes if you are having trouble coming up with meeting ideas. If possible, have main topic speakers confirmed a couple of months in advance. (Looking for topics? Google “Walmart Initiatives”. You can also use the DMM list and Mandi Hawkins at Walmart as a reference for speakers. Be sure to check with the secretary for survey feedback where member base has shared what they want to see at future meetings.)Confirm speaker(s) for “Tips & Tricks”.Send tentative agenda to the Secretary as soon as it is available (the earlier the better).Submit finalized agenda to Secretary by the Wednesday a week prior to the meeting date.Download “nwaRLUG Rolling Announcements” from the Leaders page and update the file (detailed instructions included below). Make sure the agenda slide reflects the current month’s agenda.Download “nwaRLUG Presentation Template” from the Leaders page; this is used for Tips & Tricks and for speaker’s presentations.Obtain your speaker’s presentation(s), and if possible, incorporate into one presentation file using the nwaRLUG presentation template.Send presentation to the President by the Friday before the meeting.Remind all speakers via e-mail a week prior to the meeting and follow-up with a phone call the day prior.THINGS TO DO DURING THE MEETINGArrive early to help set-up (open rolling announcements, run sound check, make sure sign-in table is manned, etc.).Starting at the scheduled time, introduce yourself and your co-host.Present the rolling announcement slides one by one.Remind attendees to complete their surveys (noting that they are now online).Remind attendees that they may text anonymous questions during the meeting to 479-366-3266.Introduce first speaker and set expectations for how Q&A will work (i.e. during or after presentation).Move through the agenda items, introducing each speaker before their topic.Draw for Penguin Bills winners (using business cards that were collected at sign-in).Wrap-up, and again remind attendees that they will receive an email with the link to a feedback survey.THINGS TO DO AFTER THE MEETINGStay behind to help with clean-up or tear down, if applicable.Be sure to thank your speakers for coming!INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPDATING ROLLING ANNOUNCEMENTSGo to Click on “nwaRLUG Rolling Announcements”.Save the file to your computer.Open the saved file. If it opens in “Protected View”, please click on the “Enable Editing” button. A dialog box should appear, warning you that the document contains links to other files. Click on “Update Links”. Wait for the status bar to finish “Updating Links” down at the bottom. If you still have a “Security Warning”, click on “Enable Content” button.To update the Agenda slide with the current month’s agenda:In PowerPoint 2003 select EDIT, LINKS and click on the Monthly Agenda file— 2011 RLUG Agenda.doc – then CHANGE SOURCE (you might want to COPY the address before clicking the change source button so you won’t have to type the whole thing from scratch), then change the file name to the current month (for example, if you are preparing the July meeting, the filename would be 2011 RLUG Agenda.doc), click OPEN, the document will reflect the change, then click CLOSE.In PowerPoint 2007 go to the START button, click on PREPARE, EDIT LINKS TO FILES, click on the agenda file – 2011 RLUG Agenda.doc – click on CHANGE SOURCE, then change the file name to the current month (for example, if you are preparing the July meeting, the filename would be 2011 RLUG Agenda.doc). In PowerPoint 2010 save the file, then go to FILE, click on INFO and look to the right pain near the end. Click on EDIT LINKS TO FILES. Select the agenda file – 2011 RLUG Agenda.doc – select the entire current Source location address and copy it (Ctrl-C). Then select CHANGE SOURCE. Paste (Ctrl-V) the location into the File Name box. Change the file name to the current month (for example, if you are preparing the July meeting, the filename would be 2011 RLUG Agenda.doc) and click OPEN.Do not change styles. Any changes in one style will be applied to all parts of the document in that style. Change the header/footer information on all slides at once. In PowerPoint 2003, go to VIEW, HEADER & FOOTER, Date and Time /Fixed and enter the date of the meeting, then click APPLY TO ALL.In PowerPoint 2007, go to INSERT, HEADER & FOOTER and update the information in the dialog box under Date and Time / Fixed to the date of the meeting. Click APPLY TO ALL.In PowerPoint 2010, go to INSERT, HEADER & FOOTER and update the information in the dialog box under Date and Time / Fixed to the date of the meeting. Don’t forget to change the month on the footer as well. Click APPLY TO ALL.Current WM Retail Link News should be added to the slides. This can be done by capturing a screen shot of each news bulletin (utilize the Snipping Tool or ALT + PRT SCREEN), then pasting the screen shots into PowerPoint (one at a time).Save the file for full functionality.List of TopicsHow to USE the segmentation analysis tool (not just how to build it)Writing policies in DPFWarehouse tourBuyer’s line review tipsReplenishment basicsHands-on walk-through of reports to useGrocery perishablesMicrosoft AccessGRS/PO TransformationTips and Tricks from Retail LinkDifferent ways of analyzing sales, lost sales, etc.What Walmart buyers specifically monitorInsights from suppliers who have switched to shipping collectSupplier stories about how they brought their entire team into the Walmart mentality and the challenges they overcamePLM group to talk about future use of the program and helpful hints in using the programBest practices and SPECIFIC DETAIL on strategies, settings, etc.Continued in-depth focus on Walmart Accounting & deductionsBest practices working with brokers (Crossmark, Advantage, etc.)Joint Business Planning directed at sales peopleMarketing – everything from process submission to approval for tabs, instore, tagging and commercialsMarkdowns and retail math – anything impacting financialsLogistics and TrafficWhat reports are “mandatory” to run each week, each month, each year, etc.More from Charles Halliburton!List of SpeakersSusan Chronister – Schronister@ (9/2011 Survey)Michael Brock, Sr. Manager GM Consolidation, WalmartMichael.Brock@wal-, 479-204-9226 | 479-420-4028Andrew Tucker, Buyer (Boys Vehicles, Radio Control, Sports Play Toys), Walmart479-204-6161Doris Yip, Sr. Manager Supplier Alliance, Walmartsdyip@wal-, 479-204-4762FormsMany of the following forms may be found on the nwaRLUG website under the leaders files ():Meeting Sign-in Sheet (Sample)Meeting AgendaRolling AnnouncementsSpeaker RequestWalmart Calendars-762000-50038000Sign-in Sheet for Thursday, February 21, 2020CountNameCompanyRetail Link User IDeMail Address1234567891011121314151617181920Speaker Request Form Letter SampleDear ____________, I hope this finds you well. My name is __________ and I am an analyst at ____________. I am contacting you on behalf of the nwaRLUG to invite you to speak at our __________ chapter meeting on _____________ at NWACC Shewmaker Center in Rogers. We'd be honored for you to deliver a speech or session telling us about ___________________ _______________________Your presentation would begin at __________. Our Chapter meetings are from 2:00-4:00, but your presentation can be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or more. Below I have listed a few details that we would love to learn more about. BulletBulletBulletTo tell you a little bit more about the nwaRLUG, we are a diverse group dedicated to shared experiences that benefit the Walmart supplier community. As members of the nwaRLUG it is our goal to define, communicate, and share the constantly changing needs of the retail community with our membership, Walmart and Sam’s Club. We succeed through sharing. Our audience is made up of suppliers of Walmart/Sam’s Club based here in NWA. They may be team leaders, account managers, replenishment analysts, forecasting analysts, category managers, or other professionals engaged in supporting the Walmart/Sam’s Club account. Read more about us here: contact me directly with any questions. I can reach me at _______________. I look forward to hearing from you and hope you can join us in _______________! Best Regards, Annual BanquetEvery year, nwaRLUG hosts an annual end of year banquet in northwest Arkansas to celebrate the year’s successes. The banquet is open to all RLUG chapters. Paid members of nwaRLUG are given first option to reserve tickets. Afterwards, ticket sales are open to unpaid members and other chapters. Following is a timeline for planning the banquet:Decide on a date range at the February meetingContact meeting facility to get on the calendarForm committees (listed below)Contact speakers 6 months prior to the event *(Follow up 2 months prior to the event)Contact all marketing venues 3 months prior to eventDecide on theme no later than 2 months prior to the eventSubmit request for tickets to printer 2 months prior to eventRequest silent auction items 2 months prior to eventBegin ticket sales 2 months prior to eventBegin nominations of new officers and planning committee members 2 months prior to eventSubmit program request to printer 1 month prior to event *(This includes timeline and presidents letter)Review and sign event planning form and return to meeting facility including A/VDecide on and purchase awards 1 month prior to the eventConduct COEAnnual Banquet CommitteesBanquet CoordinatorLead: Food: Facilities: Program: Speakers: AV & Slide ShowLead: Set-up & Tear DownLead: Election of New OfficersLead: Co-Lead:AwardsLead: Silent Auction/Door PrizesLead:Co-Lead: TicketsLead: MarketingLead: Co-Lead: Election and NominationsEvery year nwaRLUG holds an election for new officers and planning committee members. Nominations should begin two months prior to the annual banquet (October, ideally). After a vetting process has taken place, nominees are invited to give a brief nomination speech at the November chapter meeting. Vetting requirements include: Must be a member of nwaRLUGMust have a valid Retail Link User IDThose running for officer positions must have served on Planning Committee 1 yearOfficers and PC members running again must have been present at 65% of the PC and chapter meetings at the time of nomination (November)Nomination speeches might include:Your nameCompany and roleNumber of years experience with WM and/or Retail LinkSpecial skills or talents that make you good for the role in which you are runningVoting is concluded one week before the annual banquet, and winners are announced at the event.Officer & PC Contact InformationEnhancedMetaFilefalse ................

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