Discover Conference 2020: Call for papers - Autistica

Discover Conference 2020: Call for papers?Please answer these questions as the lead presenter for this abstract.Please check that your details are correct as this information will be used on our programme for successful applicants.By completing this survey, you are agreeing to Autistica's privacy policy. *??I have read and agree to the Autistica privacy policy?First name: *??Last name: *??Email address: *??What is your connection to autism (tick all that apply). *??I am autistic??I am a parent/guardian of someone autistic??I am a health, education or social care professional working in the field of autism??I am a researcher working in the field of autism??Someone in my family is autistic??I have another connection to autism??I know someone who is autistic??I have no connection to autism??Prefer not to say?Institution (please include location if not clear in institution name) ??Which group(s) would you classify yourself as? ??Researcher - before PhD level??PhD researcher??Early career researcher (under 8 working years since completing PhD)??Senior career researcher (more than 8 working years since completing PhD)??Professional researcher (not affiliated to an University)??Professional (working in education, health or social care)??Community Voice (talking about lived experience)??Other (please specify):??Please list any co-presenters (speaking with you at the conference) and co-authors (named on your research project) on the abstract if any: Co-presenter 1 full name:???Co-presenter 1 institute:???Co-presenter 1 email:???Co-presenter 2 full name:???Co-presenter 2 institute:???Co-presenter 2 email:???Please list all co-authors on the research:????What would your first choice of presentation be? ??A quick fire talk (5 minutes)??A long talk (15 minutes)??A poster on finished research?If not selected for your first choice of presentation, would you be interested in any other option? ??A quick fire talk (5 minutes)??A long talk (15 minutes)??A poster on finished research??Not interested in any other presentation?What is the title of your abstract: *??Do you have ethical approval for your study? *??Yes??No?Please provide a lay abstract describing your research. This will be used by community reviewers as part of their review process. Points to consider include: Why was this study done? What did the researchers do? Who took part in the study? What were the results of the study? What do these findings add to what was already known? How will these findings help autistic people now or in the future? This needs to be under 250 words and in English. *??Please write a couple of sentences about how your research aims to contribute to Autistica's vision that every autistic person has a longer, healthier, happier life: *??Abstract text This needs to be under 250 words and in English. Please make sure to cover the practical impact of your work and the benefit it offers/ will offer to the autistic community. You should follow this format: Introduction/ Background Objectives Method Results Conclusion / Implications *??Short speaker biography. Please tell us about yourself, your research background and current work and position, so that conference attendees know more about you and what you do. Please limit this to 100 words. This will not be used as part of the peer review process but will be shared publicly if your abstract is accepted. ??Which of the below community priorities does your abstract fall under? ??Quality of life and well being??Mental health (inc. co-occurring conditions)??Employment??Health inequalities??Accessing services??Neuro-diverse communication and understanding (Double empathy problem)??Camouflaging and stress??Communication and language??Autistic people who speak few or no words??Accessing education (across the lifespan)??Safeguarding??Physical Health (inc. co-occurring conditions)??Built environment and/or sensory issues??Ageing??Relationships and sexuality??Gender??Other (please specify):??Have you had involvement or feedback from Autistic people in the design or creation of your research or project? *??No??Yes (please specify):??Has your study been pre-registered? *??Yes??NoIf no, please specify why:????Please list any relevant conflict of interests you or any co-authors have: All authors, including all co-authors submitting abstracts are required to disclose their sources of contributed support (commercial, public, or private foundation grants). Authors are also required to signify whether there may be a real or perceived conflict of interest. Disclosures will be included in the programme and must also take place at the time of presentation. *??We have a bursary available for a limited number of speakers that will cover the cost of your speaker ticket and up to ?50 of travel costs. This is to allow speakers who do not have access to any other grant or university funding to be able to attend the Conference and present their abstract. Do you want to apply for the Conference speaker bursary, covering the cost of your speaker ticket and up to ?50 of travel costs? If you tick yes, it will not impact the decision making process for accepting speakers for the conference. If you are accepted as a speaker I will be in touch to discuss your eligibility for this fund. ??Yes??NoComments:????Are there any accessibility requirements you have in order to be able to present your work? If you tick yes, it will not impact the decision making process for accepting speakers for the conference but will allow me to make sure you are catered for in the planning. ??No??Yes (please specify):??Do you have any further comments or things to note? ??I would like to join the Discover Network and get regular email updates *??I am already a member??Yes??No?I am happy to receive emails from Autistica about fundraising *??Yes??No ................

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