Neurological Disorders

Neurological Disorders

Using the provided rubric as a guide you will research a neurological disorder and write a paper explaining the disorder.

Your paper must include (and site) at least 2 separate sources of information.

Your paper should include

5 Description of the disease:

6 Causes

7 Treatments

8 Symptoms

9 Current Research

Your final paper must be no less than 2 typed pages and no more than 4 typed pages.

11 If typed use 12 point font and double space.

12 Cover page does not count to 2 page total.

Site sources properly in paper.

Wikipedia is not a valid source to site for information.

Due Dates:

March 19

17 Specific disorder chosen turned in to Mrs. Jones

March 19/20

19 Class Time Computer Lab for Research

March 24

21 Final paper due.


Disorder Decision turned in on March 19 by end of class as part of Employability Grade.

Final paper will be graded on a 0-4 scale.

25 Grading will be based on included scoring rubric

All grading will be subject to due dates. Grade will be reduced 10% for each calendar day late.

Scientific Report Rubric


Title of Report ________________________

Author’s name: ________________________

| |Beginning |Developing |Accomplished |Exemplary |Score |

| |NY1 |2 |3 |4 | |

|Introduction |Does not give any |Gives very little |Gives too much |Presents a concise | |

| |information about what |information. |information--more like a |lead-in to the report.| |

| |to expect in the report.| |summary. | | |

|Research |Does not answer any |Answers some questions.|Answers some questions and |Answers most questions| |

| |questions suggested. | |includes a few other |and includes many | |

| | | |interesting facts. |other interesting | |

| | | | |facts. | |

|Purpose/Problem |Does not address an |Addresses a |Addresses an issue somewhat|Addresses a real issue| |

| |issue related to |neurological issue |related to research. |directly related to | |

| |neurological disorders. |which is unrelated to | |research findings. | |

| | |research. | | | |

|Data & Results |Data table and/or graph |Both complete, minor |Both accurate, some |Data table and graph | |

| |missing information and |inaccuracies and/or |ill-formed characters. |neatly completed and | |

| |are inaccurate. |illegible characters. | |totally accurate. | |

|Conclusion |Presents an illogical |Presents an illogical |Presents a logical |Presents a logical | |

| |explanation for findings|explanation for |explanation for findings |explanation for | |

| |and does not address any|findings and addresses |and addresses some of the |findings and addresses| |

| |of the questions |few questions. |questions. |most of the questions.| |

| |suggested in the | | | | |

| |template. | | | | |

|Grammar & Spelling |Very frequent grammar |More than two errors. |Only one or two errors. |All grammar and | |

| |and/or spelling errors. | | |spelling are correct. | |

|Attractiveness |Illegible writing, loose|Legible writing, some |Legible writing, |Word processed or | |

| |pages. |ill-formed letters, |well-formed characters, |typed, clean and | |

| | |print too small or too |clean and neatly bound in a|neatly bound in a | |

| | |large, papers stapled |report cover, illustrations|report cover, | |

| | |together. |provided. |illustrations | |

| | | | |provided. | |

|Timeliness |Report handed in more |Up to one week late. |Up to two days late. |Report handed in on | |

| |than one week late. | | |time. | |

| | | | |Total | |

| | | | | | |


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