Seeds of Success Annual Report

Seeds of Success Annual Report

|Organization: |Team Code: |

|Location: |

|Number of species collected: |Number of collections made: |

|Collecting Season Summary (accomplishments, challenges, be specific): |

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|Partners (FWS, FS, NRCS, non-profit etc…) and in what capacity you worked together: |

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|Organizations that provided volunteers, and how many: |

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Education and Outreach: (include any work with other groups to promote or highlight Seeds of Success; i.e. citation for a newsletter, web article, conference/meeting display, or presentation on SOS and/or the Native Plant Materials Development Program, etc.)

|Format | | |Location | |

|(ex: talk, exhibit, |Title |Event or Publication |Nearest City, State |Date |

|publication) | | | | |

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SOS Collections: (include information for current year collections that have been shipped out of your office to the Bend Seed Extractory. Include any other receiving institutions as outlined by clearance forms)

| |SOS Seed Coll. Ref. Num |Receiving Institution |What the SOS Material will be Used|

|Species |(ex: NV030-xx) |(ex: Bend Seed Extractory and Nevada |For |

| | |State Office) |(ex: conservation and seed |

| | | |increase fields) |

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Non-SOS Collections: (if applicable, include information for current year collections that were not submitted to the SOS program and are kept at your local office or distributed for Native Plant Materials Development projects)

|Species |Seed Coll. Ref. Num. |Receiving Institution |What the Material will be Used For |

| |(ex: CBFO-23-2017) |(Field Office) |(grow out) |

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Please submit the final annual report to Rachel Hosna (rhosna@) at the National Seeds of Success office by December 15.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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