School Performance Plan - Clark County School District

[Pages:17]Nevada Department of Education

Wolff, Elise L ES 2016-2017 Clark County School District

School Performance Plan

School Name

Wolff, Elise L ES

Address (City, State, Zip Code, Telephone):

1001 Seven Hills Dr Henderson, NV 89052, (702) 799-2230

Superintendent/Assistant Chief:

Patrick Skorkowsky / Susan Smith

For Implementation During The Following Years:


The Following MUST Be Completed:

Title I Status:




Grade Level Served:



4 Star


Not Required

*1 and 2 Star Schools Only:

Please ensure that the following documents will be available upon request

Use of Core Instructional Materials


Members of Planning Team * ALL Title I schools must have a parent on their planning team that is NOT a district employee.

Name of Member Amber Homer

Linnea Weswood Audra Brennan Ryan Rosensteel

Position Parent Principal

Assistant Principal Teacher

Name of Member Jennifer Rowland Stacy Sitarz Juli Maloney Staci Maxwell

Model School Visits

Position Teacher Teacher Teacher Strategist

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/14/2016

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Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

Nevada Department of Education


Wolff, Elise L ES 2016-2017 Clark County School District


Based on your schools NSPF results, identify what additional data have been reviewed and analyzed in development of the SPP.

School Data For General Education Including FRL

Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) Formative Assessments Practice Teacher/Administrator Observation Data Statewide Assessments NA Other: Other:

English Language Learner (ELL) Data

Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) Teacher/Administrator Observation Data NA NA NA Other: Other:

Special Education Data

Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) IEP Compliance Teacher/Administrator Observation Data NA NA Other: Other:

Summary Statement: Please provide a brief description for how the analyzed data will impact your Inquiry and Action Planning process.

Fall 2016 formative reading comprehension data (STAR) indicated 77% of students in grades 1-5 are above the 50th percentile. 2015-16 SBAC results in third grade reading show that 83% of our third grade students are proficient in reading, meeting the district's five year goal of 80% of third grade students reaching proficiency in reading by third grade. 2015-16 SBAC results in mathematics show that 75% of our third through fifth grade students are proficient in mathematics compared to 32% of students in the Clark County School District.

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/14/2016

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Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

Nevada Department of Education

Wolff, Elise L ES 2016-2017 Clark County School District

COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 1

Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:

General Education





Priority Need/Goal 1: Increase Grade 3 proficiency rates in reading.

Root Causes: Individual teachers varied greatly in their delivery and instruction of the Nevada Academic Content Standards, particularly within the literacy block. Inconsistent use of data analysis and collaboration led to an unacceptable percentage of students below the 50th percentile in reading performance.

Measurable Objective 1: By May 2017, increase the percent of 1st-5th grade students proficient in reading from 77% to 85% as measured by STAR spring benchmark assessments.

Measurable Objective 2: By May 2017, increase the percent of 3rd-5th grade students proficient in reading from 80% to 85% as measured by the SBAC Assessment.

Monitoring Status



Action Step (please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount Needed for

Implementation (people, time, materials, funding sources)

1.1 Professional Development (Required)

Teachers will participate in training on a literacy block that includes access to grade level and above instructional materials, independent reading plans, conferencing, and comprehension strategies.


Reading Ranger Framework ($0), conferencing training ($0), Substitute Time (Read by 3), Teacher Banked Time ($0), Learning Strategist, Read by 3 Teacher Leaders (R3ad by 3)


List Artifacts/Evidence of

Progress: Information (Data) that will verify the action step is in progress or

has occurred.

Continuation From Last Year:

No Agendas at each PD, teacher surveys, classroom observations, RR Reports

List Timeline, Benchmarks, and Position Responsible

Monitoring Status

NCCAT-S Indicators:

Responsible Person(s): Administration,


Strategist, Read by 3 Teacher Leaders

Timeline: Beginning August 29

throughout the 2016-2017 school year.

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/14/2016

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Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

Nevada Department of Education

Wolff, Elise L ES 2016-2017 Clark County School District

Action Step

Resources and Amount Needed

List Artifacts/Evidence

1.2 Family Engagement (Required)

Engage parents in understanding and tracking the progress of their children towards the accomplishment of their Wide Independent Prescriptive Reading Plans through the Reading Ranger Program, Parent Conferences, Wolff Website, and Parent Trainings.

Reading Ranger Framework, Individual Student Reading Ranger Reports, Reading Ranger Powerpoint for Parents

Continuation From Last

Year: No Parent Training Agendas, Sign-in Sheets

Timeline and Position Responsible

Monitoring Status

NCCAT-S Indicators:

Responsible Person(s): Administration,


Teachers Timeline: Timeline: Beginning

August 29 throughout the 2016-2017

school year.


1.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Required)

Regular student conferencing by teachers with students monitoring reading comprehension and mastery of standards.

Diagnostic reports from AIMSweb, Reading Ranger Reports, and STAR monthly diagnostic reports.


Continuation From Last Year:

NCCAT-S Indicators:

Teachers and administration will monitor Reading

Responsible Person(s): Administration,


Ranger reports weekl to monitor achievement toward teachers, strategist Timeline: Timeline:

individual reading goals. Monitoring will be verified

Beginning August 29 throughout the 2016-

through diagnostic reports.

2017 school year. .

1.4 Other (Optional)

Continuation From Last Year:

NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A


Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/14/2016

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Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

Nevada Department of Education

Wolff, Elise L ES 2016-2017 Clark County School District

COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 2

Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:

General Education





Priority Need/Goal 2: Reduce the overall achievement gap percentage points between highest performing subgroup and lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup in both reading and math..

Root Causes: Administration observations have indicated that teachers do not consistently deliver differentiated instruction in math and reading.

Measurable Objective 1: Reduce the math proficiency gap between the school's highest performing subgroup (Asian) and lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 30% to 5% by 2019 as measured by the SBAC. By Spring 2017, the gap will be reduced from 30% to 22%; by 2018 the gap will be reduced from 22% to 14%; by 2019 the gap will be reduced from 14% to 5%.

Monitoring Status




Action Step (please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount Needed

for Implementation (people, time, materials, funding


2.1 Professional Development (Required)

Mandatory monthly teacher meetings/training to unwrap mathematics standards, focusing on the use of data to differentiate instruction.

Administration, strategist, and all teachers will participate in monthly meetings.

List Artifacts/Evidence of Progress:

Information (Data) that will verify the action step is in progress or has occurred.

List Timeline, Benchmarks, and Position Responsible

Monitoring Status

Continuation From Last Year: Yes

NCCAT-S Indicators:

Participation will be verified through

Responsible Person(s): Administration,


attendance sheets, grade level notes, and Strategist Timeline: Beginning January 2017

lesson plans.

monthly throughout the 2016-2017 school



Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/14/2016

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Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

Nevada Department of Education

Wolff, Elise L ES 2016-2017 Clark County School District

Action Step

Resources and Amount Needed

2.2 Family Engagement (Required)

Progress Reports, parent conferences, online parent trainings

Elise Wolff website


List Artifacts/Evidence

Timeline and Position Responsible

Continuation From Last Year: Progress Reports, sign-in sheets, surveys

NCCAT-S Indicators:

Responsible Person(s): Administration and teachers Timeline: December 2016- June 2017

Monitoring Status N/A

2.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Required)

Teachers will identify instructional strategies to meet the needs of students who do not master math standards on chosen assessments. They will provide differentiated instruction to these students and then re-assess them.

Banked time, assessments, teachers, strategist, administration


Continuation From Last Year:

NCCAT-S Indicators:

Attendance sheets,

Responsible Person(s): Administration, teachers, N/A

observations, assessments and strategist Timeline: Beginning January 2017

monthly throughout the 2016-2017 school year.

2.4 Other (Optional)

Continuation From Last Year:

NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A


Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/14/2016

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Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

Nevada Department of Education

Wolff, Elise L ES 2016-2017 Clark County School District

COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 3

Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:

General Education





Priority Need/Goal 3: Increase the percentage of school-based personnel trained in cultural competency.

Root Causes: Due to significant changes in staffing, including both building administrators, it is unclear what trainings were delivered in the area of cultural competency.

Measurable Objective 1: By end of May 2017, all staff will participate cultural competency training in the form of anti-bullying training and Best Buddies as measured by regular attendance at staff cultural competency trainings and staff sign in sheets.

Monitoring Status




Action Step (please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount

Needed for Implementation (people, time, materials, funding


List Artifacts/Evidence of

Progress: Information (Data) that will verify the action step is in progress or

has occurred.

3.1 Professional Development (Required)

Mandatory PD in anti-bullying will ensure achievement for all students on measures of performance including those that move beyond academics. PD will increase capacity to build effective relationships between the school/community to reduce to eliminate gaps in achievement and opportunity.


Anti-bullying powerpoints, Behavior Committee, School Counselor, Banked Time

Continuation From Last Year:

Yes Sign-in sheets at each PD, staff surveys

List Timeline, Benchmarks, and Position Responsible

Monitoring Status

NCCAT-S Indicators:

Responsible People:


Administration, Behavior

Committee, School Counselor

Timeline: January 2017- school


Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/14/2016

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Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

Nevada Department of Education

Action Step

Resources and Amount Needed

3.2 Family Engagement (Optional)


List Artifacts/Evidence Continuation From Last Year: Yes

Wolff, Elise L ES 2016-2017 Clark County School District

Timeline and Position Responsible

Monitoring Status

NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A

3.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Optional)

Continuation From Last Year:

NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A

Comments: 3.4 Other (Optional)

Continuation From Last Year:

NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A


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Nevada Department of Education - June 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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