MSP RFP - Nevada Department of Education

Teach Nevada Scholarship2018-2019 (FY19)Teacher Preparation ProgramProvider ApplicationApplication Deadline: February 26, 2018Division of Educator Effectiveness and Family EngagementOffice of Educator Development and SupportSteve Canavero, Ph.D. Superintendent of Public InstructionTEACH NEVADA SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION AND APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAMSFY19 (2018-2019)Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u I. Background/Overview/General Information PAGEREF _Toc504724888 \h 2Funding and Administration PAGEREF _Toc504724889 \h 2Eligibility – Students/Scholarship Recipients PAGEREF _Toc504724890 \h 2Use of Funds PAGEREF _Toc504724891 \h 3Scholarship Recipient Completer/Non-Completer Impact on Funds PAGEREF _Toc504724892 \h 4Scholarship Recipient Tracking and Reporting PAGEREF _Toc504724893 \h 4II. Application Submission PAGEREF _Toc504724894 \h 5III. 2018-2019 Projected Timeline and Award Administration PAGEREF _Toc504724895 \h 5IV. Program Application PAGEREF _Toc504724896 \h 6SECTION A – PREPARATION PROGRAM INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc504724897 \h 6SECTION B – FUNDING REQUESTED PAGEREF _Toc504724898 \h 7SECTION C – SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc504724899 \h 7SECTION D – PROGRAM NARRATIVE PAGEREF _Toc504724900 \h 9SECTION E – GENERAL STATE ASSURANCES & SIGNATURES PAGEREF _Toc504724901 \h 10Questions regarding any of the information provided in this document may be addressed to: Matthew Borek, Education Programs ProfessionalOffice of Educator Development and Support Nevada Department of Education mborek@doe.702-486-6489I. Background/Overview/General InformationThe Teach Nevada Scholarship (Teach NVS) was created in the State General Fund during Nevada’s 78th Legislative Session (2015) via Senate Bill 511 (SB511) and is codified in NRS 391A.550 – 391A.590. The scholarship program was continued in the 2017 Legislative Session through appropriations in Senate Bill 544. The purpose of Teach NVS is to provide scholarships to new students pursuing initial teacher licensure programs through state-approved universities, colleges, or alternative routes to licensure (ARL) providers.Funding and AdministrationTeach NVS are administered by the Superintendent of Public Instruction (Superintendent). Awards are granted by the State Board of Education (SBE) to the extent that money is available in the Fund. The 2017 Legislature appropriated $5 million for the Teach NVS, with up to $2.5 million to be awarded in each year of the biennium.The SBE:a) Shall establish the number of annual scholarships based upon the money available;b) Shall review all applications submitted and award grants of money to approved universities, colleges, or other providers of ARL programs to the extent that money is available in an amount determined by the SBE; andc) May adopt any regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of the Teach NVS.Eligibility – Students/Scholarship RecipientsProviders which receive Teach NVS funds must award scholarships to newly-recruited students who enter with the intent to complete a teacher preparation program which makes the student eligible to obtain a license to teach early childhood, grades K-12, or special education.Pursuant to NRS 391A.585, eligible students may include, without limitation:a) Recent high school graduates who have not yet enrolled in a teacher preparation program; b) Students who are currently enrolled in a non-education related college/university degree program and change their academic program to teacher preparation; c) Students who have completed some credits at a university or college who re-enroll in a teacher preparation program; d) Students who possess a bachelor’s degree in a non-education related field and chose to pursue an ARL program for teaching;e) Veterans and the spouses of veterans; andf)Students who have had some experience working in a classroom, including, without limitation, as a paraprofessional or substitute teacher.The SBE will prioritize the award of grants to programs which provide scholarships to a greater number of recipients who:a) Are veterans or the spouses of veterans;b) Have been economically disadvantaged;c) Belong to a racial or ethnic minority group; ord) Will be eligible to teach in a subject area in Elementary, Secondary Language Arts, Secondary Math, Secondary Science, or Special Education.Use of FundsUp to $3,000/semester can be awarded to each student, not to exceed a total of $24,000/student.Student (through their program) receives 75% of award during each semester of attendance and the remaining 25% is to be deposited into a trust account established by NDE.The 25% remains in the trust account until the student completes the preparation program, has maintained employment at a Nevada public school for five consecutive years, teaches for three out of the five years at a school on the eligible school list, and meets any other requirements established by the State Board.The intent of these funds is to provide as close to full scholarships as possible. Therefore, students can only be awarded less if the tuition costs per semester are less than $3,000. If the tuition is higher than $3,000 per semester, a program must award no more than $3,000 per semester.Funds awarded to preparation programs from the Teach NVS may not be used for the purposes of administrative functions related to scholarship activities.Scholarship Recipient Completer/Non-Completer Impact on Funds Scholarship Recipient Completion Status Impact on FundsDoes not complete the preparation program“on schedule” or separates from the program prior to completion (not contingent on 5 years of teaching)Preparation program assessed $1,000 non-completer fee (or amount equal to the total amount given to student, whichever is less)Completes the preparation program “on time”(not contingent on 5 years of teaching)Preparation program receives $1,000 completer bonus from Teach NVS FundCompletes the program and five consecutiveyears of teaching in a NV public school, three of which are in a school on the eligible school list, but does not request the remaining 25% of scholarship within 1 year following the 5 years of teaching Funds remain in the Teach NVS Fund for distribution to other awardeesCompletes the program and five consecutive years of teaching in a NV public school, but does not teach three years in a school on the eligible school listThe scholarship recipient does not receive the remaining 25% of scholarship and funds remain in the Teach NVS Fund for distribution to other awardeesScholarship Recipient Tracking and ReportingNo later than August 31, 2018 at 5 pm (Pacific time), entities that are tentatively allocated Teach NVS Funds shall submit scholarship recipient information to NDE including, but not limited to, the following for each recipient:First and last name;Racial/ethnic minority;Veteran/spouse of veteran;Economically disadvantaged status;Program area;Program start date;Projected date eligible for ARL/conditional license;Projected date eligible for standard/professional license;College or university attending (if applicable);Award amount per semester; andTotal award amount.At the conclusion of each semester, entities that are awarded Teach NVS funds shall submit to the Superintendent a list of scholarship recipients who:Are still enrolled in the program;Separated from the program;Completed the program; andAny/all additional information requested by the SBE.II. Application SubmissionTo be considered for 2018-2019 (FY19) funding, applications must be received by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 26, 2018. Applications may be submitted electronically to Matthew Borek, Education Programs Professional, Office of Educator Development and Support, at mborek@doe., or mailed/hand-delivered to:Nevada Department of Education – Office of Educator Development and SupportTeach Nevada Application Submissions c/o Matthew Borek9890 S. Maryland ParkwayLas Vegas, NV 89183As applications are received, they will be reviewed by NDE staff for completeness and compliance with the requirements set forth to determine applicant eligibility. Any questions about significant omissions from an application or about applicant eligibility will be referred to the designated Program Coordinator. If, in the judgment of the NDE, an application is late, significantly incomplete, or an institution/organization cannot establish its eligibility, the application will be omitted from the process and the applicant will be notified in writing. The decision of the NDE is final.III. 2018-2019 Projected Timeline and Award AdministrationFebruary 2, 2018:Application Posted on NDE WebsiteFebruary 26, 2018 (5PM):Application Submission DeadlineApplication Review by NDE Staff (applicants may be contacted to provide clarification/additional information)March 15, 2018:Initial/Tentative Allocation Recommendations to SBEMarch 16, 2018:Application Status Notification to Program Coordinators(if awardees identified by SBE on March 15)August 31, 2018 (5PM):Awardees Submit Scholarship Recipient Information to NDE (Names, programs, projected start / completion date, award amounts, etc.)July 1, 2018 –Programs Submit Requests for Reimbursement andJune 30, 2019Accompanying Supporting DocumentsEnd of Each Semester:Awardees Submit Scholarship Recipient Informationto NDE (names, program completers, programseparators, etc.)IV. Program ApplicationSECTION A – PREPARATION PROGRAM INFORMATIONName of ARL Program:Name & Title of Program Coordinator: Address, City & Zip Code:Email Address & Phone:(Note that NDE staff will periodically contact and/or meet with awardee Program Coordinators to monitor award implementation, assess progress, and ensure fidelity of the Teach NVS.)Program Type (Check ONE):ARL ProgramTraditional (non-ARL) Undergraduate ProgramTraditional (non-ARL) Graduate ProgramProgram Start Date(s):Projected Date(s) Eligible for ARL/Conditional License (If applicable): Projected Completion Date(s) Eligible for Standard/Professional License:Areas of Licensure Included in Program (Check any/all that apply):Early Childhood EducationElementary (Grades K-8)Secondary (Grades 7-12)Special Education (K-12 Generalist)Special Education (Autism Endorsement)Special Education (Intellectual Disabilities [Moderate to Intense] Endorsement)Special Education (Early Childhood Developmentally Delayed Endorsement)Special Education (Speech and Language Impairments Endorsement)Program Start Date(s):Projected Date(s) Eligible for ARL/Conditional License: Projected Date(s) Eligible for Standard/Professional License:SECTION B – FUNDING REQUESTEDTotal Amount of 2018-2019 FundsRequested for this ProgramNumber of 2018-2019 Scholarships RequestedScholarship Amount per Recipient per Semester(May not exceed $3,000/recipient.)Indicate different costs of programs, as applicable.Total Scholarship Amount per Recipient(May not exceed $24,000/recipient.)Indicate different costs of programs, as applicable.SECTION C – SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT INFORMATIONEligible Scholarship Recipients to Include (Check any/all that apply):Recent high school graduates who have not enrolled in a teacher preparation programStudents who are currently enrolled in a non-education related college/university degree program and change their academic program to teacher preparationStudents who have completed some credits at a university or college who re-enroll in a teacher preparation program*Students who possess a bachelor’s degree in a non-education related field and chose to Students pursue a new ARL program for teachingVeterans and the spouses of veteransStudents who have had some experience working in a classroom, including, without limitation, as a paraprofessional or substitute teacher* Funding was appropriated by the legislature to increase the number of students pursuing a career in teaching. Therefore, students who are already enrolled in a traditional or ARL preparation program in Nevada at the time of scholarship application are NOT eligible.Additional Scholarship Recipient Criteria:The SBE will prioritize applications that will result in a greater number of teachers who meet the criteria below.Indicate any/all areas in which the teacher preparation program will give preference when awarding scholarships. Below each area indicated, provide a brief description of how the criteria will be determined and assessed. Scholarship recipients from economically disadvantaged backgroundsScholarship recipients who belong to a racial or ethnic minority groupScholarship recipients who are veterans or whose spouses are veteransScholarship recipients who will be eligible to earn licensure/teach in a subject area for which there is a shortage of teachers (Check any/all that apply.)ElementarySecondary Language ArtsSpecial EducationSecondary ScienceSecondary MathSECTION D – PROGRAM NARRATIVEEach application must include a brief narrative that includes the components below in the order they appear. Narratives must be double-spaced, with 12-point font. This narrative section of the application shall be limited to 5 pages. (Note that this narrative may be posted on the NDE website and be provided to the public as a supporting document at an SBE meeting.)Overview: A brief and concise abstract with the preparation program name, program type, area(s) of licensure, as well as starting dates and projected completion dates.Funding Requested: Identify the total amount of funds requested, the number of scholarship recipients, and the scholarship amount per recipient (per semester and overall aggregate).Eligible Scholarship Recipient Information: Indicate any/all scholarship recipient eligibility criteria, with a brief description of how the criteria will be weighed and measured.Teacher Pipeline Growth: Demonstrate how Teach NVS funds will be used by the provider to grow the teacher preparation program each year, and how that will assist to increase the teacher pipeline.Capacity/Resources: Describe the program’s capacity and institutional resources that will be utilized to successfully carry out the scholarship activities including, but not limited to, recruitment, scholarship application screening/selection, distribution of funds, academic advising, scholarship recipient trust account management, and tracking graduates.SECTION E – GENERAL STATE ASSURANCES & SIGNATURESNAME OF AGENCY: Department of EducationFISCAL YEAR: 2019PROGRAM NAME: Teach Nevada ScholarshipsI hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information in this application is correct. The applicant designated hereby applies for a grant of State funds. The local Board of Trustees/Organization has authorized me to file this application and such action is recorded in the minutes of the agency’s meeting. The RECIPIENT assures, if awarded a grant or contract: The State Agency shall hold all RECIPIENTS to the provisions within the applicable Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) that govern the funds passed through the STATE AGENCY to the RECIPIENT.STATE REGULATIONSShall hold the RECIPIENT to the provisions established by the STATE AGENCY which govern the funds and program:The RECIPIENT assumes full responsibility for the overall program which includes: fiscal administration, timely submission of required reports, program management including personnel, and meeting the goals and objectives in the approved grant application.The RECIPIENT agrees to fully comply with the evaluation team that will evaluate the effectiveness of this grant. Noncompliance may affect the RECIPIENT’S eligibility in future sub-awards from NDE or result in forfeiture of remaining funds.The RECIPIENT agrees that any funds not committed for expenditures by the end of the grant cycle will be de-obligated to State general fund with the Annual Financial ReportThe RECIPIENT will submit the Final Financials to the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) within 45 calendar days (August 14, 2018) or less from the end of the grant cycle. Noncompliance will result in ineligibility for future sub-grant cycles.All requests for budget amendments must be made in writing and approved prior to expenditure of funds.Monthly requests for reimbursement are due to the NDE by the 15th of the month for the previous month of services. The RECIPIENT agrees to comply with NDE’s requirement to submit supporting source documentation with reimbursement requests which will ensure that all costs charged to state grants are allowable.The documentation for all transactions, controls and other significant events must be clear and readily available for examination upon request. All documentation such as invoices or contracts, etc. should be maintained at the RECIPIENT’s principal place of business. If they are not, the RECIPIENT must bear the cost of making original documents available for examination by the State. Personnel employed as teachers and instructional aides by the RECIPIENT or personnel contracted to provide such service to the RECIPIENT shall be certified pursuant to the provisions of NRS 386.590 (as amended by Senate Bill 509 of the 2015 Session of the Nevada Legislature, Chapter 238, Statutes of Nevada (2015).The RECIPIENT shall maintain effective control and accountability for all grant funds, property, and other assets. Good internal control necessitates that fiscal responsibilities be clearly established. Accounting functions should be separated to the fullest extent possible so that no one person authorizes, executes, and approves the same transactions. Policies covering personnel and accounting procedures and separation of duties must be documented in a policies and procedures manual or other similar document.The RECIPIENT must maintain continuing responsibility for the overall program. This includes the establishment of written policies and procedures for program operations. The following areas must not be delegated to Recipients or persons who are not employees or officials of the RECIPIENT organization:Being informed of and accountable for all program income and expenditures;Performance of timely written evaluations of the program, and monitoring of established goals and objectives as written in the program’s grant award;Financial reports and all other reports required by NDE including monthly Requests for Funds, required quarterly progress reports and final program reports (as applicable);Administration of the program in accordance with each agency’s administrative practice.If the RECIPIENT decides to establish a policy-making body (or is required either by law or by funding source to establish such a body), its roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined. This must be approved by the Program Director.Any activities that deviate from the scope of work/goals and objectives identified in the grant agreement must receive prior written approval from the Education Programs Professional and may require an amendment to the grant agreement.RECIPIENTS must notify the Education Programs Professional immediately regarding any legal action or negative publicity related to grant-funded events, activities, services, purchases, or outreach.All instructions, requirements, rules and regulations for grants administered through the RECIPIENT are applicable to Recipients, contracts or other mechanisms passing on these funds. It is the responsibility of the RECIPIENT to ensure compliance of Recipients through monitoring, reporting, site visits, fiscal reviews or other means. NDE may implement probationary measures with the RECIPIENT for noncompliance.Indirect costs are not allowed on State grants or contracts to school districts, charter schools, non-profit organization, NSHE or other entities, which are funded in whole or in any part with State funds.No organization may participate in the grant-funded project in any capacity or be a recipient of state funds designated for this project if the organization has been debarred or suspended or otherwise found to be ineligible for participation in federal assistance programs under Executive Order 12549, “Debarment and Suspension” (se 45 CFR 92.35). Prior to issuing sub-awards or contracts under this grant, the RECIPIENT must consult the Excluded Parties List System to ensure that organizations under funding consideration are not ineligible. The list may be accessed online through the System for Award Management (SAM).Decisions made by Education Program Professionals must be based on the grant agreements, approved budgets, grant assurance, written program policies and procedures, and written fiscal policies and procedures including those in the State Administrative Manual (SAM) and in any Nevada Revised Statute or state regulations and guidance that apply to the funding source. If a RECIPIENT disagrees with a decision, the RECIPIENT has the option to dispute the decision by taking the following steps:Request in writing that the Education Programs Professional provide: Documentation upon which a decision is based. Written response will be made within seven (7) working days.If the disagreement is still unresolved, request in writing that the matter be reviewed by the NDE Program Director, whose decision will be final and will not be open to further discussion or challenge.All interactions will be conducted with honesty, courtesy, and respect. It is essential that a professional relationship be maintained in order to properly administer the grant and provide effective services in the community.Conduct that interferes with the administration of the grant or negatively impacts the ability to provide effective program services may result in termination of the grant after NDE carefully reviews the circumstances.Timeliness of report submission will be tracked and noted in the grant file. Any extensions or exceptions to requirements must also be noted in the grant file.Failure to comply with the terms and conditions detailed above may result in the loss of state funds and may be considered grounds for the suspension or termination of this grant. ________________________________________Signature of Authorized Person________________________________________Date________________________________________Name and Title_________________________________________District/OrganizationAuthorized Official Certification/Signature:The applicant certifies that, to the best of his/her knowledge, the information in this applicationis correct, that the filing of this application is duly authorized by the governing body of this organization or institution, and that the applicant will comply with all laws and parameters outlined in SB511 and this application.Typed/Printed Name of Authorized OfficialTitleSignature of Authorized OfficialDate ................

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