CLINICAL EDUCATION HANDBOOKFOR STUDENTSCarrington CollegePHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT PROGRAMLAS VEGAS, NEVADA CAMPUSThe PTA program at Carrington College – Las Vegas is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@; website: .The PTA Associate degree program is included in Carrington College’s grant of institutional accreditation by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS), 750 First St. NE, Suite 980, Washington, DC 2005, (202) 336-6780. ACICS is recognized by the United States Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. TABLE OF CONTENTS PageCommon Terms used in the PTA Program3Responsibilities of the ACCE3Responsibilities of the Student4Responsibilities of Clinical Education Site & CI4 Expectations5-8 a. Learning objectives b. Student’s Role c. Documentation d. Dress Code e. Attendance Policy f. Transportation g. Student Liability h. Background Checks and Medical Clearance i. CPR Requirement j. Patient Confidentiality Other Policies and Procedures9Failure of Clinical Education Course9Clinical Education Disclosure Form10-11Clinical Education Disciplinary Policy12Disciplinary Action Form14Regarding Disabilities15PTA Program Requirements for Clinical Externship FormAppendix A Student Evaluation of Clinical Instructor FormAppendix B COMMON TERMS USED IN THE PTA PROGRAMAcademic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) - the faculty member responsible for developing & coordinating the clinical education portion of the curriculumProgram Director - The faculty member responsible for oversight and administration of the PTA programPTA Faculty - The persons employed to instruct courses in the PTA curriculumClinical Affiliation – One of three specific clinical education rotations. Students are supervised by a licensed physical therapist or physical therapist assistant and required to travel to the facility where the clinical instructor is employedClinical Education - the portion of the PTA curriculum where the student develops clinical skills by applying didactic information in a clinical settingClinical Instructor (CI) - The licensed physical therapist or physical therapist assistant responsible for direct supervision and instruction of the student during a clinical affiliation Competency - The minimum level of knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to progress in the PTA program, and to participate in a clinical education affiliationInstructor - The faculty member, presenter or clinical instructor directly responsible for instruction and supervision of content area within the PTA programProficiencies - Psychomotor skills that are taught and assessed for minimal competencyPTA Faculty - The persons employed to instruct courses in the PTA curriculumResponsibilities of the ACCELocating clinical sites for the student that provide the opportunity to participate in the delivery of quality physical therapy services under the direct supervision of a licensed physical therapist (PT) or physical therapist assistant (PTA).Maintaining current and effective legal contracts with clinical sites to ensure that students have the opportunity to affiliate with quality physical therapy facilities/departments.Contacting and or visiting physical therapy facilities or departments to maintain an open line of communication with regard to student performance, progress, the role of the PTA in clinical practice, the learning objectives of Carrington College and setting up clinical affiliation schedules with the CCCE. Grading students for the clinical education courses utilizing the Clinical Performance Instrument. Responsibilities of the studentProvide background check and immunization records to the clinical site as mandated by their JCAHO accreditation or policies and procedures of the facilityEarn and maintain CPR certification prior to beginning the first clinical education course and provide the ACCE a copy of the certification.Contact the clinical facility prior to the first day of the clinical affiliation to discuss facility hours and dress codeArrange transportation to and from the clinical facility at the student’s expenseComplete and return the clinical education instructor evaluation and Clinical Performance Instrument evaluation.Responsibilities of the Clinical Education Site and CIStudents must have successfully completed all physical therapy didactic coursework and be in good standing in the PTA program in order to continue to their clinical education courses. The student must be functioning at the developing level of academic professional behaviors prior to beginning all full time clinical coursework. The faculty reserves the right to require additional learning experiences as deemed necessary to promote a successful clinical learning experience.Clinical education is a vital part of the total program in developing a physical therapist assistant (PTA). The responsibilities of the clinical education programs in health care settings include providing opportunities for the student to: Observe and apply the knowledge required for the practice of physical therapy under the direct supervision of a licensed PT or PTA via patient/client care. Integrate and practice the academic knowledge acquired with the clinical practice of physical therapy under the scope of PTA work. Begin to develop the communication skills and treatment skills necessary to practice as an entry level PTA under the supervision of a licensed PT.The clinical educator has many roles. A key responsibility is to create and structure a safe and rich learning environment. The clinical educator is also a teacher, a role in which the clinician assesses the student's skills and presents information to the student. The clinical educator is also an influential role model from which the student molds his attributes and behaviors to build a professional image.An important responsibility of the clinical site and clinical instructor is the evaluation of the student’s performance and accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the clinical education course. The provision of quality clinical experiences involves four partners: the clinical instructor, the clinical site, the student, and the educational institution. All four must make contributions and cooperate. The clinical educators provide their time and expertise. Without their support and interest, the chances for successful student experiences are severely jeopardized. This responsibility places considerable burdens on the clinical educator. This is an individual who places highest priorities on quality patient care, who may not be well versed in educational skills or concepts, and is asked to develop educational experiences which constitutes one of the most important aspects of physical therapist assistant education. The clinical educator is not expected to do this without guidance, support and assistance from the educational institution. The clinical educator must continually be kept up to date on the curriculum and know what to expect of the students, in order to develop appropriate and meaningful experiences. CLINICAL EDUCATION SHOULDAllow the student to practice and apply new skills and concepts.Expand academic knowledge baseDevelop clinical competencies within the scope of PTA work.Identify role models and an understanding of working under the supervision of a PTDevelop communication and interpersonal skills needed to function as a professional educator and health care team member.Identify personal areas of interest and/or need.Have a wide variety of experiences in the attempt to become a well-rounded, multi-faceted professional in multi-cultural environments.EXPECTATIONSThe clinical fieldwork courses have been designed to provide the student with a variety of patient experiences. These experiences are coordinated with the didactic portion of the curriculum. This should ensure that each student has a well-rounded exposure to physical therapy practice. Clinical Education courses are scheduled for one part time 90 hour affiliation in semester 4 and two full time affiliations for 40 hours per week in semesters 5.Each clinical assignment will involve the following: Learning Objectives Each clinical education course has course objectives, which will be disseminated to students and clinical education facilities as part of the course syllabus. Students are expected to generate individualized learning objectives and goalsEach clinical site is encouraged to develop learning experiences for students rotating through their department. These objectives can address experiences and/or techniques unique to the facility. Structured learning experiences can then be developed to address the facility’s learning objectives. Student's RoleThe role and level of function of the student during clinical assignments will be determined by the clinical instructor and stated in the individual course syllabi. The student is responsible for their own learning and demonstrating professional behavior at all times. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the ACCE apprised of problems that might arise related to their clinical learning. The ACCE should be contacted as soon as a problem is identified regardless of the clinical site or the student’s desire to have the ACCE intervene. This keeps all parties informed and allows responsible follow-up. DocumentationAll patient treatment notes should be read, approved, and countersigned by the clinical instructor. All treatment notes should be signed by the student with the letters “S-PTA”. CLINICAL DRESS CODE The student will wear clothing consistent with the clinic’s expectations. Clothes will be clean, neatly pressed and free of odor. Students will be clean, free of body odor, and have well-trimmed fingernails. Makeup will be conservative in nature. Long hair will be pulled back. Beards and mustaches will be neatly trimmed. Jewelry will be kept to a minimum and consistent with the clinic’s expectations. Appropriate undergarments will be worn. Name tags denoting student status will be worn. Shoes will be practical, closed walking shoes that have non-slip soles Tennis shoes are discouraged and may only be worn if approved by the clinical site. Any student who chooses to disregard the dress code will be verbally warned once and the second infraction will warrant a written warning. A third infraction will result in suspension from the clinical site on that same day until a conference is held with the PTA program director or academic clinical coordinator of education (ACCE). Attendance Policy1.Students are expected to be present for all clinical experiences. 2.If a student is unable to attend, he/she is to phone the facility and speak with the clinical instructor the morning of the absence based on clinic hours. The student will also notify the ACCE at Carrington College of the absence and reason.3.Clinical attendance will be documented in the student's record. Changes in the clinical schedule, including make-up days must be coordinated and approved by the ACCE, Clinical Coordinator of Education (CCCE) and clinical instructor.4.If a student does not report for clinical as scheduled, the clinical instructor and the ACCE will counsel the student.5. Students will be allowed one sick day of clinical absence Clinical Education I and three sick days in the full time Clinical Education II and III.6. Students failing to comply with attendance requirements may be recommended for dismissal from the program.7. A physician’s release is required to return to clinical following three (3) or more consecutive days of absence due to illness/injury. TransportationStudents are responsible for their own transportation and living arrangements related to clinical affiliations.Student LiabilityAll students are covered by Carrington College’s umbrella liability insurance while on their clinical affiliations.Background Checks and Medical Clearance: see Appendix AStudents of the Carrington College physical therapist assistant program are advised that hospitals and outpatient clinics typically require that students submit to background checks and receive appropriate clearance before they will be permitted to participate in clinical rotations at those institutions. Students who do not receive appropriate clearance may be unable to fulfill their academic requirements at Carrington College, and therefore may not be able to complete their educational program. To be considered eligible to attend any clinical rotations for the Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Carrington College, all students are required to show documentation of the following: Background Check: The background check must be completed at the time of the admission process. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete admissions packet and the applicant will be ineligible for entrance into the PTA program. Each applicant will be given a background check information packet that he/she must complete on their own and submit to Carrington College Las Vegas campus as part of their admission checklist. The site can be accessed at . Each applicant is responsible for the cost which is $49.50. Medical Clearance RequirementsMumps, Measles and Rubella: This requires two vaccinations or a titer showing immunity. Varicella (chicken pox): Must have a varicella vaccine or a titer showing immunity. The titer results will typically take up to 7 days.Hepatitis B: This requires three vaccinations over six months or a waiver may be signed.TDAP or Tetanus, Diptheria , and Pertussis: This requires a copy of proof of current vaccination.TB Screen: This can be done either by a negative TB skin test or a chest x-ray (if positive). If a student is required by their employer to obtain this testing, a copy of the results is sufficient.Drug screen: Negative results from a urine sample for the follow substances.Amphetamine (AMP) Barbiturate (BAR) Benzodiazepines (BZD) Cocaine (COC) Marijuana (THC) Methadone (MAD) Methamphetamine (MET) Oxycodone (OXY) Phencyclidine (PCP) Propoxyphene (PPX) (Please refer to Appendix H of the PTA Student Handbook for more information on completing these tests.) CPR:Must have been completed as a requirement for admission into the PTA program. Carrington College may provide the BLS CPR course on campus for all students and faculty.Patient ConfidentialityDuring your clinical education students will be expected to collect data regarding patients/clients being treated in the physical therapy department or facility. Under NO circumstances should this data be discussed outside of the clinic, photocopied or identified with a particular patient or individual. All HIPAA violations will be considered a reason for failure of the clinical education course as well as dismissal from the PTA program. Patient information is to be discussed only with the supervising physical therapist. Patient information includes: diagnosis, age, gender, previous medical history, prescribed medications, physical therapy plan of care or any other physical therapy documentation. Students have the same responsibility of keeping confidential information related to internal and external affairs of the facility in which they are completing their clinical affiliations.The student is responsible for abiding by all operational policies and procedures and regulations of that facility as would any other employee of the institution.OTHER POLICIES AND PROCEDURESGrading All grading of the clinical education courses is the sole responsibility of the ACCE. If it is determined through consultation with the clinical instructor that performance is unsatisfactory and the student can verify that there were extenuating circumstances to their inability to be successful within the allotted time, the ACCE may offer the student an incomplete grade with terms for removal established by the ACCE. An action plan will be constructed by the ACCE with input from the student to address the terms for removal of the incomplete. The ACCE may seek input from academic faculty and the clinical instructor when constructing remedial action plans. Incomplete clinical coursework may interrupt the student’s ability to proceed with subsequently scheduled didactic or clinical courses. Evaluation Forms The Physical Therapist Assistant Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) will be used to assess PTA student’s clinical education performance. All evaluation materials must be returned to the ACCE by the student or by mail within a week after the completion of a clinical assignment. These evaluation forms are a means of recording a student's clinical performance and professional development. They also assist the student in recognition of their growth as a PTA and assist in planning future clinical education experiences. It assists the clinical instructor in determining strengths and weaknesses of the student's clinical performance while planning new learning experiences and it assists the ACCE in determining strengths and weaknesses in the overall academic curriculum and in determining ways in which the individual student may be assisted in achieving individual clinical education objectives.HolidaysAll holidays observed by Carrington College will be considered holidays for students. Clinical sites that observe holidays that coincide with scheduled clinical days will also be regarded as holidays by those students assigned to that facility.Failure of a Clinical Education CourseIf you are having difficulty with the clinical education requirements, it is best to discuss this with your clinical instructor and academic coordinator of clinical education at Carrington College as soon as possible. Appropriate steps including tutoring and guidance may be considered.If a student fails a clinical education course they may be unable to continue with the program. The student will be invited to apply for re-admission into the PTA program into the following cohort. The student will be asked to pass academic and practicum exams up to where they left the program in order to be re-instated.The student can request guidance from the PTA faculty to meet this requirement.Clinical Education Disclosure FormOne of the tasks of the clinical education component of the PTA curriculum is to provide students with the opportunity to work in a clinical setting with a diagnosed patient population.?Through contractual arrangement, facilities have agreed to allow Carrington College PTA students to work directly with their patients under the supervision of a licensed PT or PTA who is employed by the clinical facility. This type of agreement relies heavily on the trust between the clinical facility and the PTA program’s academic preparation of the student to be able to successfully integrate him or her into the clinical environment.Faculty and clinical instructors are committed to student’s successful completion of the clinical education component of the curriculum.? In the event that a student must re-take a clinical education course some decisions need to be made:What remediation needs to take place for the student to be more successful in the clinical setting?Whether or not to disclose the reasons the student was not successful in the first attempt with the clinical education course. Which clinical sites would provide an opportunity for a student to repeat a clinical education course? Every student has the right to privacy with regard to his or her academic and clinical performance. This information is not disclosed to anyone without the express consent of the student.? When a student needs to re-take a clinical education course it is the opinion of the PTA faculty that this information would be very helpful to disclose. Once the information is disclosed to the clinical instructor, a remediation plan can be developed and implemented by the PTA program faculty.? This plan would be designed to assist the student to become more successful as he or she re-takes the clinical education course.Please indicate whether or not you agree to let the PTA program faculty members disclose this information on your behalf and develop a remediation plan for you.? Failure to grant this permission will make you ineligible for the development of any remediation plan when you re-take this clinical education course.??___ I agree to have the PTA program faculty disclose that I am re-taking this clinical education course, and the reasons that I need to re-take this course.? I understand that the purpose of this disclosure is to help me be more successful.Signature ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Name (Printed) ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?Date_____________________________________________?___? I do not want the PTA program faculty to disclose any information about my re-taking this clinical education course.? I understand that this makes me ineligible for the development of a remediation plan for this course.?Signature ______________________________________________Name (Printed) __________________________________________Date ____________________________________________________ ???????????? ??Clinical Education Disciplinary Policy?Although it is presumed that physical therapist assistant students exercise maturity and sound judgment in the process of becoming productive members of the health care community, there are occasions when it becomes necessary to address matters of conduct and discipline.? In the event that disciplinary action becomes necessary, the program faculty will exercise fairness, utilizing progressive discipline when possible.The type of disciplinary action taken will depend on the seriousness and nature of the offense, and the student/learner’s history of problems.?Disciplinary action may include one or more of the following:Verbal counseling when the infraction is relatively minor or a first offense. Written warning which may become part of the student/learner’s permanent file when verbal counseling fails to achieve the desired change in behavior. Removal from the clinical site when previous disciplinary actions fail to produce desired changes in behavior, or conduct presents a danger to self and others. Remember, the aim is to promote behaviors that best serve the needs of patients, the health care institution and the community.?THE FOLLOWING ARE CONSIDERED JUST CAUSE FOR DISMISSAL FROM CLINICAL EDUCATIONUnprofessional or unethical behavior on the part of the student in accordance with professional guidelines or Code of Ethics as defined by the Physical Therapy profession. Failure on the part of the student to meet any necessary academic requirementsCriminal activity within the clinical site or hospital Use of alcohol, drugs or other toxic or foreign agents, which tend to limit or adversely affect the student/learner’s duties and responsibilities Any behavior which violated a clinical site regulation and/or resulting in denial by the clinical site of clinical privileges Action which knowingly endangers the health or well being of the student, a fellow student, patient or hospital personnel or visitor Vandalism or abuse of clinical equipment Violation of patient privacyPlease also refer to the Carrington College catalog code of conduct section. This resource reinforces this policy, lists inappropriate behavior and discusses refund policies in the event of dismissal.Inappropriate conduct will result in a conference with the CI and if deemed necessary the ACCE. The CI can phone or email the ACCE at any time regarding unprofessional or unsafe behavior by a student and a conference will be scheduled. The CCCE, CI and clinical facility have the right to request the student not return until the conference with the ACCE. The conference will include the student, CI and ACCE and CCCE. Behavior deemed unprofessional could lead to dismissal from the program. The APTA Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant must be adhered to while participating in the clinical education courses.When a student is removed from a clinical education site, he or she may be dismissed from the education rmed ConsentStudents must wear their Carrington College name tag with the “Student” designation to their clinical sites and must introduce themselves to patients/clients and other healthcare providers as students. Students should also be aware that patients/clients have the right to refuse to participate in their clinical education. Students have the responsibility of informing their Clinical Instructor of the patients/clients’ request.?Due Process and Grievance Procedure?Please refer to the Carrington College catalog and Carrington College Physical Therapist Assistant Program Policies and Procedures Manual for an explanation of student due process procedures. These can be found under the heading Grievance Procedure. The procedure is also applicable to physical therapist assistant clinical education.??Disciplinary Action Form?Program of Study:?Physical Therapist Assistant?Student Name:??????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Faculty Member:???????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Meeting Date:????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Nature of offense:??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ************************************************************Written Warning:This offense was originally discussed with you on ????????????????????????????????? . Recommended changes in behaviors or actions have not been demonstrated.This copy serves as your written notice that the desired effect has not yet been achieved. Failure to produce the agreed upon change(s) within ????????????????? will result in your removal from the clinical education site.?Student/learner Name:?????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? Faculty Member:???????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Notice Date:??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?A copy of this page is to be retained by both the student and the Program Coordinator or their designee.Regarding DisabilitiesIf you are aware or suspect there is a reason that may interfere with your ability to complete requirements of the clinical education courses and affiliation duties/responsibilities, please contact the ACCE or program director. Appropriate actions are facilitated by timely requests. Reasonable requests for appropriate accommodations will be attempted and all requests will be held in confidence.Carrington College recognizes the obligation to provide overall program accessibility throughout its campuses for persons with disabilities. Carrington College will provide information as to the existence and location of services, activities and facilities that are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities. For specific information regarding accessibility and reasonable accommodations for disabled individuals, contact the executive director.Carrington College prohibits retaliation towards anyone who files a complaint of discrimination against the administration, faculty or staff.APPENDIX APTA Program Requirements for Clinical ExternshipStudents of the Carrington College physical therapist assistant program are advised that hospitals and outpatient clinics typically require that students submit to background checks and receive appropriate clearance before they will be permitted to participate in clinical rotations at those institutions. Students who do not receive appropriate clearance may be unable to fulfill their academic requirements at Carrington College, and therefore may not be able to complete their educational program. To be considered eligible to attend any clinical rotations for the Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Carrington College, all students are required to show documentation of the following: Background Check: The background check must be completed at the time of the admission process. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete admissions packet and the applicant will be ineligible for entrance into the PTA program. Each applicant will be given a background check information packet that he/she must complete on their own and submit to Carrington College Las Vegas campus as part of their admission checklist. The site can be accessed at . Each applicant is responsible for the cost which is $48.50. Medical Clearance RequirementsMumps, Measles and Rubella: This requires two vaccinations or a titer showing immunity. Varicella (chicken pox): Must have a varicella vaccine or a titer showing immunity. The titer results will typically take up to 7 days.Hepatitis B: This requires three vaccinations over six months or a waiver may be signed.TDaP or Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis: This requires copy of proof of current vaccination.TB Screen: This can be done either by a negative TB skin test or a chest x-ray (if positive). If a student is required by their employer to obtain this testing, a copy of the results is sufficient.Drug screen: Negative results from a urine sample for the follow substances.Amphetamine (AMP) Barbiturate (BAR) Benzodiazepines (BZD) Cocaine (COC) Marijuana (THC) Methadone (MAD) Methamphetamine (MET) Oxycodone (OXY) Phencyclidine (PCP) Propoxyphene (PPX) (Please refer to Appendix H of the PTA Student Handbook for more information on completing these tests.) CPR:Must have been completed as a requirement for admission into the PTA program. Carrington College may provide the BLS CPR course on campus for all students and faculty.* Why do criminal background checks on students?There are three primary reasons for performing these checks:A criminal record will likely prevent a student from receiving a professional license upon completion of the educational program. Most state licensing boards WILL perform a criminal background search as part of the licensure process, and it would be unfortunate to complete an educational program, yet be unable to be granted a license or certification.Hospitals in which students work as part of clinicals are required to have a background check report on file for all providers of hands-on patient care, whether they are employees of the hospital or not. (This includes any and all healthcare program students.) Hospitals are putting their JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) certification at risk by having an unchecked individual present in their facility.It may be the case that a student may have a criminal record and is not aware of it. For instance, an old conviction that is eligible to be purged from the student’s record must be expunged following a written request; if the student does not submit the written request, then the conviction will remain on the student’s record, even though it is eligible for removal. Such a conviction could prevent licensure or future employment. Finding out now allows the student to take the necessary steps to make proper amends. Also, if it is not possible to remove a conviction at present, it is recommended that the conviction be disclosed so that employment or licensure is not denied for providing false information.What if there is a conviction on the report?The student is allowed by law to examine the report and will be contacted if they want to dispute any findings contained in it, if they are turned down for clinicals because of negative information found in the background report. If a conviction was wrongly reported, the student may request that the report be amended to change this mistake. However, the occurrence of such errors is very infrequent. In some cases, one conviction may not be a permanent barrier to employment. Simply being honest about one’s past can potentially answer questions about character that arise based on the report.Please note: The cost for the Background check and all immunizations/titers is the responsibility of the student. APPENDIX B5740 South Eastern Avenue # 140 Las Vegas, NV 89119 (702) 688-4300CARRINGTON COLLEGEPHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT PROGRAMSTUDENT EVALUATION OF CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR and CLINICAL SITEStudent Name: _______________________________________________Course: _____________________________________________________Clinical Site:_________________________________________________Clinical Instructor:____________________________________________Please evaluate your clinical instructor using the following scale:SCALE: 5 =completely agree 4 =strongly agree 3 = agree most of the time 2 = disagree 1 = strongly disagreeCriteria54321COMMENTS(CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE OR BACK IF NECESSARY)Problem Solving/Critical ThinkingEncourages critical thinking54321Encourages initiative54321Provides assistance when needed54321Clinical Performance/Competency Knowledgeable in PT interventions54321Is prepared and organized in clinic54321Communication??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Provides a non-threatening learning environment54321Communicates expectations54321Identifies strengths and weaknesses of students54321Documents areas for student improvement54321Professional Conduct?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Expects professional accountability54321Acts as a liaison between clinical site, Carrington College and students54321Adheres to the APTA Code of Ethics54321Models professional behavior with patients54321Models professional behavior with clinical staff/ healthcare providers54321CLINICAL SITEI felt I treated a diverse patient/client population54321The equipment at the facility was current and in good working condition54321I utilized and was able to practice Physical Therapy interventions under the guidance of the supervising Physical Therapist54321Personal safety precautions were emphasized as well as during patient interventions54321Clinical Education Handbook for Students Acknowledgement I, , have received a copy of the Carrington College Physical Therapist Assistant Program Clinical Education Handbook for Students. My signature acknowledges that I will abide by the policies and procedures set forth by this manual.Print Name:Signature:Date: ................

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