
Resume’Lynn R. Anner – BolieuLynn R. Anner-Bolieu P.O. Box 3642; Gallup, NM 87305(505) 879-0362 (c)OBJECTIVE: To work in a university, school district, community, or clinic setting.11/01/201 1-Present: Gallup/McKinley School District: (Please see below).12/2008-10/31/2011 Navajo Nation Women, Infants & Children’s Nutrition Program: as a Senior Regional Nutritional Nutritionist based in the Crownpoint, NM clinic and also covering for the Ganado, AZ clinic. Resigned to work closer to home. Director: Adele R. King.11/06/06-12/04/08 Gallup/McKinley School District: Substitute teacher: licensed in Newand 11/01/2011 Mexico: Schools worked in thus far: Navajo Pine; Navajo Mid; Navajo., topresent Chee Dodge; Juan de Onate; Washington; Gallup Mid; Jefferson; Turpen; David Skeet; Lincoln; [This includes substituting for school librarians as well].2/15/06 - 11/05/06 Job Search.11/14/05 — 2/14/06 University of New Mexico/Gallup: Education Specialist (Interim position) College Learning Center: Tutor students and taught classes in English (reading and writing skills; supervised peer tutors). 200 College Rd.; Gallup, NM 87301. Supervisor: James Sayers.7/2004 — 12/2005 University of New Mexico/Gallup: Adjunct Instructor; Diabetes Weilness; Perspectives in Diabetes (Diabetes Certification Program). Supervisor: Rosemary Anslow.1/2003 — 11/17/05 Catholic Charities of Central New Mexico: The Stone Soup Project. Regional Technical Assistance Coordinator (Northwestern/west-central NM). Based in Gallup, NM. Worked with small non-profits, grassroots groups, and faith-based groups to help them improve their practices and increase their capacity to work with the needy and other people of New Mexico. funding cycle ended. Supervisor: (Former) Project Director, Vicki Riddle. 6000 Marble NE.; Albuquerque, NM 87110.3/1998 — 10/2002 New Mexico State University: Cooperative Extension Service. County Extension Agent for Home Economics and 4-H (Rank: Assistant Professor); (Acting Director for four months in 2001). Coordinated the BreastfeedingPeer Counselor program in the County in collaboration with the McKinley County Breastfeeding Coalition; supervised Nutrition Educators; published anewsletter (In Harmony), for which I received a Diabetes Prevention mini-grantfrom the Office of Diabetes Prevention and Control, NM Dept. of Health forthe years 2000 and 2001, with emphasis on healthy nutrition, Diabetesprevention, food safety, and other health issues, etc.; did presentations atchapter house health fairs on nutrition; was founding member oftheCommunity Pantry, doing more than 25 on-site food safety inspections oftheparticipating agencies. Based in McKinley County, NM. Gerald Chacon, (former) Northern District Director. (505) 470-1432 (c). New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service; College of Agriculture and Home Economics; Las Cruces, NM4/2000 — 10/2002 Prescott College. Prescott, AZGraduate Advisor; tutor; reader for qualifying papers — (Master of Arts Program). As needed. Frank Cardamone, Supervisor.9/1994 — 1/1998 The University of Vermont: Cooperative Extension Service. Coordinator, Vermont Best Start Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program (3/4 time) in 3-county area. Based in Newport, Vermont. Linda Berlin, Supervisor. (funding ended as of 09/30/1997. Volunteered through 12/31/1997). College of Agrculture and Home Economics; Burlington, Vermont 05485 Self-employed. Newport, Vermont. Counselor (Career Coaching/Pastoral Counseling); Translator (French); Writer (Tourism — wrote the text for the local Chamber of Commerce “Official Visitors Guide” for Orleans County, Vermont).1995 — 1998 Self-employed. Newport, Vermont. Landscaper. South Bay Landscaping.1991 — 1993 Substitute teaching; substitute retail work; volunteerworked (5 months with The Poverty Coalition). Burlington and Newport, Vermont.Various dates Community College of Vermont. Newport, Vermont.Instructor: 1994, 1929 Nutrition; 1991 Ethics; 1974 Careers in HomeEconomics. Main Street; Newport, VT 05855Norwich University. Northfield, Vermont 056..Instructor: French (1984).1/1989 — 11/1991 North Country Career Center. Newport, Vermont.Adult Services Coordinator. Developed 15 courses persemester in vocational topics. Facilitated careerdecision-making, etc. Served as liaison to localcommunities, as well as to the social service, judicial,and business communities for mutual economic, socialand educational needs by encouraging partnerships.Supervisor: Allan “Chip” Evans.Vermont Dept. of Education; Montpelier, VT 056..6/1 986— 5/1988 Yale University Divinity School Library. New Haven, CTWork study: Student Assistant Librarian in TechnicalServices. Supervisors: Paul Stuerhrenburg; RoifSpring 1985 Yale University Sterling Library. New Haven, CT.Work study: Title Searcher in Cyrillic Languages.4/1979 — 7/1984 U.S. Postal Service. Greensboro Bend, Vermont 05845Postmaster Assistant — rank: Career Employee.Part/time. Supervisor: Postmaster Anton LaPierre (dec.)9/1980 — 6/1981 Cabot School. Cabot, Vermont. 056..Teacher, Home Economics. Halftime. Supervisor: Ron Boucher9/1978 — 5/1980 Hardwick Head Start. Hardwick, Vermont 05843Coordinator / Social Service Person. Supervisor: Linda Thomas.4/1974 — 4/1976 Vermont Department of Health: Maternal and ChildHealth Project. Public Health Nutritionist. Half-time.Based in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Supervisor: Ellen Thompson.1971 — 1995 Certified to teach Home Economics and French, grades7 through 12; also earned Adult Educator’s License(Level 1), 1991. Did substitute teaching for 12 ofthoseyears in K through 12. Orleans S.E. School District. Hardwick, VT 0524310/1970 — 6/1971 Hazen Union School. Hardwick, Vermont.Teacher-Aide/Home Economics; Earned studentteaching credits and certification. Superintendent: Mr. O’Brien.4/1968 — 7/1970Credit Lyonnais Corp. New York City, NY. 10021.Promoted to Head Librarian position. Fluencyin French language required. Supervisor: Herman Stauch.4/1966 — 2/1968Lawrence Hospital. Bronxville, N.Y.Therapeutic Dietician. Wrote and taughtspecial diets in accordance with physicians’prescriptions. Supervisor: Ms. Yullle.EDUCATION Yale University Divinity School. New Haven, CTM. Div. (Theology). Studied Religion and the Arts;Rural ministry. Partial scholarship. May 1988.[Received two scholarships to attend two Appalachian Ministries RuralEducation Center (AMERC) seminars: Summer 1987 (2 months studyingAppalachian culture, and the coal mining industry in Central Appalachia);January 1988 (Travel seminar in southern Appalachia studying the farmcrisis among black and white farm families; and poverty among thehomeless).Staged Appalachian Quilt Exhibit at Yale to benefit AMERC.]Hunter College of the City University of New York.B. Science (Home Economics). Nutrition and Dietetics major; Scienceminor. New York State Regents Scholarship, for books, for 4 years.Norwich University. Northfield, Vermont.Studied Advanced French; Russian. Studied Russian (on scholarship eachof 2 summers) at their Russian School (immersion). 9/1983 — 7/1984.Johnson State College. Johnson, Vermont. Received teachercertification. FaIl 1970.Other higher Yale University. Yale / Berkeley credits 10/2003: 1 CEU Yale/Berkeley Convocation10/1 993: 2 CEUs Preaching; Biblical StudiesThe University of Oklahoma.1/2002: 2.5 CEUs Native Diabetes PreventionConference. Laughlin, Nevada.The University of New Mexico.1998 —2002: Library Science (9 credits; earned Level 1 license,State ofNM); credits in Navajo Language; Jewelry Making;Ceramics. (Ceramics II -non-matric., Spring 2012)Ministry certifications:Dec. 2008: Ordained to the Deaconate; Episcopaql Church of Navajoland;Good Shepher Mission; Fort Defiance, AZ2005: Rocky Mountain Pastoral Care & Training Associates: 1 yearcertificate, specializing in community pastoral education. Accredited byCPE and ACPE Associations.12/2005: Cook School of Theology (Extension).Old Testament; Counseling Skills; Crisis Counseling.International Critical Incident Stress Foundation:11/2005: Advanced Pastoral Crisis Intervention. Certified.11/2005: Pastoral Crisis Intervention. Certified.4/2005: Critical Incident Stress Management: Advanced Group CrisisIntervention. Certified.11/2003: Thought field Therapy TM, Algorithms One and Two. Certified.2003: Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) refresher course.Originally, certified 11/2001.Mid-90’s: Stephen Ministry/St. Mark’s Episcopal Parish, Newport,Vermont: Received ongoing training and was commissioned as a StephenMinister (lay) and worked successively, with three care-receivers during atwo-year period.Memberships:1998 to Present: McKinley County Recycling Council: Member, andcurrently Board member.2006: KGLP Public Radio Board: Officer: Secretary:1998 to 2008: Gallup/McKinley Diabetes Advisory Council; Chair-elect:2003; 2006 (Acting); Member between 1998 and 20082005: Member, Obesity, Physical Activity and Nutrition StrategicPlanning Committee (OPAN); New Mexico Department of Health.2005: Member, Catholic Charities USA: EmergencyServices Section. 2003-2005: Parish Social Ministry Section. AttendedNational Gatherings: 2005 (Phoenix); 2004 (Denver); 2003 (Detroit)1998 to present: Member McKinley Community Health Alliance(Comprehensive McKinley County Health Council), and its Core Group(between 2003 and 200$).1998 —2002: Association of Family and Consumer Scientists; NewMexico 4-H Agents Association1999 — 2001: National 4-H Agents Association;(Attended national conference in Denver, 11/2000).1998: Society for Nutrition Education(Attended national conference in Albuquerque).1994— 2002: Attended at least I or 2 BreastfeedingConferences a year, and other nutrition conferences.2009 -2011: Attended approximately four week-long training workshopswith the Navajo Nation WIC Nutrition Program on various issues relatingto Nutrition and Patient -Centered Education.June/July 2010: Trained as Certified Breastfeeding Counselor (CRC),by Central Arizona College, Chinle, AZ . Instructor: Suzan Murphy,IBCLC; IRS/Medical Core; 1-877-868-9473.2012: Spring: Attended Navajo Nation Nutrition Conference; Gallup, NM ................

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