Pearl City High School Career Resource Center Room …

Table of Contents

Page 2 Pearl City High School College & Career Information

Pages 3-4 High School Preparation Calendar by Grade Levels

Page 5 Tests

Page 6 Who Am I? The Career Pathways

Page 7 Things to Consider When Selecting Your Career

Page 8 Where Am I Going? The Options After High School

Page 9 How Do I Get There? Entrance Requirements

Page 10-11 Selecting A College

Page 12 Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

Page 13 Sample Letter to College Requesting Information

Page 14 Joining the Armed Forces

Page 15 Applying for a Job

Page 16 Labor Market Information

Page 17 What You Should Know No Matter Where You Work

Page 18 Study Skills/Test Taking Tips

Page 19 The College Application Process

Pages 20-21 The College Essay

Page 22 The College Interview

Page 23 Sample Interview Questions

Page 24 Letter of Recommendation Request

Page 25 Athletic Participation in College

Pages 26-27 NCAA Athletic Eligibility Information

Pages 28-29 Helpful Websites

Page 30 How to do a Personal Data Sheet/Resume

Pages 31-33 Career Action Plan

Page 34 Developing Workplace Skills

Page 35 Job Analysis Worksheet

Page 36 College Campus Visits

Page 37 Steps to Determine Your Financial Need for College

Page 38-39 Preparing to Apply for Scholarships and Financial Aid

Page 40 Personal Statement/Financial Need Statement for Scholarships

Page 41 Financial Aid & Scholarship Information

Page 42 Financial Aid Contact Information

Page 43 When Asking for A Letter of Recommendation

Page 44 Completing the Scholarship Application

Page 45 Sample Scholarship

Pearl City High School College & Career Information

Mr. Mark Oda, Career & College Counselor phone: 307-5574

email: Mark_Oda@ PCHS website:

What college and career information can you access at PCHS?

- Individual counseling with the College and Career Counselor

- college, career, and special program speakers, open to all grades unless specified.

- test registration and information-PSAT, ASPIRE, SAT Reasoning & Subject Tests, ACT, TOEFL/iBT, ASVAB, AP exams, test prep info and practice tests.

- volunteer opportunities, job announcements.

- scholarship and financial aid information, applications, workshops, resources.

- reference materials (computer career and college search programs, books, videos).

- Naviance online career and college ready system

- military information, recruiter connections

Important Annual Events (specific dates TBA in school bulletins, PTSA newsletters)

- October PSAT (practice for the SAT Reasoning Test) for 10th and 11th graders at PCHS

- March free and mandatory testing at PCHS - ASPIRE (grades 9, 10) ACT (grade 11)

- Fall and Spring National College Fairs at the Hawaii Convention Center

- Fall and Spring ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test at PCHS. Free test for grades 10, 11,12)

- FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) workshops for seniors and parents

at PCHS, College Goal 808 statewide workshops at high school locations.

- Free College Planning Workshops for students and parents (grades 8-11) at various high schools

Other Resources

- Read the daily PCHS Student Bulletin, monthly College & Career Bulletin,

PCHS PTSA newsletter for important events, dates and deadlines.

The PCHS website archives all bulletins:

The Naviance website has career and college information, and more.

- Teachers, counselors, coaches, advisors, parents, relatives, work site mentors, etc.

- Internet – almost everything you need can be found if you have access. Free

career, college, and scholarship searches, applications, and so on.

- Pearl City High School library, State public library.

P. 2

High School Preparation Calendar by Grade Levels

9th Grade

- Read the daily Student Bulletins and monthly Career & College Bulletins for important announcements, events, programs, deadlines. Use Naviance regularly.

- Earn the best grades you can. Colleges and scholarships ask for your official

transcript which has all your courses and cumulative gpa from 9th grade on.

- Participate in school/community activities (clubs, committees, student govt., athletics,

band, community service, and take on leadership roles – captain, president, chairperson.

- Start a Personal Data Sheet listing the above activities and include honors and awards,

leadership positions, part-time jobs, special experiences, college and career goals.

- Register for the appropriate 10th grade courses based on your Career Pathway

selection and plans after high school.

- Attend college planning workshops and financial planning workshops as well as

career and college fairs to learn about college admission requirements and how to

plan now for financing a college education.

- If you are considering participating in NCAA Division 1 or 2 athletics in college, get

the most recent NCAA eligibility information to check which high school

credits and national test scores are required. Go to

- Keep a portfolio of all your honors, awards, certificates, copies of medals, best

school projects, career assessments, test scores, resume, and so on. Update it annually.

-Do your best on the free Statewide ASPIRE exam in March for all 9th graders.

Make the most out of your summers and inter-sessions. Here are some options:

- service learning (volunteer/community service) - PSAT/SAT test prep class

- paid or unpaid internship at a work site, career shadowing - college campus visit/tour

- summer school or enrichment program - part-time job

10th Grade

- Read the daily Student Bulletins and monthly College & Career Bulletin for important announcements, events, programs, deadlines. Use Naviance regularly.

- Continue to keep your cumulative gpa up.

- 4-year university bound students should take the PSAT test.

- Do your best on the Statewide ASPIRE test results also prepare you to be college and career ready, and as practice for the ACT next year.

- Participate in extra-curricular activities and update your Personal Data Sheet.

- Confirm your Career Pathway choice to help you to register for 11th grade courses.

- Attend college and career fairs, and college and financial planning workshops.

- Attend college and career speaker sessions at PCHS.

- If you are considering participating in NCAA Division 1 or 2 athletics in college, get

the most recent NCAA eligibility center information to check which high school

credits and national test scores are required.

- Continue to update your portfolio. Include activities such as career assessments,

career printouts, test results, examples of your best work, and other self-assessments.

-Apply for Early College or Running Start dual credit programs.

Make the most out of your summers and inter-sessions. Here are some options:

- service learning (volunteer/community service) - PSAT/SAT test prep class

- paid or unpaid internship at a work site, career shadowing - college campus visit/tour

- summer school or enrichment program - part-time job P. 3

11th Grade

- Read the daily Student Bulletins and College & Career Bulletins for important announcements, events, programs, deadlines. Use Naviance regularly.

- 4-year university bound students should re-take the PSAT in October, then take the

SAT Reasoning 2nd semester. SAT Subject Tests are recommended or required for specific private universities only. The ACT will be given free for 11th graders in March.

- Attend college and career speaker sessions in the Career Resource Center.

Research the educational requirements and training necessary for your career options.

- Keep your cumulative gpa up.

- Continue to participate in activities and update your Personal Data Sheet.

- Register for next year’s classes based on your Career Pathway/Academy choice.

- Attend college and financial planning workshops, as well as college and career fairs.

- Consider taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)

offered at PCHS. Used for entrance into the military or for personal career assessment.

- Make a list of colleges you are interested in and get on their mailing list.

- Update your portfolio. Include pictures of trophies, certificates, awards, stats, etc.

- Start working on a college/scholarship essay. Most private colleges will ask you

to write an essay of a topic of your choice or they will give you topics to choose

from. Scholarships ask you to write an essay or personal statement.

-If you might participate in NCAA D1 or D2 athletics, register at and send a transcript with all junior year grades.

- Apply for Early College/Running Start/Jump Start

Make the most out of your summers and non-school days. Here are some options:

- service learning (volunteer/community service) - PSAT/SAT test prep class

- paid or unpaid internship at a work site, career shadowing - college campus visit/tour

- summer school or enrichment program - part-time job

12th Grade

- Read the daily Student Bulletins and College & Career Bulletins for important announcements, programs, deadlines, scholarships. Use Naviance regularly.

- 4-year university bound students can re-take the SAT and/or ACT if necessary.

- Update your Personal Data Sheet, give a copy to the writers of your recommendations

- Ask for letters of recommendation from at least 2-3 teachers / advisors /coaches/ employers to be used for college and scholarship applications.

- Request for transcripts well ahead of time.

- Submit college applications and as soon as possible.

- If you plan to participate in NCAA Division 1 or 2 athletics in college, register at the

NCAA eligibility center at and send a final transcript with all senior year grades.

- Keep your cumulative gpa up. Some colleges ask for your final transcripts.

- Attend college speakers at PCHS, and the Fall College Fairs

- Apply to your dream college, and at least 1 guaranteed college you will be accepted to,

and apply to at least one college you can afford in case you don’t get much financial aid.

- Apply for all scholarships you are eligible for, meet deadlines.

- Attend financial aid workshops, apply for the Free Application for Federal

Student Aid (FAFSA) (October 1st starting with the Class of 2017)

-Consider Early College/Running Start courses. p. 4


PSAT - Practice test for the SAT Reasoning Test. 4-year college-bound students

should take in both 10th and 11th grades. Offered once a year in October at PCHS.

SAT Reasoning Test – Most 4-year colleges require this test or the ACT.

Usually taken 2nd semester of the 11th grade (May or June).

12th graders re-take the test senior year if they need to improve their scores.

Register at register The Writing section is optional – check with your college if you need to take it.

SAT Subject Tests – Subject Tests required or recommended by specific universities only. Ask your college if you need to take them. Usually taken 11th or 12th grade Register at register

The ASPIRE (practice for the ACT) offered statewide in March for all 9th and 10th graders.

ACT - 4-year college-bound students take this exam as an alternative to the

SAT . All juniors take the ACT for free statewide in public schools in March and can re-take it on their own 12th grade if necessary. Register at Check with your college if the Writing Section is required.

ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Free test required for military

entrance. Also for any 10th to 12th grader who wants to take it as a career assessment. Usually offered at PCHS in November and April. Scores will not be released to military recruiters unless you give permission.

TOEFL - College entrance test for students whose native language is not English.

Consult with your college as to whether you need this test. toefl

AP - Advanced Placement exams in May in which you can receive college credit if

you earn a minimum score.

Fee Waivers Test fee waivers are available for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, Subject Tests, and AP tests if you qualify based on family income or free/reduced lunch. See the College & Career counselor at PCHS if you qualify.

Test Prep Khan Academy, Naviance, SAT Test-Prep-HI, Iolani School, College Board, offer SAT /PSAT preparation programs. The more expensive, the more hours of instruction, the more you can get out of the class. See your career counselor for other test prep materials. There are many free web sites (and some that charge) which offer test prep question, exams, and analysis. P.5

Who Am I? The Career Pathways

Career Pathways are clusters of occupations combined together because the people in

those careers share similar interests and strengths. Selecting a pathway can help you

to register for the appropriate high school courses. Specific occupations require various levels of education or training for entry level, skilled or professional careers.

Arts & Communications

Creative, imaginative, innovative, original, people who like to communicate ideas.

Performing arts, visual arts, literary arts, and media arts.

Occupations include: architecture, interior design, creative writing, fashion design, film,

fine arts, graphic design and production, journalism, languages, radio, television,

advertising, public relations, entertainers (singers, dancers, musicians).


People who like to work with numbers or ideas, plan and organize things, lead groups. Occupations include: entrepreneurs, sales and marketing, computer/information systems, finance, accounting, personnel, economics, and management.

Health Services

You like to help sick people stay healthy, learn about diseases, how the body works.

May include research, prevention, treatment, and related technologies.

Occupations include: nurses, physicians, physical therapists, pharmacists, dentists,

medical assistants, veterinarians, emergency medical technician’s, medical secretary, etc.

Industrial & Engineering Technology

People who like to work with their hands, build or fix things, curious about how things work. Design, develop, install or maintain physical systems.

Occupations include: engineers, mechanics, carpenters, painters, electricians, pilots,

roofers, bakers, custodians, machinists, glaziers, welders, sheet metal workers, etc.

Natural Resources

Interested in nature, plants, animals, environment, and the physical world.

Occupations include: agricultural science, earth science, environmental science, fisheries, forestry, wildlife. Marine biologists, astronomers, landscapers, chemists, park rangers, animal trainers, etc.

Public & Human Services

You are a people-person and like to help others solve their problems. May include education, government, law enforcement, military, religion, leisure and recreation,

child care and social services. Occupations include: flight attendants, child care

workers, fire fighters, police officers, FBI agents, cosmetologists, psychologists,

lawyers, chefs, counselors, social workers.


Things to Consider When Selecting Your Career

1. Learn as much about yourself as you can. Your personality, strengths, weaknesses, interests, values, skills, aptitudes, talents. Do you want to work with people, data, or things (hands-on)?

2. Take career assessments and interest inventories. Evaluate your test results (PSAT, ASPIRE, SAT, ACT, ASVAB, etc.)

3. Use the Naviance website.

4. Select one of the six career pathways. Investigate and compare equally the various occupations within the pathway. Select specific occupations to focus on.

5. Talk to people working in those fields - Attend career speakers, career and college fairs. Consider career shadowing and internship opportunities, a part-time job or volunteer program.

6. Research the job outlook for your career choice – will they be hiring in the future?

Are there job opportunities in the area you plan to live in?

7. How many years of college or training after high school are you willing to sacrifice?

8. What is the maximum salary can I get with the level of education I plan to finish? What salary do I need for my lifestyle (own car, house, family, travel, etc)?

Consider the nature of the work:

___physically demanding ___mentally demanding (stressful)

___dangerous ___routine, repetitive work

___evening hours ___day hours

___indoors ___outdoors

___clean conditions ___dirty, noisy, dusty

___work with numbers ___work with words

___leader ___follower

___team player ___work alone

___hands-on ___work with data ___work with people ___work with ideas/creativity

___travel a lot ___work out of home or office

What benefits can I get from my employer? ___vacation (paid or unpaid)

___sick leave ___medical plan ___dental plan ___holidays ___other______________

Register for the appropriate high school courses that will help you with your future goals.

Develop a resume of your honors, awards, activities, leadership, work, volunteer, references.

What are your work values – the satisfaction or reward you get from your occupation? Rank in order of priority to you 1 - 7:

___pay/benefits ___job security ___job satisfaction ___status/recognition

___be my own boss ___service to others ___creativity/self expression

Success means being who you want to be! Find your passion!

For Hawaii labor market information, go to dakine/index.html

For national occupational information go to oco P. 7

Where Am I Going? The Options After High School

4-year universities

Professional degrees – architect, engineer, physician, teacher, lawyer, veterinarian, pharmacist, school counselor, social worker, dentist, marine biologist, scientist, etc.

Examples in Hawaii: Public institutions- University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Hawaii at Hilo, UH West Oahu.

Private colleges- Hawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, BYU-Hawaii. Wayland Baptist University, University of Phoenix.

Community or Junior Colleges

Two-year associate degrees or one-year certificates. One option to take liberal arts, then transfer to a 4-year university. Another option to get a one or two-year degree and go out and find a job. Examples of community college majors are: Cosmetology, food service-culinary arts, administration of justice, automotive mechanics technology, carpentry, commercial aviation, dental assisting, drafting technology, electronics technology, fire and environmental emergency response, television production, applied trades, digital media.

Examples of colleges in Hawaii: Leeward Community College, Kapiolani Community College, Honolulu Community College, Windward Community College, Hawaii Tokai International College, etc.

Professional/Trade School

Private specialty schools which take one or two years to complete. Examples of

majors are: business and computer related, criminal justice or medical assistant.

Examples of schools in Hawaii: Remington College, Med-Assists School of Hawaii, Hawaii Medical College, Travel Institute of the Pacific, The Paul Mitchell School, Hawaii Institute of Hair Design, Honolulu Nail Academy, La Mer Nail Instsitute.


Regular enlisted or Reserves: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, Air National Guard, Army National Guard.

Military Academies: West Point, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, Coast Guard Academy, Merchant Marines Academy, California Maritime Academy.

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), New Mexico Military Institute

Each has a different mission, entrance requirements, commitment, and training.


What does it take to get your dream job in your chosen career pathway? More schooling?

On-the-job training? What salary will be comfortable for you in the future? What is the highest salary you can make without any further education/training? What are the benefits offered? – Medical/Dental/Life Insurance, sick leave, vacation, retirement plan, etc.

p. 8

How Do I Get There? Entrance Requirements

Colleges have different admissions requirements. Certain majors/careers have specific requirements.

4-year university

Take the most challenging high school courses offered that you can handle, especially

math and science every year. Algebra 2 is a minimum, and Trigonometry

or Calculus for math-related majors such as engineering. Two years of a foreign language, a computer course, and biology, physics and chemistry are highly recommended. Some mainland colleges also require a fine arts class. Each college has their own gpa requirement. SAT or ACT scores required at most colleges. SAT Subject Test scores required for some private colleges. Private universities also consider extracurricular activities, essay, and teacher recommendations.

Community/junior colleges

Most just require a high school diploma for entrance, or 18 years of age if you don’t

have a diploma. But, it would benefit you to learn as much English and math in high

school as you can because everyone takes placement tests in those subjects. If you don’t score high enough on the placements, you take remedial, non-credit courses before you

can move on to other courses (which delays your graduation and costs more in the long run). Some specific majors have prerequisite courses you need to take before you can get into the major.

Private Professional or Trade Schools

Vary in their entrance requirements, but generally do not require SAT or ACT scores.

Offers many of the same specialized, technical degrees as community colleges, though private schools are more expensive.


Various branches require different ASVAB test scores. High school diploma required in most instances, otherwise college credits recommended. Criminal records and certain medical conditions may prevent you from qualifying. Investigate more than one branch

just in case.


Take courses in high school related to your chosen Career Pathway. Get experience through volunteering, part-time jobs, career shadowing, internships at work sites.

Participate in extracurricular activities and take on leadership roles which looks good on your resume.


Apply to your dream school, but also apply to at least one college you are assured of

getting admitted to. Go where you will be the most successful, depending on the

academic environment, and competitive atmosphere.

It doesn’t matter where you start – just where you finish!

p. 9

Selecting A College

Choose a college you would be most successful and feel comfortable at.

Home vs. Away:

___Oahu ___neighbor island ___mainland ___West ___Mid-West

___East ___foreign country (overseas)

What type of degree in your major? ___Doctorate ___Master’s ___Bachelor’s ___Associates __Certificate

Is Weather A Factor? Highest temp.______ Lowest temp._______

Location: ___urban ___suburban ___rural

Admissions Requirements:

___highly competitive ___moderately competitive ___noncompetitive

average gpa______ average SAT combined_______ average ACT composite_____

Type of College:

___4-year university ___2-year community college ___professional school

___public ___large ___med. or ___small ___private ___large ___med. or ___small

___religiously affiliated ___one gender only (all male or all female) _____Coed

Living Situation/Transportation:

___Dorm ___Off campus housing ___relative/friend ___parent’s home

___I plan to drive ___bus ___walk ___moped/bicycle/scooter

Cost of College Education:

My college costs: $_________per year. My family can afford $________ per year.

I need $________in financial aid/scholarships/work study/loans to attend my college.

Extracurricular Activities:

___athletics – what level? ___NCAA Division 1 ___Division 2 ___Division 3

___NAIA ___junior college athletics ___other_______________________

___music/band program ___student government ___frat/sorority

___Study Abroad ___Internships ___student exchange program


How Do I Know A “Good” College When I See One?

Colleges have specific majors which rank higher or lower nationally than others on their campus. Ask the college what their overall freshmen retention rates are. One true indication is whether the college is accredited, and where the most recent graduates have been hired at. Ask your college major department – What businesses regularly recruit at your school? Which graduate schools do your students get accepted to? If you have the opportunity, a campus visit can really help in your decision. Talk to faculty, students, sit in on a class, check out the facilities and support services.


Selecting A College Continued

Questions to ask the college:

- How many students in last year’s freshman class returned for their sophomore year?

- What percent of the freshman class obtained a 2.0 gpa or above last year?

- What is your procedure for class placement (English and math)?

- What procedure is used to assign a faculty advisor when the student is undecided or changes a major?

- What percentage of the classes are taught by professors (not graduate students)?

- What academic services are available at no additional cost (tutoring, counseling, etc.)?

- Are there any weekend activities for student who reside on campus?

- What procedure is used to select roommates? Can you request a change in roommates?

- Can I arrange a campus visit? What is the best time to do this?

- Are the dorms co-ed? Single-sex? Wellness (drug/alcohol free)? Quiet hours?

- What percent of your students received need-based financial aid? Merit-based?

- What percent of students are offered a loan? What is the average amount of loans students accumulate when they graduate?

- If an accepted student must submit a dorm deposit, when is it due, and is it refundable?

- Do you expect the tuition and dorm costs to increase in the next___ years? By how much?

- What is the average financial aid package if my family demonstrated need on the FAFSA?

- Does the college offer my major? How strong is that program?

- Will my AP and previous college credits transfer?

- What percentage of students graduate in 4 years?

- Can I get my first choice courses at the times I want?

- What does the college do to help graduates find jobs? Is it a free service?

- What percentage of graduates go on to graduate school? Find jobs?

- Are the dorms guaranteed? Required? Is it required to purchase a meal plan?

- How accessible are laundry facilities? Computers?

- What is the quality of the library and research facilities?

- What type of health facilities are offered if I get sick?

- How diverse is the campus? What is the ethnic breakdown of students? Faculty?

- How safe is the campus?

- What other extra-curricular activities are there on campus?

- Is the college accredited? By whom?

-Keep all the colleges you are interested in separate files, organize deadlines.

-You can start making a list of colleges at any time, but you should contact them no later than September of your senior year for information, applications, etc. Narrow your list down to six or less colleges. Visit the campus if at all possible when students are there.

-Attend college fairs, speakers, information sessions at hotels.

p. 11

Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)


WUE provides a way to attend two- and four-year colleges at reduced tuition (150% of their resident tuition instead of non-resident tuition). Some participating colleges offer all majors on a space-available, first-come, first-serve basis. Other colleges specify which majors are open to WUE students. Some accept transfer students at WUE rate. Requirements and participating colleges may change annually, check the college or above website for updated information.

States offering WUE:








New Mexico

North Dakota

South Dakota





Sample Letter Requesting College Information

Director of Admissions

University of Hawaii at Manoa

2600 Campus Road, SSC 1

Honolulu, HI 96822

Director of Admissions:

I am a senior at Pearl City High School in Hawaii and I would appreciate if you can send the following information to me:

Application for admissions

Viewbook or other information on your campus

Information on my major ________________

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Student Housing information

Name of athletic director/ Band Director


Jane Charger

2100 Hookiekie Street

Pearl City, HI 96782

Many colleges have email addresses on their websites that you can request the above information.

When you start receiving college information, file and organize the information, and keep a dated log of the deadlines and all your actions. For example:

1) Date you send your application, application fee, teacher recommendations, test scores,

high school transcript, deposit for dorm, financial aid and scholarship applications, personal data sheet, etc.


Joining the Armed Forces

If you are considering the military, the first question to ask yourself if you willing to serve your country in times of war. Military can provide the training for your career, or the financial assistance to pay for college. There are five branches, all with different missions– Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard. You can also join the Air National Guard or Army National Guard. Other opportunities include ROTC and the Academies, especially if you want to become an officer. You also must decide if you want to be full-time active duty status or part-time (Reserves).

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is required for entrance

into the military. It is offered twice a year at Pearl City High School for free or can be

taken by appointment at the recruiting station. You can take the exam as many times as

you like, but only your most recent score will be used for entrance, starting your junior year.


___Full-time active duty ___R.O.T.C ___Academy Prep Schools

___Reserves ___Academies (West Point, Naval, Air Force,

Merchant Marines, NMMI,Coast Guard)

Contact Information:

Air Force Recruiting Center 486-7003

Army Recruiting Center 486-3331

Coast Guard Recruiting 486-8677

Marine Corps Recruiting 487-1775

Navy Recruiting Center 488-9034

Hawaii Air National Guard 488-1038

Hawaii Army National Guard 737-5255 1-800-GO-

Hawaii Air National Guard & Hawaii Army National Guard

Military website

Air Force

Air Force Reserve

Air Force ROTC

Air Force Academy



Army Reserve

West Point

Coast Guard

Coast Guard Academy

Marine Corps



Naval Academy

Merchant Marine Academy usmma.ed/ P.14

Applying for a Job – Completing the Application

First, determine how getting a job will affect your time spent on other things – studying, leisure time, etc. What type of wages are you looking for? What type of position?

In some cases, you are already being rated when you pick up an application. If you are rude to the receptionist, dress inappropriately or speak poorly, they may be taking notes on you which will affect your application process. If they decide to interview you on the spot, you want to be dressed neatly, not eating or chewing gum, be alone (not with friends) and so on.

Before going to pick up an application, make sure you bring information with you such as your social security number, resume, emergency contact information, a pen (black or blue ink), work permit or Certificate of Age Card, I.D. (driver’s license, state ID, etc.). Some employers might ask you to complete the form there and won’t let you take it home.

Complete the application completely, accurately, and neatly. Employers use the application form to judge how well you follow instructions. If you do poorly on this step, you may never get a call for the next step, such as the interview. Write “does not apply” or “N/A” if a question does not pertain to you, instead of leaving it blank. Type the application if you have that option or print neatly with a black or blue ball point pen.

Be prepared to answer the following:

- Personal information such as name, address, phone, social security number.

- Title of position desired and hours – part-time, full-time, permanent, temporary, summer only, date you can start and end, available evenings or weekends, etc.

- Special skills, awards, activities, membership. Types of equipment, tools, computer knowledge if applicable. Type of licenses you have. Other languages you speak.

- Employment history – past jobs and contact information, job duties and description.

Can you explain why you left your previous job? Include paid or unpaid internships, volunteer and community service activities.

- References-contact information (not relatives). Could be Clergy members, former

employers, mentors, teachers, coaches, advisors, counselors, friends in business and community leaders. Ask those people for permission to use them as references before you list them on the application.

For specific jobs, it may help to bring your portfolio of your best sample work, letters of recommendation, cover letter/resume, certificates, reference contact information, and so on.

Work Permit information:

14-15 year olds: Certificate of Employment needed before starts work.

16-17 year olds: Certificate of Age card (no promise of job needed).

Dept. of Labor & Industrial Relations Office: 830 Punchbowl St, Rm 340.


16-17 year olds can get a permit online at labor/wsd


Where to Look for Labor & Occupational Information

Let your friends, neighbors, family/relatives know you are looking for a job. Read the classified ads in the newspaper. Visit various business sites and ask whether they are hiring now or in the near future. Check the Pearl City Career Resource Center for any job listings. Register for work at the Hawaii State Employment Service. Private employment agencies can help you look for jobs – some will charge you for their service.

Hawaii Information:

If you have access to the world wide web go to: dakine/index.html

This site has information on wages, employment, unemployment, occupational

information, job search, and labor market information. It also has links to national information. For example: Wages of Hawaii’s 20 Largest Occupations, Selected

Fast Growing Occupations in Hawaii, Occupations with the Largest Numbers of

Openings, Hawaii’s Job Bank for Job Seekers, Industry Employment Trends.

You can call these numbers for more information:

JobLink 587-0977 (24 hours a day)

Federal Employment Information 541-2791 (recording)

City & County Department of Personnel 523-4301 (Job Information Line)

Workforce Development Division

Apprenticeship 586-8877

Employment & Training Fund 586-8838

Job Training Partnership Act 586-8824

Job Seekers 586-8711

Unemployment Insurance Division (general info, claims, receiving checks)

Honolulu 586-8970 or 586-8971

Waipahu 675-0030

Enforcement Division (laws relating to minimum wage, overtime, child labor, etc)

Information & complaints 586-8777

Child Labor Certificates 586-8766

Research & Statistics Office (reports employment and related economic data)

Labor market information 586-9028

The Pearl City Career Resource Center also has information and access to Hawaii labor market information as well as national information.

Other job sites:



What should you know no matter where you work?

SCANS Workplace Competencies:

Resources – Know how to allocate time, money, materials, space, and staff.

Interpersonal Skills – How to work on teams, teach others, serve customers.

Information – Acquire and evaluate data, organize and maintain files, interpret and communicate, and use computers to process information.

Systems – Understand social, organizational, and technological systems; they can monitor and correct performance; and they can design or improve systems.

Technology – Select equipment and tools, apply technology to specific tasks, and maintain and troubleshoot equipment.

Foundation Skills:

Basic Skills – reading, writing, arithmetic, speaking, listening.

Thinking Skills – ability to learn, reason, think creatively, make decisions, solve problems.

Personal Qualities – individual responsibility, self-esteem and self-management, sociability, and integrity.

Ways to make yourself more marketable:

1. Register for classes related to your career pathway, and electives that will help you no matter where you might work:

2. Register for a keyboarding and/or computer class! Computer and technology skills can make you more marketable.

3. Take a foreign language! If you can communicate in different languages – you will have more options.

4. Get experience! Build your resume by getting a part-time job, paid or unpaid internship, job shadowing, volunteer, or other activities. Develop leadership skills through taking on leadership roles in clubs, sports, committees, etc.

5. Accumulate good references – teachers, coaches, advisors, pastors, employers that would give you positive recommendations.

6. Attitude and basic skills – Many employers said they want to hire people with a positive attitude and they will be willing to train you. Basic communication (reading, writing, speaking) and problem solving skills are important to have.


Study Skills

Study skills need to be learned and mastered just like any other subject. Just doing homework assignments is not studying. Studying means going over your homework again, making sure you understand it well. Studying means keeping up with reading assignments, memorizing formulas you need to know, or making outlines of what you read, and going over the notes you took in class. Good study habits start with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE – remind yourself of your goals.

Study habit self-evaluation

Most of the Time Some of the Time Rarely

I follow a regular study routine daily.

I keep up with my reading assignments.

I study in the same place everyday.

My study area is free of distractions.

I study at the same time everyday.

On average, I study _______ minutes everyday.

Study Tips

Look over the table of contents before reading the book.

Look for clues in books such as chapter summaries, headings, illustrations.

Look for main ideas in what you read.

Look up new or unfamiliar words in the dictionary.

Look for related materials rather than just reading the required class text.

Take notes as you read. Review your notes soon after completing them.

Summarize in your own words what you just studied.

Relate new topics to something you already learned in the past.

Make an outline before writing a report.

Do several drafts before turning in the final written assignment.

Take notes in class, listening for main ideas.

Review your notes and reading materials before exams. Make a list of what to bring.

Keep a planner/calendar of all assignments, deadlines, exams, etc.

Set a regular study time and place free of distractions, with good lighting and ventilation.

Organize your study area and keep only what is needed there (books, dictionary, computer, calendar, notebook, paper, pen, eraser, hi-liter, ruler, calculator, etc.

Tell your friends and family when and where your study time is do they don’t bother you.

Take several short breaks if necessary.

Estimate the amount of time you need for each assignment and write it on your calendar.

Study harder subjects first while your mind is freshest.

Create a study sign or symbol to hang when you are studying.

Don’t do anything strenuous the night/day before a test. Get good rest and a good meal.

P. 18

The College Application Process

Narrow down your choices. If you apply to 10 colleges with $50 application fees, you would be $500 poorer. If you used an SAT or ACT fee waiver, you may be eligible for college application fee waivers. See your post-high school counselor about this.

Don’t be afraid to apply to your dream college. Be realistic though - go over the admission requirements and how competitive you would be in being admitted. Don’t eliminate a college from your list because of cost at this point. Wait until you are offered financial aid packages from each college – you might end up paying the same amount out of pocket at a more expensive college if they offer you a good financial aid package, as compared to a less expensive college that doesn’t offer you anything.

Apply to at least one college you are assured of being admitted to just in case.

The important date to know is when colleges start accepting applications, not the deadline. The earlier you apply, the earlier you get notified of acceptance, then if you

submit your financial aid forms on time, the earlier they can offer you a financial aid package. Check out if the college has Early Decision or Early Action options and what the benefits would be.

Early Action: Usually non-binding. If you apply earlier, they notify you earlier.

Early Decision: Sometimes it is binding. They may expect you to commit to their college and not apply anywhere else. Only use this option if that college is your absolute first choice, and you will attend there if accepted no matter the cost.

In most cases, you want to apply to several colleges and wait for their financial aid offers to arrive before you commit to any one particular college.

Organize your application process Keep a separate folder of each college. Keep a dated log and checklist of each action.

Teachers need a few weeks to write good letters of recommendation for you. Remind them politely to send it in a timely manner or check if they are willing to hand it to you.

Type out or print your application completely, neatly and accurately. Practice on a copy first. Check it over again -missing information can delay the application process. Watch your spelling and grammar. Some applications are available online – colleges find there are less mistakes on applications done online, as compared to paper applications.

If you apply online, save a copy somewhere. Some waive the application fee if you apply online.

Transcripts: When colleges request your SAT or ACT scores, check if they are willing to accept them on your official school transcript. If you ask the test company to send your scores, they will charge you a fee per college. “Official Transcript” means you don’t see or touch it. PCHS sends it by mail for you. Plan ahead - Transcripts take 3-5 days to process. Cost is $1. See the Registrar’s office.

When you decide definitely where you will attend, inform the other colleges that you will not be attending their institution so they don’t hold the space for you. P.19

The College Essay

Many private universities will require students to write an essay for different purposes:

- They want to know you better to make a better decision on whether their college

is a good fit for you.

- They use it as a writing sample to determine if you are academically proficient to

be successful at their college.

A good essay can really help you in the admissions process. Many private

universities generally receive more applications than they can admit. If your essay stands out, you stand a better chance of being admitted.

Essay Topic: Some colleges will give you the essay topics to choose from, others will

ask you to write on any topic you want. This is a chance for you to share something

about yourself that your records don’t show – obstacles you overcame, what motivated

you to attend college, how you selected your major, reasons why your grades may have been low, your most involved extra-curricular activity, etc. Recall a powerful

experience that led you to your career choice, or a person who influenced you, or what

makes you unique, or how you can make a positive contribution to their campus and community.

Some admissions officers say the best essays are written about something a student

clearly cares about, though it might be a good idea to avoid controversial topics such as religion, politics, and money. The essay should present a vivid, precise view of you, the applicant, not the activities.

Length of Essay: Not more than 2-3 pages, or about 500 words, double-spaced. Be clear, concise and well organized.

Test Your Ideas about topics with parents, teachers, or counselors who can help you focus on them. Be yourself. Choose a topic that is meaningful to you. Be creative-try to come up with something different. Captivate your audience. Make your essay engaging and memorable. Draw the reader in with a quick, enticing introduction. Use personal anecdotes that make the essay come to life.

If you really get stuck for ideas look through the newspaper of magazine for an article that really interests you. If you think you are just an “average kid” ask someone else to describe what is unique about you, to help you think of a topic.

Continued… p.20

Have your essay proofread . Ask and English teacher to look over your essay. Private liberal arts colleges will look if you mastered the mechanics of writing such as grammar, syntax, and organization, as well as fluency and originality. Avoid vagueness, wordiness

and poor transition from one idea to the next. You should go through 2-3 drafts. Stress the positive. If you write about a traumatic experience, don’t dwell on the negatives. Explore how the experience changed you. Use simple language, your own words – don’t make excessive use of the thesaurus, using big fancy words. Present your ideas logically. Put yourself in the admissions officer’s chair – How would you react to your essay?

Be neat. Don’t hand-write it – have it typed out. Save it on computer so you can edit and modify it, and use it for different purposes.

Don’t wait until the last minute. Write a first draft, then put it away for a week or two.

When you return to it, you will find it easier to revise and make stronger.

Double check if you cut and paste. If you use the same essay for various colleges, make sure the college name matches the application.

If you have academic deficiencies or discrepancies…address it in your essay. For example, if you had some poor grades due to a personal problem one year, or you have a specific weakness or disability.

If you write an autobiographical essay…you can include your family background (heritage, ancestors, parents); events or people who were important to you; favorite hobbies or activities; something you learned that you found interesting; any jobs you held and how they helped you in your development; why going to college is important to you; what careers you are considering and why; why your goals and interests match the programs

and offerings of that specific college (do your research on each college).


“Essays That Worked” by Curry & Kasbar; “The Elements of Style” by Strunk & White; “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser; “Writing Your College Application Essay” by Sarah Myers McGinty.

includes sample essays, tips on writing essays.




p. 21

The College Interview

The college admissions interview may last anywhere from 30 minutes to a longer period of time. The purpose of the interview is:

1) to evaluate the student for admission on the basis of personal qualifications, and;

2) to give the student information about the university and any major/interest area.

After the interview, the interviewer usually writes a subjective evaluation of the student, trying to remain as objective as possible. It will be read by the admissions staff and used as an additional tool to measure the ability of the student to succeed in that university.

General things interviewers look for in students:

1) Intelligence: Your ability to react to questions with some depth or creativity

2) Confidence

3) Energy: Reflected in your motivation, extracurricular activities.

4) Maturity: Reflected in decisions made about job, college, family, future.

5) Positive personal appearance: Dress, poise, gestures

6) Commitment: Reflected in efforts in school, community, time management.

7) Other areas: Sense of humor, independent and critical thinking, sensitivity awareness, curiosity.


1) Follow cues given by the interviewer. Let the interviewer take the initiative. Usually you can tell what the interviewer expects early in the interview. Sometimes you need to be a talker, sometimes you need to be a listener. Don’t be a compulsive talker.

2) No two interviews will be exactly alike.

3) It is a two-way process. Sell yourself as a business would sell a product to a customer.

4) Avoid too many “yes” or “no” answers.

5) Be friendly and relaxed. Be yourself!

6) Be frank and sincere. Be honest. Don’t try to be someone you are not.

7) Think about the interview from the interviewer’s point of view.

8) Know the name and title of the interviewer. Call them by name if possible. Send a follow-up note or email.

9) Ending the interview with a thank you statement, firm handshake.


1) Be courteous to everyone involved, including the secretary, interview arranger, etc.

2) Be prompt.

3) Dress appropriately, but not overdressed. Just neat.

4) Use eye contact (not constant stare), proper body language. Avoid fidgeting.

5) Be prepared – know about the community, school, programs, catalog. Prepare a list of questions to take with you. Let the interviewer know you are really interested.

6) Practice interviewing with others.

7) Plan to have your interview alone, not with your parents.

Some Questions That May Be Asked During the Interview:

1) What do you think has been more important to you than anything else in recent years? What have you been involved in (school/community) that you feel pleased about?

2) Have you had any experience in the last two-and-a-half years that has changed your mind about something? What kinds of things get you intellectually excited?

3) Have you read anything or had an experience in recent years which in any way influenced you in your thinking or opening up to things you were not aware of before?

4) What made you decide on this school?

5) What do you want to be doing in ten years? What is important to you in life outside of a career?

6) What do you do consistently outside of school-related tasks? How do you budget your time?

7) Where do you live and what is it like there? How would your friends describe you?

8) What do you do just for fun?

9) What changes if any did you make in your school that would benefit may people?

10) What personality traits in teachers do you find most conducive to your best academic performance?

11) If you created a college for yourself, what would the atmosphere be like? What type of people would you have there?

12) Defend your career choice to a person of opposite interests.

13) What other colleges have you visited and why did you choose them?

14) If there were several applicants from your school and we could only choose one, for admissions, why should it be you?

15) What person(s) have most influenced your life? In what ways?

Be aware of current events. Some interviewers prefer discussions of significant world and local problems or historical events that have occurred during your lifetime.

p. 23

Request for Letter of Recommendation Form

Student: Complete this section before giving it to your teacher/counselor/coach/advisor.

Also, give them a copy of your personal data sheet with this sheet.

Date Letter Needed By:________________________________

___Send letter to Mr. Oda in room C103 or put in his box in the registrar’s office.

___I will pick up the letter myself.

___Please mail the letter in the attached stamped, addressed envelope.

Student Requesting Letter: Print your legal name________________________________

The Letter Will Be Used For (Check as many that apply):

___College application ___Scholarship application ___job

___other ________________________________________________________________


Please do not hand-write the recommendation. Readers have a difficult time deciphering handwritten letters, and it implies that you did not spend time and effort completing it.

Recommendations may determine whether or not students get accepted to their dream college or receive a scholarship.

- You can use the pre-printed “PCHS Teacher Recommendation Form”


- You can create your own letter on school letterhead.

- If the student gives you the PCHS pre-printed form – you can print the letter portion on letterhead and note “see attached” on the form. If you save it on your computer, you can change the heading and body to personalize the recommendation for specific purposes. (Students may ask for many copies for different purposes such as colleges, scholarships, and special programs).

- Make sure to include in the letter your title and relationship to the student and how long you have known the student.

If you would like a copie of “Guidelines for Writing letters of Recommendation” or “Writing Effective College Recommendations.” ask Mr. Oda in C103.

Mr. Oda also has electronic versions of the Letter of Recommendation Form and the PCHS Letterhead, in which you can type directly on and print it out. Lotus Notes Mark Oda if you prefer the electronic versions.


Participating in College Athletics- NCAA Initial Eligibility Center

The #1 reason for going to college should be to get an education. Attending a college in which you can be academically successful is a priority because if you don’t pass you

won’t play anyway. Keep in mind the odds of becoming a professional athlete are:

Of the 1 million high school football players, 150 make it to the NFL (6000 to 1 odds)

Of the 500,000 high school basketball players, 50 will make it to the NBA (10,000 to 1)

Ask your self the tough, realistic questions:

1) What level of competition can I compete at realistically? - You might get more playing time in a less competitive college versus a school with top athletes.

2) Do I have the academic preparedness to get into the college? SAT or ACT scores?

GPA and core course requirements? Solid study skills?

3) Does the college offer my major?

4) Does the college have a good support system for student-athletes? Tutoring? Services for students with disabilities?

Steps to take:

1) Talk to your high school coaches for advice on:

a. The level of competition realistic for you (Division 1, 2, 3, NAIA, J.C.)

Only 5 out of every 100 high school athletes end up playing in NCAA Division I level in college.

b. What colleges they can recommend for you.

2) Be aware of NCAA recruiting rules and possible violations.

3) Research to find the best college matches for yourself and your needs.

a. Make a list of colleges that have your sport at your level of competition.

b. Narrow the list of colleges down to those that have your major.

c. Request for information on your major, athletic programs, dorms, etc.

d. Find out which colleges you can afford.*

4) Market yourself

a. Compile statistics, video of yourself in action, newspaper clippings, etc.

b. Consider a recruiting service (some are free, some charge)

c. Contact college coaches for information. Have a list of questions prepared

before contacting coaches. Arrange a campus visit if possible.

5) Register with the NCAA at starting your junior year if you are considering NCAA Division 1 or 2 colleges.

*Athletic Scholarships, Other Scholarships, and Financial Aid:

Colleges have a limited amount of athletic scholarships reserved for the “blue-chip” or

top notch athletes. If you are not on that list, you need to market yourself to colleges so coaches know about you. Ask about other types of scholarships and financial aid they might offer. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) to see if you are eligible for grants, work-study, loans. The CSS Financial Aid Profile is required for some specific colleges, and if you apply for the Kamehameha Schools scholarships. NCAA Division 3 colleges do not give athletic scholarships. Some junior colleges give athletic scholarships.

What to do 8th-12th grade:

- Register for “approved” core high school courses required for participation in college athletics. Go to for a list of approved courses that count as “core” at Pearl City High School. Requirements differ for Division 1 and Division 2.

- Take practice and actual tests (ASPIRE, PSAT, SAT, ACT) Consider a prep class to improve your scores.

10th grade: ASPIRE (practice test for the ACT) free at PCHS in March

PSAT (practice test for the SAT) once in October only

11th grade: ACT (second semester) in April or June

SAT (second semester) in May or June register

12th grade: Re-take the SAT and/or ACT if necessary as early as possible.

Register online for the NCAA at after grade 9.

- Student must have a valid social security #.

- If you used a SAT or ACT test fee waiver, you are eligible for the eligibility center registration fee waiver.

- After completing the registration request for PCHS to send your current transcript, then senior year, have your final transcript sent with all senior year grades included. Complete the PCHS Transcript Request forms available in the Registrar’s office or on the PCHS website.

- SAT or ACT scores are not accepted by the eligibility center on the high school transcript. You must have scores sent directly from the testing agency to the eligibility center, using the code “9999.” They use your best combined subscores from different tests. The Writing section on the SAT or ACT will not be used to determine your qualifier status.

- You must graduate from high school in eight semesters with your incoming 9th grade class. For Division 1, you may use one core course completed in the year after graduation (summer or academic year). For Division 2, all core courses completed before your full-time enrollment at college may be used. Online or correspondence courses may be used if these 4 conditions are met:

1. The course meets core course requirements

2. Student and instructor have access to each other during the course so the instructor can teach, evaluate and provide assistance.

3. Academic authorities evaluate your work according to the high school’s policies

4. The course is acceptable for any student to take and is placed on the high school transcript.

- The best grades from your NCAA core courses will be used to calculate your core course g.p.a. Grades from additional core courses you took will be used only if they improve your g.p.a.

Call the eligibility center at 877/262-1492 if you have questions.

p. 26

Some Helpful Websites:

NAIA Colleges Clearinghouse

NCAA Eligibility Center

National Junior College Athletic Assn.

Go Big Recruiting

National Directory of College Athletics

Recruiting site

National Collegiate Scouting Assn

Collegiate Sports of America, Inc

College Sports Scholarships

Athletic Scholarships

p. 27

Helpful Websites

Career Related:

Occupational Outlook Handbook oco/

Careers and Colleges Information


State of Hawaii jobs-Click employment dakine/index.html

City & County of Honolulu jobs

HI wage/occupation info, work permit

Oahu WorkLinks HireNet Hawaii

Hawaii Workforce Informer

Career Builder – HI Hawaii_jobs

Federal jobs (Civil Service) usajobs.

America’s Career InfoNet (salaries,etc)

America’s Job Bank

Job Information

Careers & colleges

Career information


Careers, career test, job search

Careers and post-high opportunities

College Related: resources/caes

College Board – Big Future!

Dual credit options

Best Schools search

College search and info, scholarship search

College search, online applications

Peterson’s Education & Career Center

Zinch (college search)


College Quest

Free college search

US News College & Careers Center

Imagine America imagine-

Colleges For You college

College Portraits

College search Nces.ipeds/cool


College Week Live (online college fairs)

My Majors

Wise Choice

Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

Virtual Campus Tours

College Bound

My Footpath p. 28

Test Preparation:

Khan Academy (free test prep)

College Board (PSAT, SAT, AP)



Test Prep Hawaii test-

Iolani School PSAT/SAT Prep

Free SAT & ACT Prep

Free practice tests


Kaplan Testing Center

Test prep

Princeton Review

Downloadable ACT prep

(ASVAB, SAT, ACT, etc)

Free SAT

Free ACT/SAT Hawaii

Financial Aid & Scholarship:

UH Foundation Scholarships

UH systems colleges scholarships

UH Manoa Scholarships

Scholarship search free_scholarship_searches.htm

Hawaii Community Foundation

Gromet Foundation – hundreds of school.

Go College

Free scholarship search

FastWeb- free scholarship search

Free scholarship search

Free scholarship search

Peterson’s College Quest collegequest.

Scholarship & financial aid info

Scholarship resources college-

College Board’s Fund Finder

Click on Students & Parents, Click on Scholarship Search

Fast Aid

Financial Aid

CollegeNET Mach 25

Scholarship search, college resources

USA Funds hawaii.

scholarship search

scholarship search

Educaid (financial aid and loan info)

FAFSA on the Web

Sallie Mae

Financial Need Estimator fane/

College 529 Savings Plan

How to Complete a Personal Data Sheet/Resume

Purpose: To include with your college applications, scholarship applications, applying for special programs, or jobs. You should also give a copy to the people you ask to write you a recommendation form. You should emphasize your leadership roles if any. Keep it updated and current by saving it on your computer.

Name: Joe Student

Home Address: 2100 Hookiekie Street

Pearl City, HI 96782

Phone #: 453-6500


Educational objectives and career goals if planning to attend college or Career goals and positions desired if planning to apply for a job:

I plan to attend the University of Hawaii at Manoa and earn a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, then apply to medical school. After medical school, I would like a to become a Physician so that I can give back to my community by helping them to keep healthy.

Education obtained: Pearl City High School, grades 9-12

Cumulative gpa/rank in class: g.p.a.: 3.4 , rank 20 of 451

School Activities :

Leo Club member 10th grade, 11th grade

PCHS Varsity Soccer Team 11th grade, 12th grade

Band 9th, 10th, 11th grade

Community activities:

Hotel Charity Walk

Pearl City Community Association chicken sale fundraiser

Leadership roles:

Captain of Soccer Team, 12th grade

Band Section Leader

Co-Chairperson for Leo Club Fundraising Committee

Honors, awards, achievements:

Honor Roll 3 quarters 2014-15

Principal’s List 1 quarter 2013-14

Most Outstanding Band member 2013-14

Paid or unpaid work experiences:

Part-time job at Longs Pearl City

Other (e.g. interesting trips taken, projects completed, summer programs):

Pearl City Marching Band Trip to Rose Bowl Parade 2013-14


Jane Charger, English Teacher, Pearl City High School, 307-5500

Joe Boss, Employer – Longs Pearl City, 307-0000

Career Action Plan

1. Select A Broad Career Pathway to Research (see 6 Career Pathway brochures)

Prioritize in order from1 for first choice, 2 for second, etc.:

___Arts & Communication ___Business, Management & Technology

___Health Services ___Human Services

___Industrial & Engineering Technology ___Natural Resources

2. Select Specific Occupation(s) Within Your 1st Choice Career Pathway

First choice occupation: ________________________________________________

Second choice: _______________________________________________________

3. What are the educational/training requirements for the above occupations:

(see the Occupational Outlook Handbook website )

Courses required/recommended in high school: ______________________________


Education/training Needed Beyond High School:

___None (on-the-job training) ___two-year community college

___trade/professional/technical school ___four-year university

___military ___other___________________________________________

4. Colleges/Schools/Military Which Offer Education/Training for Your Occupation:

First Choice___________________________________________________________

Second Choice________________________________________________________

Third Choice__________________________________________________________

Entrance requirements for above (test scores, gpa, etc)_________________________



- Contact the above schools to gather information about them.

- Develop a filing system to organize information you receive from them.

- Do what you need to do to meet the entrance requirements.

- Apply to at least one school that you are confident of being accepted to.

- Talk to someone who actually attended those schools to get information.

- Visit the campus if you have an opportunity to see if the environment fits you.

- Check to make sure the school is accredited.

- Ask each school about their job placement services after you graduate.

- Check what levels of math and English and other courses required to enter and graduate in your major.

5. Workplace Skills/Competencies/Aptitudes Needed for my occupations:

___math level_________________________________________________________


___personality traits____________________________________________________



p. 31

6. Tests taken or you plan to take and the results:

___PSAT: verbal_________ math__________ Date(s): ______________________

___ASPIRE score__________ Date: ________________________

___SAT: CR_______ math________ Writing____ Date(s):________________

___SAT Subject Tests__________________________________3Date: ___________

___ACT composite_______________________ Date(s):______________________

___ASVAB scores______________________________________Date(s):_________

___other______________________________________________Date: __________

Recognize Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Interests, Values, Skills, Personality

Strongest subjects: __________________________________________________

Weakest subjects: ___________________________________________________

Favorite Hobbies: ___________________________________________________

Transferable Skills*: _________________________________________________

* A transferable skill is anything you do well, that you can take from job to job.

___I tend to be a visual learner ___I tend to be an auditory learner

___I prefer a career working with my hands, with fixing, building things.

___I prefer a career in which I use critical thinking, problem-solving skills.

___I am a people-person and want a job interacting with people all day.

I Plan to Take or Have Taken the Following assessments:

___Naviance career assessment ___ASVAB


For the assessments you took, what do the results indicate about you?________________


Now Analyze Yourself: Does your occupational choice match with your strengths, skills, aptitudes, test scores? If not, what is a realistic plan for you and your abilities?

___I will study harder to prepare myself for my 1st choice occupation.

Things I need to improve____________________________________________

___I will change to plan B because__________________________________________


Things I will do now to prepare myself for my career:

___part-time work ___volunteer/community service ___Career shadowing

___Internship at worksite ___college/career speaker sessions ___visit colleges

___attend a college planning workshop ___attend a financial aid workshop

___speak to military recruiter

___participate in extra-curricular activities_______________________________________

___develop/update a resume/personal data sheet

___take a career/interest/personality assessment__________________________________

___Increase my g.p.a.


My Plan for Paying For My Education & Training:

Total Costs of First Choice $___________ 2nd Choice $___________

Total Budget Family Can Afford Annually $ ________________

Financial Resources I plan to pursue:

___need-based grants ___merit-based grants ___scholarships

___work study ___loans ___military


Schedule of Planned Activities: Steps Toward Reaching My Goals:

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

Date_________ Activity: ___________________________________________________

p. 33

Developing Workplace Skills

Get into good habits in the classroom – punctuality, good attendance, good manners, teamwork-getting along with peers, initiative, respect for authority, problem-solving/decision-making, responsible with assignments, can work independently, make good use of time, extra credit – or doing work beyond what is expected, leadership roles, communication skills. Attitude is important! Be flexible!

Out of the Classroom – extra-curricular activities, career shadowing, internships at work sites, part-time jobs, etc.

How to make yourself more marketable:

- learn computer skills (word processing, various software, etc)

- learn a foreign language

- gain experience through part-time jobs, volunteer, community service, internships.

- develop a list of potential references – teachers, coaches, advisors, etc.

- Write the entire resume with that particular job in mind. Tailor your information – education, experience, and skills to the job duties. Everything should tie in to the job description or your career goal. Emphasize leadership roles, use action verbs and numbers to quantify your accomplishments, Minimize or leave out things unrelated to the job you are applying for, showcase the skills relevant to that job. Not only computer skills, but other skills like teamwork, supervisory, customer service skills. Proofread it and have someone else look it over. Don’t list hobbies, don’t give a picture or social security #.

- practice mock job interviews


- When you pick up a job application, carry your own pen, ss#, reference information, copy of your resume, because some employers won’t let you take the application home.

- Go alone and be polite to the person who gives you the application. You may be

judged from this point on. Dress conservatively and speak appropriately (no pidgin). Be well groomed and neat.

Piercings, visible tattoos, gaudy or too much jewelry can leave a bad impression.

- follow-up with a phone call if the employer has not called you in a couple of weeks.

Give your name, when you applied, and let them know you are still interested.

Research the company before you go to the interview:

- Do a mock interview with someone and/or practice in front of a mirror

- Check out their website and know key words or phrases the organization uses

- Ask the interviewer questions based on your research

- Show enthusiasm

- Know what is appropriate to wear at an interview

- Don’t sit until you are invited to sit.

- Sit up straight in the chair.

- Don’t fidget, touch your face or hair, swing your foot, etc.

Job Analysis Worksheet

Use this form when you are searching for a job as a comparison to other jobs.

Employer/Name of business_________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________Phone: _________

Positions open____________________________________________________________


___full-time ___part-time ___hourly wage $_______ or salary $_________/month

Opportunities for raises_____________________________________________________

___temporary position ___long-term position ___on-call

Hours per week____________ ___steady or ___seasonal

___work alone ___work with others-how many____


Education needed:_________________________________________________________

Skills/experience needed: ___computer ___writing, ___reading ___speaking ___phone skills ___sales ___other________________________________

___On-the-job training (paid)

Career ladder opportunities__________________________________________________

___Driver’s license ___car ___work permit/certificate of age card

Personal qualities emphasized:

___patience ___social/communication skills

Physical requirements:

___standing ___walking ___sitting ___lifting ___carrying ___pulling ___pushing

___bending ___kneeling ___lying down ___use machines/equipment ___use tools


___indoor ___outdoor ___air-conditioned ___hot ___odors/fumes ___quiet ___noisy


___uniform required ___pay for yourself ___wash yourself ___wear what you like

___jewelry_____________________________ ___other__________________________

Possible Safety Hazards: ___________________________________________________

p. 35

The College Campus Visit

“Choosing a college without ever seeing it is like buying a car without every driving it.”

It is recommended you visit every campus you are considering if possible.

- Plan you trip carefully by doing your homework before visiting. Find out all you can about the college.

- Try to visit while classes are in session.

- Contact an admissions representative to see if they can arrange a guided tour.

Let them know which areas you really would like to see – meeting with faculty in your major area, meeting with students, touring facilities, library, etc.

Other things to request:

- a meal in the dining facility

- tour of a dorm

- permission to visit a specific class

- an overnight stay in the dorm

- Some colleges have pre-planned open house or orientation dates for interested students

- Student services available – tutoring, computer center, counseling center, etc.

Other hints:

- Carry a notebook with you to take notes and to have questions written down to ask. Have a checklist of how you rate the people, facilities, town, food, etc.

- Visit the surround areas, town, night life, transportation system, etc.

- Combine your college visits with a family vacation.

Questions to ask:

- How would you characterize a majority of students?

- What do students like most about the college? Like least?

- What is distinctive about the education here?

- What is the most popular major on campus and why?

- What is the quality of student/faculty relationships?

- Any new changes in majors in the next few years? Facilities?

- What do students do for fun? Are there frats or sororities?

- Is there something I should know about housing that would help me in my choice?

- Are the dorms wired for internet? Dorms guaranteed for freshman?

- What are the types of food plans?

- What kind of facilities does the student center have? Are there other hang out areas?

- How is the library? Any student complaints? Well equipped?

- Is there a doctor/nurse on campus?

- How good is the security on campus?

- How is the transportation system in town? How would I get to the city?

There is no one perfect college, but there are colleges that are better fits for you.

Steps To Determine Your Financial Need for College

1) Find out the total cost for the colleges on your list (include tuition, books, fees, transportation, personal expenses, dorms and meals if applicable) and multiply it by the number of years you expect to be in college. Factor in if your college plans to increase tuition in the future.

Approximate total cost of your college education: $_________________

2) Determine the total amount your family will have for college expenses in the years that you will be in college.

Total amount you will have for college: $_________________

3) Subtract #2 from #1 and that is the amount you need to seek to fund your college education. $_________________

4) Go to fafsa4caster. for a free financial need estimator to determine your what Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) might be and if you would qualify for federal grants. The information you provide in this will allow you to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) faster.

5) Research all possible ways of financing your college education:

- Speak to your financial advisor/planner or tax preparer about your needs.

- Attend free financial aid and college planning workshops.

- Request for scholarship and financial aid info from the colleges on your list.

- Check out the many free scholarship search websites such as

- Check the PCHS Career Resource Center for scholarship applications (also announced thru out daily bulletin at

- The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) will be available online October 1st of your senior year.

- Check your parent’s work place, your church, bank or credit union if they offer scholarships.

- Consider military service – Full-time active duty or Reserves, ROTC scholarships, Academies.

- Plan to get a part-time job.

- If you are of Hawaiian ancestry – check if you qualify for the Kamehameha Schools scholarship (you must submit the CSS Profile- available at around October of your senior year). Also check OHA, Alu Like, and other organizations.

- Apply to Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) colleges in which you pay 150% of the resident tuition if you qualify, instead of non-resident tuition. Go to

- Some colleges have only resident tuition such as Eastern Oregon University.

- Some have no tuition if you meet guidelines – Southwestern Oregon Community College – free tuition for those with 3.75 gpa or higher.

- Some of the Ivy league schools have a sliding scale tuition based on your family income.

Applying for Scholarships and Financial Aid

Earn the best grades and test scores you can: Some scholarships are awarded on academic achievements. Some give scholarships based on high school g.p.a. and/or test scores. Take and re-take the PSAT, SAT and or ACT.

Be active in extra-curricular activities: Some scholarships emphasize participation in school and/or community activities. Clubs, sports, band, committees, volunteer, community service. Leadership positions should be emphasized (President, V.P., Treasurer, Co-Capt., etc.).

Update your Personal Data Sheet: Keep track of all the school and community activities

you have participated in from 9th grade on. Keep it on computer and update it at least annually. Most scholarships ask for a copy of this. Also, when asking people to write letters of recommendation for you, you should give them a copy of your data sheet.

Recommendation Letters: Obtain at least two or three letters of recommendation from teachers/counselors/advisors/coaches/pastors/employers/community members. Give them enough time to write it (minimum two weeks), and let them know when you need it by and for what purpose (see the “Letter of Recommendation Request” Form and “When Asking for a Letter of Recommendation”).

Essay/Personal Statement: Some scholarships will ask you to write an essay or personal statement. Some will give you a topic, others may ask you to write about your career goals.

You can have one general essay prepared ahead of time so that when needed, you can make changes related to each scholarship need if necessary and print it out. If one of the scholarship criteria includes financial need, include that information. Your English teacher or counselor can help to proofread or make suggestions to your essay.

Official Transcripts: Many scholarships request for official transcripts. You need to request transcripts at least 3-5 days in advance. Do not expect same day service.

Knowing the Scholarship Donor: It helps to know why the organization is offering the scholarship. For example, if the founders of the organization were based on community service, you may want to emphasize community service in your essay and ask the appropriate people to write your recommendation – e.g. your volunteer mentor, club advisor.

Other Saving Money Strategies

- Start at a community college and transfer to a 4-year college

- Start at a public and transfer to a private college

- Start at a local college and transfer to a mainland college

- Establish residency in the State you plan to attend college in first to pay the lower resident tuition.

- Apply to be a resident dorm advisor (gets free room and board at most colleges)

Scholarship Search: There are several free scholarship search websites. Also, read the PCHS daily Student Bulletin for announcements. All bulletins are archived at Check the PCHS scholarship file at least every two weeks senior year. Ask your parents if their work place offers scholarships. Your church, military branch or credit union may also offer scholarships.

Calendar/Planner: Every scholarship has different deadlines. Most will not take late applications. Colleges have priority deadlines for the FAFSA if you want aid. Keep a planner handy so you don’t miss deadlines. Check if it is a “postmark” deadline or “received by” deadline.

Family Income Information: You and your parents or legal guardians should do your taxes ASAP. If your parents are unable to complete their taxes by the end of February, they may use estimated taxes for the FAFSA. You can start submitting the FAFSA from January 1st.

Financial Aid Workshops: Watch the bulletin for any free financial aid workshops being offered in the community. Beware of scholarship scams (see below).

Scholarship Scams: Beware of organizations that invite you to free seminars, then tell you if you want them to help you find financial aid and scholarships – they will charge a fee. They may ask you for specific financial information you don’t want to share. You can do the same search for information yourself for free!

Ask your colleges for information: The largest scholarships, especially renewable ones, will come from colleges. Request scholarship and financial aid information from the colleges you are considering.

Have a back up financial plan: Just in case you don’t get enough financial aid and scholarships, have a plan B. Will you need loans? Need to work? Join the military?

You can also attend a less expensive college first, then transfer to your dream college.

Apply Every Year!: You can also get scholarships and financial aid while in college. Some scholarships will be based on your college grades. Some colleges offer tuition waivers through your major department. The FAFSA needs to be filed annually.

Deadlines are strict!: Do not wait until the due date to turn in your applications. Any one of the key people who you need something from could be out sick – the registrar for your transcript, counselor or teacher for your recommendation, etc. Most scholarship organizations do NOT accept late applications.

Writing A Personal Statement/Financial Need Statement for Scholarships

A Personal Statement usually consists of your college you want to attend and why that particular college, and your major/career goals and what motivated you to select that goal.

Many scholarships determine the amount of scholarships they award you based on financial need. Thus, you may want to add information in your Personal Statement, about your financial need. Keep in mind you have to apply for financial aid every year, and your family financial situation may change in the future.

Here are some questions to consider when writing your financial need statement:

How many people are in your family that your parents are supporting? Brothers or sisters, grandparents, others?

How many others in your family will be attending college at the same time you will?

Does your family have constant payments or a situation that prevents them from saving or using funds directly for college? (Medical bills, parent laid off, retired or retiring soon, single parent income, or drop in income, rent, etc).

Any other expenses to note? (Cost of living in Hawaii, airfare to fly there and back twice a year, etc)

How to express your need:

Add up the total costs of college for one year which includes:

Tuition, fees, books, dorm, meals, transportation, personal expenses for one school year (

Multiply that total by the number of years you estimate you take to complete your undergraduate degree.

If you plan to attend graduate school, add that estimated total to your costs.

Sample Personal Statement / Financial Need Statement:

My dream one day is to become a physician. The reason I chose this field is because while helping to take care of my grandmother, I learned that I love to help other people. I also volunteered at a local hospital and observed what medical professionals did to get people healthier. By becoming a physician I hope to help my community to keep in the best health they can.

I plan to attend the University of Hawaii and earn my bachelor’s degree in biology, then apply to medical school to earn a degree in medicine to be a physician. The estimated total costs for my education will be $200,000 by the time I complete my bachelor’s degree plus medical school degree.

Although my family has saved some money for college, the total costs will be a burden on us. Much of our family income cannot be used for college expenses because it goes towards rent and family expenses. My brother will also be attending college in two years which will further burden my family savings with two of us attending at the same time. Moreover, I am from a single parent family, with the added cost of taking care of a grandparent. I am working part-time and will continue to work through college to pay for some of my expenses.

My family and I would appreciate any financial support you are able to provide for reaching my goals and dreams.

Financial Aid & Scholarship Information

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) :

Most colleges and some scholarship programs require this form if you want federal aid. Students can call 1800-4-FEDAID for a paper FAFSA, though the online version will

be processed twice as fast. Seniors can start to submit the FAFSA from January 1st.*

*Starting with the Class of 2017, the FAFSA will be available from October 1.

You do NOT have to wait to complete your taxes, instead, you can use estimated amounts, and make any corrections if necessary later. Make sure you use the FAFSA for the appropriate year – for example, if you are the Class of 2017, use the 2017-18 FAFSA.

If you want to see your estimated family contribution, use the free financial aid estimator at fafsa4caster.

Title IV Institution Code List: 6-digit code for each college you want the FAFSA

results sent to. Go to or under “Before Beginning a FAFSA.”

CSS Financial Aid Profile

Specific private universities require this form in addition to the FAFSA. Ask your

college if they require this form and submit it starting in October. The Kamehameha Schools Scholarship Program for students of Hawaiian ancestry requires this.

Register online only at (no paper registration)

Kamehameha Schools scholarship site:

Financial Supplemental Institutional Information Form

Some colleges such as UH Manoa and LCC also require a form requesting supplemental financial information (more than what is provided on the FAFSA) to help them to determine a financial aid package for you.

Estimated Family Contribution (EFC): After completing the FAFSA, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) which has a number at the top right corner of the first page. This number is your EFC for one year in college, which remains the same no matter what college you attend. The formula for the amount of financial aid you are eligible for is:

Total cost of college (tuition, books, fees, dorm, meals, transportation, misc.)

- Total amount parents and student can contribute from income/assets for the

upcoming school year.

= Financial need $


- Financial Aid Workshop at Pearl City High School

- Scholarship applications available at C103

- The financial aid office at your college

*Free scholarship search programs on the internet (see next page)

Financial Aid & Scholarship Contact Information

Students should read the daily bulletin, and career resource center bulletin for financial aid and scholarship announcements. Financial aid forms and various scholarship applications are available in the PCHS Career Resource Center – room C103.

Financial Aid

Federal Student Aid Information Center 1-800-433-3243 (toll free)

-Info on federal student aid programs, how to complete the FAFSA

FAFSA application status check, request 1-319-337-5665 (not free)

a copy of your Student Aid Report

Info/technical assistance, FAFSA online or call



Fafsa4caster fafsa4caster.

529 College Savings Plan

Aid in completing the FAFSA prog_info/SFA/FAFSA

Funding your education prog_info/SFA/StudentGuide/

Office of Post-Secondary Education offices/OPE/Students

Title IV 6-digit college code list offices/OPE/t4_codes.html

Info on financial aid and scholarships

Financial Aid Delivery System- tools and

Resources for planning, applying, and

Paying for education beyond high school.

CSS Profile

Other sites


Financial Need Estimator fane/

Scholarship Resources

Preparing to Apply for scholarships

Free Scholarship Search

Loans HawaiiUSA FCU Student Loan Choice

SallieMae Smart Option Student Loan

When Asking for a Letter of Recommendation…

Ask at least two adults other than family members to write a recommendation for you. Besides teachers, counselors, advisors, you should try to get one community member (coach, pastor, employer, etc.) Choose people who know you well enough that they can

comment on your strengths, character, etc.

Give them ample time to write the recommendation – at least two weeks. Ask them to type not handwrite it.

Give them the “Request for Letter of Recommendation” form. Make sure you indicate who you want the letter addressed to and when you need it by. Ask them if you can use the letter for several different purposes, they can address it as “To Whom It May Concern.” Or if they keep it on their computer, you can ask them to address it specifically for different purposes and print it out when you need it. They can also send a copy to Mr. Oda to file, and he can make copies as you need them.

If they need to send the recommendation directly to a college or organization, make sure you give them an addressed, stamped envelope with appropriate postage. If the recommendation is sent with an official transcript, Mr. Oda will send it in a school envelope and provide the postage.

Give them a copy of your “personal data sheet.”

Give them a copy of the PCHS “Letter of Recommendation” form or they can choose to do it on their own letterhead. If you use the PCHS form, complete the top portion with your name, address, and waive the right to see it before giving it to the person.

Tailoring the Letter for Specific Purposes: Let the person know if the college or scholarship should emphasize specific things about you. For example, if a scholarship criteria relies heavily on community service or leadership, ask the appropriate person such as a club advisor and let them know what criteria they should emphasize.

Remind the person politely about the deadline for the recommendation to check if they completed it. Don’t assume it was done – they may have several to do.

Thank the person who wrote the recommendation for you for taking the time and effort. Let them know if you were admitted to the college or received the scholarship you applied for.

Completing Scholarship Applications

Apply for every scholarship you are eligible for. You won’t get anything if you don’t apply.

Deadlines Use a calendar/planner and make a chart of what you need, from who, and by what deadline, and submit it well before just in case. Check if the application deadline is a “postmark”(post office stamp date) or “received by”(must be in their hands) deadline.

Read the Directions Carefully. Some scholarships want you to mail everything together.

If that is the case, you can complete the application and submit it with the transcript request form to your career counselor or registrar and we will mail it together for you. Some scholarships limit the amount of space to list your activities or to write your essay. Unless the scholarship specifically states that you must limit your responses to the space provided, attach a copy of your personal data sheet or essay that you already have.

Personal Statement/essay – Don’t waste space restating the question. Many scholarships offer limited space for you to write in. State your point of view in an introduction, back it up, and wrap it up. If possible, do a draft before writing it on the original form, and ask someone to evaluate your writing for suggestions and grammar.

Request Official Transcripts Early –Request for transcripts well ahead of time. Do not wait for the deadline to request it. The Registrar’s office needs a few days lead time to process the requests. No “rush” transcripts will be processed on the same day. See the Registrar or Career Counselor for a “Request for Transcript” form. It requires a parent signature if you are under 18, and costs $1 per transcript. The Registrar will NOT hand you an “official transcript.” You are required to write the name and address of the scholarship on the address line on the form and they will mail it for you. If the scholarship asks for test scores – check the line on the form that says “Include test scores”.

Request Teacher Recommendations Early – Give the teachers at least two weeks notice so they may write a better recommendation. You may have to check to make sure they completed it and politely remind them when you need it by. Give them a copy of your personal data sheet. Have 2-3 recommendations on file. They can either give you the recommendations for you to make copies, or send it to Mr. Oda to make copies for you.

Personal Data Sheet Have several copies handy to give to those who are writing recommendations for and to send to scholarships and colleges. Update it as needed.

Emphasize leadership positions and community service activities.

Re-check your application for completeness and neatness. Don’t leave any blanks. Type or print neatly. Scholarship committee readers do not like spending time deciphering poor handwriting. It also shows you took the time and effort to submit a neat product. The Career Center has typewriters you can use. Make a copy for your records before submitting it if possible.

Sample of What A Scholarship Will Ask For

Sample: Mamoru & Aiko Takitani Scholarship:

Criteria: academic achievement (cum. gpa) 35%, co-curricular activities 15%, citizenship/volunteer community service 15%, financial need/special considerations 35%.

Supply the following:

- official transcript, faculty recommendation, personal data sheet, community member recommendation, essay, copy of FAFSA, copy of parents 1st page of tax form.

Since the majority of the criteria of the scholarship above is based on academic and financial need (70% combined), those are the items you want to emphasize the most in your application.

You can explain your financial situation/need in the essay that cannot be explained by just looking at your parent’s tax information or FAFSA information. For example, if you have other family members who will be attending college the same time as you, or how much of your income needs to be for costs other than college and why.

If you read about the Takitani Foundation, you discover that this person had a desire to “give back to his community”, which you may want to stress in your essay about yourself.

A community member recommendation can be your volunteer organization supervisor, employer, coach, etc.

Financial Aid Seminars and Consultants and Scholarship Scams

Warning signs that the financial aid seminar may be a scam:

- You receive an unsolicited letter to lure you to attend a free seminar at a hotel.

After a free presentation, the presenters use high pressure tactics to try to get you to sign up for their service for a fee.

- You are encouraged to commit fraud, entering inaccurate income/assets to make it seem like you earned less money to qualify for more aid.

- Paid aid consultants are required to sign the FAFSA; if the consultant refuses to sign, that could be a sign of a scam

- You are asked for a credit card number to “hold” scholarships for you.

- Specific questions can only be asked after you pay a fee.

What to do if you suspect a scam?

1) Save all forms you received from the company. Keep written details about the offer, any emails or paperwork. Make sure all materials are dated.

2) Record the phone number and person’s name with whom you spoke.

3) Report the suspected scammer to any of the following:

Federal Trade Commission – online complaint form scholarshipscams

National Fraud Information Center –

Better Business Bureau –

If your credit card or bank account has been compromised – immediately contact your bank to close your accounts.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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