Rules for Participants and Minor Photo and Video Release Form

In order to maintain an orderly convention, to achieve the greatest amount of work, and for the health and safety of all participating FFA members, the following rules listed below must be read and signed by the participating member. The member must submit his/her signed copy of the rules when registering for the State FFA Convention.

Rules of the Convention

I will respect the authority of advisors in charge of FFA activities.

I will attend every convention session or career development event and be in my assigned position prior to starting time.

I will not do anything detrimental to the health and safety of other members and will respect their rights to safety and comfort at all times.

I will treat the staff and facilities of the University of Nevada, Reno with the highest level of respect and courtesy.

I realize that while at the convention, I am under the supervision of my chapter advisor and the authority of my school, and the state bears no liability for my welfare. I realize I should arrive to the convention under the supervision of my instructor and school district.

I realize that appropriate conduct is expected from FFA members at all times. Obscene language, roughhousing, or throwing objects will not be tolerated at any time.

I will not smoke, gamble, use any illegal drugs, or drink alcoholic beverages at any FFA activity.

I realize that as an FFA member, if I am found to be in violation of any of the above rules, I will be subject to disciplinary action. Any disciplinary action will be determined by the State Supervisor and Chapter Advisor. I fully understand that an infraction of any of these rules may be just cause for being immediately sent home and barred from any further participation at the convention.

Photo/Video Release Consent

I hereby authorize the Nevada Department of Agriculture and the Nevada FFA to publish the photographs and videos taken of the undersigned minor children for use in the Nevada Department of Agriculture and Nevada FFA printed publications, website and other web usage for the organization.

I release the Nevada Department of Agriculture and the Nevada FFA from any expectation of confidentiality for the undersigned minor children and myself and attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the children listed below and that I have the authority to authorize the Nevada Department of Agriculture and the Nevada FFA to use their photographs, videos and names.

I further agree that participation in any publication and website produced by the Nevada Department of Agriculture and Nevada FFA confers no rights of ownership whatsoever. I release the Nevada Department of Agriculture and the Nevada FFA from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection the participation of the undersigned minor children.

I have read and fully understand the rules and agree to abide by each of them.

Participant Name (Printed): ____________________________________ Chapter Name (Printed) ___________________________

Participant Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Date: ____________________

Agriculture Instructor: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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