Southern Nevada Association of Pride, Inc

Southern Nevada Association of Pride, Inc.

Annual Meeting – August 18, 2009

The Center – 6:30 PM

• Call to Order – Jake Naylor, President – 6:40 PM

• Roll Call – Michael Grimes, Secretary – Matt K and Tony Clark– Absent w/ Notice. Ernie Y notified tardy.

• Resignation: Matt K – The Board would like to thank Matt K for his service to the Board and he will be greatly missed.

• Approval of 7/21 & 8/11 Minutes – Motion to approve with the changes on 7/21 – Spelling correction on Special events and May 1, 2010 is the correct date of the festival. Motioned by Matt C second Brian R. Vote - Unanimously

• State of the Organization – Jake Naylor, President

• Finance – Matt Cox, Treasurer

1. Annual Finance Report – Motion to approve, Matt C, second by Steven N. Unanimously approved.

2. Announce Recipients of Funds – Amounts approved in August 11th meeting.

• Checks Requests – Motion to approve check requests- Loomis Fargo $390.26, Ernie Y $40 for Reno pride, Tracy S. $30 liquor license fee, Jake N $117.77 for Reno pride. Motion by Brian R second by Mike G to approve check request- vote unanimously.

• Motion to Recess – Matt C., second Steven N. Vote - Unanimously 7pm – 7:10pm.

• Election of 2009/2010 Board of Directors –

Members elected to the 2009-10 board are:

1. Returning Directors – Bob N, Ernie Y, Matt C, Dan S, starting next 3 year service.

2. New Director ( Paul Cieslewicz, Michael Cabero, Brenda Ben, Justin Liming.

• Election of 09/10 Executive Officers –

President – Jake Naylor

Vice-president – Bob Napoerala

Treasurer – Matt Cox

Secretary – Dennis Shaull

Parliamentarian –Daniel Grevich

• Revised By-Laws – Steven Erics, Parliamentarian

Overview and discussion of Changes

1. Extend term of President to 2 years. Motion to change President Term length to 2 years. Motioned by Brain R, second by Tracy S. Vote – Unanimously.

2. Motion to amend the By-Laws – 1/3 + 1 and 50% + 1 to add the flex ability to vote on topics. That makes the # to come out to 15 or larger (17 members not to include the President can’t vote). Quorum must have ½ + 1 (7 members). Voting on topics needs 50% - 9 members + 1 (10 members). Annual meeting to 50% + 1 (10 members). Motioned by Brain R second by Tracy S. Vote – 16 yes and 1 abstention, motion passes.

3. Motion to the beverage tickets- not is included in the SOP’s (How tickets are handled, counted, reconciled, and distributed to tickets sales at all events). Should be listed in the Finance Procedures. Motioned by Brain R second by Pam K. Vote – 14 no and 3 abstentions – motion fails.

• AFAN’s Black and White Party – Sat. Sept. 22, 2009 @ 9pm located at the Hard Rock Casino. Motion to attend the Black and White Party – Michael G, Jake N, Dennies S, James H, and Ernie + 5. Motioned Dennis S, second by James H. to attend the AFAN’s Black and White Party – Vote – Unanimously.

• New Business – HRC Gala Sept. 29, 2009 at the Paris Casino from 4pm – 8:30pm, members listed to attend:

1. Pam K

2. Tyler Youth Royalty

3. Kristin Youth Royalty

4. James H

5. Jake N

6. Ernie Y

7. Matt C

8. Dennis S

9. Justin L Adult Royalty

10. Brenda B

11. Michael G

• Next Public Meeting - 9/15/09 at The Center at 6:30pm

• Motioned to Adjournment - Motioned by Brian R second by Pam K, Vote – Unanimously.

Minutes compiled by outgoing secretary Michael G.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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