State of Nevada - Marriage & Family Therapists

| State of Nevada |

|The Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists |

|and Clinical Professional Counselors |

| |

|P.O. Box 370130 |

|Las Vegas, NV 89137-0130 |

|(702) 486-7388 Fax: (702) 486-7258 |

|[pic] |

Jake Wiskerchen., President

John Nixon, Vice President

Roberta Vande Voort, Secretary/Treasurer

Marta Wilson, Member

Adrienne O’Neal, Member

Hal Taylor, Member

Erik Schoen, Member

Barry Blackburn, Member

Steve Nicholas, Member

To All Applicants:


The Department of Public Safety has increased the fingerprint submissions from

$36.25 to $36.75.

Please note the following will remain the same for the fingerprint submission:

■ 2 Original fingerprint cards (COPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTED)

■ Certified check or money order-NO PERSONAL CHECKS ARE ACCEPETED

BY THE DPS and are made payable to the Department of Public Safety.

■ Fingerprint background waiver-complete areas marked with and (*) and

Asterisk. This MUST be signed and mailed to the Board office in order to


NOTE: Please make copies of your waiver form for your records.

If you have any questions please contact the Board office at: (702) 486-7388.

Thank you for your cooperation.


The Board Office.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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