Christopher Yach, DVM Board Memben ... - Nevada Legislature

Christopher Yach, DVM President

Craig Schank, DVM Vice President

Debbie S. Machen Executive Director


Board Memben Beverly Willard GaryAiles, DVM ScottBradley,DVM Wtlliam Taylor,DVM, ABVP RichardSimmondsD, VM, MS


4600Kietzke Lane, Building 0, Suite 265 Reno, Nevada 89502

Phone(775)688-1788 I Fax (775)688-1808



Lome Malkiewich, Director LegislativeCounselBureau 401 SouthCarsonStreet CarsonCity, NV 89701

Re: QuarterlyDisciplinary Action Report-October1,2007-Decembe3r 1,2007

Attachedis the quarterly report for discipline for the NevadaStateBoard of Veterinary MedicalExaminersfor the 2ndquarter,fiscal year2007-2008.

If you haveany questions,pleasecall me directly.


/)SJ.) j;~"jbJt-'

DebbieMachen ExecutiveDirector



October1, 2007-Decembe3r 1,2007

Robert Goldman, DVM

October 19,2007

Order of Probation:

1) The Licensee shall serve an additional minimum of two (2) years of

probation. 2) Until suchtime that the requirementsof section3 of this orderaremet to

the satisfactionof the Board,the Licenseewill be restrictedin that he shall not perform

anytypesof surgeriesor Atim1n1stearnesthetics. 3) A Board approvedanesthesiologisot r boardedsurgeonmust be brought

into the Licensee'spractice, at the Licensee'scost, to evaluatethe current anesthetic protocol, including pain managementm, akerecommendationsandprovidetrainingto the Licenseeandhis staff. The Board must receivea report from the specialistdetailingthe successfulcompletionof the foregoing tasksandthat the Licensee'sanestheticprotocol meetsthe minimum standardsfor the practiceof veterinarymedicine. Thespecialist~ also ensure the Licensee's competency and report back to the Board prior to the restriction in section2 of the orderbeinglifted.

4) The Licenseeshall pay investigativecoststo the Board in the sumof five hundreddollars($500)within six (6) monthsfrom theeffectivedateof this order.

5) The Licenseeshall comply with all requirementsof Chapter638 of the NRS/NAC including, but not limited to, establishedor customaryst~d!l.:!dsof practice

for veterinarians. 6) The Licensee'sfacility shall be subjectto randomhospital inspectionsby

Board staff at Licensee'sexpense.

Bradley Gilman, DVM

October 19,2007

Orderof Probation: 1. The Licensee'sveterinarianlicense#1759shall be placedon probationfor

a minimum of five (5) yearswith the following tennsandconditions: a. The Licenseeshall not be veterinarianin chargeof a veterinaryfacility for

the period of probation. b. The Licenseeshall attendten (10)hoursof continuing educationclassesin

professionalethics. Theseclassesare in additionto the ~~Aro requirementdelineated

by the PracticeAct andmustbe completedby July 31,2008.

c. The Licensee shall be required to obtain a report of his practice

manAgemenat nd skills from a licensedveterinarianin the Stateof Nevadathat he has

worked with eachyearthroughoutthe periodof probation. d. The Licenseeshall attendtwo (2) Boardmeetingsa yearduringtheperiod

of the meetingswhenconsumercomplaintsarebeingheald. e. The Licenseeshall only earn time off his Probation during the time in

which he is practicingin Nevada.

Glenn Park, DVM

October 19,2007


A consumercomplaintwas filed with the Board on May 22, 2007. The complaint was

investigatedandit was determinedthat the Licensehad violatedNevadaAdministrative

Code (NAC) NAC 638.045 (2), negligencein that the Licenseeused excessiveand

unnecessaryforcein restraininga biting animA.c)ausingdistressto thedog.

The BoardOrderstatedthat: I) Licensee's veterinary license #743 is suspendedfrom the practice of

veterinarymedicinefor a period of thirty (30) days. 2) The Licenseeshall be evaluatedby a licensedprofessionalandparticipate

in stressand angermAnagementherapyor any other treatmentregime for a period of time that is at thediscretionof the treatingPractitioner.

3) The Licenseeshall pay investigativecoststo the Board in the amountof


Benjamin Davidson, DVM

October 19,2007


A consumercomplaint was filed with the Board on May 23, 2007. The complaint was

investigatedandit was determinedthat the Licensehad violated NevadaAdministrative

Code (NAC) NAC 638.045 (3), incompetencein that the Licenseeadministeredan

improperdoseof methonidazolebasedon a physicalexmninJitionandthe medicalhistory

of another family pet. The Licensee did not recommendany further diagnostics,

scheduleany follow-up, or advisethe client of any sideeffectsof the drug.

The BoardOrderstatedthat the Licenseeshall:

1) Payattorneyfees,investigativecostsandBoardcosts,totaling $400.00;and 2) The Licenseeshall take an additionaltwo (2) hoursof continuing educationin


Amy Gallagher, DVM

October 19,2CKt7


A consumercomplaintwas filed with the Boardon March 14,2007. The complaintwas

investigatedandit was detenninedthat the Licensehad violated NevadaAdministrative

Code (NAC) 638.045 (2), Negligence, a departurefrom the st81l~ of practice of

veterinary medicine, and NAC 638.057 (2) by allowing an unlicensedassistantto

perfOrDilntubation,a dentalprophy, andanextraction.

The BoardOrder statedthat:

1) The Licensee must not allow any person to perform tasks for which

licensureis requiredas a veterinary technician(as listed in NAC 638.053)tmlessany

such person is licensed as a veterinary technician or registerOOwith the Board as a

veterinarytechnicianin training; and


The Licensee must pay attorney fees, investigative costs and Board costs,

totaling $400.00.

Scott Warner, DVM

October 19,2007


A consumercomplaintwas filed with the Board on May 25, 2007. The complaint was

investigatedandit was detenninedthat thc Licensehad violated NevadaAdministrative

Code (NAC) 638.045 (2), Negligence, a departurefrom the standardof practice of

veterinarymedicine,in that the Licensee,performeda procedureon an anima1 that was not authorized by the owner.

The Board Order statedthat the Licenseemust pay attorneyfees,investigativeco~ and Boardcosts,totaling $400.00.

ThaddeusFrerking, DVM

October 19,2007


A consumercomplaint was filed with the Board on May 25, 2007. The complaint was

investigatedand it was detenninedthat the Licensehad violatedNevadaAdministrative

Code (NAC) 638.045 (2), Negligence, a departurefrom the stAndardof practice of veterinarymedicine,in that the Licensee,the supervisingveterinariandid not ensurethat

a licensedveterinary technicianunderstoodthe procedurethat was to be done on the animal prior to surgery. Specifically a procedurewas doneon an AnimA1that was not

authorizedby the owner.

The Board Order statedthat the Licenseemust pay attorneyfees,investigativecostsand Boardcosts,totaling $400.00.

Melissa Huber, DVM

October 19, 1.007


A consumer complaint was filed with the Board on July 2, 2007. The complaint was

investigated and it was deterDlined that the License had violated Nevada Administrative

Code (NAC) 638.045 (2), Negligence, a departure from the stmd~rd of practice of

veterinary medicine, in that the Licensee while performing a Cesarean section/

ovariohysterectomy, encountered complications dm'ing the surgery that led to the death of

the AnimA1.

TheBoardOrderstatedthat the Licenseeshall: 1 Servea minimwn of one(1) yearof probation. 2. Perfonn all intra-abdominalsurgeriesunderdirect supervisionduring the

term of the probation. 3. Perfonn and submit written proof to the Board of the completion of two

(2) Cesareansectionsunderimmediatesupervisionduring theterm of probation. 4. Without compensationp, erfonn and submit written proof to the Board of

the completion of a minimwn of one hundred(100) spaysunder direct supervisionat Boardapprovedfacilities duringtheterm of probation.

5. Comply with all requirementsof Chapter638 of the NRS/NAC including, but not limited to, establishedor customary~~dards of practicefor veterinarians.

6. Pay investigativecoststo the Board in the sum of Five HundredDollars ($500)within six (6) monthsfrom the effectivedateof the Order.

John Koehm, DVM

October 19, 2007


A consumer complaint was filed with the Board on July 2, 2007. The complaint was

investigated and it was determined that the License had violated Nevada Administrative Code

(NAC) 638.045 (2), Negligence, a departure from the stA~ard of practice of veterinary

medicine, in that during a surgical procedme a rice bag was he.a!ooin a microwave by a supervised veterinary assistant and placed under the anima] during surgery resulting in a

thermal bum.


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