December 3, 2009



Board President, Dr. William H. Green, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.


Roll call was taken by Board Vice President, Dr. Steven Slaton, with the following results:

Those present:

William H. Green, DVM Board President

Steven V. Slaton, DVM Board Vice President

Gary T. Levy, DVM Board Secretary-Treasurer

John C. Prejean, DVM Board Member

Mica F. Landry, DVM Board Member

Michael Tomino, Jr. Board General Counsel

Wendy D. Parrish Board Executive Director

Those absent: None.


Fenton Lipscomb, DVM, Melinda Wilk, for LVMA

10:00am – Wendy Wolfson, DVM, David Senior, DVM, LSU-SVM

10:30am – Cindy Kloster, RVT

11:00am – Amber Osbon, Chrissy Primm, Jennifer Pesnell, for PAWS

1:30pm – Brett Berryhill, DVM, Hilton Cold, EBR Animal Control, Donna Dombourian, DEA Diversions Division


A. Board Meeting October 1, 2009

The Board reviewed the minutes from the October 1, 2009 Board meeting. Motion was made by Dr. Levy to accept the minutes as presented with one typographical correction, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Financial Reports – July, August, September and October 2009

Ms. Parrish and Board Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Levy presented the financial reports for the months of July through October 2009 for review. Motion was made by Dr. Slaton to approve the financial reports as presented, seconded by Dr. Prejean, and passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Proposed Budget for FY2011– Ms. Parrish presented proposed budget for FY2011 for review. Discussion was had regarding proposed changes in annual CAET training course, upcoming computerized testing for VTNE, projected number of new licensees and certificate holders, and possible expense increases for basic office supplies and services. Motion was made to accept the proposed budget as presented by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Levy and passed unanimously by voice vote.

C. Update on Office Equipment Replacement – Ms. Parrish presented documents and pricing for changes and replacement of office bookkeeping and payroll programs and the main laser printer. Discussion was made as to failing telephone system and replacement quotes from Office of Telecommunications. Following discussion, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Slaton to approve purchase and installation of the Toshiba CIX40 telephone system by vendor Preferred Telephone, and passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Case 09-0916V (9:30am) – Set aside.

B. Case 03-0205D (11:30am) – Set aside.


A. LSU-SVM Shelter Medicine Program Update (Wendy Wolfson, DVM, David Senior, DVM) – (10:00am) Drs. Woflson and Senior were introduced to the Board members. Dr. Wolfson shared information as to the current progress of the LSU-SVM shelter medicine program and upcoming additional facilities, including Dixon Correctional Institute. Upon conclusion of the update and discussion, Drs. Wolfson and Senior left the meeting.

No action was taken on this mater.

B. Cindy Kloster, BS/RVT/RLaTG, CPM - (10:30am) Ms. Kloster was introduced to the Board members. Discussion was had regarding current statutes and rules pertaining to Louisiana RVTs, as well as upcoming rule promulgation for continuing education credits as requirement for annual RVT certificate renewal. Ms. Kloster provided information on the Louisiana Association of Veterinary Technicians and samples of suggested continuing education opportunities. Following discussion, Ms. Kloster left the meeting.

No action was taken on this matter.

C. Amber Osbon/PAWS - (11:00am) Ms. Osbon, Chrissy Primm, and Jennifer Pesnell were introduced to the Board members. Ms. Osbon presented information on the proposed facility and procedures of PAWS of NE Louisiana, Spay/Neuter Services. Following discussion, the guests left the meeting with the request to return at a later date with the staff veterinarian once hired/contracted.

No action was taken on this matter.

D. Evangeline Training Center - (1:00pm) Set aside. No confirmation of appearance.

E. CAET Training Course Program Review – Brett Berryhill, DVM, Hilton Cole, Director of EBR Animal Control, Donna Dombourian, DEA Diversions Division (1:30pm) Dr. Berryhill, Mr. Cole and Ms. Dombourian were introduced to the Board members. Review of current CAET training course program was discussed, as well as record number of participants and the difficulties encountered during the 2009 training course. Discussion was made as to possible program changes in venue, as well as some content changes in order to meet the needs of the animal control and humane society facilities while meeting requirements of current statutes and rules.

The Board requested that Dr. Berryhill, Mr. Cole and Ms. Dombourian formalize a request and recommendations for specific changes to the course for training in 2011 for further consideration by the Board. Dr. Landry and Ms. Parrish will coordinate the efforts in this regard. Due to the timeline restraints, no changes were to be made for the upcoming August 2010 course date, time, content, or location.


A. Policy and Procedure – None at this time.

B. Rule Making –

1. Continuing Education Rules for DVM, RVT, CAET – Update on promulgation status.

C. Practice Act and Rules/Related Matters/Declaratory Statements

1. The Board was updated that protocol was followed and a Notice placed on the website regarding Hurricane Ida and that there was no need for out of state veterinarians after the declaration of emergency was issued by the Governor.

2. Review of the rules and a query on deer farmer and capture drug issues submitted by Marvin Jones – The Board’s response will be sent to Mr. Jones by Mr. Tomino after Board review/approval.

3. Review of rule query submitted by Kim Staton on use of blowpipe tranquilizer system with Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter - The Board’s response will be sent to Ms. Staton by Mr. Tomino after Board review/approval.

4. Ratification of the Board’s earlier decision regarding the obligation of a veterinarian (inclusive of emergency/aftercare practice) to stabilize an emergency condition presented without regard to collection of prepayment for stabilization.

5. Discussion of practice standards regarding medical treatment and boarding/grooming services provided by veterinary practice.


A. Tracy Dow (Bright), DVM– Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 1998 graduate of LSU-School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Texas and Nevada. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Dow, motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Slaton to deny waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents submitted did not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Tyler D. Frazee, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 2004 graduate of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Oklahoma. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Frazee, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Slaton to deny waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents submitted did not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. David Kellis, (Temp) CAET – Request for Reinstatement of Full CAET Status –Following review of the documentation submitted by Mr. Kellis, motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Levy to approve reinstatement of full CAET certification. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. New Licenses and Certificates Issued:

Wall certificates were presented for signature for the following licenses/certificates issued since the previous Board meeting:


2867 Margaret Howard Gilbert

2868 Daniel William Carter

2869 William Thomas Hutchins, II

2870 Andrew James Czak Lewis

2871 Jennifer Kay Conduff

2872 Melisse Marie Conway

2873 Doty Jordan Kempf

2874 Charles M. Corsiglia

2875 Jason Keith Lavigne


8186 Lisa Ann Dyan

8187 Daniel John Titus, Jr.

8188 Desiree Ann Miller


9500 Ashley Nettleton Trosclair

B. Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire Comments – Ms. Parrish presented a summary of the customer service questionnaire comments from October 2008 through October 2009. All comments were reviewed by the Board members. The vast majority of the responses were positive and the results will be mailed to the appropriate state agency for reporting purposes. No action was taken on this item.

C. December 2009 Newsletter –Proposed newsletter topics were presented and discussed. Due to lack of adequate news for publication, motion was made by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Levy, to delay publication of the next Board newsletter until early 2010. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.




Motion was made by Dr. Slaton to go into executive session to discuss issues and receive legal advice regarding potential contested matters and personnel matters, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote. Upon conclusion of discussion of the issues, motion was made to return to regular session by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Levy, and approved unanimously by voice vote.


There being no further business before the Board, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Slaton, and passed unanimously by voice vote to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 4:12 p.m.



Gary Levy, DVM, Board Secretary -Treasurer


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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