August 4, 2011



Board President, Dr. Gary T. Levy, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.


Roll call was taken by Board Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. William H. Green, with the following results:

Those present:

Gary T. Levy, DVM Board President

Mica F. Landry, DVM, Board Vice President

William H. Green Board Secretary-Treasurer

Steven V. Slaton, DVM Board Member

Michael Tomino, Jr. Board General Counsel

Wendy D. Parrish Board Executive Director

Those absent:

John C. Prejean, DVM


LVMA – Josh Smith, DVM, Bland O’Connor

LSU-SVM – David Senior, DVM


A. Board Meeting June 2, 2011

The Board reviewed the minutes from the June 2, 2011 Board meeting. Motion was made by Dr. Green to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Financial Reports – May and June 2011

Ms. Parrish presented the financial reports for the months of May and June 2011 for review. Motion was made by Dr. Slaton to approve the financial reports as presented, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Contract Renewal FY2012 – Investigations Unlimited – Ms. Parrish presented the proposed contract with Corporate Security Consultants d/b/a Investigations Unlimited for investigation services for review. No changes were made from previous FY contract, with a ceiling of $5,000.00 per year. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Slaton to approve renewal of the contract. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Rule Making –

1. Proposed Revised Rule 712 – Alternative Therapy and Collaborative Treatment – Mr. Tomino reported proposed rule revision information as per direction/decision of the Board at the April 2, 2011 meeting for review. After discussion, motion was made by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Green, to begin rule promulgation procedure regarding rule revision as presented.

B. Policy and Procedure

1. None.

C. Practice Act and Rules/Related Matters/Declaratory Statements

1. Accrual of CE Credits for Multiple Registrations/Certifications – The Board discussed the requirements of CE for licensees and registrations/certifications. Motion was made by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Landry that dual utilization of accrued CE credits could not be used, and each license, registration, or certification must meet CE credit requirements with separate approved program participation and accrual. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Medical Records Issues - (David Senior, DVM - LSU-SVM) – (10:00am) Dr. Senior was introduced to the Board members and provided information regarding medical records issues and questions regarding client demographic information, client notices, and solicitation for funding and veterinary medical programs provided at LSU-SVM by non-licensed veterinarians employed by the school. Questions and discussion ensued. The matter was tabled to future Board meeting pending Mr. Tomino’s assigned researching subjects regarding various issues and reporting back to the Board.


A. Case 04-0702D – (11:00a.m.) – Postponed.


A. Tracy Geiger, DVM – Request for Reinstatement of Active License – Louisiana licensed in May 1996 through September 30, 2004. Following review of the letter submitted by Dr. Geiger, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Green to deny reinstatement of Active license status which has been expired more than five years for failure to renew, nor waive request for retaking the national examination. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Debra Cox, DVM – Request for Extension to Obtain CE Credits for Renewal and Waiver of Late CE Fee - Following review of request and documentation submitted by Dr. Cox, motion was made by Dr. Landry seconded by Dr. Slaton, to deny extension of time to obtain CE credit hours for renewal year 2011-2012 without late CE fee. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

C. Christopher Gorencel, DVM – Request for Extension to Obtain CE Credits for Renewal and Waiver of Late CE Fee – Following review of request for waiver of late renewal fee and late CE fee submitted by Dr. Gorencel, and in consideration of his particular circumstances, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Green, to waive late CE fees, and approve an extension of 90 days in which to obtain CE requirements for renewal year 2011-2012. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote


A. Debra Hagerman-Rogers, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 1991 graduate of North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in North Carolina, Kentucky and Florida. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Hagerman-Rogers, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement conditioned upon verification of documents which meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Melissa Draper-Trippel, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 1993 graduate of LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Texas and previously licensed in Arkansas and Louisiana. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Draper Trippel, motion was made by Dr. Green, seconded by Dr. Landry to deny waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents do not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application. Motion passed by majority vote.

C. Kyshia T. Davis, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2009 graduate of Colorado State University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in California, Colorado and Michigan. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Davis, motion was made by Dr. Landry seconded by Dr. Slaton to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement upon verification of licensure in another state as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

D. Erin Corb, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2010 graduate of Mississippi State University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Missouri. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Corb, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Green to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement upon verification of licensure in another state as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

E. Christopher Sevigny, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2009 graduate of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Maine. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Sevigny, motion was made by Dr. Green seconded by Dr. Slaton to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement upon verification of licensure in another state as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

F. Leia M. Feinberg, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2010 graduate of LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Ohio. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Feinberg, motion was made by Dr. Landry seconded by Dr. Slaton to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement upon verification of licensure in another state as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

G. Laura Sarradet, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2009 graduate of LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Nevada. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Sarradet, motion was made by Dr. Green seconded by Dr. Slaton to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement upon verification of licensure in another state as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed by majority vote – Yeas, Drs. Levy, Landry and Slaton; abstain – Dr. Green.

H. Michael Ratcliff, DVM – Request for Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2009 graduate of LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Arkansas. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Ratcliff, motion was made by Dr. Landry seconded by Dr. Slaton to approve waiver of preceptorship requirement upon verification of licensure in another state as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. New Licenses and Certificates Issued:

Wall certificates were presented for signature for the following licenses/certificates issued since the previous Board meeting:


|2956 |Kristine Elizabeth |Wyatt |

|2957 |Angela Lacoste |Ledet |

|2958 |Elizabeth Blanche |Ezelle |

|2959 |Leigh Gilbert |O'Brien |

|2960 |Rebecca Rocque |Meyers |

|2961 |Sally Tanner |Daville |

|2962 |Jennifer Ann |Thistlethwaite |

|2963 |April Sue-Ann |Ulmer |

|2964 |Melissa Ann |Upchurch |

|2965 |Brian Travis |Saathoff |

|2966 |Jessica Lynn |Fine |

|2967 |Sarah Verret |Cothron |

|2968 |Laura Mercedes |Riggs |

|2969 |Beth LeAnne |Riley |

|2970 |Brittany Guidry |Snyder |

|2971 |Melissa Allen |Robinett |

|2972 |Carly J. |Bulliard |

|2973 |Laurence Edgar |Galle |

|2974 |Christine Michelle |Mocklin |

|2975 |Brennan Kel |Fitzgerald |

|2976 |Heather Lynne |Bryant |

|2977 |Jonathan F. |Bova |

|2978 |Hannah L. |Cavender |

|2979 |Shannon Sorrell |Landry |

|2980 |Christa Lauren |Miceli |

|2981 |Jenny Gonzales |Breaux |

|2982 |Jake H. |Thibeaux |


T01104 Melissa Ann Butler, Sabine Humane Society AC

T01105 Debra Jean Pearson, EBR Parish AC

B. AAVSB 2011 Annual Conference – New Orleans (September 15 -17, 2011) – Because the annual conference will be hosted in New Orleans, all board members were encouraged to attend and participate. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Green to allow Ms. Parrish and Ms. Griffin to attend the conference functions and overnight accommodations and travel expenses as needed within State travel guidelines, as well as those board members able to attend the meeting sessions. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

C. CAET Training Course Review – Dr. Landry and Ms. Parrish reviewed the August 1, 2011 CAET training program held in Gonzales, LA at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center. Successes, needs and minor improvement on the program processes were discussed. No action was taken on this item.




Motion was made by Dr. Slaton to go into executive session to discuss issues and receive legal advice regarding potential contested matters and personnel matters, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote. Upon conclusion of discussion of the issues, motion was made to return to regular session by Dr. Green, seconded by Dr. Landry, and approved unanimously by voice vote.

No formal action was taken by the Board as a result of Executive Session.


There being no further business before the Board, motion was made by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Green, and passed unanimously by voice vote to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 3:34 p.m.



William H. Green, DVM, Board Secretary-Treasurer


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