Who Killed Harry Oakes?

Who Killed Harry Oakes?23 December 1874 – 7th July 1943 PLACEHOLDER IF Angus Smith="" "[Your Name]" Angus SmithAngus Smith \* MERGEFORMATAngus SmithTerm 4 2014Mr Edward MorganYr8 Goes to UniversityWho Killed Harry Oakes?23 December 1874 – 7th July 1943 Early Life38862002233295The Gold Rush in KlondikeThe Gold Rush in Klondike312928029019500Oakes was born in Sangerville, Maine. He was very well educated at Foxcroft Academy, Bowdoin College and studied to become a doctor at Syracuse Medical School. However in 1896, Oakes left medical school to become a prospector in North-West Canada Klondike, Yukon. -457835178181000Oakes soon became very rich; although Klondike was not the source of his millions though. He soon found huge deposits of iron ore near Lake Kirkland. This mine was quickly developed and emptied by Oakes and three brothers, the Toughs, Tom Tough, George Tough and Jack Tough. Oakes continued to mine alone and in 1912 discovered a large gold mine known as Lakeshore mines. This mine soon became the second largest gold mine in North America.-28949652208530Mr and Mrs OakesMr and Mrs OakesBy 1921 Oakes was a millionaire, and he continued to build his wealth and power by buying and working on large estates around Niagara Falls and erecting large mansions and large athletic fields around the community. He soon became the ninth member of the Niagara Parks commission. In 1934 Oakes moved to the Bahamas to escape the millions of dollars he was spending in taxes to the Canadian government, although this decision would lead to his brutal murder.Who Killed Harry Oakes?23 December 1874 – 7th July 1943 Murder42291002511425Harry Oakes’ Dead Body in his Hotel Room in the Bahamas0Harry Oakes’ Dead Body in his Hotel Room in the Bahamas365760033972500In the late hours of 7th July 1943 Harry Oakes was brutally murdered. In the morning of the 8th he was found dead, with his bloody head and body slumped over his bed, covered in feathers and his body scorched. Oakes had been struck in the head with an object that pierced his skull in four places, then the murderer poured feathers over him from the pillows in his room. The killer attempted to burn Oakes but his body was only scorched and the fire did not take. There were three main suspects – Alfred de MarignySir Harold ChristieFrank MarshallAlfred de Marigny33147002659380Alfred de Marigny and Nancy OakesAlfred de Marigny and Nancy Oakes29718003048000Alfred de Marigny had recently married Oakes’ nineteen-year-old daughter, Nancy Oakes. De Marigny had married into two different rich families before marrying the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, and both those other marriages had ended in a divorce. De Marigny was the only relative with Oakes at the time of his murder, and Oakes did not like de Marigny at all. De Marigny was a French playboy that could have easily killed Oakes for his money and all the land he owned. After the murder investigation was over de Marigny had a divorce with Nancy and went on to marry another woman, in a rich family. The Duke of Windsor, former King Edward VIII and close friend of Harry Oakes, brought in two detectives from Miami, Melchen and Barker. These two detectives were also very close friends of the Dukes. After long periods of interrogation and more investigation the two detectives had a long unheard meeting with the Duke de Marigny was arrested when a fingerprint was found in Oakes’ room. However the trial did not pass and de Marigny was freed. Sir Harold ChristieSir Harold Christie was the man who discovered Oakes’ body and was the only other person that was staying in the house (de Marigny was staying a local hotel) and suspiciously “Didn't hear a thing.” This was when the Duke brought in the two detectives from Miami to investigate, but no tool or motive were found when Harold Christie was investigated so he was ignored and the detectives moved on. 422910017208500Frank Marshall43434001988820Meyer Lansky0Meyer LanskyFrank Marshall was in business with the American mafia, and especially connected with powerful mobsters Charles Luciano and Meyer Lansky. These three men went to Oakes, Christie and the Duke with the plan to develop a chain of casinos in the Bahamas. The three prominent figures of the Bahamas at the time were Oakes, Christie and the Duke. The Duke and Christie accepted the idea but Oakes supposedly never passed the idea so Frank Marshall may have orchestrated the death of Oakes. Marshall and his mafia connection were never investigated at the time because no one knew about the connection between the three main leaders of the Bahamas and the American Mafia.The Duke of Windsor and Melchen and BarkerNeither the Duke of Windsor, nor the two detectives from Miami were thought to be suspicious of the murder, but with further investigation all three became suspects. However they had gotten away with the crime, because the Duke had closed the investigation. 3200400-5416550035433002087245The Duke of Windsor, his Wife and Adolf Hitler0The Duke of Windsor, his Wife and Adolf HitlerThe Duke had close connections with the German Nazi party and was accused of giving away national secrets to the Germans during WWII. Straight after the discovery the Duke brought in two close detectives and did not allow local detectives and police to investigate. Melchen and Barker arrested De Marigny but the trial did not pass as the two detectives confessed to planting fingerprints in Oakes’ room. The two detectives placing cellophane over a used cigarette packet of De Marigny’s retrieved the prints of de Marigny’s and then placed the cellophane over objects in Oakes’ room planting the fingerprints. Immediately after de Marigny’s trial did not pass the Duke closed down the investigation and prevented any further inspection on the case until most of the people involved had passed away. The Duke and Oakes were also involved in a large money-laundering scheme in Mexico City that may have also been another motive for the Duke to end his business partners’ life. Oakes also not approving the casino chain in the Bahamas that was going to be built and owned by the mafia also could have had the same affect. The Duke may have also wanted to murder Oakes just to take him out of all business profits and decisions to make more money for himself.ConclusionMy personal opinion is that the Duke of Windsor either committed the crime himself or controlled and planned the death of Sir Harry Oakes. The other suspects were just framed, or at the wrong place at the wrong time. With high efforts in not allowing public access to the crime scene or investigation outside of his trusted group of friends builds a very strong opinion and theory that the Duke of Windsor is responsible for Oakes’ death.Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY Boyd, W. (13th November 2010). Date visited, 12th November, Provides theories and evidence from all perspectives of the suspects, Newspaper article, "The real-life murder case behind Any Human Heart."William Boyd is a trusted journalist and a man who is deeply intrigued by this case, he has review novels about this case and written various articles like the one above. This article can be trusted because this is another newspaper article that is published all over the world so this source can be very easily trusted.Waugh, A. (21st August 2005). Date visited, 17th November, Provides extra details and information on the Duke of Windsors involvement in the crime, with possible motives, Newspaper article, "What did the Duke of Windsor know?"The source above was relevant and helpful to the topic of study. This source can be trusted as it is and has been a printed article shown to the world’s public, so if the information were false the whole world would have seen it. The author Andrew Waugh has been working for the Telegraph and has produced many varying articles. This newspaper is read by hundreds of people, so its articles are obviously going to be trustworthy.Owen, J. (2005). Begun reading, 8th November, Book, Goes into a very detailed description of the murder of Harry Oakes, "A Serpent in Eden."Marquis, J. (2006). Begun reading, 4th November, Book, Displays the direct connection between the suspects and especially the Duke of Windsor and the Murder of Harry Oakes, "Blood and Fire."John Marquis the author of the text listed above, has been in journalism for over 50 years and has produced many different articles/texts that have been published and read around the globe. So this particular text can be as well trusted as any of his other pieces which can be trusted. The information out of this text has also been very relevant and useful to the topic of study. Bell, R. (Unknown). Date visited, 16th October, Website, Provides a brief description of the few theories surrounding the death of Harry Oakes. Falls Info. (Unknown). Date visited, 16th October, Supplies background information on Harry Oakes and a small amount of information on the murder of Harry Oakes. Website, ................

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