26465 Process reservations for international air travel ...

|Title |Process reservations for international air travel originating from New Zealand |

|Level |4 |Credits |8 |

|Purpose |People credited with this unit standard are able to establish customer requirements, source |

| |information, and prepare and explain itineraries and quotes for international air travel; and complete |

| |international air travel reservations and related documentation. |

|Classification |Tourism > Travel |

|Available grade |Achieved |

Guidance Information

1 Definitions

International air fares refer to normal fares and/or special fares.

Normal fare refers to unrestricted first class, business class, and economy class fares.

Travel industry workplace policies and procedures refer to documented instructions about workplace expectations. These may include but are not limited to – customer service delivery, personal presentation, legislation, organisational structure, business objectives.

2 For the purpose of this unit standard the international air fares used must be for long haul return journeys originating from New Zealand. Long haul refers to destinations that are more than eight hours flying time from New Zealand.

3 This unit standard may be assessed against in a travel industry workplace when appropriate situations arise, or in a training environment if simulated workplace conditions are able to be provided that reflect the standard of a travel industry workplace.

4 Evidence is required for two different customers and for four different long-haul destinations.

5 All assessment tasks for performance criteria are to be carried out in accordance with travel industry workplace policies and procedures.

Outcomes and performance criteria

Outcome 1

Establish customer requirements, source information, and prepare and explain itineraries and quotes for international air travel.

Performance criteria

1.1 Information is obtained from the customer to determine the customer’s needs, preferences, and expectations.

Range information may include but is not limited to – purpose of trip, destination, stopovers, travel dates, duration, budget, airline preferences, aircraft types, seating requirements, special services required, frequent flyer information, passport information, visa requirements;

evidence is required of sufficient information to match customers’ needs, preferences and expectations.

1.2 Information is sourced for customers, and itineraries and quotes are prepared and comparisons made.

Range information must include – airline routings, air fares, taxes or other charges;

evidence is required for two different options per destination.

1.3 Quotes, inclusions, and exclusions are explained to the customer in accordance with airline requirements.

Range inclusions and exclusions may include but are not limited to – airport departure taxes, other taxes, fuel surcharges, checked baggage charges, preferred seating charges;

evidence of two inclusions and two exclusions is required.

1.4 Fare rules are explained to customers in accordance with airline requirements.

Range may include but is not limited to – reservation conditions, permitted stopovers, transfers, payment and ticketing conditions, amendment fees, cancellation fees;

evidence of five fare rules is required.

Outcome 2

Complete international air travel reservations and related documentation.

Performance criteria

2.1 Reservations are made in accordance with customer and airline requirements.

2.2 Reservations are ticketed in accordance with airline requirements.

|Replacement information |This unit standard replaced unit standard 18219. |

|Planned review date |31 December 2025 |

Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions

|Process |Version |Date |Last Date for Assessment |

|Registration |1 |16 July 2010 |31 December 2018 |

|Review |2 |16 February 2017 |31 December 2022 |

|Review |3 |26 November 2020 |N/A |

|Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference |0112 |

This CMR can be accessed at .

Comments on this unit standard

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