Due September 1st to

Note: Eligible applicants MUST be at least 14-18 years and a current and active member of one of the following organizations. (Check all that apply) _____ 4-H _____ FFA _____ FCCLA

This application MUST be completed annually for new and returning JFB members!

Turn in pages 3 and 4 to the Madison County Extension Office or

Keep pages 1 and 2 for dates of meetings/events



Junior Fair Board Member


Meetings (Required attendance for 8 out of 10 Meetings)

Wednesday October 7, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting

Wednesday November 4, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting /Officer Elections

Wednesday December 2, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting/Holiday Party

Wednesday, January 6, 2021 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting

Wednesday February 3, 2021 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting

Wednesday March 3, 2021 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting

Wednesday, April 7, 2021 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting (Fair Walk-About)

Wednesday June 2, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting

Wednesday, July 7, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meeting

*Please note: Missing 3 or more meetings will result in dismissal from Junior Fair Board. This will be enforced for the upcoming year. We cannot carry on official business with a low member attendance board meeting.

Ohio Fair Manager’s Conference/Jr Fair Day: (Optional but Highly Recommended)

January 2 (indicate interest ASAP)

Location: Columbus Convention Center

Let advisors know of interest by December meeting

*Details provided upon request closer to date

Early Work Days: Two shifts minimum required per Jr. Fair Board Member. This will be enforced for the upcoming year. Members that do not assist with Early Work Days will be dismissed from the Junior Fair Board. There will be a sign up form sent out in mid to late June.

Week of June 28 and Week of July 5 (evenings). Final dates TBD

Skill-A-Thon and Quality Assurance Junior Fair Board Members are expected to attend and help with both events with OSU Extension

Skill-a-thons: June TBD

QA Clinics: TBD

Fair Week

As a Junior Fair Board Member, you are required to work at least 2 shifts in the Jr. Fair Board Office, be at assigned shows and events for your committee and any additional events you are signed up for, and help out at the sale during your assigned time. There will be an electronic sign up sent out prior to fair as well as a paper sign up during workdays.

Clean Up (Required Attendance)

Sunday after close of fair 9:00 a.m. – Finished


• Must be at least 14-18 years of age

• Ability to work with minimal supervision and/or know when and where to receive assistance when needed.

• Demonstrates appropriate behavior at all times

• Possesses good leadership abilities and responsibility skills.

• Willingness to promote the Junior Fair as an educational opportunity where proper ethics and honesty is valued.

• Supports the Junior Fair Board as an active, productive organization by:

*Electing officers based on ability, attitude, and experience

*Complying with the Junior Fair Board Constitution

*Being involved in either 4-H or FFA

*When making decisions, involving the Junior Fair, to be objective


• Take active participation in fair planning and conducting your division or committee activities.

• Collaborate to improve and expand on ideas for the Junior Fair.

• Promote the Junior Fair as a positive educational opportunity for youth. This may include contacting and securing potential sponsors/donors as needed.

• Always maintain a level of PROFESSIONALISM when handling Junior Fair participants, advisors and parents. You are a leader and mentor once selected as a JFB member. Leadership development opportunities will be part of your training.

• Support the decisions, policies, and activities of your division or committee and the JFB.

• Work closely with adult leaders (Key Leaders, committee members, SFB, Extension staff, etc.) by sharing in the planning and conducting of division rules and activities.

• Read, understand, and enforce the general rules, agricultural rules, and the specific rules applying to your division/committee and the JFB office. All are subject to Jr/Sr Fair Board approval.

• Report back to your 4-H/FFA Club the items discussed, and report feedback from your Club to the Board.

OFFICERS (Will be voted on at the November meeting)

- President

- Vice President

- Secretary

- Treasurer

- At Large

Turn in pages 3 and 4 to the Madison County Extension Office by September 1st.

*New applicants will be contacted to set up an interview*

Keep pages 1 and 2 for dates of meetings/events

Turn in pages 3 and 4 to the Madison County Extension Office by September 1st.

*New applicants will be contacted to set up an interview*

Keep pages 1 and 2 for dates of meetings/events


Name (First) (middle) (Last)


Address City, Zip

_____________ _________ ______________________________________ _____ __________

Date of Birth Current Age Club/Organization # of yrs Shirt size

_____________ __________________________________ ____________________________________

Cell # Email address School attending/grade


A Junior Fair exhibitor _____________ A Junior Fair Board member ________

What do you think is involved in being a JFB member?

What projects have you taken in the past?

What projects are you planning in 2020?

Every JFB member is selected to serve on a TEAM each year. Please select your top FIVE choices. Rank by numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (Committee structure subject to change if necessary.)

_____ Sheep/Goat _____ Swine

_____ Beef/Dairy _____ Equine

_____ Poultry/Small Animals _____ Rabbit

_____ Special Interest/Cloverbuds _____ Dog


List any activities/organizations in which you participate outside of 4-H, FFA, or FCCLA that may interfere with your duties as a Junior Fair Board member: (Ex, Sports, band, church, job, etc.)

Why do you want to be a JFB member? (If returning, what is something you would like to see different this year?)

Please suggest two possible fair themes

References: List one adult, other than a family member, who can be contacted for reference on your leadership, responsibility, performance and personal character as it pertains to your application as a Junior Fair Board member.

Name ________________________________________________ Relationship __________________________


Complete Address City Zip

Phone __________________________ Email____________________________________________


• Junior Fair Coordinators

• Frances Nicol, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development

Important: Please read the JFB commitment statement below carefully. ALL signatures MUST be present for this application to be processed.

If selected as a Junior Fair Board member, I will commit to learning the requirements and responsibilities of a member and upholding the constitution of the JFB. I will attend scheduled meetings every month, participate in early work days and clean-up after fair. I will assist my team in necessary work that has to be done and any other areas outside my team where my assistance is needed. I further understand that if I do not meet the standards of being a Junior Fair Board member I will be immediately dismissed.

Signature__________________________________________________________ DATE _____________

Parent/Guardian signature___________________________________________ DATE ______________

Advisor signature __________________________________________________ DATE ______________

Return application, by September 1st to:

OSU Extension, Madison County

217 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140

London, Ohio 43140


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