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11/2019 Notes: Unit 4 Medical Biotechnology (Chapter 12)IntroductionMedical biotechnology is the fusion of ______________, ______________and many other sciences in order to further advances in medicine.The main reason for medical biotechnology is to _________________________.Other reasons are to ease suffering of _______________________ patients or to increase _______________ for people with disabilities.Some Current Areas of Research1. Protein Antibody Engineering (Monoclonal Antibodies (mAb)*What is an antibody? It is a ________________ produced and used by the _____________________to identify and neutralize foreign substances (antigens) like bacteria and viruses. *mAB are antibodies that are all identical because they were all produced by only one immune cell, and clones of this cell were made.*They are called Monoclonal because they are ______________________ of an individual parent cell.*Remember, antibodies are specific ____________________ that target _______________ invading our body. This technology is used primarily to fight off ____________________ as these monoclonal antibodies can be __________________________________________________________ that show up on cancer cells. *The mAbs will then bind to the cancer cell and lymphocytes will detect this and destroy the cell.4856644479300Steps in making Monoclonal Antibodies ~1980’s1.Mouse is infected with an “ANTIGEN” (pathogen, protein, bacteria etc.)2.Mouse develops antibodies to this antigen (B-Cells from spleen produce antibodies)3.These cells are removed from the mouse and fused with a tumor cell.4.Now we have a tumor cell that is constantly producing antibodies and more cells like itself.Cancer Statistics (US) * Cancer is a group of more than _______________________ that develop across time * ______________ of all men will develop cancer in their lifetime ___________ of all women will develop cancer in their lifetime *Smokers have ___________ the risk of any cancer *Women with family history of cancer have a _____________ chance of getting cancer *Cancer is the _____________________________________________________, exceeded only by heart diseaseCAN BE USED: * mAb are heavily used in the ___________________ medical field. Examples of tests that detect various infections (conditions) that use mAb are ____________________, hepatitis, influenza, _________________,Streptococcal, and Chlamydia infections. *Used for detection of the presence and/or quantity of a substance, Western Blot gel electrophoresis or Immunofluorescence test. *Used for _____________________________with techniques such as immunoprecipitation (Ouchterlony) and ____________________. *Fluorescent labeled mAb are mixed with cells to see if the mAB recognizes certain _____________________ Then the flow cytometer can ___________________these cells into separate vessels. *ARM Antibody Recruiting Molecules, bind to _________________which then increases the chance that your own antibodies will recognize the labeled pathogen. Doctors are now using this for ________________and _______2. Bioprocessing*Bioprocessing is the mass production of human ______________________, etc… by genetically modifying _________________ or __________________.*This allows for a _________________________ of the desired product to be created in ____________________ and for a relatively _______________________.*The main product currently bioprocessed is ______________________, the human protein responsible for ______________________________________________________.*The human gene for insulin is placed into _______________________, these are cultured and allowed to produce insulin which is collected, ___________________ and sold to the millions of ____________worldwide.3. Livestock as Production Vessels of Human Pharmaceuticals*This involves the use of ____________________(Pharm animals) which are ___________________________to make human pharmaceutical proteins.*Pharmaceutical proteins in the _________ or __________ of animals may be easier to administer.EX: Human _______________________ (Atryn) antithrombin is produced in _________________ and in one year can produce the equivalent of _________________________worth of this protein. *_____________________________are used to study human diseases. * Transgenic mouse has a GMS gene inserted and is producing a protein that decreases______________________5012806513800 Associated with Alzheimer’s disease.4) Stem Cells*A stem cell is a cell that has the potential to become ________________________________________________.*Everyone has stem cells, but they are very hard to access. The easiest place to get stem cells is from an __________________________.*Stem cells are introduced into a damaged area of the body and where, ______________________ will replace the damaged tissue.*Often times stem cells are grown in a lab first to ensure the right conditions and are then then placed into a ____________________.*Stem cells are currently being tested to treat everything from Crohn’s disease to baldness!*The main areas where stem cells have proven their worth is in ________________________, replacing damaged heart tissue after a heart attack, and replacing damaged __________________ which gives hope to anyone who has had a spinal cord injury.5) Tissue Engineering/Regenerative Medicine*A form of ________________________medicine, tissue engineering is the creation of human tissue outside the body for _________________________________.*Usually occurs on a _______________________________, but can be grown on/in other organisms as shown *Tissue engineers have created __________________________________________________________________.*Current projects being undertaken include creating an _______________________________________________.*Again, we are far from replacing a whole organ, but just looking for “_____________________” our slightly used ones at the moment.56956045773006) Pharmacogenomics/Personalized Medicine*This is a branch of biotechnology that involves __________________________________________to design and improve medications.*The study of how ____________________ affect a person’s response to ________________*Used to develop effective, safe medications and doses that will be tailored to a person’s ________________________.*Adverse drug reactions are a significant cause of ______________________________________________________. *__________________________________ will be used to predict whether a medication will be effective for a particular person and to help prevent adverse drug reactions. * Under Study: Personalized Therapies for: Cardiovascular disease, __________________, ________________, _____________, and Asthma. This is all leading to the production of ______________________________________.7) Disease PreventionBranch of medicine that focuses on helping people __________________________, both in individuals & communities. A number of branches of science and medicine are intertwined in this medical discipline ______________________________ to the study of cultural practices that could promote the spread of disease______________________________ the identification and study of disease.Many nations have prevention programs in their national health framework, since it benefits society as a whole.Types of Disease Prevention__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________530438635386008) Nanotechnology/ Biomedical Instrumentation*Nanotechnology in the field of medicine could ____________________ the way we detect and treat damage to the human body and disease *Nanotechnology in medicine involves applications of ______________________ currently under development, as well as longer range research that involvesthe use of manufactured ___________________ to make repairs at the __________ level (sometimes referred to as _____________________). Examples: _________________________, ______________________9) Assays and Testing for Products/ “Diagnostics”Most products headed for development are ________________.If a substance is chosen as a potential product, the product must be “assayed”, ______________________________”.Assays are performed at every step in the development of a product.The results are important for the approval of drugs and other products as well as patents and protection.Types of Assays:a.) Activity Assay- Shows that a compound is __________________________________________________________.These assays are necessary to demonstrate that an enzyme, for example, is active and conducting the reaction that is expected. EX: _________________________________ for the detection of Antibodies (Ab) or Antigensb.) Concentration Assays- Reports the concentration of protein or substance being used, produced or sold.Using ___________________________ solutions, the concentration of a protein in solution can be estimated by comparing it to known solutions using a spectrophotometer Examples: Bradford protein reagent used to determine ___________________________ right571500 Biuret assay for determining _______________________________________ Benedicts assay for determining ___________________________________ 232537015003300Testing for Products (Assays)c.) ELISA- Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay.A very sensitive analytical tool that can be used to ensure the presence and concentration of a product throughout the entire research and manufacturing process.*******super important*****Potency: Used to determine how the ________________________________________ and how long it stays in the body.Toxicology: Show what quantities of the drug are toxic to _________________________________________________.Stability: Shows the shelf life of a product and the proper storage conditions for the compound to maintain its activity.10) New Products in Nature*Estimated that there are a ______________________ plant species but only __________ identified*Most studied are found in the _____________________________ which are disappearing at an alarming rate of about ______________________ acres a minute*Many plants found in the rainforests could contain chemicals beneficial to humans _____________________________5288685450300*Rainforest Cures: Natives have found plants serve as herbal remedies*In the Amazon an extract of the Croton Lechleri to cure ___________________Antimicrobials: Substances that kill bacteria and some other microorganisms Scientists are studying ______________ to find better antibiotic and antimicrobials. Antimicrobials cure things caused by; Bacterial and viral infections Salicylates?are found naturally in some?plants?(such as white willow bark and wintergreen leaves) and are thought to protect the?plant?against insect damage and disease.?Aspirin?is a derivative of salicylic acid - and is also known as acetylsalicylic acid11) New Pharmaceuticals through Peptide and DNA synthesis*Machines are now available and can be programed to build __________________________. These proteins act as _________________________can be built to bind with ___________________________________to either help the __________________of the following gene or to ________________the gene expression.18270678555200*Generation of a protein can be used as a synthesized ___________________ to be used in a ________________*Synthesized proteins can be used as a binding agent in _________________________________________.* Also many proteins are being tested as _____________________for many disorders.12) Gene Therapy*Functional genes are used to _________________________________the function of a defective gene.*Gene therapy uses many varied______________________________for cutting out a ____________________________ and inserting a working gene.Methods: use of ___________________________ to generate a _____________________ then trick bacteria into taking it into their cell. CRISPR cas9 gene editing tool NgAgo13) Antibiotics: molecules produced in __________________________________ to inhibit the growth of other _________ _______________________ from existing organisms, _____________________ in laboratories, or _______________Antibiotic UseSlow the ________________ or actually _______________microbes by interfering with cellular processes Examples: Ampicillin: Interferes with _________________ synthesis therefore bacteria cells cannot ________________________. Streptomycin: Interrupts ______________________________, interfering with required cellular reactionsProblem with AntibioticsSome bacteria become ___________________ to the action of many types of antibiotics Bacteria populations can __________________ to resist the antibiotics If someone is infected with “antibiotic resistant” bacteria the _________________________________________.Examples: MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)? or TB (Tuberculosis) Developing new antibiotics is necessary Older antibiotics must be replaced because over time they no longer combat the infection This is now an important focus of biotechnology50413233307820026651523378200046932340530300There is an almost ____________________________for generating new methods and _________________to aid I medical and Pharmaceutical research. ................

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