Tees Archaeology Service Plan 2008/09

Tees ArchaeologyService Plan2020/21Front Cover: Top – 1948 Aerial Photograph of Low Grange, Billingham, the site of the Prior of Durham’s Manor House. Bottom Hart Church from the north- west, looking across the fishpondsThe Vision ‘To work with the people and organisations of the Tees Valley in order to raise awareness of the Historic Environment, to ensure its protection for future generations and improve its accessibility and enjoyment.’Contents1.Introduction2.Who are we?3.What do we want to achieve and how do we deliver it?4.What did we achieve last year?5.What do we want to achieve in 2020/21?AppendicesAppendix 1: Tees Archaeology Budgets Appendix 2: Tees Archaeology Performance Indicators1. Introduction1.1 Welcome to the Tees Archaeology Service Plan for 2020/21. This is being written in March / April 2020 when the world is besieged by Coronavirus. While we must continue to plan future activities, how much of this will be realisable is uncertain. We do however hope to be able to continue to help protect, research and tell people about the heritage of the area they live in.1.2 The Service Plan is supported by further information contained in:- ‘Tees Archaeology Background Information’ This is available as a download on the Tees Archaeology website. 2. Who are we?2.1 The OrganisationTees Archaeology provides archaeological services to the people and local authorities of Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees and operates throughout the Tees Valley. It is based in the Heritage and Countryside Service which from April 2020 is part of Preventative & Community Based Department, within Adult & Community Based Services Division at Hartlepool Borough Council.2.2 The TeamTees Archaeology has a staff of three:-The Archaeology Officer, Robin Daniels is head of service and responsible for its direction and liaison with the partner authorities.The Archaeologist (Planning), Lucy Brown leads on development management activities, providing advice and guidance on the archaeological impact of development and how to minimise it to a wide range of organisations and individuals. The Archaeologist (Historic Environment Record), Janice Adams manages and improves the database, digital mapping and other records of the historic environment of the area. This includes providing information to individuals and organisations on the archaeology of the area.Over many years Tees Archaeology has encouraged and trained volunteers and many local people to take part in the wide variety of projects the service carries out. These people make an invaluable contribution to the archaeology of the area and the work of the service.2.3 The LocationTees Archaeology is based in Sir William Gray House, Hartlepool. This holds the office accommodation of the service and its paper and photographic archives. The archaeological collections are held in an Archaeology Store within the same building. In the grounds of the property is a store for equipment.2.4 The BudgetThe local authorities provide c. 50% of the funding required, the remainder is earned through externally funded projects. The Archaeology Officer and Archaeologist (Planning) both work 30 hours a week, the Archaeologist (HER) works 18.75 hours a week.The funding from Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees is frozen at its 2011/12 levels of:-Hartlepool?19,803Stockton-on-Tees?38,158The service’s budgets since 1996 are set out in Appendix 12.5 Service Level AgreementFollowing a recommendation from Internal Audit a Service Level agreement between Hartlepool and Stockton Borough Councils and Tees Archaeology was signed in 2013.3. What do we want to achieve and how do we deliver it?3.1 The service’s Vision, Mission Statement and Aims and Objectives are agreed with its partner authorities and reflect a determination to provide a relevant and effective service to the area.3.2 The Vision is set out at the beginning of this document; our Mission Statement indicates how we will address this Vision; while the Aims and Objectives bear more directly on the activities involved.3.3 The Mission Statement is:-Tees Archaeology will:-Make a positive contribution to the Corporate Objectives of the Partner Authorities. Provide its partnership authorities and the people of the area with a professional archaeological service.Provide advice on the preservation and conservation of archaeological sites within the partner authorities.Maintain and enhance the Historic Environment Record (HER) of the area.Provide identification and curation of archaeological material to the highest museum standards.Raise the awareness and accessibility of the archaeology of the area.3.4 The Aims of the service and how we seek to achieve them are set out below3.4.1.To develop good working relationships with partner authorities and relevant organisations and assist in the delivery of their Corporate Objectives.Tees Archaeology holds regular liaison meetings with representatives of its partner authorities. These meetings provide progress reports and the ability to react quickly to changing circumstances as well as discussing the objectives for inclusion in the service plan.3.4.2.To monitor, protect and conserve the archaeological sites of the area.This is largely achieved through the monitoring of all planning applications (Table 1) in the area, and advising the local planning authority on a suitable response should a proposed development affect an archaeological site. These responses might include:-A desk-based study of the area involvedPre-determination investigations of the sitePost-determination recording or investigation of the site.This function is carried out in fulfilment of government policy as set out in the ‘National Planning Policy Framework’ and the accompanying Practice Guide. Table 1: Monitoring of Development ProposalsYearDevelopment Proposals checkedNo of Archaeological RecommendationsActive Archaeology & Development Files2014/154,070603592015/164,223573312016/173,935423362017/183,147383722018/193,314313992019/203,142644293.4.3.To maintain and enhance the archaeological record of the area.Tees Archaeology maintains a record (Historic Environment Record, hereafter HER) of all the known archaeological sites of the area. This is a digital record linked to a Geographical Information System (GIS) and includes many different types of site, from prehistoric settlements to occasional finds of coins, metalwork and WWII Pillboxes.Projects which enhance existing records and generate new ones are continuously developed in conjunction with the partner authorities. A Historic Landscape Character Assessment of the area has been completed and particular emphasis is being placed on adding buildings. The record includes shipwreck sites out to the 12 mile limit.YearHER Records% EnhancementHER Projects2012/134,58712.3%English Heritage Data Audit carried out. Hartlepool farmsteads added.2013/144,71921.4%Changes to bring ‘Condition’ fields into line with national standards.2014/154,83418.5%Editing to allow creation of online HER2015/165,26823.8%Hartlepool Local List added2016/175,2965.4%Keep existing records up to date. Post vacant for 8 months2017/185,52214.4%Processing HER backlog2018/195,74419.6%Historic England Data Audit carried out. Stockton farmsteads & public houses survey commenced.2019/206,18812.57%Stockton farmsteads added 3.4.4.To provide a continuous programme of collections and archive management.Tees Archaeology curates a range of archaeological material on behalf of its partner authorities. It holds the area’s paper and photographic archive in relation to archaeological sites and material which has yet to be fully reported. In addition it serves to extend the storage capacity of the partner museums and to provide a research facility for those wishing to study archaeological material. Material in the Collection?Approx figsHartlepoolStockton-on-TeesNo of sites15118No of Boxes1667293.4.5.To promote awareness and knowledge of the archaeology and Historic Environment of the area. The service will raise awareness of the historic environment through the continued maintenance of its website and the provision of such guided walks and talks as the staff are able to provide. It will look to develop volunteer based programmes by accessing external funds which will in addition help it meet its budget targets.4. What did we achieve last year?4.1 ActivitiesIn 2019/20 Tees Archaeology activities came under four headings; Archaeological Collections; Historic Environment Record & Planning Advice; Improving Knowledge and Public Awareness and Service Administration. A separate listing has been added from this year covering Externally Funded Activities.4.2 Performance IndicatorsTees Archaeology has three local performance indicators and these are set out in Appendix 2.Archaeological CollectionsActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetPerformanceMaintain store inventoryTo ensure best care of collectionsAll partnersHBCSBCThis is a continuous processThe inventory has been kept up to dateA volunteer based project to document the image collection of the service has startedA volunteer based project to document the library of the service is under wayAccess was given to the collections for an international research project on DNA between 1,000 BC and 1,000 ADTees Archaeology is working with the North York Moors National Park to help document a large and important collection of prehistoric flintsPlanning AdviceActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetPerformanceMaintain level of serviceTo ensure provision of good quality serviceAll partnersHBC, SBC, planningAppoint replacement member of staffA new member of staff was appointed and took up post in SeptemberHistoric Environment Record ActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetPerformanceImplement the HER Audit Action Plan that has been agreed with Historic EnglandTo maintain continuous improvement of the HERAll PartnersHBCSBCProduce up to date HER manualThis has been producedContinue volunteer project to document the historic farmsteads of the Stockton on Tees Borough Council areaTo improve the content of the HERSBCSBCContinue project and upload data to the HERThis has continued and additional information about 19th century institutional buildings such as Police stations has also been added.Long term IT development of the HER is being addressed in consultation with Hartlepool BC, ICT ServiceThe information about the Stockton & Darlington Railway has been and will be enhanced in preparation for the 200th anniversaryImproving Knowledge and Public Awareness ActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetPerformanceContinue to support the Stockton Townscape Heritage 2 programmeTo increase awareness of the areaSBCSBCProvide support as requestedThe bid was successful and we have worked to develop relevant projects and begin their implementationSupport the Durham University project at Low Grange, BillinghamTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaSBCSBCProvide support as requestedFollowing a geophysical survey planning has begun for an excavation, hopefully to take place in 2020Continue to support the River Tees Rediscovered landscape partnership projectTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaAll partnersRTRDeliver reports on excavations at Dalton on Tees and Metal Detector Survey at Cliffe. Assist in publication of booklets on ‘Crossing the Tees’ and Romans in the areaThe report on the Dalton excavation was produced as were booklets on ‘Crossing the Tees’ and the ‘Romans’. The report on the Metal Detector survey is in draft and awaiting input from an external specialistSupport the Round 1 work of the Seascape Landscape Partnership projectTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaHBCHBCDeliver information as requiredThis was done, and the Round 2 bid was submitted and has been successful. Assistance was provided to site visits from Historic England and the National LotteryProvide talk programme to Preston Hall Museum To increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaSBCAllProvide talks as agreedTalks were provided and a Family Event was supported during February half termWork with the Battlefield Trust and other partners to submit a bid to the NLHF for a Tees Valley wide English Civil War projectTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaAll partnersAllSubmit bid to NLHFFurther work has taken place on this bid including discussions with prospective partners. It has yet to be submittedA seventh publication has been added to the Tees Archaeology monograph series. Tees Archaeology website was updated with links to a range of new publications that can be downloaded for freeService AdministrationActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetPerformanceEnsure that the service achieves its budgeted income requirement for 2019/20 To ensure financial sustainability of the serviceTees ArchaeolHBCSBC?46,061The service had a shortfall of ?9,490 in 2019/20. Following a shortfall of c.?7k in 2018/19. HBC and SBC agreed to fund half each of any shortfall. Externally Funded ActivityTees Archaeology has to meet c. 50% of its budget through externally funded activity. The table below shows the activities that took place in 2019/20. In addition to the projects below income is earned through the charging of fees for commercial searches of the HER and for aspects of the planning related work. A full set of fees and charges is published on the Tees Archaeology websiteProjectType of ActivityFunding BodyGeographic LocationStatus of ProjectManor Farm, Little StaintonField Survey and Desk Based AssessmentPrivateDarlington BCCompleteHart ChurchWatching Brief and reportHart ChurchHartlepool BCCompleteHoly Trinity ChurchWatching Brief and reportSBCStockton BCCompleteRailway Heritage QuarterDesk Based AssessmentTVCADarlington BCCompleteEnergy from WasteHistoric Environment AssessmentHBCRedcar & Cleveland BCCompleteHart FishpondsHistoric Environment AssessmentHBCHartlepool BCCompleteSkelton TH SchemeExcavation and Overview reportingSkelton TH (NLHF)Redcar & Cleveland BCCompleteRiver Tees RediscoveredReports and Booklet PrintingRiver Tees Rediscovered(NLHF)Tees Valley Sub-RegionOne Booklet to print and 7 printedAbbreviations: BT – Battlefield Trust: HBC – Hartlepool Borough Council: HE – Historic England: NLHF – National Lottery Heritage Fund : RTR – River Tees Rediscovered: SBC – Stockton Borough Council: TAS – Teesside Archaeological Society5. What do we want to achieve in 2020/2021?5.1 The activities of the service have been grouped into five sections, while the three performance indicators for the service can be seen in Appendix 2.Archaeological Collections:- This relates to the continued curation of archaeological artefacts and records on behalf of the partner authorities.Historic Environment Record and Planning Advice:- This includes the provision of the record of the Historic Environment for the area and its constant enhancement and updating as well as dealing with development queries of all types.Improving Knowledge and Public Awareness:- This will cover activities such as guided walks and talks that raise public awareness as well as externally funded projects that will improve knowledge of the Historic Environment of the area and engage the public.Service Administration:- The administration of the service and liaison with the partner authoritiesExternally Funded Activities:- A range of projects of different types that improve knowledge of the archaeology of the area and contribute to the income targets of the service.5.2 Programme for 2020/21Archaeological CollectionsActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetMaintain store inventoryTo ensure best care of collectionsAll partnersHBCSBCThis is a continuous processWork with the Museums based National Portfolio Project in the area to help develop cross-sector workingTo improve community engagement and knowledge of collectionsAll partnersHBCSBCProvide appropriate support as networks developPlanning AdviceActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetMaintain level of serviceTo ensure provision of good quality serviceAll partnersHBC, SBC, planningAchieve relevant Performance IndicatorsHistoric Environment Record ActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetImplement the HER Audit Action Plan that has been agreed with HETo maintain continuous improvement of the HERAll PartnersHBCSBCDevelop new MIDAs compliant and IT future proofed HER systemDevelop and implement volunteer project to record the field names of the area.To improve the content of the HERHBCSBCHBCSBCCommence project and upload data to the HEREnhance the HER content about the Stockton and Darlington RailwayTo improve the content of the HER To increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaSBCSBCFriends of Stockton and Darlington RailwayProduce a report on the S&DR through Preston Park and place on the Tees Archaeology websiteImproving Knowledge and Public Awareness ActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetCarry out Projects as part of the Stockton Townscape Heritage 2 programmeTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaSBCSBCCarry out Projects to agreed timetables and achieve outputsSupport the Durham University project at Low Grange, BillinghamTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaSBCSBCDurham UniversityPlan and implement the excavation programme Provide support to Preston Hall Museum for a Viking ExhibitionTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaSBCWhole areaSBCProvide support as requestedSupport the Seascape Landscape Partnership projectTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaHBCHBCDeliver information and engage in activities as requiredWork with the BT and other partners to submit a bid to the NLHF for a Tees Valley wide English Civil War projectTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaAll partnersAllSubmit bid to NLHFSupport SBC development of interpretation and heritage awareness of its parksTo increase awareness and knowledge of the heritage of the areaSBCSBCDeliver information and engage in activities as requiredService AdministrationActionPurposeApplies toPartnersTargetEnsure that the service achieves its budgeted income requirement for 2020/21 To ensure financial sustainability of the serviceTees ArchaeolHBCSBC?46,116Externally Funded ActivitiesThese will usual occur at relatively short notice, however a mix of longer term and short term projects is attempted. Those projects of which we are aware are set out below. The coronavirus situation means that the timetable for the implementation of these projects is uncertainProjectType of ActivityFunding BodyGeographic LocationStatus of ProjectLow Grange Medieval Manor HouseExcavation, Public InterpretationDurham University (NLHF)Stockton BCTo Commence(1 year project)Stockton TH schemeExcavation, Building Recording, Creation of Digital ResourceStockton BC (NLHF)Stockton BCCommenced(5 year project)SeascapeExcavation, Public Engagement, InterpretationDurham CC (NLHF)North East CoastTo Commence(4 year project)Abbreviations: BT – Battlefield Trust: HBC – Hartlepool Borough Council: HE – Historic England: NLHF – National Lottery Heritage Fund: RTR – River Tees Rediscovered: SBC – Stockton Borough Council: TAS – Teesside Archaeological SocietyAppendix 1: Tees Archaeology Budgets 1996 onwardsSalariesSupplies & ServicesOffice CostsGross BudgetEarned Income TargetNet Budget2015/1689, 9964,03811,957105,99148,03557,9562016/1792,8353,54711,957108,33950,38357,9562017/1884,7083,54711,957100,21242,25657,9562018/1986,4783,54711,957101,98244,02157,9612019/2088,5183,54711,957104,02246,06157,9612020/2188,0781,83611,957101,87146,11655,755NotesMiddlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland withdrew from funding the service from 2012/13.From 2017/18 the Archaeologist (HER) post was reduced from 30 hours to 18.75 Appendix 2: Tees Archaeology performance IndicatorsPERFORMANCE INDICATORS (Including targets for 2020/21)Please note that PI No 4 ‘Achievement of annual objectives as set out in Forward Plan’, has been dropped from this year onwards. The size and capacity of the service no longer warrants it.Performance Indicator2016/17Target Perf2017/18Target Perf2018/19Target Perf2019/20Target Perf2020/21TargetTees Arch Indicator 1Percentage of archaeological work required of a developer through the planning process which provide positive archaeological results.Identifies quality of archaeological records and competency of staff.This ensures a consistent level of performance75% 77%75% 64%75% 76%(19/25)75% 79%(27/34)75%Tees Arch Indicator 2Percentage of Historic Environment Record reviewed and entries edited.Measure of quality and currency of record.10% 5.4%The HER post was vacant for 8 months10% 14.4%10% 19.6%(189 new records & 410 edited)5,744 records in total10% 46.4%458 new records and 389 edited6194 records in total10%Tees Arch Indicator 3Number of archaeological projects monitored.Ensures work carried out to brief and provides quality control.Target raised to 80% due to past performance80% 89%80% 80%80% 80%(12/15)80% 74%(17/23)80%Tees ArchaeologySir William Gray HouseClarence RoadHartlepoolTS24 8BTTel: 01429 523455Email: tees.archaeology@.uk ................

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