New Materials in the Library

New Materials in the Library

June 27, 2002


San Diego County Office of Education. (n.d.). The world of autism: Understanding the diagnosis and treatment options for young children. Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08618

Keywords: Autism/Family Experience

U.S. Department of Education. (2002). Early childhood education: ready to read, ready to learn: Satellite town meeting. Jessup, MD: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-8626

Keywords: Literacy or Reading/Early Childhood Education/School Readiness

Behavior and Mental Health Challenges

Landy, Sarah. (2002). Pathways to competence: Encouraging healthy social and emotional development in young children. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brooks, Pub. Co.

Call Number: SS-BEHAV-08596

Keywords: Social or Emotional/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Family Education or Training

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, The National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE), and Policymaker Partnership (PMP). (n.d.). Mental health, schools and families working together for all children and youth: Towards a shared agenda. Alexandria, VA: Authors.

Call Number: FF-BEHA-08604

Keywords: Mental Health Focus/Socially or Emotionally or Behaviorally Impaired/Interagency Service Delivery/Educational Reform/Service Categories

National Center for Children in Poverty and Carnegie Corporation of New York. (2000). Promoting the emotional well-being of children and families: Using mental health strategies to move the early childhood agenda and promote school readiness. New York, NY: Author.

Call Number: FF-BEHA-08621

Keywords: Mental Health Focus/Social or Emotional/Child Development or Developmental Areas

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP). (1997). Practice parameters for the psychiatric assessment of infants and toddlers (0-36 months). Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-BEHA-08628

Keywords: Behavior and Mental Health Challenges/Child Find/Child Identification/Social or Emotional/Socially or Emotionally or Behaviorally Impaired/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/Multidisciplinary or Interdisciplinary/Guidelines

Markowitz, Joy. (2002). Policy Forum: Describing and documenting school discipline. Alexandria, VA: National Association Of State Directors Of Special Education (NASDSE).

Call Number: FF-BEHA-08632

Keywords: Behavior and Mental Health Challenges/Data Collection/Education/Special Education/Social or Emotional


Markowitz, Joy. (2002). Describing and documenting school disciple. Alexandria, VA: Project Forum, National Association of State Directors of Education (NASDSE).

Call Number: FF-DATA-08599

Keywords: Data Collection/Education/Social or Emotional/Socially or Emotionally or Behaviorally Impaired/Prevention Services/Evaluation of Programs/IDEA

WESTAT. (1997). Summary of discussions and recommendations of the work group on the Part H settings data. Rockville, MD: Author.

Call Number: FF-DATA-08630

Keywords: Data Collection/Part H Infants and Toddlers

Disability or Risk Descriptors

Project Forum, NASDSE. (2000). Developmental Delay: Review of research and future directions. Policy Forum. Alexandria, VA: Author.

Call Number: FF-DISA-08607

Keywords: Disability or Risk Descriptors/Developmentally Delayed

Early Intervention

Shonkoff, Jack P. and Meisels, Samuel J. (2000). Handbook of early childhood intervention. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Call Number: SS-EAIN-08620

Keywords: Early Intervention (General)/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Child Identification/Brain Development/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/Service Coordination/Evaluation of Programs

Hanft, Barbara and Feinberg, Edward. (1997). Toward the development of a framework for determining the frequency and intensity of early intervention services. New York, NY: Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Call Number: FF-EAIN-08634

Keywords: Early Intervention (General)/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Policy Development or Analysis


Barton, Paul E. (2002). Staying on course in education reform. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08597

Keywords: Education/Educational Reform/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment

Horsley, Cheryl A. (2000). Early Childhood Education programs: A review of program models and effectiveness. St. Paul, MN: Wilder Research Center.

Call Number: SS-EDUC-08635

Keywords: Early Childhood Education/Efficacy of Early Intervention/Evaluation of Programs/Family Focused

Coley, Richard J. (2002). An uneven start: Indicators of inequality in school readiness. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08598

Keywords: Education/Diversity/Child Development or Developmental Areas/School Readiness

Kauerz, Kristie. (2001). Starting early: Starting now: A policymaker's guide to early care & education and school success. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08611

Keywords: Education/Early Childhood Education/Child Care Services/Educational Reform/Policy Development or Analysis/Systems Change/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators

Edwards, Virginia B. (2002). Quality Counts 2002: Building blocks for success: State efforts in early childhood education. Marion, Oh: Education Week.

Call Number: SS-JOUR-08601

Keywords: Education/Early Childhood Education/State level

Edwards, Virginia B. (2002). Technology Counts 2002: E-defining education. Marion, Oh: Education Week.

Call Number: SS-JOUR-08602

Keywords: Education/State level/Technology

Sandall, Susan R. and Schwartz, Ilene S. (2002). Building blocks for teaching preschoolers with special needs. Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.

Call Number: SS-EDUC-08612

Keywords: Education/Preschool 3 through 5/Disability or Risk Descriptors/LRE or Inclusion/Socially or Emotionally or Behaviorally Impaired/IFSP or IEP/Curriculum for Children

Chiang, Bertram and Rylance, Billie J. (1999). Class size / caseload in general education, special education, and its related services: A review of the literature. Oshkosh, WI: Wisconsin Educators' Caseload Efficacy Project, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08613

Keywords: Education/Special Education/Special Educators/Policy Development or Analysis/IDEA

Rylance, Billie J., Chiang, Bertram, Russ, Suzanne, and Dobbe-Whitcomb, Siri. (1999). Special education caseload and class size policies in the fifty states. Oshkosh, WI: University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08617

Keywords: Education/Special Education/Policy Development or Analysis/State level/IDEA

Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. (2001). Embracing our children: A report based on a forum about universal access to prekindergarten programs. Pocantico Paper No. 3. New York, NY: Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08619

Keywords: Education/Early Childhood Education/Preschool in Public Schools

U.S. Department of Education. (1998). Comprehensive school reform demonstration program. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08629

Keywords: Education/Educational Reform/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators


Educational Policy Reform Research Institute (EPRRI). (n.d.). Topical review outline: Performance goals and indicators. Author.

Call Number: FF-EVAL-08636

Keywords: Evaluation of Programs/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators/Education/Educational Reform

Federal Programs

Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Administration for Children and Families(ACF), and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). (2002). Early Head Start program grant availability for nationwide competition in fiscal year 2002. Authors.

Call Number: FF-FEDP-08603

Keywords: Federal Programs and Legislation/Early Head Start/Finance/Appropriations

U.S. Department of Education. (2002). FY 2001-2002 Discretionary Grant Application Packages. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-FEDP-08605

Keywords: Federal Programs and Legislation/Finance/Appropriations

U.S. General Accounting Office. (2002). Grant programs designed to serve children ages 0-5. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-FEDP-08610

Keywords: Federal Programs and Legislation/Finance/Child Care Services/Early Childhood Education/Special Education/Part B State Grants/Appropriations


David and Lucile Packard Foundation. (2002). Children and welfare reform: Analysis.

Call Number: SS-JOUR-08616

Keywords: Finance/Poverty Issues/Child Care Services/Child Welfare Services

David and Lucile Packard Foundation. (2002). Children and welfare reform.

Call Number: SS-JOUR-08622

Keywords: Finance/Poverty Issues/Child Care Services/Child Welfare Services


U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (1999). Improving results in early childhood for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities and their families through interventions, supports, and services: Expert strategy panel report . Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-IDEA-08606

Keywords: IDEA/Part C Infants and Toddlers/Part C Centers and Services/Preschool 3 through 5/Early Childhood Education/Part D National Program /Part D Personnel Preparation/Early Intervention (General)/Child Identification/Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Interagency Coordination/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators

Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). (2000). Ideaquests: FAQ: Questions and answers on obligations of public agencies in serving children with disabilities placed by their parents at private schools. Washington, DC: Idea Partnerships//OSEP.

Call Number: FF-IDEA-08625

Keywords: IDEA/Private Schools/Child Find/Finance/Service Categories


Sopko, Kim Moherek. (2002). Reading First programs: An overview.

Call Number: SS-JOUR-08600

Keywords: Literacy or Reading/Federal Programs and Legislation

Personnel Issues or Disciplines

Coolman, Rich, Foran, Will, and Lee, Jan. (1997). Oregon guidelines for medically-based outpatient physical therapy and occupational therapy for children with special health needs in the managed care environment. Oregon: Child Development and Rehabilitation Center.

Call Number: FF-PERS-08633

Keywords: Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Guidelines/Physical Therapists/Occupational Therapists/Health Focus

Policy Development or Analysis

Watson, Keith and Gold, Steven D. (1997). The other side of devolution: Shifting relationships between state and local governments: Evidence from social services, public assistance, and workforce development programs. Occassional paper no. 2. The Urban Institute; Assessing the New Federalism.

Call Number: FF-POLD-08608

Keywords: Policy Development or Analysis/Federal Programs and Legislation/State and Local Public Sources/Administration or Management/Finance

Public Awareness

Infant Toddler Early Intervention Program and Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. (1999). Please ask: Babies can't wait. Washington, DC: Authors.

Call Number: FF-PUAW-08614

Keywords: Public Awareness/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Child Identification/Screening

Tennessee's Early Intervention System. (n.d.). Tennessee's Early Intervention System: TEIS. Nashville, TN: Author.

Call Number: FF-PUAW-08623

Keywords: Public Awareness/Early Intervention (General)/TN

Service Coordination

Markowitz, Joy. (2001). Synthesis Brief: Part C service coordination: State policies and models. Alexandria, VA: Project Forum at NASDSE.

Call Number: FF-SERC-08609

Keywords: Service Coordination/Part C Centers and Services/Part C Infants and Toddlers

Harbin, Gloria L. (2001). Service coordination policies and models: National status (Draft).

Call Number: FF-SERC-08627

Keywords: Service Coordination/Policy Development or Analysis/Early Intervention (General)/Early Interventionists/Infancy B through 2/Preschool 3 through 5

Technical Assistance

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2001). Technical assistance to states: The Regional Resource and Federal Centers Network for the 24th Annual Report to Congress . Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-TAST-08624

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Federal Programs and Legislation/Evaluation of Programs

Snyder, William and Wenger, Etienne. (2002). Communities of Practice in TA & D: Current state and potential, June 18-19, 2002.

Call Number: FF-TAST-08631

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Group Process and Meetings


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