BUNNELL/BONNELL NEWSLETTER___________ Edited by Carole (Guthrie) Bonnell

P 0 Box 4282 - Spanaway WA. 98338 Assisted by Ten (Beckwith) Bonnell

22717 41 AVE Ct E. Spanaway, WA 98387 (253) 847-2357

Published to Assist in Sharing Family Records, Research & Genealogy Vol. 12 # 2

$ 12.00 yr. Donation' 4 Quarterly Issues (Jan., Apr., JuL, Oct.) May/Spring 1998

FREE Queries to Subscribers



Editors Comments

20.. Address Corrections & Additions 29 ... He Rode with Mosby - from John C. Bonnell

20. ..The Bonells, Members Christ the King Church 30....Bunnell Family Bible - Titus Bunnell & Mary Cook

1900, Puyallup, WA. from Phil Bonnelle –

24..... E-Mail Address of Subscribers 31....Misc. Tidbits of Information

24.... Nath. Bunnell House Spelling by Jerry Hatch 32. ..Books & Sources from Subscribers

24.. Officers of NJ War 1812 from Charles Bunnell 32... .Civil War Service Records 0 to W by Claude Bunnell

25......Queries & Answers to Previous Queries 34.,.. Pedigree of Edwin Firbanks Bunnell by Chris Krafl

26...... Direct Line Subscribers

28. .Adams Co, OH Deeds 1797-1812, Pioneer Ohio 36....,Coffin Receipt from 1817 from Charles R. Bunnell, Al.

Newspapers 1793-1810, Heads of Families 1790

Maryland- from Christine Kraft

Editors Suggestion: Share your copy with your local Library or Historical Society, if they don't receive it - You arc welcome to make a copy of the paper - This is a a Not For Profit paper to help gather family information - the more circulation, the better. At this time, Jan 1997 forward, it is not copyrighted by me…

From the Editor: Our Newest Bonnell; Our Granddaughter, Tabitha Rose was born 25 April to our son and wife. Dean and Carmen (Goodwin) Bonnell of Tacoma. Carmen is the daughter of Robert and Roxanna Goodwin of Yelm, WA. Weighing in at a sweet package of 6 Ibs. 9 oz. (same size at birth as her 4 yr old brother Fletcher) with a cute little turned up nose and quiet demeanor, she's a doll! Proud Grandparents; Carole (Guthrie) & Larry Bonnell of Spanaway, WA..

British Isles; By the time you read this, Larry and I will be in the British Isles: England, Scotland and Ireland We plan on a little research, a little relaxing and a whole lot of sight-seeing. We will be gone May 18 - June 8th (unless we REALLY like it there!) My mothers line are the Bruces, and my Dad's Guthrie's have a Castle yet standing. It will be fun to see all the history first hand. If any of you have not traveled to your ancestors’ homes in the US - do it. You will have a whole new outlook on your ancestors.

Research Trips: Larry and I motorhome and were in the North and North Eastern States and New Brunswick, Canada a few years ago. I wish we could have done this when I was a child studying history - it makes more sense than a flat map and dates and names. We enjoyed Plymouth, MA and the library there (walls filled with our ancestors). Salem, MA. was sad for the witch hunts, but my great-great grandmother was born and married there, and it's rich with History. New York, although we should have done lots of research there - the traffic was the worst 'Road Rage' I'd ever seen. Upper New York was beautiful with farms and sparsely populated, as was most of the Eastern states when away from big cities..

Salt Lake City; If you are unable to do much traveling by car or motorhome - a must is the trip to Salt Lake City -a real 'Heaven' to genealogists and Family researchers. The Family History Library there has nearly every, town, city, county, state and country recorded. You will find your own birth and marriage certificates on film or in books, tax, land and death records of relatives and friends. We, in Pierce County are now about to be charged $ 14 for a birth certificate- It is 20 cents for a copy of it there. There is a book floor, A film floor, British Isles floor and Europe Floor full of films and books If you don't find someone in you line, you aren't looking!

Teri and other sister-in-laws and I go once or twice a year and share rooms. The flight from here isn't bad. We have paid from $50 to $140 round trip each. If you go nowhere else in the next three years, go to Salt Lake. The library is free, except for copies you make. The people are very helpful and friendly (No. I am not a Mormon, and no one asks for donations or tries to convert you to their religion. In fact, I've never heard anyone talk religion around us)

Next Mothers Day, Birthday or Special Day when your family runs out of ideas for you, tell them to all put together and get you a round trip ticket for a week in Salt Lake city, or trip to your family home town.

OOPS.' Christine Krafts Pedigree was supposed to be in the last issue (pg. 2 Vol 12 # 1 1998 Winter) Sorry Christine. Also a 'Coffin' receipt was sent in by Charles R. Bunnell of AL. from 1816! Look for them in this issue.

Address Corrections or changes;

Barbara Barren; should be 6461, W. Raven St., Chicago, 1L 60631

John C. BonnelI - 155 Sterrett Lane, Clear Brook, VA. 22624-1704 (new subsc) Ronald D Bonnell - 202 Cannon Trail RD, Lexington, SC 29073 (new)

INDEX to Information Received: Exchanging Information:

As 1 receive subscriptions, there are also letters or queries on different lines. As I find the same names, with the help of Terri Bonnell, sister-in-law. and good friend- who has offered to help me. we will try to alert others tracing the same names in the line and urge them to contact each other for exchanging information- Send in information you want shared or printed.

‘Research Gathered'. INDEX, in each issue, so you can contact the newsletter, or the compiler of the information. I would like to encourage subscribers to contact each other and share information. There is an enormous pile of gathered information in our files that did us little or no good. but may be a major breakthrough for someone else. Please mail corrections and results to the Newsletter.

Sharing Research Information: We all have research we have collected over the years that didn't help us. but may help others in their research. Claude Bunnel! has a very large data base full of Bunnells of every spelling that he has collected over the years and has used Proven Sources, such as Birth. Death and Marriage, etc. He has generously offered to answer queries for us and share his information. He asks that. if you would, send him proven sources you have collected of Birth. Death. Marriage, etc.. to add to his research for sharing with the rest of us. Send queries to me. I will print them in the newsletter and forward them to him. He will send row (and me) a copy of his answer. But.....the query is for all of us to try to answer and add to. if we can. If I receive the answer in time. I'll print it with the query.

DUE: Yearly Donation for Newsletter S12. Payable to: Carole Bonnell: address on heading. Check mailing Label: If it has 98 after your name, it is Paid. Also send in Helpful Sources for Research for the 'Books & Sources', and your Direct Lines. Please Note New PO Number & City! Thanks.

THE BONELLS - Old Members of Christ the King Church 1900, Puyallup, WA.

by Carole Bonnell

(My daughter in law. Carmen Bonnell, gave me a paper from her church in 1997 which read:

"James and Fred Bonell, brothers of the Rev. Henry Bonnell, who first served the church at it's inception, settled in Puyallup with their families and discovered the little locked church on what was then called Rainier Street. They cleaned it for the occasion of their children's baptisms and asked the few Episcopalians they had found in the town to join them. From that point regular worship was resumed and the church grew slowly and steadily during the early 1900's." Someone at the Church had given her a page from a book at the Church, asking, since they were Bonnell's, were they related.. She asked if I had any information on them, were we, indeed, related?

I had nothing on this family at the time, but find doing family research, that most of us are related one way or another. These are not in our direct line, but may be yours. I sent out a query in July 1997 newsletter. I didn't received a reply until Jan 1998 (you have to be patient doing genealogy!) One of our most generous subscribers, Claude Bunnell of Florida and NJ., has a 35,000 Bonnell/Bunnell (every spelling) data base where he found this family. His data base is from proven records of Birth, Death, Marriage, Census, Baptisms, probates, etc. He sent a printout of the notes and sources and below I've summarized the chart and notes, as closely as I can with the facts given. Curiously, in our records, there is not a Henry, the subject and Rev. in the above article. Can anyone add more?

The story below is constructed from Birth, Death and Census records of this Family.

THE BONELLS - Old Members of Christ the King Church, Puyallup, WA

by Carole Bunnell Feb. 1998

Joseph & Sarah Bonell, an English couple had at least six children born to them in England. Joseph and Sarah were themselves bom in 1770's in England. At least one of these children immigrated to the United States, finding a home in Wisconsin, with part of his family finally settling in Washington State. For a time the family made their home in Puyallup, Pierce county, Washington.

* James Bonell # 1. was bom 1803 in Litchfield, Staffordshire, England. He was one of at least six children of Joseph and Sarah (Thursfield) Bonell of England, who were married 13 Jan. 1793 at the Ghad Church in Lichfield, Stafforshire, England. Their children were all bom in Litchfield, Staffordshire, England, and all listed as baptised at Ghad Church, Lichfield, also. Six known children listed below;

(Note: To keep it a little less confusing, we will call the three James Bonells, by numbers and asterisks, as born *James #1 b. 1803 to Joseph & Sarah, ** James # 2 b 1831 to James & Elizabeth and ***James # 3 b. 1859 to James and Hannah Bonell.)

Children Of 1 Joseph & Sarah (Thursfield) Bonell: (generation » 1.)

1-1 Elizabeth Bonell b. 1795 (1 st child of#l = 1-1)

1-2 Joseph Bonell b 1797 mar, Mary Thomas 3 Apr. 1820

1-3. Ann Bonell b. 1799 mar: Robert Moore 17 Mar. 1822

1-4. Thomas Bonell b. 1803

* 1-5. James Bonell (#1) b. 1803 mar: Elizabeth -1810 (5th child of gen. # 1 = 1-5)

1.6. William Bonell b. 1805

*1-5. James Bonell # 1. b. 1803, although he and brother Thomas seem to be born on the same day and both Baptized Feb. 6, 1803, they could be Twins or it could be an error in typing or recording this information. I find no statement that they were twins, though that does not mean it is not so. James # 1 married in England, Elizabeth — who was also born in England in 1810. This couple are the parents of the boys listed in the Puyallup, WA church in 1900 -James and Fred Bonell. I have found no (Rev.) Henry Bonell, yet, in my research. (I notice the James middle initial is H,–could this be for Henry and maybe one of the brothers has this same middle name and using it, instead of first name.) James # 1 is listed as having 9 children to he and wife Elizabeth: There is no Henry listed here or any reference to him, so far. All James & Elizabeth's Children were bom in England

Children: Bom England: (numbering 2-1 to 2-9)

2-1 Emma Bonell b. 1824 Litchfield, Eng. (1st child of 2nd gen. James)

2-2 Eliza Bonell b. 1830 Stafford, Eng. mar. Benjamin Wila (spell?) b. 1829,

**2-3 James Bonell (#2) b. 7-1831 " July mar Hannah Loftus-Stock b. Dec. 1838 Eng. 1858

children: ***3.1 James H. Bonell ( # 3) b. 1859 WI. d. 186- (1st child of 3rd gen. = 3-1)

3-2 Charles W. Bonell b.4-1864 WI mar: Florence P. Drake b. 4-1865 WI in 1880 Children: 4-1 Florence M. Bonell b. 3-1887 WI

4-2 Hannah E. Bonell b 5-25/1894 WI

4-3 Aura M. Bonel b. 4-1896 WA d. 11/30/1991 Hayward CA.

4-4 Helen Bonell b. 1902 Fall City, WA. School Teacher in 1920 Cen.

4-5 James Bonell b. 7-1904 Fall City, WA d. 51984 Fall City, WA. he

married Winnifred b. 2-25-1913 NH who died 5-1992 Fall City, WA

3-3 Benjamin Walter Bonell b. 5-6-1867 WI. mar. Agnes Batelle Bailey b. 7-1876 NY mar June 7, 1898

2-4 William Bonell b 1834 Stafford, England, mar; Catherine - b Oct. 1834.

2-5 George Edmund Bonell b 1838 Stafford, Engl.

2-6 Edward John Bonell b. 1841-2 Stafford, Engl. mar; Magdalene D. b. Jul 1843 Switzerland.

2-7Frederick R. Bonell b.7-1844 Engl. mar; l)Mary b. 1853 Can., 2) Matilda H. b. 8-1851 mar; 1884

2-8 Arthur B Bonell b. 1-1847 Eng. mar; Lucy b. 6-1855 NY in 1878

2-9 Thomas Bonell b. 12-1849 Eng mar: Ann b- 10-1869 WI. in 1880

Children of Joseph & Sarah (Thursfield) Bonell -First Generation: The Immigrants:

The family of James Bonell Immigrated to Milwaukee, WI. from England about 1849 and appear in the 1850 Census there. In 1860 they are in Brunswick, WI. where * James, (# 1-5) son of Joseph and Sarah Bonell, reports he is a Wagon Maker and in 1870 in Washington, WI, he states he is a fanner. It is not clear whether Sarah and Joseph, his parents, immigrated, though it is doubtful as they would be in their 70's and are not listed, so far, in a census, in our records.

1-1. Elizabeth Bonell was bora 1795 and baptized March IS, 1795 in Lichfield, Staffordshire, England two years after her parents married.

1-2 Joseph Bonell was born 1797 and baptized April 30, 1797 in the same town as his sister Elizabeth, as were all the children of these parents. He married on April 3, 1820 in Staffordshire England, Mary Thomas who was born between 1800 and 1809, also in England.

1 -3 Ann Bonell, born 1799 and baptized Jan. 5, 1800 at the same church as she would be married in to Robert Moore. He was bom 179- in Staffordshire, England. They were married March 17, 1822.

1 -4 Thomas Bonell was born 1803 and baptized Feb. 6, 1803 in Staffordshire, England.

1-5. •James Bonell # 1 (1-5) was bom 1803 and baptized Feb 6, 1803, Staffordshire, Litchfield, England. (This is the same day as Thomas Bonell # 1-4 above. They could be twins, though it is not written, as such. Or this could be a recording error on the dates.) He married Elizabeth ___ who was bom 1810 in England. Together they had nine children, all bom in Stafford, Staffordshire, England, except for the first, Emma, who was bom in Litchfield, Staffordshire, England. They immigrated to the US in 1849. He is listed in the 1850 Census of Milwaukee, WL, and in the 1860 Census as being a Wagon Maker. In 1870 Census he is in Washington, WI working as a Farmer.

Their children were: Emma, Eliza, **James # 2, William, George, Edward, Frederick, Arthur, and Thomas Bonell.

1-6. William Bonell was bom 1805 in Litchfield, Stafforshire. England. He was baptized July 7, 1805. Children of James # 1 and Hannah (Luftus-Stocks) Bonell.

2-1. Emma Bonell was bom 1824 Litchfield, Stafforshire, England. She was baptized Oct. 24, 1824.

2-2. Eliza Bonell was bom 1830 Stafford, Stafforshire, England and baptized June 13,1830 She married before 1850, Benjamin Wila (spell?) who was bom 1829 England. She is listed in the 1850 census of Milwaukee, WI with husband Benj.Wala (spell?).

2-3. •*James Bonell # 2 was bora July 1831 in Stafford, Staffordshire, England and baptized Jan. 29, 1832. He is listed in the 1850 Census of Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his parents (James and Elizabeth). In the 1860 Census of Claire, Wisconsin he is listed as a Coach Maker with assets of $1,300. By 1870, he is a Carriage Maker worth $6,700 He has, by 1900, moved to Washington State, living in Puyallup, a small city in the Valley 50 miles below Mt. Rainier, and Seattle 20 miles to the North. He states his occupation as Coach Maker with three of his six children living. By the 1920 census he is living in Lancaster California and states his occupation as a Ranch Laborer.

He married Hannah M. Loftus-Stocks in 1858, probably in Wisconsin. She was bom Dec. 1838 in England. Together they had six children; We can only find three in the records; James H #3, Charles W., and Benjamin Walter Bonell. They were all bom in Claire, Wisconsin.

2-4 William Bonell was bom in 1834 in Stafford, Stafforshire, England. He does not have a baptism date. He married Catherine -— . She was bom October 1834 in Germany. He is listed in the 1850 Census of Milwaukee. Wisconsin, still living with his parents He is a blacksmith by the 1870s and worth $2,500 and living in Claire, WI, where he is also listed in 1880. By 1900, he is Calling himself a Carriage manufacturer with five children in the same city.

2-5. George Edmund Bonell, who was bora in Stafford, Staffordshire, England in 1838 and baptized November 9, 1838, is listed in the 1850 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Census with parents, James arid Elizabeth. By 1860 he is a Wagon Maker living with his brother James Bonell in Claire, WI. In 1862, he is enlisted in the Civil War in Wisconsin. He is a Private in the Cavalry Co. D. 3.

2-6. Edward John Bonell, bom in 1841-42 Stafford, Staffordshire, England, was baptized August 11, 1841. He is listed as 8 yrs old in the 1850 Census of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, living with his parents. He is also with his parents in 1860 census in Brunswick, Wisconsin at age 17, working as a Farm Laborer. He married Magdalene D. — before 1880. She was bom July 1843 in Switzerland. By 1880, he is in Abilene Kansas, married and living on 7th Street, His wife is 38 at this time. By 1900, his wife, Magdalene D. Bonell is a widow, living in Higginsville, Missouri, with four of their six children still alive.

2-7. Frederick R Bonell was born in England July 1844-47 in England to * James Bonell # 1, and Elizabeth, (and listed in the beginning of this article about the) Puyallup church paper. He came from England to the United States in 1849 He was married twice 1) Mary b. 1853 in Canada and had one son, Frederick b. 1869 in Wisconsin. He was reported in 1870 Census of Menomonie, WI as a photographer, worth $2,000 and his wife, Mary is 18 In 1880 he was living in

Chippewa Falls. WI. on Spring Street with his first wife, Mary, who is 27 yrs old. In 1884 he marries his second wife, Matilda H. who was born August 1851.

By the 1900 Census of Washington state, he is in Puyallup and states again he is a photographer and has a wife, Matilda and four children. His second wife 2) Matilda H. was born August 1851 at sea to German parents. They had four children and lived in Puyaliup at 414 Third Street. By 1920, his wife Matilda is a widow, still living in Puyaliup. (There is a notation that looks like she immigrated from Germany 1882 - but I'm not sure).

Washington Death records show a Frederick Bonell b. 1844 as passing away in Seattle on July 26, 1918 at 74 years old. This could be the Frederick here, but not certain, yet.

2-8. Arthur B. Bonell was bom in England January 1847. In 1850, 1860 and 1870 censuses he is living with his parents in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In 1870 he is working as a Farm Laborer in Brunswick, WI, with parents. In 1880 he is living in Menomonie. Wisconsin, when he married Lucy in 1878. she was bom in New York June 1855. In 1900, Arthur is working as a Painter with four of his seven children still alive.

2-9. Thomas Bonell was born December 1849 in England to John # 1 and Elizabeth Bonell. He immigrated with his family in 1849. He is, naturally, in 1850 in Milwaukee, 1860 in Brunswick and 1870 in Washington, Wisconsin still living with his parents. By 1870 he is also working as a Farm Laborer. He Married Ann — in 1880. She was bom October 1869 in Wisconsin. In 1900 H is still in Claire as a Laborer at a Paper (Factory?) with five children. In 1920 he is living at 342 Barland Street in Claire, Wisconsin.

Children of—James H. Bonell # 2 b. 1831 and wife Hannah Loftus-Stocks:

3-1. *** James H. Bonell was bom 1859 Claire, Wisconsin. He is shown with his parents in the 1860 census of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. He died 186? Claire, Wisconsin.

3-2. Charles W. Bonell was bom in Eau Claire, Wisconsin April 1864. The 1870 census has him with his parents in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. He married Florence P. Drake in 1886. She was bom April 1865 in Wisconsin. They were living in Washington state by 1894, when their daughter Hannah was bom. In the 1900 census he is in Fall City, Washington State as a Dry Goods Merchant with three children. In 1920 he is a Retail Merchant of a General Store. His children are: Florence M., Hannah E., Aura M., James and Helen Bonell.

3-3. Benjamin Walter Bonell was bom in Eau Claire, Wisconsin May 6, 1867. In 1870 he is listed in Eau Claire Wisconsin with his parents. He married June 7, 1898 Agnes Battelle Bailey. She was bom in New York July 1876 He was listed as a Clergyman on Canon Av. in Maniton Colorado in the 1900 census, a Minister of Trinity Church in 1909 to 1923 and Clergyman of Episcopal Church in the 1920 Census of Greeley, Colorado.

Children of Charles W. Bonell 3-2 and wife Florence P. Drake

4-1 Florence M- Bonell was bom March 1887 in Wisconsin. By 1900 she is living with her parents in Fall City, Washington state.

4-2. Hannah E. Bonell was born May 25, 1894 in Washington state. She is listed with parents in 1900 census of Washington State in Fall City. She is in the 1900 Fall City Washington census with her parents. In 1920, she is a lodger and Music Teacher, in Centralia, WA. Hannah died November 11, 1991 in Hayward California at 87 yrs. old.

4-3. Aura M. Bonell was bom in Washington State April 1896. She is in the 1900 census with her parents in Fall City, WA- In 1920 Census of Fall City, WA., she is a school Teacher living with parents.

4-4. Helen Bonell was bom in Fall City, Washington State in 1902. She in listed with her parents in the 1920 Fall City, Washington census.

4-5. James Bonell was born July 9, 1902 in Fall City, WA. He was listed with parents in the 1920 Census of the same city. He married Winnifred - who was bom Feb. 25, 1913 in New Hampshire. She died in May of 1992 in Washington. James died previous to her in May 1984 in Fall City, WA. *** END

VERY important!!! Please be sure to put your name on EVERY piece of paper sent me. They sometimes get separated and I have no idea who they belong to. When I begin typing up the newsletter I have little piles everywhere, and if I'm

distracted by a phone call, visit from friend or family or by my husband with invoices to type, I get out of step, or just bump a pile and it goes sailing...I need your name on ALL pieces you send me, not just the top page. Thanks!

E-Mail Addresses (send yours in if you want it published here)

Carole Bonnell carolejb@ Thomas Byrd PTByrd@

Steven L Bonnell slbn@ Elaine V Block Cole evbcole@

David I. Broadwell donb@ Betsy David-VT bdavid@

and broadwelld@unstout.edu Roberta W Iiames Guyrossjr@

Charles R. Bunnell-TX kxgj68a@ Kay C Ohana-CA kohana@

Charles R. Bunnell TX crbunnell@ David Merrilees Dmerrilees@

Claude A. Bunnell-FL cbunnell@ Kim Policastro Kpolicastr@

Kevin P. Bunnell bunnk@ Guthrie T. Pratt RBPratt@

Paul J. Bunnell-NH Pbunn72846@ Gladys Treadway charlestreadway@

Mary A. ‘Dede’ Burnell fsb00758@wvnet.edu

All e-mail address received will be printed in every Newsletter issue, unless directed otherwise by subscriber.

From subscriber. Jerry Hatch: I chuckled to myself regarding the Steven Bonnell item on page 9 of your Feb. Newsletter. On a rainy day (no pictures) in 1985 I visited the Nathaniel Bonnell house in Elizabeth. I was amused that even the 'local authorities' were uncertain as to how to spell the surname: A sign in the front yard which read:

"Bonnell House - Oldest house in Elizabeth. Nathaniel Bonnell, early settler

and an original "Associate", erected house Sometime before 1682."

Inside a picket fence nearer the house was another sign:


Traditionally built before 1682, probably long before January 1679, when Nathaniel Bunnell,

one of the 1665 Elizabethtown Associates, obtained a confirmation grant from the Proprietors

of East Jersey "for a hous lott" "bounded south by a highway."

Owned by

The Elizabethtown Historical Foundation Headquarters of

The N.J. Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and Union County Historical Society."

As you may know, it is reported that the above Nathaniel's son, Joseph, became the first Mayor of Elizabeth, MN, and was a Justice of the Supreme Court of NJ.

Congratulations to you and Teri B. Bonnell on continuing an informative and interesting Newsletter. It takes considerable time, patience and work, I know...and is a lot of fuss. Please know the we 'out here are grateful for your efforts and the results" Keep up the Good work!! Jerry Hatch

(Thank you very much. Jerry, for the inf. and fan letter!)


Record of Officers and Men of NJ; War with Great Britain 18I2-18I5[1]

Stephen Bunnell -Private, Capt. Alexander c. w. Fanning's Co 3d Artillery; enlisted at Paulas Hook (Jersey City), NJ., March 15, '12 for five years; promoted Sergt, Dec. 1, '14; transferred to Capt. John Biddle's Co., Corps of Artillery, Aug 31, '15; appointed Qr.M. SargtJan 27, '16; discharged, March 15, '17 expiration of service.

Burnell Bond - Private; enlisted, March 29, '09, for five years; private, Capt. Thomas Bennet's Co., of Artillerists, June 24, '13; transferred to Capt. Lloyd Beall's Co., of Artillerists, Aug 13, '13; discharged, March 24, '14, expiration of service; re-enlisted, March 24, '14, for five years; transfered to Capt. Nathaniel N. Hall's Company, Corps of artillery, Aug. 31, '15; transferred to Capt Thomas Stockton's Co.. Corps of Artillery, Aug 31, '16; transferred to Capt. Moses Swett's Co., Corps of Artillery, Oct. 15, '16, transferred to Capt William M. Read's Co., B, Corps of Artillery, Oct 31, '18; discharged. Mar 24, '19; expiration of service.

* Thank you Charles R. Bunnell of Huntsville, AL.


Queries are FREE to subscribers. (10 cents a word, $4 minimum for non subsc.) Keep them brief, they will be published as received and as room permits. Claude Bunnell will be sent all queries to check in his database, but we warn readers to also add to the answers here. Please feel free to write the addresses at the end of the query or the newsletter with your reply. Claude Bunnell, 408 23rd St., Ocean City, ML 08226 (Summer Address)


I received a record from the NJ State Archives when looking for Rev. War record of my Stephen BUNNELL; The record I received a Stephen BUNNELL who fought in the War of 1812. My Stephen died in 1813, so he did not fight in the War of 1812. Can anyone identify which Stephen Bunnell fought in war 1812. His ancestors might want to see this military record. Charles R. BUNNELL, 32 H Treemont St.. S.W., Huntsville, AL 35801. (see previous page) 2[2]


I'm at a loss for the Eliza (BONNELL) BRANNEN that was in the 1850 Columbia Co., FL census. She was married to John "Milledge" BRANNEN. All your BONNELL'S mentioned are up North. Anyone know of any BONNELLS in Florida, Columbia. Co, 1850? Thanks. Barbara Waters Barren - 6461 W. Raven Street, Chicago, IL 60631

Reply from Claude Bunnell: / have a reference to her (Eliza Bonnell Brannen) and Millidge Rrannen from the IGI as parents of Sarah Ann Brannen (1825-1909). The only other BonnelI in Columbia Co, FL in 1850 was my 000485 John Bonnell born 1814 GA. His father was 000768 John born 1778 GA and among his children is a female born 1805 10 who may be the 027467 Eliza in my records. I am enclosing (in letter to Barbara) a printout of the information I have on the two Johns and their children, I hope this may be helpful.

Northern Bonnell/Bunnell's (Editors note) Here is a good point: Since my Bonne/Is were in the Northern, Western States and Canada, that is where I have researched and have files of. This is YOUR Newsletter. You are encouraged to send in information to share on all other lines of Bunnell, Bonnell, Bumell, etc. from other areas. Thanks, Carole


Does anyone know how to find the Bunnell family burial plot on Bunnell Hill near Meshappen, PA.? (I know where the Bunnell - Overfield cemetery is west of town.) Kevin Paul Bunnell - 1010 Rose Hill Dr.. Boulder, CO., 80302 (303)443-0642

William Austin answers: The Bunnell Hill, burial plot is less than five miles from where I sit. (Laceyville. PA) I gave him (Kevin) general directions and offered to show it to him if he comes this way again.


Adelia Ann Davis was born in approximately 1828 in Ontario, Co., NY., near or in the town of Phelps. Her father was from Maryland She married Philo Belden Rich or perhaps Junius in Seneca Co., NY. I am searching for her parents names and a birth record and a marriage license. Any help or clues regarding this person would be most appreciated. Rodger Timmer - 342 Greentree Lane, Ada, MI, 49301


The place is Kuwait during Desert Storm in 1991. The person is a Chief Warrant Officer (branch ?, maybe US Air Force) named Ted Bonnell. A 1st grader named Toby wrote a letter to "any soldier" in the country and received some mementoes and a return letter from W. O. Ted Bonnell. The mementoes were a set of W. O. bars and an eagle, with instructions on how to wear them on a shirt collar. Toby is now 13 years old and has cherished the mementoes and would like to communicate with Ted. If any one has any information, Toby Porter can be reached at 37 Highland, CT; Paris, IL, 22624-1704 (send in by John C. Bonnell, Jr of Clear Brook, VA)


I am seeking information on the death and burial of a Daniel BUNNELL who was born 25 Oct 1797 in KY My last reference of him was in the 1870 Census in Camp Branch, Warren Co, MO He was listed as a farmer and his wife was Alena. He was a stone cutter most of his life and had a patent issued in 1835 for a mill for sawing stones.

I would appreciate your looking in all possible local records (Warrenton, MO.) for any information concerning he and his wife Claude A. Bunnell - 408 23rd Str. Ocean City, NJ 08226 - also Email below

People Listed Below; Please Submit Your Direct Line to the Bunneil/Bonnell Newsletter

Beginning wtlh your earliest Bonnell/ Bunnell etc. and ending with yourself or your descendant: Carol Arnold, Wm. R. Austin, Jane Bailey, Jean C Bevis, Allen T. Bonnell, Ann C. Bonnell, Mrs Bert M. Bonnell, Gayle F. Bonnell, George C Bonnell, Marion E. Bonnell, Pat & Ken Bonnell, Ronald D Bonnell, Virginia & Gerald E Bonnell, William B Bonnell. W L & Mary Bonnell. Jean Brewer. Phuyllis G. Brunk, Chuck & Laura Bunnell, Claude A Bunnell, Ellsworth Bunnell, Eris & Rich Bunnell. J Richard Bunnell, Lila Bunnell, James e. Bunnell, Jane Bunnell, Pat & Chas E. Bunnell, Paul J Bunnell, Ralph C. Bunnell. Richard Bunnell, Lyda Cloud, Jack P Dean, Linda doty, Geneva Draper, Ruthelle Finnerty, N Lynn Gaines, Chris & Rich Gembinski, Marjorie Gibbs, John Grady, Thomas Hill, Towner Jayne, Bette J. Jones, Karen Kiefel, William Koeber. Marg. LaFlesh, Louise Marcketta, Bernard Mayhle, Maurine Nielson, Truman Nicholas, Gwen Quickel, Tom Randel, Carolyn Rankin, Loma Ray, Emma & John Ray. Mildred Roth, Becky Rutledge, Dorothy Scharwat, Ruth Seaver, Jean Seigley.Althea Statum, Barbara Stratton, Shirley Stone, Marion Swinden, & David Wilson. (Your name on all pages!)


ATTENTION!! IMPORTANT NOTICE:: Direct Lines are submitted by subscribers. We the publishers do not confirm or deny the accuracy of these lines. They are to be used as 'clues, not confirmed sources' and you are encouraged to contact the submitter to make corrections, additions, or to aquire the source for this information. Please send a copy to me for my files and for publishing. We will publish all corretions in the next issue of the Newsletter.

Direct Line - Submitted bv Barbara Waters Barrett - Chicago. IL.

John Milledge BRANNEN & Eliza BONNELL . Agnes BRANNEN &—WATERS


David Ulee BRANNEN & Mary Beatrice CARLTON

Direct Line - Submitted bv James P. Bonnell - 2968 Bedford Dr., Merced, CA. 95340

John BONNELL & Betsy PANDY James Polk BONNELL & Mary Elnora EGBERT

John BONNELL Jr & Catherine MILLER Richard Lee BONNELL & Chloe Gayle DILLEY

William S. BONNELL & Anna Margaret BUITER - * James Phillip BONNELL & Dolores Jo CHRISTOPHER

Direct Line - Submitted bv John C. Bonnell. Jr. -155 Sterrett Lane, Clear Brook, VA. 22624-1704

William BUNNELL & Ann WILMOT, Nathaniel I & Susannah WHITEHEAD, Nathaniel II & Mary SEARING,

—— Nathaniel BONNELL, III & Joanna MILLER ——y

Nathaniel BONNELL, IV & Mary SIMPSON brothers John BONNELL & Sarah CARTER Nancy BONNELL & (cousins) Sylvanus BONNELL

Calvin Day BONNELL & Julia Ann CROLL

John Calvin BONNELL I & Sarah ARNOLD

Ralph Arnold BONNELL & Elizabeth WETMORE

John Calvin BONNELL II & Thora K. SIMONS (Thora 91 ys & doing well '98)

*John Calvin BONNELL Jr. & Barbara CURTIS

Stuart Warren BONNELL & Melody MYERS

Kyle Walker BONNELL b. 10/1995 (1st grdson of*J C B. Jr.)

Direct Line Submitted by Kevin Paul Bunnell - 1010 Rose Hill Dr. Boulder, CO 80302

William BUNNELL & Ann WILMOT John Solomon BUNNELL & Laura Maria WHITCOMB Benjamin BUNNELL & Rebecca MALLORY Albert BUNNELL & Harriet Adelia OVERFIELD Benjamin BUNNELL & Hannah PLUMB Byron Oscar BUNNELL & Caltha DECKER

Solomon BUNNELL & Elizabeth Mary HOLDREN George Albert BUNNELL & Doris Mather REYNOLDS Solomon BUNNELL & Eleanor PLACE

Direct Line Submitted by Ralph S. Bunnell - 175 South 850 West, Paul, Idaho 83347 (208) 677-2994


Benjamin BUNNELL & Rebecca MALLORY Elmer C. BUNNELL & Syvia Emily KIMBERLY

Benjamin BUNNELL &. Hannah PLUMB Sherman Elmer BUNNELL & Margaret Jane

MAGUIRE Gershom BUNNELL & Margaret JOHNSON Clarence Henry BUNNELL & Lila Irene BRADLEY * Noah BUNNELL & Mary BEARDSLEY * Ralph Shennan BUNNELL & Margie PALMER Sebah BUNNELL & Elizabeth WAY (note: Wm Austin says this name Sebah, Ralph submiled Seban)

Direct Line Submitted by Clifton C. Cilley Sr. - AFD 1, Box 327, Colebrook, NH 03576

William BUNNELL & Ann WILMOT Horatio Nelson BUNNELL & Sally A. CHAMBERLAIN Benjamin BUNNELL & Rebecca MALLORY Alva BUNNELLL & 1) Rosina S, ABBOTT

Hezekiah BUNNELL & Ruth PLUMB Fannie BUNNELL & Warren CILLEY

Hezekiah BUNNELL & Esther BRISTOL Leon Warren CILLEY & Effie NEAEY

Jesse BUNNELL & Methetable ROYCE *Clifton C. CILLEY Sr.

Seth BUNNELL & 1) Rebecca RICE

How Clifton is related to subscribers: Ellsworth Bunnell, Becky Rutledge, Judge Vicki M Bonnell

Horatio Nelson BUNNELL children:

On-in Nelson Bonnell Alva Bonnell Levi Dexter Bonnell Edgar Edward Bonnell

Ellsworth E. Fannie & W. Cilley Willie L Edgar Edward

Harry Ellsworth Leon Cilley Earl J. Theresa Charity m. W. A. Rutledge

Ellswroth H. Clifton C Cilley Earl A. son mar. Becky West

Judge Vicki Bonnell

Direct Line - Submitted by Max Bonnell Davis -

William BUNNELL & Anne WILMOT George Washington BONNELL & Libbie Marg Eliz FROM Nathaniel BONNEL & Susannah WHITEHEAD Elizabeth "Beth" BONNELL & Walter Leroy DAVIS Nathaniel BONNEL & Mary SEARING *Max Bonnell DAVIS & Audra Estelle FLICK

Capt Nathaniel BONNELL & Joanna MILLER Roger Flick DAVIS (1 st son) / Gordon Lee DAVIS (2 son)

Prvt. John BONNELL & Sarah CARTER 2) Gordon Lee DAVIS & Virginia Tyce HOWARD

Calvin Day BONNELL & Julia Ann CROLL Audra Marie DAVIS b. 4-27-1995

Direct Line - Submitted by Ruth Duncan -P 0 Box 249, West Simsbury, CT. 06092-0249


Benjamin BUNNELL & Rebecca MALLERY Joel BUNNELLL & Phoebe GAINES

Benjamin BUNNELL & Hannah PLUMB Henry BUNNELL & Laura CASTLE

Benjamin BUNNELL & Mehitabel BALDWIN Wilburn Eugene BUNNELL & Bertha Mae ROBINSON

Isaac BUNNELL & Ann COLLINS Marion Elizabeth BUNNELL & Arthur Edward COST

*Ruth Edward COST & Kenneth Eugene DUNCAN

Direct Line–Submitted by Sharon K. Edwards - 2576 Pinnacles Dr., Rocklin, CA. 95677-7724 (revised from 1997)

William BUNNELL Abner BUNNELL (1749 - 1814) & Sarah ATWATER (1755 - 1818) Benjamin BUNNELL Moses A. BUNNELL (1774 - 1851) & Lowly HITCHCOCK (1776 - 1867)

Nathaniel BUNNELL Alfred BUNNELL ( 1813 - 1893) & Nancy J. HARMON ( 1820 - 1896)

Abner BUNNELL Robert F. BUNNELL (1845 -) &MaryE (possibly PERSONS) (1852-)

Grace D. BUNNELL (1879 - ) & Clarence Burton BATTIN (187x -)

Direct Line - Submitted by Ilene Grimes–P 0 Box 404, Cottage Grove, OR. 97424

Isaac BONNELL & Catherine (SEVERNS?) Mary Almyra MARCY & William F NUTTALL

Daniel BONNELL & Nancy THOMAS Flora Eleanor NUTTALL & Joseph Earl YATES

Eveline Hamilton BONNELL & Charles Dwight MARCY Robert Earle YATES & *Ilene TRUMMELL (1st)

Direct Line - Submitted by Lynn McClung - 14334 Glenda Dr., Apple Valley, MN 55124

William BUNNELL & Ann WILMOT Cornelius BUNNELL & Sally KYSER


Nathaniel BUNNELL & Desire PECK Eugene Harvey BUNNELL & Ellen PETERSON


Joel BUNNELL & Martha (Patty) *Lynn Marie BUNNELL & Dale Richard McCLUNG

Raphael BUNNELL & Sally STANLEY Anthony & Paton McCLUNG

Direct Line - Submitted bv Ruth Mills -

William BUNNELL & Ann WILMOT David Edwin BUNNELL & Sally Heller CONRAD

Nathaniel BONNELL & Susannah WHITEHEAD Samuel Gardner BUNNELL & Ellenor Keziah ZABRISKIE

Joseph BONNELL & Martha FRAZEE Charlotte Minerva BUNNELL & John SCHOFIELD

David BONNELL & Hannah THOMPSON John Gardner SCHOFIELD & Elsie Marguerite McDANIEL

David Elias BONNELL & Temperance WADE Ruth SCHOFIELD & --- MILLS

Ithamer BONNELL & Phoebe MEEKER


William Austin has kindly offered to review each Direct Line you submit, with the information he has at hand, before they are published. I will be sending them onto him - or you can send them directly to him with a request that he forward them to me, a soon as possible, for publication in the Newsletter. I understand his concern for accuracy. But, I do not have the sources or files, therefore, am not in a position to make the corrections on information sent me. (As William Austin did in previous issues. Unless it is something I have researched myself.) I can only print what is sent and hope it will be appreciated or challenged by other readers. Some are proven before submission to the paper, some are not Before using this as Truth, check with compiler as to their sources. Send to Wm R. Austin (a). PO Box 62, Laceyville, PA. 18623-0062

ADAMS CO., OH DEEDS 1797-1812 from Christine Kraft

Vol 4, p. 187: 17 Feb 1804. Philemon and Fanny THOMAS of Mason Co., — to Peter PARKER of Adams Co., OH, 90 acres, part of3000+ acres entereed and surveyed for Josiah PARKER and patented in the name of John EDWARDS on the waters of Red Oak Creek in Adams Co., bounded by Stephen BUNNELL, John MAN.('')

Vol 5 , p 27 12 Feb 1805. Stephen and Mary BUNNELL of Mason Co., KY to Daniel MILLER of Adams Co., for $ 84, 21 acres near Ohio Brush Cr., bounded by James BUNNELL, Jacob PLATTER. Signed Stephen BUNNEL, Mary (X her mark) BUNNEL. Wit. Thomas BARTON, David STOUT, James BUNNEL. In Mason Co. on 223 Mar 1805, both BUNNELLS acknowledge the deed before John McKEE and James MORRIS. Recorded 29 Jun 1805.

Vol 5, p. 117: 17 Feb. 1806 Daniel MILLER of Adams Co. to Dennis DOWNING of Bourbon Co. KY, 21 acres on the Ohio Brush Cr. bounded by James BUNNELL's and Jacob PLATTERS tracks.

Vol 6 p 348: 2 Mar 1809. Stephen & Mary BUNNELL ofMayslick, Mason Co., KY to William DAVIS of Brush Creek, Meigs Twp., Adams Co., OH, for $ 377.50, 104 acres in Meigs Twp., bounded by the mouth of Cedar Cr., the upper back line dividing said DAVIS and Jacob PLATTER. Witl. John TAAGE, Samuel DAVIS.

Vol 6 p 393 Oct 1808, Stephen & Mary BUNNELL of Mayslick, Mason Co., KY. to Nathaniel BUNNEL of Ross Co., OH, for $227, 125 acres in Adams Co., OH, bounded by the NE most bank of the Ohio Brush Cr. and dividing comer between Jacob PLATTER and James BUNNEL. Wit; Marshall KEY, Jacob PEDICORD, King CRUSON

Vol. 6 p 417: 9 Mar 1809. William Davis of Adams Co. for $177.50 sell to James BUNNEL of Adams Co. 102.5 acres where James BUNNELL now lives on Brush Cr., adjoining Benjamin HUNTER, Jacob PLATTER and Andrew ELLISON. If DAVIS to pay BUNNEL $177.50, being 2 notes dated 10 Feb 1809, paid for 20 bushels of salt on next 1 Aug. $100 cash on 1 Apr 1811, the other $77.50 to be paid for 1 Apr 1812. If this payment schedule is met, this deed to be void. Wits. Nathan ELLIS, Hugh POWER. Release recorded Vol 8 p 382.

Vol 6 p 435 .30 Oct 1808. Nathaniel and Elisabeth BUNNELL ofRos$ Co., OH to Jacob PLATTER of Adams Co., for $227, 125 acres bounded by the NE-most bank of Ohio Brush Cr. and dividing comer between him and James BUNNELL, and the dividing line between PLATTER and BUNNELL. Wit; John WALLACE, Ross Co., JP, Hanah WALLACE.

PIONEER OHIO NEWSPAPERS 1793-1810. By Karen Mauer Green (The Frontier Press. Galveston. 1986)

Freeman's Journal, published by Samuel and Edmund Freeman until 1800.

pg. 28. Sat.. 17 Oct 1798

A note about the drowning of Daniel BUNNEL who formerly lived at Columbia.

The Western Spy and Hamilton Gazetter, established in Cincinnati in May of 1799 by Joseph CARPENTER, who later took Johanthan S. Findlay as his partner The published the paper until David L. CARNEY took over in Jul 1806, and the George WILLIAMSON in 1809.

pg. 69 Sat., 12 Dec 1801 -

Sheriff James SMITH regarding sheriffs sales of the property of John Cleves SYMMES that has been seized in suits brought by the following:... Stephen BUNNEL and Robert ROSS.

pg 110; Wed., 28 Nov 1804

Sheriff James SMITH regarding sheriffs sales to be held at the house of Isaac ANDERSON in Cincinnati:.. the property of Calvin BONNEL at the suit ofHar. TOULMAN. ..

pa 132: Wed., 1 Jan 1806

A list of letters left at the Post Office in Cincinnati includes:...Samuel BONNEL on Mill Creek.


Categories are Free White Males 16 and over. Free White Males under 16, Free White Females, Other Free Persons, Slaves;

Washington Co., MD 1790 Census

pg. 115- BUNELL, Peter 2 m.16+, 4 m.-16, 2 f.

BUNELL, Benjamin 2 m, 16+m 1 m. -16,1 f., 2 slaves

For above three items Thanks Christine Kraft.



From John C. Bonnell, Jr., VA. - "First, I thank you and Teri for taking over the newsletter. I think you are doing a great job. My thanks also goes to Claude Bunnell for his Civil War Service Records feature. I am a civil war enthusiast and have written a book. (see sources section in this newsletter). Information below was sent to Claude, anything of interest, feel free to use;"



Who was Ludwell Bonnell? Ludwell Bonnell came to my attention as the father of Dallas Bonnell who rode with Mosby. I don't think he is my relation. He and his family lived near Paris, VA. in 1860. (There is genealogy data to take this line back to Ohio and an Isaac Bonnell, bom in 1755, but I don't know where he was born.) Ludwell P. Bonnell, age 48, wheelwright. (1860 Census)

son of William, Son of Isaac

b. 1813, Virginia d. prob. prior to 1870 census, (does not appear)

m. Ann(ie) Elizabeth (Mary) Pierce, age 48, (dtr of Amos Pierce) housewife, 23 Nov 1837, Fauquier County, VA.

b. 19 Aug 1812 d. 12 Nov 1900. 88 yrs old. Bur; Andrew Chapel Cem.

Rt 7 & Trapp Rd., Fairfax Co, VA. (mother of Dallas)

William Amos, age 18. b. 22 Dec 1842, Laborer.

Herod Dallas, age 12.

The following information has been extracted from various Confederate unit histories;

Thomas, N. (L.?) Bunnell

Enl. Confederate Army 1861 (age 13) Joined Mosby, date unknown. Pvt. Co- A Appears on a 1898 roster of Confederate soldiers- Scott district, Fauquier Co, age 58 (1898-1860=38+12=50) Age is good.

(May or May not be Ludwell's son)

A Luther Thomas Bunell appears on the muster of surrender at Appomattox. BUNNELL, LUTHER THOMAS Sgt in Johnson's Battalion Arty, Fredericksburg Battery. Surrender at Appomattox, 1865.

(May or May not be Ludwell's son)

William Amos Bonnell.

PVT, Co. B, 8th Va- Inf. Enl. 5/17/61 at Rector town, Loudown County, VA., by Capt Carter. Absent sick 9/3/62 to 9/17/63. Promoted to Cpl. 8/31/64. AWOL 12/31/64. Captured 4/6/65 at Farmvillc. Sent to Point Lookout Prison. Released on oath 6/23/65. 5' 9", brown hair, blue eyes.

(Probably son of Ludwell's)

Dallas Bonnell. There are no records of Dallas in Richmond or National Archives. He was listed as a private in Co.A, 43rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry, Mosby's command. This Company was formed 10th June 1863, near Rector's Crossroad, Loudown County, Va. A "Bunell, D." was paroled on 22 April 1865. Height

was 5'5" and age, 18 when paroled. 200 of Mosby's men received their paroles near Winchester on 22 April 1865. He was enlisted as a PVT and probably paroled as a PVT.

b.ca, 1845+-

d. 22 June 1920, age 75, Tombstone shows BUNNELL, Dallas H. Bur: Andrew Chapel Cem.

Rt 7 & Trapp Rd, Fairfax County. Age 14. 1860 Enlisted as Bonnell, paroled as Bunnell.

Now for a correction. The Winter 1998 NL includes info on:

IA, U, John, C. Bonnell, E/19/IA INF PVT/PVT

For the record, my Great Grandfather is the one listed and he was mustered out as a 1L T. (John C. Bonnell) Thanks again for all your (Claude Bunnell} input to the Newsletter.

If you are interested in more family data or hack-up information, please contact me. John C. Bonnell Jr. (Son of John (deceased) and Thora Bonnell. formerly of Allentown, NJ) 153 Sterrett Lane, Clear Brook. VA 22624-1704

Part of a Letter from Claude Bunnell to the above information;

"Ludwell P. Bonnell was the son of William Bonnell (1,761-1858) who was the son of Isaac Bonnell (175x-1834) The big question in many descendants minds is who were the parents of Isaac. There are some records indicating he may have lived at one time in Frederick, VA-, which I surmise was Frederick Co. I find it coincidental that Isaac founded the town of Winchester in Guernsey Co., OH, later named Winterset. Since the Capitol of Frederick Co, VA. is Winchester, it leads me to believe he lived in Frederick Co, VA and used its capitol to name his town in OH. If you wanted to help solve the mystery of his origins, you might check the early records between 1795 and 1808 to see if there are any clues in Frederick Co. I was thinking particularly of Deeds, Mortgages, Church, Newspapers, etc The last three of his children were born in VA and they were: Isaac 1800, Catherine 1802 and Nanacy (spell? Nancy) Jane 1804. All prior children were born in NJ. In 1808 he bought land in Crawford Co, PA., sold it in 1812 and moved to Guernsey Co, OH."


Submitted by Phil Bunnelle 2620 Monroe Str., Santa Clara, CA. 95051

(owned by Howard Bunnell, 1504 ME 98th St, Kansas City, KS 64116)

(taken from the Ilinois State Gen, Soc. Quarterly, Vol 30 # 1 Spring 1998)

submitted to IL. St. Gen Soc. by Dorothy J. Hammarlund, (Mrs Dale) RR 1 Box 76, St. Marys, KS 66536

Presented to Mrs. M. E. Bunnell, on her 67th birthday, by her children, 30 Aug 1892.

Family Places of Residence: Hancock Co., IL.

Marriage Page Grandparents:

Titus J Bunnell to Mary Cook, — David Bayles to Jane Victor, — Dec 1817 Parents:

Louis H. Bunnell to Minerva E. Bunnell, 20 Dec. 1847


Horace T. Bunneil to -, 1 Nov 1874 Arby M. Bunnell to --, 1 Sept 1887

Sylvester J. Bunnell to -, 27 Aug 1874 Elmer E. BunneU to —, 28 Mar 1887

Jerome B. Bunnell to -", 29 Jul 1879 Emma E. Bunnell to --, 9 Sept 1883

Louis W. Bunnell to —, 7 Oct 1891 Laura S. Bunnell to --, —

Mary A. BunneU to —, —

(Note: Handwritten page from Bible marriages different from typed names on first page)

Birth Page

Titus J Bunnell, - May 1764 Jerome B. Bunnell, 10 Jul 1855

Mary Cook, — 1780 Mary A. BunneU, 29 Jul 1859

David Bayles, — Mar 1796 Arby M. Bunnell, 2 May 1861

Jane Victor, -- Aug 1803 Elmer E. Bunnell, 6 Feb 1863

Louis Hart Bunnell, 12 June 1822 Emma E Bunnell 6 Feb 1863

Minerva Ellen Bayles, 30 Aug 1825 Laura S. Bunnell 13 Feb 1865

Horace T. BunneU, 2 Nov 1848 Louis Whitney Bunnell 21 May 1857

Sylvester J. Bunnell, 12 Mar 1853

Death Page

Titus J. Bunnell, - May 1856 Horace T. Bunnell, 4 Jan 1932 Mary Cook. - Mar 1850 Sylvester J. Bunnell, 30 Mar 1926 David Bayles, — May 1844 Mary a. Bunnell, 28 Dec 1861 Jane Victor, — Nov 1854 Elmer E. Bunnell, 30 Jan 1937 Louis Hart Bunnell, 10 Jan 1898 Emma E. Bunnell, 9 Jan 1919 Minerva E Bayles, 18 Jun 1905 Laura S. Bunnell, 7 Oct 1871

(Thanks Phil for the info)



Mar 20, 1998 - Naples Daily News carried the following news item; "A Piano and cello recital will take place at 2 PM Sunday in the An Hall at Koreshan State Historic Site. The program will feature the restored 'Harriot Bonnell Steinway' piano, which was originally brought to the site for Bonnell, "a Koreshan, by boat in 1905.

The Koreshans were a group of Chicago area people who established a communal society north of Naples in the late 1800's under the leadership of Cyrus Teague, who was an army surgeon during the Civil War. Koresh, I believe, was the Hebrew word for Cyrus. He taught that we lived on the inside surface of a large globe with the sun at its center; therefore, the surface we lived on was concave rather than convex. He "proved" this by constructing a fencelike stucture that extended for several miles, along the beach, with measurements taken at various points from the top to the surface. They were intellectuals, artists, musicians, and earned a living for the community by serving as a publishing house for outside firms- The men lived separately from the women, were celibate, and after Teague died, their numbers dwindled. The last member died about 20 years ago, but the grounds are maintained by the State as a historical attraction. Teague's master plan was to build a New Jerusalem there that would be populated by hundreds of thousands.

A tidbit of history from Jim Bonnell, 2968, Merced, CA. 95340 e-mail = JPB74@; sent to him by e-mail from his class (of'41) school buddies. Can anyone claim this Harriot Bonnell?


Following two articles Sent to me from Nancy Bruce Crilly, good pal (and maybe Bruce cousin) form Lockport, IL.

Part of A Letter to Mr. Clarence Bonnell, from Big Prairie Cemetery Assoc., Epworth, IL 11 Feb 1947 Mr Clarence Bonnell, Harrisburg, IL. Dear Friend;

I shall address you as "Friend" for, after reading your splendid little book "The Illinois Ozarks"

The Big Prairie Neighborhood was settled early in the year of 1800. The Methodist Society was organized in 1810 and the first church - a log structure - was built in 1812. The first settlers - the Hannas came in 1808; the Land family in 1809 and the Pomeroys in 1810. First sermon preached in 1810 in the home of Geo. Logan Hanna.

The concord (Emma Postoffice) neighborhood was settled very soon afterward. Emma (Concord) a small village is situated six miles north of New Haven on the Little Wabash river.

My good friend W. E. (Win) Benndl loaned me his autographed copy of your book and I am enclosing my check for a copy. I am sure there are others who will prize highly this appeaiingly interesting little volume. By the way Win (Bonnell) and family are members of the Big Prairie Church having only recently bought a home in Carmi.

As I visit Harrisburg occassionally I may some day meet you and talk over old times.

Yours sincerely, Ernest O. Pomeroy (written on top is the notation, book sent $2 chk)


From the Harrisburg Daily Register, no date given, but from WWI, 1918-19

HERE ARE MORE LIBERTY LOAN FACTS - CHAIRMAN KANE PUBLISHES ADDITONAL NAMES OF BOND PURCHASERS The following are the subscribers through the First National Bank of Harrisburg, (IL), who have subscribed S 100 or over. Bonnell, Clarence $ 100

Teachers of Saline Co., IL...Public Schools 1906 - 1907, R.E. Rhine, County Supt., Harrisburg, Illinois Clarence Bonnell

Thanks Nancy Crilly for the above three submissions.


Check out the works of our own subscribers!

"Thunder Over New England - Benjamin Bonnell, the Loyalist" by Paul J. BUNNELL - available from the author; 58 Bluestone Dr., Nashua, NH. 03060 $ 15.00 + $2.00 Shipping and Handling. Paul is also a Researcher and Lecturer.. (603) 888-4189 Other books by this author; "Researching Your Loyalist Ancestors", "Cemetery Inscriptions of the Town of Barnstable, Mass. and It's Villages, 1600-1900", " The House of Robinson", " The Robinsons of Rhode Island, Their Genealogy & Letters", and " the History of the Robinson & son Oil Company of Baltimore, MD."

Letter from Clifton Cilley stating that he has four books; 1. listing all the names of everyone buried in the 6 towns on the NH side of the CT River and 2. same; seven towns on the VT side of the CT. River.- gave most of the health records of Bunnells before 1984. 3. Census Records of 1790 and 1800 in NH and also 4. Census record for VT 1790 and 1800 in VT. With this information and information from Becky Rutledge, Ellsworth Bunnell, Annie Cilley, Ruth Duncan's book, and William Austin, former editor and Bunnell/ Bunnell newsletters from 1991 to date, a book has been published by Annie Cilley.

"The Cilley Family Roots in New England, A Genealogical work Book" $75 00 + $5 S & H from the author:

Annie M. Cilley - HC 60 box 187 - Islesboro, ME. U4848 PH # 207-734-6705

Clifton says he also belongs to the National (Seeley) Genealogical Society and have their newsletter from 1984 to 1990, belonged to the Ne Hampshire Soc. of Genealogist form 1982 to 1991 and have all their newsletters. He is willing to share with anyone interested; Clifton Cilley, Sr. - RFD 1 Box 327- Colebrook, NH 03576, PH# (603) 237-8808.

ED. Note: Cliff also sent along a newspaper on some newsworthy Bonnell/Bunnell's and I am writing to the editor for permission to print. Watch for future issue. Thanks Clifton!

"Sabres in the Shenandoah" by John C. Bonnell, Jr. of VA A civil war enthusiast who has written a book about the history of the 21st New York Cavalry in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. It is available at any bookstore or from White Mane Publishers, (write John C. Bonnell @ 155 Sterrett Lane, Clear Brook, VA 22624-1704 for addresses) His Great Grandfather, on his Mother's side, George B. Simons was in the unit. (also see query section) *



Christine Kraft chart;




1 Edwin Fairbanks BUNNELL: b 25 Sep 1807 Hartford. Hartford Co.. Connecticut; m 3 May 1833 Francestown, Hillsborough Co., New Hampshire; Adeline WOODBURY, d 11 Dec 1891 Oakland, Alameda Co., California



2 Zethan BUNNELL: b 19 Apr 1776 .Connecticut; m 17 Feb 1805 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

3 Jerusha C. HUTCHINSON: b 24 Jun 1786 Pomfret, Windsor Co.,Vermont; d 25 May 1863 Francestown, Hillsborough Co., New Hampshire



4 Noah BUNNELL: b 18 Jan 1741 Redding.Fairfield Co-., Connecticut; m 9 Jan 1763 Connecticut; d 11 Dec 1790

5 Mary BEARDSLEY: b 33 Mar 1743 New Fairfeld, Fairfield Co., Connecticut; d 2 May 1793

6 Elisha HUTCHINSON [Rev.]: b 22 Dec 1749 Sharon, Litchfield Co., Connecticut; m 16 Jul 1778 Westford,Windham Co-., Connecticut; d 19 Apr 1833 Newport, Sullivan Co.,New Hampshire

7 Jerusha CADWELL: c 21 Nov 1762 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut



8 Gershom BUNNELL: b 1 May 1707' Elizabethtown, Union Co.,New Jersey; m 17 Jan 1728/1729 Stratford, Fairfield Co-., Connecticut; d 8 Jul 1758 Danbury, Fairfield Co-., Connecticut

9 Margaret JOHNSdN:'b 22 Sep 1706 Stratford, Fairfield Co., Connecticut

10 Obadiah BEARDSLEY

11 Mercy JACKSON


14 William CADWELL: c 26 Apr 1719 Hartford, Hartford Co-., Connecticut; m Abt 1756 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d 27 Feb 1773 Hartford, Hartford Co-., Connecticut

15 Alice CADWELL: c 20 Jan 1735, Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut



16 Benjamin BUNNELL [Sergeant]: b 29 Nov 1679- New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut; m 1700 .New Haven Co.. Connecticut; d 20 Aug 1749 New Milford, Litchfield Co-. Connecticut

17 Hannah PLUMB: b 15 Apr 1677 Milford, New Haven Co-.Connecticut; d 16 Nov 1716 .Connecticut

18 George JOHNSON: b .Scotland; m 4 Jan 1694/1695 Stratford, Fairfield Co., Connecticut

19 Hannah DORMAN: b 1 Mar 1676/1677 New Haven,New Haven Co., Connecticut d 1724

28 William CADWELL: b 24 Aug 1684 Hartford. Hartford Co-. Connecticut; m 10 Apr 1718 Hartford.Hartford Co., Connecticut; d 11 Jun 1775 Hartford. Hartford Co.,Connecticut

29 Rebecca GOODWIN: c 15 Jan 1691/1692 Hartford. Hartford Co-.Connecticut; d Bef May 1773 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

30 Nehemiah CADWELL: c 8 Apr 1711 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d 23 Jun 1751 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

31 Alice GOODWIN: b 19 May 1710 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d Bridgeport, Fairfield Co., Connecticut '."



32 Benjamin BUNNELL; b Abt 1636 .Massachusetts; m 27 Nov 1664 New Haven, New Haven Co.,Connecticut;

d 12 Mar 1696 New Haven, New Haven Co..Connecticut

33 Rebecca MALLORY: b 18 Mar 1649 New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut; d 12 Mar 1691 New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

34 John PLUMB: b 12 Aug 1646 Milford, New Haven Co., Connecticut; m 24 Nov 1668 Milford, New Haven Co., Connecticut; d 21 Mar 1728 Milford, New Haven Co., Coinecticut

35 Elizabeth NORTON: b 1645/1650 ; d 1712 Milford, New Haven Co., Connecticut

38 Edmund DORMAN: b Abt 1636 ; m 25 Dec 1662 New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut; d 1 May 1711 New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

39 Hannah HULL: c 26 Feb 1641 New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

56 Edward CADWELL: b 1 Nov 1660 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connectlcut; m Abt 1680 Hartford, Hartford Co, Connecticut; d Bef 7 Jul 1719 West Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

57 Elizabeth BUTLER: b Abt 1661/1664 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d Bef 1697 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

58 William OOODWIN: b Abt 1658 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d 1733 Hartford, Hanford Co., Connecticut

59 Elizabeth SHEPARD: c 29 Jul 1660 Cambridge, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts; d 1738/1746 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

60 Edward CADWELL: b 24 Sep 1681 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; m 20 Dec 1704 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d 3 Sep 1751 Hartford, Hartford Co., Coiinecticut

61 Deborah BUNCE: b Abt 1687 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d 1 May 1772 Hartford, Hartford Co, Connecticut

62 Nathaniel GOODWIN [Deacon]: b Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d Nov 1747 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

63 Mehitabel PORTER: b 15 Sep 1673 Hadley, Hampshire Co.,Massachusetts; d 6 Feb 1726 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut



64 William BUNNELL: b .England; d .England

65 Ann WILMOT: d 1653/1654 ; New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

66 Peter MALLORY: d 30 Aug 1698 ; Fairfield, Fairfield Co., Connecticut

67 Mary PRESTON: b Abt 1629 .England; d Dec 1690 Fairfield, Fairfield Co., Connecticut

68 Robert PLUMB: m 9 Jan 1642; Milford,New Haven Co., Connecticut; d 12 May 1656 Milford, New Haven Co., Connecticut

69 Maiy BALDWIN: d 1 Feb 1707 Milford, New Haven Co., Connecticut

70 John NORTON: b, England; m Abt 1643; d 5 Nov 1709 Farmington, HartfordCo., Connecticut

71 Dorotha: d 24 Jan 1652 ; Branford, New Haven Co., Connecticut

78 Richard HULL: d Abt I Sep 1662 ; New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

112 Thomas CADWELL: b Abt 1658 ; Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d 9 Oct 1694 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

113 Elizabeth STEBBINS: b Abt 1631 .England; d Hartford.Hartford Co., Connecticut –

114 Thomas BUTLER: b Abt 1637 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; m Abt 1657 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut, d Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

115 Sarah STONE: b Abt 1640 ; d Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

116 William GOODWIN [Sr.]: b Abt 1629 ; d 15 Oct 1689 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

117 Susanna FRUEN: b Abt 1635 ; d Abt 1698

118 John SHEPARD: c 5 Nov 1623 ; d 12 Jun 1707 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

120 Same as individual #56

121 Same as individual #57

122 John BUNCE: b 20 Mar 1650 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut; d 4 Apr 1733 Hartford, Hanford Co., Connecticut


124 Same 85 individual #116

125 Same as individual #117

126 Samuel PORTER: d 6 Sep 1689 ; Hadley, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts

127 Hannah STANLEY: b Hartford, Hartford Co,, Connecticut; d 18 Dec 1708 Hadley, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts

Christine D. Kraft


130 Benjamin WILMOT: d Aft 7 Aug 1669; New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

131 Ann

134 William PRESTON: b 23 Jan 1590/1591 Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England; m 11 Oct 1613 Chesham.Buckinghamshire, England; d 4 Jan 1649 New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

135 Elizabeth SALE: b Abt 1590 England; d 1633/1634 Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England

226 Edward (STEBBING) STEBBINS [Deacon]: c 24 Feb 1594/1595 Black Notley, Essex, England; m Bef 1629 England; d Aug 1668 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

227 Frances TOUGH: b Burrough-on-the-Hill, Leicestershire, England; d 1673 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut ' ' .

228 Richard BUTLER [Deacon]: b Abt 1610 .England; m Bef 1636; d 6 Aug 1684 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

229 BUTLER [Mrs.]: d Abt 1640 ; Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

230 Samuel STONE [Rev.]: b 1602 England; m Abt 1634 ; d 20 Jul 1663 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

232 Ozias GOODWIN [Hon.]: b Abt 1596 Essex, England; d 1683 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

233 Mary WOODWARD: b Braintree, Essex, England

236 Edward SHEPARD; b England; m England; d 20 Jun 1680 Cambridge,Middlesex; Co., Massachusetts

237 Violet CHARNOULD: b .England; d 9 Jan 1648/1649 Cambridge, Middlesex Co.,Massachusetts 244 Thomas BUNCE: b Abt 1612 ; d Aug 1682/1683 Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

246 Batholomew BARNARD: ni 25 Oct 1647 ; Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut

247 Sarah BIRCHARD

252 John PORTER: b .England; m .England; bu 22 Apr 1648 Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut

253 Rose: b .England; bu 12 May 1648 Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut

254 Thomas STANLEY



452 William (STEBBING) STEBBINS 454 Ralph TOUGH

460 John STONE: b .England; m .England; d Hereford, Herefordshire, England

461 Sarah ROGERS: b WethersfieId, Essex, England; d .England

466 Robert WOODWARD Thanks Christine D. Kraft


She also has 5 pages of sources for this conclusion, if interested, contact her or the Newsletter tor a copy.

•From Charies K. Bunnell, Huntsville, AL.

The Photocopy below of a receipt for Five Dollars for a Coffin for David BUNNELL who died Feb. 10,1816, in Warren Co., OH.. Elizabeth BUNNELL, David's widow, was the executor of his estate. George Petefish signed the receipt. (David BUNNELL'S line is William. Nathaniel, Nathaniel. James, Stephen, David, b. 1764, Summerset Co, NJ.)



[1] see Query by Charles R Bunnell # 34

[2] see also "Record of Officers of NJ previous page


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