REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHIVELY HELD IN THE NEWMAN MEMORIAL BUILDING 3920 DIXIE HIGHWAY, SHIVELY, KENTUCKY 40216 ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm by Beverly Chester-Burton, Mayor. Beverly Chester-Burton opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Mayor Beverly Chester-Burton Council Member Lisa Beard Council Member Chester BurrellCouncil Member Tiffany Burton-McBroom Council Member Maria JohnsonCouncil Member Shanell ThompsonCouncil Member Wendell VincentDepartment Employees Present: City Clerk Mitzi Kasitz Fire Chief Charles MuckerPolice Chief Kevin HigdonPublic Works Jeff EarlyApproval of Minutes: Motion made by Tiffany Burton-McBroom, second by Lisa Beard to approve the minutes from the August 17, 2020, council meeting as received. ROLL CALL: Lisa Beard – yes Chester Burrell - yes Tiffany Burton-McBroom - yes Maria Johnson – absent Shanell Thompson – yesWendell Vincent – yes CORRESPONDENCE: None OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: M.O. No. 21, Series 2020 – BILLS OVER $500.00. Introduced by Lisa Beard. Motion by Chester Burrell, second by Tiffany Burton-McBroom. ROLL CALL: Lisa Beard – yes Chester Burrell – yes Tiffany Burton-McBroom - yes Maria Johnson – absent Shanell Thompson – yes Wendell Vincent – yes Chief Mucker announced fire applications are being accepted until September 11 at 4:00 pm, applications are available online. I am in the process of writing a job description for the Fire Marshal so we can move forward with hiring.Mitzi Kasitz, Shively property taxes are due September 30, 2020.COUNCIL REPORTS: Lisa Beard, no report. Chester Burrell, no report. Tiffany Burton-McBroom, I will be introducing the City Comprehensive Plan that Keisha presented when I have more details.Montez Malone, reached out to me regarding the golf course development. I let him know he needed to present to the Mayor and council to share his ideas and we would also seek the opinion of the residents. There have been others who showed interest in the land.Maria Johnson, absent.Shanell Thompson, look over the speed hump guidelines that I provided to you. If you have any changes you wish to make let me know. I have worked with the Mayor, Jeff and the representative from Metro, the first street that will have speed humps installed is Fern Lea. I am working with an individual on the streets that are requesting speed humps, to get the necessary signatures from each household on the street. On October 10, 9 am – 11 am, at city hall, Police, Fire and I are sponsoring a drive thru gun lock giveaway. A video will be produced, put on our web page explaining how to use the gun lock.Wendell Vincent, no report. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Montez Malone, All Around Healthcare, 3975 7th Street Road, presented a Shively Golf Course Development plan to purchase and use the land for new housing. We have a development starting on St. Andrews Church Road, 33 homes with garages. We have another development on Cane Run Road. I am proposing 150 to 200 homes with retail stores, attracting a grocery store, restaurant, health and wellness facility, walking trails with fitness stations and an embedded ecosystem water feature. The project would be a 30 to 40-million-dollar investment.ADJOURN: There being no further business to come before the council, motion by Chester Burrell, second by Tiffany Burton-McBroom to adjourn the meeting. All in favor signify by saying aye. Those opposed, no. Ayes have it, so ordered. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m. All ayes present. _____________________________ Beverly Chester-Burton, Mayor ________________________________ Mitzi R. Kasitz, Clerk ................

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