AAA's recommendation for common naming of advanced safety systems


Advanced Driver Assistance Technology Names

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? 2019 American Automobile Association, Inc.


Advanced Driver Assistance Technology Names


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems have become increasingly prevalent on new vehicles. In fact, at least one ADAS feature is available on 92.7% of new vehicles available in the U.S. as of May 2018.1 Not only are these advanced driver assistance systems within financial reach of many new car consumers (about $1,950 for the average ADAS bundle2), they also have the potential to avoid or mitigate the severity of a crash. However, the terminology used to describe them varies widely and often seems to prioritize marketing over clarity. The lack of standardized names for automotive systems adds confusion for motorists when researching and using advanced safety systems.

The intent of this paper is to create a dialog with the automotive industry, safety organizations and legislators about the need for common naming for advanced driver assistance systems. Within this report, AAA is proposing a set of standardized technology names for use in describing advanced safety systems. AAA acknowledges that this is a dynamic environment, and that further input from stakeholders and consumer research will further refine this recommendation.

To date, automakers have devised their own branded technology names which, for example, has resulted in twenty unique names for adaptive cruise control and nineteen different names for lane keeping assistance (section 3.2) alone. A selection of these names is shown in Figure 1. Further complicating the issue, regulatory bodies and automotive standards organizations such as NHTSA and SAE have used multiple unique names such as collision imminent braking3 and forward collision mitigation systems4 to describe automatic emergency braking (section 3.1).

ADAS Feature

Selection of Marketed Names

Ada ptive Crui s e Control , Sma rt Crui s e Control , Intel l i gent Crui s e Control ,

Adaptive Cruise Control Ada ptive Cruis e Control with Queue As s is t, Dyna mic ra da r cruis e control, Di s troni c Pl us , Tra ffi c-Awa re Crui s e Control

Active Steeri ng As s i s t, Audi Active La ne As s i s t, Intel l i gent La ne

Lane Keeping Assistance Intervention, La ne Depa rture Al ert with Steering As s is t, La ne Keep As s is t, La neSens e La ne Depa rture Wa rni ng Pl us

Blind Spot Warning

Active Bl i nd Spot As s i s t, Audi Si de As s i s t, Bl i nd Spot Informa tion Sys tem, Bl i nd Spot Intervention, La ne Cha nge Al ert wi th Si de Bl i nd Zone Al ert, La ne Cha nge As s i s tant (Si de As s i s t), Sma rt Bl i nd Spot Detection

Surround Vi ew Sys tem, 360 Vi ew Moni tor, Intel l i gent Around Vi ew

Surround View Camera Monitor, Multi-terra in Monitor, Bird's Eye View Ca mera , Surround Vis ion, Top Vi ew Ca mera Sys tem,Wi de Front Vi ew & Si de Moni tor

Figure 1: Sample of Names Advertised for Various ADAS Features

1 Based on ADAS fitment data published from the research firm SBD Automotive 2 Multiple advanced driver assistance systems are often bundled into an optional technology package that allow motorist to choose if they want to pay for

the added functionality. 3 4

? 2019 American Automobile Association, Inc.


Advanced Driver Assistance Technology Names

It is important for consumers to be knowledgeable about new vehicle technologies since misunderstanding of ADAS systems could lead to their misuse. To promote clear communication and consumer education, this report concludes that there is a need for standardized terms and definitions for ADAS features, and proposes such a list for consideration shown within the tables below.

Automated Driving Tasks


Adaptive Cruise Control Lane Keeping Assistance

Control s a ccel era ti on a nd/or bra ki ng to ma i nta i n a pres cri bed di s ta nce between i t a nd a vehi cl e i n front. Ma y be a bl e to come to a s top a nd conti nue.

Control s s teeri ng to ma i nta i n vehi cl e wi thi n dri vi ng l a ne. Ma y prevent vehi cl e from depa rti ng l a ne or conti nua l l y center vehi cl e.

Control s vehi cl e a ccel era ti on, bra ki ng, a nd s teeri ng. SAE s ta nda rd Dynamic Driving Assistance definition of L2 Autonomous s ys tems outlines this functionality.

Figure 2: Proposed Standard ADAS Terms - Automated Driving Tasks

Collision Alerts


Detects i mpendi ng col l i s i on whi l e tra vel i ng forwa rd a nd a l erts Forward Collision Warning driver.

Lane Departure Warning

Moni tors vehi cl e's pos i tion wi thi n dri vi ng l a ne a nd a l erts dri ver a s the vehi cl e a pproa ches or cros s es l a ne ma rkers .

Blind Spot Warning

Detects vehi cl es to rea r i n a dja cent l a nes whi l e dri vi ng a nd a l erts dri ver to thei r pres ence.

Detects vehi cl es a pproa chi ng from s i de a nd rea r of vehi cl es whi l e Rear Cross Traffic Warning traveling in revers e and alerts driver.

Detects obs tructions i n cl os e proxi mi ty to vehi cl e duri ng pa rki ng Parking Obstruction Warning maneuvers .

Pedestrian Detection

Detects pedes tri a ns i n front of vehi cl e a nd a l erts dri ver to thei r pres ence.

Figure 3: Proposed Standard ADAS Terms ? Collision Alerts

? 2019 American Automobile Association, Inc.


Advanced Driver Assistance Technology Names

Collision Mitigation

Forward Automatic Emergency Braking

Reverse Automatic Emergency Braking

Automatic Emergency Steering


Detects potenti a l col l i s i ons whi l e tra vel i ng forwa rd a nd a utoma ti ca l l y a ppl i es bra kes to a voi d or l es s en the s everi ty of i mpa ct.

Detects potenti a l col l i s i on whi l e tra vel i ng i n revers e a nd a utoma ti ca l l y a ppl i es bra kes to a voi d or l es s en the s everi ty of i mpa ct.

Detects potenti a l col l i s i on a nd a utoma ti ca l l y control s s teeri ng to a voi d or l es s en the s everi ty of i mpa ct.

Figure 4: Proposed Standard ADAS Terms - Collision Mitigation

Parking Assistance

Semi-automated Parking Assistance

Fully-automated Parking Assistance

Remote Parking

Trailer Assistance

Surround View Camera


Control s s teeri ng duri ng pa rki ng. Dri ver res pons i bl e for a ccel era tion, bra ki ng, a nd gea r pos i tion. Ma y be ca pa bl e of pa ra l l el a nd/or perpendi cul a r pa rki ng. Control s a ccel era tion, bra ki ng, s teeri ng, a nd s hi fting duri ng pa rki ng. Ma y be ca pa bl e of pa ra l l el a nd / or perpendi cul a r pa rki ng.

Sys tem pa rks vehi cl e wi thout dri ver bei ng phys i ca l l y pres ent i ns i de the vehi cl e. Automa tica l l y control s a ccel era tion, bra ki ng, s teeri ng, a nd s hi fting.

Sys tem tha t a s s i s ts dri ver duri ng ba cki ng ma neuvers wi th a tra i l er a tta ched.

Us es ca mera s l oca ted a round vehi cl e to pres ent vi ew of s urroundi ngs .

Figure 5: Proposed Standard ADAS Terms - Parking Assistance

Misc. Driving Aids

Automatic High Beams Night Vision

Driver Monitoring


Dea cti va tes or ori ents hea dl a mp bea ms a utoma ti ca l l y ba s ed on l i ghti ng, s urroundi ngs , a nd tra ffi c.

A s ys tem tha t a i ds dri ver vi s i on a t ni ght by projecti ng enha nced i ma ges on i ns trument cl us ter or hea ds -up di s pl a y.

Moni tors dri ver condi ti on by va ri ous mea ns to detect drows i nes s or l a ck of a ttenti on.

Figure 6: Proposed Standard ADAS Terms ? Misc. Driving Aids

? 2019 American Automobile Association, Inc.


Advanced Driver Assistance Technology Names


Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 7 2 Availability & Pricing of ADAS Technology ........................................................................................................ 7 3 Terminology Review ........................................................................................................................................ 13

3.1 Regulatory Terminology .......................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Manufacturer Terminology ..................................................................................................................... 14 4 Summary & Recommendation ........................................................................................................................ 15 4.1 Proposed Terminology ............................................................................................................................ 16 Appendix A .............................................................................................................................................................. 18

? 2019 American Automobile Association, Inc.


Advanced Driver Assistance Technology Names

1 Introduction

While some systems have been available since the 1990s, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are now a rapidly growing technology in the automotive space. As these technologies become more prevalent, it becomes increasingly important for consumers to be informed about the systems on their vehicle and their functionality. However, the wide variety of names marketed by manufacturers, and the lack of consensus by industry regulatory groups, make it difficult for consumers to discern what features a vehicle has and how they actually work. This report will use data5 illustrating the growing prevalence of ADAS technology in new vehicles and a discussion of the terminology currently used by regulatory organizations and manufacturers to establish the need for standardization of terms and definitions for ADAS features. Furthermore, it will propose a list of terms and definitions for ADAS features to be considered for standardization.

2 Availability & Pricing of ADAS Technology

The importance of ADAS features in the modern automotive landscape can be demonstrated by examining just how common they have become. Below are charts that show the availability of certain features based on vehicle category. Percentages shown are based on individual new vehicle models (not trim specific) as of May 2018. Seen in these plots, common ADAS features such as Adaptive Cruise Control, Blind Spot Warning, and Automatic Emergency Braking are now available in at least 80% of vehicles in each of the Midsize, Large, and SUV vehicle segments. Lane Keeping Assistance is available in at least 60% of vehicles within 7 of 10 vehicle segments.

These features are becoming standard equipment on many vehicles. For example, Automatic Emergency Braking is standard on 30.6% of all models, Lane Keeping Assistance on 13.9%, and Adaptive Cruise Control on 11.8%. Additionally, twenty automakers have even pledged to make Automatic Emergency Braking standard on virtually all models by 2022, suggesting increasing prevalence of the technologies in the future.6

5 Data source: SBD Automotive "USA ADAS Tracker" 6

? 2019 American Automobile Association, Inc.


Advanced Driver Assistance Technology Names

Figure 7: Availability of Adaptive Cruise Control in vehicle segments. (Image: SBD Automotive)

Figure 8: Availability of Blind Spot Warning in vehicle segments. (Image: SBD Automotive)

? 2019 American Automobile Association, Inc.



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