National Honor Society-Sponsored School-Wide …

National Honor Society-Sponsored School-Wide Christmas Toy & Clothing Drive

“…for I was naked and you gave me clothing…,Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one

of the least of these who are members of my family,you did it to me.” Matthew 25

November 7, 2011

In the spirit of Christmas-giving, we would like to kick-off our school-wide Christmas new Toy and Clothing Drive on Monday, November 21, 2011, during the 1st period. Representatives from the National Honor Society will talk to the 1st period class during announcements on Monday, November 21, to tell the students about our Seventeenth Annual Christmas Toy and Clothing Drive. (Last year the students, faculty and staff brought in over $20,000 worth of new toys and clothing.)

Each 1st period class will “adopt” a child from either the Diocese of Raleigh Hispanic Family Center (a service of the Office of Catholic Charities) or The Jordan Center, a school our 9th graders work with through our service outreach. We asked these two facilities for the most “ needy” children/families, and they provided us with a total of 50 children. We will accept only new toys since we are the children’s “Santa Claus.” Also, there is an even greater need for new clothing. Hopefully, each child will receive at least

A whole wardrobe of clothing including –at least 5 winter outfits, socks, underwear, gloves, coat, jacket, shoes, pajamas, etc.;

an educational toy- one big item;

and at least four more small toys—game, book, ball, doll, stuffed animal, puzzle, truck, car, coloring book & crayons, etc., depending on the age of the child;

We anticipate at least $200 worth of items per child this year.

The drive will run from Monday, November 28, through 1st period on Monday, December 5. This is a hard deadline. All items must be in before we pack up on Monday afternoon at 3:00. We finish this early in order to allow ample time for our students to prepare for exams. Also, we are beginning prior to Thanksgiving because some like to shop during the Thanksgiving break.

NHS will price each item and keep a running tab. If your student knows the value of an item, please tell the representative. Leave the price tags on the items, and the NHS students will remove them. The items will be bagged for delivery on Monday afternoon, December 5. NHS will deliver the gifts on Wednesday, December 7.

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm,

Dale Foushee, NHS Adviser


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