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Commanding Officer’s Message

Greetings from the 67th Precinct! I would first like to commend all of the different groups and organizations that have come together in a time when we are experiencing a spike in violent crime. As we come to the midpoint of the second quarter of the game, we are seeing a significant increase in the number of violent crimes, but due to our extensive communication system with the community we are also seeing the tremendous outpouring of support from our community in many ways. I have worked in many places in my career during my tenure in the New York City Police Department, but never have I seen a more tightly knit community than East Flatbush!

The formation of a Civilian Observer Patrol (COP) Program headed by the Public Safety Committee of Community Board # 17 is well under way with a second planned meeting soon to occur in approximately two weeks from now. The 67th Precinct Clergy Council has done tremendous work since their inception and they have plans for more programs that will fall under their purview. Even our elected officials have taken larger steps to make guns and gang violence awareness one of their top priorities. This is just some of the many things happening here in the 67th Precinct that helps to keep this community safer than it has ever been, and I am proud to be part of it. I am confident that with the great work of our Officers and with the help of our vibrant community we will see positive results!

Farewell to a Legend

It is said that in the bible story of Samson that the source of his strength was through his hair. With that being said, we can say that the 67th Precinct has gotten one heck of a major haircut! One of the pillars of this command and of the community has called it quits and although we are extremely saddened by the retirement of Detective Leroy “Hutch” Hutchinson, we are happy that he has had a successful twenty-five (25) year career here in the NYPD. Det. Hutchinson better known to all as “HUTCH” served this community with commitment, pride and most importantly of all, honesty.

Hutch started his career in 1987 as a New York City Transit Officer serving in Transit District # 20 and in 1995 when the two agencies merged (NYPD with Transit Police), he then was assigned to the finest command in Brooklyn South, the 67th Precinct, in which he continued his remarkable career here until his recent retirement. After countless commendations, recognitions, and awards of appreciation from various organizations, Hutch has always impressed everyone he

On Saturday,

Farewell to a Legend (continued)

has come into contact with the meaning of the word service. Whether it was someone waiting in the complaint room or a prisoner in the holding cell, that person always left with the feeling of satisfaction. He was the one Officer who got thanked for giving a summons or adored when a conflict was resolved. There were no issues that were brought to Hutch’s attention that was not left unattended. Every phone call was returned, every I was dotted, and every T was crossed.

The Mayor of East Flatbush was his unofficial title on the street. He could not walk a couple of feet without being shouted out to or called with salutations. There was no place in the 67th Precinct where Hutch did not feel comfortable and there was no one that made him feel uncomfortable. He believed that the best weapons and Officer can bring along with his equipment was their intellect, their empathy, and their mouth. As he saw it, if you had that equipment you could then diffuse any situation and bring about a peaceful solution. This skill he has tried to instill and cultivate in every partner he has had and they have become better public servants for it. Police Officer Robert Thybulle said at a recent meeting “that since being partners with Hutch, his ability to solve problems has tripled, his common sense level has doubled, and he now writes as a scholar would!”

A pillar of the community may have departed the 67th Precinct, but he will never depart from our hearts! In Hutch’s 25 years of service to the NYPD and to the community, a countless number of people have been touched by his wisdom and knowledge. He will always be remembered for the service he provided to all and he will forever be welcomed anywhere in the community. Good luck Det. Hutchinson on your retirement and may your future endeavors be as successful as your career in the New York City Police Department! You will be missed!

Flatbush Gardens Update

On Wednesday, May 4th, 2011, The NYPD made multiple arrests throughout the Flatbush Gardens Complex. It is believed that many of those persons arrested were Gang members and responsible for the daily illegal drug activity affecting the quality of life for Flatbush Gardens residents. In addition to the arrests, Search warrants were executed in several apartments from where drugs were being sold. The Police need your help in keeping the neighborhood and your and Flatbush Gardens safe and free of drug dealers.

For crimes in progress please call 911. For drug related issues, call the Mayor’s Hotline at 646-610-2730. If you have information about past crimes call 1-800-577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential- you need not give your name.

Operation Safe Cycle

The 67th Precinct is continuing to educate residents about the plans to expand bicycle routes within the community. In recent times, the media has broadcasted the strict enforcement efforts of the NYPD with regard to bicycle safety. Even with the strict enforcement procedures in place, we unfortunately had a bicyclist fatality that occurred on April 15th, 2011 at the intersection of East 53rd Street and Linden Boulevard. Unsafe bicyclist practices on the roadway are a major contributing factor to these types of accidents. So, PLEASE follow all traffic rules and regulations. If you are on a bicycle on the roadway, consider it to be a motor vehicle as all NYC Traffic Rules and Regulations and NYS Vehicular Traffic Laws apply to bicycles as well as automobiles! Stop at all red lights and stop signs and clear the intersection before you proceed through. Ride on the right side of the road WITH TRAFFIC AND NOT ON THE SIDEWALK! Remember, a person sixteen years or older are subject to criminal court summons when caught riding on the sidewalk.

The Council Corner

We, the 67th Precinct Community Council, would like to thank all the persons who attended our bus ride on May 7th, 2011. The trip was a blast with plenty of food, fun, and games. To all the Atlantic City winners, congratulations, and we hope you spent all your winnings wisely. The trip was a thorough success for the community council and we hope that next year we can fill ten buses.

The 28th Annual National night out against crime is scheduled for Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011. This is the night where every Police Department in every city in every state in the nation will be embracing crime reduction and victim awareness by denouncing crime nation wide. It is a fun filled evening of music, games, and valuable information from the NYPD about crime prevention. The time and specific location is to be announced in the coming future.

April Cop of the Month

On Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011, Police Officer Anthony Falanga was assigned to patrol when he received a call of a man with a firearm. Upon his arrival on the scene he was met by the 911 caller who stated that the male with the firearm threatened to kill her and her family when she refused to let him in her building. Further investigation revealed that the perpetrator frequents an apartment in the same residential complex. A description was broadcast over the radio and PO Falanga did a canvass of the building for the suspect. Additional units also arrived and help to set up a perimeter around the building. Officers on the ground saw the male suspect attempt to leave the building through a window which led out to a fire escape. The suspect quickly re-entered the building when he saw the officers underneath him, but not before dropping a black bag to the ground. Upon searching the bag, it was discovered that a firearm was inside of it. The NYPD Emergency Service Unit was called and attempted to engage the male in dialogue. Several attempts to make contact with the suspect failed and a forced entry to the apartment was authorized. The perpetrator was apprehended in a rear bedroom without further incidents and an armed predicate felon with an extensive arrest history was apprehended without any injury to any officers, residents, or to himself. Because of PO Falanga’s dedication and thoroughness conducting an intensive investigation, he was awarded the Cop of the Month for April.

Upcoming Events

➢ On Saturday, May 21st, 2011 at 7:00 PM, the Tropical Paradise Ballroom located at 1363 Utica Avenue will be hosting an event of major cultural significance for New York's Caribbean community. They will be honoring two icons of calypso, Mighty Sparrow and Calypso Rose, in a historic Tribute to Calypso Royalty.

Upcoming Events (continued)

➢ Celebrate Haitian Pride and Culture at the Haitian Day Parade on Sunday, May 29th, 2011. The parade will be on Nostrand Avenue and Erasmus Street and will head down to Farragut Road where there will be a musical extravaganza. The parade is set to start at 1:00 PM.

➢ On Saturday, June 18th, 2011 the 67th Precinct will be honoring members of its command in a medal day awards ceremony. This event will recognize Police Officers who have accomplished significant tasks during their tour of duty policing our community. All are welcomed to join us at 11:00 AM in front of the 67th Precinct located at 2820 Snyder Avenue (rain date to be announced in the future).


➢ Our deepest sympathies to Detective Lisa Williams and Police Officer Karabin on the loss of their loved ones. Our prayers are with them and their family during their difficult time.

➢ Welcome to newly promoted Lt. Gesualdi.

➢ Welcome to newly promoted Sgt. Diany.

➢ Congratulations to Sgt. Kraft on the birth of his daughter.

➢ Good luck to Sgt. Gomez and Sgt. Drantyev on their recent promotion.

➢ Good bye and good luck to Lt. Ortlieb on his transfer to the Intelligence Division.

➢ Farewell to PO O’Brien (Intelligence Division), PO Daughtery (63 Pct Sqd), PO Reilly (72 Pct Sqd), PO Rodriguez (61 Pct), PO Delibovi, and PO Weeks (Brooklyn South Task Force).

➢ Our deepest sympathies to Detective Lisa Williams and Police Officer Karabin on the loss of their loved ones. Our prayers are with them and their family during their difficult time.

➢ Congratulations to Police Officer Ricardo Joseph for “Borough Cop of the Month.” It was well deserved.

➢ And finally, great job to our Commanding Officer Deputy Inspector Corey Pegues on his gun arrest and his homicide arrest. The 67th Precinct has never had a harder working Commanding Officer!

PS: The 67th Precinct Community Council meets in the 67th Precinct’s second floor conference room on the third Thursday at 7:30 PM of every month except for the summer months of July and August.  This is where the community and the Police Department can communicate face to face and have an opportunity for an open and frank discussion regarding various community issues.  We invite all persons who are interested in learning the current state of the command to attend, where the 67th Precinct Executive Staff can be addressed directly with concerns, comments, and/or questions.  We look forward to seeing you at future meetings.

PSS: If you wish to receive e-mail Crime Alerts, Notifications, and this Newsletter from the 67th Precinct please send an e-mail to us stating that you desire to receive these e-mails. Please include in the subject line your “Request to Join the 67th Precinct Community Contact System” and include your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, ORGANIZATON NAME, and of course, your E-MAIL ADDRESS.


67th Precinct Community Newsletter

2820 Snyder Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11226


Commanding Officer

DI Corey Pegues

Impact Zone Captain

Captain J. D. Schiff

Executive Officer

Captain Jose Frias

General Precinct Phone


Community Affairs

PO Robert Thybulle

PO Roxanne Joseph


Crime Prevention

PO Tamecca Greene


Youth Officers

Det Lisa Williams

PO Tanya Barry


Domestic Violence

Sgt Beverly Brown


Precinct Detective Squad

Lt Frank Sciortino


Community Council


Patricia Reddock

Vice President:

Leonie Logan

Recording Secretary:

Simone McBean

Corresponding Sec:

Gailene Windsor


Larry Pampellone

Asst Corresponding Sec:

Orlinda McInnis

Sergeant at Arms:

Horace Millington

67th Precinct Community Newsletter

2820 Snyder Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11226


67th Precinct Community Newsletter

2820 Snyder Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11226


67th Precinct Community Newsletter

2820 Snyder Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11226


Deputy Inspector

Corey Pegues

PO Anthony Falanga is pictured above (right) receiving his award from Deputy Inspector Corey Pegues (left) at the April 21st 2011 Community Council Meeting.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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