
Glaucoma UK Research Strategy

1. Background

Glaucoma UK supports people with glaucoma, an eye condition that can lead to loss of sight. Our vision is to prevent avoidable sight loss.

Integral to this is an investment in high quality research that enhances the detection and treatment of glaucoma in order to improve the quality of life for patients. We aim to ensure the dissemination of the results of such research to the professions and the public. The average Glaucoma UK research fund commitment is c. £250,000 p.a.

Glaucoma UK is a National Institute of Health Research non-commercial partner.

2. Research aims and objectives 2019- 2021

Glaucoma UK operates response mode funding and has an annual grants round inviting applications for funding. It will consider applications for clinical and laboratory-based research projects into the causes and prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment or improving the quality of life of people of all ages living with glaucoma and allied conditions.

An aim for 2019-21 is to evaluate the impact of past research funding, identify any key research priorities, and bring this work to life by demonstrating its impact both now and in the future for people with glaucoma.

3. Criteria and types of funding

3.1 Allocation of funds

The total sum available for research funding, the allocation between various funding

streams and the grant making schedule will be determined annually by the Glaucoma

UK board of trustees.

2. Partnerships

In order to promote the availability of awards, promote Glaucoma UK and its objectives and foster co-operation between institutions, Glaucoma UK may work with partners to administer and/or co-fund research grants.

Recent partners have included the UK and Eire Glaucoma Society, the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, the Royal College of Nursing, the College of Optometrists and Fight for Sight.

3.3 Ad hoc funding requests

Where funds allow, Glaucoma UK may consider unsolicited or ad hoc funding requests for fellowships, scholarships, awards, prizes, small research grants or joint awards with other funding bodies.

3.4 Location

The lead researcher must be based in the British Isles, and where the research project takes place outside the British Isles, it must have demonstrable benefit to the British population.

3.5 Eligible costs

Eligible costs include:

• staff costs, administrative support

• capital items (items over £2,500 require three written quotes once an award is agreed), consumables

• open access publication

• computing / data analysis

• reasonable travel, communication and dissemination costs

Ineligible costs include:

• non-project related expenses

• annual leave / sick leave/ parental leave costs

• parking or travel to the general place of work

• institutional overheads

Within annually agreed budgets, Glaucoma UK’s board of trustees delegates authority to the Chair of the Clinical Advisory Panel (CAP) to agree funding awards.

The Committee will provide an annual assessment of the success of the grant-

giving against the charitable objectives of Glaucoma UK and the needs of the glaucoma

research community and make recommendations to trustees on new proposals

for methods of making awards, including those to be given in partnership with

other organisations.

4. Grant process and administration

4.1 Grants are advertised nationally by Glaucoma UK and partner organisations. Promotion should start at least 4 months before the scheduled closing date.

4.2 The CAP will respond in an effective and timely manner to queries from

individuals and professional organisations on matters within its remit.

4.3 Grants are awarded in open competition by an awards panel.

The Chair of the CAP will determine the membership and procedures for each awards panel, in consultation with any professional organisation involved in administering the grants. All panels must include at least one lay member.

4.4 Grants will be awarded on the basis of a number of criteria:

• scientific content

• likelihood of a conclusive outcome of the proposed study

• likely impact of the research on patient care or appropriate scientific

advance or understanding of glaucoma

• location in a suitable institution

• presentation

• value for money

• ethical considerations

• strategic research priorities, as advised by the Board of Trustees and the CAP

The awards panel will ensure all award applications are assessed against objective criteria in keeping with the objectives of the award.

Researchers will need to evidence support from their supervisor by submitting fully completed and signed applications.

4.5 Peer review

Specific peer review processes may vary according to the size and type of the grant, the degree of in-house expertise, and the funding mechanism.

The usual process will be for applications to be sent for at least one, but preferably two external peer reviews.

Peer reviewers will be selected by the CAP Chair. The peer reviewers will be provided

with a number of criteria by which to score the applications.

The awards panel should then shortlist the applicants according to their own opinions and the peer reviews.

4.6 Conflicts of interest

When the interest of a panel member conflicts, or appears to conflict, with the

interest of Glaucoma UK, then this must be declared and actively managed, taking

into consideration current Glaucoma UK protocols, or those of a partner organisation

for grants which are administered by an external organisation.

4.7 Not all funds need to be awarded. If the quality of applications is insufficient to merit the total allocated to that awards panel then the funding may be withheld or, with the agreement of Glaucoma UK’s Finance & Governance Committee, re-allocated to another funding stream.

4. Administration, reporting and transparency

All award panel meetings will be minuted by a Glaucoma UK staff member or trustee (attending in person or remotely), and the minutes will be available to panel members and Glaucoma UK trustees on request.

A summary of research funding decisions will be presented to the next available Glaucoma UK trustee meeting.

5. Confidentiality

All research funding applications and all decision-making and administration records are strictly confidential. As a condition of participation, panel members, peer reviewers and those involved in the administration process must not discuss applications with anyone outside the formal decision making process.

Successful applications may be promoted and publicised by Glaucoma UK, according to Glaucoma UK’s Terms and Conditions.

6. Position on animal research

The Glaucoma UK supports the use of animals in research only when it is necessary

to advance understanding of health and disease and to develop new treatments. This

research only takes place where there is no alternative available. We will only

support the use of animals:

• where no valid alternative exists

• where regard to animal welfare is a priority for the applicant

• where the applicant considers the possibilities to advance the refinement, reduction and replacement of animal use throughout the project.

7. Term and conditions of awards

Full terms of awards are set out in Glaucoma UK’s Terms and Conditions of grant funding.

Payments are usually staged, with future payments conditional on satisfactory progress reports. Progress reports are expected periodically and reports must be approved by the Chair of the CAP.

Grants that fail to begin and/or fail to supply relevant information e.g. fully

signed agreement, within 12 months of the date of the written confirmation of the

award may be withdrawn.


Glaucoma UK is the operating name of the International Glaucoma Association, a charity registered in

England and Wales no. 274681 and Scotland no. SCO41550


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