|Individual |Below Standard |Approaching Standard |At Standard |Above Standard |

|Performance | | | |⎫ |

|Takes Responsibility for|• is not prepared, informed, and ready to work with the |• is usually prepared, informed, and ready to work with |• is prepared and ready to work; is well informed on the | |

|Oneself |team |the team |project topic and cites evidence to probe and reflect on | |

| |• does not use technology tools as agreed upon by the |• uses technology tools as agreed upon by the team to |ideas with the team | |

| |team to communicate and manage project tasks |communicate and manage project tasks, but not |• consistently uses technology tools as agreed upon by the | |

| |• does not do project tasks |consistently |team to communicate and manage project tasks | |

| |• does not complete tasks on time |• does some project tasks, but needs to be reminded |• does tasks without having to be reminded | |

| |• does not use feedback from others to improve work |• completes most tasks on time |• completes tasks on time | |

| | |• sometimes uses feedback from others to improve work |• uses feedback from others to improve work | |

|Helps |• does not help the team solve problems; may cause |• cooperates with the team but may not actively help it |• helps the team solve problems and manage conflicts | |

|the Team |problems |solve problems |• makes discussions effective by clearly expressing ideas, | |

| |• does not ask probing questions, express ideas, or |• sometimes expresses ideas clearly, asks probing |asking probing questions, making sure everyone is heard, | |

| |elaborate in response to questions in discussions |questions, and elaborates in response to questions in |responding thoughtfully to new information and perspectives| |

| |• does not give useful feedback to others |discussions |• gives useful feedback (specific, feasible, supportive) to| |

| |• does not offer to help others if they need it |• gives feedback to others, but it may not always be |others so they can improve their work | |

| | |useful |• offers to help others do their work if needed | |

| | |• sometimes offers to help others if they need it | | |

|Respects Others |• is impolite or unkind to teammates (may interrupt, |• is usually polite and kind to teammates |• is polite and kind to teammates | |

| |ignore ideas, hurt feelings) |• usually acknowledges and respects other perspectives |• acknowledges and respects other perspectives; disagrees | |

| |• does not acknowledge or respect other perspectives |and disagrees diplomatically |diplomatically | |

|Team Performance |Below Standard |Approaching Standard |At Standard |Above Standard |

| | | | |⎫ |

|Works as a Whole Team |• does not recognize or use special talents of team |• makes some attempt to use special talents of team |• recognizes and uses special talents of each team member | |

| |members |members |• develops ideas and creates products with involvement of | |

| |• does project tasks separately and does not put them |• does most project tasks separately and puts them |all team members; tasks done separately are brought to the | |

| |together; it is a collection of individual work |together at the end |team for critique and revision | |


|(for grades 6-12) |

|Critical Thinking |Below Standard |Approaching Standard |At Standard |Above Standard |

|Opportunity at Phases of| | | |⎫ |

|a Project | | | | |

|Building Knowledge, |• is unable to integrate information to address the |• attempts to integrate information to address the |• integrates relevant and sufficient information to address | |

|Understanding, and |Driving Question; gathers too little, too much, or |Driving Question, but it may be too little, too much, |the Driving Question, gathered from multiple and varied | |

|Skills: |irrelevant information, or from too few sources |or gathered from too few sources; some of it may not |sources | |

|Gather and Evaluate |• accepts information at face value (does not evaluate |be relevant |• thoroughly assesses the quality of information (considers | |

|Information |its quality) |• understands that the quality of information should |usefulness, accuracy and credibility; distinguishes fact vs. | |

| | |be considered, but does not do so thoroughly |opinion; recognizes bias) | |

|Developing and Revising |• uses evidence without considering how strong it is |• evaluates and revises ideas, product prototypes or |• justifies choice of criteria used to evaluate ideas, | |

|Ideas and Products: |• relies on “gut feeling” to evaluate and revise ideas, |problem solutions based on incomplete or invalid |product prototypes or problem solutions | |

|Use Evidence and |product prototypes or problem solutions (does not use |criteria |• revises inadequate drafts, designs or solutions and | |

|Criteria |criteria) | |explains why they will better meet evaluation criteria | |

|Presenting Products and |• chooses one presentation medium without considering |• considers the advantages and disadvantages of using |• evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of using | |

|Answers to Driving |advantages and disadvantages of using other mediums to |different mediums to present a particular topic or |different mediums to present a particular topic or idea | |

|Question: |present a particular topic or idea |idea, but not thoroughly |• justifies choices made when answering the Driving Question | |

|Justify Choices, |• cannot give valid reasons or supporting evidence to |• explains choices made when answering the Driving |or creating products, by giving valid reasons with supporting| |

|Consider Alternatives & |defend choices made when answering the Driving Question |Question or creating products, but some reasons are |evidence | |

|Implications |or creating products |not valid or lack supporting evidence |• recognizes the limitations of an answer to the Driving | |

| |• does not consider alternative answers to the Driving |• understands that there may be alternative answers to|Question or a product design (how it might not be complete, | |

| |Question, designs for products, or points of view |the Driving Question or designs for products, but does|certain, or perfect) and considers alternative perspectives | |

| | |not consider them carefully | | |


|(for grades 6-12) |


|Creativity & Innovation |Below Standard |Approaching Standard |At Standard |Above Standard |

|Opportunity at Phases of a | | | |⎫ |

|Project | | | | |

|Launching the Project |• may just “follow directions” without understanding |• understands the basic purpose for innovation but |• understands the purpose driving the process of innovation| |

|Define the Creative |the purpose for innovation or considering the needs |does not thoroughly consider the needs and interests |(Who needs this? Why?) | |

|Challenge |and interests of the target audience |of the target audience |• develops insight about the particular needs and interests| |

| | | |of the target audience | |

|Building Knowledge, |• uses only typical sources of information (website, |• finds one or two sources of information that are |• in addition to typical sources, finds unusual ways or | |

|Understanding, and Skills |book, article) |not typical |places to get information (adult expert, community member, | |

|Identify Sources of |• does not offer new ideas during discussions |• offers new ideas during discussions, but stays |business or organization, literature) | |

|Information | |within narrow perspectives |• promotes divergent and creative perspectives during | |

| | | |discussions | |

|Developing and Revising |• stays within existing frameworks; does not use |• develops some original ideas for product(s), but |• uses idea-generating techniques to develop several | |

|Ideas and Products |idea-generating techniques to develop new ideas for |could develop more with better use of idea-generating|original ideas for product(s) | |

|Generate and Select Ideas |product(s) |techniques |• carefully evaluates the quality of ideas and selects the | |

| |• selects one idea without evaluating the quality of |• evaluates ideas, but not thoroughly before |best one to shape into a product | |

| |ideas |selecting one |• uses ingenuity and imagination, going outside | |

| |• reproduces existing ideas; does not imagine new |• shows some imagination when shaping ideas into a |conventional boundaries, when shaping ideas into a product | |

| |ones |product, but may stay within conventional boundaries |• seeks out and uses feedback and critique to revise | |

| |• does not consider or use feedback and critique to |• considers and may use some feedback and critique to|product to better meet the needs of the intended audience | |

| |revise product |revise a product, but does not seek it out | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| |Below Standard |Approaching Standard |At Standard |Above Standard |

| | | | |⎫ |

|Originality |• relies on existing models, ideas, or directions; it|• has some new ideas or improvements, but some ideas |• is new, unique, surprising; shows a personal touch | |

| |is not new or unique |are predictable or conventional |• may successfully break rules and conventions, or use | |

| |• follows rules and conventions; uses materials and |• may show a tentative attempt to step outside rules |common materials or ideas in new, clever and surprising | |

| |ideas in typical ways |and conventions, or find new uses for common |ways | |

| | |materials or ideas | | |

|Value |• is not useful or valuable to the intended |• is useful and valuable to some extent; it may not |• is seen as useful and valuable; it solves the defined | |

| |audience/user |solve certain aspects of the defined problem or |problem or meets the identified need | |

| |• would not work in the real world; impractical or |exactly meet the identified need |• is practical, feasible | |

| |unfeasible |• unclear if product would be practical or feasible | | |

|Style |• is safe, ordinary, made in a conventional style |• has some interesting touches, but lacks a distinct |• is well-crafted, striking, designed with a distinct style| |

| |• has several elements that do not fit together; it |style |but still appropriate for the purpose | |

| |is a mish-mash |• has some elements that may be excessive or do not |• combines different elements into a coherent whole | |

| | |fit together well | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|(for grades 9-12) |

| |Below Standard |Approaching Standard |At Standard |Above Standard |

| | | | |✔ |

|Explanation of Ideas & |• does not present information, arguments, ideas, or |• presents information, findings, arguments and |• presents information, findings, arguments and | |

|Information |findings clearly, concisely, and logically; argument |supporting evidence in a way that is not always clear, |supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically; | |

| |lacks supporting evidence; audience cannot follow the |concise, and logical; line of reasoning is sometimes |audience can easily follow the line of reasoning | |

| |line of reasoning |hard to follow |• selects information, develops ideas and uses a style | |

| |• selects information, develops ideas and uses a style |• attempts to select information, develop ideas and use |appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience | |

| |inappropriate to the purpose, task, and audience (may be|a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience | | |

| |too much or too little information, or the wrong |but does not fully succeed | | |

| |approach) | | | |

|Organization |• does not meet requirements for what should be included|• meets most requirements for what should be included in|• meets all requirements for what should be included in | |

| |in the presentation |the presentation |the presentation | |

| |• does not have an introduction and/or conclusion |• has an introduction and conclusion, but they are not |• has a clear and interesting introduction and | |

| |• uses time poorly; the whole presentation, or a part of|clear or interesting |conclusion | |

| |it, is too short or too long |• generally times presentation well, but may spend too |• organizes time well; no part of the presentation is | |

| | |much or too little time on a topic, a/v aid, or idea |too short or too long | |

|Eyes & Body |• does not look at audience; reads notes or slides |• makes infrequent eye contact; reads notes or slides |• keeps eye contact with audience most of the time; only| |

| |• does not use gestures or movements |most of the time |glances at notes or slides | |

| |• lacks poise and confidence (fidgets, slouches, appears|• uses a few gestures or movements but they do not look |• uses natural gestures and movements | |

| |nervous) |natural |• looks poised and confident | |

| | |• shows some poise and confidence, (only a little | | |

| | |fidgeting or nervous movement) | | |


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